

Image Getting Started with Edge Animate

Finding Out What You Can Do with Edge Animate

Exploring Edge Animate and Edge Tools

Starting Edge Animate

Using the Welcome Screen

Viewing the Edge Animate Window

Preparing for a Project

Creating a Project Plan

Building an Edge Animate Project

Creating a New Animation

Getting Sample Animations

Opening an Existing Animation

Working with Multiple Animations

Previewing an Animation in a Browser

Saving an Animation

Getting Online Support

Finishing Up

Image Working Within the Edge Animate Window

Examining the Edge Animate Window

Changing Stage Properties

Working with the Stage

Changing the Stage View

Using the Tools Panel

Using the Properties Panel

Using the Elements Panel

Using the Library Panel

Using the Timeline Panel

Working with Timeline Panel Controls

Using the Code Panel

Working with Panels

Docking and Undocking Panels

Creating and Using Workspaces

Defining Keyboard Shortcuts

Changing the Language

Undoing or Redoing Changes

Image Taking In-App Lessons

Starting a Lesson

Using the Lessons Panel

Taking the Quick Start Lesson

Taking the Create Lesson

Taking the Animate with Keyframes Lesson

Taking the Animate with the Pin Lesson

Taking the Resize Lesson

Taking the Extend Lesson

Taking the Reuse Lesson

Image Working with Shapes and Graphics

Understanding Vector and Bitmap Graphics

Gathering and Using Graphics

Examining Import Graphic Formats

Importing Graphics

Adding Graphics

Drawing Shapes

Using Smart Guides with Elements

Selecting Elements

Naming Element IDs or Classes

Changing Element Tags

Changing Element Display

Changing Element Overflow

Changing Element Opacity

Changing Element Position

Changing Element Size

Changing Element Adjustability

Changing Shape Corners

Changing Shape Borders

Changing Shape Background Color

Adding Shadows to Elements

Changing Cursors Over Elements

Modifying Image Elements

Transforming Element Origin

Rotating Elements

Skewing Elements

Scaling Elements

Changing Element Clipping

Adding Accessibility to Elements

Image Working with Text

Creating Text Boxes

Adding Text

Editing Text

Dictating Text

Inserting Special Characters

Examining Text Properties

Changing Text Properties

Getting Web Fonts

Adding Web Fonts

Resizing Text Boxes

Clipping Text

Transforming Text

Adding Shadows to Text

Changing Text Tag

Adding Links to Text

Image Working with Symbols and Elements

Creating Symbols

Importing Symbols

Exporting Symbols

Creating an Instance from a Symbol

Modifying an Instance from a Symbol

Editing Symbols

Nesting Symbols within Symbols

Copying or Duplicating Elements

Deleting Elements

Displaying Rulers

Displaying Guides

Using Guides with Elements

Aligning and Distributing Elements

Stacking Elements

Hiding and Showing Elements

Grouping Elements

Reparenting Elements

Locking and Unlocking Elements

Renaming Elements

Image Creating Motion Animations

Creating an Animation with the Pin

Creating an Animation with Auto Keyframes

Creating an Animation with Keyframes

Creating an Animation with a Transition

Playing Animations

Making Adjustments to Animations

Adjusting Time in an Animation

Inserting Time in an Animation

Making a Resizable Animation

Testing a Resizable Animation

Image Creating Interactive Animation

Inserting Labels

Inserting and Editing Triggers

Inserting and Editing Action Events

Listing of Action Events

Inserting Code Snippets

Listing of Code Snippets

Working with JavaScript Code

Using Show and Hide Element Snippets

Using Element Text Snippets

Using the Open URL Snippet

Using Get Symbol Snippets

Using Create and Delete Symbol Snippets

Creating a Rollover Button

Creating a Shopping Cart Button

Embedding and Playing a Video

Adding and Playing a Sound

Swapping Images in a Photo Gallery

Image Publishing Animations

Publishing Considerations

Publishing a Composition

Publishing for the Web

Publishing to the Web for IE 6, 7, and 8

Publishing to the Web Using CDN

Publishing to the Web as Static HTML

Publishing for Adobe Programs

Publishing for iBooks Author

Capturing a Poster Image

Creating a Down-level Stage

Creating a Preloader Stage

Image Working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Examining Edge Animate Files

Viewing the Code Behind the Scenes

Examining the Adobe Edge Animate Runtime

Getting to Know HTML

Working with HTML

Getting to Know CSS

Working with CSS

Putting a Composition in an HTML Document

Adding an Animation to an HTML Document

Image Working Together with Adobe Programs

Opening Compositions in Adobe Dreamweaver

Importing into Adobe Muse

Importing into Adobe InDesign

Working with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite

Saving Images from Adobe Photoshop

Saving Graphics from Adobe Fireworks

Exporting Images from Adobe Illustrator

Saving Artwork from Adobe Illustrator

Exporting Animations from Adobe Flash

Image Installing Edge Animate and Edge Tools

Preparing for Edge Animate and Tools

Downloading Edge Animate and Tools

Installing Edge Animate and Tools

Finishing the Edge Inspect Install

Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu by Menu


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