Format, Format$ Functions

Named Arguments



Format(expression[, format[, firstdayofweek[, _


Use: Required

Data Type: String/Numeric

Any valid string or numeric expression.


Use: Optional

A valid named or user-defined format expression.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Numeric

A constant that specifies the first day of the week.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Numeric

A constant that specifies the first week of the year.

Return Value

A variant of subtype string containing the formatted expression.


Allows you to use either predefined or user-defined formats to create an infinite variety of ways to output string, numeric, and date/time data. It's possibly the most complex single function call in VB.

Rules at a Glance

  • See CDate for an explanation of the firstdayofweek and firstweekofyear arguments.

  • format can be either a predefined or a user-defined format.

  • User-defined formats for numeric values are created with up to four sections. Each section is used for a different type of numeric value and is delimited with a semicolon. The four possible sections are shown in the following table:

    Section Applies to
    1 All values, if used alone; positive values, if used with more than one section
    2 Negative values
    3 Zero values
    4 Null values

  • It's not necessary to include all four sections in the format clause. However, the number of sections present determines what types of numeric values each section defines, as the following table shows:

    # of Sections Applies to
    1 All numeric values
    2 Positive and zero values, negative values
    3 Positive values, negative values, zero values
    4 As shown in previous table

  • If you leave a section blank, that section uses the same format as that defined for positive values. For example, the format string:


    means that negative values will appear in the same format as positive values.

  • Only one section is allowed where one of the named formats is used.

  • User-defined formats for string values can have two sections. The first is for all values, the second applies only to Null values or zero-length strings.

    The predefined date and time formats are:

    General Date

    Example: Format("01/06/98","General Date")

    Returns: 1/6/98

    Long Date

    Example: Format("01/06/98","Long Date")

    Returns: Tuesday, January 06, 1998

    Medium Date

    Example: Format("01/06/98","Medium Date")

    Returns: 06-Jan-98

    Short Date

    Example: Format("01/06/98","Short Date")

    Returns: 1/6/98

    Long Time

    Example: Format("17:08:06","Long Time")

    Returns: 5:08:06 P.M.

    Medium Time

    Example: Format("01/06/98","Medium Time")

    Returns: 05:08 P.M.

    Short Time

    Example: Format("01/06/98","Short Time")

    Returns: 17:08

    The predefined numeric formats are:

    General Number

    Example: Format(562486.2356, "General Number")

    Returns: 562486.2356


    Example: Format(562486.2356, "Currency")

    Returns: $562,486.24


    Example: Format(0.2, "Fixed")

    Returns: 0.20


    Example: Format(562486.2356, "Standard")

    Returns: 562,486.24


    Example: Format(.7521, "Percent")

    Returns: 75.21%


    Example: Format(562486.2356, "Scientific")

    Returns: 5.62E+05


    Example #1: Format(0,"Yes/No")

    Returns: No

    Example #2: Format(23,"Yes/No")

    Returns: Yes


    Example #1: Format(0," True/False")

    Returns: False

    Example #2: Format(23," True/False")

    Returns: True


    Example #1: Format(0," On/Off")

    Returns: Off

    Example #2: Format(23," On/Off")

    Returns: On

  • Characters that create user-defined date and time formats are:


    Element: Date

    Display as: A date and/or time based on the short date and short time international settings of the current Windows system.

    Example: Format("01/06/98 17:08:06", "c")

    Returns: 1/6/98 5:08:06 PM


    Element: Date

    Display as: A complete date based on the long date international setting of the current Windows system.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "dddddd")

    Returns: Tuesday, January 06, 1998

    (/ )

    Element: Date separator

    Display as: A date delimited with the specified character.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "mm-dd-yyyy")

    Returns: 01-06-1998


    Element: Day

    Display as: A number (1–31) without a leading zero.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "d")

    Returns: 6


    Element: Day

    Display as: A number (01–31) with a leading zero.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "dd")

    Returns: 06


    Element: Day

    Display as: An abbreviation (Sun–Sat).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "ddd")

    Returns: Tue


    Element: Day

    Display as: A full name (Sunday–Saturday).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "dddd")

    Returns: Tuesday


    Element: Date

    Display as: A date based on the short date section in the computer's Windows international settings.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "ddddd")

    Returns: 1/6/98


    Element: Hour

    Display as: A number (0–23) without leading zeros.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "h")

    Returns: 5


    Element: Hour

    Display as: A number (00–23) with leading zeros.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "hh")

    Returns: 05


    Element: Minute

    Display as: A number (0–59) without leading zeros.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "n")

    Returns: 8


    Element: Minute

    Display as: A number (00–59) with leading zeros.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "nn")

    Returns: 08


    Element: Month

    Display as: A number (1–12) without a leading zero.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "m")

    Returns: 1


    Element: Month

    Display as: A number (01–12) with a leading zero.

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "mm")

    Returns: 01


    Element: Month

    Display as: An abbreviation (Jan–Dec).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "mmm")

    Returns: Jan


    Element: Month

    Display as: A full month name (January–ecember).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "mmmm")

    Returns: January


    Element: Quarter

    Display as: A number (1–4)

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "q")

    Returns: 1


    Element: Second

    Display as: A number (0–59) without leading zeros.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "s")

    Returns: 6


    Element: Second

    Display as: A number (00–59) with leading zeros.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "ss")

    Returns: 06


    Element: Time

    Display as: A time based on the 12-hour clock, using the time separator and leading zeros specified in Windows locale settings.

    Example: Format("05:08:06", "ttttt")

    Returns: 5:08:06 AM


    Element: Time

    Display as: A 12-hour clock format using uppercase A.M. and P.M.

    Example: Format("17:08:06", "hh:mm:ss AM/PM")

    Returns: 05:08:06 PM


    Element: Time

    Display as: A 12-hour clock format using lowercase a.m. and p.m.

    Example: Format("17:08:06", "hh:mm:ss am/pm")

    Returns: 05:08:06 pm


    Element: Time

    Display as: A 12-hour clock format using an uppercase "A" for A.M. and "P" for P.M.

    Example: Format("17:08:06", "hh:mm:ss A/P")

    Returns: 05:08:06 P


    Element: Time

    Display as: A 12-hour clock format using a lowercase "a" for a.m. and "p" for p.m.

    Example: Format("17:08:06", "hh:mm:ss a/p")

    Returns: 05:08:06 p


    Element: Time separator

    Display as: A time format using a nonstandard character.

    Example: Format("17:08:06", "hh::mm::ss")

    Returns: 17::08::06


    Element: Week

    Display as: A number (1–54).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "ww")

    Returns: 2


    Element: Weekday

    Display as: A number (1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "w")

    Returns: 3


    Element: Day of Year

    Display as: A number (1–366).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "y")

    Returns: 6


    Element: Year

    Display as: A two-digit number (00–99).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "yy")

    Returns: 98


    Element: Year

    Display as: A 4-digit number (100–9999).

    Example: Format("01/06/98", "yyyy")

    Returns: 1998

  • Characters that create user-defined number formats are as follows:


    Description: Digit Placeholder. If expression contains a digit in the appropriate position, the digit is displayed; otherwise, a is displayed. The format definition dictates the number of digits after the decimal point, forcing the number held within an expression to be rounded to the given number of decimal places. It doesn't, however, affect the number of digits shown to the left of the decimal point.

    Example #1: Format(23.675, "00.0000") returns 23.6750

    Example #2: Format(23.675, "00.00") returns 23.68

    Example #3: Format(2658, "00000") returns 02658

    Example #4: Format(2658, "00.00") returns 2658.00


    Description: Digit placeholder. If expression contains a digit in the appropriate position, the digit is displayed; otherwise, nothing is displayed.

    Example #1: Format(23.675, "##.##") returns 23.68

    Example #2: Format(23.675, "##.####") returns 23.675

    Example #3: Format(12345.25, "#,###.##") returns 12,345.25


    Description: Decimal placeholder. The actual character displayed as a decimal placeholder depends on the international settings of the local Windows system.


    Description: Percentage placeholder. Displays expression as a percentage by first multiplying the value of expression by 100.

    Example: Format(0.25, "##.00%") returns 25.00%


    Description: Thousands separator. The actual character displayed as a thousands separator depends on the international settings of the local Windows system. You need to show only one thousands separator in your definition.

    Example: Format(1000000, "#,###") returns 1,000,000

    (E- E+ e- e+)

    Description: Scientific format. If the format expression contains at least one digit placeholder (0 or #) to the right of "E-", "E+", "e-", or "e+", the number is displayed in scientific format, and the letter "E" or "e" that was used in the format expression is inserted between the number and its exponent. The number of digit placeholders to the right determines the number of digits displayed in the exponent. Use "E-" or "e-" to place a minus sign next to negative exponents. Use "E+" or "e+" to place a minus sign next to negative exponents and a plus sign next to positive exponents.

    Example: Format(1.09837555, "######E-###") returns 109838E-5

    - + $ ( )

    Description: Displays a literal character

    Example: Format(2345.25, "$#,###.##") returns $2,345.25

    ( )

    Description: The character following the backslash is displayed as a literal character. Use the backslash to display a special formatting character as a literal.

    Example: Format(0.25, "##.00 %") returns .25%

    Note the difference between the result of this example and the result of the % formatting character.

  • Characters that create user-defined string formats:


    Description: Character placeholder. If expression contains a character in the appropriate position, the character is displayed; otherwise, a space is displayed.

    Example: Format("VBA", "*@*@@@@@") returns * * VBA


    Description: Character placeholder. If expression contains a character in the appropriate position, the character is displayed; otherwise, nothing is displayed.

    Example: Format("VBA", "*&&*&&&&") returns **VBA


    Description: Displays all characters in lowercase.

    Example: Format("VBA", "<") returns vba


    Description: Displays all characters in uppercase.

    Example: Format("vba", ">") returns VBA


    Description: Processes placeholders from left to right (the default is to process from right to left).

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • A little-known and important use of the Format function is to prevent an Invalid Use of Null error from occurring when assigning values from a recordset to a variable within your program. For example, if a field within either a DAO or RDO recordset created from either an Access or SQL Server database contains a Null value, you can trap this and change its value to " " as follows:

    If IsNull(rsMyRecordSet!myValue) Then
       sMyString = "" 
       sMyString = rsMyRecordSet!myValue
    End If

    However, assigning the value returned by the Format function that has been passed the recordset field can do away with this long and tedious coding, as the following line of code illustrates:

    sMyString = Format(rsMyRecordSet!myValue)

  • The Format function is a workaround when using the ! delimiter to assign the value of a field in an RDO recordset to an item of a collection. The following code shows the assignment of a recordset field to a collection element:

    MyColl.Add rsMyRecordSet!myValue

    When this recordset is closed, references to this item of this collection element results in an error. One of the simplest workarounds is to assign the return value of a Format function, like this:

    MyColl.Add Format(rsMyRecordSet!myValue)

  • If you are passing a date to SQL Server, what date format should you use? By default, SQL Server expects an American date format, mmddyy, but the database may have been altered to accept other date formats, or you could be passing data to a stored procedure that begins with a date time conversion statement (SET DATEFORMAT dateformat). The only sure way of passing a date into SQL Server is by using the ANSI standard date format `yyyymmdd'—including the single quotation marks.

  • When passing a date to a Jet (Access) database, you should surround the date with hash characters (#); for example: #12/31/1999#.

  • Formatting numbers using Format without a format definition is also preferable to simply using the Str function. Unlike Str, the Format function removes the leading space normally reserved for the sign from positive numbers.

  • You can also use the Format function to scale numbers by 1000 by placing a thousands separator to the immediate left of the decimal point for each 1000 you wish the number to be scaled by. Thus:

    ' one separator divides the expression by 1000 = 1000
    Format(1000000, "##0,.") 
    'two separators divides the expression by 1,000,000 = 1
    Format(1000000, "##0,,.")

  • Visual Basic Version 6 introduces the concept of data binding, where a field in a data recordset can be programmatically bound to a property of a form, control, or other data consumer. Part of this new technology is the Format Object, which automatically formats data coming from the recordset based on properties you set within the object. Modified data passed back to the recordset is automatically unformatted.

See Also

CStr Function, Data Format Objects, Str Function
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