
accidents on the job, having fewer, 71

acts of kindness, performing, 144–145

adaptability and flexibility, 112

Adkins, Craig, 113

advocate strategy, having an, 62

affection, compassion and, 37

Ainsworth, Mary, 56–57

Airbnb, 144

Alcala, Neil, 40–42

Alessandra, Tony, 34

Allen, Marc, 63–64, 184–185

anxiety in the workplace, cost of, 151–152

anxious attachment style, 57

appreciation, employees and, 69

Ash, Mary Kay, 110


and engagement in the workforce, 50–56

styles, leadership, 56–57

attachment, compassion and, 37

attachments with your customers and clients, 57–59

attention, giving people your, 53

autonomy, fostering, 53–54

avoidant attachment style, 57

Basson, Tom, 132

Beavan, Colin, 25

behaviors, common human, 36–37

benefit of the doubt, giving the, 159

biological need to bond, 44

body language, mirroring, 188–189

bonding, the biological need of, 44

bonuses, the importance of, 73

Boothman, Nicholas, 46

bottom line, gratitude and raising your, 72–76

Bowlby, John, 50

brand, connecting with a company’s, 47

breathing, 106

state of positivity and, 177

Brown, Donald, 36–37

Buddhism and business, 151–152

burnout, workplace, 153


and character, the importance of, 33

cards, importance of, 61

favors, asking for, 141–143

model, fitting kindness into your, 28

owners and the customer experience, 112

results and character-driven leaders, 36

tactics, unkind, 20

transactions based on kindness, 16


connection in, 45–65

referring, 84

Carnegie, Dale, 158

Carr & Associates, 146–147

Carr, John T., 145

cash bonuses, 73

Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, 152

CEO Space, 47–48, 133–134

CEOs, different types of, 37

challenged, keeping people, 54

challenging work, 53

chaotic attachment style, 57

character and business, the importance of, 33

character, framework of, 36

character-driven leaders and better business results, 36


return on your, 35–37

soft, 20

Chouinard, Yvon, 156–157

Clifton, Donald O., 69–70

Coca-Cola, 144

colleagues, connection between, 47

communication and employees, 52


empathy and, 166–167

misleading or misinforming, 36

positive, 186–187

respectful, 23


and affection, 37

and attachment, 37

and empathy, 37

and patience, 93

compassion, 36

boss to employee, 19

connection and, 46–47

easing tension and, 159–162

making a difference with, 168–169

the importance of, 152–159

competition, co-existing with, 96

competitive advantage, the, 83–87

compliments and credit, 131–133

conflict, resolution of, 37

conflicts, resolving, 183–184

connected leaders, 56–57

connection, 45–65

connections within your network, 59–63


how kindness generates, 40–42

kindness and gaining, 28

constructive criticism, offering, 158

cooperation and forgiveness, 37

Corporate Culture Creator, 52–53

cost savings, flex time and, 123

counsel, seeking, 183

Covey, Dr. Stephen, 17

credit and compliments, 131–133

critic, reframing the inner, 164

critical self-talk, 163

criticism, offering constructive, 158

Crow, Lindon, 189–190

Crow, Trevor, 56


compassionate, 153

creating a connected, 52

incorporating a more flexible, 125–126

currency, kindness, 18

customer experience, business owners and the, 112

customers and clients, attachments with your, 57–59


flexibility and, 112–118

how kindness generates, 43–44

kindness and gaining, 28

loyalty and satisfaction scores from, 71

Dalai Lama, the, 151–152

de Grosbois, Teresa, 140

depression in the workplace, cost of, 151–152

DirectPay, 40–42

disconnected employees, the cost of, 51

disengaged employees, the cost of, 51

Dohrmann, Berny, 133–135

doom, the looming threat of, 95–96

doubt, giving the benefit of the, 159

early departure, allowing for, 124

email, thank-you, 83

emotional connection, 49

emotionally connecting your workforce, 53

emotionally connective workplaces, 54–55

empathy and patience, 93

empathy, 164–166

compassion and, 37

connection and, 46–47

making a difference with, 168–169

employee flexibility, 118–120


and appreciation, 69

and communication, 52

and work environment specifications, 119


the cost of disconnected and dis engaged, 51

top-notch, attracting, 119

employment networks, 49–50

energy, the science of positive, 175–176


among colleagues, increasing, 71

and attachment in the workforce, 50–56

Evolutionary Business Council, 140–141

eWomenNetwork, 48–49, 178–179

family and work, choosing between, 123–124

Fast Company, 82

favors, asking for business, 141–143

feedback, opportunities to give, 105

Ferriss, Tim, 125–126

financial success, elements of, 47

flex time, 120–125

flexibility, 109–126

FlexJobs, 121

forgiveness, 36, 99

and cooperation, 37


practicing, 157–158

resolution of conflict and, 37

founders, heart-driven, 33

framework of character, 36

Frankel, Bethenny, 181

funds, finding, 96–97

Galarraga, 89–90

generosity, 127–147

Golden Rule, the, 34


decisions, taking credit for your, 132

listeners, 167

gratitude journal, 79–81

gratitude, 67–87

habits, creating new, 36

habitual behaviors, creating new habits based on, 36

Haidt, Jonathan, 153

handwritten notes of recognition, 73

happy, trying to make everyone, 97

healthcare field, burnout and stress in the, 153

heart-driven founders, 33

help, offering, 73

Heskett, James, 191–192

Hsieh, Tony, 154–155

human behaviors, common, 36–37

humility, 98–99, 106

Hyatt, increased morale, flex time and, 122

individual productivity, increasing, 71

individualization, importance of, 74

infant-parent attachment, 50–51

inner critic, reframing the, 164

integrity, lack of, 36

interpersonal flexibility, 111–112

Irvine, Derek, 77

Johnson, Kay, 155–156

journal, gratitude, 79–81

Kassow, Ole, 101

Kiel, Fred, 35–36

kin, definition of, 45–46

KIND Healthy Snacks, 127–129

Kleenex, 144

knowledge, sharing your, 73

Kotter, John, 191–192

KRL International, 35–36

L.L. Bean, 144

Lawrence, Paul R., 28–29

leader, the connected, 56–57

leaders, character-driven, 36

leadership attachment styles, 56–57


positive, 189–192

Servant, 132

LeBlanc, Mark, 13–17, 62–65

LinkedIn, hiring through, 49

Lokos, Allen, 91

loving-kindness, 173

loyalty scores from customers, 71

loyalty, flex time and, 122

Lubertzky, Daniel, 127–129

Malinchak, James, 116–118

Markel, Adam, 93

marketing, generosity, 143–147

Maslow, Abraham, 29

McDonald’s, 144

meaning, providing, 81–83

mentoring, 130

Millennials, 119

mindset, incorporating a more flexible, 125–126

mingling, the importance of, 54

mirroring body language, 188–189

misinforming communication, 36

misleading communication, 36

Misner, Ivan, 34

mission, connecting with a company’s, 47

Montclair Veterinary Hospital, 138–139

morale, flex time and, 122

Mosley, Eric, 77

names, the importance of using people’s, 187

National Speakers Association, 13

Neff, Kristin, 162

negative feelings attached to patience, 103

network, connections within your, 59–63


generous, 133–136

online and employment, 49–50

New Peaks, 93

non-negotiables, planning for, 105

online networks, 49–50

optimism, 98, 106

paradox of positivity, the, 192–193

partnerships, the power of, 62–63

Patel, Neil, 90–91, 95

pathways, seven, 18

patience, 89–107

Peace, Natalie, 145

peaceful, feeling, 176–181

perfection, the myth of, 92–97

Peyser, Randy, 37


communication, 186–187

energy, the science of, 175–176

leadership, 189–192

social connections, 52

positivity, 171–193

the paradox of, 192–193


being generous of, 73

importance of, 71

principles, universal moral, 36–37

problems, shifting blame for, 132

productivity, flex time and, 122


connecting with your networks and, 60

kindness and gaining, 28

publicly acknowledging gratitude, 73–74

Purpose Makers, 101

quality of life, flex time and, 122

Rath, Tom, 69–70

Rayport, Jeffrey F., 30–31

reactivity, 174


handwritten notes of, 73

importance of, 71

referrals, connecting with your networks and, 60

referring business, 84

relationships and business, 104

reputation, employees and your, 130

request, knowing your, 61

residual effects of being kind, 179

resolution of conflict, forgiveness and, 37

resolving conflicts, 183–184

respectful communication, payoffs of, 23

responsibility, 36

return on kindness (see ROK) return policy, no-questions-asked, 19


Gary, 138–139

Lee, 139–140

right from wrong, telling, 36

Ritz-Carlton Hotels, 30–31, 113

ROK pathways, 25

Ross, Marie-Claire, 52–53, 55–56

safety records on the job, getting better, 71

sales, kindness and gaining, 28

Sanders, Tim, 59–60

Sandwich Generation, 119

satisfaction scores from customers, 71

Schulze, Horst, 113

screw-ups, learning from our, 105

secure attachment style, 57

self-care, patience and, 105–107

self-compassion, 163–164

self-control, 37

Self-focused CEOs, 37

self-talk, 106

critical, 163

senses, opening our, 79

Servant Leadership, 132

seven pathways, 18

focusing on the, 24

Shimoff, Marci, 136–137

simple, keeping it, 61

smiling, the importance of, 187–188


capital, 133

connections, positive, 52

media, using, 85

networking, 49–50


characteristics, 20

skills, business, 17

Speth, Maria, 38

Steindl-Rast, David, 77–80

Stockdale’s Paradox, 192–193

strategy, advocate, 62

stress in the workplace, cost of, 151–152

successes, learning from our, 105

support, generous, 136–143

surprise, the element of, 144–145

Suspended Coffees, 143–144

Suster, Mark, 142

Sweeney, John M. 143

Sweetgreen, 144

tactics, unkind business, 20

Taylor, Bill, 82, 154–155

telecommuting, 121

tension, showing compassion by easing, 159–162

thanks, the irony of, 76–79

thank-you email, 83

time, generosity of, 129–131

Tolle, Eckert, 63

toxic people, getting rid of, 185–189

traits, common human, 36–37

transitions, creating, 107

universal moral principles, 36–37

unkind business tactics, 20

Virtuoso CEOs, 37

Warren, Rick, 131

Welch, Liz, 156–157

Wilkins, Tony, 159–162

words, carefully choosing your, 84–85

work environment specifications, 119

workforce engagement, 51


attachment and engagement in the, 50–56

emotionally connecting your, 53


connections, 47

patience, 91

workplaces, emotionally connected, 54–55

wrongs, undoing of, 36

Yancey, Sandra, 178–181

Zappos, 112–113, 154–155, 156

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