Loading Styles from Other Docs

Each styles panel menu has at least one Load Styles command. You can choose to load only the kind of styles that panel controls (Character, Paragraph, Object, Table, Cell), but almost all of them offer something more broad. (The Object Styles panel menu offers only those.) The Paragraph and Character Styles panels offer Load All Text Styles… and the Table and Cell

Styles panels offer Load Table and Cell Styles… (surprise!).

An actual surprise is that the last of those (Load Table and Cell Styles…) loads paragraph and character styles as well! These commands trigger two dialog boxes. The first asks which document you’d like to steal, eh, load your styles from. Then you are shown a list of all the styles requested. You have the option to check or uncheck as many as you wish.

Sometimes it’s faster and more targeted to open the document from which you would like load styles. Edit > Copy items that use the styles you’d like to use in another document.

In your target document (the one that needs the styles), Edit > Paste deposits the copied material and adds its styles. I follow that with a simple delete or backspace to remove the pasted item, but the styles will remain. I think of the item I paste as a courier—the person who delivers the pizza rarely stays for dinner.

Finally, you can drag assets into the Creative Cloud Library panel, and then drag them out into any other document to place them (and their styles) into that document. In each of your style options dialog boxes, there is a checkbox to add that style to the CC Library, from which it can then be applied in any document (and added to the styles panels for the document in which it was applied).

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