
Symbols and Numbers

‘ (apostrophe key), toggle safe zones display, 196, 205, 219

/ (slash) key, play selected item in Timeline, 373

2D groups

convert to 3D groups, 415–422

convert to 3D groups by adding camera, 422–427

mixing with 3D groups in project, 437–439

rasterizing, 439–441

2D/3D icon, 419


advanced features. see cameras, advanced 3D features

animate layer by rotating on all three axes, 96

apply to behaviors, 97–104

3D Compass

animate camera with behaviors, 446, 451, 454

arrange groups in 3D, 428–429, 432

manipulate camera in 3D, 425–426

3D grid

animate camera with behaviors, 456

build 3D scene, 424

Command-Shift-’ (apostrophe) keyboard shortcut, 464

3D groups

add camera to convert 2D groups to, 422–427

apply Simulation behavior to, 104–107

convert 2D groups to, 415–422

lights affecting only, 120–121

mixing 2D with, 437–439

rasterization on, 349–440

rasterizing, 439–441

3D overlays, 422–424

3D scene, building

add and work with cameras, 422–427

arrange groups, 428–432

convert 2D groups to 3D, 415–422

keyboard shortcuts, 443

make transformations in Canvas, 410–415

mix 2D and 3D groups, 437–439

modify layers, 432–436

overview of, 409

rasterize groups, 439–441

review Q & A, 442

3D View tool

animate camera with behaviors, 446, 454

arrange groups in 3D space, 428, 432

manipulate camera in 3D, 424–426

mix 2D and 3D groups, 438

modify layers in 3D space, 435

5.1 channel audio, 260


A key. see record keyframes (A)

Active Camera view (Control-A)

animate camera with behaviors, 449, 452

arrange groups in 3D space, 432

finesse behaviors, 456

manipulate camera in 3D, 427

mixing 2D with 3D groups, 438

modify layers in 3D space, 434–435

use caution when applying, 435

Add Behavior pop-up menu

animate camera, 451, 459

Focus behavior, 459

publish Smart templates for Final Cut Pro X, 352–353

stack behaviors, 95

trim and apply behaviors to multiple layers, 108–109

use audio, 262

use Basic Motion behaviors in 3D, 98, 100, 102

use time filters, 291

Add Filter pop-up menu

build composite, 53, 65–66, 80

color correct shots, 318

publish parameters, 357

use Keyer, 306–307

Add Marker, 134, 138, 354

Add Rotation Keyframe, 134

Add to Rig command, 381–382

Adjust 3D Transform tool (Q)

animate camera with behaviors, 455

create animation with behaviors, 120

make 3D transformations in Canvas, 412–414

mix 2D and 3D groups, 438

move groups in 3D space, 428

work with camera’s depth of field, 458

Adjust Around pop-up menu, HUD, 416–417

Adjust Item tool, 244–245

Advanced parameters, Keyer filter, 312

Advanced tab, Export Movie, 39–40

After Export pop-up menu, Export Movie, 38–39

Airbrush, paint strokes, 178–180

alpha channels

build composite, 48, 50

import vector graphics, 170

output project and, 38

ambient light, 461

analysis indicator, Optical Flow, 282–283

Analyze, Inspector, 301, 303–305

anchor points

change parameters in Properties pane, 51

impact on rotation of moving location of, 415

overview of, 11

use Option to scale around, 79

Angle Randomness, particle systems, 234


with audio, 270–274

with behaviors. see behaviors

with cameras. see cameras, animating

create garbage mask, 316–318

with keyframes. see keyframes

modify animated content, 163–167

in Motion, 4

of text on path, 215

of text using Sequence Text behavior, 211–214

of text with text behaviors, 208–210

Animation pop-up menu, keyframes, 131, 134, 138–139, 142–143, 145, 148–149

Apply command, Library, 30

Arrangement pop-up menu, replication, 245

Attractor behavior, 104–105

attributes, text

animate with Variance, 213

customize, 197

Audi Chevron Wipe template, 374–379

Audi Lower Third project

create Smart Motion Templates, 348

deconstruct transition project, 374–379

play title using Reverse checkbox, 373–374

publish parameters, 356

publish to Final Cut Pro X, 366

use Build In and Build Out markers, 355–356

Audi Promo folders, 332–333, 345, 347


animate with, 270–274

in Audio Timeline, 261–264

edit to the beat, 265–266

import, 258–261

keyboard shortcuts, 276

mute for Smart Motion Template, 352

overview of, 257

review Q & A, 275

video with, 266–270

Audio Auto Pan behavior, 262

Audio Fade In/Fade Out behavior, 262

Audio list

adjust imported audio in, 259–261

function keys, 34, 256

reveal in Project pane (Command-6), 260–261, 276

unlink track from vide clip in, 352

audio meters, import audio, 260

Audio parameter behavior, 270–274

Audio Timeline

locate in workspace, 6

reveal in Timing pane (Command-9), 261, 276

work with audio, 261–264

work with audio and video, 266–270

axis modes

3D transformations in Canvas, 412–415

add and work with cameras, 424–425

animate camera with behaviors, 455–456

arrange groups in 3D, 429

Basic Motion behaviors in 3D, 98

convert 2D groups to 3D, 415–422

create text effects, 203–204, 211–212

particle emitters, 232

rasterize groups, 439

simulation behaviors, 105

stack behaviors, 97


B key (select Bezier/B-Spline tool), 191


add and modify filters in, 14

add Basic Motion behaviors to, 91–92

apply masks and use clones, 78

build composite with blend modes and filters, 60–66

build composite with Inspector, 49–54

build composite with Photoshop files, 55–60

build composite, setup, 47–48

create text effects, 194, 197

create with generators, 159–167

customize explosion particle effect, 322–326

distinguish from foreground with drop shadow, 19

import audio, 258–259

make text stand out with Library content, 29

match foreground color to, 318–321

Match Move one shot to another, 301–305

stabilize shots, 297–301

stylize with filters, 15–16

use replicators to create design for, 243–250

work with paint strokes, 180

work with particle emitters, 222, 235, 243–250, 253

Background pop-up menu, 48

Background Task List window, 283–284

Bad Film filter, 395–396, 400–403

Bad TV filter, 17

Basic Motion behaviors

add, 90–94

animate cameras with, 447

combine with particles, 240–242

use in 3D, 97–104


add Fade behavior to vector graphics, 175

add in Audio Timeline, 262

add Sequence Text behavior, 211–214

add text, 208–210, 215

animate camera with. see cameras, animating

animation with keyframes vs., 126

Audio parameter behavior, 270–274

Basic Motion, 90–94, 97–104

cloning group, 115–117

combine and add light, 117–121

combine with particles, 240–242

combine with replicate elements, 247–248

create animation with, 23–29, 89

keyboard shortcuts, 123

Link parameter behavior, 112–114, 384–392

Match Move behavior, 301–305

Parameter behaviors, 110–115

Retiming behavior, 288–291

review Q & A, 121–122

Shape behaviors, 183–189

Simulation behaviors, 104–110

Stabilize behavior, 298–301

stack behaviors, 94–97

trim and apply to multiple layers, 108–110

Behaviors category, Library

animate with behaviors, 23, 27

apply text behaviors, 208

import vector graphics, 175

Behaviors Inspector

Basic Motion behaviors in 3D, 102

clone group, 114

create speed effects with Retiming behaviors, 291

Link parameter behavior, 386–388

modify replicator presets, 253

particle emitters, 231, 248

rig checkbox widget, 369–370

Behaviors pane of Inspector

defined, 35

open with F2 key, 43

Bezier interpolation option

animate crop with keyframes, 149–150

animate layers and groups with keyframes, 142

multiple keyframe curves, 145

overview of, 131–133

set keyframes manually, 135

Bezier tool, 183–189, 350–351

Birth Rate, 241

Blank category, Project Browser, 5, 345

blend mode

build composite with, 20, 60–66

build composite with Photoshop files, 56

create Final Cut effects, 393–394

customize explosion particle effect, 325–326

Final Cut Pro preset effects, 339

trigger rasterization for groups, 439–441

underlying graphics for composite, 66–69

blur. see also motion blur

add to reflections, 460

add with shadow, 462

apply to text, 209–210

create text effects, 198

for depth of field, 457–459

Motion-Blur Blending, 282

refine matte with Soften parameter, 314

rig checkbox widget, 369–370

Borders pop-up menu, 301

Broadcast HD 1080 Preset

Final Cut effects, 392–396

Smart Motion Template, 345–346

Broadcast HD 720 preset

composite setup, 46

draw shapes, 156–159

emitters from Library, 238–242

import audio, 259

Project Browser, 5

Brush Type pop-up menu, paint strokes, 178

B-Spline Mask tool, 316–318

B-Splines, 166, 188–189

Build In and Build Out markers, 353–357


C key (select Circle tool), 191

cache file, clip information, 283–284

Camera behaviors, 447

cameras, advanced 3D features

depth of field, 457–459

export, 462–463

overview of, 457

turn on reflections, 460

use lights and shadows, 460–462

cameras, animating

add to 3D environment, 422–427

arrange groups in 3D space, 428–432

finesse behaviors, 453–456

with Framing behavior, 446–450

mixing 2D with 3D groups in project, 437–439

modify layers in 3D space, 432–345

with Sweep behavior, 450–452


in 3D mode, 422

change zoom level (Command-Spacebar-drag left), 100–101, 106

change zoom level (Command-Spacebar-drag right), 116, 202

Command-/ (slash) for toggling overlays, 317

drag through list of fonts in, 195

import video clip by dragging to, 8

location in workspace, 6

make 3D transformations in, 410–415

navigation shortcuts for, 43

pop-up menus, 47–48

scale to 100 percent (Option-Z), 11, 43, 102

set play range, 9–10

transform and duplicate clips, 10–13


add to particle emitter, 236–238

adjust controls in Inspector, 229–236

customize explosion particle effect, 324

replicate elements, 246

Center Alignment button, text presets, 200

center point light, add, 461

Center X keyframe, 166–167

Channels pop-up menu, Canvas, 47

character, modify single text, 201–205

Checkbox button, Rig Inspector, 367

checkbox widget

modify, test, and publish, 371–374

rig, 366–371

Circle Mask, 174–175

Circle tool (C key), 191

exit with Esc key, 191

circles, replicate elements, 245

clone groups, 115–117

clone layers

build composite, 80–81

for Final Cut effects, 393–394

importing, 81–85

transitions, 378

Clouds generator, 160–162, 169

Collect Media menu, Save dialog, 9


add/remove in gradient bar, 158

adjust particle emitters in Inspector, 235–236

Bezier tool and, 185–189

build composites, 53–55, 65, 66–69

clone layers, 80

correct for shot, 318–321

create background with generators, 161–162

customize explosion particle effect, 325

Final Cut effects, 393–396

Final Cut Pro preset effects, 338, 340–345

format glyphs, 203

image masks, 167–171

Keyer adjusting green screen, 308

Link parameter behavior changing, 384–389

match foreground and background, 318–321

paint strokes, 176–183

publish Smart Motion Template parameters, 357–361

publish widgets and parameters, 400–404

replicator presets, 253

Shape behaviors, 184–185

shapes, 157–159

text styles, 197

Colorize filter

build composite, 54–55, 65–68

Gradient Colorize filter, 394, 396–398, 400

import audio, 258

Command-, (comma), open Preferences, 86

Command-/ (slash), toggle Canvas overlays, 317

Command-[ (left bracket), send selected layer down, 86

Command-] (right bracket), send selected layer up, 86

Command-= (equals), 336

Command-1 (open File Browser), 85

Command-2 (open Library), 85

Command-3 (open Inspector), 85

Command-4 (open Inspector in Final Cut Pro), 363, 373

Command-4 (open Layers list), 171, 191

Command-6 (reveal Audio list in Project pane), 260–261

Command-8. see Keyframe Editor (Command-8)

Command-9 (reveal Audio Timeline in Timing pane), 261–264, 275

Command-Arrow (nudge selected layer towards arrow), 116, 123

Command-clicking (select behaviors in Layers list), 109

Command-Control-R (new rig), 406

Command-D (duplicate selected layer or group), 85

Command-E (Export movie), 37–38

Command-J (reveal project properties), 85

Command-N (open new Motion project), 345, 392–396

Command-O (open Project Library in Final Cut Pro), 333, 363

Command-Option-I (set play range In point), 123

Command-Option-Left Arrow (move playhead to previous marker), 276

Command-Option-M (edit marker), 276

Command-Option-O (set play range Out point), 123

Command-Option-Right Arrow (move playhead to next marker), 276

Command-S (Save project), 43

Command-Shift-’ (apostrophe), toggle 3D grid, 456, 464

Command-Shift-[ (left bracket), bring selected layer to back, 82, 86

Command-Shift-] (right bracket), bring selected layer to front, 86

Command-Shift-L (add new light), 464

Command-Shift-N (create new group), 60, 85

Command-Spacebar-drag left (change zoom level on Canvas), 100–101, 106

Command-Spacebar-drag right (change zoom level on Canvas), 116, 202

Command-Tab (toggle Motion and Final Cut Pro), 343, 345–350, 355

Command-W (close current project), 345

Command-Z (undo previous action), 43

Compatible Parameters pop-up menu, 119, 387–388

composite edit, audio and video, 267

composite images

apply masks and use clones, 77–81

with Blend mode, 20

with Blend modes and filters, 60–66

complete underlying graphics, 66–69

create background with Inspector, 49–54

edit in Timeline, 73–77

edit with image sequences, 70–73

import projects, 81–84

keyboard shortcuts, 85–86

in Motion, 4

overview of, 45

project setup, 46–49

review Q & A, 84–85

use Photoshop files, 54–60

Compressor, 40–41

Constant interpolation option, 131

Content category, 29–30

content creation

create background with generator, 159–167

draw shapes, 156–159

import vector graphics, 171–176

keyboard shortcuts, 191

mask with images, 167–171

overview of, 155–156

with paint strokes, 176–183

review Q & A, 189–190

use Shape behaviors, 183–189

Content folder, Library, 242

Continuous interpolation option, 131–132

control points, use behaviors in 3D, 101–102

Control-A. see Active Camera view (Control-A)

Control-D (toggle group between 2D and 3D), 420, 443

Control-F (focus on object), 457–459

Control-K (add keyframe for last animated property), 134, 152

Control-Left Arrow (reduce space between letters), 198

Control-Option-D (depth of field), 457–460, 464

Control-Option-R (turn on reflections), 464

Control-Option-S (turn on shadows), 464

Control-R (render), 356

crop, animate with keyframes, 147–150

Current export setting, Export Movie, 38


D key (cycle HUD forward), 96, 123

dabs, shape styles, 181

Dates group, 92–104, 108–110

Default Layer Duration, 75, 84

delay, change Audio parameter behavior, 273


current keyframe, 134

format glyphs, 202

keyframes, 134–135

depth of field (Control-Option-D), 457–460, 464

digital cameras, image sequences in, 71

disclosure triangles, 117

Dolly tool, 3D View, 424, 426–427, 432

drop shadow

customize text layer, 197–198

format glyphs, 203

frame with masks, 18–19

Drop Shadow checkbox, 265–266

drop zones, add to Final Cut generators, 404

duplicate clips, 10–13

Duplicate command

animation with behaviors, 24

clips, 11–12

composite with blend modes and filters, 63, 65–66


composite setup, 46–47

constant speed changes, 280–281

edit image sequences, 72

edit in Timeline, 73–77

Export Movie, 39

Final Cut effects, 392

import audio, 258–259

publish transition to Final Cut Pro, 389–390

Shape behaviors, 184–185

text layer vs. behavior, 209

dynamic guides, snap video clip to Canvas, 8


E key (create particle emitter), 255

Earth Transparent element, 163–168

Ease In Time parameter, 290

Ease Out Time parameter, 290

eased keyframes, create speed ramps, 288

Edges tool, 309–310


to beat of audio track, 265–266

gradients, 159

with image sequences, 70–73

in Timeline, 73–77

Edit Marker

in Audio Timeline, 264

Build In and Build Out markers, 354–355

Command-Option-M keyboard shortcut, 264

Edit Position tool, 343

Effect Source placeholder, Final Cut effect, 392–396


animation procedurally. see behaviors

apply Final Cut Pro presets, 334–339

Final Cut, 392–396

frame with masks, 17–20

hide and show Project pane, 13–14

modify Final Cut Pro presets, 339–345

source layer in particle system, 235

stylize with filters, 15–17

text. see text effects


adjust in Inspector, 229–236

make particle systems using, 222–229

Esc key

exit Rectangle, Circle, or Line tool, 191

exit text-entry mode, 219

Export Movie

with Command-E, 37

export advanced 3D features, 462–463

output project, 37–41

Export pop-up menu, 38

export, advanced 3D feature, 462–463


F1 key (open Properties pane of Inspector), 43

F2 key (open Behaviors pane of Inspector), 35, 43

F3 key (open Filters pane of Inspector), 35, 43

F4 key (open Object pane of Inspector), 36, 43

F5 key (open and close Project pane), 14, 24, 43

F6 key (open and close Timing pane), 36, 43

F7 key (show/hide HUD), 36

F8 (open and close Player mode), 36–37

Face, customize text layer, 197

Fade Characters Left In behavior, 27–29

Fade In/FadeOut behavior

apply to text, 208–209

import vector graphics, 175

Smart Motion Template animation, 353

stack behaviors, 94–97

trim and apply to multiple layers, 108–110

use in 3D, 99–104

falloff, add to reflections, 460

favorites, save text behaviors as, 214

Feather value, Rectangle Mask tool, 79

File Browser

build composite with Photoshop files, 56–57

composite background with Inspector, 49–54

import composite project, 82

import vector graphics, 171–172

import video clip, 6–9

locate in workspace, 6

open (Command-1), 85

work with audio and video, 267

work with image sequences, 70–73

file commands, keyboard shortcuts, 43

Fill Holes parameter, Keyer, 311

Filter pop-up menu

build composite, 65–66, 80

color correct a shot, 318

create background with Inspector, 53

publish parameters, 357

work with Keyer, 306


adjust particle emitters in Inspector, 235–236

build composite, 49–54

build composite image, 60–66

create background with Inspector, 53

create Final Cut effects, 394–395

key green screen with Keyer, 305–312

rig slider widget, 397–398

stylize with, 15–17

Time, 291–292

trigger rasterization for groups, 441

Filters category, Library, 16–17

Filters pane of Inspector, 35, 43

Final Cut effects

create project, 392–396

rig slider widget for, 396–399

set animation speed for, 403

Final Cut generators, publish, 404–405

Final Cut Pro X

Command-Tab keys toggling Motion and, 343, 345–350

create Final Cut effects, 392–396

Final Cut Pro X, publish from Motion to

complete animation, 350–353

create Smart Motion Templates, 345–350

keyboard shortcuts, 363

modify effect presets, 339–345

publish parameters, 357–361

review Q & A, 362

set up project, 332–334

use Build In and Build Out markers, 353–357

work with effects presets, 334–339

Fix Video checkbox, Keyer, 312

fixed resolution, vector files, 173–174

Fn key, for function keys, 33–34

Fn-Left Arrow (move playhead to start of project), 194

focus (Control-F), 457–459

Focus behavior, and depth of field, 459

Font pop-up menu, 21, 195


choose for text entry, 195

modify preset effects, 341–342

text-entry mode, 194


create garbage mask, 316–318

customize explosion particle effect, 322–326

key green screen with Keyer, 306

match background color to, 318–321

stabilize shots, 296–297


glyphs, 201–205

modify text, 196–197

save text presets, 199–200

Sequence Text behavior, 213

frame blending, for slow motion, 281–285

frame rates, 48, 297


with masks, 17–20

switch between timecode displays vs. use of, 10

Framing behavior, 446–450, 454

function keys, 33–37


Gamma filter

create Final Cut effects, 394

rig slider widget, 397–398

stylize with, 16–17

garbage mask, 316–318

Gaussian Blur filter, clone layers, 80–81


create background with, 159–167

defined, 155

publish Final Cut, 404–405

Generators category, Library, 160, 190

Getting Started, open Motion, 4–5


customize text layer, 197

modify effects presets, 338

modify single character, 203

save text style presets, 199

with Photoshop files, 59

glyphs, format, 201–205

Gradient Colorize filter, 394, 398

defined, 394

publish widgets, 400

rig Slider widget, 396–398

Gradient Editor, 400–404


create background with generators, 161–162

draw shapes, 156–159

modify preset effects, 343

work with image mask, 170

graph control, Stroke pane, 178–179

graphics, build composite image, 66–69

graphs, refine matte using Keyer, 312–315

green screen

color correct shot with Levels filter, 318–321

create garbage mask, 316–318

key in automatic mode with Keyer, 305–312

Match Move one shot to another, 301–305

refine matte with Keyer, 312–315

stabilize shots, 296–301

groups, 86

add Basic Motion behaviors, 90–94

animate with keyframes, 140–144

apply Parameter behaviors, 111–115

arranging in 3D space, 428–432

blend mode, 64–65

build composite with Photoshop files, 55–60

cloning, 80–81

composite with blend modes and filters, 60–66

convert 2D groups to 3D, 415–422

create (Command-Shift-N), 60, 85

create (Shift-Command-G), 353

display for empty, 58

duplicate (Command-D), 85

editing image sequences, 71–73

resize in Timing pane, 91

switched to 3D when camera is added, 422–427

view in Layers list, 90

Grow/Shrink behavior, 93–94, 109


H key. see Pan tool (H key)

heads-up display. see HUD (heads-up display), overview

Help menu, keyframe interpolation, 136

Home key (move playhead to start of project), 194, 285–286

Horizontal scale, generators, 161

HUD (heads-up display), overview

add text, 21–22

animate with behaviors, 24, 26

composite with blend modes, 20

cycle backward (Shift-D), 123

frame with masks, 18

function keys, 34

show/hide (F7), 9, 36

stylize with filters, 16–17

Hue/Saturation filter, 321, 325


I key (trim Smart Motion Template), 352

Icon Scale button, 30

icons, view Library content as, 30

Image Inspector, 390, 402

image masks

3D transformations in Canvas, 411

import vector graphics, 174–175

modify layers in 3D space, 434–436

Smart Motion Template animation, 352

work with, 167–171

image sequences

add cells to particle emitter, 236–238

create particle emitters, 222–229

edit with, 70–73


audio, 258–261

build composites, 50, 56–57, 81–84

image sequences, 72

scale media to maximum pixel dimensions before, 223

vector graphics, 171–176

video clips, 6–9

Import All Layers, composites, 57

Import Merged Layers, composites, 57, 68

In points

add Basic Motion behaviors, 92

animate camera with behaviors, 448, 452

change Audio parameter behavior, 270–274

defined, 123

edit to beat of audio track, 265–266

finesse behaviors, 453

Match Move behavior, 302

modify replicator presets, 250

move playhead to layer (Shift-I), 92, 453

move playhead to play range (Shift-Home), 191, 255

set for play range (Command-Option-I), 123

Smart Motion Template animation, 351

use behaviors in 3D, 98

Include pop-up menu, Export Movie, 39

Influence slider, Simulation behavior, 105–106


add Sequence Text behavior in, 212–213

add Stabilize behavior in, 298–301

adjust depth of field in, 458–459

adjust emitters and cell controls in, 229–236

advanced shape controls in, 177

animate text on path in, 215

apply mask to composites in, 79

apply preset effects in, 337–338

color correct shot in, 318–321

composite setup, 48

create background with, 49–54

create particle emitters, 225–229

drag parameters to layer from, 434

finesse behaviors in, 453, 455

format glyphs in, 203–204

function keys, 34

locate in workspace, 6

Match Move behavior in, 303–305

modify text format, style and layout in, 196–198

open (Command-3), 85

open Behaviors pane (F2), 43

open Filters pane (F3), 43

open in Final Cut Pro (Command-4), 363, 373

open Object pane(F4), 43

open Properties pane (F1), 43

place text on path, 206–208

Transform parameters in, 412

work with image mask in, 169

Inspector pane, 36, 50

Intensity slider widget

create, 398–399

edit, 403

publish, 400–401

interface, as workspace, 6


change keyframe, 130–133

defined, 126

with paint strokes, 179


joystick icons, rigged parameters, 371, 382


K key (clone group or layer)

clone groups, 115–116

clone layers, 80

defined, 86

kerning, modify text layout, 198

keyboard shortcuts

animating cameras and using advanced 3D features, 464

animation with behaviors, 123

animation with keyframes, 152

audio, 276

build 3D scene, 443

building composite, 85–86

create content, 191

file commands, 43

get around in Motion, 43

keying and compositing, 328

miscellaneous, 43

navigation, 43

play range, 43

publish Smart Motion Templates for Final Cut Pro X, 363

text effects, 219

windowing keys, 43

Keyer filter, 305–315

keyframe curves

change interpolation, 131

work with multiple, 144–147

Keyframe Editor (Command-8)

animate crop with keyframes, 148–150

animate layers and groups with keyframes, 141–144

automate level and panning changes, 262

change keyframe interpolation, 130–133

create speed ramps, 286–288

locate in workspace, 6

modify animated content, 165–167

set keyframes manually, 134–136

work with multiple keyframe curves, 144–147


animate crop, 147–150

animate layers and groups, 140–144

animate text on path, 215

animation with behaviors vs., 126

change interpolation, 130–133

combine Retiming behaviors and, 291–292

combine Time filters with, 292

create speed ramps, 285–288

keyboard shortcuts for, 142, 152

modify animated content, 165–167

move to next (Shift-K), 142, 147–150, 152

move to previous (Option-K), 142, 152

overview of, 125–126

record, 126–130

review Q & A, 150–151

set for multiple layers simultaneously, 136–140

set manually, 133–136

work with multiple curves of, 144–147

keying and compositing

create garbage mask, 316–318

customize explosion particle effect, 322–326

keyboard shortcuts, 328

match foreground and background color, 318–321

Match Move one shot to another, 301–305

overview of, 295

refine matte, 312–315

review Q & A, 326–327

stabilize shots, 296–301

use Keyer to remove green screen, 305–312


L key (create replicator), 244, 255

laptops, moving play range on, 255

Large Stills pop-up menu, Canvas, 50

Layer Inspector, transitions, 378–379


animate with keyframes, 140–144

arrange, 31–33

bring to back (Command-Shift-[), 86

bring to front (Command-Shift-]), 86

build composite with Photoshop files, 54–60

create, format, and style text, 194–198

defined, 6

duplicate selected (Command-D), 85

import video clip as, 6–8

modify in 3D space, 432–436

resize in Timing pane, 91

rotate using Shift key, 62

save text presets in, 199–201

simultaneous keyframes for multiple, 136–140

trim and apply behaviors to multiple, 108–110

turn off for performance, 22

view in Layers list, 90

Layers list

3D transformations in Canvas, 410–411

add Basic Motion behaviors, 90

add lights to project, 461

animate camera with Framing behavior, 446

animate with behaviors, 24, 26, 28

arrange groups in 3D space, 428–432

arrange layers, 31–33

arrange layers in, 31

composite background with Inspector, 49

composite with Blend modes, 20

create new rig, 367

customize explosion particle effect, 323–326

frame with masks, 17–19

function keys, 34–35

hide and show Project pane, 14

import composite project, 83

key green screen with Keyer, 306

Match Move behavior, 301–305

open (Command-4), 171, 191

replicate elements, 243, 249

rigging parameters to match order of, 383

Stabilize behavior, 298–301

stabilize shots, 296–297

trim and apply behaviors to multiple, 108–109

use Option key while opening/closing group in, 258

Layers pane, function keys, 35

Layout Method pop-up menu, text on path, 206

layout, modify text, 198


adjust kerning in, 198

modify single character, 201–205


adjust imported audio in Audio list, 260

adjust in Audio Timeline, 261–264

automate changes with keyframes, 262

Levels control, Matte tools, 313–314

Levels filter

color correct shot, 318–321

customize explosion particle effect, 325

stabilize shots, 297

Library (Command-2)

Behaviors category in. see Behaviors category, Library

content, 29–30

Generators category, 160, 190

locate in workspace, 6

save text presets, 199–201

search for content in, 163

use emitters from, 238–242

Light Tail paint stroke, 187

Light Wrap parameter, Keyer, 315, 321


add 3D to project, 460–462

combine behaviors and add, 120–121

turn on (Option-L), 464

Line tool

exit (Esc), 191

hold down Shift while drawing with, 176–177

work with image mask, 168

work with paint strokes, 176–177

Linear interpolation option, 131

Linear Light blend mode

clone layers, 80

composite with, 65

Lines folder, Library content, 30

Link parameter behavior, 112–114, 384–392

List View button, 76, 236

Local Axis mode, convert 2D groups to 3D, 416

Loop Playback, Basic Motion behaviors, 92

Lower Lounge replicator layer, modify presets, 251–252

Lower Thirds category, 335, 343


M key (add marker), 194, 265

M or ` (grave), add marker, 275

Mac OS X Lion, 198

Magic Wand preset, particle emitters, 240

Make Clone Layer, 80, 115

Mark Out command, image sequences, 73

Mark Play Range, Basic Motion behaviors, 92


add (M), 194, 265

animate camera with Framing behavior, 447

audio and video, 267–270

Audio Timeline, 263

Build In and Build Out, 353–357

create speed effects, 290

edit (Command-Option-M), 276

move playhead to next (Command-Option-Right Arrow), 276

move playhead to previous (Command-Option-Left Arrow), 276

place text, 194

Mask layer

publish parameters, 359

rig checkbox widget, 369–370

Smart Motion Template animation, 351–352

mask, create garbage, 316–318


build composite image, 77–81

frame with, 17–20

with images, 167–171

trigger rasterization for groups with, 441

match foreground and background color, 318–321

Match Move behavior, 301–305, 317–318

Matte tools, 313–315

mattes, in Keyer, 307–315

Media list, function keys, 33

Media pane, import vector graphics, 173–174

Method, Stabilize behavior, 298–301

midtones, Levels filter, 319


edit image sequences, 72–73

import audio, 258–259

set play range, 10

use Shape behaviors, 184–185

Mix slider, filters, 397–398

motion blur

add to text, 216–218

Motion-Blur Blending vs., 282

refine with Edges tool, 309

toggle (Option-M), 104, 216–218

Motion Path behavior

complete Smart Motion Template, 351

rig checkbox widget, 369

use in 3D, 100–104

Motion Tracking behaviors, 298–301

Motion, getting around in

add text, 21–22

animate with behaviors, 23–29

arrange layers, 31–33

compositing with Blend mode, 20

following new paradigm, 4

frame with mask, 17–20

hide and show Project pane, 13–14

import video clip, 6–9

keyboard shortcuts, 43

open, 4–5

output projects, 37–41

review Q & A, 42–43

set play range, 9–10

stylize with filters, 15–17

transform and duplicate clip, 10–13

use function keys, 33–37

use Library content, 29–30

Motion-Blur Blending, 282

.motr file extension, Motion transitions, 374–379

Move control

3D transformations in Canvas, 413

convert 2D groups to 3D, 416–417

Movies folder

create Smart Motion Template, 347

set up Final Cut Pro project, 332–333

Mute button, Canvas, 9


N key (turn off snapping)

clone groups, 115

composite with blend modes and filters, 63

when positioning group, 78

navigation, keyboard shortcuts, 43

New Camera button, 422

New Rig

checkbox widget, 366

rig pop-up widget, 379

rig slider widget, 396


O key (trim Out points)

animate camera with Framing behavior, 448

defined, 73

replicate elements, 247

object markers

defined, 263

working with Audio Timeline, 264

Object pane of Inspector

context sensitivity of, 36

create background with Inspector, 51

import vector graphics, 173

open (F4), 43

use emitters to make particle systems, 228

Offset parameter, format glyphs, 203–205

Offset Track checkbox, Match Move behavior, 303–304

offset, replicate elements, 249


combine behaviors and add light, 121

draw shapes, 158

modify replicator presets, 253

modify text styles, 198

particle emitters in Inspector, 233–234

publish parameters, 359–360

rig parameters to pop-up widget, 381–383

rig slider widget, 398

Sequence Text behavior, 213

underlying graphics for composites, 69


Motion, 4–5

Smart Motion Template, 346

Open animation group

add Basic Motion behaviors, 91–94

add cells to particle emitter, 236–238

create particle emitters, 222–229

optical flow

control slow motion with, 282–285

use Time filters with, 291–292

Option-BB (B-Spline Mask tool), 328

Option-dragging, 52, 86, 120

Option-K (move to previous keyframe), 142, 152

Option-L (turn on lights), 464

Option-M (toggle motion blur), 104, 216–218

Option-X (reset play range), 210, 214, 266, 450

Option-Z (scale Canvas to 100 percent), 11, 43, 102

Orbit tool, 3D View

arrange groups in 3D, 432

manipulate camera in 3D, 424, 426–427

Out points

add Basic Motion behaviors, 92

add Sequence Text behavior, 211

animate camera with behaviors, 448, 452

create speed ramps with keyframes, 285

modify replicator presets, 250

move playhead to layer (Shift-O), 92, 224, 249

move playhead to play range (Shift-End), 191, 255

replicate elements, 247

set play range, 10

set play range (Command-Option-O), 123

Smart Motion template animation, 350–353

snap to layer, 76–77

trim (O), 73, 247, 448

use behaviors in 3D, 98


customize text layer, 197–198

format glyphs, 203

replicate elements, 245

output projects, 37–41

Overlay blend mode, 64

overlay, Final Cut effects, 393–394

overwrite edits, in Timeline, 74–76


Paint Stroke tool (P key), 180, 191

paint strokes

with Bezier tool, 185–189

create content, 176–183

defined, 155

edit, 182

Shape behaviors and, 184–185

Pan tool (H key)

adjust green screen with Keyer, 308

adjust in Audio Timeline, 261–264

refine matte using Keyer, 312–313, 315

Pan tool, 3D View

animate camera with behaviors, 446, 454

arrange groups in 3D space, 428, 432

manipulate camera in 3D space, 424, 426–427

Parameter behaviors

animate cameras with, 447

apply, 110–115

combine behaviors, 117–121

Parameter folder, Library, 111–115


publish Smart Motion Template, 357–361

rig pop-up widget, 381–383

rig slider widget, 396–399

rig to widgets, 368–370

Particle Cell pane, 238

particle emitters

add cells, 236–238

adjust in Inspector, 229–236

create (E), 256

customize explosion effect, 322–326

defined, 221–222

use from Library, 238–242

use to make particle systems, 222–229


animate text on, 215

place text on, 206–208

Path Shape pop-up menu, 207

performance, improving

turn off layers, 22

turn off reflections, 460

Photoshop (.psd) files

build composite image, 54–60

imported as single merged layer, 68


clear content before closing project, 390–391

for Final Cut effects, 392–396

in Final Cut title projects vs. transitions, 375

remove video clip from, 396

for Smart Motion Template, 346

for transition project, 375–377

Play button, playback, 9

play range

animate camera with Framing behavior, 448

edit to beat of audio track, 265–266

keyboard shortcuts, 43

reset (Option-X), 210, 214, 266, 450

set, 9–10

set In points (Command-Option-I), 123

set Out points (Command-Option-O), 123

use behaviors in 3D, 98, 100

Play/Mute Audio button, 260, 447, 451

Playback Control section, Time pane, 267

playback, toggle with spacebar, 43

Player mode, 36–37

pop-up widget

deconstruct transition project, 374–379

rig, 379–384


3D transformations in Canvas, 412–415

combine behaviors, 117

modify layers in 3D space, 433–436

Position parameter, Properties pane, 50–51, 138–139

Position X keyframe, 166–167


change cache, 283–284

change default settings, 75

change scaling behavior, 50

color correcting a shot, 319–320

Command-, (comma) opening, 86

import projects, 84

Pause Audio Feedback, 268

review for all projects, 75


Broadcast HD 1080 preset, 345–346, 392–396

Broadcast HD 720. see Broadcast HD 720 preset

Final Cut Pro title, 334–339

modify replicator, 250–253

particle emitter, 239–242

save text, 199–201

as Smart Motion Templates. see Smart Motion Templates, publish for Final Cut Pro X

preview video clips, 6

progress bar, export, 41

Project Browser

create Smart Motion Template, 345–346

open Motion, 4–5

set up composite project, 46–48

use Framing behavior, 446

Project Inspector

published parameters, 358–360

published widgets and parameters, 401

rig pop-up widget, 383

use Link parameter behavior, 389

Project Library, 333, 363

project markers, 267

add (Shift-M), 264, 275, 355

in Audio Timeline, 264

defined, 263

edit to the beat, 265

text layers using, 194

use Build In and Build Out markers, 354–355

work with audio and video, 267

Project pane

add cells to particle emitter, 236

animate with, 24

apply text behaviors, 209

edit in Timeline, 73

import audio, 259

import projects, 84

import vector graphics, 173

keyframing multiple layers, 136

Layers list in. see Layers list

locate in workspace, 6

open and close (F5), 13, 24, 43

overview of, 14

unlink audio track from video, 352

view full blend mode names in, 59

Project Properties

add motion blur, 217

import audio, 258

set up composite project, 47–48

use frame blending and optical flow, 282


close (Command-W), 345

open new (Command-N), 345, 392–396

reveal properties (Command-J), 85

save (Command-S), 43

Properties Inspector

add and work with cameras, 424

animate crop with keyframes, 147–148

animate with audio, 271

animate with keyframes, 138

apply, 112

change scale value, 58

combine behaviors and add light, 117–118, 120

constant speed changes, 280–281

create speed ramps with keyframes, 286

Link parameter behavior, 389

Match Move behavior, 304

parameter behaviors, 112

publish parameters, 360

publish transition to Final Cut Pro, 389

record keyframes, 127–128

rig checkbox widget, 369–370

rig pop-up widget, 381

simulation behaviors, 105

simultaneous keyframes for multiple layers, 138

speed effects with Retiming behaviors, 291

speed ramps with keyframes, 286

underlying graphics for composites, 68

use Link parameter behavior, 389

Properties pane of Inspector

defined, 34

open with F1 key, 43

properties, reveal for project (Command-J), 85

ProRes 422 (HQ) format, Export Movie, 38

ProRes 4444 format, Export Movie, 38

.psd (Photoshop) files

build composite image, 54–60

imported as single merged layer, 68

publish. see also Final Cut Pro X, publish from Motion to

checkbox widget for Final Cut Pro, 373–374

Final Cut effects project, 395–396

Final Cut generators, 404–405

pop-up widget for Final Cut Pro, 384

transition to Final Cut Pro, 389

widgets and parameters, 400–404

published parameters

defined, 339

publish transition to Final Cut Pro, 389–391

Reverse checkbox widget, 372–373

Smart Motion Templates, 357–361

test in Project Inspector, 373

widgets and, 400–404

Publishing pane, Project Inspector, 400

Pyro category, Particle Emitters, 322–326


Q key. see Adjust 3D Transform tool (Q)

Q key (connect clip to primary storyline in Final Cut Pro), 363


R key. see Rectangle tool (R)

rack-focus camera effects, 459

radial gradient, image masks, 167–171

radius, replicate elements, 246, 249

Random Seed Generate button, particle emitters, 234–235

Random Seed parameter, particle emitters, 234

randomness parameters, particle emitters, 234

Rate parameter behavior, 111–115

Receive Shadows checkbox, 462

Recent, view recent projects, 5

record keyframes (A)

animate text on path, 215

overview of, 126–130

set keyframes manually vs., 133

Rectangle Mask tool, 17–20, 78–80

Rectangle tool (R)

apply Simulation behavior, 104–107

draw shapes with, 156–157

exit (Esc), 191

work with image mask, 168–170

work with paint strokes, 176–183

reflections, 460

Remap White To parameter, 358–360


export advanced 3D features, 462–463

output project, 37–41

title to play real time, 356

Render pop-up menu

disable Depth of Field in, 460

export advanced 3D features, 462

Motion Blur located in, 282

work with depth of field, 457–459

Render tab, Duration pop-up menu, 39

Repeat function, 166

Replicator tool (L key), 244, 252, 255


defined, 221–222

keyboard shortcuts, 255

modify presets, 250–253

particle emitters vs., 243

replicate elements, 243–250

review Q & A, 254–255


height of Timing pane, 91

as scale. see scale

Retiming behaviors, 288–291

Return, press after entering duration value, 47

Reverse checkbox widget

modify, test, and publish, 371–374

rig, 366–371

Reverse Tags icon, 158

review Q & A

animating cameras/advanced 3D features, 463–464

animation with behaviors, 121–122

animation with keyframes, 150–151

audio, 275

build 3D scene, 442

build composite image, 84–85

create content, 189–190

get around in Motion, 42–43

keying and compositing, 326–327

publish Smart Motion Templates for Final Cut Pro X, 362

publish widgets and parameters, 405–406

Smart Motion Templates, 362

speed changes and optical flow, 292–293

text effects, 218–219

RGB scale, 54, 319–320

RGBA values, 319–320


checkbox widget, 366–371

Command-Control-R for new, 406

defined, 365

modify preset effects, 340–345

parameters to widgets, 368–369

pop-up widget, 379–384

slider widget, 396–399

transition project, 376–379

Rig Edit Mode

added parameters to snapshot in, 371–372

rig slider widget, 397–398

Start button, 368–370

Stop button, 370

Rig Inspector

checkbox widget, 367

pop-up widget, 380

rig slider widget, 396–397

Rotate Earth behavior, 165–167


3D transformations in Canvas, 412–414

animate layers and groups with keyframes, 143–144

animate text on path, 215

arrange groups in 3D space, 429–430

camera in 3D environment, 424, 426

convert 2D groups to 3D, 416–420

finesse behaviors, 453, 455–456

format glyphs, 203

layers in 3D space, 433–436

layers, using Shift key, 65

Match Move behavior, 304

record keyframes, 127–130

replicate elements, 248–249

rig checkbox widget, 369–370

set keyframes manually, 133–136


safe zones

create text effects, 196

format glyphs, 205

toggle with ‘ (apostrophe key), 219

Sample Color tool, 308–311

sample regions, adjust with Keyer, 309


adjust particle emitters in Inspector, 235–236

color correct shot, 321

Save project

Command-S, 8–9, 13, 43

often in Final Cut Pro X, 339

with Save command, 8–9

text style presets, 199–201


3D transformations, 410–411

animated content, 163

Audio parameter behavior, 272

background with generators, 161

to Canvas size, 50

composite background with Inspector, 52–53

composites built with Photoshop files, 58

explosion particle effect, 324

Final Cut Pro preset effects, 338

format glyphs, 203–205

icon, 30

import vector graphics, 173

layer in Canvas, 11–12

masks, 78

to maximum pixel dimensions before importing, 223

multiple keyframe curves, 144–147

particle emitters, 231–232

replicate elements, 246, 248

replicator presets, 253

show percentage of, 12

Smart Motion Templates, 352–353

track layer, 302

underlying graphics for composite, 68–69

Scale At Birth parameter, 231–232

Scale At Death parameter, 231

Scale Over Life parameter, 232

scale percentage display, Canvas, 12

Scale Randomness, particle systems, 234

Search button, Library pane, 163

Search Size value, Inspector, 303

Select/Transform tool (Shift-S)

add text, 21–22

draw shapes, 157, 159

modify preset effects, 343

place text on path, 207

Simulation behavior, 105

Smart Motion Templates, 351

transform into Adjust 3D Transform tool, 120

selected state, checkbox, 368

Sequence Replicator behavior, 247–248, 253

Sequence Text behavior, 211–214

sequential edit, Timeline, 77

Set Speed behavior, Retiming behaviors, 290

shadow, 462–463. see also drop shadow

Shape behaviors, 183–189

Shape Inspector, 253, 387–388

Shape layer

apply Simulation behaviors, 104, 107

modify replicator presets, 252–253

Smart Motion Templates animation, 351

transforming, 10

in transition project, 379

use Link parameter behavior, 387

Shape pop-up menu

choose shape for emitter, 207

modify effects presets, 341

place text on path, 207

publish pop-up widget for Final Cut Pro, 384

replicate elements, 245

rig pop-up widget, 380–381, 383–384

shape styles

in Library, 156

work with paint strokes, 180–183

Shape widget, Link parameter behavior, 388


adjust particle emitters in Inspector, 255

advanced controls in Inspector, 177

create content, 156–159

defined, 155

draw with Bezier tool, 185–189

modify preset effects, 341–342

replicate elements, 245

use Shape behaviors, 184–185

work with paint strokes, 180–183

Share Monitor, Export Movie, 41

Share options, Export Movie, 37–41

Shift key, rotate layers, 62

Shift-] (right bracket), Framing behavior, 450

Shift-clicking, 109

Shift-Command-Arrow (nudge larger increment towards arrow), 123

Shift-Command-G (create group), 353

Shift-D (cycle HUD backward), 123

Shift-dragging, 52, 210

Shift-End (move playhead to play range Out point), 191, 255

Shift-F Arrow on laptop (move playhead to play range Out point), 255

Shift-Fn-Left Arrow on laptop (move playhead to play range In point), 255

Shift-Home (move playhead to play range In point), 191, 255

Shift-I (move playhead to layer In Point), 92, 453

Shift-K (move to next keyframe), 142, 147–150, 152

Shift-Left Arrow on laptop (move playhead to play range In point), 255

Shift-M (add project marker), 264, 275, 355

Shift-O (move playhead to layer Out point), 92, 224, 249

Shift-Option-drag, 78

Shift-Right Arrow on laptop (move playhead to play range Out point), 255

Shift-S. see Select/Transform tool (Shift-S)

Shift-V (turn full view area on and off), 123, 255

Shift-Z (set Canvas to Fit in Window), 43, 225

Show 3D Overlays command, 422–423

Show Full View Area, Simulation behavior, 106

Show Image Sequences as Collapsed button, File Browser, 236

Show in Keyframe Editor, 149

Show text, Timing section of Inspector, 280

Show Timecode, record keyframes, 128

Show/Hide Keyframes button, 145–146

Show/Hide Project pane button, 14

Shrapnel Explosion particle, 322–326

Shrink/Expand parameter, Keyer, 314

shutter angle, add motion blur, 217

Simulation behaviors, 104–110

size, particle emitters, 230

skimming, apply preset effects, 336

slider widget, rig, 396–399

Sliders tab, create background with generators, 162

sliders, apply Audio parameter behavior, 272

slow motion appearance, 281

Smart Motion Templates, publish for Final Cut Pro X

complete animation, 350–353

create, 345–350

keyboard shortcuts, 363

modify effect presets, 339–345

overview of, 331–332

publish parameters, 357–361

review Q & A, 362

set up Final Cut Pro project, 332–334

use Build In and Build Out markers, 353–357

work with effects presets, 334–339

Snap Alignment to Motion, behaviors in 3D, 102

Snap command, 77–78


enable, 76–77

turn off (N), 63, 78, 115

turn off when dragging, 63


checkbox states as, 368

indicating rigged parameters, 371

pop-up widget, 380–381

rig slider widget, 397–399

slider widget, 399

Soften parameter, Keyer, 314

Software Update, 29–30

sort, rigged parameters, 383

Spacebar (toggle playback)

add text, 21–22

defined, 43

format glyphs, 202

reactivate for Canvas, 176

set play range, 9

stylize with filters, 16

sparkle emitters, 240


add Sequence Text

behavior, 213

adjust particle emitters, 230, 232

speed changes

create constant, 280–281

with frame blending and optical flow, 281–285

overview of, 279–280

with retiming behaviors, 288–291

review Q & A, 292–293

speed ramps with keyframes, 285–288

with time filters, 291–292

Speed Randomness, particle systems, 234

Speed slider, 161

Spill Contrast, Inspector, 314

Spill Level, Inspector, 311

Spill Suppression, Inspector, 314

Spin behavior

stack behaviors, 94–97

trim and apply to multiple layers, 109

use in 3D, 99–104

Spin Randomness, particle systems, 234

Spotlight search window, and Command-Spacebar, 101, 202

Spread parameter, Sequence Text behavior, 213

Stabilize behavior, 298–301

stabilize shots, 296–301

stack behaviors, 94–97

states, checkbox, 368

Stop parameter behavior, 120

Stop Rig Edit Mode button, 370

Strength slider, Keyer, 307

Stroke pane, paint strokes, 178–179


with filters, 15–17

format glyphs and, 203

modify text, 197

save text presets, 199–201

Style Preset pop-up menu, 199–201

Stylize folder, Library, 17

Subtract blend modes, 64, 317

Summary tab, Export Movie, 40

Sweep behavior, 450–452, 456


T key. see Text tool (T)

Tab key (rotate through each tool for selected object), 219

templates, Smart Motion Templates, publish for Final Cut Pro X


add, 21–22

animate with behaviors, 23–29

apply preset effects, 338

arrange layers, 31–33

exit text-entry mode (Esc), 219

publish widgets, 401

text effects

add motion blur, 216–218

animate text on path, 215

animate using Sequence Text behavior, 211–214

apply text behaviors, 208–210

create, format, and style text layers, 194–198

keyboard shortcuts, 219

modify single character, 201–205

overview of, 193

place text on path, 206–208

review Q & A, 218–219

save text style presets, 199–201

Text Styles category, 199–201

Text tool (T)

add text, 21–22

create, format, and style text layers, 194–198

format glyphs, 202–205

save text presets, 199–201

Throw behavior, 23–24, 98–104

Throw Velocity disclosure triangle, 99

time filters, speed effects, 291–292

time remapping, Time filters with, 291–292


import audio, 258

replicate elements, 243

switch between frame displays vs., 10


add Basic Motion behaviors, 91–92

animate camera with Sweep behavior, 452

compositing with, 73–77

edit in, 73–77

location in workspace, 6

opening/closing group (Option key), 258

play selected item (/ key), 373–374

publish parameters, 359–360

snap layers to playhead (Shift-drag), 210

trim and apply behaviors to multiple layers, 108–110

timing display

change keyframes in Timeline, 145–147

record keyframes, 128

replicate elements, 243

set keyframes manually, 134–136

simultaneous keyframes for multiple layers, 137–140

Timing pane

animate camera with Sweep behavior, 452

arrange layers, 32–33

edit in Timeline, 73–77

function keys, 36

increase height of, 91

locate in workspace, 6

open Audio Timeline in, 262

work with audio and video, 266–270

work with image mask, 168

Timing section of Inspector, constant speed changes, 280–281

Tint filters, add Link parameter behavior to, 384–392

Titles Browser

create Smart Motion Templates, 343–344

modify effects presets, 339–340, 343–344

modify, test, and publish widget, 373

title effects presets in Final Cut Pro, 334–335

work with effects presets, 334–335

titles, compositing. see composite images

titles, publish animated

apply effects presets, 334–339

complete animation, 350–353

create Smart Motion Template, 345–350

modify effects presets, 339–345

publish parameters, 357–361

publish rig to control direction, 366–371

use Build In and Build Out markers, 353–357

toolbar, location in workspace, 6

Track Points behavior, animate masks, 318


add Stabilize behavior, 299

Match Move behavior, 302–305

tracking operations, 298–305

transfer modes. see blend mode

Transform Glyph tool, 201–205

transform handles, 11–12, 18

Transform parameters, Inspector, 412

Transform.Rotation.Z parameter, keyframes, 131, 134

Transform.Scale.X, keyframe curves, 145


3D in Canvas, 410–415

overview of, 10–13

Transition Placeholder group, 375–377

Transition pop-up menu, 449


add Link parameter behavior to, 384–392

deconstruct, 374–379

rig pop-up menu, 379–384

transport controls, Canvas, 9

trim, Smart Motion Templates, 352

Type pop-up menu, Inspector

add cells to particle emitter, 236

Build In and Build Out markers, 354

convert 2D groups to 3D, 419

mask with images, 170

paint strokes, 178


Undo Move, 52

undo previous action (Command-Z), 52

Uniform Softness checkbox, shadows, 462


Variance value, Sequence Text behavior, 213

vector graphics, import, 171–176

video, work with audio and, 266–270

View and Overlay pop-up menu, 423, 430

View as Icons, 16

View as List, 16

View Axis mode, HUD, 416, 426

View Layouts pop-up menu, rasterize groups, 439–441

Viewer, apply Final Cut Pro preset effects, 334–339

viewports, Canvas, 430–431


waveforms, display in Audio Timeline, 263

WideTime filter, 291–292

Widget Inspector

modify preset effects, 340–345

modify, test, and publish widgets, 371–374

publish widgets, 400–404

rig checkbox widget, 367–369

rig pop-up widget, 380–384

rig slider widget, 397–399


create Final Cut effect, 392–396

deconstruct transition project, 374–379

defined, 365

keyboard shortcuts, 406

modify preset effects, 340–345

modify, test, and publish, 371–374

publish Final Cut generators, 404–405

publish parameters and, 400–404

review Q & A, 405–406

rig checkbox, 366–371

rig pop-up widget, 379–384

rig slider, 396–399

use Link parameter behavior, 384–392

windowing keys, keyboard shortcuts, 43


overview of, 6

set up composite project, 47

World Axis mode, HUD

change from View Axis mode to, 426

defined, 417

Wriggle parameter behavior

animate cameras with, 447

combine behaviors and add light, 121

Write On behavior, shapes, 184–185


Zoom Level pop-up window

add Sequence Text behavior, 212

adjust green screen with Keyer, 308

composite setup, 47

refine matte using Keyer, 312–313, 315

transform and duplicate clips, 10

Z-space, 3D groups and, 104

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