
Symbols and Numbers

#id (ID selector), 38

#rgb color values, 62

#rrggbb color values, 62

% (percentage-based units), 59-60

* (universal selector), 38

/* and */ in comments, xix

; (semicolons), at-rules and, 4

<url> function, 61

@font-face rule, 162-163

@import rule, 14, 208

@media rule, 208-209

@page rule, 211

as escape character, xix

960 grid system, 226


A-grade browsers, 33

A+-grade browsers, 34

absolute length-based units of measurement, 60

absolute positioning, 85-88

Accessible Rich Internet Application (WAI-ARIA) specification, 245-246

action pseudo-class selectors, 41

:active pseudo-class, 41

actual values, 9

adjacent sibling combinatory, 49

Adobe Flash 169

Flash replacement with sIFR, 169

z-index and, 92

Adobe Kuler tool, 67

::after pseudo-element selector, 47

Almost Standards Mode, 25

alpha color transparency, 64-66

and keyword, 214

at-rules, 4-5

attribute selectors, 39-41


background images 124-125

background-image property, 124-125

background-position property, 125-126

basics, 128

buttons and, 202

for faking rounded corners, 140-141

fitting to elements, 128

layering, 107-109

multiple, 127

sprites, 133-135

backgrounds, 105-109, 123-135

background images, basics, 128

background images (buttons), 202

background images, fitting to elements, 128

background images, multiple, 127

background shorthand property, 126-127

background-attachment property, 125

background-color property, 124, 125

background-position property, 125-126

background-repeat property, 125

background-size property, 235-240

border backgrounds, 241, 245

bullets, custom, 128-130

clever design and, 133, 192

faux columns, 106-107

form controls and, 191

images on list items, 174

overlapping elements, 130-131

smart tiling, 131-132

sprite images, 133-135

::before and ::after pseudo-elements, 47, 175, 176

B-grade browsers, 33

block elements, 9, 84

Blueprint, 226

body element, 108-109

borders, 135-145

basics, 123

border backgrounds, 241, 245

border boxes, 82

border images, 241

border shorthand property, 136-137

border-collapse property (tables), 182-183

border-color property, 135

border-image (shorthand) property, 243-245

border-image property, 242

border-image-repeat property, 243

border-image-slice property, 242-243

border-image-source property, 242

border-radius property, 137-138

border-spacing property (tables), 184

border-style property, 135-136

border-width property, 73, 136

on floated elements, 94

form controls and, 191

outlines, 138-139

rounded corners, faking. 139-145 See rounded corners, faking

box model, 69-82

alternative box model, 81-82

basics, 69-70

box sizing property, 81-82

horizontal centering blocks, 80-81

min and max dimensions, 74-75

negative margins, 78-80

nesting elements, 75-77

percentage calculations and, 60

properties, 71-74

box-shadow property, 232-234

box-sizing property, 81-82

bridge libraries, 222-225

browsers. 21-35 See Web browsers

“Bulletproof @font-face syntax,” 165

bullets, custom, 128-130

Burdette, Lenny, 111

buttons, 201-204. See also radio buttons


calc() function, 246-247

Candidate Recommendations (CR), specification drafts, 10

cascading process, 5-6

case sensitivity (CSS), xviii–xix

cells in tables, 182-185

chaining selectors, 50

check boxes, 189, 197-199

:checked pseudo-class selector, 193-194

child combinator, 49

child selector, 49

Chrome developer tools, xxi, xxii

Clark, Keith, 223

Clark, Richard, 221

.class (class selector), 39

clear property, 97-99

clearfix utility class, 115

code xvii

code examples for this book, xvii

CSS coding styles, 15-20

writing CSS code, xviii–xxii

color 64-66

with alpha transparency, 64-66

background color, 124, 125

basics, 62-64

border-color property, 135

color gradiants, 240-241

color palettes, 67-68

design and, 67

form controls and, 190-191

outline-color property, 139

text color, 64

columns. 121-122 See also multicolumn layouts

constraints, column design and, 121-122

faux, 106-107

fixed-sized, 117

flexible, 119

combinators, 48-49

combining selectors, 50

comments, CSS code and, xix, 17-20

computed values, 7, 8

conditional comments, 29-30

constraints, column design and, 121-122

contain keyword, 238

containers 88

container elements, 88

containing blocks, 89-91

escaping, 110-111

content 101

in CSS, 101, 102

generated, 175-176, 212

hiding, 112

content blocks, creating, 102-104

content boxes, 81, 82

continuous media, defined, 12-13

corners. 139-145 See rounded corners, faking

counters (lists), 177-179

cover keyword, 238

“Creating Presentations/Slideshows with HTML & CSS,” 207

CSS 1-2

basics, 1-2

code, writing, viii–xxii

coding styles, 15-20

CSS2, CSS 2.1, CSS3, 11

Curvy Corners JavaScript library, 145, 224

custom bullets, 128-130


dashed keyword, 136

data 61

data: URI scheme, 61

tabular data, inputting (forms), 199

The data: URI kitchen tool, 61

declaration blocks, 3

declarations/declaration blocks, 3

descendant combinator, 48-49

design 133

clever design, 133

color and, 67

responsive design (media), 216-217

developer tools, xxi–xxii

devices 213-214

handheld, 213-214

user agents and, 12

dimensions, min and max in box model, 74-75

:disabled pseudo-class selector, 193-194

display property, 84-85

display:none property, 112

DOCTYPE switches, 25-26

Document Object Model (DOM) JavaScript and, 15

documents, CSS code and, 17-18

DOM, JavaScript and, 15

dotted keyword, 135

drafts, of specifications, 10

drop-down menus, 111-112

duration of transitions, 254

dynamic pseudo-classes, 41


eCSStender, 223

Edwards, Dean, 223

elements 9

basics, 9

element types for content display, 84-85

form elements. 189-194 See form controls

nested, font sizes and, 149-151

nesting, 75-77

overlapping in backgrounds, 130-131

required vs. optional embellishments, 140

reusing. 219-222 See resets

em units, 58, 60

embedding fonts, 162-165

empty pseudo-class selector, 46

Eric Meyer’s Reset, 221

escape character (), xix

ex units, 60


faux columns, 106-107

F-grade browsers, 34

fields, conditional (forms), 199-201

Firebug extension, xxi, xxii

Firefox xxi

developer tools, xxi, xxii

Yahoo! YSlow, xxii

first and last child pseudo-class selectors, 44-45

first and last of type pseudo-class selectors, 45

::first-letter pseudo-element selector, 47

::first-line pseudo-element selector, 47

fixed positioning, 88-89

fixed-sized columns, 117, 119-121

fixed-width layouts, 119

Flash 169

Flash replacement with sIFR, 169

z-index and, 92

flexible columns, 119, 121, 247

floated columns, wrapping, 115

floats 93-97

basics, 93-97

clear property and, 97-99

floated columns, wrapping, 115

floated list items, 109-110

floating into margins, 104-105

:focus pseudo-class, 41

Font Squirrel @font-face Generator, 165, 166

font styling 153-154

font shorthand property, 153-154

font styles, 152

font-family property, 148-149

font-size property, 149-151

font-style property, 152

font-variant property, 152

font-weight property, 152

letter-spacing property, 157

reviewing for style and legibility, 160

text-align property., 157

text-decoration property, 155-156

text-indent property, 158

text-shadow property, 159

text-transform property, 156

white-space property, 158

word-spacing property, 156

word-wrap property, 158

fonts. 153-154 See also font styling; Web fonts and typography

embedding, 162-165

font services, 165-166 offerings, 165-166

form controls, 189-194

backgrounds and borders, 190-191

colors, 190-191, 193

inheritance, 192-193

pseudo-class selectors, 193-194

sizing, 189-190

form element layouts 199-201

conditional fields, 199-201

labels above fields, 194-195

labels beside fields, 197

multicolumn forms, 195-196

placeholder text, 201

radio buttons and check boxes, 197-199

tabular data, inputting, 199

forms, 187-201

in different browsers, 188, 189, 192

form controls. 189-194 See form controls

form element layouts. 199-201 See form element layouts

in various operating systems, 187-188

four-sided properties, defining values, 4

frameworks, 225-228

common frameworks, 226

limitations of, 227-228

functional notation, 62-63


general sibling combinator, 49

generated content, 175-176, 212

global styles, 16

Google 166

Google Font Directory, 166

Google Page Speed, xxii

gradiants, color, 240-241

grading (browsers), 32-34

groove keyword, 136

Gustafson, Aaron, 223

gutters around text, 77, 79, 104-105


hacks, targeting browsers with, 28-29

Halbach, Till, 207

handheld devices, 213-214

hasLayout flag, 30-32

height properties, 70, 71, 153

hexadecimal color values, 62

hidden keyword, 93

horizontal centering blocks, 80-81

:hover pseudo-class, 41

hsla(h,s,l,a), color value, 65, 66

hsl(h,s,l), color scheme, 63

HTML, 8, 12, 13-15

HTML <link> element, 13-14

HTML <style> element, 14

html element, 108-109

HTML5 Reset, 221

hue-saturation-lightness color scheme, 63

hyperlinks, printing and, 212


ID selector, 38

IE7.js, 223

images. 124-125 See also background images

border images, 241-245

image replacement, 167-169

list-style-image property, 173, 174

“Increase Your Font Stacks With Font Matrix,” 162

inheritance, 7-8, 192-193

inline elements, 9

Internet Explorer (IE) 223

bridge libraries and, 223

conditional comments and, 29-30

Developer Tools, xxi

hasLayout and, 30-32

Irish, Paul, 165


JavaScript 145

to add four-corner elements, 145

browser support and, 222-225

drop-in libraries for browser support, 34-35

style sheets and, 15

The JavaScript Pocket Guide, 111


keywords. 125 See also specific keywords

background-repeat property and, 125

border-image-repeat property and, 243

border-style property, 135-136

color keywords, 63

font-family property, 148-149

lists, 175

Koch, Peter-Paul, 27

Korpela, Jukka, 27


labels, 194-195, 197, 199

Lamb, Iain, 160

language pseudo-class, 43

Last Call periods (LC), 10

last child pseudo-class, 44-45

last of type pseudo-class, 45

left keyword, 93, 97

Less, 228

letter-spacing property, 157

library, drop-in JavaScript, 34-35

licensing of fonts, 165-166

line-height property, 153

link pseudo-class selectors, 41

links as buttons, 202-204

liquid layouts, 119

lists, 171-179

::before and ::after pseudo-elements, 175, 176

::marker pseudo-element, 175

counter() function, 177

counters, 177-179

generated content, 175-176

list items, 109-110

list properties, 172-175, 177

list-item default value, 172

ul, ol, and li, 172

LoVe/HAte, 42


Marcotte, Ethan, 217

margin property, 70, 71-72

margins, 78-80, 94, 95

max-width property, 121-122

measurements, 58-60

media 213-214

mobile, 213-214

print, 210-213

queries, 214-218

types. 208 See media types

media types 208

@import rule, 208

@media rule, 208-209

media HTML attribute, 207-208

specifying, 207

Meyer, Eric, 221

Microsoft 29-30

conditional comments, 29-30

Web Embedding Fonts Tool (WEFT), 165

min and max dimensions, 74-75

min-width and max-width properties, 121-122

mixed-column layouts, 119-121

mobile media, 213-214

Modernizr, 223-224

monospace typeface, 149, 161

Mozilla Developer Center, 211

multicolumn layouts 121-122

constraints, 121-122

flexible columns, 119, 121, 247

floated columns, wrapping, 115

forms, 195-196

mixed-columns, 119-121

three columns, 117-118

two columns, 113-116

“Multi-column Layouts Climb Out of the Box,” 118

multiple background images, 127


negation pseudo-class selector, 46

negative margins, 78-80

negative positioning, 110

Neil, Jon, 22

nesting 75-77

elements, 75-77

lists and, 175

none keyword, 85, 93, 97

not keyword, 214-215

nth child pseudo-class selectors, 43-44

nth of type pseudo-class selectors, 45


Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS), 226

ol list element, 172

only child pseudo-class selector, 45

only keyword, 215

only of type pseudo-class selector, 46

Opera, xxi, 207

operating systems, forms in different, 187-188

order of appearance of declarations, 6

origins, positioning and, 89-90

outlines, 138-139

outline shorthand property, 139

outline-color property, 139

outline-style property, 139

outline-width property, 139

overflow properties, 74, 115

overlays, 111-112


padding property, 70, 72-73

page layouts, 101-122

backgrounds. 105-109 See backgrounds

content blocks, creating, 102-104

escaping containers, 110-111

floating into margins, 104-105

list items, 109-110

multicolumn. 121-122 See multicolumn layouts

overlays, tooltips, drop-down menus, 111-112

page-break properties, 210-211

paged media, defined, 13

pages 211-212

preparing for printing, 211-212

Pearce, Alan, 118

Pedrick, Chris, xxii

Peekaboo bug, 31

percentage-based units (%), 59-60

pixel units (px), 58, 60

pixels, faking rounded corners and, 145

points (pt), 59, 60

position 125

background-attachment property, 125

list-style-position property, 173

positioning elements, 83-99

absolute positioning, 85-88

clear property, 97-99

default positioning, changing, 84

display property, 84-85

fixed positioning, 88-89

floats, 93-97

origins and containing blocks, 89-91

position basics, 85

relative positioning, 85

static value, 85

visibility property, 93

z-index property, 92

positioning properties, 125-126

position:relative, 102

preferences, user browser settings and, 23

preprocessors, 228

print media, 210-213

properties. 71-74 See also specific properties

box model properties, 71-74

camel casing in multi-word, 15

four-sided, values for, 4

inheritance and, 7

style properties, defined, 3

user style, custom, 23

Proposed Recommendation (PR) specification drafts, 10

pseudo-class selectors, 41-46

:enabled, :disabled, :checked (UI pseudo-classes), 42

:first-child, :last-child (pseudo-classes), 44-45

:first-of-type, : last-of-type (pseudo-classes), 45

:hover,:active, :focus (action pseudo-classes), 41

:lang() (language pseudo-class), 43

:link, :visited (link pseudo-classes), 41

LoVe/HAte, 42

:not() (negation pseudo-class), 46

:nth-child(), :nth-last-child() (pseudo-classes), 43-44

:nth-of-type(), :nth-last-of-type() (pseudo-classes), 45

:only-child (pseudo-class), 45

:only-of-type (pseudo-class), 46

:root (root element pseudo-class), 43

:target (pseudo-class), 42

pseudo-element selectors, 46-48


queries, media, 214-218

Quirks Mode, 25

quote marks, xix–xx, 61


radio buttons, 189-190, 192, 197-199

radius 137-138

border-radius property, 137-138

Recommendations (R), specification drafts, 10-11

relational selectors, 48-49

relative length–based units of measurement, 60

relative positioning, 85, 131

rendering modes, 24-27

replaced elements, 9

:required pseudo-class selector, 193-194

resets, 219-222

resources, general, xviii

“Responsive Web Design,” 217

RGB colors, 62-63

rgba(r,g,b,a) color values, 65, 66

rgb(r,g,b), 62-63

ridge keyword, 136

right keyword, 93, 97

root element pseudo-class selectors, 43

rotations, 249-253

rounded corners, faking, 139-145

background images, using, 140-141

drawing pixels, 145

four backgrounds, using, 143-145

when one edge is fixed, 141-143

rows in tables, 185

rule sets, 3

rules 162-163

@font-face rule, 162-163

@import rule, 14, 208

@import rule (HTML), 14

@media rule, 208-209

@page rule, 211

coding styles and, 18-20

Rutter, Richard, 162


Safari xxi

developer tools, xxi

form controls and, 189

sans-serif typeface, 149, 161

Sass, 229

Schmitt, Christopher, 188

selection pseudo-element selector, 48

Selectivzr, 223

SelectOracle, 50

selectors, 37-56. See also specific selectors

#id (ID selector), 38

* (universal selector), 38

arrangement of, 18-20

attribute selectors, 39-41

browser support for, 54

.class (class selector), 39

combinators, 48-49

combining and chaining, 50

defined, 3, 37

grouping, 54

!important declaration, 53

pseudo-class selectors. 41-46 See pseudo-class selectors

pseudo-element selectors, 46-48

readability of, 55

resuability of, 55-56

specificity, 51-53

speed of, 54-55

statements and, 3

targeting browsers with, 28

type selectors, 38

semicolons (;), at-rules and, 4

serif typeface, 148, 161

shadows, 232-235

Shea, Dave, 169

shorthand properties. 126-127 See specific shorthand properties

background shorthand property, 126-127

border/border radius shorthand properties, 136-138

font shorthand property, 153-154

list-style shorthand property, 174

outline shorthand property, 139

transition shorthand property, 254-255

sidebars 116

two-column layouts with right sidebar, 116

sIFR project, 169

Sitepoint CSS Reference, 211

sites. 25 See Web sites

size 236-240

background-size property, 236-240

fixed-sized columns, 117, 119-121

of fonts, relative vs. fixed, 151

font-size property, 149-151

form controls, sizing, 189-190

smart tiling, 131-132

source order of declarations, 6

specifications, for CSS and HTML, 9-12

specificity of declarations, 5

sprites, background images, 133-135

Standards Mode, 24-25

statements, 2-4. See also at-rules; rules

static value, 85, 88

structural pseudo-classes, 41

style attribute (HTML), 15

style sheets 5

author, user, user agents, 5

basics, 2

browsers, 22

users, 5, 23-24

styles. 153-154 See also font styling

border-style property, 135-136

code locations and, 16-17

fonts reviewing for style and legibility, 160

outline-style property, 139

Stylish Firefox extension, 23

Sullivan, Nicole, 226

syntax hacks, 28-29

system fonts, 161-162


tables, 180-185

basics, 180-181

border-collapse property, 182-183

border-spacing property, 184

display values, 184-185

table, table-row, table-caption: elements, 84

table-layout property, 182

text-align property, 184

vertical-align property, 184

tabular data, inputting (forms), 199

target pseudo-class selector, 42

text. 153-154 See also font styling; Web fonts and typography

placeholder text (forms), 201

text-align property, 157

text-align property (tables), 184

text-decoration property, 155-156

text-indent property, 158

text-shadow property, 159

text-shadow property, 202

text-transform property, 156

underlining, 156

white-space property, 158

word-spacing property, 156

three-column layouts, 117-118

tiling 125

background-repeat property and, 125

tiling, smart, 131-132

timing of transitions, 254

tools. 153-154 See also font styling

Adobe Kuler tool, 67

basics, xx–xxii

border-radius, 138

for color gradients, 241

The data: URI kitchen tool, 61

outlines as debugging tools, 139

SelectOracle, 50

Stylish Firefox extension, 23

Web Embedding Fonts Tool (WEFT), 165

tooltips, 111-112

transformations and rotations, 247-253

<transform-function> values, 248-249

transform property, 247, 253

transform-origin property, 251-253

transitions, 253-255

shorthand transition property, 254-255

transition-duration property, 254

transition-property, 253

transition-timing-function, 254

translation-delay property, 254

transparency, adding to color, 64-66

transparent color keyword, 66

Tricks Button Maker (CSS), 202

two-column layouts, 113-116

type selectors, 38

typeface. 153-154 See font styling

typefaces, specifying, 161-169

@font-face rule, 162-163

custom fonts via text replacement, 166-169

embeddable fonts, creating, 165

font embedding, 162

font formats, 164-165

font licensing and foundries, 165-166

system fonts, 161-162

Typekit, 166

Typograph , 160

typography. 147-169 See Web fonts and typography


UI pseudo-class selectors, 42

ul list element, 172

uniform resource identifiers (URIs), 61

universal selector, 38

URLs, 61

used values, 8-9

user agents, 12-13

user interfaces. 187-201 See also forms

radio buttons and check boxes, 197-199

in various operating systems, 187-188


:valid and :invalid pseudo-class selectors, 193-194

validation tools, xx

values 248-249

<transform-function> values, 248-249

alpha values, 65

background-repeat property and, 125

basics, 8-9

color values, 62, 65

of declared properties, 3

display values (tables), 184-185

for four-sided properties, 4

inheritance and, 7-8

spcified, computed, used and actual, 8-9

vertical-align property, 154-155, 184

visibility property, 93, 192

visibility:hidden property, 112

visible property, 93


WAI-ARIA roles, 245-246

Walker, Alex, 115

Web browsers, 21-35

bridge libraries and, 222-225

browser style sheets, 22

browser support for CSS properties, 232

CSS support via JavaScript, 34-35

forms in different, 187-188, 192

grading, 32-34

hasLayout flag, 30-32

media queries support, 217-218

rendering modes, 24-27

targeting, 27-30

user agents and, 12

user settings, 23

user style sheets, 23-24

Web Developer Toolbar extension, xxii

Web Embedding Fonts Tool (WEFT), 165

Web fonts and typography, 147-169

@font-face rule, 162-163

basics, 148, 161

customizing text. 153-154 See font styling

embeddable fonts, creating, 165

font formats, 164-165

font licensing and foundries, 165-166

font shorthand property, 153-154

font-family property, 148-149

font-size property, 149-151

font-style property, 152

font-variant property, 152

font-weight property, 152

line-height property, 153

relative vs. fixed-sized fonts, 151

reviewing for style and legibility, 160

system fonts, 161-162

vertical-align property, 154-155

Web inspectors, xx–xxi

Web sites for downloading 67

Adobe Kuler tool, 67

code examples for this book, xvii

The data: URI kitchen tool, 61

Firebug extension, xxi

X-UA-Compatible headers, 27

Web sites for further information 223

bridge libraries, 223

browser support, 232

clearfix utility class, 115

CSS hacks, 29

CSS2.1 and CSS3, 11

floated elements, 99

frameworks, 226

general resources, xviii

Google Page Speed, xxii

“Graded Browser Support,” 32

hasLayout, 32

HSL colors, 63

IE’s base style sheet, 22

image replacement, 169

modes, 27

Mozilla Developer Center, 211

Quirks Mode, 26

resets, 221

screenshots, 188

SelectOracle, 50

shadows, 235

sIFR project, 169

Sitepoint CSS Reference, 211

Stylish Firefox extension, 23

transitions, 255

W3C, 9

W3C validation service, xx

WAI-ARIA, 245, 246

Web fonts and styling, 160, 162

working around styling limitations, 192

Yahoo! YSlow, xxii

Web sites 25

modes and building new, 25

Web standards and specifications, 9-12 Directory, 166

weight of declarations, 5

Westciv, 241

When Can I Use..., 232

whitespace, xix

white-space property, 158

width, of tables, 182

width properties 136

border-width, 136

in box model, 70, 71

outline-width, 139

word-spacing property, 156

word-wrap property, 158

wrapping, 93-97, 115


X-grade browsers, 34

X-UA-Compatible headers, 26-27


Yahoo! YSlow, xxii

YUI Library, 227

YUI Library CSS Reset, 221


zebra striping, 43-44

z-index property, 92, 192

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