Earthing Systems

Low voltage distribution systems are generally based on a star connected set of windings where each phase voltage is referenced to the neutral terminal. The system of earthing the neutral determines the fault characteristics of the network, including the touch voltages to which people will be exposed in the event of a fault, and the magnitude of the current flowing. A solidly earthed neutral, for example, will result in large fault currents, but it will limit the extent to which over‐voltages can exist. On the other hand, while earthing the neutral through an impedance reduces the magnitude of earth fault current, it does so at the expense of permitting considerable over‐voltages to occur. Therefore electrical equipment must be capable of withstanding either high fault currents or large over‐voltages, until such time as a fault can be detected and cleared.

LV Electrical systems are earthed for the following reasons:

  • To provide a current path to earth in the event of a phase‐to‐ground fault
  • To provide a limit on the voltage that exposed metallic parts of an installation may attain during a fault
  • To permit the operation of protective devices that remove the risk of electric shock to personnel in the vicinity of a fault
  • To limit the rise of the LV potentials due to a fault within the MV network

Earthing system design is based on mitigating the effects of electricity on the human body that can occur during an earth fault. Therefore before we begin a discussion of the various earthing systems in use, we need to understand a little of the adverse effects of electric current on the body.

11.1 Effects of Electricity on the Human Body

Considerable research into this topic was done in the late 1940s and early 1950s by an American professor by the name of Charles Dalziel at the University of California, Berkeley. He carried out rigorous electrical experiments on himself as well as on numerous volunteers, and gathered a large amount of data on the effects of both AC and DC on the body. The standard IEC 60479, Effects of Current on Human Beings and Livestock owes much to Dalziel’s work, as well as that of others. Interestingly he also designed the first solid‐state residual current device (RCD) in the USA.

The RCD is now common in both domestic and industrial applications, where it interrupts the AC supply when it detects the presence of a ground fault current.

11.1.1 Mild Electric Shocks

Electrical currents as low as 0.5 mA can provoke a reaction from a person touching a conductive surface, although this does depend on the force applied to the surface, whether the skin is wet or dry and other physiological characteristics of the individual concerned. Higher currents, of the order of 3–6 mA, though considerably more uncomfortable, are not debilitating and the person can release the conductor concerned in order to stop the current flow. However, if the current flowing through the body increases beyond this, then the person concerned may not be able to let go.

Dalziel conducted an experiment on a group of 28 women and 134 men to determine the current threshold beyond which letting go was not possible, the let‐go threshold. The results of this work are summarised in the graph of Figure 11.1. He determined an average let‐go threshold for men of 16 mA, and 10.5 mA for women. These values can be read from the graphs in Figure 11.1 at the 50th percentile. Half of the people in the sample tested were able to let go at currents above these values, and half were not. Today IEC 60479 assumes a let‐go threshold of 10 mA for adult males. At higher shock currents ventricular fibrillation and electrocution become more likely.

Graph of let‐go current distribution (60 Hz) (IEC 40679), displaying 3 ascending solid lines labeled Dalziel’s estimate for children, 28 women, and 134 men.

Figure 11.1 Let‐go current distribution (60 Hz) (IEC 40679).

(Originally published in: ‘Deleterious Effects of Electric Shock’, by Professor Charles Dalziel, 1961) (IEC/TS 60479‐1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch).

11.1.2 Electrocution and Ventricular Fibrillation

Electrocution is defined as death occurring as a result of electric current flowing through the body. The most common electrocution effects relate either to the disruption of the heart’s natural pumping rhythm, known as cardiac arrest, or to a cessation of the respiratory system, i.e. the breathing response. Ventricular fibrillation is the most likely cause of cardiac arrest through electrocution. Both these effects prevent the body from receiving the oxygen it requires, either because (1) when in cardiac arrest, the heart fails to effectively pump blood, or (2) if breathing ceases insufficient oxygen enters the bloodstream. In either event the end result is the same.

Figure 11.2 shows a view of the heart and a typical electrocardiogram (ECG), which is a graph representative of the electrical potentials developed within the muscles of the heart. The numbers in Figure 11.2 designate the propagation of the muscle contraction with time throughout the heart.

Left: Illustration of the heart with parts labeled 1-5. Right: Electrocardiogram with 3 double-headed arrows labeled heart cycle, spread of excitation, and recovery from excitation.

Figure 11.2 Electrocardiogram (IEC 60479).

(IEC/TS 60479‐1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch).

Of particular interest is the T wave on the right‐hand side of the ECG. The ventricular muscles are recovering during this period, and at this time in the cycle the heart is particularly vulnerable to ventricular fibrillation, triggered by an external shock current. Figure 11.3 shows the effect of fibrillation, arising from such a disturbance, introduced early in the T wave.

Illustration of ventricular fibrillation and loss of blood pressure displaying two fluctuating waves with labels P, R, Q, S, and T.

Figure 11.3 Ventricular fibrillation and loss of blood pressure.

(IEC/TS 60479‐1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch).

Following a shock of sufficient magnitude and duration, the regular ECG waveform is destroyed and as a result the ventricular muscle begins to contract erratically. The pumping action of the heart ceases and, as shown, the blood pressure falls. Unless the heart can be quickly restarted, death is very likely.

Through his research, Dalziel was able to show that the body responds to high amplitude short duration shocks in a similar way to low amplitude long duration ones. He summarised his results in an empirical equation that predicts the shock current flowing through the heart, at the threshold of ventricular fibrillation:

where I = the threshold ventricular fibrillation AC current (mA), t = shock duration in seconds (0.03 < t < 3.0 sec), K is a constant relating to the body weight of the person concerned, (K = 116 for a 50 kg person and K = 157 for a 70 kg person).

The energy delivered as a result of any shock is proportional to the I2t product, and to the body resistance Rb, thus we can write:


The shock energy required to trigger ventricular fibrillation is therefore proportional to:


Shock energies in excess of 50 joules can be sufficient to trigger ventricular fibrillation in individuals, the prevention of which is vital if injury or death is to be avoided. Therefore a well‐designed earthing system must ensure that prospective shock energy is kept below the threshold of ventricular fibrillation.

While Equation (11.1) strictly applies for AC currents between 15 and 100 Hz, a similar result also applies for direct current. Direct current is less effective in causing fibrillation than is AC current. This is partly because the stimulation of nerves and muscles is associated with changes in the magnitude of the current flowing. Once established, direct current is roughly constant in magnitude, and as a result it is less likely to trigger ventricular fibrillation.

Experimental results suggest that the magnitude of the DC current required to trigger fibrillation is about 3.75 times greater than its AC equivalent. IEC 60479 defines a DC/AC equivalence factor (k) as follows:

Equations (11.1) and (11.2b) can be combined to yield the graph in Figure 11.4, which shows the AC and DC ventricular fibrillation threshold currents as a function of shock duration. Clearly, as the duration of the shock increases, considerably less current is required to trigger ventricular fibrillation. It is interesting to note, however, that for shocks of 3 seconds duration, DC currents around 300 mA are required to trigger fibrillation, whereas AC currents of the order of only 80 mA will achieve the same result.

Graph of AC & DC ventricular fibrillation current threshold vs. shock duration, displaying 4 descending lines representing 50kG AC, 70kG AC, 50 kG DC, and 70 kG DC threshold.

Figure 11.4 AC & DC ventricular fibrillation current threshold vs shock duration.

11.1.3 Electrical Resistance of the Human Body

The severity of a shock depends upon many things, including the magnitude of the shock current, its duration and timing with respect to the cardio rhythm, the points of entry and exit from the body, the associated body resistance between these points, and the physical characteristics of the person concerned.

Given all these variables, it is not surprising that people respond very differently to mild electric shocks. What may seem painful and unpleasant to one person may scarcely be felt by another. One parameter that is useful in estimating the shock current a person may receive is the body’s electrical resistance. Figure 11.5 shows average values of body resistance for fractions of the general population as a function of the shock touch voltage. These are plotted for 5, 50 and 95 percentiles. The body resistance of 95% of the population lies below the upper curve, 50% of the population exhibit resistances below the middle curve, and only 5% of the population have body resistances below the lowest curve. These curves apply to either hand‐to‐hand or hand‐to‐foot current paths, both of which are possible shock scenarios.

Graph of body resistance vs. touch voltage for hand‐to‐hand or hand‐to‐foot current paths displaying 3 descending curves labeled 95%, 50%, and 5% respectively.

Figure 11.5 Body resistance (ohms) vs touch voltage for hand‐to‐hand or hand‐to‐foot current paths.

(AS 3859, 1991) (© Standards Australia Limited. Copied by John Wiley & Sons with the permission of Standards Australia under Licence 1609‐c119).

The 5th percentile curve in Figure 11.5 is of interest in determining the worst case prospective AC or DC shock current, since it represents a body resistance lower than that possessed by 95% of the population. This curve suggests that an asymptotic body resistance of 1000 ohms is appropriate for AC or DC voltages up to 700 volts. Therefore the worst case prospective shock current can be estimated by measuring that drawn by a 1000 ohm resistance placed across any prospective shock potential.

The IEEE Standard 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding assumes a value of 1000 ohms for body resistance. It also conservatively neglects the effects of shoe and glove resistances in the calculation of touch and step potentials.

11.1.4 Electrical Shock Current: (How Much is Too Much?)

With the ability to estimate shock currents in this way, it is reasonable to ask ‘How much shock current is too much?’ IEC 60479 provides guidance on this, in the form of a graph showing time–current zones for AC (Figure 11.6). This is somewhat similar to Figure 11.4 in that it considers the shock current, as a function of shock duration, but here the current spectrum is divided into four zones. The physiological effects of each are as follows:

Zone AC‐1: There are usually no reaction effects, owing to the small shock current flowing.

Zone AC‐2: Usually no harmful physiological effects.

Zone AC‐3: Usually no organic damage to be expected. Likelihood of muscular contractions and difficulty in breathing, reversible disturbances of formation and conduction of impulses in the heart, including atrial fibrillation and transient cardiac arrest without ventricular fibrillation, increasing with current magnitude and time.

Zone AC‐4: In addition to the effects of zone 3, probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing up to about 5% (zone AC‐4.1), up to about 50% (zone AC‐4.2) and above 50% beyond (zone AC‐4.3). Increasing with magnitude and time, pathophysiological effects such as cardiac arrest, breathing arrest and heavy burns may occur.

Graph of body current vs. duration of current flow t of time–current zones for AC, displaying 5 solid curves labeled a, b, c,1, c2, and c3, indicating hatch lines labeled AC-4.1 (diagonal) and AC-4.2 (horizontal).

Figure 11.6 Time–current zones for AC.

(IEC/TS 60479‐1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch).

The body can tolerate the effects of quite large AC currents (200–500 mA), provided the shock duration is kept very short. Unfortunately, as the shock current magnitude increases, it becomes more difficult for victims to extricate themselves from the source of the current, and the longer the duration of the shock the more likely is the onset of ventricular fibrillation.

The technical report IEC 61200‐413 entitled Explanatory Notes to Measures of Protection against Indirect Contact by Automatic Disconnection of Supply defines permissible LV touch voltage exposure limits, illustrated in Figure 11.7. In order for the time–current zones defined in Figure 11.6 not to be violated as the prospective touch voltage rises, the duration of exposure must be reduced. In practice, this is achieved through the operation of fast‐acting protection devices isolating the LV supply.

Figure 11.7 shows two permissible LV touch voltage curves, L and Lp. The former relates to normal operation in dry conditions, and corresponds to a sustained touch voltage of 50 volts, known as the safety voltage. The latter is designed to cater for wet areas in which the body’s skin resistance is considerably lower. This corresponds to a sustained touch voltage of 25 volts.

These curves can be justified by assuming that the asymptotic body resistance of 1000 ohms in Figure 11.5 applies. The permissible touch voltage can then be plotted against duration on the time–current graph shown in Figure 11.8, since the touch voltage is approximately equal to the product of the shock current and the body resistance. Figure 11.8 shows that the resulting exposure curves avoid the likelihood of ventricular fibrillation.

Graph of maximum duration of permissible LV touch voltages displaying two descending curves labeled Lp (solid) and L (dotted).

Figure 11.7 Maximum duration of permissible LV touch voltages. (Curve L: Corresponds to a maximum sustained touch voltage, ULt = 50 V, for normal operation, Curve Lp: maximum sustained touch voltage, ULt = 25 V, for particular situations; generally wet areas) (Based on Figure C2, IEC TR 61200‐413, Copyright © 1996 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch.

Graph of curves Lp and L: maximum duration of permissible touch voltage displaying 5 solid curves labeled a, b, c,1, c2, and c3, indicating hatched lines labeled AC-4.1 (diagonal) and AC-4.2 (horizontal).

Figure 11.8 Curves Lp and L: maximum duration of permissible touch voltage.

(Adapted from IEC/TS 60479‐1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. www.iec.ch).

Provided that protection devices are chosen whose clearance times are less than the maximum permitted duration, then the likelihood of severe injury is remote. The prospective touch voltage that occurs as a result of a phase‐to‐ground fault depends to a large extent upon the LV earthing system used.

Electric shocks result from either direct or indirect contact with an exposed source of current. Direct contact occurs when contact is made with a live phase conductor. This is generally prevented by the use of both insulation materials and physical barriers in electrical installations.

Indirect contact occurs through contact with metallic components that have been accidentally elevated above earth potential as the result of an insulation failure elsewhere in an installation. Thus from the viewpoint of electrical safety, we are primarily interested in the effects of phase‐to‐ground faults.

Protection against indirect contact is provided by the earthing system, which limits the touch voltage and by the protection system which clears the fault within an acceptably short period of time. The latter is accomplished through the use of fuses or magnetic circuit breakers, or in the case of small ground fault currents, through the application of residual current devices.

11.2 Residual Current Devices

Residual current devices (RCDs – also referred to as earth leakage circuit breakers or ground fault interrupters) provide an effective method of detecting and clearing earth fault currents, without requiring access to the earth conductor(s) concerned. They are based on the use of a differential transformer to measure the small residual currents that arise in such situations. RCDs have been in use since the 1920s when the technology was applied to HV transmission lines to detect residual currents of the order of 10% of the line rating. The need to protect machinery from the damaging effects of earth faults became evident in the 1930s, and the technology was improved to achieve trip currents as small as 500 mA.

During the 1960s both French and Austrian engineers developed single‐phase earth leakage circuit breakers aimed at the protection of human life, operating at currents as low as 25–30 mA. In 1962, Charles Dalziel designed the first solid state RCD in the USA. This was capable of interrupting ground fault currents as small as 5 mA, for which he received a patent in 1965.

Today RCDs are an essential component in the interruption of small shock currents, and are found in virtually every home and industry. The IEC standard 61008 relates to RCDs without integral overcurrent protection, designated as RCCBs, while 61009 applies to RCDs with integral overcurrent protection; these are designated as RCBOs.

11.2.1 Operation of the RCD

The RCD operates on the principle of a differential transformer, as shown in the two‐wire circuit of Figure 11.9. It consists of a magnetic circuit upon which there are three windings. Two of these carry load current, one from the phase terminal to the load, the other from the load back to the transformer neutral connection. These windings are wound anti‐phase with respect to each other, so that when they carry the same current their ampere‐turns cancel, resulting in zero flux developed in the core.

The third winding senses any current imbalance between the other two. Thus, in the event that leakage current does find its way to ground, the core imbalance will result in a residual flux, proportional to the residual current flowing in the earth conductor(s). The resulting sense voltage is rectified, filtered and applied to the trip coil of the isolation switch, which breaks both source conductors.

Two-wire circuit of the RCD operating principle with a circle (middle) and loops connected to parts labeled push to test, source (vertical parallel lines), load, and A (diagonal dashed bar).

Figure 11.9 RCD operating principle. (Extracted and modified from Cahier Technique No 114, Residual Current Devices in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

The isolation switch is held closed by a permanent magnet contained within its magnetic circuit. When the trip current threshold is exceeded, the DC flux in the circuit is nulled, and the isolator opens under the action of a spring. Once open, the air gap in the magnetic circuit is sufficient to prevent re‐closure, and the isolator must therefore be reset manually.

The test button causes a small current to be bled from the outgoing active terminal to the neutral, without it passing through the neutral winding. This creates an imbalance in the core, and the resulting voltage in the sense coil trips the isolator. This facility enables users to periodically check that the RCD is functioning correctly.

In addition to the two‐wire RCD described above, three‐ and four‐wire circuits are also possible, so long as the protective earth conductor is not one of them. Under normal operation the vector sum of the currents flowing through the toroid adds to zero. Therefore any imbalance that does occur represents a genuine residual ground current, on which the unit will trip.

There are a couple of items relating to RCDs that should be stressed. Firstly, an RCD will not limit the magnitude of the ground fault current flowing; it will only limit the duration for which it flows. Secondly an RCD will not trip in the event of a phase‐to‐phase or a phase‐to‐neutral fault, since these do not affect the ampere‐turn balance within the core.

11.2.2 RCD Sensitivities and Operating Times

The sensitivity of an RCD is the rated residual operating current, given the symbol IΔn. Table 11.1 shows high, medium and low sensitivities commonly used in RCDs. Low and medium sensitivities are used for the protection of equipment and to assist in the prevention of fires ignited during low level insulation faults. Medium and low sensitivity RCDs are also used together to allow discrimination between circuits in order to isolate the faulty circuit.

Table 11.1 RCD sensitivities.

Sensitivity IΔn (mA)
High 6–10 or 30
Medium 100–300–500 or 1000
Low 3000–10,000 or 30,000

The high sensitivity RCDs are used for the purpose of shock prevention. In general residential applications, 30 mA is generally the trip threshold setting, but in hospitals and medical centres 6 or 10 mA may be used instead. In the USA, trip thresholds as low as 5 mA are also used.

The IEC standard 61008 defines two types of RCD based on tripping times. Type G (general) use RCDs will trip within 300 ms for ground fault currents less than 2IΔn while type S (selective) devices are fitted with a short operating delay which can also be helpful in achieving discrimination between circuits. Figure 11.10 shows the tripping characteristic for both these types, as multiples of the RCD operating current.

RCD trip time vs. ground fault current in multiples of IΔn displaying 2 descending curves depicting general (dashed) and type S (solid) RCDs.

Figure 11.10 RCD trip time vs ground fault current in multiples of IΔn, for general and type S RCDs.

Finally, Figure 11.11 shows a residential RCCB rated at 30 mA which can carry a through current of 40 A. The test button is located at the top of the device, and the isolation switch is below it.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 11.11 A 30 mA RCD used to protect socket outlet circuits.

(Note the test button and the isolation switch) (Image kindly supplied by Schneider Electric).

11.2.3 Limitations of RCDs

RCDs are very good at doing what they’re designed for, but there are several situations in which they will not operate, and these should be understood. Firstly, a three‐phase RCD will not operate in the event of a phase‐to‐phase or a phase‐to‐neutral fault, regardless of its magnitude. This is because such faults do not generate residual currents that flow back to the star point, via one or more earth conductors. Secondly, a fault on the secondary side of a transformer will not cause an RCD on its primary winding to trip, for precisely the same reason.

There are also some situations in which a single‐phase RCD may trip unexpectedly. These situations arise when a parallel path from the appliance neutral to the supply star point is inadvertently created. This can occur, for example, when using an oscilloscope, if the earth terminal of either channel is connected to the neutral conductor of an appliance protected by an RCD. By so doing, a parallel path is created back to the transformer’s star point, via the oscilloscope’s earth conductor. This path is likely to be slightly higher in impedance compared with the neutral conductor, but it may permit just enough neutral current to flow to unbalance and trip the RCD. Unexplained RCD trips should always be investigated.

11.3 LV Earthing Systems

The standard IEC60364 defines three earthing systems which are used in various forms worldwide. These are abbreviated by a two letter code: TT, TN and IT. The first letter applies to the connection of the LV distribution transformer’s neutral terminal.

  • T (terre or ground) implies that the transformer neutral is solidly connected to earth.
  • I (isolated) implies that the transformer neutral is isolated, but in practice this may mean a high impedance earth connection.

The second letter relates to exposed conductive parts of the customer’s premises, for example water or gas reticulation piping, metallic parts of buildings etc. These are generally bonded together to provide an equipotential installation in order to avoid the possibility of exposure to different potentials under fault conditions.

  • T implies that they are connected to earth at the customer’s premises.
  • N implies that they are connected to the LV transformer’s neutral terminal (via a distributed neutral conductor).

11.3.1 TT Earthing System

The TT earthing system sees both the transformer neutral and the customer’s switchboard connected to earth, as shown in Figure 11.12. Therefore any phase‐to‐ground fault current is limited by the earth impedances both at the customer’s premises and at the transformer. Assuming the fault impedance to be zero, the fault current, If is approximately given by:


where Vph is the faulted phase potential, Zf  = the fault loop impedance = images, ZS is the source impedance (largely that of the local MV‐LV transformer), ZL is the impedance of the active conductor, ZPE is sum of the protective earth conductor impedance and the customer’s earth impedance and ZT is the transformer earth impedance.

Of these impedances, ZPE and ZT are generally the largest. Therefore the associated touch potential Vt is approximately:


Z PE and ZT are likely to have similar magnitudes and therefore images. Since this is in all cases beyond the permissible continuous touch voltage of 50 volts (or in wet areas 25 volts), then the protection equipment must limit the exposure duration to a value less than that specified in Figure 11.7.

TT earthing system displaying parts labeled Zs (inductor), ZT (earth ground symbol), If, RCD, ZL, PE, ZPE, Vt, and appliance frame with a man touching the frame with triangular waveforms surrounding his body.

Figure 11.12 TT earthing system.

(Adapted from Cahier Technique No 114, Residual Current Devices in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

The fault current in a TT system, being limited by earth impedances, may not be sufficient to operate the installation’s short‐circuit protective devices (fuses or magnetic circuit breakers), which must be dimensioned according to the rated load current. Therefore residual current devices like those shown in Figure 11.13, must be used to detect and clear the fault, in which case we require:


where IΔn is the operating current of the RCD and VLt is the maximum sustained touch voltage (also known as the safety voltage).

Image described by caption.

Figure 11.13 Left: An RCD current transformer on an LV circuit breaker; IΔn = 300 mA. Right: An RCD current transformer on an 11 kV feeder. (Note that since the 11 kV cable sheaths pass through the CT, then in order to remove the effect of any sheath current, the sheath earth conductors must pass back through the CT in the opposite direction).

11.3.2 TN Earthing System

The TN system of LV earthing has the customer’s switchboard and all other exposed metallic components solidly connected to the LV transformer neutral, which itself is earthed at the transformer. The phase‐to‐neutral fault impedance is therefore relatively low, and large fault currents can flow as a result. These are often well in excess of normal load currents and therefore the short circuit protective devices (SCPDs) will quickly clear such a fault. The TN earthing system is pictured in Figure 11.14.

Because of the heavy fault currents flowing through the transformer and supply conductor impedances, the phase voltage Vph seen by the customer will fall during the fault, typically by at least 20%.

TN earthing system displaying parts labeled a, b, c, n, PE, If, Vt, and appliance frame with a man touching the frame with triangular waveforms surrounding his body.

Figure 11.14 TN earthing system.

(Adapted from Cahier Technique No 114, Residual Current Devices in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

The fault current for a phase to neutral fault is therefore given by:


And the touch voltage Vt is equal to the drop in the protective earth conductor, thus:


If these impedances are approximately equal then:


Therefore in 230/400 volt systems the touch voltage will be about 90 volts, and since this is in excess of the sustained touch voltage limit of 50 volts, then according to Figure 11.7 the SCPD must clear the fault in less than 450 ms. In cases where the impedance of the supply conductors is high or unknown, a combined circuit breaker/RCD may be used, i.e. an RCBO.

The satisfactory operation of SCPDs requires a fault current of sufficient magnitude that will ensure operation of the fuse or magnetic circuit breaker within the required clearance time. The fault current in turn depends upon the impedance of the faulted circuit, known as the fault loop impedance. This impedance, defined in Figure 11.15, includes the source and active conductor impedances to the fault, as well as the return path via the protective earth and neutral (PEN), back to the neutral terminal of the transformer, i.e. path 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6. The fault impedance is assumed to be zero.

Schematic displaying earth fault loop definition with parts labeled A, B, C, PE, If, a, b, c, PEN, neutral bar, customer’s switchboard, appliance frame, etc.

Figure 11.15 Earth fault loop definition.

The fault loop impedance, Zf is sufficiently small if the following equation is met:


where Zf is the fault loop impedance, Vph is the faulted phase voltage and Ia is the current that will ensure operation of the SCPD (fuse or magnetic circuit breaker), within the required clearance time. (This is often taken to be the instantaneous trip current of a circuit breaker.)

Due to the relative size of the distribution conductors in the power network compared to those within the customer’s premises, it is assumed that at least 80% of the faulted phase potential is dropped within the customer’s premises. As a result, there exists a maximum route length for customer circuits, beyond which the SCPD will not operate within the required time. The maximum route length can be calculated using the following equation, which assumes negligible inductive conductor impedance (i.e. that the phase and PEN conductors run in close proximity to each other and are therefore predominantly resistive).


where Lmax is the maximum route length in metres, ρ is the resistivity at the working temperature Ωmm2/m, (22.5 × 10−3 for Cu or 36 × 10−3 for Al), Sph is the customer’s phase conductor cross‐sectional area in mm2 and Spen is the customer’s PEN conductor cross‐sectional area in mm2.

Should a proposed circuit length exceed Lmax, then the cross‐section of the conductors must be increased or the circuit’s current rating must be reduced. Larger conductors may also be demanded by the minimum voltage drop requirements for circuits approaching this length.

Where local regulations permit, an RCD may be used to protect long circuits. This makes the calculation of the fault loop impedance unnecessary. In such cases, the RCD threshold must be chosen so that:


(This solution cannot be applied in the case of TN‐C earthing, since here the neutral and the protective earth are the same conductor, see the following section.)

Variations on the TN Earthing System

Figure 11.16 shows several variations on the TN earthing system. These are designated TN‐C, TN‐S and TN‐C‐S. The TN‐C system (Figure 11.16a) uses a common protective earth and neutral (PEN) conductor, whereas the TN‐S system (Figure 11.16b) separates these conductors. While a combined neutral and PEN saves one conductor, it has the disadvantage that the return current flowing back to the neutral terminal of the transformer generates a small potential drop between the earth potential at the transformer and that at the customer’s premises. Further, in the presence of a significant triplen harmonic component1, the neutral may become overloaded, particularly if its dimensions are smaller than those of the associated phase conductors. In France, for example, the TN‐C system is only permitted when the size of the PEN conductor exceeds 10 mm2.

In the TN‐S system the functions of the neutral conductor and the protective earth are separated by the provision of a distributed earth conductor, shown in Figure 11.16b and 11.16c. The TN‐S system offers the opportunity of isolating the neutral conductor via the SCPD, while maintaining the protective earth connection. (It is not permitted to connect a TN‐C system downstream of a TN‐S.)

TN‐C earthing system (common PEN conductor) displaying parts labeled A, B, C, If, a, b, c, SCPD, Vt, and appliance frame with a man touching the frame with triangular waveforms surrounding his body.
TN‐S earthing system (separate neutral and earth conductors) displaying parts labeled A, B, C, If, a, b, c, SCPD, Vt, and appliance frame with a man touching the frame with triangular waveforms surrounding his body.
TN‐C‐S earthing system (TN‐C followed by TN‐S) displaying parts labeled A, B, C, PEN, If, a, b, c, SCPD, Vt, and 2 appliance frames with a man touching one frame with triangular waveforms surrounding his body.

Figure 11.16 (a) TN‐C earthing system (common PEN conductor) (b) TN‐S earthing system (separate neutral and earth conductors) (c) TN‐C‐S earthing system (TN‐C followed by TN‐S).

(Adapted from Cahier Technique No 178, The IT Earthing System in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

Earthing of the Neutral Conductor

Because of the possibility that the PEN may carry sizeable fault currents, in many countries it is common to earth this conductor at frequent intervals along its length, thereby providing a global grounding system in which the division of earth fault currents provides a reduction in the earth potential rise (EPR) that otherwise might occur. In the USA and the UK when a TN‐C system is used, multiple earth connections are made at regular intervals to the PEN in the public network, while in Germany this conductor is earthed upstream of each customer connection.

In Australia and New Zealand a variation to the TN‐C earthing system is used, one known as the multiple earthed neutral (MEN) system, in which each customer connection includes an earth rod on the customer’s premises, to which the PEN conductor is connected via an MEN connection between the earth bar and the neutral bar in the customer’s switchboard, as depicted in Figure 11.17 Thus the MEN system is effectively TN‐C upstream of the customer’s switchboard and TN‐S downstream of it.

MEN switchboard arrangement displaying parts labeled line (1, 2 or 3 phases), main switch, protective devices, main earth bar, MEN connection, main equipment, switchboard, etc.

Figure 11.17 MEN switchboard arrangement (AS/NZS 3000:2007)).

(© Standards Australia Limited. Copied by John Wiley & Sons with the permission of Standards Australia under Licence 1609‐c119).

All exposed metal surfaces are connected to the switchboard earth conductor, including water and gas reticulation piping. The earthing of the neutral conductor at each customer’s earth electrode ensures the existence of a global grounding system both in residential and city areas.

As with all TN systems, a phase‐to‐neutral fault in the MEN system will result in large fault currents that will be cleared by the associated protective device(s). Assuming that the phase and neutral conductors have the similar cross‐sectional areas, the touch potential Vt will generally be about 0.4 Vph, as derived earlier. Provided the fault is cleared quickly (typically within 400 ms), there should be minimal risk of fire or electrocution. RCDs can be successfully used within the customer’s premises, since the neutral and the earth conductors are separate, and RCDs are now incorporated into all new Australian MEN installations as well as in older ones as they are upgraded.

Limitations of the MEN Earthing System

There are several situations in which the MEN system does not perform well, and while these do not arise frequently, when they do, the risks to personnel can be high. The first occurs in the event of an MV to LV contact or an MV earth fault within the local distribution transformer. This generates an EPR at the distribution transformer, which is impressed on the LV neutral. Because of the neutral‐earth connection in the customer’s switchboard, any such EPR is transferred to all earthed fixtures within the customer’s premises. This poses a significant safety risk to a person touching objects bonded to the earth bar, while standing on a surface at the local earth potential, for example when touching an outside tap.

The second situation arises in the event of a broken neutral conductor, upstream of the customer’s switchboard. In the case of either a TT or a conventional TN earthing system, such a break would immediately interrupt the supply, thereby highlighting the fault. However, under the MEN system, a broken neutral is partially masked by the neutral‐earth link, which allows return current to flow back to the transformer’s neutral via the customer’s earth electrode. Depending on the electrode resistance and the current magnitude, this situation may lead to a local EPR being impressed upon all items connected to the earth bar. The use of RCDs on circuits within the installation will not detect this situation, as the phase current remains balanced by the neutral current flowing back towards the earth bar.

If the customer’s earth electrode resistance is high, the effect of a broken neutral will be felt within the installation, usually in the form of dim lights or poorly operating appliances, but it may go undetected until a shock is received. (An example of such mal‐operation relates to standard RCDs, which may not function correctly in the presence of a reduced phase to neutral voltage.)

Some distribution companies have been sufficiently concerned about this risk that they have issued devices capable of detecting a broken neutral to their customers. Others are questioning whether a change to the TT earthing system might be a viable alternative.

11.3.3 IT Earthing System

In the IT earthing system, the LV transformer neutral is not earthed, or alternatively it is earthed through a high impedance. This may be from a few ohms in the case of resistively earthed systems to several hundred kilo‐ohms for fully floating systems, as illustrated in Figure 11.18. Exposed metal surfaces within the customer’s premises are connected to ground. Despite the lack of a solid earth connection, the LV neutral point remains close to ground potential. This is due to the presence of distributed network capacitances between each phase and ground (Figure 11.18), which effectively tie the LV neutral‐to‐ground potential. These capacitances arise in LV cables between the phase conductor and the earthed sheath, in transformers between phase windings and the earthed core, and to a lesser extent between overhead lines and ground. These capacitances are small and are approximately equal on each phase; they generally lie in the range 0.1–5 μF depending on the size of the LV network. As a result, under normal conditions the total positive sequence capacitor current flowing back to the transformer neutral is close to zero.

Because of the high impedance of both the earth and the distributed capacitances, the presence of a single‐phase‐to‐ground fault will not generate significant fault current, and therefore the resulting touch potential will be very low. As a result, the system can remain operational in the presence of the first fault, but this must be located and rectified before a second fault develops, which may result in high fault currents and therefore high touch voltages as well. The ability of the LV system to remain operational in the presence of the first fault is a particular advantage of IT earthing; for this reason, it is often used in applications where the AC supply is critical, such as hospitals and medical centres.

IT earthing system: first fault generates no hazardous touch voltages displaying parts labeled insulation monitoring device (IMD), Rt, If, PE, surge limiter, appliance frame, etc.

Figure 11.18 IT earthing system: first fault generates no hazardous touch voltages.

(Adapted from Cahier Technique No 178, The IT Earthing System in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

The fault current that flows for the first phase‐to‐ground fault can be calculated with reference to Figure 11.18 as follows. Because the neutral normally lies very close to ground potential, the current If will also be close to zero. However, in the event of a phase‐to‐ground fault on phase a, as shown, the capacitances associated with phases b and c will now each see a line voltage. The phasor diagram in Figure 11.19 summarises this situation. Icb, Icc and Icn will flow through ground towards the transformer star point. The magnitudes of Icb and Icb will be given by:


and their vector sum will equal:


Assuming that the neutral‐to‐ground capacitance is of a similar size to the phase capacitances, then the current Icn will equal VphωC and the total fault current will then be:


For a 230/400 V, 50 Hz system, with C = 5 μF then If = 1.4 A and the resulting touch voltage Vt, will be given by:


Since Vt is less than the continuous touch voltage of 50 volts, even for relatively high earthing resistance and phase capacitances, the LV system can remain in operation while the fault is located and repaired. However, the occurrence of a second fault before the first has been repaired can lead to hazardous touch voltages being generated.

Schematic displaying IT earthing system: phase‐to‐ground fault displaying connecting arrows forming a triangular plane labeled c, n, b, Vca, Vba, Icc, Icn, Icb, etc.

Figure 11.19 IT earthing system: phase‐to‐ground fault.

For example, consider a second fault, this time between neutral and ground, as shown in Figure 11.20. The second fault effectively generates a phase‐to‐neutral fault with fault current If flowing in the PE conductor. The associated voltage drops in the phase and PE conductors can create dangerous touch voltages of the order of 0.4 Vph, which must be cleared quickly. The magnitude of the phase‐to‐neutral fault will generally be such that the associated SCPD will clear the fault, but if the distance between the two faults is sufficiently large, then the cabling impedances may reduce the fault current below the threshold of the SCPD and then RCDs may be required for fault clearance instead.

Where the second fault to ground occurs on another phase, the interrupting circuit breaker must now interrupt a phase‐to‐phase fault which must also be cleared quickly. It is therefore a necessary requirement that all circuit breakers used in IT earthing systems be capable of interrupting a single pole phase‐to‐phase fault.

Second fault on an IT earthed LV network displaying parts labeled insulation monitoring device (IMD), Rt, If, PE, surge limiter, appliance frame, Rph, RPE, etc.

Figure 11.20 Second fault on an IT earthed LV network.

(Adapted from Cahier Technique No 172, System Earthing in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

A maximum route length can also be calculated for circuits within an IT earthing system, in a similar way to that already discussed for the TN system. In this case, the following equations apply:

  1. For IT circuits where the neutral is distributed, the fault potential will be a phase voltage, and the maximum route length is given by:
  2. For IT circuits where the neutral is not distributed the fault potential will be a line voltage, and the maximum route length is given by:

(Note that a factor of 1/2 has been applied to both these equations since there is now twice the length of each phase and protective earth conductor within customer premises, as compared with the TN earthing system. This is shown in Figure 11.20.)

Locating the first fault in an IT earthing system is not easy, due to the small capacitive currents involved and the need to determine which LV feeder is responsible for the fault. One obvious method is to disconnect feeders in turn and note which carries the fault current, but this technique requires interruption to the supply, which defeats the main advantage of the IT system in being able to operate safely through the first fault. More recent approaches include the injection of a low frequency signal between the transformer neutral and ground. The resulting current can then be traced to the offending feeder with handheld or permanently installed detectors, tuned to the injected signal frequency. It is expected that an insulation monitoring device will be installed between the transformer neutral and ground in an IT system, to highlight the existence of the first fault.

11.4 LV Earthing Systems used Worldwide

Table 11.2 shows the LV earthing system used in a selection of countries. The most common earthing system used throughout Europe is TT. In the United States, Germany, Australia and New Zealand the TN system (or modifications of it, as described already) are used. In each case, the neutral is grounded at multiple points along its length thereby achieving a very low earth resistance connection. This arrangement significantly reduces the earth potential rise during fault conditions since the many parallel paths to ground share the fault current.

Table 11.2 LV earthing systems used worldwide.

(Extracted from Cahier Technique No 173, Earthing Systems Worldwide & Evolutions with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

Country LV distribution voltage Earthing system Comments
Germany 230/400 TN‐C
LV transformer earth <2 ohms,
Neutral grounded upstream of each customer connection point for both TT and TN.
Belgium 230/400 TT Customer’s earth connection <100 ohms
30 mA RCD for socket outlets.
Spain 230/400 TT Customer’s earth connection <800 ohms with
30 mA RCD at supply point.
France 230/400 TT Customers earth connection <100 ohms
30 mA RCD for socket outlets.
Great Britain 240/415 TN‐C
TN‐S & TN‐C used in town areas,
Earth connection of the neutral provided by distributor; resistance <10 ohms.
TT used in rural areas.
Italy 230/400 TT RCD threshold is a function of customer’s earth resistance (IΔn <50 V/Rearth).
Japan 100/200 TT Customer’s earth connection <100 ohms
30 mA RCD.
Norway 230/400 IT (High earth resistivity region)
30 mA RCD trips domestic supply on second fault.
Portugal 220/380 TT Customers earth connection <100 ohms
USA 120/240 TN‐C Neutral conductor is earthed at customer’s premises.
Australia 230/400 MEN
(A special case of TN‐C)
Customer’s earth electrode is connected to the distributed neutral conductor via MEN link in switchboard.
RCDs are incorporated in all new installations and as part of modifications.
New Zealand 230/400 MEN
(A special case of TN‐C)
Customer’s earth electrode is connected to the distributed neutral conductor via MEN link in switchboard.

11.5 Medium Voltage Earthing Systems

The earthing of MV distribution networks is aimed at minimising both voltage and thermal stresses on equipment, while simultaneously providing an acceptable degree of personal safety. MV earthing systems tend to fall into two broad classifications, directly earthed or impedance earthed. Directly earthed systems have the MV neutral point solidly grounded and as a result ground fault currents tend to be large and require the immediate disconnection of the supply in order to prevent thermal damage to equipment. On the other hand (high) impedance earthed networks generate small ground fault currents and therefore present little danger of thermal damage to equipment. While they often may be left in service until the fault can be located, they suffer from over‐voltage conditions on the un‐faulted phases that are not present in directly earthed networks.

HV to MV transformers are generally either delta‐star or star‐star connected, in the latter case with the HV star point unearthed. These arrangements prevent zero‐sequence current from flowing from the MV network back into the HV network, while providing a neutral terminal with which the MV potentials can be referenced to ground.

MV to LV three‐phase transformers are generally either delta‐star (Dyn11) or star‐zigzag (Yzn11) connected. These vector groupings provide a low impedance path for LV zero‐sequence currents (so that unbalanced LV loads can be supported), while simultaneously preventing them from entering the MV network. Despite this, the MV earthing system can affect the operation of the LV network should a disruptive breakdown arise within the MV‐LV transformer. This presents a danger to users of the LV network, and is usually manifested as a phase‐to‐tank fault on the MV side, resulting in significant zero‐sequence current flowing to ground through the earth conductor attached to the transformer tank, as shown in Figure 11.21. This produces an EPR equal to the product of the fault current and the earth resistance at the transformer (Rt).

Transferred potential from an MV fault to the LV network with inductors (enclosed in a box)and with parts labeled A, B, C, D, a, b, c, n, fault, If, etc.

Figure 11.21 Transferred potential from an MV fault to the LV network.

The problem arises when the LV network earth shares the same earth electrode as the transformer tank, in which case the LV neutral and phase windings are also exposed to the resulting EPR. This effect is known as a transfer potential from MV to LV. It is generally not a serious problem in an MV‐LV substation, provided all exposed metallic surfaces are bonded to the substation earth grid, since the entire substation environment is raised by the same potential. However, it can become a serious problem in the wider LV distribution network, where a transient potential arises between the incoming neutral and the local earth, which may result in an LV insulation failure.

The IEC standard 60364‐4‐442 stipulates that the MV‐LV substation earthing must be such that the LV network is not exposed to an earth voltage of (1) Vph + 250 V for more than 5 seconds, (2) Vph + 1200 V for less than 5 seconds. (In the case of IT earthing: Vph becomes √3 Vph.)

This places a corresponding requirement on the rated withstand voltage between the phase and earth potential of LV customer equipment, which is typically around 1500 volts.

In order to obviate this risk, the MV earth fault current is often limited, by fitting a either neutral earthing resistor or a neutral earthing reactor between the MV neutral and ground at the HV‐MV substation. This approach is used in France and frequently in the UK as well.

An alternative to impedance earthing is to use HV‐MV transformers with a high zero‐sequence impedance, which limits the maximum zero‐sequence current that can flow in the event of a fault. Recall that for a single‐phase‐to‐ground fault, the sequence networks are series connected, and therefore the fault current is given by:


where Z1, Z2 and Z0 are the positive, negative and zero‐sequence impedances respectively.

The positive sequence impedance of the HV‐MV transformer is generally dimensioned to provide the three‐phase fault level required at the MV bus, which is usually set to suit the fault capability of downstream switchgear. However, since this fault current is unaffected by the zero‐sequence impedance, this can be dimensioned to reduce transformer’s single‐phase‐to‐ground fault level to an acceptable level.

As an example, a particular Australian transmission substation has both 220 kV and 110 kV busses, in addition to a 22 kV MV bus for local distribution. The published fault levels and sequence impedances for this substation, expressed in per unit on a 100 MVA base, are shown in Table 11.3.

Table 11.3 Actual transmission substation fault levels in an Australian transmission substation.

Bus voltage (kV) Three‐phase fault level (kA) Max single‐phase fault level (kA)
(based on 1.1 pu voltage)
Positive sequence impedance (pu) Negative sequence impedance (pu) Zero‐sequence impedance (pu)
R1 X1 R2 X2 R0 X0
220 12.8 15.3 0.002 0.023 0.002 0.024 0.001 0.011
110 14.7 16.5 0.002 0.039 0.002 0.041 0.001 0.025
22 10.1 5.6 0.006 0.286 0.006 0.288 0.000 0.961

The single‐phase‐to‐ground fault levels on the 220 kV and 110 kV busses are determined largely by the positive and negative sequence reactances, since the zero‐sequence impedance is relatively small by comparison. However, on the 22 kV bus this fault level is largely set by the high zero‐sequence impedance of the 110 kV:22 kV transformer, in this case being 0.961 pu. As a result the 22 kV single‐phase fault level is only about one‐third of that of the 220 kV or 110 kV busses.

By limiting the single‐phase fault current the transfer potential at the MV‐LV transformer will also be limited; however, it is usually necessary to take additional steps to ensure an acceptably low transfer potential. This is frequently achieved by:

  1. earthing the LV neutral conductor in multiple locations along its route, thereby effectively producing a global earthing system, achieving a very low overall earth resistance and providing multiple paths to ground for the fault current. This is particularly effective in TN systems.
  2. separating the transformer tank earth from the LV neutral earth connection by a suitable distance, so as to minimise the transfer potential between the two. This is often achieved in aerial distribution systems using pole‐mounted transformers, by earthing the transformer tank at the base of the transformer pole and the LV neutral one span away, on the next pole. This technique is effective in TT systems where the customer’s earth connection is remote from that of the transformer. By making the LV neutral earth connection somewhat remote from the transformer too, the neutral‐earth potential in the customer’s premises can be kept low during disruptive breakdown faults. This approach is used in most countries where the TT system is used, as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

Figure 11.22 shows the MV earthing requirements used in France. Here the LV earth connection must be at least 8 m from the transformer tank earth and also from the nearest dwelling, and the latter must also be at least 30 m from the MV transformer.

MV earthing requirements adopted in France (TT System) displaying 3 earth ground symbols labeled Rp<50Ω, RB<4 Ω, and RA<100 Ω connected to a house-like box with labels earth trip, PE, etc.

Figure 11.22 MV earthing requirements adopted in France (TT System). (Extracted from Cahier Technique No 172, System Earthing in LV with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

In the USA the MV transformer neutral is frequently distributed along with the MV phase conductors. This permits single‐phase MV‐LV distribution transformers to operate from a phase voltage rather than a line voltage, as is the case elsewhere in the world. Where an MV neutral conductor is available, it is connected to the LV neutral at each distribution transformer. As a result any MV ground fault current generated within a distribution transformer has a metallic path back to the MV neutral terminal. This substantially reduces the ground fault current flowing and therefore the transfer potential as well.

There are two options for earthing an MV neutral conductor, uni‐grounded and multi‐grounded. In a uni‐grounded system the distributed MV neutral conductor is earthed only at the MV transformer. As a result, the zero‐sequence component of the load current returns via the neutral conductor, while any earth fault current flows via the ground to the transformer neutral terminal. This makes detection of ground fault currents considerably easier.

The MV earthing example above requires a multi‐grounded neutral. While this ensures a low transfer potential, it does so at the expense of the ease of discrimination between an earth fault current and any zero‐sequence load current, since they share the same path back to the transformer neutral terminal, which includes both the neutral conductor and the earth.

11.5.1 Un‐Earthed MV Neutrals

In some countries, the MV neutral is unearthed, in a similar fashion to the IT system of LV earthing. In such cases the network capacitance between each phase and ground, ties the MV neutral terminal close to ground potential. As with the IT earthing system, the first phase‐to‐ground fault will generate a small residual capacitive fault current which, depending on the nature of the fault, may result in an arc. From the point of view of disruptive breakdown, such a fault will not generate large currents, and as a result the transfer potential seen in the LV network will generally be low. The MV supply can therefore remain in service until the fault is found.

Should an arc occur, however, significant over‐voltages may be generated. This is as a result of the intermittent nature of the arc current, the stray inductance associated with the fault path and the capacitance associated with the faulted phase. The arc current flowing in the fault extinguishes as it passes through zero; this occurs at the instant when the voltage across the fault capacitance is at its maximum (since a capacitive current leads the voltage by 90°). Thus when the fault first occurs, the faulted phase is pulled to ground potential, and the neutral terminal therefore rises by an amount equal to the peak voltage of the faulted phase. The arc current extinguishes at this time and the associated capacitance retains this charge thereafter. The system of phase voltages now operates one peak phase voltage above ground potential. Then, 180° later, the faulted phase achieves a potential equal to twice the peak phase voltage above ground, which may be sufficient for the arc to restrike. Arc fault current now flows through the capacitor to ground via any stray inductance, included within the fault path. This LC circuit rings at its resonant frequency, and the potential on the capacitor becomes reversed. As before, the arc current extinguishes as it passes through zero, having existed for about a half cycle of the LC resonant frequency. The faulted phase now lies at a potential of −2 times the peak phase potential, and after a further 180° this phase voltage reaches −4 times this level. The arc will again likely reignite and flow in the LC circuit, once again reversing the potential on the capacitance. This process repeats, and thus the neutral to ground voltage alternates in sign and grows in magnitude until eventually an insulation failure occurs somewhere in the circuit. This may be in the transformer itself or in MV cabling associated with it. The insulation requirement of transformers and associated equipment that are to be used on ungrounded systems must therefore be considerably higher than those used in solidly grounded systems.

Figure 11.23 shows the capacitive current paths as a result of a fault on phase c of an MV transformer. Under this condition the distributed capacitances Ca and Cb are each excited by a line voltage, and the resulting capacitive currents ICa and ICb therefore flow in the fault.

Left: Phasor diagram with connected arrows labeled b, n, a, Vbc, Vac, Icb, Ica+ Icb= If, Ica, c, and If. Right: Capacitive fault currents in an unearthed MV transformer with parts labeled HV, MV, a, b, c, ca, etc.

Figure 11.23 Capacitive fault currents in an unearthed MV transformer.

As for the IT LV earthing system, the capacitive current magnitudes are given by:


and their vector sum equals:


Similarly with IT earthing networks, insulation monitoring is required between the neutral terminal and ground to detect the presence of the first fault, which may be located while the MV system is in operation.

Unearthed MV neutrals are sometimes used in Germany, Italy, Ireland and Japan, but in order to remove the risk of over‐voltages generated through arcing faults, either impedance earthing or resonant earthing is frequently used instead.

11.5.2 Resonant Earthing (Compensated Earthing)

Resonant earthing is a novel system devised by Professor W Petersen in 1916. It uses a reactance inserted between the MV transformer neutral and ground (the Petersen coil) to resonate with the distributed network capacitance during phase‐to‐ground faults. Such an arrangement appears in Figure 11.24.

Left: Phasor diagram with connected arrows labeled b, n, a, Vbc, -Vcn, Vac, Icb, Ica+ Icb, Ica, C, and -Vcn/XL. Right: Reasonant earthing system with parts labeled HV, MV, a, b, c, ca, cb, cc, etc.

Figure 11.24 Resonant earthing system and phasor diagram.

The capacitive current flowing to ground during a phase‐c‐to‐ground fault is given by:


Also flowing in the fault is the inductive current, set up by the voltage on the faulted phase and the neutral reactance XL. It is given by:


By choosing the Petersen coil reactance appropriately, the total fault current can be reduced to near zero. Thus:




For this to occur we require that:


This reduction in the magnitude of an earth fault current has the desirable characteristic of extinguishing most arc faults and thereby virtually eliminates the over‐voltage phenomenon that often accompanies them. It also allows the MV distribution system to continue operating until the fault can be located and possibly even be repaired. For this reason the Petersen coil is also referred to as an arc suppression coil or a ground fault neutraliser.

To achieve complete compensation, the LC circuit must be resonant at images times the system frequency. Because the network’s distributed capacitances vary with its configuration and with the connected load, it is necessary for the Petersen coil to be dynamically tuned to the network. This is achieved by altering a motor‐controlled magnetic shunt within the reactor’s magnetic circuit. Since the distributed capacitances are seldom exactly balanced, a small neutral current flows even during normal operation, creating a small zero‐sequence voltage across the Petersen coil. This voltage is monitored, and the Petersen coil is tuned until it is minimized.

The cancellation of the residual capacitive current by the inductive current from the Petersen coil is seldom exact, and losses in the Petersen coil also result in an additional small current, in phase with the faulted winding potential flowing in the fault. Losses associated with the Petersen Coil can be modelled by the inclusion of a parallel connected resistance. This resistance is often augmented with an external resistance, and these collectively generate a resistive component of fault current which aid in fault detection. Since only the inductive component of the fault current flows in the Petersen Coil, the EPR is small, and therefore the potential transferred to the LV network will be as well.

Ground fault detection in resonant earthed systems can be difficult. It is relatively easy to detect the presence of a phase‐to‐ground fault by monitoring the zero‐sequence voltage across the Petersen coil, but finding its exact location is not. One method is to progressively open each feeder in turn, until the fault condition disappears, but this is generally too disruptive and defeats the ability of a resonant earthed network to continue operating in the presence of the first fault. Detecting the small fault currents that occur in resonant systems may also be difficult, particularly if the compensation is nearly complete. One approach is to install a zero‐sequence wattmetric relay on each feeder that originates from the transformer. (See problem 1, Chapter 12.)

11.5.3 Impedance Earthing

Impedance earthing of MV systems requires the inclusion of either a resistor or a reactor between the MV neutral terminal and ground. This earthing impedance can be used to limit the magnitude of the ground fault currents and hence the damage they do, and it is usually dimensioned so that the resulting fault currents are less than 1000 A. This limits the EPR in the case of faults in MV‐LV transformers described above, and thus the potential transferred to the LV network.

Ground fault currents in impedance earthed systems are sufficiently large as to permit easy detection, by measuring either the zero‐sequence current or voltage at the neutral terminal; however, these generally require the immediate disconnection of the supply. Resistive grounding impedances offer the advantage of damping over‐voltages, but must be physically large to cater with the energy dissipated. On the other hand, inductive impedances dissipate very little energy but can create large over‐voltages during fault clearance.

11.5.4 Over‐Voltages

While the inclusion of an impedance between the neutral terminal and ground will reduce the phase‐to‐earth fault level, it does generate an over‐voltage problem during a fault. This is because the voltage dropped across this impedance forces the neutral potential to rise. In the case of a solid phase‐to‐ground fault, the neutral potential will rise by an amount almost equal to the voltage of the faulted phase, and as a result the potential between healthy phases and ground becomes almost equal to the pre‐fault line voltage. This over‐voltage has implications for the winding insulation within the transformer, since it must now withstand an elevated potential during fault conditions.

Effectively Earthed Systems

IEC60044.2 (inductive voltage transformers), defines earth fault factor as the ratio between the maximum phase‐to‐ground voltage of a healthy phase during an earth fault, to the pre‐fault phase‐to‐ground voltage. Distribution systems where the neutral point is solidly grounded are called effectively earthed, and in such systems the earth fault factor is less than 1.4. This is because in a solidly earthed system during a ground fault, the maximum voltage to ground of the healthy phases cannot exceed 80% of the phase to phase voltage, thus:


For an effectively earthed system we require that images and images, where X1 is the positive sequence impedance of the system at the fault and Xo and Ro are the zero‐sequence reactance and resistance respectively. From the foregoing discussion ungrounded, resonant and impedance earthed systems are not effectively earthed.

Insulation Grading

Transformer manufacturers take advantage of the fact that when a star wound transformer is to be effectively earthed, it is possible to reduce the quantity of insulation at the neutral end of each phase winding. Since the star point will be firmly held at ground potential, there will be very little insulation stress between the neutral end of each phase winding and the earthed transformer core, even under fault conditions. Manufacturers use this fact by progressively increasing the winding insulation away from the neutral terminal, until at the phase terminal the winding is fully insulated. This technique is known as graded insulation or non‐uniform insulation; however, it can only be applied to transformers whose neutral terminals will be solidly earthed. Transformers to be used in impedance earthed applications, including resonant earthing, must therefore be uniformly insulated, since considerable insulation stress occurs at the neutral end of the phase windings during phase‐to‐ground faults.

Table 11.4 provides a summary of the MV earthing systems used in various countries.

Table 11.4 MV earthing in some countries.

(If  = max earth fault current, Rt = transformer grounding resistance) (Extracted from Cahier Technique No 173: Earthing Systems Worldwide & Evolutions with kind permission from Schneider Electric).

Country MV potentials MV earthing system Transformer frame to LV neutral connection Insulation requirements
10 & 20 kV
Unearthed or resonant earthed
If  < 60 A
Connected if If. Rt < 250 V Phase to phase
11, 22 & 33 kV
Directly earthed
If  = several kA
Separated, except if Rt < 1 Ω Phase to earth
6.3 & 11 kV
Impedance earthed
If  < 500 A
Separated distance >15 m Phase to phase
20 kV
Impedance Earthed Separated, except if: Phase to phase
Overhead: If  < 300 A Rt < 3 Ω
Underground: If  < 1000 A Rt < 1 Ω
Great Britain
11 kV
Directly earthed or Separated,
Except if Rt < 1 Ω
Phase to earth
Impedance earthed
If  < 1000 A
Phase to phase
10–15 & 20 KV
If  < 60 A
Separated Phase to phase
6.6 kV
If  < 20 A
Connected if Rt < 65 Ω Phase to phase
10 to 30 kV
Impedance Earthed
Overhead: If  < 300 A
Underground: If  < 1000 A
Except if Rt < 1 Ω
Phase to Phase
United States
4 to 25 kV
Directly Earthed or via a Low Impedance
If  = several kA
The MV neutral is usually distributed and it is also connected to the LV neutral, thus providing a metallic return path for MV fault currents.
Phase to earth

11.6 High Voltage Earthing

Because of the risks of over‐voltages arising from impedance earthed transformers, and the expense of providing uniformly insulated windings at the potentials used in HV transmission, HV transformers are generally solidly earthed, and therefore can be fitted with non‐uniform insulation. As a result HV earth fault currents are high, and immediate clearance is required on detection.

11.7 Exercise

Inspect some of the aerial MV/LV networks in your locality, particularly the location of MV/LV distribution transformers. Photograph the nameplate of any MV‐LV transformers you find (a steady hand, a digital camera and a telephoto lens will be useful here), and in particular take note of the following:

  1. Transformer voltage ratings, MV & LV
  2. Overcurrent protection provided, MV & LV
  3. Over‐voltage protection provided, MV (if fitted)
  4. Isolation provisions provided, MV & LV
  5. Transformer vector grouping used
  6. Earthing of pole fixtures and transformer tank and size of earth conductor
  7. Earthing of the LV neutral conductor, particularly at or near the transformer as well as elsewhere on the LV feeder

As a guide, the photos below show typical MV‐LV distribution transformers from several European countries, all having many items in common.

Photo of MV‐LV distribution transformer 1 in Australia with a rating of 22 kV:415 V, 100 kVA, Dyn11 connection, and impedance of 4%.

Transformer 1

Country: Australia

Rating: 22 kV:415 V, 100 kVA

Distribution: MV & LV aerial

Connection: Dyn11

Impedance: 4%

HV fuse protected (explosive drop out type)

LV fuse protected (withdrawable, mounted on LV cross‐arm)

Pole fixtures and transformer tank earthed at pole LV neutral earthed one span away (≈50 m)

Photo of MV‐LV distribution transformer 2 in Belgium with a rating of 15 kV:410 V, 100 kVA, Yzn11 connection, and impedance of 4%.

Transformer 2

Country: Belgium

15 kV:410 V, 100 kVA

Distribution: MV underground (very low risk of MV to LV contact) LV aerial (bundled)

Connection: Yzn11

Impedance: 4%

HV fuse protected (HV isolator provided)

LV fuse protected (isolatable fuse links in enclosure at foot of pole)

Pole fixtures and transformer tank earthed at pole LV neutral earthed one span away (≈50 m)

Photo of MV‐LV distribution transformer 3 in France with a rating of 20 kV:400 V, 100 kVA, Yzn11 connection, and impedance of 3.8%.

Transformer 3

Country: France

20 kV:400 V, 100 kVA

Distribution: MV aerial, LV aerial (bundled)

Connection: Yzn11,

Impedance: 3.8%

HV fuse protected (Fixed type)

LV fuse protected (isolatable fuse links in enclosure at foot of pole)

Pole fixtures and transformer tank earthed at pole, LV neutral earthed one span away (≈50 m)

Earth distributed

Photo of MV‐LV distribution transformer 4 in Greece with a rating of 15 kVkV:410 V, ≈ 250 kVA, Dyn11 connection, and impedance of 4.11%.

Transformer 4

Country: Greece

15 kVkV:410 V, ≈ 250 kVA

Distribution: MV underground (very low risk of MV to LV contact) LV aerial (bundled)

Connection: Dyn11

Impedance 4.11%

HV fuse protected (fixed type, HV isolator provided on both incomers)

HV surge diverters fitted

LV fuse protected in LV enclosure at base of pole

LV distribution either bundled or aerial, 5 conductors

Pole fixtures and transformer tank earthed at pole LV neutral earthed remotely, earth distributed

Photo of MV‐LV distribution transformer 5 in Turkey with a rating of 15 kV:400 V, 250 kVA, Dyn11 connection, and impedance of 4.11%.

Transformer 5

Country: Turkey

15 kV:400 V, 250 kVA

Distribution: MV: aerial, LV: cable to ground mounted cubicle

Connection: Dyn11

Impedance: 4.11%

HV fuse protected (fixed type)

HV surge diverters fitted

LV fuse protected (LV circuit breaker in ground cubicle?)

Pole fixtures and transformer tank earthed at pole, LV neutral earthed remotely

11.8 Problems (Earthing Grid Design)

A substation earthing system provides a way of safely passing fault currents to ground without exceeding equipment limits or exposing persons in or near the substation to the risk of electric shock. Earth grid design can require considerable effort, both in field testing and in subsequent design analysis. The IEEE standard IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding provides an excellent overview of this process, but there are many pitfalls, and earthing practitioners generally require considerable experience and the appropriate software in order to consistently produce compliant designs. Successful earth grid design requires an understanding of many parameters; some of the more important ones are discussed below.

  1. The ground potential rise GPR (also known as earth potential rise, EPR) is the maximum difference in voltage possible between the earth grid of a substation and a remote ground point (i.e. a reference earth), one that is assumed to represent a potential of zero volts. Under normal conditions the GPR will be very close to zero, but under fault conditions it increases to a potential equal to the product of the earth grid current and the earth grid resistance.
  2. The earth grid current IG determines both the GPR and the step and touch voltages within the grid. It is equal to the earth fault current in situations where the ground circuit is the only return path to the source, or in cases where multiple return paths exist, that fraction of the fault current flowing into the earth grid.
  3. The grid resistance is the impedance presented by an earth grid to the flow of fault current; it is equal to the GPR divided by the earth grid current.
  4. Step and touch voltages arise within a substation due to the voltage gradients that occur between adjacent grid conductors and around the periphery of the earth grid. The step voltage is the maximum difference in potential likely between the feet of a person standing on the ground, their feet being separated by a distance of 1 metre. The touch voltage is the difference in potential between the feet of a person standing on the ground and that of a grounded metallic object with which they are in hand contact. Figure 11.25 illustrates these potentials within a substation environment.

    Figure 11.26 shows how hazardous voltages can arise outside a substation during a fault to ground, where the GPR or a fraction of it may be transferred to a member of the public.

  5. The fault clearance time tf and the shock duration ts are particularly important parameters. The fault clearance time is determined by the speed of the upstream primary protection equipment and it effectively places an upper limit on the shock duration for a person in the substation. The shock duration inversely affects the fibrillation threshold current given by Equation (11.1), repeated here. In the following analysis we will assume that images.
    As ts increases, the threshold current falls, and therefore so do the permissible step and touch potentials. This in turn places tighter requirements on the performance of the earth grid. In addition, longer clearance times also lead to an increase in the size of grid conductors, since they must carry grid current for a longer period during a fault. The fault clearing time must therefore be carefully calculated, usually with advice from protection engineers familiar with the upstream protection scheme.
  6. The soil resistivity ρs is fundamental to the performance of the earth grid and directly affects the grid resistance. In regions where this is high the earth grid will require more conductors and/or ground rods in order to achieve a given grid resistance. Soil resistivity is a function of the soil model applicable to the site, which may be uniform or horizontally multi‐layered, and in some cases vertically multi‐layered. The soil resistivity profile is determined by a detailed measurement process across the proposed site by experienced engineers, followed by an analysis of the results, prior to the commencement of any construction work.
  7. High resistivity surface layers such as crushed rock are often used throughout a substation to increase the apparent body resistance and to permit an increase the permissible step and touch voltages, thereby easing the earth grid performance requirements. In the following example such a layer will be necessary to achieve a compliant earthing design.
Illustration of the step and touch potentials displaying six people standing on pole fixture, substation fence, and HV AC substation depicting touch, step, and reach touch voltage.

Figure 11.25 Step and touch potentials.

(Courtesy of Energy Networks Association Power System Earthing Guide Part 1: Management Principles, 2010).

Schematic of transfer potential between a fence and a remote earth with a man standing labeled VTransferred?EPR and other parts labeled IF, RGrid, HV AC
substation, third party fence, etc.

Figure 11.26 Transfer potential developed between a fence and a remote earth.

(Courtesy of Energy Networks Association Power System Earthing Guide Part 1: Management Principles, 2010).

Earth Grid Design

We will evaluate the design of a simple earth grid suitable for a small ground‐mounted distribution substation (like that in Figure 1.10), fed from the 22 kV aerial feeder shown in Figure 11.27. We will follow the iterative design process outlined in IEEE 80, whereby the design of the proposed earth grid is progressively refined until both the step and touch voltages fall below the permissible levels calculated for the substation. This may require reducing the spacing of ground conductors, the inclusion of deep driven ground rods or the provision of alternative current paths back to the source substation. The last may involve the provision of an overhead ground conductor, and improving the footing resistance of transmission towers in the vicinity, so that multiple earthing points may be established.

Network configuration displaying parts labeled zone or source substation (left) and distribution substation (right) connected by a 100m and 200m cable to the 8.75 km aerial feeder (platform-like, middle).

Figure 11.27 Network configuration.

Impedance Data

132 kV:22 kV transformer
(pu on 100 MVA base)
22 kV cables Aerial feeder
Z1 0.006 + j0.286 0.247 + j0.194 (Ω per km) 0.196 + j0.317 (Ω per km)
Z2 0.006 + j0.286 0.247 + j0.194 (Ω per km) 0.196 + j0.317 (Ω per km)
Z0 0.000 + j0.961 0.465 + j0.068 (Ω per km) 0.356 + j1.476 (Ω per km)

Primary protection fault clearance time: tf = 0.3 sec (= ts)

Soil resistivity: 40 ohm‐m, uniform soil model

Crushed rock resistivity (wet): ρs = 2500 ohm‐m

Thickness of crushed rock: 150 mm

Earth grid burial depth: 0.5 m (This is chosen to achieve an approximately constant moisture level around grid conductor, thereby minimising any seasonal variations.)

Land area available: 6 m × 6 m

IEEE 80 Design Process

The design process is outlined in the flowchart in Figure 11.28 and is summarised below:

  1. Step 1: Determine the proposed site location and the area available for the installation of subsurface earth grid conductors. Obtain a soil model for the proposed location, based on a number of resistivity measurement traverses to sufficient depth to detail the soil layering across the site. (In this example, a uniform soil structure with resistivity of 40 ohm‐m has been assumed for simplicity.)
  2. Step 2: Determine the grid conductor size (Section 11.3 IEEE 80). This will require knowledge of the actual fault current and its duration, which will be determined in part by the grid resistance. In this example, we shall initially assume grid conductors 10 mm in diameter (80 mm2), chosen largely on the basis of physical strength. This choice can be refined once the grid current is known, should the conductor capacity prove insufficient.
  3. Step 3: Evaluate the permissible step and touch voltages for the substation (Section 7, IEEE 80). These are based on Dalziel’s equations and include the resistance of the human body, the fault clearance time, and the shoe resistance on the surface layer, which may be the underlying soil or an introduced layer of crushed rock.

    Step and touch voltages for both surfaces are evaluated for 50 kg and 70 kg individuals. These limits are compared with the actual potentials occurring within the substation earth grid to determine design compliance. For controlled areas such as substations, step and touch potentials pertaining to 70 kg individuals are used to assess compliance, whereas in uncontrolled public spaces the 50 kg limits are used instead.

  4. Step 4: Grid design: The earth grid design should include a buried conductor network arranged in a mesh covering the area to be grounded. Sufficient cross conductors must be provided to achieve an acceptably low earth grid resistance while providing sufficient control of ground surface potential gradients. Where space is limited or where an underlying low resistivity layer exists, ground rods may also be driven deep into the ground at regular intervals. IEEE 80 provides useful guidance regarding earth mesh layouts and earth rod placement in Section 9.
  5. Step 5:Calculate the resistance of the proposed earth grid according to the appropriate soil model. This may be either a uniform or multi‐layer soil. In the case of multi‐layer soils a detailed computer analysis is generally required due to the complex calculations involved.
  6. Step 6:Evaluate the maximum fault current that will flow into the earth grid for an earth fault occurring in the substation; this may either be a phase‐to‐ground or a phase‐to‐phase‐to‐ground fault, depending on likelihood and severity. This current should be sufficiently inflated to allow for any future expansion of the source substation.

    Since the earth grid current is not the same as the fault current in cases where an alternative return path exists, a current division factor generally must first be calculated. (In this example the only return path to the source substation is via the mass of the earth, therefore the division factor is unity.)

  7. Step 7: Compute the ground potential rise (GPR) between the earth grid and a remote earth, from the product of the earth grid current and the earth grid resistance. If this is less than the calculated permissible touch voltage the earth grid design is compliant from the point of view of persons within the substation, and no further analysis is required. If not, the earth grid design may still be acceptable provided that the step and touch voltages within its boundary are less than the permissible values calculated in step 3. Additional measures may still be required to control the effects of the GPR on persons at a remote earth point, who may come into contact with conductors leaving the substation, metallic piping or fencing for example.
  8. Step 8: Calculate the grid mesh voltage (which is defined as the maximum touch voltage that exists within the mesh of the earth grid) and the step voltage generated within the earth grid. A discussion of these potentials is given in Section 16.5 of IEEE 80.
  9. Step 9: If both the earth grid step and touch voltages calculated in step 8 lie below the levels calculated in step 3 then the design is compliant. However, if this condition is not satisfied it must be revised in an effort to reduce both the grid resistance and the GPR. This may include reducing the earth grid electrode spacing, increasing its area, and driving additional earth rods around the perimeter.
Flowchart of the earth grid design process with various boxes connected by lines labeled field data (A, ρ), conductor size (3Io, tc, d), etc.

Figure 11.28 Earth grid design process.

(Adapted and reprinted with permission from IEEE. Copyright IEEE 80 (2013) All rights reserved. Permission for further use of this material must be obtained from IEEE. Requests may be sent to stds‐[email protected]).

Sample Grid Design Analysis

The analysis that follows includes many of the equations presented in IEEE 80. These frequently require the calculation of constants based on the geometry and parameters associated with the earthing installation, the calculation of which is quite detailed and yet it adds little to understanding the process. So as to highlight only the important aspects, the values of such constants will be provided where they arise. The interested reader will find an explanation of these in IEEE 80. For convenience we will adopt the symbols presented in IEEE 80.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Calculate the maximum single‐phase‐to‐ground fault level (3I0) and the ground fault X/R ratio seen at the source substation. This occurs with an elevated bus voltage; assume a maximum of 1.1 pu. Answer: 5650 A, X/R = 127.
  2. The feeder impedance substantially reduces the earth fault current seen at the distribution substation. Recalculate the above quantities, assuming a return ground path resistance of zero. Answer: 1557 A, X/R = 3.77. (In this case because of the low X/R ratio and the relatively long clearance time, the effects of any transient DC component may be safely neglected.)
  3. The equations for permissible step and touch voltages below are based on Equation (11.1) and the value of 1000 ohms as the resistance of the human body. They also include an allowance for the resistance provided by shoe contact with the ground surface, which can be made large if material such as crushed rock is spread at a reasonable depth over the entire area to be grounded. Step voltage for 50 kg and 70 kg persons:

    Touch voltage for 50 kg and 70 kg persons:


    where Cs is the surface layer de‐rating factor (Section 7.4 IEEE 80), ρs is the surface material resistivity (ohm‐m) and ts is the maximum shock duration (sec), i.e. the primary fault clearance time.

    Since there will be no fence around this substation, we use the 50 kg step and touch potentials in assessing the performance of the earth grid. Evaluate these voltages assuming that: (a) no additional insulating material is placed on the ground surface (Cs = 1.0) (b) a 150 mm thick insulating layer of crushed rock is applied (Cs = 0.77).

    Answer: (a) Estep50 = 263 volts, Etouch50 = 224 volts, (b) Estep50 = 2660 volts, Etouch50 = 824 volts.

    The difference between cases (a) and (b) is due to the insulating properties of the crushed rock layer, which may be used in some cases to achieve design compliance.

  4. The initial design for the earth grid is shown in Figure 11.29. The grid resistance can be calculated from the equation:
    where ρ is the soil resistivity (ohm‐m), h is the depth at which the grid is buried (m), LT is the total length of conductors and ground rods used in the grid (m) and A is the area of the grid (m2).

    Evaluate the grid resistance and express your result as a per unit quantity. Calculate the single‐phase‐to‐earth fault current, assuming a bolted fault to the earth grid, including the calculated grid resistance, remembering that 3Io flows into the grid resistance. Answer: Rg = 6.04 ohms or 1.25 pu, IF = IG = 1160 A.

  5. Calculate the ground potential rise (GPR) from the fault current and the grid resistance. Answer: GPR = 7000 V.
  6. Since the ground potential rise exceeds the permissible touch potential, including the effects of a layer of crushed rock, we must now consider the step and touch potentials experienced within the grid. If these are less than the permissible values calculated above, the design is considered compliant, if not we must revise the grid design and repeat the process. Using the equations below, compare the mesh voltage to the permitted touch voltage. Also compare the grid step potential with the permitted step potential calculated in step (3). Is the initial grid design compliant?

    where Km is the spacing factor for mesh voltage, in this case Km = 0.696, LM is the total length of both grid conductors LC and ground rods LR, Ki is a correction factor for grid geometry, in this case Ki = 1.09, Ks is spacing factor for step voltage, in this case KS = 0.525 and LS is the effective ground conductor length for step potentials images, where LC is the total length of grid conductors and LR is the total length of ground rods, in metres (of which there are presently none).

    Answer: Emesh = 1676 V, Estep = 1686 V. Although the step voltage experienced within the earth grid is less than the permitted value of 2660 volts, the initial grid design is not compliant because the mesh voltage exceeds the permissible touch voltage of 824 volts.

  7. Figure 11.30 shows a revised grid design in which the area has been increased, additional conductors have been included and ground rods have been added around the periphery. Calculate the new grid resistance Rg, the grid current IG and the resulting GPR that will now occur. Answer: Rg = 3.29 ohms, IG = 1354 A and therefore the GPR = 4455 V.
  8. Since the GPR still exceeds the permissible touch voltage, the grid compliance must again be assessed by evaluating the mesh and step potentials. Calculate these and compare them with the permissible limits and hence determine the grid compliance. For the new grid design: Km = 0.593, Ki = 1.384 and Ks = 0.691.

    Answer: Emesh = 563 volts, Estep = 840 volts. Since these potentials are less than the permitted touch and step voltages (824 and 2660 volts respectively), the revised design is now compliant in view of the use of a crushed rock layer.

Schematic of initial grid plan and ground potential profile with parts labeled LV and HV switchgear, transformer cubicle, earth grid, ground-mounted substation, 3m, 4m, etc.

Figure 11.29 Initial grid plan and ground potential profile.

Revised earth grid design displaying double headed arrows labeled 5.5m for the rows and columns and 3m earth rods with arrows pointing to three dots on the grid.

Figure 11.30 Revised earth grid design.

Comments on Grid Design

IEEE 80 includes tables showing the current carrying capacity of copper grounding conductors as a function of fault current and duration. It also provides equations for the calculation of appropriate conductor sizes. In this example the grid current is relatively small and the conductors were chosen entirely on the basis of mechanical strength rather than current carrying capacity.

Where grid conductors cross, they must be welded together, the welds being of a similar cross‐section to the conductors themselves, to enable any injected current to distribute itself as evenly as possible throughout the grid and into the earth. All electrical equipment in the substation must be bonded to the earth grid, and the bonding conductors used must also be adequately dimensioned.

On completion of a substation it is usual to perform commissioning tests to confirm that the performance of the earth grid is as expected. This may involve the injection of DC test currents between different parts of the earth grid and items of substation equipment to confirm low impedance connections, as well as the injection of off‐frequency AC current into the earth grid from a remote earth, in order to measure the resulting GPR and mesh (touch) voltage. The values obtained can then be scaled according to the magnitude of the expected earth fault current, in order to determine compliance.

Transfer Potentials

An earth grid is primarily designed to preserve the safety of persons in a substation, and while it may be compliant in this respect, a dangerous transfer potential may still exist in cases where the GPR exceeds the touch voltage, as in this example. Transfer potentials arise when a person in a remote location touches a metallic object connected to the substation earth during fault conditions and thus becomes exposed to all or part of the GPR. Therefore depending on the location of the substation, further controls or risk reduction strategies may still be necessary to ensure the safety of general public.

There are numerous instances in which transfer potentials may arise, and we will consider three: communication circuits, low voltage neutral conductors and metallic pipelines and fences leaving or passing near to the substation. Metallic communications circuits leaving a substation can represent a major danger to personnel and communications equipment, depending on the amplitude of the possible GPR. In such cases it is usual to isolate metallic circuits by inserting an optical isolation device. This is often in the form of a short copper‐to‐fibre‐to‐copper connection, whereby any GPR is harmlessly dropped across the fibre linking the two copper circuits. In some cases, however, the requirements of the relevant communication standard may determine the allowable GPR at a proposed site. In any event the communication service provider must be aware of any hazards presented by the substation to both their assets and personnel.

Potentials transferred by an LV neutral conductor were partly discussed earlier. The provision of periodic earth connections along a radial neutral conductor assist in reducing the general transfer potential, at the risk of introducing local voltage gradients in the vicinity of each connection. Such risks can usually be managed by the provision of a ground mat or grounding loop. These earths also provide multiple return paths for fault current, thereby reducing both the grid current in the substation in question and the GPR. This is broadly the principle of the MEN system used in Australia and New Zealand.

Pole‐top transformers provide a convenient means of separating HV and LV earth connections should this be necessary to control the transfer potential. By separating the HV and LV earths only a fraction of the GPR is transferred into the LV network. In such cases the LV neutral is often earthed at least one span away from its transformer.

Metallic piping and fences running from substation or passing through its zone of influence also need to be considered, with the relevant service provider notified of any hazards. In some cases it may be necessary to fit insulated pipe or fence sections at specific locations, of sufficient length across which part of the transfer voltage can be dropped.

Where the risk is considered excessive, several options are available. Firstly, in substations relatively close to the source, a ground wire can be run between the two earth grids. This provides a metallic return path directly to the source which reduces the grid current and thus the resulting GPR. Where distribution transformers are supplied by underground cables, the cable sheath is generally used for this purpose. However, the coupling of the two substations can have adverse consequences for the distribution substation which will be exposed to the effects of any earth fault in or near the source substation. This must be considered by the designer.

Secondly, where the substation in question is a reasonable distance from the source, the feeder impedance substantially reduces the fault current (as in this example). In such cases it may be feasible to further reduce the grid resistance through the inclusion of additional conductors or ground rods to reduce the GPR. This is only effective where the grid resistance is small with respect to that of the rest of the network; otherwise the resulting increase in grid current may offset any reduction in grid resistance.

Thirdly, the fault level in the parent substation itself may be reduced in magnitude by the inclusion of neutral earthing resistors or reactors. Petersen coils, for example, are particularly effective in reducing the GPR. Alternatively, in some cases it may be possible to decrease the fault clearance time ts in the zone substation, allowing higher permissible step and touch voltages. While this approach can be effective, in most cases it will generally require a protection upgrade which may be impractical.

11.9 Sources

  1. 1 IEC International Standard IEC/TS 60479. Effects of current on human beings and livestock Part 1 General aspects, 2005, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva.
  2. 2 IEC International Standard IEC60364 Protection for safety – protection against electric shock Part 4‐41, 2005, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva.
  3. 3 Schneider Electric. Cahier Technique No 173. Earthing systems worldwide and evolutions. 1995.
  4. 4 Schneider Electric. Cahier Technique No 172. System earthing in LV, 2004.
  5. 5 Schneider Electric. Cahier Technique No 114. Residual current devices, 2006.
  6. 6 Schneider Electric. Cahier Technique No 178. The IT earthing system in LV, 1999.
  7. 7 Parise G, A new summary on the IEC protection against electric shock, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications Vol 49. No 2 March/April 2013.
  8. 8 Standards New Zealand LV Supply Earthing Systems Committee. Low voltage supply earthing systems – is TT an acceptable alternative to MEN? EEA Conference and Exhibition, Auckland, June 2013.
  9. 9 Schneider Electric. Electric Installation Guide: Connection to the MV utility distribution network Chapter B, 2008.
  10. 10 Standards Australia AS/NZ 3000. Wiring rules, 2007, Standards Australia, Sydney.
  11. 11 Jeff Roberts, Dr Hector J Altuve, Dr Daqing Hou. Review of ground fault protection methods for grounded, ungrounded and compensated distribution systems. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories. Pullman, WA. USA.
  12. 12 Eaton White Paper. Transient over‐voltages on ungrounded systems from intermittent ground faults, WP09‐12. 2009.
  13. 13 IEEE Standard IEEE 80. IEEE guide for safety in AC substation grounding, 2013, IEEE Power Engineering Society, New York.
  14. 14 IEEE Standard IEEE 81, IEEE guide for measuring earth resistivity, ground impedance and earth surface potentials of a grounding system, 2012, IEEE Power Engineering Society, New York.
  15. 15 Energy Networks Association. EG‐0 Power system earthing guide, part 1 management principles, 2010, ENA, Barton, ACT.
  16. 16 Energy Networks Association. EG‐1 Substation earthing guide, 2006, ENA. Barton, ACT.


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