3. Taking In-App Lessons


From the Welcome screen or the Lessons panel, you can use In-App Lessons to help you get started with the project in Edge Animate. The In-App Lessons provide seven step-by step topics with the aid of the Lessons panel to walk you through the process of creating animations with Edge Animate. The lessons include Quick Start to help you get going, Create to teach you how to work with shapes, text and images, Animate I: Keyframes and II: The Pin to show you how to use keyframes and pins, Resize to learn how to respond to size changes, Extend to learn how to loop and handle user interaction, and Reuse to show you how to create reusable elements with symbols.

If you want further help and instructional materials, you can use links in the Welcome screen to access a list of key features and product release notes, and helpful resources from online content, including Help and Tutorials, videos on Adobe TV, community forums, and sample projects. In addition, you can access Facebook and Twitter to get more information about Edge Animate.

Starting a Lesson

Within Edge Animate you can take In-App Lessons to help you get started with the project. Edge Animate provides seven In App step-by step lessons with the aid of the Lessons panel. The lessons include Quick Start to help you get going, Create to teach you how to work with shapes, text and images, Animate I: Keyframes and II: The Pin to show you how to use keyframes and pins, Resize to learn how to respond to size changes, Extend to learn how to loop and handle user interaction, and Reuse to show you how to create reusable objects with symbols. You can start an In App Lesson from the Welcome screen or the Lessons panel. After you start a lesson, the Lessons panel walks you through topic as you perform the steps in the Edge Animate window.

Start a Lesson from the Welcome Screen

Image Start Adobe Edge Animate, or close all open documents (click the File menu, and then click Close All).

Image Click Getting Started, if necessary.

Image Point to a lesson tile to view a brief description.

Image Click a lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel opens with the selected lesson.

Image Read and perform the lesson steps in the Edge Animate window as indicated in the Lessons panel.

Image At the bottom of the Lessons panel, click the Next Step link.

Image Follow the additional steps or click links to start other lessons.

After you complete the lesson, you can save or close the Untitled project.

Image To close the Lessons panel, click the Window menu, and then click Lessons or click the Close button on the panel.


Start a Lesson from the Lessons Panel

Image Click the Window menu, and then click Lessons to select (show) the check mark.

The Lessons panel opens, displaying a list of In-App Lessons.

Image Click a lesson tile to start it.

Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the selected lesson.


Image Read and perform the lesson steps in the Edge Animate window as indicated in the Lessons panel.

Image At the bottom of the Lessons panel, click the Next Step link.

Image Follow the additional steps or click links to start other lessons.

After you complete the lesson, you can save or close the Untitled project.

Image To close the Lessons panel, click the Window menu, and then click Lessons or click the Close button on the panel.


Using the Lessons Panel

After you start a lesson, you use the Lessons panel to walk you through the step by step instructions to complete the topic. If the Lessons panel takes up too much room in the Edge Animate window, you can dock it to another panel—the Properties panel is a good place to put it—or undock it as a separate window. As you work through a lesson, you can use the navigation at the top of the Lessons panel to get around. You can use the Lessons button to display all the lessons or the navigation buttons to switch between panels in the Lessons panel.

Use the Lessons Panel

Image Click the Window menu, and then click Lessons to select (show) the check mark.

The Lessons panel opens, displaying a list of In-App Lessons.

Image Click a lesson tile to start it.

Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the selected lesson.

Image Follow the lesson steps in the Edge Animate window, and then click the Next Step link at the bottom of the panel.

Image To go back and forth between the Step panels, click the Previous or Next button or click the Pane Name list arrow, and then click a pane name.

Image To display the list of lessons, click the Lessons button.

Image To close the Lessons panel, click the Window menu, and then click Lessons or click the Close button on the panel.


Taking the Quick Start Lesson

With the Quick Start lesson, you can quickly create your first animation in Edge Animate. It’s quick and easy, but it gives you simple way to see how an animation works. You’ll create a rectangle on the Stage and then use the Pin button and the Playhead in the Timeline to make the shape move across the screen. After you create the animation, you’ll play it back on the Stage and in the Timeline to see how it works.

Take the Quick Start Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Quick Start lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Select the Rectangle Tool on the Tools panel.

Image Draw a rectangle in the upper-left corner of the Stage.

Image Click the Pin button in the Timeline.

Image Drag the Playhead to 0:01 (1 second).

Image Move the rectangle to the lower-right corner of the Stage.

Image Click the gray color chip (diamond) in the Properties panel.

Image Click the Background Color box on the Tools panel, and then select a color from the palette.


Image Click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

Image At the bottom of the Lessons panel, click the Next Step link.

The lesson is complete.

Image Click the File menu, click Save, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.

Taking the Create Lesson

With the Create lesson, you’ll learn how to quickly draw and work with assets in Edge Animate. An asset is any artwork or element, such as shapes, images, buttons, and fonts, you have created or imported into your composition. In this lesson, you start from a sample file, and then use it to work create and work with elements. You’ll create a rounded rectangle, add text, add graphics from the Library panel, and organize elements in the Elements panel.

Take the Create Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Create lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Click the Click to open the sample link.

The content_creation.html file opens, displaying a blank Stage.

Image Click the Next Step link to create content (Step 2 of 5).

Image Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool on the Tools panel.

Image Draw a rounded rectangle in the center of the Stage.

Image In the Properties panel, click on the link between W and H, and then set the size of W to 220 and H to 130.


Image Click the Next Step link to add text (Step 3 of 5).

Image Click the Text Tool on the Tools panel.

Image Click in the center of the rectangle and type Hello World.

Image Click the Close button in the Text editor.

Image Select the text, and then drag to center the text in the shape.

As you drag towards the center, Smart Guides (horizontal and vertical) appear to indicate the center.


Image Click the Next Step link to import graphics (Step 4 of 5).

Image Drag the background.jpg icon from the Library pane onto the Stage and place it at 0,0 (the upper-left corner of the Stage). As you drag, the position appears on the Stage.

The background image covers all the other elements on the Stage.

Image In the Elements panel, drag the background.jpg <div> element below the RoundRect <div> element. As you drag a black bar appears indicating the new location.

The background image moves to the back of the Stage.


Image Click the Next Step link to organize elements (Step 5 of 5).

Image In the Elements panel, drag the Text <div> element onto the RoundRect <div> element. As you drag on top, the destination element changes to gray.

The Text element is now associated with the Rounded Rectangle element.

The lesson is complete.

Image Click the File menu, click Save As, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.

Image To open a finished version of the lesson, click the Click to open the finished sample link.


Taking the Animate with Keyframes Lesson

With the Animate I: Keyframes lesson, you can create an animation by setting keyframes at specific times on the Timeline and changing property values between them. The property changes from one keyframe to another over time on the Timeline creates animation. As an indicator, when a keyframe is hollow, it means that it has different value than the previous keyframe. Using keyframes is a little more time consuming, however, you have more control over the results. To help make it easier, you can use Auto Keyframe Mode, which automatically creates keyframes when a property is modified, and Auto Transition Mode, which automatically creates a transition as needed.

Take the Animate with Keyframes Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Animate I: Keyframes lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Click the Click to open the sample link.

The keyframe_animation.html file opens, displaying a blank Stage.

Image Click the Next Step link to create keyframes (Step 2 of 7).

Image Move the Playhead to 0:01.

Image Select the E element on the Stage.

Image In the Properties panel, click the Y keyframe (diamond) to add a keyframe on the Timeline.

Image Move the Playhead to 0:00.

Image In the Properties panel, click the Y keyframe again.

Image Change the Y value to -90.

Image Click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

The E letter jumps to its position.


Image Click the Next Step link to add a transition (Step 3 of 7).

When two keyframes have different values, you can add a transition between the two values.

Image Right-click (Win) or Control-click (Mac) either of the keyframes, and then click Create Transition.

A transition appears connecting the keyframes in the Timeline.

Image Click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

The E letter smoothly transitions to its position.


Image Click the Next Step link to specify easing for the transition (Step 4 of 7).

Image Click the transition in the Timeline to select it.


Image Click the Easing button in the Timeline, select Ease Out, select Bounce, and then press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac).

Image Click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

The E letter falls and lands with a bounce to its position.

Image Click the Next Step link to animate the shadow element (Step 5 of 7).

Image Click the Auto Keyframe Mode button in the Timeline to select it.

This automatically creates keyframes when a property is modified.

Image Click the Auto Transition Mode button in the Timeline to select it.

This automatically adds a transition when a property is modified.


Image Select the shadow element on the Stage.

Image Move the Playhead to 0:01.

Image In the Properties panel under Transform, click the Scale X and Scale Y keyframe.

Image Move the Playhead to 0:00.

Image In the Properties panel under Transform, set the Scale X value to 0. Since the X and Y are linked, both values change.

This creates an automatic animation and transition using the current one (Bounce).

Image Click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

The shadow animates along with the E element.


Image Click the Next Step link to reuse keyframes (Step 6 of 7).

Image Select the E element on the Stage.

Image Click the Time Snapping button in the Timeline to deselect it.

Image Move the Playhead to where the E first hits bottom, around 0.364.

Image In the Properties panel, click the Rotation keyframe.

Image Move the Playhead to where the E reaches the top of the bounce, around 0.544.

Image In the Properties panel, set the Rotate value to -10.

Image Move the Playhead to where the E hits bottom again, around 0.729.

Image Select the first rotation keyframe, making sure that only the one keyframe is selected.


Image Press Ctrl+C (Win) or Image +C (Mac) to copy the keyframe, and then press Ctrl+V (Win) or Image +V (Mac) to paste it.

Image Click the Next Step link to reuse transitions (Step 7 of 7).

Image Click the Time Snapping button in the Timeline to select it.

Image In the Elements panel, click the gray dot under Visibility for G, D, and E2 to display them on the Stage.

Image In the Timeline, select the bar on top of the transitions for the E animation to select all transitions.

Image Press Ctrl+C (Win) or Image +C (Mac) to copy it.

Image Select the G element on the Stage, move the Playhead to 0:01, and then press press Ctrl+V (Win) or Image +V (Mac) to paste it.


Image Select the D element on the Stage, and then press press Ctrl+V (Win) or Image +V (Mac) to paste it.

Image Select the E2 element on the Stage, and then press press Ctrl+V (Win) or Image +V (Mac) to paste it.

Image Click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

Each letter bounces in, one after the other..

The lesson is complete.

Image Click the File menu, click Save As, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.


Image To open a finished version of the lesson, click the Click to open the finished sample link.

Taking the Animate with the Pin Lesson

With the Animate II: The Pin lesson, you can quickly create an animation by using the Pin to help you create keyframes. You’ll learn how to work with the Playhead and the Pin to create an animation region. You’ll use the completed file from the Create lesson (Hello World) and then add an entrance and exit animation to it.

Take the Animate with the Pin Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Animate II: The Pin lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Click the Click to open the sample link.

The animation_start.html file opens, displaying Hello World.

Image Click the Next Step link to add easing (Step 2 of 5).

Image Click the Easing button in the Timeline, select Ease Out, select Quad, and then press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac).

Image Click the Next Step link to add an entrance animation (Step 3 of 5).

Image Move the Playhead to 0:00.250 (0.25 seconds).

Image Double-click the Playhead to display a blue pin on top.

Image Drag the Pin (blue) to 0:00.750 (0.75 seconds). This displays a blue region for the animation.


Image In the Elements panel, select the RoundRec <div> element.

Image Shift-drag the shape element off the Stage to the left.

Image In the Properties pane, set the Rotate value to 720, and then click the Stage.


Image Click the Next Step link to add an entrance animation (Step 4 of 5).

Image Drag the left Rotate keyframe right to 0:00.500 (0.5 seconds).

Image Press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac) to activate the blue region.

Image Drag the blue region right to 0:00.750 (0.75 seconds).

Image Select the Hello World text element on the Stage.

Image In the Properties panel, set the Scale X or Y value to 0, and set the Opacity value to 0.


Image Click the Next Step link to add an exit animation (Step 5 of 5).

Image Click the Easing button in the Timeline, select Ease In, select Quad, and then press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac).

Image Drag the Pin (blue) to 0:01.75 (1.75 seconds).

Image Drag the Playhead (gold) to 0:02.250 (2.25 seconds).

Image Select the Hello World text element on the Stage.

Image In the Properties panel, set the Opacity value to 0.

Image Drag the Yellow region to 0:00.500 (0.5 seconds) so the pin is at 0:02.

Image Select the RoundRect element on the Stage, and then Shift-drag it off the Stage to the right.

Image Click the Go to Start button, and then click the Play button or press Space to play back the animation.

The lesson is complete.


Image Click the File menu, click Save, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.

Taking the Resize Lesson

With the Resize lesson, you can create an animation that is responsive to the size of the screen. For example, when you resize your browser window, the composition resizes too. You can make the Stage and individual elements responsive to the screen size by changing their units from pixels (fixed) to percentage (adjustable). In addition, you can change the relative change position to any corner of an element. Instead of testing changes to your composition in your browser, you can quickly check them on the Stage in Edge Animate.

Take the Resize Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Resize lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Click the Click to open the sample link.

The resize_start.html file opens, displaying an animation.

Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

Image Resize the browser window to see how it responds.

The animation doesn’t respond to changes in the windows size.

Image Click the Close button to exit your browser.


Image Click the Next Step link to % resize the Stage (Step 2 of 8).

Image In the Elements panel, select the Stage <div> element.

Image In the Properties panel, point to the units for W, and then change from pixels (px) to percentage (%).


Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

Image Resize the browser window to see how it responds, and then click the Close button to exit.

The Stage fills the width of the browser with its light blue background to the right of the animation.

Image Click the Next Step link to % resize on the Stage (Step 3 of 8).

Image Move the Stage adjustment handle on the top ruler back and forth to preview, and then return it to its original position at 800 px.


Image Click the Next Step link to % resize object’s location on the Stage (Step 4 of 8).

Image In the Elements panel, select the Text1 <div> element.

Image Hold down Shift, and then select the Text2 <div> element.

Image In the Properties panel, point to the units for X, and then change from pixels (px) to percentage (%).

Image Move the Stage adjustment handle on the top ruler back and forth to preview, and then return it to its original position at 800 px.

The text boxes adjust as the Stage is resized.


Image Click the Next Step link to resize objects of the parents (Step 5 of 8).

Image In the Elements panel, select the red_ribbon <div> element.

Image In the Properties panel, point to the units for W, and then change from pixels (px) to percentage (%).

Image Move the Stage adjustment handle on the top ruler back and forth to preview, and then return it to its original position at 800 px.


Image Click the Next Step link to resize the relative position of objects their parents (Step 6 of 8).

By default, objects are positions relative to the upper-left corner of their parent. You can change the relative position to any corner using the Coordinate Space Picker in the Properties panel.

Image In the Elements panel, select the panel_bg <div> element.

Image In the Properties panel, select the Bottom Right square in the Coordinate Space Picker.

Image Point to the units for W, and then change from pixels (px) to percentage (%).

Image In the Elements panel, select the panel1 <div> element.

Image Hold down Shift, and then select the panel3 <div> element.

This selects panel1, panel2, and panel3.

Image In the Properties panel, select the Bottom Right square in the Coordinate Space Picker.

Image Point to the units for W, and then change from pixels (px) to percentage (%).

Image Move the Stage adjustment handle on the top ruler back and forth to preview, and then return it to its original position at 800 px.

This keeps the blue panel and the animated text relative to the right side of the Stage.


Image Click the Next Step link to apply layout presets to objects (Step 7 of 8).

Image In the Elements panel, select the FremontCycles <div> element.

Image In the Properties panel, click the Layout Presets button, click the Center Background Image preset, and then click Apply.


Image Move the Stage adjustment handle on the top ruler back and forth to preview, and then return it to its original position at 800 px.

This makes the element resize on both X and Y axis while keeping the image centered.

Image Click the Next Step link to set resize constraints of objects their parents (Step 8 of 8).

Image In the Elements panel, select the Stage <div> element.

Image In the Properties panel, set the Min W value to 650 px.

Image Click Max W, and then deselect None.

Image Set the Max W value to 1280 px.


Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

Image Resize the browser window to see how it responds, and then click the Close button to exit.

This keeps the size range of the composition between 650 px and 1280 px.

The lesson is complete.

Image Click the File menu, click Save, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.

Taking the Extend Lesson

With the Extend lesson, you can code to your composition to extend the functionality of your animation. With the code you can add interactivity to animation. For example, you can add code to start an animation when you click a button. When you click the button, it triggers an event to take place. With Edge Animate, you don’t have to be a programmer to add interactivity. It comes with Code snippets, segments of code, that you can quickly insert to perform a task.

Take the Extend Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Extend lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Click the Click to open the sample link.

The interactivity_start.html file opens, displaying an animation.

Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

The animation plays in your browser.

Image Click the Close button to exit your browser.


Image Click the Next Step link to add a trigger (Step 2 of 7).

Image Move the Playhead to 0:00 in the Timeline.

Image Click the Timeline menu, and then click Insert Trigger or press Ctrl+T (Win) or Image +T (Mac).

Image In the Snippets list, click the Stop button.

Image Click the Close button to exit.


Image Click the Next Step link to add an action (Step 3 of 7).

Image In the Elements panel, click the Open Actions button for the play <div> element.


Image Select click from the menu.

Image In the Snippets list, click the Play button.

Image Click the Close button to exit.


Image Click the Next Step link to add a label on the Timeline (Step 4 of 7).

Image Move the Playhead to 0:00.500 (0.5 seconds).

Image Click the Timeline menu, and then click Insert Label or press Ctrl+L (Win) or Image +L (Mac).

Image Type Loop for the label, and then press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac).

Image Click the Next Step link to add a timeline action (Step 5 of 7).

Image In the Timeline, click the Timeline Actions button to the left of the Actions row.


Image Select complete from the menu.

Image In the Snippets list, click the Play button.

Image Replace 1000 with loop.

Image Click the Close button to exit.

Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

Image Click the Play button to start the animation in your browser, and then click the Close button to exit.

Image Click the Next Step link to open the Code window (Step 6 of 7).

Image Click the Window menu, and then click Code.

The Code panel opens in a separate window.

Image Click the Next Step link to create a loop counter (Step 7 of 7).

Image In the tree, select play.click.

Image Click to place the insertion point below the code: sym.play();

Image Click the Code Snippets button to display the Snippets panel.

Image Click Set Symbol Variable from the Snippets list.

Image Modify the code to the following: sym.setVariable("count",1);

This stores a value that you’ll use to count the number of loops.


Image In the tree, select Timeline.complete.

Image Click to place the insertion point before the code: sym.play(loop);

Image Click Get Symbol Variable from the Snippets list.

Image Modify the code to the following: var count =sym.getVariable ("count");

Image Click to place the insertion point on the line after the code: var count =sym.getVariable ("count");

Image Click Set Symbol Variable from the Snippets list.

Image Modify the code to the following: sym.setVariable ("count", count + 1);


Image Move the Playhead to 0:00.500 in the Timeline.

Image Click the Timeline menu, and then click Insert Trigger or press Ctrl+T (Win) or Image +T (Mac).

Image In the Snippets list, click the Get Symbol Variable button.

Image Modify the code to the following: var count = sym.getVariable ("count");

This displays the count.


Image Click to place the insertion point on the line after the code: sym.getVariable ("count");

Image Click Set Element Text from the Snippets list.

Set Element Text uses jQuery code to modify the text of an element.

Image Modify the code to the following: sym.$("Text").html("" + count);

Image Click the Close button to exit.


Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

Image Click the Play button to start the animation in your browser.

The animation continue to count until you close your browser.

Image Click the Close button to exit.

The lesson is complete.

Image Click the File menu, click Save, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.

Taking the Reuse Lesson

With the Reuse lesson, you can create symbols of an element so that you can reuse it multiple times in you composition. When you import an asset as a symbol or convert an existing element to a symbol, it’s known as a definition. When you use the symbol definition in your animation, it becomes an instance, which you can uniquely modify. You can add multiple instances of the same symbol and animate them differently. By using the same symbol definition, you’re only using the asset once, which reduces time it takes to load it.

Take the Reuse Lesson

Image From the Welcome screen under Getting Started or the Lessons panel, click the Reuse lesson tile to start it.

The Welcome screen closes, Edge Animate creates a new Untitled project, and the Lessons panel displays the start of the lesson.

Image Click the Click to open the sample link.

The interactivity_start.html file opens, displaying an animation.

Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

The animation plays in your browser.

Image Click the Close button to exit your browser.


Image Click the Next Step link to convert an object to a symbol (Step 2 of 5).

Image Move the Playhead to 0:01 (1 second).

Image In the Elements panel, select the SpinRect <div> element.

Image Click the Modify menu, and then click Convert to Symbol.


Image Type Spin, and then click OK.

This creates a symbol, which you can reuse. These are known as instances.

Image Click the Next Step link to create instances of a symbol (Step 3 of 5).

Image In the Library panel, drag the Spin icon from Symbols to the right of the first instance.

Image Alt-drag the second instance on the Stage to create another copy to the right of it.

Image Click the Next Step link to convert an object to a symbol (Step 4 of 5).

Image Double-click one of the instances on the Stage.

The symbol opens to in-place symbol editing mode.


Image In the Properties panel, deselect the Autoplay check box, so the symbol doesn’t play automatically.

Image In the Timeline, click the Timeline Actions button to the left of the Actions row.

Image Select complete from the menu.

Image To loop, click the Play from button in the Snippets list.

Image Change the time of 1000 to 0. The time is in milliseconds.

Image Click the Close button to exit.

Image In the Elements panel, click the Open Actions button for the Center <div> element.

Image Select click from the menu.

Image Add the code from the illustration.

Image Click the Close button to exit.

Image Click Back button or Stage on the Edit bar to exit symbol editing mode.


Image Move the Playhead to 0:00 (0 seconds).

Image In the Timeline, click the Add button (+) in the Playback row for the Spin element.

Image Click Play from the menu.


Image Move the Playhead to 0:00.750 (0.75 seconds).

Image Click the Add button (+) in the Playback row for the Spin2 element, and then click Play.

Image Move the Playhead to 0:01.500 (1.5 seconds).

Image Click the Add button (+) in the Playback row for the Spin3 element, and then click Play.


Image Click the File menu, and then click Preview In Browser or press Ctrl+Enter (Win) or Image +Return (Mac).

Image Click the Close button to exit.

The lesson is complete.


Image Click the File menu, click Save, navigate to a folder, create a folder, enter a name for the composition, and then click Save.

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