


Florian Kainz, Piotr Stanczyk

This section focuses on how digital images are stored. It discusses the basics of still-image compression and gives an overview of some of the most commonly used image file formats.

Visual effects production deals primarily with moving images, but unlike the moving images in a television studio, the majority of images in a movie visual effects production pipeline are stored as sequences of individual still frames, not as video data streams.

Since their beginning, video and television have been real-time technologies. Video images are recorded, processed, and displayed at rates of 25 or 30 frames per second (fps). Video equipment, from cameras to mixers to tape recorders, is built to keep up with this frame rate. The design of the equipment revolves around processing streams of analog or digital data with precise timing.

Digital visual effects production usually deals with images that have higher resolution than video signals. Film negatives are scanned, stored digitally, processed, and combined with computer-generated elements. The results are then recorded back onto film. Scanning and recording equipment is generally not fast enough to work in real time at 24 fps. Compositing and 3D computer graphics rendering take place on general-purpose computers and can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours per frame. In such a non-real-time environment, storing moving images as sequences of still frames, with one file per frame, tends to be more useful than packing all frames into one very large file. One file per frame allows quick access to individual frames for viewing and editing, and it allows frames to be generated out of order, for example, when 3D rendering and compositing are distributed across a large computer network.

Computers have recently become fast enough to allow some parts of the visual effects production pipeline to work in real time. It is now possible to preview high-resolution moving images directly on a computer monitor, without first recording the scenes on film. Even with the one-file-per-frame model, some file formats can be read fast enough for real-time playback.

Digital motion picture cameras are gradually replacing film cameras. Some digital cameras have adopted the one-file-per-frame model and can output, for example, DPX image files.

Though widely used in distribution, digital rights management (DRM) technologies are not typically deployed in the context of digital visual effects production. The very nature of the production process requires the freedom to access and modify individual pixels, often via one-off, throwaway programs written for a specific scene. To be effective, DRM techniques would have to prevent this kind of direct pixel access.

Image Encoding

For the purposes of this chapter, a digital image is defined as an array of pixels where each pixel contains a set of values. In the case of color images, a pixel has three values that convey the amount of red, green, and blue that, when mixed together, form the final color.

It is sometimes useful to consider the image in terms of individual channels. Again, for the case of the color image, consider it as three constituent images, one each for the red, green, and blue parts.

A computer stores the values in a pixel as binary numbers. A binary integer or whole number with n bits can represent any value between 0 and 2n – 1. For example, an 8-bit integer can represent values between 0 and 255, and a 16-bit integer can represent values between 0 and 65,535. The integer pixel value 0 represents black, or no light; the largest value (255 or 65,535) represents white, or the maximum amount of light a display can produce.

Using more bits per value provides more possible light levels between black and white to use. This increases the ability to represent smooth color gradients accurately at the expense of higher memory usage.

It is increasingly common to represent pixels with floating point numbers instead of integers. This means that the set of possible pixel values includes fractions, for example, 0.18, 0.5, etc. The values 0.0 and 1.0 correspond to black and white, respectively, but the range of floating point numbers does not end at 1.0. Pixel values above 1.0 are available to represent objects that are brighter than white, such as fire and specular highlights.

Noncolor Information

Digital images can contain useful information that is not related to color. The most common noncolor attribute is opacity, often referred to as alpha. Other examples include the distance of objects from the camera, motion vectors or labels assigned to objects in the image.

Some image file formats support arbitrary sets of image channels. Alpha, motion vectors, and other auxiliary data can be stored in dedicated channels. With file formats that support only color channels, auxiliary data are often stored in the red, green, and blue channels of a separate file.

Multiresolution Images

Sometimes it is useful to store an image at multiple resolutions. Such a file contains a full-resolution version of the image, a halfresolution version, a quarter-resolution version, and so on, all the way to a version that consists of only a single pixel. This structure is variously called a mip-map, an image pyramid, or a multiresolution image.

Mip-maps allow for fast, high-quality texture mapping during 3D rendering. The renderer can access the relevant resolutions to minimize aliasing artifacts.

Still-Image Compression

A high-resolution digital image represents a significant amount of data. Saving tens or hundreds of thousands of images in files can require huge amounts of storage space on disks or tapes. Reading and writing image files requires high data transfer rates between computers and disk or tape drives.

Compressing the image files, or making the files smaller without significantly altering the images they contain, reduces both the amount of space required to store the images and the data transfer rates that are needed to read or write the images. The reduction in the cost of storage media as well as the cost of hardware involved in moving images from one location to another makes image compression highly desirable.

A large number of image compression methods have been developed over time. Compression methods are classified as either lossless or lossy.

Lossless compression methods reduce the size of image files without changing the images at all. With a lossless method, the compression and subsequent decompression of an image result in a file that is identical to the original, down to the last bit. This has the advantage that a file can be uncompressed and recompressed any number of times without degrading the quality of the image. Conversely, since every bit in the file is preserved, lossless methods tend to have fairly low compression rates. Photographic images can rarely be compressed by more than a factor of 2 or 3. Some images cannot be compressed at all.

Lossy compression methods alter the image stored in a file in order to achieve higher compression rates than lossless methods. Lossy compression exploits the fact that certain details of an image are not visually important. By discarding unimportant details, lossy methods can achieve much higher compression rates, often shrinking image files by a factor of 10 to 20 while maintaining high image quality.

Some lossy compression schemes suffer from generational loss. If a file is repeatedly uncompressed and recompressed, image quality degrades progressively. The resulting image exhibits more and more artifacts such as blurring, colors of neighboring pixels bleeding into each other, light and dark speckles, or a “blocky” appearance.

For visual effects, lossy compression has another potential disadvantage: Compression methods are designed to discard only visually unimportant details, but certain image-processing algorithms, for example, matte extraction, may reveal nuances and compression artifacts that would otherwise not be visible.

Certain compression methods are called visually lossless. This term refers to compressing an image with a lossy method, but with enough fidelity so that uncompressing the file produces an image that cannot be distinguished from the original under normal viewing conditions. For example, visually lossless compression of an image that is part of a movie means that the original and the compressed image are indistinguishable when displayed on a theater screen, even though close-up inspection on a computer monitor may reveal subtle differences.

Lossless Compression

How is it possible to compress an image without discarding any data? For example, in an image consisting of 4,000 by 2,000 pixels, where each pixel contains three 16-bit numbers (for the red, green, and blue components), there are 4,000 × 2,000 × 3 × 16 or 384,000,000 bits, or 48,000,000 bytes of data. How is it possible to pack this information into one-half or even one-tenth the number of bits?

Run-Length Encoding

Run-length encoding is one of the simplest ways to compress an image. Before storing an image in a file, it is scanned row by row, and groups of adjacent pixels that have the same value are sought out. When such a group is found, it can be compressed by storing the number of pixels in the group, followed by their common value.

Many variations of this approach are in use in various file formats. Here is one such example: Assume each original pixel contains a one-byte integer value between 0 and 255. The image is now stored as a sequence of runs of up to 129 pixels. Each run starts with a one-byte count, n, that indicates the length of the run. If n is between 0 and 127, then the next n + 2 pixels have the same value; this value is stored in the byte that follows the count. If n is between 128 and 255, then the next n − 127 bytes contain the values of the next n − 127 pixels.

To see how such a code works, consider an image that contains the following row of 15 pixels:

0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Storing this row in uncompressed form requires 15 bytes. With run-length encoding the same 15 pixels can be stored in only 8 bytes:


Run-length encoding has the advantage of being very fast. Images that contain large, uniformly colored areas, such as text on a flat background, tend to be compressed to a fraction of their original size. However, run-length encoding does not work well for photographic images or for photoreal computer graphics because those images tend to have few areas where every pixel has exactly the same value. Even in uniform areas film grain, electronic sensor noise, and noise produced by stochastic 3D rendering algorithms break up runs of equal value and lead to poor performance of run-length encoding.

Run-length encoding is available as an option in a variety of still-image file formats, for example, TIFF and OpenEXR.

Variable-Length Bit Sequences

Assume compression of an image with 8-bit pixel values is desired, and it is known that on average 4 out of 5 pixels contain the value 0. Instead of storing 8 bits for every pixel, the image can be compressed by making the number of bits stored in the file depend on the value of the pixel. If the pixel contains the value 0, then a single 0 bit is stored in the file; if the pixel contains any other value, then a 1 bit is stored followed by the pixel’s 8-bit value. For example, a row of 8 pixels may contain these 8-bit values:

0 127 0 0 10 0 0 0

Writing these numbers in binary format produces the following 64-bit sequence:

00000000 01111111 00000000 00000000 00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000

Now every group of 8 zeros is replaced with a single 0, and each of the other 8-bit groups is prefixed with a 1. This shrinks the pixels down to 24 bits, or less than a half of the original 64 bits:

0 101111111 0 0 100001010 0 0 0

The spaces shown here are only for readability. What is really stored in the file looks like this:


Even without the spaces this bit sequence can easily be converted back into the original data using the following method: Read one bit from the file. If the bit is a 0, then it represents the 8-bit pixel value 00000000. If the bit is a 1, then read the next 8 bits; they contain the pixel value. Repeating this procedure until the end of the file is reached reconstructs the entire image.

The technique shown in the previous example can be generalized. If certain pixel values occur more frequently than others, then the high-frequency values should be represented with fewer bits than values that occur less often. Carefully choosing the number of bits for each possible value produces an effective compression scheme.

Encoding images with a variable number of bits per pixel works best if a small number of pixel values occurs much more often in an image than others. In the example above, 80% of the pixels are 0. Encoding zeros with a single bit and all other values as groups of 9 bits reduces images by a factor of 3 on average. If 90% of the pixels were zeros, images would be compressed by a factor of nearly 5. Unfortunately, the pixel values in correctly exposed real-world images have a much more uniform distribution. Most images have no small set of values that occur much more frequently than others.1

Transforming the Pixel Distribution

Even though most images have a fairly uniform distribution of pixel values, the pixels are not random. The value of most pixels can be predicted with some accuracy from the values of the pixel’s neighbors. This makes it possible to transform the pixels in such a way that the distribution of values becomes less uniform, with numbers close to zero occurring much more frequently than other values.

If the pixels in an image are stored in horizontal left-to-right rows, with rows ordered from top to bottom, then any pixel that is not at the left or top edge of the image can be predicted with some accuracy by taking the average of the pixels directly above and to the left. For example, assume one complete row of pixels and part of the next row are already known:

108 112 114 117 119 116 122 137

110 108 113 115 ?

In this case, an educated guess can be made as to what the value of the next pixel (the one marked “?”) will be. The average of the values directly above, 119, and to the left, 115, is 117. While 117 is not necessarily the right answer, more likely than not the guess isn’t too far off the mark; the error, that is, the difference between the pixel’s true value and the prediction, tends to be small.

When the image is written to a file, the pixel’s true value, for instance, 116, is available. Knowing the prediction that a file reader will make for the pixel, only the prediction error, −1, needs to be stored in the file.

Assume the second of the following two rows of pixels is being stored in a file:

108 112 114 117 119 116 122 137

110 108 113 115 116 116 139 139

The leftmost pixel has no left neighbor, so its value is predicted from only its top neighbor. The other pixels do have left and top neighbors that can be used for the prediction and error computation:

error = pixel − (left + top)/2

The computed errors for the second row are:

2 −3 2 0 −1 0 20 1

Even though large errors do occur, most are fairly small. This means that an image that contains only prediction errors instead of actual pixel values can be compressed by using a variable-length code where values that occur more frequently are represented with fewer bits.

Huffman Coding

Huffman coding (Huffman, 1952) is a way to construct a variable-length code that effectively reduces the total number of bits in the output file. Each value i is encoded as a string of approximately b bits, where

b = log2 (n/ni)

where n is the total number of pixels in the image, and ni is the number of times the value i occurs.

The bit strings for all values must be selected such that no short bit string is the same as the first bits of a longer string. For example, if the values 3 and 5 were represented by the bit strings 10 and 1010, then the string 101010 would be ambiguous. It could either represent a 3 followed by a 5 or a 5 followed by a 3. On the other hand, if 3 and 5 are represented as 10 and 1100 instead, then a string such as 101100 can be decoded without ambiguity.

Instead of explaining the details of how a Huffman code is constructed, this section presents an example of one. Assume a transformation, such as the pixel prediction procedure described above, has been applied to an image with 1,000,000 pixels, and the frequency of the resulting values is as shown in the following table.

The first column lists each possible pixel prediction error i; the second column indicates how many times the value i occurs; and the third column lists the approximate number of bits that should be used to represent i. Finally, the rightmost column shows a Huffman code derived from the first three columns. A complete table would have 511 rows, one for each i from −255 to 255. Here an abbreviated version, with only the values needed for the example below, is shown:

lnilog2 (n/ni)Code (Binary)
-354,0744.2   0101
-264,2884.0   1001
-175,1133.7   1100
089,5503.5   000
170,9873.8   1010
259,6014.1   0111
349,5154.3   0011
. . .
202,7028.5   111100101
. . .

Values near zero, which occur most frequently, are encoded as three or four bits, while larger and less frequent values are encoded with longer bit strings. No short bit string can be mistaken for the leading bits of a longer string.

With this code, a row of eight prediction error values,

2 −3 2 0 −1 0 20 1

translates into

0111 0101 0111 000 1100 000 111100101 1010

or, without the spaces:


The original eight pixels have been compressed from 64 to 35 bits or slightly more than half of their original size. Still, provided the code table is known, the original pixels can be recovered from those 35 bits. First, the compressed file is split into individual bit strings and each bit string is translated into an error value. Then the original pixel values are reconstructed. Each new pixel’s value is predicted from the pixels that are already known, and the error is added to the prediction.

The recipient of a compressed file must know the Huffman code table in order to be able to uncompress the data, so the code table must be included in the file. The extra space required for the table reduces the overall compression rate, but except for very small images the table is tiny compared to the rest of the file.

Prediction-plus-Huffman-coding techniques similar to the one described here are used in the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image file format.

Other Lossless Compression Methods

A large number of lossless compression methods have been developed in order to fit images into as few bits as possible. Most of those methods consist of two stages. An initial transformation stage converts the image into a representation where the distribution of values is highly nonuniform, with some values occurring much more frequently than others. This is followed by an encoding stage that takes advantage of the nonuniform value distribution.

Predicting the next pixel as described above is a particularly simple example of the transformation stage. Another commonly used method, the discrete wavelet transform, is more complex but tends to make the subsequent encoding stage more effective.

Huffman coding is often employed in the encoding stage. One popular alternative, arithmetic coding, tends to achieve higher compression rates but is considerably slower. LZ77 and LZW are other common and efficient encoding methods.

Irrespective of how elaborate their techniques are, lossless methods rarely achieve more than a three-to-one compression ratio on real-world images. Lossless compression must exactly preserve every image detail, even noise. However, noise and fine details of natural objects, such as the exact placement of grass blades in a meadow or the shapes and locations of pebbles on a beach, are largely random and therefore not compressible.

Lossy Compression

Image compression rates can be improved dramatically if the compression algorithm is allowed to alter the image. The compressed image file becomes very small, but uncompressing the file can only recover an approximation of the original image. As mentioned earlier, such a compression method is referred to as lossy.

Lossy compression may initially sound like a bad idea. If an image is stored in a file and later read back, the original image is desired, not something that looks “kind of like” the original. Once data have been discarded by lossy compression, they can never be recovered, and the image has been permanently degraded.

However, the human visual system is not an exact measuring instrument. Images contain a lot of detail that simply cannot be seen unless tricks such as magnifying part of an image or looking at individual image channels are used. To a human observer two images can often look the same even though their pixels contain different data.

The following subsections demonstrate how one can exploit two limitations of human vision: Spatial resolution of color perception is significantly lower than the resolution of brightness perception, and high-contrast edges mask low-contrast features close to those edges.

Luminance and Chroma

Human vision is considerably less sensitive to the spatial position and sharpness of the border between regions with different colors than to the position and sharpness of transitions between light and dark regions. If two adjacent regions in an image differ in brightness, then a sharp boundary between those regions is easy to distinguish from a slightly more gradual transition. Conversely, if two adjacent regions in an image differ only in color, but not in brightness, then the difference between a sharp and a more gradual transition is rather difficult to see.

This makes a simple but effective form of lossy data compression possible: If an image can be split into a pure brightness or “luminance” image, and a pure color or “chroma” image, then the chroma image can be stored with less detail than the luminance image. For example, the chroma image can be resized to a fraction of its original width and height. Of course, this smaller chroma image occupies less storage space than a full-resolution version.

If the chroma image is subsequently scaled back to its original resolution and combined with the luminance image, a result is obtained that looks nearly identical to the original.


Figure e6.1 A low-resolution RGB image used for illustrating the use of chroma subsampling in compressing images. (Image courtesy of Florian Kainz.)

Figure e6.1 shows an example RGB image. The image is disassembled into a luminance-only or grayscale image and a chroma image without any brightness information. Next, the chroma image is reduced to half its original width and height. The result can be seen in Figure e6.2.


Figure e6.2 Derived images containing luminance and chroma of image shown in Figure e6.1. Top: Luminance of the original image. Bottom: Half-resolution chroma image. (Image courtesy of Florian Kainz.)

Scaling the chroma image back to its original size and combining it with the luminance produces the image shown in Figure e6.3. Even though resizing the chroma image has discarded three-quarters of the color information, the reconstructed image is visually indistinguishable from the original. The difference between the original and the reconstructed image becomes visible only when one is subtracted from the other, as shown in the inset rectangle. The contrast of the inset image has been enhanced to make the differences more visible.

The specifics of converting an RGB image into luminance and chroma components differ among image file formats. How the conversion is performed in the OpenEXR file format (http://www.openexr.org) is shown here.


Figure e6.3 Reconstructed RGB image, and the difference between original and reconstructed pixels. (Image courtesy of Florian Kainz.)

The pixel values in OpenEXR RGB images are linear, that is, the value stored in a pixel is proportional to the amount of light represented by the pixel. The luminance, Y, of an RGB pixel is simply a weighted sum of the pixel’s R, G, and B components:

Y = R × 0.213 + G × 0.715 + B × 0.072

Chroma has two components, RY and BY:

RY = (R − Y)/Y
BY = (B − Y)/Y

RY indicates whether a pixel is more red or more green, and BY indicates whether a pixel is more yellow or more blue. For neutral gray pixels both RY and BY are zero. Neither RY nor BY contains any luminance information. If two pixels have the same hue and saturation, they have the same RY and BY values, even if one pixel is brighter than the other.2

Converting an image from RGB to the luminance-chroma format does not directly reduce its size. The original image has an R, a G, and a B value for each pixel, and the luminance-chroma image has Y, RY, and BY values. However, since the RY and BY components contain no luminance information, the RY and BY channels of the image can be resized to half their original width and height without noticeably affecting the look of the image. Luminance combined with the resized chroma components occupies only half as much space as the original RGB pixels: An RGB image with w × h pixels contains 3 × w × h samples, but the luminance/chroma image contains only (w × h) + 2 × (w/2 × h/2) or 1.5 × w × h samples.

To approximately reconstruct the original image, the RY and BY channels must first be resized to their original resolution and then converted back to R, G, and B:

R = (RY + 1) × Y

B = (BY + 1) × Y

G = (Y − R × 0.213 − B × 0.072)/0.715

Variations of luminance/chroma encoding are a part of practically all image file formats that employ lossy image compression, as well as a part of most digital and analog video formats.

Contrast Masking

If an image contains a boundary between two regions that differ drastically in brightness, then the high contrast between those regions hides low-contrast image features on either side of the boundary. For example, the left image in Figure e6.4 contains two grainy regions that are relatively easy to see against the uniformly gray background, and two horizontal lines, one of which is clearly darker than the other.

If the image is overlaid with a white stripe, as shown in the right image in Figure e6.4, then the grainy regions are much harder to distinguish, and it is difficult to tell whether the two horizontal lines have the same brightness or not.


Figure e6.4 Synthetic test image illustrating the contrast masking exploit in image compression. Note how introducing a much brighter area effectively masks any of the underlying noise and minimizes the differences in the brightness of the two horizontal lines. (Image courtesy of Florian Kainz.)

The high-contrast edge between the white stripe and the background hides or masks the presence or absence of nearby low-contrast details. The masking effect is fairly strong in this simple synthetic image, but it is even more effective in photographs and in photoreal computer graphics where object textures, film grain, and digital noise help obscure low-contrast details.

B44 Block Encoding

To demonstrate how lossy compression can take advantage of contrast masking, this section presents a brief overview of the B44 compression method, which was designed specifically to exploit this effect. B44 is one of the compression schemes available in the OpenEXR file format.

B44 compresses each channel independently, without relying on data from other image channels. To compress a single channel, the image is initially split into blocks of four by four pixels. Each block occupies only a small area on a theater screen or computer monitor. If the pixels in a single block have nearly the same brightness level, then the value of each pixel must be accurately preserved. Making any pixel brighter or darker would create a visible defect in the image. However, if the pixels in a block have very different brightness levels, then the brighter pixels mask details in the darker pixels. Storing the darker pixels with less accuracy does not visibly alter the overall image.

A 4 × 4 pixel block contains sixteen 16-bit floating point values or 32 bytes. B44 compression reduces the block to 14 bytes: the value of the brightest pixel, vmax, in the block is stored at full

16-bit precision. The approximate difference, d, between the brightest and the darkest pixel in the block is also stored, but only with 6-bit precision. The remaining 15 pixels, p1 through p15, are stored as 6-bit integer values, m1 through m15. Each integer indicates where the corresponding pixel’s brightness falls in the range between the brightest and the darkest value. A 6-bit number can represent the integers 0 through 63.

The value of the darkest pixel, vmin , in the block is approximately

vmin = vmax × (1 – 2-d)

In other words, if d is 0, then the range of pixel values in the block is 0 to vmax; if d is 1, the range is 0.5 × vmax to vmax; if d is 2, the range is 0.75 × vmax to vmax ; and so on.

Each of the 6-bit values m1 through m15 encodes the value of one pixel:

pi= vmin + (vmaxvmin) × mi/63

As mi goes from 0 to 63, pi goes from vmin to vmax. If a block’s brightness range is large, then all pixel values except the brightest one will be inaccurate. The lower end of the range of pixel values is only a rough approximation, and the 6-bit mi numbers can represent only 64 different pi values between the lower and upper end of the range. This is acceptable since the high contrast between the pixels, combined with the small block size, masks the inaccuracies. Conversely, if the block’s brightness range is small, then the 64 different possible pi values within this range are close together and thus allow for a more accurate representation of all pixels.3

B44 compression as outlined above is simple and maintains high image quality. B44 does not suffer from generational loss. Once an image has been B44-compressed it can be expanded and recompressed any number of times without additional degradation. The method’s simplicity and high quality come at a price: B44 compresses images only by a factor of 2.28 (blocks of 32 bytes are packed into 14 bytes). Even when B44 is combined with luminance/chroma encoding, the compression rate increases to only 4.56.

Compression methods based on more detailed models of the limitations of human vision can achieve higher and often adjustable compression rates, but those algorithms, which often employ discrete cosine transforms or wavelet transforms, are much more complex.

JPEG and JPEG 2000 Compression

Probably the most popular still-image compression algorithm overall is JPEG. All digital still cameras can output JPEG-compressed images, and the format can be read and written by almost all image processing and display programs.

JPEG compression was developed in the late 1980s. A detailed and accessible description can be found in the book “JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard” by Pennebaker and Mitchell (1993).

JPEG compression allows the user to trade image quality for compression. Excellent image quality is achieved at compression rates on the order of 15:1. Image quality degrades progressively if file sizes are reduced further, but images remain recognizable even at compression rates on the order of 100:1. The algorithm has a reputation for producing low-quality images, possibly because the Internet is full of JPEG images that have been compressed to the point where image quality is seriously degraded. JPEG compression is not very popular for visual effects production, but it has been used extensively in the production of several animated movies.

In 2000, JPEG 2000, a successor to the original JPEG compression, was published (ISO/IEC 15444-4:2004). JPEG 2000 achieves higher image quality than the original JPEG at comparable compression rates, and it largely avoids blocky artifacts in highly compressed images. JPEG 2000 images that are compressed too much tend to be blurred instead of blocky.

The wavelet-based JPEG 2000 compression algorithm is computationally more involved than the original JPEG method. Software-only implementations tend to be slow, but hardware-based implementations are capable of uncompressing high-resolution JPEG 2000 files at rates suitable for real-time playback of moving image sequences.

The Digital Cinema Package (DCP), used to distribute digital motion pictures to theaters, employs JPEG 2000 compression, and some digital cameras output JPEG 2000-compressed video, but JPEG 2000 is not commonly used to store intermediate or final images during visual effects production.

File Formats

This subsection presents a listing of image file formats that are typically found in post-production workflows. Due to the complexity of some of the image file formats, not all software packages will implement or support all of the features that are present in the specification of any given format. The listings that follow present information that is typical to most implementations. Where possible, references to the complete definition or specification of the format are given.

Camera RAW File Formats and DNG

RAW image files contain minimally processed data from a digital camera’s sensor. This makes it possible to delay a number of processing decisions, such as setting the white point, noise removal, or color rendering, until full-color images are needed as input to a post-production pipeline.

Unfortunately, even though most RAW files are variations of TIFF there is no common standard in the way data are stored in a file across camera manufacturers and even across different camera models from the same manufacturer. This may limit the long-term viability of data stored in such formats. Common file-name extensions include RAW, CR2, CRW, TIF, and NEF.

The DNG format, also an extension of TIFF, was conceived by Adobe as a way of unifying the various proprietary formats. Adobe has submitted the specification to ISO for possible standardization.

The image sensors in most modern electronic cameras do not record full RGB data for every pixel. Cameras typically use sensors that are equipped with color filter arrays. Each pixel in such a sensor is covered with a red, green, or blue color filter. The filters are arranged in a regular pattern, as per the top example4 in Figure e6.5:


Figure e6.5 Top: Arrangement of pixels in a typical image sensor with a red-green-blue color filter array. Bottom: The interleaved image is separated into three channels; the missing pixels in each channel must be interpolated. (Image courtesy of Piotr Stanczyk.)

To reconstruct a full-color picture from an image that has been recorded by such a color filter array sensor, the image is first split into a red, a green, and a blue channel as in the lower diagram in Figure e6.5.

Some of the pixels in each channel contain no data. Before combining the red, green, and blue channels into an RGB image, values for the empty pixels in each channel must be interpolated from neighboring pixels that do contain data. This is a non-trivial step and various implementations result in markedly different results.

Owner: Adobe

Extension: DNG

Reference: www.adobe.com/products/dng

Cineon and DPX

DPX is the de facto standard for storing and exchanging digital representations of motion picture film negatives. DPX is defined by an SMPTE standard (ANSI/SMPTE 268M-2003). The format is derived from the image file format originally developed by Kodak for use in its Cineon Digital Film System. The data itself contains a measure of the density of the exposed negative film.

Unfortunately, the standard does not define the exact relationship between light in a depicted scene, code values in the file, and the intended reproduction in a theater. As a result, the exchange of images between production houses requires additional information to avoid ambiguity. Exchange is done largely on an ad hoc basis.

Most frequently, the image data contains three channels representing the red, green, and blue components, each using 10 bits per sample. The DPX standard allows for other data representations including floating point pixels, but this is rarely supported.

The Cineon and DPX file formats do not provide any mechanisms for data compression so that the size of the image is only dependent on the spatial resolution.

One of the more useful recent additions to film scanning technology has been the detection of dust particles via an infrared pass. The scanned infrared data can be stored in the alpha channel of a DPX file.

Owner: SMPTE (ANSI/SMPTE 268M-2003)

Extension: CIN, DPX

Reference: www.cineon.com/ff_draft.php


JPEG Image File Format

JPEG is an ubiquitous image file format that is encountered in many workflows. It is the file format of choice when distributing photographic images on the Internet.

JPEG is especially useful in representing images of natural and realistic scenes. DCT compression is very effective at reducing the size of these types of images while maintaining high image fidelity. However, it is not ideal at representing artificial scenes that contain sharp changes in neighboring pixels, say, vector lines or rendered text.

Typical JPEG implementations suffer from generational losses and the limitations of 8-bit encoding. Consequently, it is not ideal for visual effects production pipelines where images may go through a high number of load–edit–save cycles. Still, the format is well suited, and used, for previewing purposes. It is also used as a starting point for texture painting.

Color management for JPEG images via ICC profiles is well established and supported by application software.

Owner: Joint Photographic Experts Group, ISO (ISO/IEC 109181:1994 and 15444–4:2004)

Extension: JPG, JPEG

Reference: www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/itu-t81.pdf


OpenEXR is a format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in visual effects production. The software surrounding the reading and writing of OpenEXR files is an open-source project allowing contributions from various sources.

OpenEXR is in use in numerous post-production facilities. Its main attractions include 16-bit floating point pixels, lossy and lossless compression, an arbitrary number of channels, support for stereo, and an extensible metadata framework.

Currently, there is no accepted color management standard for OpenEXR, but OpenEXR is tracking the Image Interchange Framework that is being developed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

It is important to note that lossy OpenEXR compression rates are not as high as what is possible with JPEG and especially JPEG 2000.

Owner: Open Source

Extension: EXR, SXR (stereo, multiview)

Reference: www.openexr.com

Photoshop Project Files

Maintained and owned by Adobe for use with the Photoshop software, this format not only represents the image data but the entire state of a Photoshop project including image layers, filters, and other Photoshop specifics. There is also extensive support for working color spaces and color management via ICC profiles.

Initially, the format only supported 8-bit image data, but recent versions have added support for 16-bit integer and 32-bit floating point representations.

Owner: Adobe

Extension: PSD

Reference: www.adobe.com/products/photoshop

Radiance Picture File—HDR

Radiance picture files were developed as an output format for the Radiance ray-tracer, a physically accurate 3D rendering system. Radiance pictures have an extremely large dynamic range, and pixel values have an accuracy of about 1%.

Radiance pictures contain three channels and each pixel is represented as 4 bytes, resulting in relatively small files sizes. The files can be either uncompressed or run-length encoded.

In digital visual effects, Radiance picture files are most often used when dealing with lighting maps for virtual environments.

Owner: Radiance

Extension: HDR, PIC

Reference: http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/refer/filefmts.pdf

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

This is a highly flexible image format with a staggering number of variations from binary FAX transmissions to multispectral scientific imaging. The format’s variability can sometimes lead to incompatibilities between file writers and readers, although most implementations do support RGB with an optional alpha channel.

The format is well established and has wide-ranging software support. It is utilized in scientific and medical applications, still photography, printing, and motion picture production. Like JPEG, it has a proven implementation of color management via ICC profiles.

Owner: Adobe

Extension: TIF, TIFF

Reference: http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/tiff/index.html


DPX standard, ANSI/SMPTE 268M-2003 (originally was version 1 268M-1994).

Huffman, D. A. A method for the construction of minimum-redundancy codes. In: Proceedings of the I.R.E. (September 1952) (pp. 1098–1102).

ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994. Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: requirements and guidelines.

ISO/IEC 15444-4:2004. JPEG 2000 image coding system: core coding system.

ITU-R BT.709–3. Parameter values for the HDTV standards for Production and International Programme Exchange.

OpenEXR image format, http://www.openexr.org

Pennebaker, W. B., & Mitchell, J. L. (1993). JPEG still image data compression standard. New York: Springer-Verlag, LLC.

Poynton, C. A. (2003). Digital video and HDTV: algorithms and interfaces. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Young, T. (1802). On the theory of light and colors. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 92.

1 In fact, if the lowest or highest possible value occurs a lot in a photographic image, then that image is generally underexposed or overexposed. Many digital cameras can display a histogram of the pixel values in captured images; a fairly flat histogram without tall spikes at the left or right end is a sign that the image has been exposed correctly.

2 The “magic numbers” 0.213, 0.715, and 0.072 are valid only if the RGB color space uses the Rec. ITU-R BT.709 primaries and white point (ITU-R BT.709–3). For other RGB color spaces different sets of numbers are used.

3 The actual B44 algorithm differs from the description given here, but the main idea, specifying individual pixel values within a block with low precision, but relative to a high-precision maximum value, is the same.

4 There exist a number of variations on both the geometry of these grids and the color filters employed.

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