


/ character
# character2nd
$ character
$ method2nd


Access, Microsoft2nd
accessing data.
    See data access.
ACL (access control list)
action attribute
action filters
  injecting logic using
ActionFilterAttribute class
ActionLink helper2nd3rd4th
ActionLink method2nd
Active Directory (AD)2nd
Active Server Pages (ASP)
AD (Active Directory)2nd
AdapterEnabled property
adaptive rendering2nd3rd
  and Control Adapter Toolkit
  and mobile controls
  using control adapters
    adding OptionGroups to DropDownList
    building table-less DataList
Add Controller option
add_endRequest method
add_init method
AddObject method
Address property
AddressInfo class
ADO.NET Entity Framework
advanced user state
  Profile API
    and web projects
    custom provider for
AdventureWorks database
  improving usability with
  showing wait message during PostBack
  using triggers with
  using UpdatePanel control
ajax method2nd
Ajax Minifier, Microsoft
Anti-XSS Library, Microsoft.
    See Microsoft Anti-XSS Library.
Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
App_Browsers directory2nd
App_Code directory
append method
appendTo method
AppInitialize method
Application object
Application start method
Application_Start event
Application.Start event
applicationName attribute
  protecting from SQL injection
  warm-up, configuring
  Business Logic Layer
  Data Access Layer
  global.asax file
  three-layer architecture
  web.config file
AreaName members
AreaRegistration class
ASF (Apache Software Foundation)
ASP (Active Server Pages)
    See Ajax.
  action method
  Add View dialog box
  Add View option
  Controller class
  default view
  IgnoreRoute method
  model binder2nd
  model class
  OutputCache in
    and partial views
    removing items from
  partial view2nd
  project template
  routes, registering
  routing rules
  shared view
  strongly typed view
ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller)
  controllers in
  CoolMVCBlog example
  models in
  routing in
    concepts of
    using areas with
  user input in
    handling at controller level
    validating data
  views in
ASP.NET requests
  using one context per
AspNetCompatibilityRequirements (System.Service-Model.Activation namespace) attribute
AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider class
AsyncPostBackTrigger type
Atom feeds
attach entity2nd
Attach method2nd
attr method
AuthenticateRequest event2nd
authentication and authorization
  basics of
  custom providers
    for databases
    Membership and Role
    Windows Live ID authentication service
  Membership API
  Roles API
AuthorizeRequest event2nd
autocomplete method
AutoDetect option
autogenerateschema attribute
automaticSaveEnabled property
autoOpen property
AutoPostBack property


Backoffice Area
BackofficeAreaRegistration.cs file
BasePrefix property
BBCode (Bulletin Board Code)
BCL (Base Class Library)
BeginForm helper
BeginRequest event2nd3rd4th
BeginRequest phase
BeginTransaction method
BindModel method2nd3rd
BLL (Business Logic Layer)
Browser property
browser support
  building custom browser capabilities
  validating pages with W3C validator
bugs, finding
Bulletin Board Code (BBCode)
Business Logic Layer (BLL)2nd3rd4th
Button object
buttons property


cache dependency
cache region
CacheProfile attribute
  custom providers for
    and DataCache class
    configuring AppFabric
    custom OutputCache provider
    retrieving items
    saving items
    supporting Provider Model
    using AppFabric
    when needed
    configuring with code
    in user control
    profiles in web.config
  OutputCache in ASP.NET MVC
    and partial views
    removing items from
  per-application state
  techniques for
    in ASP.NET
    not altering collections in memory
    not using directly
    not using high timeouts
    not using RemovedCallbacks for
    preparing objects to be serializable
    using change monitors
    using locks to avoid race conditions
canonicalization vulnerabilities of paths
  dynamically building
Cascading Style Sheets.
    See CSS.
casting, to real type
catch block
CDN (content delivery network)
change method
change monitors
change tracking2nd
ChangeMonitor class
ChangeObjectState method
:checkbox command
child actions
children method
classes, connecting to each other
Click event
click method
Client components, Ajax
client-centric pattern
ClientID generation7th
  supported modes
ClientIDMode property
  GetPostBackClientHyperlink method
close string
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
CMS (content management systems)
code behind
code beside
code inline
Collections.Concurrent namespace
columns, hiding
COM (Component Object Model)
Combine method, System.IO.Path class
Combine() method, Path class
CommandType property
Comment instance2nd
Comment object
Commit method
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
common method
CompareValidator control
componentized markup
  through HTML helpers
composite controls2nd
  events in
  wrapping inner controls’ properties
compression, session
compressionEnable attribute
Concurrency Mode property
connected approach, Entity Framework
Content control
content delivery network (CDN)
content management system (CMS)
ContentPlaceHolder control
ContentResult, ASP.NET MVC
ContentTemplate property
contentType parameter
context lifecycle
Context.Items collection
Context.Items container
ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled property
ContinueWhenAll method
ContinueWith method
control adapter2nd
Control Adapter Toolkit
control adapters
  adding OptionGroups to DropDownList
  building adapters
  building table-less DataList
control builders2nd
control designers
Control instance
ControlBuilderAttribute attribute
ControlId property
Controller class
Controller component, MVC
-Controller suffix
ControllerContext parameter3rd
  handling user input
ControlToValidate property
Cookies properties
CoolMVCBlog example
Copy to Output Directory
CPU (central processing unit)
CreateChildControls method2nd
CreateContext method
CreateRegion method, DataCache
CreateUser method
CreateUserWizard control2nd
cross-site scripting.
    See XSS.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  building HTTPHandler class to minify
  registering attributes in header at runtime
CurrentContext property
CurrentHandler property
CurrentServerTime action
custom OutputCache provider
Customer class2nd3rd
Customer property2nd3rd
CustomerId foreign key column
CustomerId primary key column
CustomerID property
CustomerId property
Customers table2nd
customProvider attribute
CustomValidation attribute
CustomValidator control


data access
    persisting data into
    generating from data source
Data Access Layer2nd3rd
data annotations2nd
data binding14th
  displaying data
    using ListView control
    using Repeater control
  Dynamic Data controls
    application using
    metadata and templates
  filtering and sorting data
  modifying data
    EntityDataSource control and Entity Framework
    GridView, FormView, and ListView controls
    using data source controls
data binding controls
data parameter
data sources, generating XML from
data theft
  persisting data into
    using stored procedures
  running sites from
DataBinding event
DataCache class
DataList, building without tables
DataSource property
DataSourceID property
dataType parameter
datatype problem
DataTypeAttribute attribute2nd
datepicker behavior
datePicker method
datepicker method
Datepicker UI, jQuery
datetime datatype
debug mode
DefaultModelBinder class2nd
defaultUrl attribute
DeleteObject method
DeleteRole method
dependencies, for OutputCache
dependency injection
DestroyContext method
dialog method
directory traversal vulnerability
DirectoryExists method2nd
disconnected approach
  to context
    persisting entities using ViewState object
    persisting entity modifications
    persisting selected properties of modified entity
  changing behavior of
  changing format of
  changing name of
Display property
DisplayFor helper
DisplayFor statement
DisplayFormatAttribute attribute
DisplayTemplates folder
Dispose() member
distributed architecture
distributed caching engine
div element
<div> tags
DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime)
Document class
DOM (Document Object Model)
  events in, handling with jQuery
  manipulating with jQuery
  querying using jQuery
    using methods
domain entities
  custom model binders for
domain models2nd3rd
download performance, increasing by minifying
  building HTTPHandler class
  building request filter to minify HTML
  adding OptionGroups to
DropDownList control
Dynamic Data controls13th
  application using
    custom templates
  working with templates
dynamic data controls
  new in ASP.NET 4.0
  ScaffoldAllTables property
Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)
dynamic queries, with multiple values
dynamic types
DynamicControl control


eager loading
EditorFor helper2nd3rd
EditorFor syntax
EditorTemplates folder
EDM (Entity Data Model)
    injecting logic using action filters
Elements property
Email property
Employees table
EmployeeTerritories table
EndRequest event2nd
EnsureChildControls method
enterprise application
Enterprise Library, Microsoft2nd
Entity Data Model (EDM)
Entity Framework2nd4th12th17th18th19th20th
    disconnected approach to
  EntityDataSource control and
  optimizing performance
    avoiding multiple query execution
    disabling change tracking
    queries retrieving a single element
Entity Framework, Microsoft.
    See Microsoft Entity Framework.
entity set
EntityDataSource control, and Entity Framework
EntityDataSource namespace
    See data source controls.
EntityKey class
EntitySetName property
Error event2nd
ErrorMessage property2nd
Eval method
event bubbling technique
EventName property
ExecuteNonQuery method
ExecuteReader method
execution pipeline
  HttpModules class
    intercepting and handling mobile device requests
    modifying response flow with
  HttpRuntime element
    running sites from databases
  logging and handling errors
    with custom modules
    with Microsoft Enterprise Library and log4net library
extensionless URLs
  building in IIS 7.x
    configuring application warm-up
    modifying behavior with managed modules


Facebook Connect
fetching, optimizing
FileExists method2nd
FileResult, ASP.NET MVC
Filter property
filtering data
  QueryExtender control
find method
fire-and-forget situation
First method
fixed extension
FlightPriceResult class
Flush method
for iteration
foreach cycle
<form> tag
form validation, in Web Forms
FormsAuthentication class2nd
FormsAuthentication option
FormsAuthenticationTicket class
FormsIdentity instance
FormView control8th
    gridview and listview
full Provider Model
full trust permissions
Full.master master page
FullAddress property


GenericPrincipal class
GET field
Get method
GET requests
GetBrowserCapabilities method
GetCacheDependency method
GetCustomerById method
GetDirectory method
GetElementById method
GetFile method
GetFileHash method
GetFlightPrice method
getInstance method
GetInvalidFileNameChars() method, Path class
GetNullable method
GetObjectByKey method
GetOrdersAmount method
GetOutputCacheProviderName method
GetPostedCategories method
GetProfileData method
GetPropertyValues method
GetUser method
GetVirtualPath method2nd
global.asax file2nd3rd4th5th
granularity mismatches
GridView control2nd9th
    gridview and listview
GROUP BY clause
GUID (globally unique identifier)
gzip/deflate implementation


Handler property
<head> tag
HeaderStyle property
helpers, HTML
HomepageModel class
href property
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) helpers
  componentized markup through
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), building request filters to minify
HTML 5.0, support in ASP.NET
HTML controls, for Web Forms
<html> string
HTML template
HtmlAttributeEncode method
HtmlEncode method2nd
HtmlHelper class
HtmlLink class
HtmlString class
HtmlTextWriter instance
HTTP logger
HTTP module2nd3rd
HTTP request2nd3rd
HttpApplication class2nd3rd4th
HttpApplication event handler
HttpApplication events
HttpApplication pool configuration
HttpApplication, PostMap-RequestHandler phase
HttpBrowserCapabilities class
HttpCapabilitiesProvider class
HttpContext.Request property
HttpEncoder class
HttpHandler class
HTTPHandler class, building
  to minify CSS
  to minify JavaScript language
  how to register in web.config
  intercepting errors with
HttpModule class
HttpModules class
  intercepting and handling mobile device requests
  modifying response flow with
  removing unnecessary
HttpRequest class
HttpResponse class
HttpRuntime class
HttpRuntime element
HttpServerUtility class
HttpUtility class


IArticlePage interface
IAttributeAccessor interface2nd
ICollection interface
ID attribute
IDataItemContainer interface
IDE (integrated development environment)
Identity Map pattern2nd
identity theft
IDisposable interface
IEnumerable interface
IEnumerable source
IEnumerable type
IFlightPriceProvider interface
IHasTagCloud interface2nd
IHtmlString interface
IHttpModule interface2nd
IIS (Internet Information Services)3rd4th
  building extensions
    configuring application warm-up
    modifying IIS behavior with managed modules
  new features
  version 7.5 integration
IL (intermediate language)
IList interface
IModelBinder interface2nd
INamingContainer interface2nd
Include method
incoming requests, filtering and blocking
  handling improper parameter values
  monitoring and blocking bad
Index action
Index method
inherit, Page class
inheritance mismatches
inherits attribute
Init event
Init method
Init() member
InnerExceptions property
<input> type
inputFile variable
installing ASP.NET 4.0
int datatype
intermediate language.
    See IL.
Internet Information Services.
    See IIS.
invisible command
IoC (Inversion of Control) container
IParserAccessor interface
IPostBackEventHandler interface
IPrincipal interface2nd
IProcessHostPreloadClient interface
IQueryableDataSource interface
IRouteConstraint interface
IsInRole method
IsMobileDevice property
IsPostBack property
IsValid property
ITemplate interface
Items property
ItemStyle property


JavaScript language, building HTTPHandler class to minify
JavaScriptEncode method
JavaScriptResult, ASP.NET MVC
JavaServer Pages
  and DOM
  and jQueryUI
  handling page loaded event
  invoking MVC actions with
  invoking page methods with
  invoking REST services with
  managing object events
.js extension
JsonResult, ASP.NET MVC

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