Locators in bold refer to diagrams, figures and tables

A-B stereo miking 70–1, 71

absorption 24, 24–5

absorption coefficient 25

accessories, microphone 74–6

accessories, studio: see studio accessories

acoustic panels 25

acoustics 21, 24–5, 122–4, 123

actual malice (libel) 11

actuality 162

A/D (analog-to-digital) converter 42, 65–6

adaptive transform acoustic coding (ATRAC) 253

Adobe Audition 47–54, 48–50, 142, 213

ADR (automated dialogue replacement) 199–201, 200

advertisements 5, 21; see also commercials

AES/EBU (Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union) 129

aesthetics, studio 26–7

age, target audience 3

agencies, media 6, 218

AIFF file format 111

air, dead 6, 157, 175

air personality 1, 24, 216

Akustia 65

alerts, news 2

aliasing 41

all-digital facility 45

all-news station 162

AM (amplitude modulation) 220, 221

ambient sounds 183, 197–8

American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) 218

amplification 91

amplifier, monitor 93, 94, 124–5

amplitude 30, 42

amplitude modulation (AM) 220, 221

AMS (automatic music sensor) 249

analog 114, 243

editing 249–51, 250

recording 29, 144–5

analog-to-digital (A/D) converter 42, 65–6

anchorperson 5, 8

announce booth 21

announcers 6, 8, 77, 141, 179

announcing 159–60, 161–2

antenna 22

anti-aliasing 41

antiphase, in 30

anti-static measures 27

AP (Associated Press) 6

arm, tone 243–4

arms, idler/tension 245–6

ASCAP (American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers) 218

assignment of tracks 53

Associated Press (AP) 6

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 179

atmosphere 27

atmospheric sounds 183, 198

ATRAC (adaptive transform acoustic coding) 253

attack 31

attention, selective 174

AUD (audition) output 95–6

Audacity 43, 213


response 3, 211

target 3, 159


importance of 1, 191–2

production 1

audio cards, DSP (digital signal processing) 44

audio chain 22

audio connectors 127, 213

audio consoles 22, 89–91, 89–95, 98, 213, 251

equalizers and pan pots 96–7

functions 91

input 91–3

monitoring 93–4

other features 97–8

output 91–3, 95–6

VU meters and cue 94–5; see also digital audio production

Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union (AES/EBU) 129

audio equipment 243, 253

analog tape editing 249–51

cartridge tape recorders 248–9

cassette tape recorders 247–8

reel-to-reel tape recorders 245–7

tape-based digital recorders 249

turntables 243–5

audio filters 144–5

audio recorders 22, 177–8, 179

audio routing switcher 126–7, 127

audio signal 29

audio source 93

audio streaming 213, 213–14, 216

AudioVAULT 91

audition (AUD) output 95–6

automated dialogue replacement (ADR) 199–201, 200

automatic music sensor (AMS) 249

auxilliary (AUX) output 95–6

Avid Pro Tools 142, 213

B, Dolby 145

background noise: see noise

backplate (mic) 67

bag, survival 182, 182–3

balance control 97

balanced cable 129

balanced wiring scheme 130

band pass/reject filter 144

bandwidth 143–4, 213, 214

barefoot headphones 126

bass 31, 69–70, 123

bass reflex 123

bass roll off 69–70

bay, patch 126

Bayonet Neill-Concelman (BNC) connector 129

bed, music 157

bidirectional pickup pattern 68

binary 41

binoculars 183

bit rate, constant/variable (CBR/VBR) 214

blackbox signal processing 142

blast filters 74–5, 75

block, splicing 249

BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) 218

BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman) connector 129

board operator 1

boards 89, 93

booms 23, 75–6, 76, 194–5, 195

fishpole 192, 192–3

boomy (sound quality) 123

boosting (frequency) 26

booth, announce 21

boots 183

bouncing 51

boundary microphones 73–4

brainstorming 5

branding 158–9

bribery 11

brilliance 25

broadband wireless transmission 180

Broadcast Electronic 91

broadcast monitors 123

Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) 218

broadcasting 1, 22–3, 47, 51, 220

buffer area 215

bulletproof vest 182

bumper 158


AMS 249





C, Dolby 145

cable television 220

cables 130

cables, balanced/unbalanced 129–30

call-in talk show 163

camera microphone 198

cancellation, phase 194

cancelling (frequency) 26

Cannon connector 127–8, 128

capacitance 66

capacitor microphones 66–7, 67, 76, 160, 161, 194


compact disc 110, 112

DVD (digital versatile disc) 112

hard drive 113

capstan 246


CF 112

SD 112

sound 44, 213, 217

cardioid pickup pattern 68, 77, 160, 161, 192, 202

care of CDs 110–11

career prospects 1, 4–5, 191

case study 211–12

carpeting, wall 25

cartridge (MiniDisc) 252

cartridge tape recorders 248–9

cartridges (turntable) 243–4

cart-style CD players 110

case study

webcasting 211–12

cassette tape recorders 247–8, 247–8

cassettes, DAT tape 249

CBR (constant bit rate) 214

CD players 22, 109–10, 110

CD recorders (CD-R) 22, 111, 112

CD-quality 213, 214

CD-RW (rewritable CD) 111

CDs (compact discs) 6, 110–11

ceiling grid (TV studio) 195

cell ‘phone transmission 181

centralized providers (audio streaming) 216

CF (CompactFlash) cards 112

chain, audio 22

chairs 26

channel (audio console) 91

channel, input 93, 94

channel orientation 124–5

cheat sheets 160

checklist, location survey 175

chorusing 51

circumaural headphones 125, 178

clamping plates 252

clappers 196

classification of microphones 66

clocks/timers 96, 131

closed-cushion headphones 125

close-proximity monitoring 124

clothing, fireproof 183

CNN Radio 6

code, time 199

code of ethics 12–13

coding 41–2, 42

coding, perceptual 214

coefficient, absorption 25

coil, voice 66, 122

cold (XLR connector) 128

combo operation 23

comments (web) 216

commercials 21, 157–8, 158

compact discs (CDs) 6, 109–11, 110, 112

player/recorder 22

CompactFlash (CF) card 112

companders 144–5

compatibility of media 111


speakers 122

composition, music 199

compression 29, 111–12, 214

compressors 147

computer maintenance 46

computer monitors 23

computer skills 5

computers and audio consoles 91, 213

concavity 26

condenser microphones 66–7, 67, 76, 160, 161, 194

cones (speaker) 122

connection speed 213

connectors, audio 127–9, 213

consoles, audio: see audio console

constant bit rate (CBR) 214

contact, visual (in-studio) 22, 27–8

content 3–4

continuity (visual media production) 195–6

control, balance 97

control, input volume 92–3, 178

control, remote 22, 96

controls, gain 92–3

controversy 3–4

convergence 4

converters, analog-to-digital (A/D) 42, 65–6

convexity 26

copy marking 10–11

copyright 11–12, 218

cords, patch 126

Corian 23

correspondents 2

corroboration 2

counters 23–4

anti-static 27


system requirements 217

creativity 5, 23–4

cross-fade 97–8, 98

crossover network 123

cross-pair miking 71

cue 94–5, 244

cue sheets 203

cue talent signal 28

cue wheels 109

cueing, slip 244–5

curiosity 5

curves, frequency response 31

cut ‘n’ splice 249

cut signal 28

D/A (digital-to-analog) converters 121

DASH (Digital Audio Stationary Head) 249

DAT tape cassettes 249

data compression 111–12

DAWs (digital audio workstations) 22, 44, 44–6

dB (decibel) 28–30, 95, 146–7

dbx 144–5

dead air 6, 157, 175

dead spots 181

deadness, studio 25

decay 31

decibel (dB) 28–30, 95, 146–7

decision-making 13

decoration 27

de-essers 148

delay units 145–6, 146

delivery 5

demographics 3

Denon Professional 110

depth, stereo 70

designer, sound 1, 191–2

desk stands 76, 195

devices, signal processing: see signal processing equipment

dialogue 192

diaphragms (mic) 66, 67

diffusion 24, 24–5

digital audio equipment: see audio equipment

digital audio players/recorders 109, 197

CDs and CD players/recorders 109–11

compactflash and other digital recorders 112–13

data compression 111–12

digital distribution networks 114

mp3/portable audio players 114

storage 113

digital audio production 41, 54, 197

audio synchronization 47

the digital process 41–3

editing 43–4, 47–51

latency 47

multitrack 50–4

roots in analog production 41

strengths and weaknesses 46–7; see also audio console; digital audio workstations (DAWs)

Digital Audio Stationary Head (DASH) 249

digital audio workstations (DAWs) 22, 44, 44–6

digital delay units 145–6

digital distribution networks 114

digital input 121

digital media 47

digital microphone 65–6

digital monitor speakers 122

digital recording 29

digital reverb units 145

digital signal processing (DSP): see signal processing equipment

digital versatile disc (DVD) 112

digital-to-analog (D/A) converter 121

dimmers (lighting) 26

diodes 95, 109, 110

direct sound 24

Disc Jockey (DJ) 1, 2–3, 159, 159–60, 174

distortion 28–9, 109

distribution networks, digital 114

distribution platforms 211–12

alternative distribution means 218–21

copyright and listing sites 218

encoders 214

home studio (internet audio production) 217–18

on-demand files and podcasting 216–17

playback software and apps 215–16

servers 214–15

streaming 213–14

web pages 212–13; see also internet; radio

DJ (Disc Jockey) 1, 2–3, 159, 159–60, 174

Dolby 144–5

double glazing 25

double-glassed windows 25

double-plug (patch cord) 126

double-system sound 196

dovetailing 52

drama 165

dramatic pause 6

dramatic tension 3–4

driver, dynamic cone 122

drop-out 247

dry signal 141

dryness 25

DSP (digital signal processing): see signal processing equipment

dubbing, voice 51

DVD (digital versatile disc) 112

dynamic cone driver 122

dynamic microphone 66, 76, 192

dynamic range 42, 109, 141, 146–7

earbud headphones 126

early sound scattering (ESS) 25

echo 26, 52

editing 1, 49–54, 162, 249–53

digital 43

editing suite 21

editor 1

multitrack/two-track 43, 50–4

personal audio 45–6

education, audience 3


sound 5–6, 197–8

voice 51–2

world wide web 146

egg carton (sound treatment) 25

electricity, static 27

electrostatic headphones 126

enclosures, speaker 122–3, 123

encoders 214

encoding (digital media) 47, 214

endings 97–8, 98

engineer, sound 1

engineer-assist broadcasting 22–3

enhancing image 158–9

entertainment 2

envelope 30–1, 31


simulated 145

studio: see studio environment

equal loudness principle 31

equalization (EQ) 22, 96–7, 142–4, 183

equalizers 96–7, 143–4

equipment 11, 22; see also audio equipment

equipment, field reporting 177–8

equipment, signal processing: see signal processing equipment

ergonomics 21, 23

ESS (early sound scattering) 25

ethernet connectors 129

ethics 12, 12–13, 13, 183

Eventide 148

Eventide Harmonizer 148

expander 147

expenses, production 4

extemporaneous speech 5

eye wash 183

fabric softener 27

facilities 11, 45

facts (journalism) 2

fade-in/out 97–8, 98

faders 92

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 11, 43, 180

feed, satellite/telephone 47

feedback, headphone 125–6

feedback, microphone 70

feeds, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 217

fees, licensing 218

field mixers 89

field production: see field reporting

field reporter 162, 173

field reporting 173, 173–82, 183

common problems 174–5

postproduction concerns 183

provisions 182–3

signal communication 178–81

site planning 175–6

types of field production 173–4

using equipment 177–8

vehicle handling 181–2

field supplies 182

file, sound 48–9, 213

file formats (sound) 49, 111, 216

files, on-demand 216–17

film 1, 72

filter, blast/pop 74–5, 75

filtering 41–2, 42

filters, audio 144–5

final decay 31

final mix 202–3

finalization (CD-R) 111

fireproof clothing 183

FireWire connectors 129

First Amendment 11

first-aid kits 183

fishpole booms 192, 192–3

five-band graphic equalizer 143

flaming 216

flanger 147–8

flanging 141–2, 148

flares 183

Flash Player (plug-in) 215

flashlights 183

FlashMic, HHB 113

flat-screen monitors 23

floor stands 195

fluorescent lighting 26

FM (frequency modulation) 73, 220

Foley 201–2

Foley walker 201

food supplies 183

form, location permission 176

format, compact disc (CD) 110, 112

format, file 49, 111, 216

Fox News 3

frames, speaker 122

frequency 30

frequency boosting/cancelling 26

frequency modulation (FM) 220

frequency response 31, 42, 66, 109, 123, 141

full-track (mono) 246

functions, audio console 91

fundamental 30

furniture, adjustable 26

furniture, studio 23, 23–4, 26

gain 142

gain controls 92–3

games, video 197–8, 203

gas masks 183

gates, noise 147

General Public License, GNU 97

generation loss 41

generators, tone 97

geosynchronous satellites 179–80

give mic level signal 28

glare 26

glazing, double 25

glossary 231–42

GNU General Public License 43

goals (production planning) 2–3

Google 2

Grace Digital

IRC6000 Mondo Wifi Internet Radio 215

graphic equalizers 143

grease pencils 249

grid, ceiling (TV studio) 195

group recording 161

groups, interest 3

guide pin/roller 248

guides, tape 245–6

half-track (mono) 246

hand signals 27–8, 28

handling, vehicle (field reporting) 181, 181–2

hard drive storage 113

hard drives 177

hard hats 183

hardwiring (speaker) 126–7

harmonics 30

harshness 110

hats, hard 183

HD radio 220–1, 221

headphones 22, 125, 125–6, 178, 217

headphones, barefoot 126

headroom 28–9

headsets 195

hearing threshold 147

hear-through headphones 125

helicopters, news 182

hertz (Hz) 30

HHB FlashMic 113

high-impedance 69

hiss 142, 145

hoaxing 11

home page 212–13

home studios (internet audio production) 217–18

hosting, talkshow 163–4

hot (XLR connector) 128

house sound 178

housing, plastic (CDs) 110

hub 248

hum 142, 146, 174–5, 202

humidity 175

humour 5

hyper-cardioid 68, 77

Hz (hertz) 30

iBiquity Digital Corporation 220–1

IBOC (in-band on-channel) 220–1

ID, station 158

ideas (production planning) 2

idler arms 246

IDs 46

image enhancement 158–9

imaging, stereo 70, 141

impedance (microphones) 69

importance of sound in visual media 191–2

in phase 30

in the mud 95

in-band on-channel (IBOC) 220–1

indecency 11

indirect sound 24

information 3

information society 2

ink/label layer (CD) 111


audio console 91–3

channel 93, 94

digital 121

level 125

selectors 91–2

volume control 92–3, 178

inspiration 2

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 130, 180

interaction, on-air (internet) 216

interest groups 3

interface, telephone 130–1, 131

interference, multiple-microphone 70, 161, 194

internet 2, 213, 216

portals 6

webcasting case study 211–12

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 215

interview programs 43

interview techniques 164

invasion of privacy 11

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 130, 179

ISPs (Internet Service Providers) 215

IT skills 5 146

jack plug 128

jacket 182

jingle 158

keyboards 23

kilohertz (kHz) 30

kits, first-aid 183

kitchen-type counters 24

knock-out tabs 248

label information (digital media) 47

language 3

offensive 11

laser diodes 109

latches, locking (XLR connector) 128

latency 47

lavaliere microphones 73, 192–4, 194

laws 11–12


CD construction 111

magnetic tape 245

layout, studio 22–3, 23

leads, pigtail 122

LEDE (live end/dead end) 25

LEDs (light-emitting diodes) 95

left/right (connectors) 127–8

left/right (patch panel) 127

lenses (CD player) 109–10

LEO (low-earth orbit) satellites 180


line 92, 130

microphone 28, 92, 130

output/input 125

speaker 130

levels, riding 95

Lexicon 148

libel 11

libraries, music 6

license fees 218

licensing agencies 218

life cycle (sound) 24

light-emitting diodes (LEDs) 95

lighting, fluorescent 26

lighting, visual media 194

lighting dimmers 26

lightning 175


on-air/off-air 27

recording 27

limiters 147

line level 92

line of sight 179

liners 158

lines, balanced and unbalanced 129–30

listener (speaker placement) 124

listing sites 218

literacy 5

live bouncing 51

live broadcasting 47

live end/dead end (LEDE) 25

live music 174

live studio 25

liveliness (studio) 25

location permission form 176

location survey checklist 175

locks, sound 25–6, 26

locking latches (XLR connector) 128

Lo-Fi 146

long-play (LP) 243

looping 157, 199–201

loss, generation 41

loudness 31, 95

low pass filters 144

low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites 180

LOWER button 142

low-impedance 69

LP (long-play) 243

magnetic tape 41, 245, 248


mic 66, 72

speaker 122

maintenance, digital equipment 46–7

male/female connectors 127–9

malice, actual (libel) 11

Marantz recorder 179

marking, copy 10–11

Marti RPU 180

masks, gas 183

materials, construction (studio) 25–6

materials, sound-treatment 25


FastTrackPro USB audio recording interface 217

MD (MiniDisc) 22, 111, 251–3, 252

media, digital 47

media, visual (sound production): see sound production (visual media)

media agencies 6

media compatibility 111

medical kits 183

memory cards 112, 177

metallic sound 110

meter, pegging the 95

meters, VU 94–5, 95, 178

mic level (signal) 28

microphone 22, 24, 65–6, 65–76, 77, 174, 177, 192

camera 198

feedback 70

field reporting 177

hand signals 28

impedance and sensitivity 69

internet audio production 217

level 28, 92, 130

pickup patterns 67–9

specialist applications and accessories 74–7

position 77, 191–5, 194

stands 75–6, 76, 194–5, 195

stereo and surround sound 70–2

techniques 77

types and classification 66–7

unwanted effects 69–70

visual media production 191–5

microphone-to-mouth relationship 77

MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) 47

midrange speakers 122

mid-side miking 71

miking 70–1, 71, 161

MiniDisc (MD) 22, 111, 251–3, 252

minidramas 157–8

miniphone connectors 128


down 53

final 202–3

mixer 1, 89, 177–8, 178, 197

mixing 91

mobile ’phones 2, 181

mobile studio 181

modem 213

modes, safe/sync 53

modular architecture (audio consoles) 90

modular furniture 23

modulation (radio transmission) 220, 221

monaural input 97

monitor amplifiers 93, 94, 124–5

monitor speakers 22, 93, 121–2, 131, 217

amplifiers 124–5

components 122

enclosures 122–3

headphones 125–6

phase and channel orientation 124–5

sound qualities and placement 123–4

types and classification 121–2

wiring and connections 126–9

monitors, broadcast 123

monitors, computer 23

monitoring 179

monitoring techniques 124

mono, full-track/half-track 246

mono signal 53

mono/stereo (phone plugs) 128

morning radio shows 6

mounting (microphone) 73–6

Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) 216; see also MP3 file format; MP4 file format

moving-coil microphone 66, 76

MP3 file format 49, 111, 216

portable audio players 114

MP4 file format 216

M-S stereo miking 70–1, 71

mud, in the 95

muff, headphone 125

multi-channel console 90, 96

multi-effects processor 148

multiplay CD player 110

multiple-microphone interference 70, 161, 194

multitrack editing 50, 50–4

music 5–6, 198–9, 199

bed 157

composition 199

libraries 6

punctuators 158

musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) 47

mute switches 97

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) 163

National Public Radio (NPR) 3

National Semiconductor 65

near-field monitoring 124

needle 244

needle, pinning the 95

network, crossover 123

networks, digital distribution 114

Neumann KM84 161

news 1, 2, 7, 161–2

radio 5

news helicopters 182

news stations 162

niche-orientation 3

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) 163

noise 22, 28–9, 47, 67–8, 97

encoders 214

gates 147

high-frequency 142

reduction 142, 144–5

nondestructive editing 49

nondirectional pickup patterns 67–8, 68

non-sync sound 197

notch filters 144

NPR (National Public Radio) 3

objectives (production planning) 2–3

obscenity 11

obsolescence 114, 243, 253

octave 31

off-air lights 27

off-axis 67

offensive language 11

omnidirectional pickup pattern 67–8, 68, 77, 176, 192

on-air lights 27

on-air radio consoles 90

on-air studios 21

on-axis 67

on-demand files 216–17

online data storage 113

operator (speaker placement) 124

operator, board 1

orientation, channel 124–5

out of phase 30

output, audio console 91–3, 95–6

output level 125

output selectors 95–6

output volume controls 96

overdriven signal 28

overdubbing 50–1

overhead (bandwidth) 214

overmodulation 95

over-the-air broadcasting 220

overtone 30

pace (speech) 8

pad, pressure 248

page, home 212–13

pages, web 211, 212–13

pain threshold 147

pan knobs 97

pan pots 97

panels, acoustic 25

panels, patch 126–7

paperwork 7–8

parabolic microphones 74, 75, 77

parametric equalizers 143–4, 144

parking 176

particle-board 23


bays 126

cords 126

panels 126–7

patching (speaker) 126–7

pause, dramatic 6

payola 11

PDX. abbreviation 21

peaking in the red 95

peaks and valleys 26

pegging the meter 95

pencil, grease 249

penetration 24

perambulator booms 194

perceptual coding 214

performance releases 7, 10

performance studios 21

permission forms, location 176

personal audio editor 45–6

personnel (production planning) 4–5

perspective (visual media production) 195–6

PGM (program) output 95–6

phantom power 67, 161

phase 30

cancellation 194

phase, speaker 124–5

phone connectors 127–8


cell/mobile 2, 181

satellite 180

photodiode 110

pickup patterns (microphone) 67–9, 77

pickup unit, remote (RPU) 179

pigtail leads 122

pilot/reporter 182

pin, guide 248

pinch rollers 246

ping-ponging 51

pinning the needle 95

pint-through 247

pitch (speech) 8

placement, speaker 124

Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) 130

planning, production: see production planning

planning, site (field reporting) 175–6

plastic housing (CDs) 110

plate, clamping 252

platforms, distribution: see distribution platforms

platter 243

PLAY button 48

playback software 213, 215–16

play-by-play 163, 175, 179

players, digital: see digital audio players/recorders

plosives 66

plug-ins 126, 146

plugola 11

plugs 127–9

plywood 23

podcasting 216–17, 217

polar pattern 68–9

polar response patterns 68–9, 69

pole pieces 72

polycarbonate layer (CD) 111

pop filters 74–5, 75

portable audio players 114

portable mixers 178

position, microphone 77

posters 27


concerns 196–202

editing 1

field reporting 183

visual media 202

potentiometers (pots) 93, 96–7

POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) 130

pots (potentiometers) 93, 96–7

power, phantom 67, 161

preamplifiers 244

pressure microphones 66

pressure pads 248

pressure zone microphone (PZM) 73–4, 77

PREVIEW button 143

principle, equal loudness 31

prisms (CD player) 109

privacy, invasion of 11

Pro Tools 142, 213

procedure, recording visual media 196–7

producer 1

production, digital audio: see digital audio production

production, field: see field reporting

production planning 1, 14

elements 5–7

equipment and facilities 11

ideas and goals 2–3, 4–5

importance of voice 8–11

laws and ethics 11–13

paperwork 7–8

personnel 4–5

scripting 7

style 3–4

target audience 3

production situations 157, 165

announcing 159–60, 161–2

commercials 157–8

drama and variety 165

image enhancement 158–9

music recording 160–1

sports/traffic/weather reports 163

talkshows 163–4

productivity 23–4

professionalism 23–4, 27

program (PGM) output 95–6

promo 21, 158

propagation, wave 29

protective layer (CD) 111

providers, audio streaming 216

provisions, field reporting 182, 182–3

proximity effect 69–70

PSA (public service announcement) 21

public service announcement (PSA) 21

punch-in 51

punctuators, music 158

PZM (pressure zone microphone) 73–4, 74, 77

quantizing 41–2

quarter-track stereo 246

questioning 164

radio 1, 72

HD 220–1

internet 215

licensing agencies 218

news anchor 5

production elements 5–6

radio, satellite 220

radio console, on-air 90

radio frequency (RF) microphones 73

radio reporter 2

Radio-Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) 12

rain 175

RAISE button 142

random access memory (RAM) 213

range, dynamic 42, 109, 141, 146–7

rarefaction 29

rate (speech) 8–10

rate, sampling 41–2

rate, streaming 214

rate, variable (CD player) 109

ratio, signal-to-noise (S/N) 28, 109, 214

RCA connectors 127, 213

realistic sound 72

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds 217

RECORD button 48

recorder, audio 22, 177–8, 179

recorder, digital: see digital audio players/recorders

recorder, solid-state 112

recorders, tape 245–9

recording 160–1

analog/digital 29

visual media 192, 196–202

recording lights 27

recordist 1

records, vinyl 41, 243, 244

red, peaking in the 95

reel, take-up/supply 245

reel-to-reel tape recorders 245–7, 246

reflected sound 24

reflection 24, 24–6

reflection-free zone (RFZ) 25

reflective layer (CD) 111

reflex, bass 123

regulated phase microphone 72

release 31

releases, performance 7, 10

remote control 22, 96

remote pickup unit (RPU) 179

remote start switches 96

reporter, field 162, 173; see also field reporting

reporter, radio 2

reporter/pilot 182

reports, news/traffic/weather 163

requirements, system

home studio (internet audio production) 217

research 2, 163, 175–6

resistors, variable 92

response, audience 3, 211

response, frequency 31, 42, 66, 109, 123, 141

reverb 25

reverb unit, digital 145

reverb(eration) 22, 24, 145–6

route/ring/time 25

revolutions per minute (RPM) 243

rewritable CD (CD-RW) 111

RF (radio frequency) microphone 73

RFZ (reflection-free zone) 25

ribbon microphone 72

riding levels 95

right/left (connectors) 127–8

ring (phone connectors) 128

ring, reverb 25

rip and read 161

RocknRoller Multi-Cart 197

roll off, bass 69–70

roller, guide 248

roller, pinch 246

room tone 183, 198

route, reverb 25

routing 91, 126–7

RPM (revolutions per minute) 243

RPUs (remote pickup units) 179

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds 217

RTDNA (Radio-Television Digital News Association) 12

rundown sheets 7, 8

S, Dolby 145

safe harbor 11

safe mode 53

sampling 41–2, 42, 121

sampling rates 41–2

satellite feeds 47

satellite ’phones 180

satellite radio/television 220

satellites 179–80

save function 49

scattering, early sound (ESS) 25

schedule 9

scratch tracks 200–1


Adobe Audition 48–50, 143–4, 146, 148

SoundCloud 113

script, two-column 7, 9

script supervisor 195

scripting 7

SD (Secure Digital) card 112

sealed-box design 122

search engines 2

seating 26

Secure Digital (SD) card 112

segue 98

sel sync (selective synchronization) 247

SELECT button 142

selective attention principle 174


input 91–2

output 95–6

self-contained audio consoles 90

Sennheiser Electronic Corporation 112–13

MD40 cardioid hand mic 177

sensitivity 69, 125

servers 213, 214–15

SESAC (Society of European Stage Authors and Composers) 218

sexual obscenity 11

shadow, microphone 192, 194


cheat 160

cue 203

rundown 7, 8

spotting 202

timing 199, 200

track 52, 52–3

shellac 243

shield (XLR connector) 128

shock mount (microphone) 75–6, 76

shotgun microphone 74, 195

shutter opening (MiniDisc) 252

sibilance 66

sight, line of 179


audio/sound 29

mono/stereo 53

overdriven 28

stair-step 42

wet/dry 141

signal processing equipment 22, 141–2, 148

audio filters and noise reduction 144–5

common and specialist devices 147–8

dynamic range 146–7

equalizers 142–4

reverb and digital delay 145–6

software/blackbox signal processing 142

signals, hand 27–8, 28

signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio 28, 109, 214

simulated environment 145

single-plug (patch cord) 126

single-system sound 196

sit-down design 23

site planning (field reporting) 175–6

sites, listing 218

skills, IT 5

slapback echo 52

sleeve (phone connectors) 128

sleeve (phono plug) 127

sliders 92

slip cueing 244–5

slogan 158, 159

slow down (signal) 28

slug 7

smartphone 2

SMPTE (Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers) 47

society 2

Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 47

Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) 218

softener, fabric 27

software, playback 213, 215–16

software signal processing 142

solid-state recorder 112

solo switches 97

solution, eye wash 183

Sony-Philips Digital (S/PDIF) 129

sound 29, 29–31

ambient/atmospheric 183, 197–8

direct/indirect 24

double-/single-system 196

house 178

importance of (visual media) 191–2

metallic/tinny 110

reflected 24

surround 71–2, 72

sync/non-sync 197

sound bites 5–6

sound cards 44, 213, 217

sound designers 1, 191–2

sound effects 5–6, 197–8

sound engineers 1

Sound Exchange 219

sound files 48–9, 213

sound locks 25–6, 26

sound production (visual media) 191, 203

continuity and perspective 195–6

final mix 202–3

importance of visual and aural elements 191–2

microphone positioning 191–5

postproduction concerns 202

recording 196–202

speech 192

sound signals 29

sound transitions 97–8, 98

SoundCloud 113

soundproofing 25

source, audio 93

sources 2

source/tape switch 246

spaced pair miking 71

S/PDIF (Sony-Philips Digital) 129

speaker(s) 213

midrange 122

phase 124–5

placement 124

systems 122; see also monitor speaker

speech 5, 8–10, 192, 213

speed, connection (internet) 213

speed selector switch 243, 244

speed up (signal) 28

splaying (studio walls) 26


blocks 249

tape 249–50

techniques (analog) 250–1

split pair miking 71

sportscaster 2, 178

sportscasting 163, 179

spots 21, 53, 158, 181

spotting sheets 202

Sprint 180

SR, Dolby 145

stacking 51–2

stair-step signal 42

standby signal 28

standing waves 26

stands, microphone 75–6, 76, 194–5, 195

stand-up design 23

static electricity 27

station ID 158

stereo 70–1, 71, 246

stereo imaging 70, 141

stereo microphone 70–1, 71, 73

stereo signal 53

stereo synthesizer 148

stereo/mono (phone plugs) 128

stingers 6, 158

stock components, modular 23

stools 26

STOP button 48

storage, data 112–13, 177

storage, physical 197

streaming, audio 213, 213–14

centralized providers 216

streamlined studio 21

stringers 181

studio, home 217–18

studio, mobile 181

studio accessories 121–2, 131

balanced and unbalanced lines 129–30

microphone/line/speaker levels 130

telephone interface 130–1

wiring and connections 126–9

studio deadness 25

studio environment 21–2, 26, 31

audio chain 22

communications 27–8

construction materials 25–6

dimensions and aesthetics 26–7

layout 22–3

production studio furniture 23–4

sound considerations 24–5, 28–31

style 3–4, 23–4

styluses 243–4

subwoofers 71–2

suite, editing 21

super-cardioid 68, 77

supervisor, script 195

supplies, field 182

supply reels 245

supra-aural headphones 125

surface-mount microphone 73–4


acoustic properties 25

surround sound 71–2, 72

survey, location checklist 175

survival bag 182, 182–3

suspense 3–4

suspension, acoustic 122–3, 123

sustain 31

swallowing the microphone 77

sweepers 158

sweetening 202

switcher, audio routing 126–7, 127


mute 97

remote start 96

solo 97

source/tape 246

speed selector 243, 244

talk-back 97

symmetry, acoustic 123–4

sync mode 53

sync sound 197

synchronization 47, 247

synthesizer, stereo 148

system requirements

home studio (internet audio production) 217

tab, knock-out 248

takes 52–3

take-up reels 245

talent 24, 28

online interaction 216

talk shows 2, 163–4, 164

talk-back switches 97

tape, magnetic 41, 245, 248


guides 245–6

recorders 245–9

transport 245

target audience 3, 159

teasers 5, 158

technique, interview 164

technique, microphone 77

telephone feeds 47

telephone interfaces 130–1, 131

television (TV) 1, 72, 220

television reporter 2

television sound production: see sound production (visual media)

Telex 179

temperament 5

template (script) 7

tension, dramatic 3–4

tension arms 245–6

testimony 2

theme tune 6

three-pin connector 127–8, 128

three-way speaker system 122

threshold, hearing/pain 147

thunder 175

timbre 10, 30

time, reverb 25

time code 199

timeline (commercials) 158

timers/clocks 96, 131

timing sheet 199, 200

tinny sound 110

tips (phono plug) 127

toeing in 124

Toft ATB16 251

tone 10, 30

tone, room 183, 198

tone arms 243–4

tone generators 97

Toslink 129

touch pad, static 27

track assignment 53

track sheets 52, 52–3

tracking, voice 160


scratch 200–1

wild 183

traffic reports 163

transducers 65, 121

transitions, sound 97–8, 98

transmission, cell ‘phone/wireless broadband 180

transmitter 22

transport, tape 245

tray (CD player) 109

treatment, sound 25

treble 31

tube microphones 72

turntables 243–5, 244

TV (television) 1, 72, 220

booms 23

tweeters 122, 123

two-channel audio consoles 92

two-column scripts 7, 9

two-track editors 43

two-track stereo 246

two-way speaker systems 122

ultra-cardioid 68

unbalanced cables 130

unbalanced wiring schemes 129–30

unidirectional microphones 68

unity-gain devices 142

universal serial bus (USB) connectors 129

user interfaces 44–5

utility (UTL) output 96

valleys and peaks 26

variable bit rate (VBR) 214

variable rate (CD player) 109

variable resistors 92

variety shows 165, 165

VBR (variable bit rate) 214

vehicle handling (field reporting) 181, 181–2

vented-box design 123

verification 2

versatility 4

vest, bulletproof 183

video games 197–8, 203

vinyl 41, 243, 244

Vinyl (plug-in) 146

virtual audio consoles 91

visual contact (in-studio) 22, 27–8

visual media, sound production: see sound production (visual media)

VO (voice-over) 157, 202

voice, importance of 8–11

voice coils 66, 122

voice dubbing 51

voice effects

multitrack 51–2

voice tracking 160

voice-over (VO) 157, 202

voices 5

volume (speech) 10

volume control, input/output 92–3, 96, 178

VornDick, Bil 161

VU meters 94–5, 95

in the field 178

walker, Foley 201

walking over 160

wall carpeting 25

walla walla 183, 198

water supplies 183

WAV file format 49, 111

wave, standing 26

wave propagation 29

wavelength 30


field reporting 175

weather maps 163

weather reporting 163, 163

web comments 216

web pages 211, 212–13

webcasting 211–12

well (CD player) 109

wet signal 141

wheel, cue 109


internet radio 215

wild tracks 183

windows, double glazed 25

windscreen, microphone 74–5, 75, 177


broadband transmission 180

headphones 126

microphone 73, 192–4

wiring schemes, balanced/unbalanced 129–30

WMA file format 216

woofers 122, 123; see also subwoofers

workstations, digital audio (DAW) 22, 44, 44–6

world wide web effects 146

WORM (write once read many) design 111

wow 146, 244

write once read many (WORM) 111

writing ability 5

XLR connectors 127–8, 128, 213

X-Y stereo miking 70–1, 71

Yamaha 148

01V96 digital mixer 197


Deva V 10-track digital recorder 197

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