
95 mile-per-hour art, 143, 228


Abnormal termination. See Sprint resets

Accuracy, of estimations, 113


about, 13, 210–220

agile manifesto, 13

art and audio, 223–233

benefits for game development, 20–28

bibliography, 32, 221, 233, 247, 263

budgets, 231

collaboration, 232

concerns about, 225

contracts, 293–300

debugging, 216

design, 235–247

distributed teams, 183–187

leadership, 226

“not done yet” syndrome, 230

planning, 107–124

postmortems, 14–20

problems, 205–209, 223, 236

production, 259–262

projects, 28–31

publishers, 283, 289

QA, 228, 249–259

values applied to game development, 24–28

Analogy, in estimations, 114

Apprentice stage, Scrum adoption, 302–306

Apprentice teams, sprints, 307, 311

Arcade games, game development process, 5

Architecture, changing, 209

Art, agile, 223–233

Assault specialists, role, 97

Asset baking, 192

Asset hot loading, 193

Asset production pipelines, kanban boards, 139

Asset size, cycle time, 148

Asset validation, 196

Atari, arcade game development, 5

Audio, agile, 232

Automated play-through tests, 197


Backlogs, See also Product backlogs; Sprint backlogs

burndown trends, 70

product backlogs, 323

release backlogs, 120

sprint backlogs, 62

Batch size, cycle time, 148

Batches, reducing or eliminating, 149

BDUF (big designs up front)

agile methodologies, 21

feature creep, 17

Beachhead teams, Scrum, 317–320

BHAGS (big hairy audacious goals)

about, 118

teams, 120

Bibliography, 327

agile, 32, 124, 221, 233, 247, 263

game development, 12

iterations, 201

planning, 124, 155

publishers, 300

Scrum, 57, 282, 324

sprints, 84

teams, 188

user stories, 105

Black box testing, 251

Boards. See Task boards

Boats, as a metaphor for lean thinking, 151

Bottlenecks, pair programming, 214


adhering to, 219

agile, 231

balancing, 129

controlling, 291

production, 229

project leaders, 166

Buffers, shown on a kanban board, 149


bug databases, 217

discovery rate in agile projects, 252

discovery rate in waterfall projects, 250

Build configuration testing, 196

Build iterations, 194–201

Builds, defined, 76

Burndown charts

sprints, 69

using, 83

Burndown trends, 70

Burndowns, crunches, 280


Cards. See Index cards; Task cards

Cargo Cult Scrum, 277

Challenger project disaster, 271


architecture, 209

communicating, 87

cultural, 275

goals, 82

handling in agile projects, 28

last-minute, 285

practices, 316

Scrum, 274

team membership, 315

testing, 195–198

vision, 238

Charts. See Burndown charts

Chickens and pigs story, Scrum, 55

CIS (continuous integration server), 211

Coaches, Scrum coaches, 321

Coaching, cross-team coaching, 319


agile, 232

contracts, 286

publishers, 260, 285

teams, 168–173, 183, 315

versus contract negotiation, 27

Collecting, user stories, 100–103

Collocation, teams, 308

Columbia project disaster, 271

Commitment, teams, 158

Commits, 195

Communication, See also Documentation

about testing, 199

change, 87

large teams, 174

teams, 158, 187

Communities of practice, teams, 180


creating, 130

defined, 131

Scrum, 133

Conditions of satisfaction. See CoS

Consistency, monkey example, 273

Constraints, sprint planning, 61

Continual improvement

advantages, 147

master stage, 314

Scrum, 276

ScrumMaster, 49

Continuous build tests, 197


agile, 293–300

negotiation versus collaboration, 27

scope of, 285

time and materials form, 28


user stories as placeholders for, 94

versus documentation, 87

Core experts, master stage, 314

CoS (conditions of satisfaction)

about, 91

user stories, 90


game development, 8

key factor in game development, 22

prioritizing product backlogs, 109

production cost estimates, 135

Creative tension, 227

Creativity, within strict frameworks, 150

Critical chain management, 260

Cross-discipline teams

about, 160

art, 225, 227–232

budgets, 231

feature teams, 169

Scrum, 159

Cross-team coaching, 319

Crunches, Scrum, 279

Cultural change, Scrum, 274, 275

Culture, master stage, 315


collaboration versus contract -negotiation, 27

feedback, 65

Scrum, 54

Cycle time, 145–148


Daily build tests, 197

Daily scrums

about, 40

challenges, 304

replacing, 305

Databases, bug databases, 217, 256

Dates. See Ship dates


defined, 127

postponing, 297

resulting from features, 129

technical debt, 208

waterfall projects, 312


agile, 216

bug databases, 256


features, 295

milestones, 286

Demo done, defined, 100

Demos, See also Magazine demos


managing, 259

teams, 181, 183


build iterations, 199

Scrum, 321–323


documentation, 238

lead designer, 246

lead designer role, 246

prioritization, 239–242

product owner, 246

project leaders, 166

Scrum, 237–247

set-based, 242–245

Design documentation. See Documentation


disaggregating stories, 90

in stories, 94

user stories, 88

Developers, See also Project staff; Teams

agile, 283

collaboration, 25

load balancing, 138

pair programming, 215

play-testing, 257

postmortem example, 15, 16

Development, Scrum, 269

Directors, role of, 168


in estimations, 114

stories to add details, 90

Distributed teams, 183–187


Scrum, 238

Smuggler’s Run example, 86

user stories, 104

versus conversation, 87

writing it down, 21


defining, 99, 257, 297, 303, 322

sprints, 122

Durations. See Length


Embedded QA versus pools, 254

Emergence, defined, 40

Emergent requirements, about, 17

Empiricism, defined, 40

Employees. See Developers

Engineers, role, 97

Environment. See Work environment


balancing the budget, 129

defined, 89

identifying, 101

Estimable attribute, INVEST, 95


production costs, 135

size of user stories, 112–117

tasks, 62–65

Expert opinion, in estimations, 114

Experts, master stage, 314

External dependencies, tracking, 260

Extreme programming (XP), 210–220


Failure notifications, 198

Failures, handling in sprints, 80–84

Feature creep, 17

Feature teams, cross-discipline teams, 169

Features, See also User stories

deliverables, 295

introducing, 209

planning, 107, 128

production, 154

“Federal and state laws” in managing studio projects, 165


customers, 65

gameplay, 148

production feedback, 148

velocity feedback, 149

Fibonacci series, estimating size of user stories, 116

First-party problems, 287

Fixed ship dates, agile contracts, 295–298

Forecasting, agile planning, 110

FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt), Scrum, 269–273


iterative and collaborative, 242

key factor in game development, 22

teams, 158

Functional teams, 170


Game development, 3–12

arcade games, 5

bibliography, 12

crisis point, 10

history, 4–9


feedback and asset size, 148

required hours, 130

Goals, See also Objectives

in agile projects, 29

BHAGs, 118

changing, 82

dropping, 83

pre-production metrics, 292

Scrum teams, 162

sprints, 43, 70, 120, 305

user stories, 88

Green lights, 299


Hand-to-hand combat systems, planning, 102

Handoffs, reducing waste, 151

Hardening sprints, 123, 310


capabilities of, 4

implications for game development methodologies, 6


game development, 4–9

Scrum, 36–38

Hit-or-miss model of game development, 7–9

Hourly build tests, 197



about, 48

daily scrum meetings, 74

In sourcing, pool teams, 173

Independent attribute, INVEST, 92

Independent sprints, 179

Index cards, user stories, 92

Information radiators, 309


crisis in game development, 10

effect of cost and risk on, 10

at factory level, 37

Inspect and adapt principle, about, 29, 31

Integration teams, 173

Intensity, sprints, 67

INVEST, 92–97

Independent, 92

Negociable, 93

Valuable, 95

Estimable, 95

Sized appropriately, 96

Testable, 97

Iterative development, 189–201

bibliography, 201

build iterations, 194–201

distributed teams, 183, 187

improving, 313

measuring and displaying, 191

overhead, 190

personal iterations, 193

publishers, 287


Japan, industrial expansion after World War II, 37

Journeyman stage, Scrum adoption, 307–313


Kanban boards

showing buffers, 149

with sprint swim lane, 154

visualizing flows, 140

The Karate Kid movie, 301

Kill-gate model, 24


art knowledge, 229

key factor in game development, 21


Laws, “federal and state laws” in managing studio projects, 165

Lead designer, Scrum, 246


art, 226

master stage, 314

stakeholder role, 55

teams, 159, 165

Lean production, 139–153


sprints, 65–68, 272

story points, 114

Level loads tests, 197


flows, 144–146

production flow, 142

Lightweight methods, 13

Lines of communication, large teams, 174

Lockdowns, 271

Lookahead planning, 182


Magazine demos, 122


project leaders, 166

Scrum, 270

Managers, role in industrial production processes, 37

Manifesto, agile manifesto, 13


used games, 11

video gaming trend, 8


concepts, 130

importance of, 55

Master stage, Scrum adoption, 314–316


release planning, 117

Scrum, 74, 272

sprint planning meetings, 38, 59

sprint prioritization meetings, 59

sprint retrospectives, 40, 79

Mentoring, project leaders, 166, 167

Metrics, pre-production, 292

Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, 223

Microprocessors, number of transistors, 4

Midnight Club story, 127

Midtown Madness game, 157

Milestone deliverables, 286

Milestone payments, 285

MMOs (massively multiplayer online games), release dates, 130

Monitoring progress, 48

Monkey example, consistency, 273

Moore, Gordon, on microprocessor transistor counts, 4


Near-shippable state, defined, 44

Negotiable attribute, INVEST, 93

Negotiable stories, about, 94

Negotiation, contract negotiation versus collaboration, 27

Ninjas, defined, 56

Normalization of deviance, 272

“Not done yet” syndrome, agile, 230

Notifications, failure notifications, 198


Objectives, See also Goals

agile planning, 108

Optimization, agile, 217–220


about, 152

support for, 260

Overhead, iterations, 190

Overtime, Scrum, 279

Owners. See Product owners


about, 47

distributed teams, 187

master stage, 314


Pair programming, 212–215

Parallel development model, 66

“Parts on the garage floor example”, 239–242

PBIs (product backlog items), See also User stories

about, 38

dropping, 83

prioritization, 41, 60

task boards, 72

tasks, 62–65

Personal iterations, 193

Pigs and chickens story, Scrum, 55

Pirates, defined, 56

Planning See also Production, 127–155

in agile projects, 29

bibliography, 124

estimating size of user stories, 112–117

feature sets

hand-to-hand combat systems, 102

iterating against plans, 294

lookahead planning, 182

Midnight Club story, 127

overhead required for, 67

product owner role, 53

project leaders, 166

publishers, 291

releases, 117–122, 181

sprints, 59–68

stages, 130–134

subsets of, 45

transition planning, 321

why agile, 107

Planning meetings, sprints, 38

Planning Poker, estimating size of user stories, 115

Platform smoke tests, 197

Play-testing, about, 256

Play-throughs tests, 197

Point-based design, 244

Poker, Planning Poker, 115

Pool teams, 172

Pools versus embedded QA, 254

Portfolios drive dates, 287


about, 131

pair programming, 216

Scrum, 134

Posting, sprint retrospective meeting results, 80

Postmortems, agile, 14–20


about, 19

agile, 298

budget, 229

defined, 131

measuring production debt, 135

metrics and goals, 292

Scrum, 134

Pre-production done, defined, 100

Predictability, importance of, 19

Price, of video games, 9


agile, 108, 297

defined, 41

product backlogs, 109

Scrum, 160, 239–242

sprints, 60

stories and agile planning, 110

teams, 162

tracking and communicating, 87

Processors. See Microprocessors

Product backlog items. See PBIs

Product backlogs

about, 38, 41

agile planning, 108–112

debugging, 217

establishing, 323

product owner role, 53

Product owners

defining “done”, 122

designer as, 246

example of importance, 269

producer as, 261

publishers, 289

release plans, 121

Scrum, 51–54

spikes, 96

teams, 177

Production, 134–155

about, 19, 131

agile, 232, 259–262

art, 225

budget, 229

features, 154

feedback and asset size, 148

lean production, 139–153

leveling flow, 142

postmortem example, 16

publishers, 292

scheduling, 134

Scrum, 134, 136–139, 153

sprints, 153

Production streams, Scrum, 136

Production teams, 171


cost and quality, 22

of video games, 5, 9

Programming, agile, 210–216

Project leaders, role, 166

Project planning. See Planning

Project staff, See also Developers; Teams

defined, 46

Promotion, project leaders role, 166


done, 100

postmortem example, 15

Publisher-producer role, defined, 54

Publishers, 283–300

agile, 283, 289

bibliography, 300

collaboration, 285

contracts, 293–300

fears, 288, 292

first-party problems, 287

iterations, 287

milestone payments, 285

portfolios drive dates, 287

product owners, 289

production, 292

project planning, 291

sprint reviews, 77


QA (quality assurance)

agile, 249–259

art, 228

play-throughs tests, 197


defining in contracts, 286

key factor in game development, 22


Reasons, user stories, 88

Refactoring, TDD, 211

Reference assets, 230

Regression tests, 253

Release backlogs, usefulness of, 120

Release cycles, 308

Release dates

controlling, 291

MMOs, 130

Release plans

defined, 119

distributed teams, 184, 186

Scrum teams, 162

Release states, in iterative development process, 29


about, 31, 43

planning, 117–122, 181

product owner role, 53

sprints, 322

stages, 132

Requirements, See also User stories

in user stories, 94

versus user stories, 103

Resets. See Sprint resets

Resource allocation. See Budgets

Responsibilities, ScrumMasters, 46


meetings, 79

sprints, 78

Return on investment, product owners, 246


project leaders role, 166, 167

sprints, 75–78


management of, 260

prioritizing product backlogs, 109

waterfall-style methodologies for reducing, 6

ROI (return on investment), product owner role, 52


lead designer, 246

producer, 259–262

QA, 252–259

Scrum, 44–54

user roles, 88

users roles in user stories, 97

Roll outs, release planning, 120

Rooms. See War rooms


Sagas, defined, 89

Sales, video games, 7


Scrum, 56

teams, 173–187


aligning sprint dates, 178

producers, 259

production, 134

task estimation, 18

Scope, controlling, 291

Scrum, 35–57, 267–282, 301–324

about, 36, 267

adoption stages, 301–316

adoption strategies, 317–323

apprentice stage, 302–306

asset production pipelines, 139

beachhead teams, 317–320

bibliography, 57, 282, 324

Cargo Cult Scrum, 277

challenges, 273–281

chickens and pigs story, 55

coaches, 321

components, 38, 41–44

customers, 54

deployment, 321–323

design, 237–247

documentation, 238

FUD, 269–273

history, 36–38

journeyman stage, 307–313

lead designer, 246

master stage, 314–316

pair programming, 216

principles, 40

prioritization, 239–242

product owners, 246

production, 136–139, 153

releases, 133

roles, 44–54

scaling, 56

set-based design, 242–245

stakeholders, 54

task boards, 136

teams, 159–168, 173–187


about, 44, 46–51

changing goals, 82

producer as, 260

reporting to, 304


project leaders, 166

teams, 159, 161


defined, 41

master stage, 314

teams, 159, 161–163

Semidaily build tests, 197

Sequential development model, 66

Set-based design, 242–245

Shared infrastructure teams, 171

Shared vision

product owner role, 52, 178

teams, 158, 183

Ship dates

agile, 130

fixed, 295–298, 298

postmortem example, 15

Shippable done, defined, 100

SI teams, 171

Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo’s experience with, 223

Size, teams, 164, 174

Sized appropriately attribute, INVEST, 96

Smuggler’s Run, 85

Snipers, role, 97

Special forces, role, 97


about, 96

prioritizing product backlogs, 109

Split-and-reform method, 319

Split-and-seed method, 318

Sprint backlogs

debugging, 217

defined, 38

Sprint dates, teams, 178

Sprint goals, release planning meetings, 120

Sprint planning meetings, 59

Sprint prioritization meetings, 59

Sprint resets, about, 81

Sprint retrospectives, defined, 40

Sprint spacing, 303

Sprints, 59–84

about, 38, 42

apprentice teams, 307, 311

bibliography, 84

done, 122

goals, 305

handling failures, 80–84

length, 272

meetings, 74

“parts on the garage floor” example, 240

planning, 59–68

product backlogs, 110

production, 153

production streams, 137

releases, 322

retrospectives, 78

reviews, 75–78

staggered and synchronized, 179

tracking, 68–73

uncertainties, 279

Stage-gate model, 298


planning, 130–134

Scrum adoption, 301–316

Staggered sprints, 179

Stakeholders, See also Publishers; Studios

communicating with teams, 49

defined, 43

length of sprints, 68

Scrum, 54

“State and federal laws” in managing studio projects, 165

Stories, See also User stories

chickens and pigs story, 55

Story points

agile planning, 110

estimating size of user stories, 114, 116

Studio culture

master stage, 315

postmortem example, 15

Studios, sprint reviews, 78

Support, role, 97

Synchronized sprints, 179


Takt time, about, 146

Task boards

Scrum, 136

sprints, 72

Task cards, sprints, 69


debugging, 217

estimation and schedules, 18

PBIs, 62–65

project leaders role in creating and managing, 166

TDD (test driven development), 210–212

Teams, See also Developers; Project staff, 157–188

about, 158

agile, 289

apprentice teams, 307

BHAGS, 120

bibliography, 188

build iterations, 200

collaboration, 168–173

collocation, 308

communicating with stakeholders, 49

communities of practice, 180

cross-discipline, 160, 227–232

daily scrums, 305

dependencies, 181

distributed, 183–187

experience, 66

functional teams, 170

handling failure, 81

integration teams, 173

leadership, 165

load balancing, 138

master stage, 315

pool teams, 172

product owners, 177

production teams, 171

scaling, 173–187

Scrum, 44–46, 155, 159–168, 173–187

self-management, 161

self-organization, 161–163

shared infrastructure teams, 171

size, 164, 174

sprint dates, 178

sprint reviews, 75, 76

testers, 252, 255

tool teams, 172

Technical debt, 208

Testable attribute, INVEST, 97

Testers, teams, 252, 255

Testing, See also QA

black box and white box, 251

changes, 195–198

play-testing, 256

regression tests, 253

testers on teams, 252, 255

versus QA, 251

in waterfall designs, 7

Themes, defined, 89

Time, tracking, 62

Time and materials contracts, 28


about, 142–144

defined, 40, 41

Tool teams, 172

Tracer bullets. See Spikes


dependencies, 260

Scrum, 275

sprint retrospective meeting results, 80

sprints, 68–73

tasks, 259

time, 62

Transfer time, reducing, 199

Transition planning, 321

Transparency, importance of, 152

Trends. See Burndown trends

Trust, contracts, 286


Uncertainty, range of, 17

Units tests, 196

Updating, release plans, 120

Used games market trends, 11

User roles, defined, 88

User stories, See also Features; PBIs; Requirements, 85–105

about, 28, 87

bibliography, 105

collecting, 100–103

completing, 99

conditions of satisfaction, 90

estimating size of, 112–117

index cards, 92

INVEST, 92–97

levels of detail, 88

QA, 252

Smuggler’s Run, 85

user roles, 97

versus written requirements, 103


Valuable attribute, INVEST, 95

Value, See also Fun

creating with agile methodologies, 26

crisis in game development, 10

master stage, 314

postponed, 311

prioritizing product backlogs, 109

Scrum, 275

teams, 158

of video games to the consumer, 10


agile planning, 110–112

feedback, 149

measuring, 274

Vision, changes, 238


War rooms, sprints, 73


cycle time, 148

eliminating, 24

reducing, 150

Waterfall methodologies

bugs, 250

debt, 312

origin of, 6

responses to, 13

uncertainty, 18

White box testing, 251

Work environment, crisis in game development, 10


XP (extreme programming), 210–220


YF-23 jet fighter project, 35


Zones, 149

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