Chapter 9. Usability Studies

“People’s minds are changed through observation and not through argument.”

Will Rogers

Throughout this book I’ve made a case for the value of involving users in your design. In the previous chapter, we talked about different ways you can collect feedback and receive a broad understanding of the problem space. But what if you’ve already developed an application? How do you know if it’s effectively meeting your users’ needs?

Of course, you could always just ask them. We’ve talked a lot about having discussions with users and asking them questions; that process is still important. Users can tell us a lot about what’s working and what’s not. However, the most powerful way to gain insight into what a user needs is by directly observing them.

There are times when users’ perspectives are skewed and subjective. Try asking users how long it takes for your application to load and you may get a variety of answers. For some users, your application’s load time is just fine; for others it’s painfully slow and unusable. Usability studies could help you determine just how long your application takes to load and, more importantly, how much of an impact it presents for your users. Usability testing quantifies your observations.

In fact, usability studies are one of the key features of user-centered design. If you’re embarking on a website redesign, for instance, how do you know if your new design is better than the original? How do you know if you’ve actually achieved your vision and improved your users’ experience?

Usability studies can help provide these answers. They establish baselines to track improvement in your application’s design. By actively observing users and documenting their comments, actions, mistakes, and successes, you gain a valuable perspective on exactly how your application is being used.

What Are Usability Studies?

A usability study, or user testing, is the measured observation of users’ behavior as they engage in the use of your software application. It’s scientific in practice and favors metrics, measurements, and data to prove assumptions. There are two ways you can approach usability studies.

You can choose to complete the study in the user’s environment. For instance, if you’re building a call management application, you may elect to observe users in a live call center. This is referred to as a natural setting or an in-the-wild study. Much like the contextual inquiries we discussed in the previous chapter, usability studies are even more focused, systematic, and consistent.

The overall goal of a usability study is to measure the effectiveness of a feature or set of features within your application. To do this, you establish metrics such as time to complete or number of errors or a combination of these measurements. The study can also be combined with a survey to measure things that are difficult to observe like satisfaction or perception of value.

To complete a usability study successfully, you’ll want to have a plan.

Creating a Testing Plan

It may seem obvious, but before you can conduct testing, you’ll need to know what you’re looking for. If you’re building a mobile phone application, don’t just hand the phone to someone and see if they like it. You’d be better served by a measured and organized approach. You’ll want to have the right subjects, a prepared script, and a set of guidelines. These ensure that the data you collect is consistent and viable.

Just like creating surveys, it’s important that you have the proper selection of users. If you’re building a line-of-business application for a specific group of users, you’ll obviously want to include them in your research. If you’re building a mobile phone application for novice and experienced users, then you’ll want to make sure you’re including people from all levels of experience and familiarity. As we discussed with questionnaires, make sure to avoid selection bias, selecting users who are misrepresentative of the group.

A script can be a useful way to achieve consistency in your testing. It’s easy to veer off course or become distracted when conducting a study. Preparing a script will allow you to deliver the test exactly the same way to each subject.

It may feel odd to read from a script, but it truly is the best way to ensure consistency. I find that a script sets the tone for a good quality study. Users will know that you’re serious about getting valid results and you’ve come prepared for the study. If you need an example of what a script might look like, be sure to check out Appendix A at the end of this book.

Here are some things you should include in your script:


Make sure you introduce the concept of the study and its purpose. Depending on the situation, you may need to ask for a legal release from the subject. Be sure that you’re up-front about how you plan to use the results, especially if you plan to publish your findings.


Some subjects tend to be a bit nervous. Reassure them by explaining that you’re testing the application and not them. If you’re testing users within your organization, it’s critical that you explain that the results will be anonymous.

No employee wants his boss to know he’s having difficulty using the company’s software. I find that using words like test or grading can rattle nerves; instead, you might consider using words like observe and study.

Testing Guidelines

Guidelines help define how the study will be conducted. Are you going to train subjects first? Are they allowed to ask questions? How much time do they have? Having these guidelines or rules in place will help subjects know what’s expected of them and allow you to observe users consistently.


Tasks will be the basis of your usability study. They are the metrics you plan to measure. For instance, you might decide to measure the time it takes for a user to change his profile picture or search for an item. You might also measure the number of queries required to locate a certain pair of shoes on a shopping site. Whatever the task or tasks are, make sure they’re quantifiable.


Make sure you leave time at the end of the study to go over any questions or concerns. I’ve found that it can be fun to go over my observations with the subject. No matter how many times you told them that it wasn’t a test, they still have this urge to know how they did.

Also, by sharing your observations, you may receive additional comments or explanations from the subject. Conversations after a study can clarify what you’ve just observed.


Finally, be sure to thank your subjects. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in observations and discussions that you forget this simple courtesy. Also, it might be a good idea to remind them of how you’re planning on using the results and shore up any last-minute questions.

If appropriate, you might consider giving a small gift in appreciation of their time. I find coffee house gift cards work wonders!

What You’ll Need

You may be wondering how many people should participate to have an effective study. One option is to apply Jakob Nielsen’s no-more-than-five rule described in the previous chapter. Remember, the only guarantee is that if you don’t do any studies, you can expect to discover zero usability problems. I would rather conduct a study with three people than not have any study at all. On the other side, having too many subjects can be a logistical nightmare that complicates and delays your efforts.

Don’t think that testing a handful of people is a waste of time. If you only have access to a small group of users, I still encourage you to try usability testing. I’ve conducted very small studies and still gained valuable insights.

Other than the number of participants, here are some other things you should have while preparing for a study:


If you’re planning on measuring how long it takes subjects to complete a task to determine the success of your design, you’ll want to use a stopwatch or one of the many smartphone applications with stopwatch features. Obviously, time to complete should not rule all design decisions. Just because a user can complete a task quickly doesn’t mean that the design is more enjoyable. Even if it isn’t a specific factor in my design decision, I like to keep track of the time each subject spends completing tasks.


Use a notepad and pen, even though it might be tempting to take notes on a laptop or mobile device. Users move and talk quickly, and you’ll want to be prepared to capture any behavior or comment as it happens. I find that a quickly drawn symbol or diagram can be a more effective way to capture my observations. Pen and paper afford me that flexibility.


Consider the environment that best complements what you are trying to study. If it’s important that there are minimal distractions, you may want to secure a location that is out of the way or quiet. Make sure you’ve prepared the location for your study. Basic things like comfortable chairs, lighting, network connectivity, and room temperature all affect your study. Be sure to check the environment and tools your subjects will be using to ensure they won’t interfere or become a distraction. Subjects will appreciate that you’ve prepared the space for their study. If you plan on spending a significant amount of time with them, make sure to have water and snacks available.

Spreadsheet or Database

Tabulate your data in a spreadsheet or database. If time permits, you may want to build your own mini-application to collect it. Having data organized electronically will help you with quickly identifying patterns. Microsoft Access and Excel are both great products for this kind of data aggregation and reporting.

Again, users move quickly. There will be little time to input data while observing behaviors. I recommend collecting your findings on your notepad first then entering them into a spreadsheet or database later.

Cameras or Audio Recording

Employ video cameras or audio-recording equipment to capture all respondents’ comments and behavior. Typically, I’m not a fan of this equipment because it tends to distract the subject. Most folks hate the idea of being on camera, and no matter how much you reassure them to the contrary, subjects will feel like they are being tested. Having a camera pointed at their face doesn’t help quell that anxiety.

If you feel that a camera or recording device is necessary, make sure that the equipment is unobtrusive. Also, include the fact that you will be recording the study in your script. You may also want to consider giving your subject the courtesy of opting out of the recording.

Using your smartphone camera to take a few pictures might be less intrusive. Sometimes a gallery of photos is enough to document how subjects responded during the study.

I realize that to some of you this level of preparation might seem daunting, and the idea of writing a script might seem a little overboard. You may be tempted to just sit down with your users and watch them use your application. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a plan for your usability study. Much like the entire user-centered design process, having a vision and documented plan for your usability studies are the best way to ensure you receive meaningful results.

Conducting the Study

After you put a plan in place, it will be time to conduct your study. I recommend printing each task you plan to study on its own piece of paper. If you place a packet of instructions in front of subjects, there’s a good chance they’ll begin to leaf through it and get ahead of themselves. Having the tasks printed individually minimizes those distractions and prevents your subjects from skipping ahead.

Additionally, you’ll want to have a printed copy of your script for you to read. Prepare the script to coincide with each task. Ideally, you’ll have an overall script for the study and mini-scripts for each task. Make sure the language is consistent from task to task, even if it feels like you’re repeating yourself.

One thing that you want to continually remind subjects to do is to think aloud. This is the process of the subject telling you what she’s thinking while she completes the task. It’s all too easy for users to quietly focus on completing the task. The problem with that is that you’re missing out on their thought process. You can’t really tell what’s going through their head as they use your application unless they tell you.

Your script should include the instruction to talk aloud several times. You may consider giving this instruction before the start of every task. Most subjects will resist because it feels silly—they’ll feel like they’re rambling—but encourage them to anyway. Their stream of consciousness will be full of insight, even if they don’t realize.

Imagine that the user is looking for the Search button in your application. If she doesn’t say, “OK, I’m looking for the search button now,” there’s no way for you to connect with what she’s trying to do. By having subjects think aloud, you can better document their actions and hone in on what might be tripping them up. Let’s say you’re testing an email and calendar application. A great usability study should have your subjects sounding like this:

OK, I need to send a message. I’m going to click on this button because it says New.

Oh, wait. That looks like that opened a new appointment. I don’t want that. How do I close it? Oh, there it is.

All right, I get it now. I need to select the Inbox first. That’s weird though; I wish the icons were different so I could tell between the two.

In this case we would document that the user was having trouble decoding the difference between creating a new message and a new appointment. This will remind us to review how we’re handling the creation of new items in our application. Perhaps it will drive us to consider a new design decision. If the user hadn’t mentioned that she was trying to create a new message, we might’ve missed that she was having trouble.

If a user has questions about how to complete a task, I strongly suggest that you only clarify what the task requires. Limit your instruction and do your best to eliminate any training while the user is trying to complete the task. You want the subject to try and figure it out for herself and think aloud as she does.

Too often, usability studies end up turning into training sessions. There’s nothing wrong with showing the user how to complete tasks, just make sure this training doesn’t occur during the study. If your application requires training (e.g., a complex line-of-business application that users have never seen before), then consider doing training before the study. If possible, have enough time between training and the study so that users are able to recall how the application works.

If subjects ask for help, rather than telling them what to do, consider flipping the question around:

Subject: “So, I need to find a way to print this out. Is this the right way to do it?”

Me: “How do you think you should be able to do it?”

Subject: “Well, other programs have the Print feature under the File menu, but this application doesn’t have it there.”

By responding to the subject with a question, I was tipped off to the fact that I should consider putting the Print function where other applications place it (under the File menu). Avoid the temptation to provide training to increase your chances of catching things you might’ve missed.

If it’s possible, position yourself behind subjects. I find that it’s much easier to take notes and make observations without distracting them.

When each task is complete, take a moment to capture your measurements (elapsed time, number of errors, etc.). Consider giving subjects a small questionnaire while you jot down these last minute notes. I’ve found this to be a smooth rhythm that doesn’t make subjects wait while you’re furiously writing in your notebook. Also, while they’re completing the questionnaire, you can prepare for the next task (reset the stopwatch, get the next printed instructions, and so on).

The questionnaire could be satisfaction-based, with questions about users’ experience while completing the task. See Chapter 7 for more information about conducting surveys.

Things happen quickly during a usability test. You’ll be surprised by how many observations and off-handed comments you’ll want to write down for review. Having a clear script, printed materials, and any other tools ready to go will keep your study moving efficiently.

Don’t Hesitate to Practice

If you’re eager to get out there and begin, that’s great! However, I encourage you to fight the temptation to prematurely study your users. A great way to test the script and structure of your study is to practice. Consider asking a friend or colleague to run through the entire study with you. This will give you an opportunity to find any typos or confusing language in your script.

Ideally, you’ll find someone who is a good candidate for your application. If you practice with a fellow project member, he may be too familiar with the application to point out confusing areas.

Regardless of whom you find, spend time practicing to be prepared to conduct the official study.

Compiling Your Findings

Your usability studies should provide you with a trove of insight and feedback. It may be tempting to take one comment and start making design modifications, but you’ll be better served by taking the time to compile all your findings. By calculating your measurements and organizing your comments, you’ll convert the data into meaningful conclusions. The data from your usability studies can help you justify your design decisions, especially when there’s conflict among team members about how the application should function.

Here’s an example. While studying a redesign of our corporate intranet, I discovered that it was significantly less efficient for users to navigate a list of items rather than searching for a specific item. During this study, we examined our employee directory, which gave users the ability to search for an employee and see a list of employees by selecting a letter of the last name, as shown in Figure 9-1.

Our original employee directory provided users with a list of employees and the ability to search for someone
Figure 9-1. Our original employee directory provided users with a list of employees and the ability to search for someone

When asked to locate a specific employee, more than 90% of employees clicked to view a list of all employees with the shared letter of the last name. This would require them to scan a lengthy list. Some users took more than four minutes before locating the employee they were looking for.

When I asked why they chose to view a list of all the employees rather than using the available Search box, I received a common response: they were concerned they would spell the employee’s name wrong. They believed that it would be better to scan the entire list of all employees rather than take a risk of entering the name incorrectly.

The study helped me realize that if given the choice between searching and viewing a list of results, our staff did not feel confident in using Search, even though it would’ve been a far more efficient option. Primarily, their concern was spelling an employee’s name wrong.

Misspelling a name was a legitimate issue. Employees have unique spellings and long last names. It could take several queries to get the name you were looking for.

Therefore, I decided to build suggestions into our search, as depicted in Figure 9-2. I realized that we already had the list of employee names. Why not create a way to suggest all the possible employees as the user was typing his query? This would reduce errors and give users confidence to rely on a search engine rather than scanning lengthy lists.

Revised employee search using suggestions
Figure 9-2. Revised employee search using suggestions

As with any change, I experienced pushback from some staff and leaders. They were adamant that reviewing the lists was easier than typing an employee’s name. However, their disagreement was merely anecdotal compared to my data.

I was able to prove that the average user spends 21 minutes a year looking for employees. At over 3,500 employees being paid an average rate of $20.50 an hour, that was an estimated expense of $25,000 a year! Admittedly, this isn’t very sturdy math (in fact this is about as fuzzy as it gets), but the point is that having measurements allowed me to prove to the naysayers that their assumptions were incorrect.

This is why usability studies are the crux of the user-centered design methodology—they correct assumptions through the systematic observation of users and collection of their feedback. There’s no going with your gut in the user-centered design world.

I’m confident that when you begin usability studies, not only will you strengthen your relationship with users, but you’ll also be a better programmer. You’ll learn what works, what doesn’t, and most importantly, you’ll have the data to back it up.

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