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Type Foundries
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The Font Bureau, Inc.
Publication designer and consultant Roger
Black and designer David Berlow (82) founded
The Font Bureau in . In addition to the
founders, notable type designers such as
Tobias Frere-Jones (87) and Cyrus Highsmith
have also produced designs for the foundry.
The Font Bureau primarily serves the
typographic needs of microcomputer-based
magazine and newspaper publishers. To date,
the foundry has designed more than ,
fonts for -plus publications.
Designers Neville Brody (84) and Erik Spiekermann (103) founded
FontShop in  in Berlin. Today, the foundry is one of the world’s
largest manufacturers of digital typefaces.  has published thou-
sands of fonts under the FontFont label including  Meta, 
Scala, and  Trixie. FontFont also features fonts from type design-
ers such as David Berlow (82), Erik van Blokland, and Tobias
Frere-Jones (87), as well as many up-and-coming designers.
Mr. Eaves
FF Scala
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Typography, Referenced
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House Industries, based in Wilmington,
Delaware, was established in  by Andy
Cruz and Rich Roat. The founders charac-
terize themselves not just as developers of
type design, but also as developers of the
idea behind the design, by creating prod-
ucts such as shirts, books, and other objects
inspired by their work. Some of their most
notable typefaces include Neutraface,
Eames, and Chalet. The foundrys fonts
appear on billboards, greeting cards, logos,
and in mainstream media.
House Industries
More than thirty- ve years ago,
type designers Herb Lubalin
(), Aaron Burns, and Edward
Rondthaler, the principal founder
of Photo-Lettering, Inc., founded
the International Typeface Cor-
poration () with the intention
of supplying typefaces to industry
professionals. Today, , owned
by Monotype Imaging (), is
known for its expansive classic
font collection, including Avant
Garde Gothic, Bodoni (), and
Kabel (). Recently I also
expanded its library to include
more contemporary fonts includ-
ing display and illustrative types
such as Deelirious. Currently the
foundry represents more than
, typefaces.
International Typeface Corporation
 Elegy
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Type Foundries
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Linotype, originally a manufacturer of typesetters
used by newspaper and general printers, began
developing fonts exclusively for its own equipment.
The company eventually became the standard
in typesetting and font development.
Not until the s () did Linotype make its
fonts available for use on other equipment, such as
Adobe Systems (). The foundry granted Adobe
permission to produce some of its most famous
fonts in the digital PostScript Type  format, making
them universally available. Some of Linotype’s most
famous typefaces include Frutiger (), Optima,
Helvetica (), Univers (), and Palatino. Cur-
rently, Monotype Imaging () owns the company.
In , Carlos Segura founded T., a digital type
foundry based in Chicago and established to further
the design, promotion, and distribution of type
designs, as well as promote the integration of typogra-
phy into graphic design, fi ne art, and popular culture.
Today, the foundry off ers fonts from more than 
designers, equaling more than , individual type
designs from  families. Some of most notable fonts
from T. include Flux, Vinyl, and Leger.
 is a Hamburg, Germany–based foundry that
specializes in developing software products and
custom type for corporations and productions, in addi-
tion to supplying a range of retail fonts, both original
and licensed. Unlike other foundries,  off ers
a comprehensive list of non-Latin fonts including
Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic. Some of its most notable
fonts include Filo Pro, Neustadt, and Cutoff Pro.
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Typography, Referenced
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 
Independent Foundries
Independent foundries are much smaller than large and mega foundries and are usually made up of a
small collective or an individual who is not commercially backed and operates with a low overhead.
Minneapolis, Minnesota–
based Chank is run by font
designer Chank Diesel.
In , while working as
creative director for the
alternative music maga-
zine, Cake, Diesel began
designing typefaces. Just
ve years later, he was
being pro led in the Wall
Street Journal. His foundry
develops custom fonts for
retail and corporate clients,
as well as free experimen-
tal fonts. Chank focuses on
fun, playful fonts that the
foundry believes a variety
of users can access.
Chank, Co.
Club Type
Designer Adrian Williams
founded the United Kingdom–
based type foundry, Club
Type, in . Williams
began his type career in
 converting well-known
metal typefaces designed for
phototypesetting devices. He
has continued to develop as
technology has, digitizing
typefaces for contemporary
systems. His ability to create
versatile typefaces has led to
custom fonts for corporate
branding and identities such
as Renault and Fosters Lager.
Club Type off ers a small but
well-crafted collection of
typefaces including Bulldog,
Congress Sans, and Monkton.
Darden Studio
Joshua Darden () founded the Brooklyn,
New York–based type foundry, The Darden
Studio, in . The foundry focuses on
creating new typefaces and lettering for
various clients including publications,
institutions, and corporations. It advertises
a holistic approach to design, integrating
other areas of interest such as painting,
metalworking, and writing into daily
activities. The foundry’s type library includes
the best-selling typefaces Omnes, Freight,
and Jubilat.
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Type Foundries
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The Enschedé Font Foundry
www.teff .nl
Peter Matthias Noordzij founded The Enschedé Font
Foundry in  as an extension of the printing house and
type manufacturer, Enschedé, which was established in
The Netherlands in . The foundry continues the tradi-
tion of designing and manufacturing high-quality type for
retail and commissioned custom projects. Notable type-
faces include Trinité, Lexicon, and Ruse.
Exljbris Font Foundry
Dutch designer Jos Buivenga founded The Netherlands
based foundry, Exljbris, in  after years of designing
typefaces for his personal use and posting them online for
free. In  he released Museo, which became an instant
success and pushed him to make the swh to full-time
type designer. Buivenga’s most notable fonts include
Geotica, Calluna, and Museo.
FontHaus, founded in  by Mark Solsburg, was the
rst independent font retailer in the United States and
one of the fi rst to sell and distribute fonts online. The
retailer distributes more than , fonts for major font
foundries such as Adobe (), Bitstream (), The Font
Bureau, Inc. (), International Typeface Corporation
(), Monotype (),  (), and many others. It
also supplies fonts to numerous media companies, adver-
tising agencies, designers, and corporations worldwide.
Calluna Museo Slab
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