Chapter 10. You’re Never Finished

“Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.”

Richard Bach

My hope is that our time together has helped you understand the value of putting users in the center of your development process. I realize user-centered design is not easy and requires a great deal of investment on your part. However, I strongly believe that it’s worth the investment.

When you begin to work in step with users, you save yourself valuable time by heading in the right direction. I don’t know about you, but I hate having to rewrite code or throw away an hour’s worth of work. I feel silly when I put my application in front of the user and realize I’ve missed something obvious, which renders the application unusable. It only takes of few situations like these to make you realize that you can’t build applications without users’ help.

However, I’m not going to suggest that the user-centered design process is the quickest methodology for getting your application out the door. You’ll still make mistakes, even when users tell you exactly what they need. Guess what? Users change their minds all the time! They ask for one thing, see it, and decide they want something else.

This is why it’s important to not only listen to their needs, but also observe them to get a holistic view of the problem space.

With all that said, one of the most important aspects of user-centered design is the willingness to get it right. You have to be willing to start over if necessary. After all, what good is testing your design if you’re unwilling to change it based on the results? This requires you to check your ego to give your users the very best application you can build.

It’s Impossible to Get It Right the First Time

As difficult as it can be, you must give up the fantasy that you’ll get everything right in the first version of your application. You have to fight against becoming paralyzed because you’re unwilling to release your application until you make everything perfect.

Strike the right balance between accepting that you’re releasing an imperfect product and determining to get things right.

Jeff Weir explains this well:

Only with iteration will your product, or whatever you create, actually get better. You’re never going to get it right on the first try. No one gets it right on the first try. Otherwise, we’d still have the first iPod.

Having developed applications and websites for some time now, I can tell you that it’s still difficult to hear criticism. As much as I pride myself on my thick skin, I still want to hear the user say, “It’s perfect. You don’t need to change anything!” To date, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that, and I don’t expect to any time soon.

A skill that I’ve crafted over many years is the ability to distance my personal value and self-worth from the outcome of my applications. At the risk of sounding like a psychologist, I’m going to state this again because it bears constant repeating.

We need to understand that if our design fails, it’s not a personal failure. We have to explore what we’ve missed or the questions we might not have asked. If our design doesn’t work, it’s because we failed at getting the right information; it doesn’t mean we failed at being a programmer and should consider another profession.

Having the right mindset will allow you to be less defensive when receiving feedback. It will also protect you from getting discouraged or feeling like a loser if you built something that users don’t like.

Users can be demanding, but my experience has shown that when we include them in the development process, they have a better understanding of how to communicate what’s missing. Additionally, they have a better understanding of what they’re asking for.

Users that have worked with me in designing an application end up learning the difficulties and technical limitations. We need to acknowledge that just because our users don’t have computer science degrees doesn’t mean they aren’t adept at helping us solve technical problems.

Be Prepared to Reboot

Developers have a tendency to be code hoarders, to fall in love with code and want to keep it forever. We leave it in our applications because we never know if we may need or want to repurpose it. Our applications become a virtual storage shed for all of our coding ideas.

Certainly, code repurposing has its merits, and there is no reason to reinvent the wheel for every project. However, it has its drawbacks. If we continually institute the same code for each project, we run the risk of implementing the same solution to every problem. It can become more difficult to provide new solutions to usability concerns. We end up sizing up each user request as an exercise to prove that “we’ve got code for that.”

If our application doesn’t meet users’ needs, we need to ask basic questions:

  • What are we trying to achieve?

  • How are we providing value?

  • What do our users love?

  • What do our users hate?

The immense challenge of building an application makes it easy to drift from these questions. Still, building a great application may mean we have to go back to the beginning. It may mean we have to start over and revisit our vision. We might have to reboot our assumptions.

I know how hard it is to throw away code. I know you’re thinking, “This code took me months to figure out! Now you want me to throw it all away because my users don’t need it?”

Yes. That’s exactly what I want you to do.

When we put our code before our users, we move away from the vision we had in the first place. Our job is to make great applications, not great code. If your code doesn’t support your vision for the application, then it needs to go. It’s as simple as that.

Challenge yourself and your team to revisit your project’s vision. Continually take time out of your development cycle to ensure that you’re heading in the right direction. Make sure that the choices you’ve made are best for your users and not because you’re afraid to delete code.

Be bold and willing to re-evaluate assumptions to make sure they still have merit in the light of new discoveries.

This is why it’s so important to have a team mission statement or manifesto for your project. By having a clear definition of what you’re trying to achieve, you save yourself the time of getting off track. Revisit your mission statement often, and don’t hesitate to use it while making difficult design decisions.

Final Thoughts

I’d like to make one final point before we conclude. Some of us developers tend to be an egotistical bunch. There’s a level of self-importance and power that comes with creating applications that users rely on. With a mouse click or stroke of the keyboard, we can change everything!

On the flip side, many of us have an incredible pressure to be experts and have it all figured out. Many times, we find ourselves alone, and it’s easy to get disillusioned or frustrated. In short time, your users become the enemy. They represent the riotous horde just outside your door chanting, “When will it be done?”

Take a deep breath; user-centered design requires soft skills. You have to patiently listen to your users and genuinely desire their feedback. I’m not saying you have to agree with what they’re saying, but you should, at the very least, value it. Remember that at the end of the day, our users have a lot to teach us.

I’ve had users give me suggestions that are so embarrassingly simple that I don’t know how I missed them. After all, I’m supposed to be the expert! The reality is that it’s impossible for me to see everything. Developing applications requires such an intense focus on the smallest details that I have to concede my ability to catch and think of everything.

To do it right requires help, and there’s no better group of people to help us than the users themselves.

That’s the beauty of the user-centered design approach. It protects us from the failed curtain unveiling, the point where we unveil our application to a dissatisfied group of users. It gives us a roadmap that maintains our empathy for users by continually focusing on their experience.

What I’ve offered in this book is a quick introduction. There is a wealth of knowledge in the usability and user-experience worlds. Follow the experts and learn from them. If you need help finding some experts, see the section Chapter 11.

Encourage your own creativity by taking time to explore new things. Create a plan to help you implement your user-centered design strategy. Gather feedback from your users and ask them specific questions about the problem space. Create prototypes to test early design considerations, and let your users evaluate them.

Finally, conduct detailed and organized usability studies. Measure your application’s usability by observing users as they try to complete tasks. Document their comments and use data to support your design decisions.

Implement the user-centered design methodology outlined in this book, and you’ll pursue the very best for your users. When users know they’re at the center of your application’s focus, they’ll continue to reward it with their preference and loyalty.

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