Introduction to Power System Protection

Power system protection is a relatively complex subject and requires a knowledge of the power system fundamentals presented in the preceding chapters. A thorough description of all the various protection schemes in use would fill an entire textbook. This chapter aims to provide the reader with an introduction to the underlying philosophy of power system protection and an exposure to some of the more common techniques in use. There are many excellent texts specifically on the subject of protection, several of which appear in the sources list at the end of this chapter.

We will principally confine our attention to the MV, HV and EHV networks, in which power system equipment is of a size and importance sufficient to justify the use of complex protection schemes. In contrast, the LV network generally comprises smaller and cheaper items of equipment, serving fewer customers and does not justify such protection. It is usually only overcurrent protected using fuses or magnetic circuit breakers, commensurate with the size and value of the assets.

12.1 Fundamental Principles of Protection

The primary function of the protection system is to rapidly disconnect any faulty piece of equipment from the power system in such a way that damage to both the equipment concerned and to the wider network is minimised, while causing the least disturbance possible to the connected load.

During fault conditions, network voltages near the fault become depressed, and for major faults this depression may extend over a considerable distance. Heavy fault currents also create large phase shifts throughout a network, and synchronism can be lost in parts of a network should transient stability limits be exceeded. If the network is already heavily loaded then its tolerance to additional fault currents is reduced, and unless faults are cleared quickly there is an increased risk that synchronism between different regions may be lost. This can lead to the islanding of parts of the network which may in turn lead to widespread blackouts. A fast‐acting protection system is therefore important, not only from the point of view of the faulted equipment, but also for preserving the stability of the overall network.

Each MV or HV transformer, transmission line or generator is generally equipped with its own circuit breaker, capable of disconnecting it from the network in the event of a fault. Unlike magnetic circuit breakers used in LV applications, MV and HV circuit breakers have no current sensing capability. Fault detection is achieved by supplying a protection relay with current and/or voltage information from the circuit being protected. The relay compares these parameters with pre‐programmed internal settings, and issues a trip signal to the associated circuit breaker, should one or more of its settings be exceeded. Depending on the application, such a signal may be sent immediately (resulting in a rapid fault clearance), or alternatively after a short tripping delay, designed to permit a relay and circuit breaker nearer the fault to clear first.

12.2 Protection Relays

Protection relays were originally electromechanical devices which either operated on the principle of magnetic attraction of a movable armature to close a set of contacts, or from the rotation of an induction disc. The latter is seldom used now, but the former still finds application in many areas, not the least of which is in delivering the trip signal generated by an electronic protection relay, in the form of a voltage‐free contact closure.

By way of an example, an electromechanical overcurrent relay built in the 1960s is shown in Figure 12.1. This is excited by the secondary current from a CT, and providing this exceeds the relay’s pick‐up current, the disc will begin to turn against the restraining torque of a hairspring. After a period of rotation (determined by the relay setting), the trip contacts are closed by a pin turning with the disc, tripping the associated circuit breaker. The torque produced by the disc increases with the magnitude of the CT current and the number of turns on the exciting winding, the latter being determined by the plug board setting. The relay in Figure 12.1 is designed for a 1 amp CT and the current setting can be adjusted between 0.5 and 2 amps, by inserting the plug into the appropriate receptacle. Over‐current relays of this kind therefore generate trip times that vary inversely with fault current.

Photos displaying 1960s english electric electromechanical IDMT overcurrent relay element (left) and plug board (right) with arrows labeled instantaneous over-current relay, plug setting board, etc.

Figure 12.1 English Electric electromechanical IDMT overcurrent relay element and plug board from the 1960s.

Static Relays

Electromechanical relays were used successfully for many years, but these mechanical devices are subject to drift and fatigue, and since they lie inoperative for long periods, periodic testing – and in some cases cleaning – is necessary in order to be sure that a given relay will operate correctly when called upon to do so. In the 1960s and 1970s electromechanical relays began to be replaced with electronic relays using analogue circuits to synthesise the required protection characteristics. These were known as static relays since they had no moving parts. Whereas electromechanical relays were powered by the CTs and/or VTs in the circuits they protected, static relays require a secure and reliable source of power to operate. The substation DC tripping supply is used for this purpose. This potential is provided by a battery and it generally lies in the range between 24 and 250 volts DC, with 125 volts commonly used.

Digital and Numerical Relays

The advent of the microprocessor in the 1970s and 1980s saw analogue relays replaced by digital devices in which currents and voltages are represented digitally, and an algorithm is used to implement the protection function. Early digital relays generally performed the task of a single protection element and multiple devices were required to provide a range of protection functions. Advances in technology, the arrival of digital signal processors and parallel processing, have enabled many functions to now be performed by one device, known as a numerical relay or a multi‐function relay. Numerical relays can therefore perform the tasks of multiple protection elements and may have spare processing capacity to enable other parameters to be displayed, including active and reactive power flows and a harmonic analysis of voltages and currents. Capture of current and voltage waveforms is available from some numerical relays, so that faults can be analysed after the event. In addition, self‐diagnostic testing is generally provided, so that in the event of an internal fault an operator can be alerted.

12.3 Primary and Backup Protection (Duplicate Protection)

Primary protection is designed to trip only that equipment within a defined protection zone. It is therefore fast, and it isolates a minimum portion of the network. So as to ensure reliability, duplicate primary protection schemes are frequently employed, often referred to as A and B or X and Y protection. These schemes may be duplicates of one another or they may comprise different protection elements. They are designed to be entirely independent and therefore they use separate CTs and, where possible, different VT windings as well. Further redundancy is provided by using different relays for each scheme, often from different manufacturers, like those in Figure 12.2. In major substations, tripping batteries are also duplicated, so that both primary protection schemes operate from separate DC supplies.

Photos displaying X and Y protection: Schneider P546 (top) and Schweitzer 311 L (bottom) numerical relays.

Figure 12.2 X and Y protection: Schneider P546 and Schweitzer 311 L numerical relays.

Redundant circuit breakers are rarely provided due to the associated expense, but duplicate trip coils in the same breaker are generally provided where duplicate protection is employed. In any event, the health of the trip coil is vital since failure to detect an open circuited coil could be disastrous. For this reason, trip supervision circuitry is used on critical circuit breakers. This generally involves continuously passing a small current through the trip coil and any other contacts in series with it to ensure that the circuit is continuous, but insufficient to initiate a trip or to overheat the winding. An alarm is generated if the circuit is found to be inoperative. Duplicate protection schemes generally operate entirely independently of each other, either being able to initiate a trip.

Check Relays

In addition to the main protection relay, high risk schemes such as bus‐zone or sensitive earth fault protection, generally include a separate check relay in order to provide an independent confirmation of a fault or to provide discrimination. (For example, this may be an overcurrent relay looking for a residual current flowing towards a transformer neutral terminal.) In such cases both the main and the check relay must concur for a trip to be initiated. Operation of the check relay will never in itself cause a trip.

In modern numerical bus‐zone protection, the main and check elements often occur within the same relay, although its architecture usually ensures that decisions are made by two independent algorithms. For schemes such as sensitive earth fault protection the check relay is a separate device, even in today’s numerical environment.

Backup Protection

Backup protection is provided to clear a fault should the primary scheme(s) fail to operate. This may be through the operation of a nearby graded overcurrent relay or perhaps by a circuit breaker failure relay that has detected current flow after the breaker concerned has been sent a trip command.

Backup schemes may also be located in another substation, remote from the primary protection system, so that no item of equipment is common to both. (An example of this is the Zone 2 setting of a remote substation’s distance relay.) Backup protection tends to be slower than the primary system it protects and it generally interrupts considerably more of the network.


The reliability of a protection system is a function of its design, the equipment used and the care taken in its construction. The simpler and more robust the design the more likely it will be to operate correctly when required to do so. Modern numerical relays provide multiple protection functions and apply any necessary phase shifts digitally. As a result, they require relatively simple current and voltage connections, although the design of the relay itself is more complex. On the other hand complicated connection arrangements are frequently required with static and electromechanical relays to provide the correct phase relationships between the parameters being measured. This introduces the possibility of wiring errors which may not become apparent until the relay fails to operate correctly in service. The commissioning of protection schemes is therefore particularly important. The required protection functions are simulated during commissioning by injecting appropriate currents and voltages into each relay to ensure that it operates as expected in all scenarios.

12.4 Protection Zones

Protection schemes generally operate in defined zones, each being associated with one or more protection relays protecting the primary equipment within the zone. In order to ensure no portion of a network is omitted there is generally an overlap between adjacent zones, as shown in Figure 12.3. Here each transformer and outgoing feeder has its own protection zone, as does each half of the 33 kV bus. The boundary of each zone is determined by the location of the associated current transformers, and in this case CTs are required on both sides of each circuit breaker. This is not always practical however and when CTs must be located on one side only (as is frequently the case in metal clad switchgear), blind spots can occur. In such cases in order to completely isolate a fault it will be necessary to trip a breaker in the adjacent zone as well.

Schematic displaying overlap between adjacent zones with parts labeled 110 kV, 33 kV, protection zones, and feeders.

Figure 12.3 Zones of protection.

Each of the relays associated with Figure 12.3 should be sufficiently sensitive to operate on the smallest fault likely to occur, and it must only operate for faults within its zone of protection, i.e. it should be able to discriminate against out of zone faults. Discrimination (or selectivity) in radial distribution networks is often achieved using time/current grading, where all relays operate under an inverse time‐current characteristic in which each relay operates faster for larger fault currents. By providing an appropriate time grading interval between adjacent zones, the relay closest to the fault can be made to operate first, thereby tripping a minimum of equipment in response to the fault. Should the closest circuit breaker fail to operate, then that in the adjacent zone will clear once the grading interval has expired. This will however be at the expense of a longer clearance time and generally a greater disturbance to the network.

Unit Protection

Time/current grading is inherently slow in its operation since relays closer to the source of supply are delayed in their operation in order to permit those closer to the fault to operate. Generators, transmission lines and busbars all require fast protection for the reasons already described. In such cases unit protection is employed to provide a fast fault clearance in a defined zone of protection. Current transformers are required at each zone boundary, from which the associated protection relay compares the current entering with that leaving. Should an in‐zone fault occur, the substantial residual current created will be seen by the relay, resulting in the tripping of all associated circuit breakers. An important requirement of a unit protection scheme is its ability not to operate in the event of a fault external to the zone of protection. The scheme must remain stable for external faults (often called through faults).

Figure 12.4 shows an example of unit protection in the form of restricted earth fault (REF) scheme surrounding the phase windings of a star connected transformer. The REF relay is essentially an overcurrent relay operating on the residual current arising from the CT connection shown. This will only occur in the event of a ground fault within the protected zone and because unit protection is not required to grade with any other, it can be made fast acting. (See Section 12.6.2 for more detail.).

Restricted earth fault (REF) unit protection scheme displaying parts labeled a, b, c, zone of protection, n, ∆/>, A, B, and C.

Figure 12.4 Restricted earth fault (REF) unit protection scheme.

12.5 Overcurrent Protection

Overcurrent protection was one of the earliest protection schemes to evolve and it is one of the simplest and most widely used, particularly in radial MV distribution networks. Overcurrent relays are provided with a single set of CTs, and they monitor phase and/or earth fault currents at a particular location. They are frequently placed at multiple locations throughout a radial network and graded in such a way that the relay nearest the fault clears before those further upstream can operate. In this way, a minimum network disruption is achieved.

There are two principal methods by which overcurrent relays can discriminate a fault: time and time and current. In the case of smaller networks in which the fault level changes little, time‐based discrimination must be used. All relays are set to pick up at the same fault current, simultaneously starting their tripping delay timers. Those further downstream have progressively shorter delays, and the relay closest to the fault trips its circuit breaker first; once the fault is cleared, all other relays reset. This is known as a definite time overcurrent scheme, but it has the disadvantage that relays nearer the source (where the fault level is higher) require longer operating times.

In networks where the fault level decreases substantially with the distance from the source (due to long feeders or the presence of intermediate transformers) a combination of time and current can be used in fault discrimination. The relay in Figure 12.1 is designed for such an application. It has a standard inverse time‐current characteristic, like that shown in Figure 12.5. This relates the relay’s operating time to the current flowing in its excitation winding, expressed in multiples of the plug setting value. Higher currents generate larger torques, resulting in faster rotation of the disc and therefore faster relay operation. The relay in Figure 12.1 is designed to be connected to a 1 A CT and has plug settings ranging from 0.5 to 2 A, in 0.25 A steps. It is shown with a plug setting of 1 A and therefore according to this time‐current characteristic, with 10 A flowing it will trip in 3 seconds.

2 Graphs of relay current (multiples of plug setting) vs. tripping time (sec) displaying 3 descending curves for standard and moderately inverse (dashed), very inverse (dash-dot), and extremely inverse (solid).

Figure 12.5 Relay time‐current characteristics.

Figure 12.5 shows three inverse time‐current curves defined in the European standard IEC 60255 Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment: Functional Requirements for Overcurrent Protection and three curves from the North American standard IEEE C37.112 Standard Inverse Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays. Equations describing these curves appear in Table 12.1. The standard inverse curve is used in most applications, whereas the very inverse characteristic is useful when the fault level decreases rapidly, its steep slope allowing a rapid reduction in tripping times for larger fault currents. The extremely inverse characteristic is used where grading against downstream fuses. Because of these inverse‐time characteristics and the fact that for large currents these relays operate in a definite minimum time, they are collectively referred to as inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) relays.

Table 12.1 Inverse time‐current characteristic equations.

(Adapted and reprinted with permission from IEEE. Copyright IEEE C37.131 (2012) All rights reserved. Permission for further use of this material must be obtained from IEEE. Requests may be sent to stds‐[email protected]) (IEC 60255‐151 ed.1.0 Copyright © 2009 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch)

IEC 60255 IEEE C37.112
Standard inverse (SI) images Moderately inverse images
Very inverse (VI) images Very inverse images
Extremely inverse (EI) images Extremely inverse images
t = tripping time
M = plug setting multiple
TMS =  time multiplier setting (0 ≤ TMS ≤ 1)
t = tripping time
M = plug setting multiple
TD = time dial setting (1 ≤ TD ≤ 15)

An additional relay adjustment is provided by the time multiplier setting (TMS) as defined in IEC 60255, referred to as the time dial (TD) setting in IEEE C37.112. Both these adjustments alter the operating time of a relay by changing the angular distance through which the disc must turn to effect a trip. A family of standard inverse tripping characteristics is shown in Figure 12.6, where the time multiplier settings range from 0.1 to 1.0. Time multiplier settings are infinitely adjustable in electromechanical and static relays and nearly so in digital relays. The TMS dial can be seen in Figure 12.1.

Graph of relay current (multiples of plug setting) vs. tripping time (sec) displaying 10 descending curves (0.1 ≤ TMS ≤ 1.0).

Figure 12.6 Family of standard inverse tripping curves (0.1 ≤ TMS ≤ 1.0).

Pick‐up/Reset Ratio

The pick‐up current is the minimum current that will cause the disc to turn. A relay will not pick up for secondary currents equal to the plug setting, but will do so for currents between 1.05 and 1.3 times this value. Should the load current just exceed the pick‐up current, the disc will slowly begin to turn, or in the case of a digital relay, the tripping delay timer will commence. If the current subsequently falls below the pick‐up value the relay should reset, allowing the disc to return to its rest position. There is a little hysteresis between the pick‐up and the reset currents, defined by the pick‐up/reset ratio which typically lies in the range 0.9–0.95. Therefore the current setting must lie sufficiently above the maximum load current to enable the relay to correctly reset in such circumstances, avoiding a nuisance trip, i.e.


Grading of Overcurrent Relays

In the case of IDMT relays a grading margin is provided between relays in adjacent zones through the choice of appropriate time multiplier settings so that there is little chance of any relay operating before that immediately downstream has had an opportunity to clear the fault. Grading margins include allowance for relay timing errors and overshoot, CT composite error and circuit breaker operating time. A typical grading margin for an electromechanical relay is about 0.4 seconds, or 0.3 seconds for a digital relay. It is the additional time required before the upstream relay operates, should the downstream one fail. The grading margin is applied at the maximum fault current seen by each relay. Provided that all relays use the same tripping curve, this will ensure that satisfactory discrimination will also exist for lower fault currents as well.

The TMS or TD can be estimated from the tripping curves, or obtained more precisely from the equations:


Example: Determine the trip time of a standard inverse (SI) overcurrent relay with a plug setting of 1.5 A and TMS of 0.4 when connected to a 1000:1 CT with a primary fault current of 10,000 A.

Solution: The CT secondary current will equal 10 A which equates to 6.67 multiples of the plug setting (i.e. M = 6.67). The trip time can be read from Figure 12.6, or it may be calculated using the SI equation. By either method the trip time images seconds.

Overcurrent Relay Connections

Overcurrent relays may be installed on three‐wire circuits where, under normal conditions images, as depicted in Figure 12.7, allowing both phase and earth faults to be detected. Traditionally the arrangement of Figure 12.7a would have been adopted using three relays of the type shown in Figure 12.1. Two of these would be used to detect phase overcurrents, one in the A phase and one in the C phase, while the third would see the residual current and detect earth faults. Since the third element only sees zero‐sequence current, it can be provided with quite a low current setting (20–30% of the phase current setting is typical), necessary to limit damage from earth faults or to operate on the small earth fault currents that flow in impedance‐earthed networks.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 12.7 (a) Two‐phase overcurrent and earth fault connection (b) Three‐phase overcurrent and earth fault connection.

A phase‐to‐phase fault will result in overcurrents on at least two phases, and these will be seen by at least one phase overcurrent element. However, in the special case of a delta‐star transformer protected by an overcurrent relay on the HV side, a phase‐to‐phase fault on the LV will result in twice the fault current appearing on one primary phase, which may be the one without an overcurrent element. While such a fault will be cleared, this may not occur as fast as if the heavily faulted phase had its own overcurrent element. These days all phases are provided with a dedicated overcurrent element from either a digital or a numerical relay in the arrangement shown in Figure 12.7b.

12.5.1 Instantaneous (High‐Set) Overcurrent Elements

Overcurrent relays are often provided with an instantaneous or high‐set element that trips without an appreciable delay should the high‐set current threshold be exceeded. The current in the faulted circuit however will be interrupted a few cycles later, once the breaker has opened.

Instantaneous elements permit an upstream relay to be graded at the instantaneous setting of the relay immediately downstream and not the maximum fault current at that location, therefore enabling faster fault clearance to be achieved. They are usually applied in locations where a substantial change of impedance – and therefore of fault level – occurs between zones. They should be set so that they do not see faults in the next zone of protection, otherwise discrimination may be lost. For example, an instantaneous overcurrent element on the HV side of a transformer must be set so that it only sees faults at the HV terminals; it must never overreach into the LV protection zone if discrimination is to be preserved.

Transient Over‐Reach

The transient DC offset early in a fault current waveform will be seen by an instantaneous relay and may cause it to operate prematurely and overreach into the next zone.

The transient overreach percentage is defined as:


where IRMS pick up is the relay’s steady state RMS pick‐up current and images is the steady state RMS current which, when fully offset, causes the relay to pick up.

To avoid transient overreach the instantaneous current setting must be increased by this percentage, which in the case of high X/R ratios, can be large. This may result in a setting that is unusable should it exceed the maximum steady state in zone fault current, or result in the relay overreaching into the adjacent zone.

Overcurrent Protection: Current Transformer Requirements

Because IDMT overcurrent protection is inherently slow the transient performance of the CTs used is generally not critical, and some CT saturation in the first few cycles can be tolerated since the relay will usually operate well, after the transient component has died away. Class P transformers are generally used in such applications, but the accuracy limit factor chosen must be sufficient to permit the steady state fault current to flow in the connected burden. For example a 500:1, 15 VA, 10P20 core will deliver a maximum of 20 A to a 15 Ω burden with a composite error less than or equal to 10%; it will therefore be suitable for steady state primary fault currents of up to 10,000 A at rated burden. Where the total connected burden is less than the rated burden, the accuracy limit factor increases according to:


and the maximum primary fault current increases in proportion. Since the burden presented by modern numerical relays tends to be very small, the cabling burden is usually a significant component of the total burden seen by the CT, which may be considerably less than the rated burden.

In the case of instantaneous protection however, where fast operation is required, the transient performance of the CTs concerned is important. Due allowance must therefore be made for any DC transient component of the fault current. This will require the CT to generate larger CT secondary voltages, increased by the transient factor (1 + X/R). In such cases IEC class PX or TP or IEEE class C CTs should therefore be used.

12.5.2 Directional Overcurrent Relays

There are numerous applications in which the correct operation of an overcurrent relay depends on detecting the direction of a fault current. For example, a fault on one of two parallel connected feeders, like those shown in Figure 12.8, will result in fault currents flowing from both busses towards the fault. As a result, all relays will see the fault and if each has a simple overcurrent element, it is possible that all breakers will trip, resulting in complete loss of supply to the load. Instead, in such cases, it is usual to fit directional overcurrent relays at the load, operating whenever the fault current exceeds the relay setting and is flowing away from the bus into the protected feeder. Such an arrangement will ensure that the faulted feeder is tripped while the healthy one remains in service. The directional elements can be provided with low time multiplier settings since they do not need to be graded with the upstream relays.

Parallel connected feeders displaying parts labeled HV, MV, supply bus, over-current relays, directional o/c relays, etc.

Figure 12.8 Parallel connected feeders.

The fault current direction is defined as that in which power flows towards the fault. In general this will be a reactive power flow, since the network impedance limiting the fault current is itself largely reactive. The directional element is therefore based on a VAr‐meter, configured to measure the VArs flowing towards the fault. It must correctly discriminate the direction of this power flow, and allow a trip only when VArs flow in the reverse direction.

In Chapter 10, we saw that reactive power could be measured using a wattmeter supplied with a voltage in quadrature with the phase concerned. Therefore in order to measure the A phase VArs, we supply the A phase wattmeter element with a scaled version of the BC line voltage together with the A phase current; it therefore measures images. Such an instrument is therefore most sensitive to currents which are either in phase or 180° out of phase with the BC line voltage. Similarly this VAr element is least sensitive to currents lagging or leading the BC line voltage by 90°.

Electromechanical instruments must produce a torque in order to turn the disc, and exhibit a maximum torque angle (MTA), which is defined as the angle between the applied voltage and current at which the relay produces maximum torque, i.e. the angle at which the relay is most sensitive. In the example above, the MTA is 0°, as depicted in Figure 12.9. In the case of static and digital relays, this angle is referred to as the relay characteristic angle (RCA). For currents that lie 90° away from the MTA or RCA, the relay has zero sensitivity. In terms of electromechanical relays this is referred to as the zero torque line.

Maximum torque angle with parts labeled supplied voltage along VBC (y-axis), zero torque line (dashed line) along VA (x-axis) with restrain (upward) and operate (downward arrow), and ϕA depicting the angle.

Figure 12.9 Maximum torque angle.

A directional relay must determine whether the reactive power flow is towards the faulted feeder, in which case a trip signal must be generated, subject to a sufficiently large fault current flow. Alternatively, if the reactive flow is away from the feeder, then relay operation must be restrained, regardless of the magnitude of the fault current seen. Directional overcurrent relays therefore require two elements, a directional element and an overcurrent element, both of which must concur in order for a trip signal to be generated.

In protection applications the quadrature voltage is known as a polarising voltage. There are several different voltages that could be used for polarising a relay, but in practice relatively few are used. Directional earth fault relays use the zero‐sequence voltage, Vo (or in practice the residual voltage, 3Vo) for relay polarisation, since this is directly related to the zero‐sequence earth fault current.

Directional phase overcurrent relays generally use a quadrature voltage connection as described above, although the applied voltage is usually internally phase shifted to produce an MTA or RCA other than zero degrees. Figure 12.10a shows such an arrangement. As above, the BC line voltage is supplied to the A phase element, to which an additional 30° anticlockwise phase shift is applied internally, yielding an MTA of 30°. The relay therefore has a maximum sensitivity to currents lagging the A phase voltage by 60°. It exhibits 50% of this sensitivity to currents in phase with the A phase voltage, and 86% to quadrature currents. By shifting the MTA in this way, the relay provides a useful response for currents leading the A phase voltage by 30° to lagging currents of about 150°. This arrangement is summarised as a 90‐30° connection.

Schematic of 90–30° connection displaying zero torque line (dashed) and restrain and operate (two-headed arrow) with VA (rightward arrow), VBC (downward arrow), and MTA= 30° (Southeast arrow).
Schematic of 90–45° connection displaying zero torque line (dashed) and restrain and operate (two-headed arrow) with VA (rightward arrow), VBC (downward arrow), and MTA= 45° (Southeast arrow).

Figure 12.10 (a) The 90‐30° connection (b) The 90–45° connection.

Figure 12.10b depicts the 90‐45° connection in which the supplied voltage has been internally phase shifted towards the A phase voltage by 45°. This provides an MTA of 45° and a useful response for currents leading the A phase voltage by 45° and lagging it by up to 135°. The relay must operate for power flows from the bus towards the faulted circuit and restrain for flows away from it.

12.6 Differential Protection

Differential protection is a form of unit protection frequently used in the protection of transformers, transmission lines and busbars. It is based on Kirchhoff’s current law, and operates by comparing the phase currents flowing on either side of a transformer, or between the ends of a transmission line, as depicted in the single‐phase circuit of Figure 12.11. An out‐of‐zone fault generates a through‐fault current in each CT which circulates through the secondary windings, bypassing the relay. On the other hand, an in‐zone fault may be seen by one CT, or alternatively it may be fed from both ends of the line. In either event, the secondary current(s) will flow through the relay resulting in a rapid trip.

Basic differential protection displaying parts labeled 100A, 100: 1, 1000: 1, 1000A, HV and LV (2 overlapping circles in the middle), ∆I >, and 1A.

Figure 12.11 Basic differential protection.

12.6.1 Transformer Differential Protection

Differential protection frequently forms part of transformer protection schemes. Depending on a transformer’s vector grouping, there is often a phase shift between primary and secondary voltages and currents. Such a shift must be allowed for in a differential protection scheme so that the primary and secondary CT currents are compared in‐phase, otherwise a spill current will flow in the relay, possibly causing an unwanted trip. Electromechanical and static relays derive a complementary phase shift from the CT connection itself. This concept is illustrated in Figure 12.12 which shows differential protection applied to a delta‐star Dyn11 transformer, in which the LV line currents lead those on the HV side by 30°. A complementary 30° lag in the measured LV currents is achieved by connecting the CTs on the delta side of the transformer in a star configuration, and those on the star side in delta. (Note that the delta connected CT windings on the LV side introduce a factor of √3 between the current flowing in each CT and those seen by the relay. A ratio correction will also be necessary to accommodate the difference in magnitude between HV and LV currents.) In the case of electromechanical and static relays this is achieved through the use of interposing current transformers in the CT secondary circuit as shown in Figure 12.12, but in digital and numerical relays both phase and ratio corrections are implemented in software, permitting all CTs to be star connected, regardless of the transformer’s configuration.

Transformer differential protection displaying parts labeled A, B, C, HV, MV, a, b, c, ∆I>, and interposing CT.

Figure 12.12 Transformer differential protection.

(A dot convention is commonly used in transformer schematics like Figure 12.12 to identify winding polarities. The end of each winding marked with a dot corresponds to the same polarity.)

Transformer Magnetising Current

The transformer’s magnetising current must also be catered for in a differential scheme. In the steady state, this is generally only a few per cent of the transformer’s rated current, but as discussed in Section 7.5.4, at switch‐on the magnetic inrush current may become very large indeed, momentarily exceeding the rated current. Such an inrush current will appear as an internal fault, and the relay must be restrained from operating while the steady state flux is established. The DC component present during magnetic inrush (see Figure 7.18) means that the current waveform does not possess half wave symmetry, and therefore contains even harmonics (see Section 13.2.2). Of these the second harmonic is usually the largest, and its presence is frequently used to temporarily restrain the relay’s operation.

Figure 7.18 also shows that the inrush current is close to zero for a considerable fraction of each cycle. This feature can also be used to inhibit relay operation until a steady state flux is established in the core.

Zero‐Sequence Current

An earthed star or zigzag connected winding on one side of the transformer can deliver zero‐sequence currents to an out‐of‐zone earth fault which will be misinterpreted by a differential relay as an in‐zone fault. It is therefore necessary to prevent the passage of zero‐sequence currents in the associated CT secondary circuit. In the case of electromagnetic or static relays this is achieved by including a delta connection, either in the CT’s windings themselves or in those of an associated interposing CT. Digital and numeric relays have the software capability of filtering zero‐sequence currents in addition to making phase and ratio corrections. Figure 12.12 illustrates this for a Dyn11 transformer where HV zero‐sequence line currents are blocked by the transformer’s delta winding. Zero‐sequence currents can flow in the star connected LV windings but are excluded from the secondary circuit by the delta connected CTs, which are also required for the phase correction.


Where a tap‐changer is present, CT ratios are usually set to suit the principal tap (i.e. that for which the nominal primary voltage will generate nominal secondary voltage, on an unloaded transformer). A tap‐changer dynamically alters the transformer’s effective turns ratio, partially upsetting the primary–secondary current balance, which can lead to a spill current flowing in the relay. However, correct operation is ensured through the use of a biased differential relay in which the spill current required to operate the relay increases with the magnitude of the current flowing.

Biased Differential Relays

Magnetising current, the presence of a tap‐changer or CT ratio errors can all contribute to an erroneous spill current flowing in the relay’s operating winding. These effects could be negated by setting the relay’s differential operating current above the maximum spill current likely to arise from such sources; however, this would unnecessarily limit the sensitivity of the relay. Instead, the relay operating current is made to increase in approximate proportion to the magnitude of the fault current. This is achieved through the use of bias windings to restrain the relay’s operation, as shown in Figure 12.13. This significantly improves the low fault sensitivity by permitting a smaller differential current to trip the relay under light load conditions.

Biased differential protection displaying parts labeled HV and LV (2 overlapping circles in the middle), ∆I >, I1, I2, Bias windings, and Differential relay.

Figure 12.13 Biased differential protection.

The bias characteristics for an Areva KBCH transformer differential protection relay appear in Figure 12.14. The bias current (sometimes called the restraint current) is equal to the average of the magnitudes of the CT secondary currents I1 and I2, while the minimum differential tripping current, images can be set in the range between 0.1In and 0.5In, where In is the rated CT secondary current. The tripping characteristics lie above the likely magnetising current of the transformer concerned and have a slope of 20% up to rated current, to allow for operation throughout the transformer’s tapping range and any CT mismatch. Beyond In, the slope rises to 80% to allow for the effects of CT saturation at high through currents occurring due to the transient DC fault current component.

Graph of bias current = |I1+ I2|/2 vs. differential operating current = |I1– I2| displaying 3 ascending lines labeled 20% slope, 80% slope, restrain, operate, and allowable 20% ratio error.

Figure 12.14 Bias characteristic for an AREVA KBCH transformer differential protection relay.

Differential Protection: CT Requirements

IEC class PX, TP or ANSI class C current transformers are generally used in transformer differential protection applications, and it is important that they do not heavily saturate during through‐fault conditions. The biased relay characteristic will accommodate some saturation, but if this is to be avoided, the knee point voltage must be chosen to accommodate the transient DC component of the fault current. The knee point voltage must exceed the maximum secondary winding voltage. A safety factor of 2–4 is often applied, therefore:


where Ek is the knee point voltage, Is max is the maximum symmetrical secondary current under fault conditions, Rct and Rb are the CT winding and the burden resistances respectively, including the cabling resistance, X and R are the primary network reactance and resistance up to the point of the fault and Ktd is the transient dimensioning factor (typically 10–25).

In the case of IEC class PX or TP transformers the knee point voltage forms part of the specification and appears on the nameplate, while with ANSI class C CTs it is related to the rated secondary terminal voltage, and can be easily found from the corresponding magnetising characteristic.

12.6.2 Restricted Earth Fault Protection (REF)

Detecting faults to ground within a star connected LV transformer winding, especially those close to the star point can be particularly difficult from the HV side of a transformer. The LV fault current depends on the fault location, the leakage inductance associated with the faulted portion of the winding and the earthing system employed. In the case where impedance earthing is used, the fault current varies almost linearly with fault position, from very low values for faults close to the neutral terminal to the single‐phase‐to‐ground fault level for faults at the phase terminal. This current is reflected into the HV winding according to the effective turns ratio, which itself is also proportional to the faulted fraction of the winding. The fault current observed on the HV side therefore depends on the square of faulted fraction of the winding, and as shown in Figure 12.15, this can be difficult to detect for faults in the lower third of the winding.

Graph of percentage of winding to fault vs. percentage of single phase to ground fault current, displaying an ascending dash-dot line for secondary fault current and solid curve for measured primary current.

Figure 12.15 REF comparison of secondary and primary fault currents (impedance earthed system).

In the case of a solidly earthed neutral ground fault, currents become considerably larger, depending on the fault potential and the leakage impedance of the LV winding, which varies non‐linearly with fault position. In such cases there is also a discontinuity between HV and LV fault currents, making fault detection difficult.

A form of unit protection known as restricted earth fault protection is frequently applied to such windings and is illustrated in Figure 12.4. This differential scheme balances the phase currents against the neutral current and therefore ignores through faults, only operating in the event of an in‐zone earth fault. The direct measurement of the fault current permits the use of sensitive settings and fast relays, substantially increasing the fraction of each winding protected.

While all the phase CTs in such a scheme are notionally identical, the effect of the transient DC component of a through‐fault current can result in the saturation of one or more, particularly if all are not equally burdened. This can result in spill current flowing in the relay and with it the possibility of mal‐operation. A stabilising resistor is usually inserted in series with the relay, effectively making the combination voltage sensitive. This forces the spill current to flow through the very low magnetising impedance of the saturated CT, thereby avoiding relay mal‐operation. In this configuration the scheme is referred to as high impedance REF protection. The value of the stabilising resistor depends on the setting current of the relay and the CT knee point voltage of the CTs; its selection is detailed in the next section.

When an in‐zone fault occurs, one CT delivers current to the high impedance relay, and providing that its setting voltage is comfortably less than the CT’s knee point voltage, the relay will operate correctly. As mentioned above, a knee point voltage between 2 and 4 times the required setting voltage is usually specified.

Delta connected windings may also be protected using a REF scheme, as depicted in Figure 12.16. In this case since the phase currents normally sum to zero, any residual current is an indication of an earth fault. The fault current magnitude will depend on the earthing system used and the position of the fault on the winding. The minimum potential to ground on a delta winding occurs at its midpoint, and its magnitude is equal to half the corresponding phase potential. The winding impedance will be a sizeable fraction of the transformer’s impedance and in cases where the earthing impedance is moderate, the earth fault current may be of the order of 1 pu or perhaps less, and since this current will be delivered by two phases, it may be difficult to detect. Subject to this limitation, both sides of a transformer may include a restricted earth fault protection scheme.

Delta winding REF protection displaying parts labeled earthing impedance (ZE), A, B, C, I0>, IF, and protected zone (dashed box).

Figure 12.16 Delta winding REF protection.

12.6.3 Busbar (or Bus‐Zone) Protection

Busbars are generally very reliable and on the rare occasions when faults do occur, they are often the result of operator error or very occasionally by the failure of voltage or current transformers. Because of the critical nature of busbars and the loads they serve, busbar protection must be fast and reliable; it must operate correctly when required, tripping only the faulted bus section, while minimising any damage resulting from the fault. Through faults are much more common, and it is critical that busbar protection remains stable when the bus supplies an external fault.

In order to clear a fault, all the circuit breakers supplying the faulted bus must be tripped, which will usually result in a considerable loss of load. The consequences of an incorrect bus protection operation can therefore be severe, and the possibility of this is one reason for not providing busbar protection, particularly in small MV substations. In larger substations however, where the fault level is higher and the load larger, an uncleared bus fault can result in considerable damage, possibly resulting in the loss of the entire bus. In such cases busbar protection is usually provided to mitigate such risks. To ensure correct operation a bus fault must generally be seen by at least two independent protection elements before any breakers are tripped. Where a bus is sectionalised through the use of bus coupler breakers, only the faulted zone need be tripped and the protection scheme must be designed accordingly.

Bus‐zone protection usually relies on differential unit protection, whereby currents incoming to the zone are balanced against those leaving it (see Figure 12.17), through the use of either low impedance biased relays or high impedance unbiased ones. Such schemes can be made to operate very fast on relatively low differential currents.

Bus–zone earth fault protection (left) and bus–zone phase and earth fault protection (right) displaying parts labeled protected zone (dashed horizontal bars), A, B, C, N, ∆/>, incomers, and feeders.

Figure 12.17 (a) Bus‐zone earth fault protection (b) Bus‐zone phase and earth fault protection.

Differential High Impedance Bus‐Zone Protection

Figure 12.17 shows two arrangements for differential bus‐zone protection. In Figure 12.17a circulating CT currents balance on an instantaneous basis, and since the single overcurrent relay only sees the zero‐sequence current, it will only operate for ground faults located between the incoming and outgoing CTs.

The three‐element scheme in Figure 12.17b operates in a similar fashion, but since a relay is provided for each phase, it has the advantage of also being able to detect phase‐to‐phase faults as well as ground faults. Modern relays provide overcurrent elements for all phases and therefore this arrangement is now preferred.

Through‐Fault Stability

During out‐of‐zone faults, the fault current will be supplied by all the bus incomers (current sources), delivering it to the faulted outgoing feeder. Consequently one current transformer may see the entire fault current, the transient component of which may be sufficient to cause it to saturate, while the others carrying considerably less current, remain unsaturated. The result of this will be to generate a spill current in the relay, which may result in an unwanted trip. One way to avoid this is through the use of a high impedance relay. This may be a low impedance current calibrated relay with a series connected stabilising resistor, making it behave as a voltage sensitive device, or a high impedance voltage calibrated relay, in which the stabilising resistance is fitted internally.

Figure 12.18 shows such a situation in which a ground fault occurs on an outgoing feeder and the fault current is delivered by two incomers; the faulted feeder CT is assumed to fully saturate as a result. In this state, this CT sees no flux change throughout much of each cycle, and it consumes most of its current internally as magnetising current, therefore as a first approximation it can be represented as a short circuit, as shown in the figure.

Through‐fault operation of high impedance bus‐zone protection with parts labeled Incomer A, Incomer B, A, B, C, protected zone (dashed horizontal bar), Feeder C, IF, Saturated CT, etc.

Figure 12.18 Through‐fault operation of high impedance bus‐zone protection.

The reflected fault current in the secondary circuit, images divides between the relay, including its stabilising resistance RR, and the wiring resistance RwC in series with saturated CT winding resistance RctC. The currents flowing into the CT (images) and the relay (IR) therefore become:


Therefore by choosing RR appropriately, the spill current can be made as small as necessary to preserve the through‐fault stability of the scheme. The voltage developed across the relay and its stabilising resistance (VR) is therefore determined by the maximum fault current and the maximum wiring and winding resistances of any saturated CT. This is referred to as the stability voltage and is given by:


Where a voltage calibrated high impedance relay, like the MFAC14 is used (one including an internal stabilising resistor), the setting voltage VS, must be greater than VR. On the other hand, if a current calibrated low impedance relay such as the MCAG14 is used instead, together with an external stabilising resistor, the setting current images, must be chosen so that:


Finally, the assertion that a fully saturated CT can be replaced by a short circuit is in practice not quite correct. Every half cycle the flux density must swing from its saturation value in one direction to that in the other, creating a rapid change of 2Bsat. During this interval the CT produces a short pulse of current, one that is rich in harmonics. Many circulating current relays tune the relay winding to the fundamental frequency, making it insensitive to the harmonics created by saturated CTs. The inclusion of a capacitor in the relay circuit also makes the relay less sensitive to the transient DC component.

In the case of in‐zone faults, all CTs carrying a fraction of the fault current drive the relay and its stabilising resistance. Since the latter has been chosen to preserve through‐fault stability, it is quite possible that with the fault current from several CTs flowing, the burden presented may cause an excessively high voltage to develop, one which may threaten the CT winding insulation. In such circumstances while it is likely that some saturation will occur, it is usual to fit a non‐linear zinc oxide resistor (known as a Metrosil), in parallel with the relay and its stabilising resistor to limit the amplitude of any voltage developed. This device consumes very little current when the relay voltage is low, and effectively clamps the peak voltage by consuming large amounts when the voltage rises, by which time the relay will have operated.

Effective Primary Current Setting

During fault conditions all parallel connected CTs are excited to the setting voltage (or possibly beyond), and therefore the effective setting current should also include the magnetising current consumed within each CT which, depending on the magnitude of the setting voltage, may not be negligible. The effective primary current required to operate the scheme is increased in proportion, and is given by:


where IP is the primary tripping current, IS is the setting current, N is the CT turns ratio, n is the number of parallel connected CTs in the scheme and IeS is the excitation current at the relay setting voltage.

In order to obtain a fast fault clearance time the effective primary tripping current should be less than 30% of the minimum phase‐to‐earth fault current. In large switchboards, with many parallel connected CTs, the cumulative effect of the magnetising currents may lead to an excessive tripping current, which is another reason why the three‐element arrangement of Figure 12.17b is preferred.

High Impedance Bus‐Zone Applications

High impedance busbar protection requires the secondary windings of all current transformers to be connected in parallel, together with the relay and its stabilising resistor. These CTs must be virtually identical and dedicated to the scheme; they cannot be shared with other protection functions. The relay effectively becomes an over‐voltage device, sending trip signals to all breakers within its protection zone when its setting voltage is exceeded. The wiring for such a scheme is straightforward, and its cost is relatively low. These features make it attractive for simple bus arrangements like the sectionalised bus in Figure 14.7 which can be divided into two zones, one on either side of the bus coupler. For more complex arrangements where feeders can be switched from one bus to another, a secondary replica of the primary feeder arrangement is required and in such cases low impedance bus‐zone protection is preferred.

Low Impedance Bus‐Zone Protection

Low impedance differential relays can also be used in bus‐zone protection schemes and are arranged in a similar manner to the transformer differential protection discussed earlier. Stability is similarly assisted through the use of bias windings or through the use of a software implemented bias characteristic generated within a numerical relay.

The choice between high impedance and low impedance bus‐zone protection depends to a large extent on the complexity of the particular bus application. In the case of complex reconfigurable busbars, where incomers and outgoing circuits can be switched from one bus to another, low impedance bus‐zone protection is generally preferred. The reason for this choice is partly due to the differences between these protection schemes and partly due to the flexibility of modern numerical relays.

Consider applying high impedance bus‐zone protection to the double bus arrangement in Figure 14.8. In this configuration, incoming and outgoing circuits can be easily moved from one bus to another, by placing the associated circuit breakers into the appropriate cubicles, or by closing the appropriate isolator. Since separate zones of protection are required for each bus, the CT secondary currents must be reconfigurable to exactly mirror the primary circuit arrangement. This effectively demands that the CT currents be automatically switched whenever the bus is reconfigured. While it is possible to achieve this using the auxiliary switches within the circuit breaker cubicles (activated when the breaker is inserted) the switching of CT currents is fraught with danger. The risk of a switch mal‐operation may be relatively low, but its consequences for the protection scheme are high. An open circuited CT will generate dangerously high voltages and its absence from the scheme will result in a spill current likely to trip the relay.

Low impedance schemes can be configured in a way that does not require the switching of CT currents. While these appear to operate on a similar principle to high impedance schemes, the significant difference between them is that a low impedance relay is sensitive to current and not voltage. While fault current can be detected by conventional low impedance relays like those in Figure 12.17, it need not be. So long as the vector sum of the CT secondary currents can be calculated, the presence of an in‐zone fault can be determined with certainty. This fact and the flexibility of numerical relays has enabled low impedance bus‐zone protection to be applied to reconfigurable busbar arrangements without the need to switch CT currents.

While low impedance schemes do require an image of the primary circuit to be generated (often called a dynamic bus replica), this is not in the form of switched CT currents. Instead it is sufficient to supply a numerical relay with a digital indication as to which bus a given breaker is connected, from which it can build a software replica of the primary circuit. Position information is obtained from auxiliary switches associated with the isolator connecting the breaker to the bus, either from within the circuit breaker cubicle in the case of metal clad switchgear, or directly from within the isolator, in the case of an aerial switchyard.

The secondary current from each CT is also supplied to the relay as shown in Figure 12.19, and from the dynamic bus replica the relay vectorially sums all the CT currents appropriate to each zone. When a circuit breaker is relocated to another zone its CT current will appear in the associated summation, therefore any residual current arising indicates the presence of an in‐zone fault, for which all the breakers in that zone must be tripped.

Current and position information supplied to a numerical relay displaying parts labeled Incomer, Circuit breaker, Bus 1, Bus 1 isolator, CT, Bus 2, Bus 2 isolator, etc.

Figure 12.19 Current and position information supplied to a numerical relay.

Should an auxiliary switch mal‐operate and provide the relay with incorrect position information, a false trip could result. This contingency is mitigated by the use of both normally open and normally closed position switches, the logical states of which must agree if a valid breaker position is to be inferred. When these disagree, the relay alarms, and switching operations must cease until the problem has been rectified. As mentioned earlier, bus‐zone protection schemes also generally include a check relay to confirm the existence of a fault; this will prevent a protection mal‐operation in the presence of a position error.

Because a low impedance relay has access to the current from each CT, it can implement any necessary bias characteristic, generating a bias (or restraining) current from the algebraic sum of the CT currents, and the operating (or differential) current, from their vector addition. This information is used to determine a dynamic trip threshold for the relay of the kind shown in Figure 12.14.

Other functions such as breaker fail protection can also be provided by a low impedance numerical relay, where if a post‐trip current is detected in any circuit breaker, the tripping of all breakers supplying the failed device is triggered. Numerical relays also permit the use of current transformers having different ratios and because each CT is only burdened by the relay, it can if necessary be used for other functions as well.

Current Transformer Requirements

High impedance schemes require a greater degree of CT performance and in order to preserve the through‐fault stability, the setting voltage for a high impedance scheme VS must exceed the stability voltage VR. As a result, the CT knee point voltage (Ek) must also exceed the setting voltage. Relay manufacturers generally require a safety margin of at least a factor of two, yielding:


IEC class PX or TP current transformers are suitable for use in both high and low busbar protection applications as are ANSI class C transformers, since the knee point voltage and the secondary winding resistance are readily available.

12.7 Frame Leakage and Arc Flash Busbar Protection

Bus‐zone protection in MV metal clad switchgear can also be achieved using a frame leakage technique whereby the switchgear frame is grounded through a current transformer connected to an overcurrent relay. Since most switchgear faults involve phase‐to‐ground faults, any ground fault within the switchgear will be seen by this CT, allowing a rapid trip to be initiated by the overcurrent relay. Frame leakage protection requires that the switchboard be supplied from a grounded source so that a substantial fault current will flow in the event of a ground fault. The switchboard structure must also be insulated from ground, including the isolation of all cable sheaths, so there is no possibility of earth fault current flowing through this CT from an external source. In the case of sectionalised busbars, each bus section (or zone) is insulated from the next and equipped with its own frame leakage CT and dedicated overcurrent relay. This arrangement allows only the faulted section to be tripped.

Figures 12.20a and 12.21 show a three‐section 11 kV busbar with frame leakage protection. Here each section is insulated from the concrete floor as well as from its neighbours by sheet rubber and the frame must also be independent of the reinforcement within the concrete slab. The centre section includes a bus coupler breaker, while those on either side each have a transformer incomer and outgoing distribution feeders. Figure 12.20b shows the frame leakage CTs on a similar switchboard. Each bus section has its own frame leakage CT while the bus coupler section has two, one of which supplies current to the bus A frame leakage relay and the other to the bus B relay, as depicted in Figure 12.21. A fault in either section will result in tripping all the associated breakers including the bus coupler, while a fault in the bus coupler section will generally result in the loss of the entire switchboard.

Photo displaying the sectionalised frame leakage protected bus with arrows labeled Frame leakage CTs, Substation earth conductor, Cable box insulation, and Frame insulation.
Photo displaying frame leakage CTs with arrows labeled Substation earth conductor, Bus coupler frame leakage CTs, Bus ‘A’ frame leakage CT, and Bus ‘B’ frame leakage CT.

Figure 12.20 (a) Sectionalised frame leakage protected bus (b) Frame leakage CTs.

Typical two bus frame leakage arrangement with parts labeled Bus 'A' protection zone, Bus 'B' protection zone, Feeders, Bus coupler, Frame insulation, Concrete floor, etc.

Figure 12.21 Typical two bus frame leakage arrangement.

In practice a switchboard frame will generally see a non‐infinite leakage impedance to ground in parallel with that of the local earth grid. So long as the former is large compared with the latter, the frame leakage scheme will operate correctly. The leakage impedance may however introduce a portion of any external ground fault current to the switchboard frame, which will then flow to the station earth grid through the frame leakage CT(s). Should this current become excessive the scheme may mal‐operate, and for this reason any leakage impedance should be large with respect to the frame to earth impedance, and the overcurrent relays should be set accordingly.

A zero‐sequence check relay is often used in conjunction with frame leakage protection schemes, one based on the presence of a neutral current or on the existence of a residual current or voltage within the MV winding supplying the bus. The check relay will generally have an instantaneous setting, and bus‐zone trips will be contingent on the operation of both the frame leakage relay and the check relay.

Frame leakage schemes are seldom used in modern switchboards due to the need to preserve the frame insulation throughout the life of the switchboard, while ensuring that accidental foreign earth connections do not introduce earth currents that may be interpreted as fault currents. There have been many nuisance trips of frame leakage busbar protection schemes for this reason.

Arc Flash Busbar Protection

The requirement to insulate the entire switchboard frame and cable glands from ground is expensive and must be maintained throughout the life of the switchboard. This has led to a decline in the use of frame leakage schemes. In recent years fibre optic sensors capable of detecting the light from an arcing fault have become available. Together with arc flash monitor relays, these provide a simple alternative to frame leakage and circulating current based bus protection systems. They can be retro‐fitted to existing metal clad switchgear or fitted to new switchgear during manufacture and can detect both phase‐to‐ground and phase‐to‐phase faults and provide very fast fault clearance times.

Arc flash sensors fall into two categories: the first is a naked optical fibre, capable of collecting light from an arc flash anywhere along its length and delivering it to an arc flash relay. This type of sensor can detect a fault anywhere throughout the bus chamber of a switchboard. The second type of sensor detects light from an arc flash through a lens at the end of an optical fibre. These are used to detect arc flash energy in specific locations such as in circuit breaker chambers or in cable termination enclosures.

Arc fault detection protection schemes also require some form of check protection to prevent nuisance trips. The check function is usually provided by a neutral earth fault or phase overcurrent relay or an overcurrent element within the arc monitor relay itself. This element is not required to time out or to generate a trip, but simply to pick up, confirming the existence of an internal fault. The arc monitor relay will issue a trip command when an arc has been detected and a fault current has been detected within the switchboard. In a similar fashion to frame leakage and high/low impedance bus protection schemes, arc fault protection can also be applied to sectionalised busbars, so that the minimum equipment is tripped in the event of a fault.

12.8 Distance Protection (Impedance Protection)

The protection schemes discussed in the preceding sections each depend solely on current information being supplied to a protection relay. Distance protection (also called impedance protection) is used to protect HV and EHV transmission lines and uses both current and voltage information in order to determine the impedance of the line between the relay and a fault. Because the impedance of a transmission line is proportional to its length, an impedance relay can be made capable of detecting a fault anywhere along the length of the line being protected. The maximum distance at which an impedance relay is capable of clearing a fault is known as its reach, and is determined by pre‐programmed impedance settings representative of the line to be protected.

An impedance relay can be thought of as a voltage controlled overcurrent relay, where the voltage seen by the relay acts as a restraining influence. For faults occurring far from the relay, the line voltage it sees is relatively large, being given by the product of the fault current and the line impedance to the fault. In this situation, the relay requires a relatively large fault current in order to operate. On the other hand for close‐in faults the line voltage seen by the relay will be small and the relay will not be so restrained, and will therefore trip on a smaller fault current. Unlike overcurrent relays whose reach is dependent on the local fault level which may vary with the state of the network, the reach of an impedance relay remains substantially constant.

The protection elements within distance relays compare the voltage seen at the relay with that generated across a replica of the line impedance ZL, carrying the observed fault current. A trip command is issued when the magnitude of the observed voltage falls below that seen across ZL. An impedance relay with this characteristic is non‐directional and will trip whenever the apparent line impedance falls inside the impedance characteristic, regardless of the direction of the fault current flowing.

The impedance characteristics of a distance relay are summarised in a resistance‐reactance (R‐X) diagram, like that shown in Figure 12.22a, which represents the impedance values for which the relay will operate. The line AB in Figure 12.22a represents the positive sequence impedance of the line to be protected, and is characterised by a dominant inductive component. The relay is assumed to lie at the origin and it will operate when the apparent fault impedance falls within the circle, i.e. within the relay’s reach. A fault at point F on the line, for example, will cause the relay to operate.

Impedance circle displaying R- and X-axes with a diagonal dashed line labeled C, F’, A, F, B, and Zline along the center of the circle.
Characteristic of a directional impedance relay displaying a dashed line labeled A, B, and Zline; a diagonal line with tines for directional element; and a two-headed arrow for operate and restrain.

Figure 12.22 (a) Impedance circle (b) Characteristic of a directional impedance relay.

In this case, because the R‐X characteristic is centred on the origin, the relay is said to be non‐directional, since it will trip for faults in either direction so long as the apparent impedance seen by the relay falls within its impedance circle. A fault at point F’, behind the relay, will therefore cause this relay to mal‐operate.

In order to ensure the correct discrimination is achieved, a directional element is fitted to the relay, as shown in Figure 12.22b. This element appears as a straight line on the impedance diagram and it will only allow the relay to respond to faults in front of the relay, i.e. along the line being protected.

Alternatively, the mho characteristic shown in Figure 12.23 is more commonly used. Since this characteristic passes through the origin, it is directional in nature having maximum reach for impedances lying along the diameter AC. The angle ?, between the R axis and the line AC is the relay characteristic angle (also called the maximum torque angle), while angle θ is the angle of the line impedance AB.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 12.23 The ‘mho’ characteristic.

A bolted fault at point F on the line will result in an apparent impedance seen by the relay equal to AF. However, in cases where the fault resistance is non‐zero, the apparent impedance seen by the relay becomes slightly more resistive. For example, if FF’ represents the arc resistance associated with a fault, then the apparent impedance becomes AF’. The relay is said to under‐reach slightly since the apparent impedance is greater than the line impedance to the fault. By choosing the relay characteristic angle equal to θ rather than the angle ϕ, an allowance can be made for any fault resistance that may arise. Since ABC is a right‐angle triangle, the reach of the relay (AC) is related to the fraction of the line to be protected (AB) according to:


The relay’s setting must therefore be chosen to achieve the desired reach along the line to be protected.

Co‐ordination of Distance Relays

The actual reach achieved by a distance relay depends upon the accuracy of the information supplied to it. Errors in current and voltage information, the impedance values programmed into the relay and even those in the relay itself, all contribute to the tolerance on the reach achieved. Satisfactory coordination of distance relays is achieved by employing a multi‐zone approach to reach and trip delay setting. Three zones of protection are usually employed, although modern digital and numerical relays offer the possibility of more.

Zone 1 is typically set at 70–80% of the length of the line being protected. This is to ensure that the relay cannot see beyond the end of its line. Zone 1 protection is directional, responding only to faults along the line, allowing the Zone 1 element to trip instantaneously.

Zone 2 is also directional and covers the remainder of the line. It is typically set to 120% of the line impedance and therefore it also sees part of the next line. It must therefore be time graded with any other relays that lie within its reach and provides backup protection for the remote busbars.

Zone 3 is often set to reach beyond Zone 2 with correspondingly longer delay times. The Zone 3 impedance circle can also be offset to include the origin as shown in Figure 12.24a. This will permit the relay to provide backup protection for the local busbars immediately behind it.

Graph of R vs. X of the zones of protection displaying 3 layers of circles labeled zone 1, 2, and 3 (offset mho), with other parts labeled Bus zone behind relay (origin) and Load impedance region (R-axis).
Graph of R vs. X of the lenticular mho characteristic displaying 2 overlapping circles with common area being striped and a dashed line in the middle.

Figure 12.24 (a) Zones of protection (b) Lenticular mho characteristic.

Lenticular Impedance Characteristic

Figure 12.24a also includes a typical load impedance characteristic. In cases where the Zone 3 reach is large, there is a risk that the load may encroach on the relay characteristic, possibly causing nuisance trips, particularly under emergency conditions when the line may be heavily loaded. To avoid this, a lens‐shaped (lenticular) characteristic may be used instead, as shown in Figure 12.24b. This can be obtained from the intersection of two mho characteristics with one displaced towards the X axis, thereby providing an improved immunity against load encroachment.

Quadrilateral Impedance Characteristic

In addition to the circular impedance characteristics discussed, a quadrilateral characteristic similar to that in Figure 12.25 is also available. This is useful for the earth fault protection of MV and HV lines where vegetation can give rise to highly resistive faults. The relay’s forward reach along the line is determined by the line impedance at point B which can be set independently from its resistive reach at C. Care must be taken in the choice of this parameter so as to avoid problems of load encroachment.

A quadrilateral impedance characteristic displaying a diagonal line with tines along the R- and X-axes with a dashed line labeled A, B, and Zline, and a label C along the R-axis.

Figure 12.25 The quadrilateral impedance characteristic.

Distance Relay Impedance Measurements

Phase voltage and line current information is supplied to an impedance relay which sees an apparent secondary impedance given by:


The relay’s reach must therefore be specified in terms of the equivalent secondary impedance of the portion of the line to be protected.

Distance relays evaluate the positive sequence impedance Z1, between the relay and the fault. In the case of three‐phase, phase‐to‐phase and phase‐to‐phase‐to‐ground faults the relays measure this impedance by evaluating the ratio of the line‐to‐line voltage and the current flowing between the faulted phases. For faults involving the A and B phases for example, Z1 is calculated from:


In the case of phase‐to‐ground faults the fault current must return to the neutral terminal via the ground impedance Zg (which includes any neutral earthing impedance that may be fitted), as shown in Figure 12.26a. In this case the ratio of the phase‐to‐ground voltage and the phase current will not yield the positive sequence impedance of the line, since images. However, modifying the impedance equation as shown below will result in the correct evaluation of the positive sequence impedance.


where Kn is called the neutral compensation factor images, which is often approximated as a real number, and 3I0 is the residual current seen by the relay.

Phase–to–ground fault displaying 3 AC voltage sources labeled VA, VB, and VC connected to three Z1 and one Zg to IA and to fault.
Comparison of zero–sequence networks displaying parts labeled V0 (two upward arrows), I0 (two lines with dots at the end), and Z1, 3Zg, and z0 (three blocks along the line).

Figure 12.26 (a) Phase‐to‐ground fault (b) Comparison of zero‐sequence networks.

The replica phase voltage VA is generated in the relay by the sum of two voltage drops: IA through the positive impedance Z1 and the residual current 3I0 through Zg. The latter is adjusted so that for an earth fault at the maximum reach of the relay, VA equals the voltage measured at the relay, thus images.

By comparing the zero‐sequence networks in Figure 12.26b and remembering that 3I0 flows in Zg, we obtain the relationship images and therefore images. A distance relay requires three impedance comparators for phase‐to‐phase faults and three for phase‐to‐ground faults, for each of its zones of protection.

Voltage and Current Transformers

As mentioned, voltage transformers provide a distance relay with phase‐to‐ground voltage information. The sudden loss of potential from a voltage transformer may suggest a close‐in fault sufficient to instantly trip the relay, or alternatively it may simply mean the failure of either a VT primary or secondary fuse. Voltage supervision circuitry within a distance relay is necessary to prevent spurious trips in the latter case, while ensuring that the relay operates correctly in the former.

Impedance relays evaluate the line’s positive sequence impedance from voltages and currents at the system frequency only, and therefore any transient DC current present will be ignored. However, it is important that the DC current does not saturate the CTs and thereby corrupt the underlying symmetrical fault current information. The knee point voltage Ek should therefore be chosen according to:


IEC class PX or PXR CTs or IEEE class C CTs would be suitable for distance relay applications (see Chapter 9).

12.9 Problems

  1. Resonant earth fault detection (Refer to Section 11.5.2)

    Figure 12.27 shows an MV substation fitted with resonant earthing, from which three aerial feeders originate. A residual current transformer is fitted to each one, for the purpose of fault location when phase‐to‐ground faults occur. Under normal conditions the residual current flowing to the Petersen coil is near zero, since the capacitive currents flowing from each phase sum to approximately zero. However, when a phase‐to‐ground fault occurs the balance is upset and a residual current exists in each CT. The purpose of the protection scheme is to detect that corresponding to the faulted feeder, so the fault can be quickly repaired.

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure 12.27 Faulted cable in a resonant earthed system.

    1. A phase‐to‐ground fault exists on the c phase of feeder 3. Use a phasor diagram to show that in this condition the residual current on any feeder leads the residual voltage (3Vo) by 90° and therefore that the residual current is driven by the residual voltage. Finally show that if the inductance is tuned correctly, no fault current will flow.
    2. Show that images drives the inductor current, and that the inductor current is equal to images.
    3. Show that the residual current in the faulty feeder is given by: images. Use this equation to obtain the phasor diagram in Figure 12.28a assuming that both the Petersen coil and the feeders are lossless.
    4. The protection scheme must discriminate between the residual current on the un‐faulted feeders and that on the faulty one. Figure 12.28a suggests that this is difficult, since all residual currents lie in phase and are approximately the same magnitude. However, the situation changes slightly when the resistance in both the Petersen coil and the feeders is taken into account. Show that the phasor diagram in Figure 12.28b results when both these elements are slightly resistive.
    Phasor diagram depicting discrimination in a faulted feeder displaying a horizontal two-headed arrow with 3 arrows for –IRI,–IR2, and IR3 aligned in vertical manner, and upward arrows for IL and IR1, IR2 at the middle.
    Phasor diagram depicting discrimination in un-faulted feeder displaying a horizontal two-headed arrow with arrows for IL, IR3, –IR1, – IR2, and IR1, IR2 and a vertical dashed line depicting zero power line for 0° RCA.

    Figure 12.28 Discrimination between faulted and un‐faulted feeders.

    One way of achieving this discrimination is to provide a wattmetric protection element for each feeder. This is essentially a zero‐sequence wattmeter with the current from the feeder’s residual CT supplied to its current terminals, and the residual voltage images, applied to its voltage terminals (known as the polarising voltage). The wattmeter on the faulted feeder will indicate the forward zero‐sequence power flow VoIR3 cos(ϕ3), while those on the un‐faulted feeders 1 and 2, will indicate the reverse power flows VoIR1 cos(ϕ1) and VoIR2 cos(ϕ2) respectively, because these phase angles are in excess of 90°. By polarising the relay in this way, effective discrimination can be achieved between the faulty and the healthy feeders.

    An additional resistance is often inserted in parallel with the Petersen coil to increase the relay discrimination. This occurs at the expense of a small resistive current flowing in the faulted phase. In the case of a resonant earthed system it is generally not necessary to immediately trip the faulted feeder, so long as the fault can be quickly located and repaired.

  2. The simple radial network shown in Figure 12.29 is protected by an overcurrent relay on the each side of the transformer. The three‐phase fault level on the HV side is 10 kA. The relays use the standard inverse curves shown in Figure 12.6 and have a pick‐up/reset ratio of 0.9, and plug settings from 0.5 to 2.0 in 0.25 A steps.
    1. Determine the fault level on the LV side of the transformer.
    2. Assuming that the relay on the LV side need not grade with any relays further downstream, determine a suitable plug setting, the TMS required and the time taken for this relay to trip on an LV fault.
    3. Choose a suitable current setting and TMS for the HV relay to achieve a grading margin of 0.4 seconds between the two relays.
    4. Calculate the trip time for a fault occurring on the HV side of the transformer.
    5. What grading margin will exist between these relays for a fault current of 5000 A on the 22 kV side?
    One line diagram displaying a source with fault level of 10 kA having a rightward arrow labeled Load passing through 2 vertical lines labeled 66 kV and 22 kV and two CTs labeled 600:1 and 1000:1 and a transformer.

    Figure 12.29 One line diagram.


    1. If the fault level on the 66 kV bus is 10 kA and the rated current there is 525 A, the per‐unit impedance there is 525/10,000 = 0.0525 pu which scales as images on a 40 MVA base. The fault level on the 22 kV side of the transformer is therefore images, and since the 22 kV rated current is 1050 A, the fault level is 9130 A.
    2. The plug setting for the LV relay should ideally be greater than 1050/0.9 = 1167 A so a current setting of 1.25 A will suffice. Since there is no need to grade with any downstream relays the TMS setting can be set to the minimum of 0.1. A fault on the 22 kV bus will cause this relay to see 9130/1000 = 9.13 A (M = 9.13/1.25 = 7.3), causing it to trip in 0.34 seconds.
    3. The rated 66 kV current is 525 A and the relay setting should exceed 525/0.9 = 583 A, so a relay current setting of 1 A will suffice. A 9130 A fault on the LV side is reflected into the HV side as 3043 A, which will appear as 5.07 A in the relay, i.e. M = 5.07. This must result in a trip time of (0.34 + 0.4) = 0.73 seconds. With a TMS of 1.0 this relay will trip in 4.24 seconds, and therefore the required TMS is (0.73/4.24) = 0.172.
    4. A three‐phase fault on the HV bus will result in 16.67 A flowing in the relay, i.e. M = 16.67. With a TMS of 0.18 the relay will trip in 0.43 seconds.
    5. For a 5000 A fault on the 22 kV side, the LV relay will see 5 A thus M = 4, and from the equation the trip time will be 0.5 seconds. This fault current will be reflected as 1667 A on the HV side, and therefore the HV relay will see 1667/600 = 2.77 A, thus M = 2.77 and the HV trip time will be 1.17 seconds. The grading margin between the two relays will be 1.17 – 0.5 = 0.67 seconds. Therefore providing discrimination is achieved at the maximum fault current it will be maintained at lower currents as well.
  3. The CT connections for a transformer differential protection scheme are shown in Figure 12.30. Based on the CT connections, what is the vector grouping of the transformer?
    (Answer: Yd11.)
    Primary and secondary CT connections, depicting A′, B′, and C′ (left side) and a’, b’, c’ and n’ (right side) connected to a box with letters A, B, C, N, a, b, and c, along the sides.

    Figure 12.30 Primary and secondary CT connections.

  4. A current calibrated MCAG14, 1 A attracted armature circulating current relay is to be used in a restricted earth fault protection scheme on the LV side of a solidly earthed 30 MVA, 110 kV:11 kV Dyn11 transformer, in which 1600:1 CTs are to be used. The relay has setting currents of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 A and the tripping curve is shown in Figure 12.31. The transformer impedance data appears in Table 12.2, and each CT has a winding resistance of 9 Ω with a worst case lead resistance of 1 Ω.
    1. Determine the phase‐to‐earth fault level assuming the upstream impedance is negligible.
      (Answer: IFault = 5431 A.)
    2. Calculate the stability voltage VR, choose a suitable setting voltage VS as well as the knee point voltage of the CTs.
      (Answer: VR = 34.5 volts, a suitable setting voltage therefore might be 40 V, thus EK ≈ 80 V.)
    3. Assuming a relay setting current of 0.4 A is chosen, calculate the stability resistance RR assuming that the relay resistance is negligible, and determine the voltage that would be seen across the relay and stabilising resistance for in‐zone faults in the absence of CT saturation.
      (Answer: RR = 100 Ω, 345 V.)
    4. Calculate the effective primary earth fault current required to operate the relay. Assume that the exciting current of each CT at its knee point voltage is 50 mA. It is usually acceptable to scale this current linearly to the setting voltage.
      (Answer: 800 A.)
    5. Estimate the relay operating time corresponding to the fault current calculated in (a). (Answer: Operating time ≈ 20 msec.)
    6. Repeat parts (c) through (e) for a setting current of 0.8 A. (Answer: RR = 100 Ω, 345 V, Ipri = 1440 A, operating time ≈ 23 msec.)
    Graph of multiples of pick-up current vs. operating time displaying a descending curve.

    Figure 12.31 MCAG14 operating characteristic.

    Table 12.2 Transformer impedances.

    Transformer impedances
    (30 MVA base)
    Z1 = Z2 Z0
    0.007 + j0.21 pu 0.0 + j0.45 pu
  5. Figure 12.26a shows a circuit with a phase‐to‐ground fault. The source and line impedance is represented by Z1, the positive sequence impedance, while the ground path impedance is represented by Zg.
    1. Show through the inclusion the neutral compensation factor Kn in the equation below, that the positive sequence impedance results, i.e.:
    2. Show by comparing the earth fault current calculated from Figure 12.26a and that predicted by symmetrical component theory, that:
    3. Why does this approach not work for a phase‐to‐phase‐to‐ground fault?
  6. Show that for the case of a phase‐to‐phase‐to‐ground fault, the ratio images is equal to the positive sequence line impedance.
  7. A 132 kV transmission line has the following per unit impedances on a 100 MVA base.

    images and images. Zone 1 is set to 80% of the line length with the RCA equal to the line angle.

    1. Calculate the neutral compensation factor, Kn.
      (Answer: images.)
    2. Determine the secondary impedance setting required for Zone 1 if the VT ratio is 132 kV:110 V and the CT ratio is 1000:1.
      (Answer: images)
    3. A phase‐to‐earth fault on the line generates a phase current of images pu, and a zero‐sequence current of images pu. Will the relay operate if it sees a voltage of images pu on the faulted phase? Justify your answer.
      (Answer: No)
    4. What is the maximum voltage the relay would require under these circumstances in order for it to operate?
      (Answer: 0.539 pu.)
  8. A three‐phase fault somewhere on the line described in question 7 generates a current of images pu. The corresponding voltage seen by the relay was images pu.
    1. What secondary impedance was seen by the relay?
      (Answer: 13.5 secondary ohms)
    2. Did the Zone 1 comparator generate a trip?
      (Answer: Yes)
    3. At what point on the line did the fault occur?
      (Answer: 62% of the line’s length.)
  9. If the ground impedance in Figure 12.26a (images) has the maximum impedance according to the requirements for effective earthing in Section 11.5.4, determine the earth fault factor. You may assume that the positive and negative sequence impedances are equal and wholly reactive. Is this as you expect?
    (Answer: 1.35)

12.10 Sources

  1. 1 GEC Alsthom, Protective relays application guide, 1990, GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Limited, Stafford UK.
  2. 2 Areva T&D, Network Protection and Automation Guide, 2005, Areva, Paris.
  3. 3 IEEE Std C37.112 IEEE Standard inverse‐time characteristic equations for overcurrent relays, 1996, IEEE Power Engineering Society, New York.
  4. 4 IEC 60255‐151 Measuring relays and protection equipment (2009) International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva.
  5. 5 IEEE Std C37.110 Guide for the application of current transformers used for relaying purposes, 2007, IEEE Power Engineering Society, New York.
  6. 6 Sethuraman Ganesan, Selection of current transformers & wire sizing in substations, ABB Inc, Allentown, PA.
  7. 7 Alstom MCAG14/34, MFAC14/34 Application guide, high stability circulating current relay, R6136D, 2013, Alstom.
  8. 8 Blackburn Jl, Domin TJ, Protective relaying, principles and applications, 2007, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  9. 9 Behrendt K, Costello D, Zocholl S E, Considerations for using high impedance or low impedance relays for bus differential protection, 49th Annual Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, April 2013, revised February 2016.
  10. 10 Kasztenny B, Brunello G, Modern cost‐efficient digital busbar protection solutions 29th Annual Western Protective Relay Conference, GE Power Management, Ontario, October 2002.
  11. 11 Ekanayake J, Karunanayake J, and Terzija V, Modern power system protection, 2017, Wiley Publishing.
  12. 12 Horowitz SH, Phadke AG, Power system relaying, 4th Edition, 2014, Wiley Publishing.
  13. 13 Anderson P M, Power system protection, 1998, Wiley – IEEE Press.
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