Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 397
manuscript grids, 221
Manutius, Aldus, 9,
20, 74, 76, 78, 155
Mardersteig, Giovanni, 76
Maring, Herbert, 194
Markant, 48
Marns, Frederick, 230, 289
Martin, William, 87
Maryland Institute College
of Art , 121, 349
McLaughlin, Eric, 30
Mediaeval, 90
Mehallo, Steve, 133
Memphis, 20, 188, 213
Mergenthaler Linotype
company. See
Linotype company.
Mergenthaler, Ottmar,
15, 16, 361
Meta, 103, 119, 240
Metro, 21, 87
Microgramma, 24, 98
Microsoft Wingdings, 83
Middleton, Robert
Hunter, 15, 17
Miedinger, Max, 16,
18, 22, 96, 176
Miklavčič, Mitja, 41
Milk Milk Lemonade, 121
Miller, 256
Miller, Abbott, 251,
254, 308–309
Minion, 42, 124, 212, 228, 275
Mirarae, 105
Mise En Place, 121
Mistral, 65
Modern class, 11, 16, 33, 35,
51, 56, 71, 73, 156, 161, 325.
See also Didone class.
Modesto, 233, 288
/Michael Osborne
Design, 147, 193, 209, 213,
216, 229, 231, 243, 252,
261, 273, 281, 284, 285,
286, 288, 289, 303, 319
modular grids, 221
Moellenstaedt, Bernd, 170
Mo Funky Fresh, 67
 Gothic, 292–293
Monmouth, 67
Monotype, 11, 16, 20,
42, 43, 73, 76, 178
Monotype Imaging
Company, 15, 17, 27, 28,
29, 95, 124, 125, 128, 144
Montaigne, 77, 99
Montalbano, James, 96
Monterley, 300
Montserrat College
of Art, 349
Mooney, Aoife, 44
Morison, Stanley, 15, 16,
17, 20, 21, 89, 97, 155, 165
Morlighem, Sébastien, 351
Morris, William, 9, 77
Mosley, James, 376
Moyroud, Louis, 22
r. Eaves, 127
Mrs. Eaves, 94, 288
Müller, Lars, 359
Müller, Stephan, 132
Munc, 104
Museo, 131
MuseoSlab, 131
The Museum of
Printing, 365
The Museum Plantin-
Moretus, 367
The Type Museum, 367
Museum Meermanno, 364
Museum of Printing
History, 365
Museum of the
Printing Arts, 365
Museum of
Typography, 366
MyFonts company,
124, 134, 141
Myriad, 101, 105, 124
Nadianne, 52, 65
National Print Museum, 366
Nebiolo company, 24
negative space. See
white space.
Nemeth, Titus, 49
Neoclassical class.
See Didone class;
Modern class.
Neo-Grotesque class, 166,
167, 171, 173, 176, 181, 233
.net magazine, 352
Neue Haas Grotesk, 96, 176
Neuestadt, 129
Neuland, 13
Neutra, 100, 249, 266, 288
Neutra, Richard, 100
Neutra Text Demi, 280
New Alphabet, 86
New Century
Schoolbook, 159
New Haas Grotesk, 22
New Johnston, 89
New Roman class.
See Didone class;
Modern class.
News Gothic, 179, 265, 293
Nexus, 251
Nicks Fonts company, 134
Nonfl owing Brush
class, 198, 203
Nonfl owing Formal
class, 199
non-native speakers, 49
Noordzij, Peter
Matthias, 131
Novarese, 19, 98
Novarese, Aldo, 18, 19, 24, 98
Oakland, 94
“Object Poster.See
Oblik2, 137
Offi cina, 103, 189, 276
Olaya, German, 114
Old English. See Blackletter.
Old Style, 10, 11,
54, 55, 71, 213
Oldstyle, Jenson, 9
Olson, Eric, 115
online design tools, 40
on-screen testing, 144
OpenType, 27, 34, 42,
101, 114, 137, 140,
202, 325, 326, 348
optical alignment, 333
Optima, 22, 107
Orbe, 7, 108
Ornamental, 53, 66
Ornamental Designs
Act 1842, 187
P22 Type Foundry,
122–123, 135, 145, 362
Pabst Oldstyle, 289
Packard, 86
pairing, 232–233
Palatino, 22, 107
PampaType company, 135
Pannartz, Arnold, 192
Paolozzi, Kevin, 219
Paragon, 289
paragraph spacing, 335
Paraphrais in Elgantiarum
Libros Laurentii Vallae, 10
Paraphrasis (Erasmus), 74
Pardo-Virto, Octavio, 51
Parisian, 67
Parker, Mike, 26,
124, 165, 359
Parker, Wadsworth A., 185
Parkinson, Jim, 135
Parkinson Type
company, 135
Parnagon de Granjon, 75
Parsons The New School
for Design, 96, 111, 349
Paul, Alejandro, 117, 136
Peignot, 17
Peignot, Charles, 15, 17
Pelayo, Brian, 233,
270, 276, 311, 319
Pentagram design group,
251, 254, 256, 257, 259,
268–269, 271, 292–293,
299, 305, 308–309
Perpetua, 89, 97, 319
Petrarch of, 76
Pf Champion, 252
Phaeton, 198
Photo-Lettering, Inc.,
19, 22, 24, 25
Pica Roman, 72
Piel, 117
Pierpont, Frank
Hinman, 165, 178, 190
Place, Michael C., 359
Plakatstil (“Poster
Style”), 82
Plantin, 10, 165
, 118, 150
.design, 347
Poliphilli, 78
Poliphilus, 76
Poppl, Friedrich, 21
Porchez, Jean François, 138
“Poster Style.” See Plakatstil.
Post-och Inrikes Tidningar
newspaper, 29
Pott, Gottfried, 195
Poulin  Morris
Inc., 301, 302
Pousada, Claudio, 117, 136
Poynor, Rick, 359, 369
Poynter, 267
De Praeparatio Evangelica
(Eusebius), 77
Pratt Institute, 96, 349
Principle Desgin Group,
153, 249, 266, 294
Print Magazine, 352
Priori, 80
Pro Arte, 96
Proxima Nova, 133
Prynne, Jay, 351
 Type Foundry, 135
Quadraat, 102
Quay, David, 22, 106
QuigleyWiggly, 233
Radiant, 21
Raidische, P. H., 85
Ralf Herrmann:
Way nding and
Typography Web site, 374
Ransom, Will, 86, 90
Raphael, 53, 67
reading direction, 214, 216
Reguer, Mathieu, 44
Renard, 102
rendering environment, 42
Renner, Paul, 13,
14, 15, 20, 174
Replay, 112
Requiem, 92
Retina, 87, 257
Reynolds, Lloyd, 104
Rigaud, Emilie, 43
Rimmer, Jim, 36, 362
RipBang Studios, 298
Riptide, 65
Roat, Rich, 128
Rochester Institute
of Technology ,
80, 83, 107, 349
RockPaperInk Web site, 375
Rockwell, 190, 213, 256
Rogers, Bruce, 71, 77, 99, 158
Romain du Roi, 73, 75
Roman class, 8, 9,
10, 54, 105, 325
Rondthaler, Edward, 128
Rosewood, 67
Rossetto, Louis, 358
Rotis, 79
Rotunda class, 193
Royal Academy of Art, 83,
86, 87, 89, 102, 120, 347
Royal Grotesk, 170
Sabon, 17, 24, 105,
147, 164, 212, 277
Sabon, Jakob, 164
Sachplakat (“Object
Poster”), 82
Sack, Freda, 106
Sagmeister Inc.,
234–235, 253, 292
Sagmeister, Stefan,
290, 358, 359, 377
Sanchez, Dino, 100
Sansa, 102
Sauna, 139, 259
Savan, Leslie, 359
Savoie, Alice, 48
Scaglione, José, 109, 118, 137
Scala, 95, 127
Schafer, Ole, 189
Scher, Paula, 257, 292–293,
299, 305, 359, 377
Schöff er, Peter, 192
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