Learn More

Here’s a list of some of the most useful Web sites for learning more about iTunes and iOS devices:

  • Kirkville: This is my personal Web site. I regularly publish articles about using iTunes and iOS devices, as well as articles about my favorite music and more.
  • Kirk’s iTunes Forum: This is a forum that I run where people can discuss iTunes, iOS devices, music, and more. You can ask questions and chat with other iTunes users.
  • The Next Track Podcast: Together with Doug Adams, the AppleScript expert, I host a podcast called The Next Track, which discusses how people listen to music today. You can subscribe in iTunes.
  • Macworld: I write about iTunes for Macworld, notably a regular column called Ask the iTunes Guy. Macworld’s Audio section contains articles and reviews by myself and others about iTunes, iOS devices, headphones, digital music, and more.
  • Apple’s iTunes and iPod support hubs: These portals to information about iTunes and the various iPod models provide access to technical notes, user’s manuals, and more.
  • Apple’s iTunes forums: Apple’s forums offer a way for users to get troubleshooting help from their peers. You can often find answers to the most obscure questions here.
  • iTunes version history: This Wikipedia page has a list of iTunes versions and the features added with each one.
  • Computer Audiophile: Although audiophiles can be a bit obses­sive, the Computer Audiophile Web site offers useful information about setting up centralized media servers, playing high-resolution audio files, and using high-end audio equipment connected to a computer. There’s also a very active forum where you can discuss using a computer as part of your audio system.
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