
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


A/B testing, A/B TestingA/B Testing
acquiescence bias, Surveys
Adobe Photoshop, Progressive Disclosure
affinity diagramming, Hierarchy
affordance and constraints, Affordance and Constraints
anxiety of influence, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
application purpose, fundamental questions about, Gathering Feedback
Atlassian, Creative Freedom
Atwood, Jeff, A/B Testing
auditory feedback, Conducting Interviews
auto recordings for usability testing, Cameras or Audio Recording


borrowing from others, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
bug reports, UCD versus, UCD Is Not a Bug Report
Buxton, Bill, Exercising Restraint


cameras or audio recordings for usability testing, Cameras or Audio Recording
Coding Horror (blog), A/B Testing
Collins-Sussman, Ben, Documenting Prototypes
color/contrast, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
The Commissioned Artist Syndrome, Using Prototypes
compiling findings of usability studies, Compiling Your FindingsCompiling Your Findings
confirmation, Confirmation
consistency, Consistency
constraints, Affordance and Constraints
contextual interviews, Conducting Interviews
control freaks, The Control Freak
creative examples, collection of, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
creativity and user experience, Creativity and User ExperienceCreativity Requires Questioning
courage and hard work required for creativity, Creativity Requires Courage and Hard WorkSteal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
borrowing from others, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
creative freedom, Creative Freedom
sketching your ideas, Pick Up a Pencil
understanding your goal, Understanding Your Goal
encouraging your creativity, Final Thoughts
having user experience goals, Having User-Experience Goals
questioning required for creativity, Creativity Requires Questioning
Crichton, Michael, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others


da Vinci, Leonardo, What If I Don’t Have Access to Users?
database diagrams, Documenting Data and Workflow Models
dataflow diagrams, Documenting Data and Workflow Models, Data and Workflow Models
defining a project, Defining Your Project
“Demystifying Design: Fewer secrets, bigger impacts”, Pick Up a Pencil
DePaul University course catalog search interface, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
description, project, Defining Your Project
design guidelines for different platforms, Heuristic Evaluation
The Design of Everyday Things, Mental Models and Metaphors
design principles, Design PrinciplesFitt’s Law
affordance and constraints, Affordance and Constraints
confirmation, Confirmation
consistency, Consistency
Fitt’s Law, Fitt’s Law
Hick’s Law, Hick’s Law
hierarchy, Hierarchy
mental models and metaphors, Mental Models and Metaphors
principle of proximity (Gestalt principle), Principle of Proximity (Gestalt Principle)
progressive disclosure, Progressive Disclosure
visibility, visual feedback, and visual prominence, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual ProminenceVisibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
designs, collecting, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
devil’s advocate (users), The Devil’s Advocate
documentation, Having a Plan
(see also project templates)
reviewing, Reviewing Your Documentation
Dribbble (website), Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Creative Freedom
dry-erase board, sketching ideas on, Pick Up a Pencil


educating users, Knowing When to Listen to Users and When to Not
EffectiveUI software design team, How Do I Know Which Plan Is Right for Me?
electrical plug, three pronged, Affordance and Constraints
environment for usability testing, Environment


Facebook, search results, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
failure, design versus personal failure, It’s Impossible to Get It Right the First Time
feature bloat, Exercising Restraint
feedback, gathering, Gathering FeedbackA/B Testing
conducting interviews, Conducting InterviewsConducting Interviews
number of users needed for, How Many Users Will I Need?
using A/B testing, A/B TestingA/B Testing
using heuristic evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation
using prototypes, Using PrototypesUsing Prototypes
using storyboarding, StoryboardingStoryboarding
using surveys, SurveysSurveys
using task analysis, Task Analysis
FiftyThree, Creating a Personal Manifesto
admirable execution of vision, Creativity and User Experience
implementation of Undo in Paper, Consistency
narrative for Paper app, Building a Narrative
Fitt’s Law, Fitt’s Law
Fitzpatrick, Brian, Documenting Prototypes
formal interviews, Conducting Interviews
frequency scale, Surveys
functional requirements, Creating Functional Requirements, Specifications Sheet (Functional Requirements)
Fundamental Attribution Error, Dealing with Negativity
Furtick, Steve, What If I Don’t Have Access to Users?


gathering feedback (see feedback, gathering)
Gestalt principles of perception, Principle of Proximity (Gestalt Principle)
Glasser, Milton, Creativity Requires Courage and Hard Work
goals, Creating Scenarios
(see also personal manifesto, creating)
understanding your goal, Understanding Your Goal
Google+, search results, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
Gothelf, Jeff, Pick Up a Pencil


HCI (human-computer interaction)
relationship between usability, UCD, UX and, UCD Is Not Usability
Heath, Chip, Dealing with Negativity
Heath, Dan, Dealing with Negativity
heuristic evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation
Hick’s Law, Hick’s Law
hierarchy principle, Hierarchy
hierarchy, using with Hick’s Law, Hick’s Law
Hogan, Blaine, Creativity Requires Courage and Hard Work
Hollis, Billy, UCD Is Not a Waste of Time or Money, Using Prototypes
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, Creativity Requires Courage and Hard Work
human factors (see usability)


icons, Mental Models and Metaphors
industry standards, evaluation against, Heuristic Evaluation
informal interviews, Conducting Interviews
information overloaders, The Information Overloader
Ingebretsen, Robby, Creating a Personal Manifesto
interviews, conducting to gather user feedback, Conducting InterviewsConducting Interviews
iOS applications, Heuristic Evaluation
iPad, Paper app, Creating a Personal Manifesto
iPhone, Our World Has Changed
app for organizing potlucks, Collecting User Requirements


Jobs, Steve, Our World Has Changed


The Last Supper, What If I Don’t Have Access to Users?
Letter of Intent, Having a Plan
Likert scales, Surveys
asking questions using clear and neutral language, Surveys
danger of acquiescence bias, Surveys
qualifying user opinions, Surveys
Lund, Arnold, UCD Is Not a Waste of Time or Money


Mac applications, Heuristic Evaluation
manifesto (see personal manifesto, creating)
master/apprentice model, Knowing When to Listen to Users and When to Not
mental models, Mental Models and Metaphors
menus, organization of, Hick’s Law
metaphors, Mental Models and Metaphors
Microsoft Office, Ribbon interface, Principle of Proximity (Gestalt Principle)
Millman, Debbie, Creativity Requires Courage and Hard Work
mission statement, creating for team, Creating a Team Mission Statement
mockups, Documenting Prototypes, Using Prototypes
mouse-driven interfaces, Fitt’s Law and, Fitt’s Law
movement time, or MT, Fitt’s Law


narrative, building for an application, Building a Narrative
creating personas, Creating Personas
navigational menus, Hick’s Law
negativity, dealing with, Dealing with Negativity
Nielsen, Jakob, Heuristic Evaluation
Norman, Donald, Mental Models and Metaphors
notepad to record usability test results, Notepad


Paper (iPad app), Creating a Personal Manifesto
story for, Building a Narrative
Undo in, Consistency
unique vision for, Creativity and User Experience
partnership model, The Control Freak
personal manifesto, creating, Creating a Personal ManifestoCreating Scenarios
building a narrative, Building a Narrative
exercising restraint, Exercising Restraint
personas, Creating Personas
scenarios, Creating Scenarios
creating for application users, Creating Personas
creating scenarios for, Creating Scenarios
example persona, Dan Welks
for team members or users, The Devil’s Advocate
Petschnigg, Georg, Creating a Personal Manifesto, Consistency
Photoshop, Progressive Disclosure
Pink, Daniel, Creative Freedom
Pinterest (website), Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
planning, Having a PlanReviewing Your Documentation
choosing the right plan, How Do I Know Which Plan Is Right for Me?
collecting user requirements, Collecting User Requirements
creating functional requirements, Creating Functional Requirements
creating team mission statement, Creating a Team Mission Statement
creating testing plan for usability studies, Creating a Testing PlanThanks
defining your project, Defining Your Project
documenting data and workflow models, Documenting Data and Workflow Models
documenting prototypes, Documenting Prototypes
having and documenting a strategic plan, Having a Plan
reviewing documentation, Reviewing Your Documentation
template for development process, Having a Plan
pointing devices, distance traveled, Fitt’s Law
positive outlook, shifting to, Dealing with Negativity
potluck app for iPhone, Creating Functional Requirements
progressive disclosure, Progressive Disclosure
project templates
core components, Having a Plan
database/dataflow diagrams, Documenting Data and Workflow Models
documenting prototypes, Documenting Prototypes
functional requirements, Creating Functional Requirements
project details section, Defining Your Project
reviewing documentation, Reviewing Your Documentation
sample template, TemplateIntroduction to Study
team mission statement, Creating a Team Mission Statement
user requirements, Collecting User Requirements
prominence, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
prototypes, Prototypes
documenting, Documenting Prototypes
using to gather feedback, Using PrototypesUsing Prototypes
prototyping, Using Prototypes
tools for, Tools for Prototyping
proximity principle, Principle of Proximity (Gestalt Principle)


questionnaire for usability testing, Conducting the Study
survey questions using clear and neutral language, Surveys


Rapid Response Team (RRT) project (example), Defining Your Project
reaction time, or RT, Hick’s Law
repetition of your understanding to users, Task Analysis
repurposing code, Be Prepared to Reboot
Request for Proposal or Letter of Intent, Having a Plan
resources, other, Other ResourcesWebsites
prototyping tools, Tools for Prototyping
Twitter, Twitter
websites, Websites
restraint, exercising in number of features, Exercising Restraint
Ribbon interface, Microsoft Office, Principle of Proximity (Gestalt Principle)
Rice, Anne, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
roles for users (or team members), The Devil’s Advocate
Ross, Lee, Dealing with Negativity
RRT (Rapid Response Team) project (example), Defining Your Project


creating for personas, Creating Scenarios
using scenario-based questioning for task analysis, Task Analysis
screenshots of prototypes, Documenting Prototypes
script for usability testing, Creating a Testing Plan
scripts for usabiity studies
sample script, Sample Script for a Usability Study
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)
sample project template, TemplateMaintenance Notes
search interface, DePaul University course catalog, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
search results, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
self-worth and personal value, distancing from outcome, It’s Impossible to Get It Right the First Time
ShipIt Days, Creative Freedom
sketching your ideas, Pick Up a Pencil
social networks
finding people who personify users, What If I Don’t Have Access to Users?
soft skills for UCD, Final Thoughts
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Having a Plan
sample project template, TemplateMaintenance Notes
specifications sheet, Specifications Sheet (Functional Requirements)
spreadsheet or database for usbaility testing, Spreadsheet or Database
stakeholders, identifying in project template, Defining Your Project
status, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
indicating status of an application, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
stopwatch for usability testing, Stopwatch
storyboarding, StoryboardingStoryboarding
structured interviews, Conducting Interviews
super users, level of engagement, The Control Freak
surveys, using to gather feedback, SurveysSurveys
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, Dealing with Negativity


task analysis, Task Analysis
Team Geek, Documenting Prototypes
team mission statement, creating, Creating a Team Mission Statement
The Ten Faces of Innovation, The Devil’s Advocate
three-pronged electrical plug, Affordance and Constraints
title, project, Defining Your Project
top box scoring, Surveys
training, usability studies and, Conducting the Study
resources for usability and UX, Twitter
search results, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
typeface, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence


UCD (user-centered design), Our World Has Changed
never finished, You’re Never FinishedFinal Thoughts
being prepared to reboot, Be Prepared to Reboot
impossibility of getting right first time, It’s Impossible to Get It Right the First Time
not a bug report, UCD Is Not a Bug Report
not a distraction, UCD Is Not a Distraction
not a waste of money or time, UCD Is Not a Waste of Time or Money
not just design, UCD Is Not Just Design
not subjective, UCD Is Not Subjective
questions to ask first, UCD Is Not a Distraction
relationship between usabiity, HCI, UCD, and UX, UCD Is Not Usability
versus usability, UCD Is Not Usability
Undo, implementation in Paper, Consistency
unstructured interviews, Conducting Interviews
Untitled: Thoughts on the Creative Process, Creativity Requires Courage and Hard Work
defined, UCD Is Not Usability
observing users and asking questions of them, Creativity Requires Questioning
problems found per number of users, How Many Users Will I Need?
relationship between HCI, UCD, UX and, UCD Is Not Usability
usability studies, Usability StudiesCompiling Your Findings
compiling findings, Compiling Your FindingsCompiling Your Findings
conducting, Conducting the StudyConducting the Study
creating testing plan, Creating a Testing PlanThanks
defined, What Are Usability Studies?
necessities for, What You’ll Need
practicing for, Don’t Hesitate to Practice
sample script for, Sample Script for a Usability Study
user experience (see UX)
user requirements, User Requirements
collecting, Collecting User Requirements
connecting functional requirements to, Creating Functional Requirements
user experience goals versus, Having User-Experience Goals
user testing (see usability studies)
user-centered design (see UCD)
creating personas for, Creating Personas
dealing with different types, Dealing with Different Types of UsersThe Devil’s Advocate
control freak, The Control Freak
devil’s advocate, The Devil’s Advocate
information overloader, The Information Overloader
knowing when to listen to users, Knowing When to Listen to Users and When to NotKnowing When to Listen to Users and When to Not
negativity of, dealing with, Dealing with Negativity
no access to, What If I Don’t Have Access to Users?What If I Don’t Have Access to Users?
number needed to gather feedback from, How Many Users Will I Need?
selection for usability testing, Creating a Testing Plan
UX (user experience), Creativity and User Experience
(see also creativity and user experience)
creativity and, Creativity and User Experience
defined, UCD Is Not Usability
having user experience goals, Having User-Experience Goals
relationship between usability, HCI, UCD and, UCD Is Not Usability


vending machine, dataflow diagram of, Documenting Data and Workflow Models
Viscocity, Understanding Your Goal
visibility, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual ProminenceVisibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
status of an application, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
visual feedback, Visibility, Visual Feedback, and Visual Prominence
vision, Creating a Personal Manifesto
(see also personal manifesto, creating)
revisiting for a project, Be Prepared to Reboot
visitor directory (example)
auditory feedback, Conducting Interviews
with animated dots leading to elevator, Knowing When to Listen to Users and When to Not
visual hierarchy, Hierarchy


Walker, Julian, Building a Narrative
websites, Websites
Weir, Jeff, Understanding Your Goal, It’s Impossible to Get It Right the First Time
Windows applications, Heuristic Evaluation
workflow diagrams, Documenting Data and Workflow Models, Data and Workflow Models
using task analysis for, Task Analysis
illustrating with storyboarding, Storyboarding
user, learning about, Knowing When to Listen to Users and When to Not
The Writer’s Idea Workshop, Steal (I Mean Borrow) from Others
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