

About the Author



The Course

1 Starting with a Solid Base

Setting a Few Preferences

When to Set Preferences




Units & Increments

Display Performance

GPU Performance (if present)

Configuring the Workspace

Choose a More Useful Initial Workspace

Create a New Workspace

Project: An Introduction to Layout

Lesson A: Create a New Document

Lesson B: Placing the Images

Place a Large, Full-Bleed Image

Layers: Stacking and Protecting Content

Create an Empty, Elliptical Frame

Place an Image into That Circle

Add a Colorful Stroke to the Frame

Lesson C: Adding Text

Procure a Few Fonts

Add a Text Frame and Text

The Title and Subhead

Add Text Wrap

That’s It!

2 Objects & Navigation

Lesson A: Navigation

Vital Keyboard Shortcuts

Zooming & Panning

Page Navigation

Lesson B: Text Frame Basics

From Frame to Text and Back Again

Placeholder Text

Text Formatting Basics

Quick Resizing Tricks

Lesson C: Image Frames

Place an Image: Linking vs. Embedding

Image Frames and Their Dis-Contents

Content Grabber (a.k.a. the Donut)

Lesson D: Shape and Frame Tools


“Unassigned” Frames

Applying Fills and Strokes

Stacking Order

Align and Distribute


Object Styles Introduction

Lesson E: Creating Swatches

New Swatch

Lesson F: The Power and Pitfalls of Defaults

Lesson G: Troubleshooting

Missing Fonts and Find Font

Missing/Modified “Links”

3 Text Styles

Lesson A: Acquiring Fonts

Typeface Inspiration & Legitimate Online Sources

Adobe Fonts Service

Installing Fonts

Lesson B: Typography Essentials

Formatting Text

Lesson C: Building Paragraph Styles

By Example: Emulating a Style Guide

Applying Paragraph Styles

Overrides: Style Violations

Safely Editing Paragraph Styles


Building Styles from Scratch

Lesson D: Building Character Styles

Applying Character Styles

Safely Editing Character Styles

Lesson E: Power Styling

Keep Options

GREP Styles: Find and Style

Nested Styles: Style Text via Sequences

Lesson F: Recycle and Reuse

Copy & Paste

Load Command

Paste without Formatting

CC Libraries

Lesson G: Placing a Word Document

Example 1: In a Perfect World

Example 2: In the Real World

Clean Up & Formatting with Find/Change

4 Tabs & Tables

Lesson A: Tabs

Setting Tab Stops

Including Tab Stop Position in Paragraph Styles

Lesson B: Tables & Table Styles

Create Tables by Converting Text

Style Waterfall

Adjusting Rows and Columns

Create Tables by Placing Spreadsheets

5 Frame Options & Object Styles

Lesson A: Multiple Text Columns

Columns and Gutters

Frames as Columns: Threading Text

Adding Frames and Deleting Frames

Lesson B: The Text Frame Options Dialog Box

Baseline Options



Balancing Columns

Vertical Justification

Lesson C: Leverage Object Styles

For Text Frame Options

For Image Frames

Object Styles and Groups: Beware

Lesson D: Combining Paragraph and Object Styles

Project: Promotional Handout

Lesson A: Create a New Document

This Document’s Settings

Lesson B: Preparing for Content

Introduction to Master Pages

Build Styles with Placeholder Text

Choose Defaults

Lesson D: Inserting the Text

Lesson E: Placing Images

Placing Images into Placeholder Frames

6 Document Structure

Lesson A: Layers

Controlling Stacking Order

For Segregating Content

For Protecting Content

Reordering Layers

Lesson B: Master Pages & Sections


Page Numbers

“Templates” for Pages and Spreads

Ensure Consistency

Overriding Master Page Items

Primary Text Frames vs. Master Text Frames

Lesson C: Adding, Deleting, and Moving Pages

Insert Pages

Page “Shuffling”

Project: Build a Brochure

Lesson A: Configure a New Document

Create a New Document with Primary Text Frames

Set Preferences & Display Performance


Load & Examine Styles


Prepare the Master Spread

Lesson B: Place a Word Document

Placing the Word Doc

Lesson C: Clean Up the Formatting

Find/Change to the Rescue

Lesson D: Insert Cover Pages

Add a Front Cover at the Beginning

Add a Back Cover at the End

Remind Pages of Their Masters

Lesson E: Place Images and Graphics

The Steps

The Images

7 Long Documents

Lesson A: Tables of Contents

Building a Dummy TOC

Requires a Commitment to Styles-Use

Generating a TOC

Updating a TOC

Lesson B: Cross References

Requires a Commitment to Styles-Use

Referencing Arbitrary Text

Lesson C: Text Variables

Update Display Bug

Lesson D: Find/Change Turned Up to 11

GREP: Find Patterns, Locations, and More

Find/Change Glyphs

Find/Change Object Formatting

Lesson E: Book Document

Let’s Assemble a Magazine!

8 Output

Lesson A: PDF

Using Presets

Lesson B: Packaging

Lesson C: ePub (and HTML)

Including Content

Object Export Options

Export Tagging

Generating the Reflowable ePub

The Compendium

1 Workspaces & Preferences


Document-Specific and Global




Advanced Type


Units & Increments


Guides & Pasteboard





Track Changes

Story Editor Display

Display Performance

GPU Performance

Appearance of Black

File Handling

Clipboard Handling

Publish Online

Panel Locations

Choose a More Useful Initial Workspace

Creating a New Column of Panels

Customizing Menus & Keyboard Shortcuts

What’s on the Menu?

Keys to Success

2 Frames & Content

Creating Frames and Shapes





Fills & Strokes

Create a New Color Swatch

Gradients & Gradient Swatches

The Stroke Panel

Frame to Content & Content to Frame

Text Frames

Image Frames

Text Frames & Text Frame Options

Linking Text Frames

Scaled Text Preferences

Text Frame Options

Image Frames & Linked Images

Linking vs. Embedding

Placing Images

Frame Fitting Options

Edit Original

Modified Links

Missing Links & Relinking

Gridify Images

Placing a Grid of Images

Groups and Accessing Their Content

Double-Click to Get In, Escape to Get Out

Alignment & Distribution


Smart Guides

Align Panel

Precise Positioning and Sizing







Direct Selection Tool

Free Transform Tool


Compound Path


Live Corners Widget and Corner Options Dialog Box

Effects Panel & Dialog Box

Text Wrap & Anchored Objects

Text Wrap: Force Fields on Objects

Anchored Objects

3 Styles, Type & Fonts

Working with Type

Vocabulary & Anatomy

Adjusting Type in InDesign

Font Technologies

Paragraph Styles

Creating a Paragraph Style

Applying a Paragraph Style

Editing a Paragraph Style

General Options

Basic Character Formats

Advanced Character Formats

Indents and Spacing


Paragraph Rules

Paragraph Border & Paragraph Shading

Keep Options

Hyphenation & Justification

Spanning & Splitting Columns

Drop Caps and Nested Styles (and Line Styles)

GREP Style

Bullets and Numbering

Character Color

OpenType Features

Underline & Strikethrough Options

Output Tagging

Character Styles



Creating a Character Style

Applying a Character Style

Editing a Character Style

Output Tagging

Object Styles

Creating an Object Style

Applying an Object Style

Editing an Object Style

The Attributes Controlled by Object Styles

Table & Cell Styles

Placing a Table

Table Style To-Do List

Loading Styles from Other Docs

4 Pages & Spreads

Anatomy of a Spread

Margins and Bleeds and Gutters, Oh My!

Navigating Pages

The Pages Panel

Master Pages

Naming Masters

Current Page Number Marker

Applying Master Pages

The [None] Master


Text and Image Frames

Primary Text Frames & Smart Text Reflow

Sections & Numbering

Starting and Editing Sections

Section Markers


Building Gatefolds

Page Size & Layout Adjustment

Adjust Layout

5 Color Management

The Basics



Process vs. Spot (Solid)

Color Myths, Theory, and Management

Best Practices

Grasping at Light

Devices and Their Disappointing Limitations

So What Should I Do?


The Flexibility of RGB

The Useful Rigidity of CMYK

Final Advice

6 Find/Change

The Basics

Setting Scope

Find/Change Formatting

Special Characters and Metacharacters


Code for Good

Building a Query

More Grep Queries

Grep Resources

Finding Glyphs

What’s a Glyph?

Finding Objects

The Powers of Description

7 Long Documents

The Book Feature

Creating and Populating a Book

Document Syncing and Status


Stacking Order

Creating Layers

Segregating Types of Content

Deleting Layers

Tables of Contents (TOCs)


Creating the TOC

Updating a Table of Contents

TOC Styles

Text Variables

Chapter Numbers


Running Headers

Cross References

The Destination

Building a Cross Reference

Footnotes and Endnotes




8 Output



General Options


Marks and Bleeds





A Copy of Everything

ePub and Tagged File Formats

Export Tagging

Choosing What Gets Exported and How

Exporting an ePub

Last ePub Note


Print Dialog Box

Print Booklet


Keyboard Shortcuts

Rocky Nook

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