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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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t is very diffi cult to judge where to start (or end) when
compiling a list of the best schools at which to study
typography as a specialty or as part of a broader course
of graphic subjects. Globally there are, of course, many
good schools from which to choose. Some schools do have
reputations that precede them and are undisputed as the
cream of the crop, but that does not automatically make them
optimal for everyone.
The study of any visual art is, by its nature, a personal
journey that di ers for every person who embarks on a career
in the creative industries. Just ask a typographer for his favorite
typeface and likely a di erent answer will come out every time.
For this reason, here’s the best advice this book can possibly
give regarding schools: If you are looking for the right course
to attend, spend as much time as possible researching as many
schools as you can. For that matter, look at as many diff erent
geographical options as you can, too, drawing the line only at
schools in locations that present too many practical diffi culties
for you to attend. The infl uence of studying while immersed in
a culture di erent from that to which you are accustomed can
profoundly a ect the way you approach your work.
The following list refl ects schools that, at the time of this
writing, off er specialist typographic courses or that contain
a signi cant curricular element dedicated to the study of
typography and type design. Wherever possible, we indicate
specialty, but in all cases, we strongly recommend contacting
any school of interest to ascertain whether it really is the best
choice. Also, try to fi nd out whether the school has an alumni
group with graduates prepared to off er up opinions about how
well the course worked for them.
The following list is organized alphabetically by country.
Entries shown as a listing off er a course or courses during
which typography is taught as part of a wider range of graphic
design studies.
Schools of Typography
Carrera de Diseño de Tipografía,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
The University of Buenos Aires runs a specialist course
on type design through its department of design
and typography. The course focuses on the cultural
aspects of typography alongside practical tuition.
De Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp
Typography is part of a wide range of graphic design studies.
La Cambre, École Nationale Supérieure
des Arts Visuels, Brussels
This school is regarded as the main Belgian location for
the study of typography as a specialty. The course looks
at a broad range of typographic applications including
books, posters, signage, multimedia, and websites.
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Type-Specifi c Resources
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Information Design and Typographic , Santiago
Information Design and Typographic  (Diseño de
Información & Estudios Tipográ cos ) runs a specialist
typography course aimed at graduates who have already
studied a related area of the visual arts. The course emphasizes
the importance of typography as a central element of all graphic
design and visual communication, and it promotes a wider
typographic culture within the discipline of graphic design.
École Estienne, Paris
This is the only French school off ering a course focusing solely
on type design, the  Création Typographique. It is a
municipal school so in theory free of tuition fees for full-time
students, but verify this with the school based on individual
circumstances. The school also off ers general graphics courses
closely related to the printing and publishing industries.
Hochschule für Gra k und Buchkunst , Leipzig
The  is considered one of Germany’s most exclusive
design schools and runs bachelors and masters courses
in typography and type design.
.design, Consorzio del Politecnico, Milan
This school runs a specialist and highly regarded advanced
course in typeface design, taught by some of the foremost
type designers working in Italy today. .design, a
consortium of departments within the Politecnico di Milano,
prides itself on its particularly close links with industry.
Centro de Estudios Gestalt, Veracruz
As well as typography modules within the graphic design
and editorial design courses off ered, students can study
for a masters in typeface design at this college, regarded
as one of the best places in Mexico to learn the subject.
The Netherlands
Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
The Netherlands’s Royal Academy of Art (Koninklijke
Academie van Beeldende Kunsten) off ers a full-time masters
degree in type design and typography. The highly practical
course requires students to work together in small groups,
and the school maintains close relationships with industry.
Students are encouraged to attend important conferences
such as yp (Association Typographique Internationale)
() and Berlin () as part of their study program.
British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow
A specialist practical course, “Type and Typography,” aims
at practicing designers who wish to raise their typographic
skills to a new level. The scope of the course is wide-
ranging and covers all the bases from typeface design and
calligraphy to licensing. It approaches the topic from a
global viewpoint rather than one that is strictly Russian.
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Typography, Referenced
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Basel School of Design, Basel
This school runs a course dedicated to introducing
the basic issues of typography and typography
design. Typographic classifi cation, contrast (),
and hierarchy () are studied in depth.
/University of Art and Design, Lausanne
The University of Art and Design in Lausanne (École
cantonale d’art de Lausanne), one of the world’s most
prestigious universities, off ers a specialist typographic
module within its master’s degree in art direction. The
course strongly focuses on emerging forms of editorial
design, interactive media, and new technologies.
Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich
The Zurich University of the Arts (Zürcher Hochschule der
Künste) off ers a master’s of advanced studies in type design and
typography. The course is highly theoretical and experimental,
with a great deal of practical content across all media forms.
It off ers a number of other specialist typography and type
design courses on a part-time and evening-class basis.
United Kingdom
University of the Arts, London
University of the Arts is the collective name for a conglomerate
of fi ve London colleges including the London College of
Communication (formerly the London College of Printing), a
school long regarded as a center of excellence for typographic
study. It off ers several bachelors- and masters-level courses
with a strong emphasis on typography, including a masters
of arts in contemporary graphic media, which focuses
on the ambiguity and dynamism of visible language.
University of Plymouth, Plymouth
Along with the University of Reading (see below), the
University of Plymouth runs one of only two exclusively
typographic degrees off ered in the United Kingdom.
The course, graphic communication with typography,
places an emphasis on experimental exploration of the
relationship between type and image and, of course, the
achievement of typographic excellence. An extensive
schedule of visiting lecturers and design practitioners
supplements the course, which includes an international
exchange program with schools throughout Europe.
University of Reading, Reading
Reading’s highly regarded masters of art in typeface design
has produced many well-known type designers. The course
includes a signi cant practical element and is split into three
main components: practical typeface design, principles and
applications, and a dissertation. Students design and produce
their own original typeface as an integral part of the course,
in the OpenType format and to commercial standards.
The University has a particularly good reputation for
building strong relationships between students and industry,
and maintains particularly close links with the St Bride Printing
Library and Oxford University Press. It is also home to a number
of outstanding typography and graphic communication
works such as the national collection of archives of British
publishing houses including The Bodley Head, Hogarth Press,
Longman, Macmillan, Routledge, and Chatto & Windus.
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Type-Specifi c Resources
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United States
CalArts, California Institute of the
Arts, Valencia, California
Typography is part of a wide range of
graphic design studies at CalArts.
The Cleveland Institute of Art , Cleveland
Typography is part of a wide range of
graphic design studies at .
The Cooper Union, New York
The Cooper Union has a long-standing reputation for the
teaching of typographic excellence, with alumni including
such design greats as Herb Lubalin () and Milton Glaser.
In conjuction with the Type Directors Club (), the
school recently introduced a postgraduate certifi cate in
type design, Type@Cooper, the fi rst of its kind off ered
in the United States. Visit for more
information. This is truly a specialist typography and
type design course, refl ected by the fact that only those
with an undergraduate quali cation or professional
experience are eligible. The school also incorporates the
Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography.
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfi eld Hills, Michigan
Typography is part of a wide range of graphic
design studies at Cranbrook.
Maryland Institute College of Art , Baltimore
Typography is part of a wide range of
graphic design studies at .
Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, Massachusetts
Montserrat College of Art off ers an intensive course focusing on
the fundamentals of typography and page layout. The school
also provides in-house letterpress facilities for its students.
Parsons The New School for Design, New York
Parsons off ers a number of specialist typography courses,
including an intensive program introducing students
from other programs to the history, form, and use of
typography. In addition there is typography studio, an
advanced course aimed at students with an interest in
developing more complex typographic projects.
Pratt Institute, School of Art & Design, New York
Typography is part of a wide range of
graphic design studies at Pratt.
Rhode Island School of Design ,
Providence, Rhode Island
A specialist typography course open to graphics majors
at  allows students to study letterforms, type design
and classi cation, proportion, and hierarchy () to an
advanced level. The course focuses on the details of page
composition with particular emphasis on the relationship
between space, legibility (), and aesthetics.
Rochester Institute of Technology
, Rochester, New York
Typography is part of a wide range of
graphic design studies at .
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
Typography is part of a wide range of graphic design studies.
School of Visual Arts , New York
Typography is part of a wide range of
graphic design studies at .
Yale University School of Art
Typography is part of a wide range of graphic design
studies at the Yale University School of Art.
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