
We can’t mention by name all the individuals who made contributions to this book, adding to its value in ways both large and small. All of them deserve our sincere thanks, but here we will mention only a few whose help was invaluable to us during the writing process.

Cynthia Kane—Cynthia is our development editor at Manning. She was there for us from the the beginning, providing support and guidance, and has proved a master at transforming a bunch of words and images into an appealing book. Thank you.

Scott Guthrie—Scott, also known as ScottGu, is the man behind a number of products in the Microsoft Developer Division, including ASP.NET. Scott was always willing to let us solve some of the problems that we encountered with a beta. Thank you.

The Developer Division at Microsoft—thanks to everyone for their help and for building such a great product.

All the folks at, our “mother ship”—if we managed to collect enough scenarios for your problem-solving enjoyment, part of the credit has to go to the members of our community.

Many individuals at Manning worked hard on this book to bring it to our readers. A big thank-you to Michael Stephens and Marjan Bace for believing in us, and to the production team of Mary Piergies, Joan Celmer, Susan Harkins, Gordan Salinovic, and Janet Vail for their efforts.

Our peer reviewers deserve special mention. Their suggestions and feedback were invaluable and made this a much better book. We thank Alex Thissen, Dave Corun, Anil Radhakrishna, Philippe Vialatte, Nikander Bruggeman, Margriet Bruggeman, Jason Jung, David Barkol, Perga Massimo, Braj Panda, Alessandro Gallo, Gary Bushey, Eric Swanson, Amos Bannister, and Andrew Siemer. We would also like to thank the technical proofreader, Matteo Casati, for his outstanding job of reviewing the final manuscript during production.

Last but not least, thank you, dear reader, for your trust in this book. Our hope is that it will help you in your day-to-day work and make you more productive with ASP.NET!

In addition to the people mentioned above, there are others who are important in Daniele’s, Stefano’s, and Marco’s private lives. Even if they didn’t directly work on the book, they contributed in other important ways to keep the authors on track.

Daniele would like to thank his wife Noemi for her support and patience and for giving him his beautiful sons, Alessio and Matteo. A big thank-you to my parents for letting me play with computers when I was a kid, and to my family in general for supporting me. A special thank-you to my coauthors for helping me on this journey: you guys rock! And thanks to Alessio, Marco, Cristian, Matteo, and Riccardo at for all their help and support.

Stefano wants to thank his wife Sara for being supportive and extremely patient, and his family (yes, the book is finally finished!). Special thanks to my closest friends (in alphabetical order), Federico, Gabriele, Gianni, and Riccardo. Of course, I can’t help mentioning Filippo, who already bought a copy of the book. Finally, a big thank-you to William and Annalisa for their friendship and their support. My last words are for Marco and Daniele: thanks guys!

Marco thanks Stefano and Daniele because it’s always a privilege when you have the chance to work with such smart and funny guys. I would also like to thank the whole team: I’m so proud to be a part of it. Special thanks to my family, and to Barbara, for their support and for the patience they’ve shown me. You have all my love.

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