



About the Author

Part I The Problem and the Solution

1 The Crisis Facing Game Development

A Brief History of Game Development

Iterating on Arcade Games

Early Methodologies

The Death of the Hit-or-Miss Model

The Crisis

Less Innovation

Less Value

Deteriorating Work Environment

A Silver Lining

Additional Reading

2 Agile Development

Why Projects Are Hard

Learning from Postmortems

The Problems

Why Use Agile for Game Development?

Knowledge Is Key

Cost and Quality

Finding the Fun First

Eliminating Waste

Agile Values Applied to Game Development

What an Agile Project Looks Like

Agile Development

The Entire Project

The Challenge of Agile

Additional Reading

Part II Scrum and Agile Planning

3 Scrum

The History of Scrum

The Big Picture

The Principles of Scrum

Scrum Parts

The Product Backlog



Scrum Roles

The Scrum Team

The Team


Product Owner

Customers and Stakeholders

Chickens and Pigs

Scaling Scrum


Additional Reading

4 Sprints

The Big Picture


Sprint Prioritization

Sprint Planning


Tracking Progress

Task Cards

Burndown Chart

Daily Sprint Backlog Trend

Task Board

War Room

The Daily Scrum Meeting

The Practice

Sprint Reviews

Single-Team Reviews

Multiteam Reviews

Publisher Stakeholders

Studio Stakeholders

Honest Feedback


The Meeting

Posting and Tracking Results

Sprint Failures

Sprint Interrupted

Sprint Resets

When Teams Fail

Running Out of Work


Additional Reading

5 User Stories

A Fateful Meeting

What Are User Stories?

Levels of Detail

Conditions of Satisfaction

Using Index Cards for User Stories

INVEST in User Stories





Sized Appropriately


User Roles

Defining Done

Collecting Stories

Advantages of User Stories

Face-to-Face Communication

Everyone Can Understand User Stories


Additional Reading

6 Agile Planning

Why Agile Planning?

The Product Backlog

Prioritizing the Product Backlog

Continual Planning

Forecasting the Future

Estimating Story Size

How Much Effort Should We Spend Estimating?

Where Are Story Sizes Estimated?

Story Points

Planning Poker

Story Point Sizes and the Fibonacci Series

Ideal Days

Release Planning

Release Planning Meetings

Rolling Out the Plan

Updating the Release Plan

Magazine Demos and Hardening Sprints


Additional Reading

Part III Agile Game Development

7 Video Game Project Planning

Midnight Club Story

Minimum Required Feature Sets

The Need for Stages

The Development Stages

Mixing the Stages

Managing Stages with Releases

Production on an Agile Project

Production Debt

The Challenge of Scrum in Production

Lean Production

Working with Scrum

Transitioning Scrum Teams


Additional Reading

8 Teams

Great Teams

A Scrum Approach to Teams

Cross-Discipline Teams



Team Size


Game Teams and Collaboration

Feature Teams

Functional Teams

Production Teams

Shared Infrastructure Teams

Tool Teams

Pool Teams

Integration Teams

Scaling and Distributing Scrum

The Problem with Large Teams

The Scrum of Scrums

A Hierarchy of Product Owners

Aligning Sprint Dates

Communities of Practice

Avoiding Dependencies

Distributed Teams


Additional Reading

9 Faster Iterations

Where Does Iteration Overhead Come From?

Measuring and Displaying Iteration Time

Measuring Iteration Times

Displaying Iteration Times

Personal and Build Iteration

Personal Iteration

Build Iteration


Additional Reading

Part IV Agile Disciplines

10 Agile Technology

The Problems


Change Causes Problems

Cost of Late Change

Too Much Architecture Up Front

An Agile Approach

Extreme Programming




Additional Reading

11 Agile Art and Audio

The Problems We Are Solving with Agile

Concerns About Agile

Art Leadership

Art on a Cross-Discipline Team

Creative Tension

Art QA

Building Art Knowledge

Overcoming the “Not Done Yet” Syndrome


Audio at the “End of the Chain”

Collaboration in Production


Additional Reading

12 Agile Design

The Problems

Designs Do Not Create Knowledge

The Game Emerges at the End

Designing with Scrum

A Designer for Every Team?

The Role of Documentation

Parts on the Garage Floor

Set-Based Design

Lead Designer Role

Designer as Product Owner?


Additional Reading

13 Agile QA and Production

Agile QA

The Problem with QA

Agile Testing Is Not a Phase

The Role of QA on an Agile Game Team

QA, Embedded or in Pools?

How Many Testers per Team?

Using a Bug Database


The Future of QA

Agile Production

The Role of a Producer on an Agile Project

Producer as ScrumMaster

Producer as Product Owner Support

Producer as Product Owner

The Future of Production


Additional Reading

Part V Getting Started

14 The Myths and Challenges of Scrum

Silver Bullet Myths

Scrum Will Solve All of Your Problems for You

Projects Using Scrum Can Always Ship on Time

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

Endless Development

Management Fad

The Double Standard

Change Is Bad

Endless Meetings

Scrum Challenges

Scrum as a Tool for Process and Culture Change

Scrum Is About Adding Value, Not Task Tracking

Status Quo versus Continual Improvement

Cargo Cult Scrum

Scrum Is Not for Everyone




Additional Reading

15 Working with a Publisher

The Challenges

Focus Comes Too Late

Milestone Payments and Collaboration

Limited Iteration

First-Party Problems

Portfolios Drive Dates

Building Trust, Allaying Fear

The Fears

Understanding Agile

Publisher-Side Product Owners

Meeting Project Challenges Early

Managing the Production Plan

Allaying the Fears

Agile Contracts

Iterating Against a Plan

Fixed Ship Dates

Agile Pre-Production

The Stage-Gate Model


Additional Reading

16 Launching Scrum

The Three Stages of Adoption

The Apprentice Stage

The Journeyman Stage

The Master Stage

Adoption Strategies

Beachhead Teams

Full-Scale Deployment


Additional Reading




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