Creating and Using Deployment Types

Chapter 11, “Creating and Managing Applications,” introduced applications and deployment types (DTs), showing how to create a System Center Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) application by specifying its DT. An application must have at least one DT; additional DTs (if the application permits it) can more fully leverage application functionality. ConfigMgr applications enable you to deploy software to users based on device type. You can use DTs to customize deployment based on the device and other requirements.

A ConfigMgr application is a container used to deliver software. It includes basic information regarding the software application, such as name, version, application owner, and localization information that describes how the application is displayed in Software Center and the Application Catalog. It contains information about the distribution settings used and the distribution points (DPs) and DP groups to which the content is distributed, including references/dependencies for other ConfigMgr applications and whether the application replaces an existing ConfigMgr application or is part of a virtual environment. The application is merely a shell; installing software requires a DT.

DTs are functionally similar to ConfigMgr programs that deploy ConfigMgr packages. Just as a program contains an installation command line and any platform requirements (such as Windows 10 x64), a DT contains that same basic information and much more.

Requirement rules, which are used with DTs, are flexible and can leverage just about anything on a system, including SQL or LDAP queries, primary user information, and so on. ConfigMgr applications are deployed to a user or a group of users, with a DT identifying the type of device being used and where the device is situated at that time.

The following is the most important information for DTs:

images Content source location (Universal Naming Convention [UNC] path to source installation files).

images Install and uninstall command lines.

images Detection method(s), used to confirm whether a ConfigMgr application is installed, confirm dependencies, and determine supersedence. Detection methods are applied on a regular interval (every seven days by default) to reevaluate installation status on each system.

images End-user experience configuration to determine when to display notifications, logon requirements, and so on.

images Requirement rules, used to determine the requirements for a DT to proceed with the installation.

images Success and failure return code information, to provide additional control over the installation process.

images Dependency information, in case the application requires other applications to be installed first (for example, Java Runtime Environment).


A primary user is the main user using a device; a device can have more than one primary user (for example, a device in a call center that is used on multiple shifts). A primary user can be defined during operating system deployment (OSD), defined manually through the ConfigMgr console, or automatically created based on login events. A ConfigMgr administrator can allow the user to define his or her own association through Software Center, which is installed on the device. For more information about primary users, see Chapter 11.

Creating and Using Windows Installer Deployment Types

DTs are a major component of every application and are required for functional applications. Chapter 11 includes an overview of DTs and discusses creating a new application for a Windows Installer installation, including creating a DT to install 7-Zip for the x86 version of the 7-Zip installation.

Using Windows Installer is Microsoft’s preferred method for installing applications. It utilizes MSI file types, which contain installation logic for an application. For information about Windows Installer, see

Creating a Windows Installer–Based Deployment Type

This section shows how to create a DT for an x64 installation and use a requirement based on a global condition to ensure that it installs only on x64 platforms. Follow these steps to create the DT:

1. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management.

2. Click the Applications node and select the 7-Zip 16.02 application. Right-click the 7-Zip 16.02 application and select Create Deployment Type from the context menu.

3. In the Create Deployment Type Wizard, confirm that Windows Installer (.msi) file is selected as the type. Browse to the .msi, in this case \OdysseyDSLApplicationsIgor Pavlov7-Zipv16.02Deployx647z1602-x64.msi, and click Next.

4. If you receive a warning that the publisher of the .msi could not be verified, click Yes to import this file.

5. On the Import Information page, which shows a successful import, click Next.

6. Edit the General Information tab, which displays a subset of settings for the DT, as needed. The defaults are modified so the x64 installation is similar to the x86 DT created in Chapter 11. This information is used to populate the minimally required information for the DT. Following is a basic description of the fields:

images Name: Specify the DT’s name. This example contains x64 in the name to simplify troubleshooting.

images Administrator Comments: Specify information that is available only in the console.

images Languages: Multi-select supported languages for this DP. To restrict the application installation to specific languages, enable that on the Requirements page.

images Installation Program: Specify the command line to install the software. The default for a Windows installer program uses the /q switch for a quiet installation. Modify this command if you require additional parameters such as public properties or transforms. This command runs from the root of the content source location; the path should be relative to that location.

images Run Installation Program as a 32-Bit Process on 64-Bit Clients: Enable this check box for a 32-bit installation, meaning it will install to %ProgramFiles (x86)%. This setting helps ConfigMgr properly install and uninstall 32-bit applications on 64-bit systems. By default, the ConfigMgr client agent on a 64-bit system does not use this path or the HKLMSoftwareWow6432Node Registry path.

images Installation Behavior: Specify the rights used for installation:

images Install for User: Install using the rights of the current user.

images Install for System: Install using the rights of the SMS Agent Host service (Local System account).

images Install for System if Resource Is Device; Otherwise Install for User: If the application is targeted to a collection of devices, install for system; if targeted to a collection of users or user groups, install for user.

For 7-Zip, the installation should always install using system rights, so be sure to select Install for System.

After making all the appropriate settings, click Next.

7. Select the Requirements page, click Add, and choose the appropriate supported platforms. As this installation of 7-Zip is for x64, select the desired x64 platforms to support and click Next.

8. Leave the Dependencies page blank because 7-Zip does not have dependent applications (such as .NET Framework or Oracle Java) and click Next.

9. On the Summary page click Next to create the DT. The Completion page confirms success.

As shown on the Deployment Types tab of the 7-Zip 16.02 application in Figure 12.1, you now have two DTs.

A screenshot shows the System Center Configuration Manager window.

FIGURE 12.1 DTs for the 7-Zip 16.02 ConfigMgr Application.

An additional DT feature is priority. In this case, the x86 installation is priority 1, and x64 is priority 2. When an application deploys, the client evaluates the DTs in order of their priority. In this example, the first priority is the x86 version of the DT; be sure to modify the requirements for the x86 DT so it will only install on x86 platforms, since the first DT that meets the requirements is run. If possible, place the DT you expect will run most as priority 1.

Now that you have created a new DT, review Chapter 11 to determine if you need to make any changes. The wizard shows a limited set of options for the DT. View the properties and make additional changes.


Starting with ConfigMgr Current Branch version 1706, you can specify which executable file(s) must be closed before the installation can run. If the deployment is available, the user will be asked to close the application first; if the deployment is required, ConfigMgr will close the executable before beginning installation of the DT. Specify the executables to be closed on the Install Behavior tab of the Deployment Type properties.

Creating a Windows Installer Through MDM Deployment Type

The Windows Installer through MDM DT allows you to specify a DT to be installed on Windows 10 devices managed via the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) mobile device management (MDM) protocol. (Chapter 17, “Managing Mobile Devices,” provides additional information about the OMA DM channel.) Compared to a Windows Installer DT, the Windows Installer through MDM DT has the following limitations:

images The default restart behavior of the MSI file will be used; ConfigMgr cannot control restart behavior for this type of DT.

images The detection method uses the MSI product code and product version.

images You can only use a Windows Installer database file (.msi); no other files can be used (like Windows Installer .mst or .msp file types, or setup.exe).

images Per-user MSI files are installed for a single user; per-machine MSIs are installed for all users on a device.

images App updates are supported only when the MSI upgrade codes of the versions are the same.

Follow these steps to add a new DT to an existing application:

1. From the application properties, select the Deployment Types tab and click Add to create a new DT.

2. For DT type, select Windows Installer through MDM (*.msi). For Location, browse to the .msi by using its UNC path.

3. On the Import Information page, which shows a success message, click Next.

4. On the General Information page, modify information, if needed. (This page is similar to the page for the Windows Installer DT, except you cannot modify the Installation Program, Installation Behavior, and Languages fields.) Click Next to proceed.

5. On the Requirements page, add a requirement so the DT installs only on 32- or 64-bit versions of Windows 10. Notice in Figure 12.2 that Windows 10 is available as an applicable operating system.

6. Click Next on each remaining page to save the DT. When complete, edit the DT. The General, Requirements, and Dependencies pages are similar to those of the Windows Installer DT created in Chapter 11.

A screenshot of the Create Requirement dialog box for a Windows installer through MDM DT.

FIGURE 12.2 Available requirements for the Windows Installer through MDM DT.

Creating and Using Application Virtualization Deployment Types

ConfigMgr supports versions 4.6 and 5 of Microsoft App-V. Microsoft completely rewrote App-V with version 5, released in late 2012, introducing the .appv file format for the information formerly contained in the .sft, .ico, .osd, and manifest .xml files, which have been dropped. Due to this major rewrite of the product, Microsoft supports App-V 4.6 and App-V 5 virtual applications coexisting on the same system to allow a phased migration from App-V 4.6 to App-V 5. (App-V 4.6 applications must be converted or resequenced to be available in App-V 5 format.) ConfigMgr includes support for App-V 4.6 Service Pack 1 and later, App-V 5, and App-V 5.1. Check supported configurations since support could change with a new build of ConfigMgr.

Creating an App-V application requires a sequencer, an application belonging to the App-V product application suite that must be separately installed. The sequencer monitors the application’s installation and setup process, recording the information necessary for it to run in a virtual environment. The output of the sequencing process should be copied from the sequencing computer to a definitive software library (DSL) hosting the ConfigMgr application sources. See Chapter 11 for information on DSL.

With App-V 5, the ConfigMgr client uses a Windows PowerShell module to manage App-V objects such as virtual applications, connection groups, and dynamic configuration files.


For additional information about integrating App-V into ConfigMgr, see

Creating a Microsoft App-V 4.6 Deployment Type

App-V DTs are probably the easiest DTs to create. Use the Create Application Wizard to create a new application with an App-V DT or choose an existing application and add a DT. Follow these steps to add a new DT to an existing application:

1. From the application properties, select the Deployment Types tab and click Add to create a new DT.

2. For DT type, select Microsoft Application Virtualization. For location, browse to the .xml file for the App-V package.

3. On the Import Information page, which shows a success message, click Next.

4. In the General Information page, notice that the command line is missing. The installation command line is not required for App-V packages. Modify the information as needed and click Next.

5. Examine the Requirements page, which already contains requirements for this package. The information is included in the .xml file imported for the DT. Click Add to add additional requirements if needed.

6. Click Next on each remaining page to save the DT. When complete, edit the DT. The General, Requirements, and Dependencies page are similar to those for the Windows Installer DT created in Chapter 11. The following step review the tabs customized for App-V packages, namely Content and Publishing.


To ensure that the App-V client is already installed, create an application that installs both the x86 and x64 versions of the App-V client for Windows versions prior to Windows 10 build 1607. Make that application a dependency for this new App-V application. Another option could be to create a global condition that checks whether the App-V client is already installed; this might even be a better option since the App-V client is built in to Windows 10 starting with build 1607.

7. Review the Content tab to ensure that the OS requirements were successfully imported from the manifest. The Content tab for an App-V DT provides the following settings:

images App-V Manifest Location: Specify the UNC source path to the App-V application manifest. This location is read-only. To update the source location for the manifest file or sequenced application, select Update Content from the Deployment Type properties (either by right-clicking or selecting on the ribbon bar) and walk through the wizard to select a different manifest.

images Persist Content in the Client Cache: When you enable this setting and deploy the application to a target collection, clients using this DT (based on the requirement rules) download and keep the installation source in the local ConfigMgr cache folder (%windir%ccmcache), which is 5GB by default.

images Enable Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution: Enable this check box to leverage BranchCache or Peer Cache (provided that they are configured for your environment).

images Load Content into App-V Cache Before Launch: If this option is disabled and the download content option is configured, a ConfigMgr client downloads the content to its local cache, publishes the icon(s), and exits. If this option is enabled, once content is downloaded, the client calls the App-V command to preload content to the App-V cache immediately (instead of waiting until the first launch). A problem may occur if the check box is cleared. If the software is downloaded to the ConfigMgr cache but the user does not launch the application, the launch will fail if the application is not started until after the cache is cleaned. The authors recommend enabling this check box to pre-cache the application in the App-V cache.

images Deployment Options: If the client uses a DP located in its current boundary group (defined in the boundary group configuration), you can configure the application to be streamed from the DP or to download the content first. If the client uses a neighbor DP or the default site boundary group, you can choose to not download content, to download and run locally, or to stream content from the DP.

images Allow Clients to Use a Fallback Source Location for Content: If a client cannot locate content for this deployment in its defined boundary group, select this check box to allow the client to search other locations. To allow clients to access a source from a different boundary group, the boundary group properties must be configured to allow a client outside these boundary groups to fall back and use this site system as a source location for content.

8. Use the Publishing tab, which is also unique to the App-V DT, to determine which icons to publish to the end user. A common scenario to consider is when a user wants to install software on a device that he or she does not use every day. ConfigMgr considers this a device if the user is not considered the primary user. In this example, the DT will only be installed for primary device users.

9. Select the Requirements tab and click Add to add a new requirement. In the Create Requirement Dialog, select User as the category and verify that Condition is set to Primary Device equals True.

Creating a Microsoft App-V 5 Deployment Type

The example in this section shows how to create an App-V 5 DT for the 7-Zip application, which was sequenced with the App-V 5 sequencer. Perform the following steps to create the App-V 5 deployment type:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Windows Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar. The Create Deployment Type Wizard appears.

2. On the General page, select Microsoft Application Virtualization 5 from the Type dropdown list.

3. Supply the UNC path to the location of the .appv file, created by the App-V sequencer while saving the sequenced application (\odysseydslApplicationsIgor Pavlov 7-Zipv16.02DeployAppv5x647 Zip v16.02.appv in this case). Click Next.

4. Verify the information on the Import Succeeded message in the Import Information page. Click Next.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name to one that suits your organization’s needs. You can also supply administrator comments and select the languages included in this DT. Click Next.

6. On the Requirements page, click Add to open the Create Requirement dialog and select requirements that must be met to start this application. An example could be a global condition check of whether the App-V 5.0 client is installed on the client. Click OK to select the necessary requirements and click Next.

7. On the Dependencies page, select dependencies by configuring a dependency group containing the applications on which this application depends. An example would be the App-V client installation.

If you create a requirement based on a global condition that specifies whether the App-V 5 client is installed, the DT dependency is never reached; the App-V 5 client, even though specified as a dependency, is never installed; and the DT is not started.

After creating the dependency group, click OK to close the Add Dependency window. Click Next to continue.

8. Review the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

9. Follow the progress and verify that the DT was successfully created in the Completion page. When successful, click Close to close the wizard.

Using App-V Virtual Environments

Use App-V’s virtual environment functionality in versions 5 and above to define App-V connection groups in ConfigMgr; these are the follow-up to the dynamic suite composition (DSC) functionality that was previously available. Defining interaction between two or more applications using DSC involves editing the OSD file to add a reference to the GUID of the other application, which is error prone.

Applications residing in the same connection group interact and share the file system and Registry on client computers. For example, Microsoft Outlook and a third-party add-in for Outlook could be delivered separately from each other. You can give priority to applications within the connection group, allowing their file system or Registry changes to take precedence over those of an application with lower priority. The next section describes how to create an App-V virtual environment for FreeMind, a mind-mapping tool that requires the Oracle Java Runtime Environment.

Creating an App-V Virtual Environment

The scenario in this section uses two App-V packages created using the App-V 5 sequencer:

images FreeMind version 1.0.1: This application creates mind maps and depends on the Oracle Java Runtime Environment to be installed on the machine on which it runs.

images Java Runtime Environment: This is the Java JRE version 8 update 11.

Both applications were sequenced on the App-V sequencing machine and imported using the procedure described in the “Creating a Microsoft App-V 5 Deployment Type” section, earlier in this chapter. Create both applications and then create a dependency between them. Follow these steps:

1. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> App-V Virtual Environments. Select Create Virtual Environment to define a new App-V connection group. The Create Virtual Environment page appears.

2. Specify a name and provide a description for the connection group. In this case, specify Java 8 Update 11 with FreeMind 1.0.1 as the name and Connection Group for FreeMind 1.0.1 as a description.

3. Click Add to open the Add Applications page. Provide a group name, which in this case is JRE 8 Update 11. Click Add to open the Specify Application page.

4. Select the Oracle Java JRE 8 Update 11 - Microsoft Application Virtualization 5 DT and click OK to close the page. If you click Add again and select an additional application, you can specify another application, creating an OR statement for the specified applications. Click OK when finished.

5. Back on the Create Virtual Environment page, click Add to again open the Add Applications page. Specify a group name, which in this case is FreeMind 1.0.1. Click Add to open the Specify Application page.

6. Select the FreeMind 1.0.1 - Microsoft Application Virtualization 5 DT. Click OK to close this page. To select an additional application, if needed, click Add again to create an OR statement for the specified applications. Click OK when complete.

You now see the two virtual applications added as App-V DTs on the Create Virtual Environment page, as displayed in Figure 12.3. Notice the AND statement, which states in this case that FreeMind 1.0.0 and Java 7 update 45 can run in the same virtual environment.

7. Click OK to close the Create Virtual Environment page; the Java 7 update 45 with FreeMind 1.0.0 connection group has been created.

A screenshot shows the Create Virtual Environment dialog box.

FIGURE 12.3 Creating a virtual environment.

With the App-V virtual environment specified, you can create a deployment for the FreeMind 1.0.1 application. Although you created the App-V virtual environment, you also must specify that the FreeMind 1.0.1 - Microsoft Application Virtualization 5 DT is dependent on the Oracle Java JRE 8 Update 11 - Microsoft Application Virtualization 5 DT.

Check whether the connection group is active on the client by using the Get-AppVClientConnectionGroup PowerShell cmdlet, available on each App-V client after importing the AppvClient.psd1 module and changing the execution policy. Figure 12.4 shows the outcome of running the cmdlet.

A screenshot of the Map1*- FreeMind - MindMap Mode.

FIGURE 12.4 Output of the Get-AppVClientConnectionGroup cmdlet when the virtual environment is running.

Using Deployment Types for Mobile Devices

ConfigMgr can be integrated with Microsoft’s hosted Intune device management solution, using the ConfigMgr console to manage mobile devices connected to Microsoft Intune. Alternatively, you can manage on-premise mobile devices natively through ConfigMgr; in this case, a connection to Intune is required for licensing purposes. Microsoft refers to managing mobile devices through Microsoft Intune as unified device management, or Intune hybrid. Chapter 16, “Integrating Intune Hybrid into Your Configuration Manager Environment,” explains how to set up the integration between Intune and ConfigMgr, and Chapter 17 discusses ConfigMgr MDM when integrated with Microsoft Intune.

After enrolling devices in the hybrid environment, you can manage your Windows-based, Android-based, or iOS devices with ConfigMgr through Intune. You can deploy applications to those devices by using either deeplinking or sideloading; these concepts are explained in the next sections.

Using Sideloading to Distribute Applications

If a company wants to install custom applications on users’ mobile devices, it could buy that software from a software development company that develops the application or have in-house developers create an application. These applications are often referred to as line-of-business (LOB) applications; installing these applications on devices is known as sideloading.

For each type of application, the vendors of each platform provide a development environment:

images Microsoft Visual Studio is a development platform for developing Windows modern applications, applications for Windows Phone, and Universal Windows Platform apps.

images The Apple development platform is called Xcode.

images Google provides an Android Developer Tools plug-in for Eclipse, which is a platform for developing open source software.

Xamarin, acquired by Microsoft in February 2016, is a tool for writing native Android, iOS, and Windows apps using a shared C# codebase. Other third-party development environments are also available for developers to write software for devices.

All vendors provide methods for developers to test their applications on devices. To prevent mass deployment of these applications, there must be a way to restrict running them:

images Running development applications on Apple requires the developer to register the universally unique identifier (UUID) of the device as a development device for testing purposes; a developer can register 100 devices per year. The developer must also create an Apple Developer account.

images Microsoft modern and universal applications can be tested on Windows 8.1 domain-joined machines with a Registry key enabled, or the machines can be provisioned with a certificate. The certificate must be renewed every 30 days when using a Microsoft account and every 90 days when using a Store account. For Windows 10, the machine can be put in sideloading or developer mode, as explained in the article at For Windows Phone application testing, Microsoft provides an emulator that is available with Visual Studio.

images When testing Android applications, enable Developer options to enable installation of applications not coming from Google Play on a per-device basis.

Sideloading applications requires different procedures, depending on the manufacturer of the operating system (OS) on which the mobile device runs. The following scenarios are supported when sideloading applications to mobile devices:

images Deploying an application as available to users.

images Deploying an application as required to users and devices. This is not supported on Windows Phone 8, and user consent is required for iOS and Android devices.

images Uninstalling an application deployed to users and devices. This is not supported on Windows Phone 8; Android devices require user consent.

Chapter 17 provides more information about these scenarios.

Sideloading Windows Modern Applications

With Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a new type of application, known as a metro app. Metro apps were installed from the Windows Marketplace, the first version of what is now known as the Windows Store. Due to a legal dispute with a German company, Microsoft was forced to change that name to Windows 8 style apps and later used the term modern apps.

With the release of Windows 8.1, Microsoft introduced the universal app concept, where an app could be written such that it could be used both on Windows Phone and Windows devices, although it still had to be specifically compiled for each device type. With Windows 10, apps can be written once based on one common application programming interface (API) set and run on all flavors of Windows 10 (Windows Phone, Windows PC, Xbox, Internet of Things [IoT], and Hololens). This simplifies creation from the developer and deployment perspectives. These apps are now called universal Windows apps based on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP); traditional Win32 applications are called Windows desktop apps.

Requirements for installing apps have changed with each evolution of the Windows OS. This can be confusing, particularly if you have multiple versions of Windows in your environment.

A Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise or Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 computer that is domain-joined can use sideloading of trusted applications with the group policy item Allow all trusted applications to install. Sideloading of applications also requires the application to be signed with a trusted certificate, where the publisher name in the certificate matches the publisher name in the package. The certificate can be distributed to your domain-joined clients using group policy or with the Certificate Profiles option in ConfigMgr.

For Windows devices that are not or cannot be joined to a domain, such as Windows RT devices, you must acquire an enterprise sideloading key, which is a special product activation key. Windows 8 and 8.1 Pro, which can be domain-joined, also require a sideloading key. These requirements were changed with Windows 8.1 Update, as domain-joined Pro editions no longer require a sideloading key. As of Windows 10, sideloading keys are no longer necessary.

Apply the sideloading key and reactivate the Windows installation on the device. As of May 1, 2014, Microsoft customers in certain volume licensing programs are provided enterprise sideloading rights at no additional cost. Other customers can purchase enterprise sideloading rights for an unlimited number of devices for as little as $100. (See and the volume licensing reference guide at

Use the slmgr.vbs script for activation with the ConfigMgr client. When managing the client with Microsoft Intune, upload the sideloading key to the ConfigMgr console; it is enrolled during the next maintenance window.

To distribute applications to Windows devices, the application must be signed by a certificate authority (CA) trusted by the device in use. You can obtain a public certificate from a non-Microsoft authority or use your internal organization public key infrastructure (PKI) to generate the code-signing certificate. The certificate can be distributed using the Certificate Profiles functionality in ConfigMgr or with group policy.

Defining the Policy to Enable Sideloading on Domain-Joined Machines

This scenario in this section involves deploying a Windows app to Windows 8.1 and 10 Enterprise domain-joined machines. Configure the necessary group policy object (GPO) setting and distribute the certificate to the machines by using the Certificate Profile option in ConfigMgr. To enable installation of the custom Windows app, modify an already existing group policy, which is applied to your Windows agents. Follow these steps:

1. Start the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and browse to the GPO to which you are adding the new policy setting. Right-click the object and select Edit.

2. Browse to Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> App Package Deployment. Double-click Allow all trusted apps to install and modify its setting to Enabled.

3. Close the GPMC.

Verify that the policy was applied correctly by opening the local group policy editor on your target machine and browsing for the setting of the group policy that you set using the GPO.

Creating and Deploying a Certificate Profile

If the developer uses an authenticode code-signing certificate from a common CA, such as Symantec or VeriSign, you do not need to deploy a certificate profile, as the root certificates for these authorities are already present in the certificate store. If your own certificate is used, a certificate profile must be created to make the root certificate available in the Trusted Root Certification Authority store. The following steps show how to create a certificate profile, which is distributed to your agents using the compliance settings feature of ConfigMgr. To deploy a certificate to clients managed through MDM, you can also upload the certificate to the ConfigMgr console for the certificate to be automatically installed at enrollment time or during the next maintenance window. Complete the following steps:

1. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Assets and Compliance -> Compliance Settings -> Company Resource Access -> Certificate Profiles. Select Create Certificate Profile on the ribbon bar to start the Create Certificate Profile Wizard.

2. On the General page, provide a name for the certificate profile and an optional description. Confirm that the Trusted CA certificate radio button is selected. Click Next to continue.

3. On the Trusted CA Certificate page, provide the path to the location where the certificate is stored (in this example, \odysseydslApplicationsMicrosoft Barcode Scanner Sample Appv1.0.0.0BarcodeScannerJS_1.0.0.0_AnyCPU_Debug.cer). Verify that Computer certificate store - Root is selected and that the Certificate thumbprint field is filled in after selecting the certificate, as shown in Figure 12.5. Click Next to continue.

4. On the Supported Platforms page, confirm that Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are selected and click Next.

5. Review the Summary page. Click Next to create the certificate profile.

6. On the Completion page, verify that the certificate profile was successfully created. Click Close to close the wizard.

A screenshot shows the Create Certificate Profile Wizard.

FIGURE 12.5 Configuring a trusted CA certificate page of the Create Certificate Profile Wizard.

You can deploy the certificate profile to a collection containing all the devices to which you want to deploy the application so that they receive the policy. After the machines install the policy with the deployment, the certificate is installed during the next scheduled compliance evaluation.

To check whether the certificate installed successfully, verify that the configuration baseline is compliant on the Configuration tab of the ConfigMgr Control Panel applet, as shown in Figure 12.6, or open Local Computer certificates and browse to Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificates. The code-signing certificate should be in the list. Use the serial number as the unique identifier to verify that the certificate is present.

A screenshot of the Configuration Manager Properties dialog box.

FIGURE 12.6 Configurations tab of the Configuration Manager Control Panel applet.

Creating Windows Modern Deployment Types

Now that the GPO and certificate profile are created and verified as successfully applied, create the DT to distribute the application to users of your Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 machines. Follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Windows Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select Windows app package (*.appx, *appxbundle) as the type from the dropdown list.

3. Provide the UNC path to the .appx file (\odysseydslApplicationsMicrosoftBarcode Scanner Sample Appv1.0.0.0BarcodeScannerJS_1.0.0.0_AnyCPU_Debug.appx in this case) and click Next.

4. Confirm that the import succeeded in the Import Information page. If it did not, click Previous and verify the information. Click Next.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name as desired. You can also provide administrator comments, publisher information, software version, an optional reference, and administrative categories. Notice that the check box option Use an automatic VPN connection (if configured) is available. Click Next to continue.

8. On the Summary page, review the information and click Next.

9. On the Completion page, shown in Figure 12.7, verify that the DT was created. Click Close to close the wizard.

A screenshot of the Create Application Wizard with the Completion page open.

FIGURE 12.7 Completion page of the Create Application Wizard for a Windows App package.

After creating the DT, you can deploy the application to a user collection. If a user is a member of the collection and receives a new user policy, the application becomes available or is installed for the user (depending on the deployment settings). Figure 12.8 shows the BarcodeScanner JS sample application loaded on a Windows 10 device.

If installation fails, check the AppEnforce.log log file, located in the Logs folder under the ConfigMgr agent installation folder.

A screenshot depicts the screen of a BarcodeScanner sample application.

FIGURE 12.8 BarcodeScanner JS sample app loaded on a Windows 10 device.

Sideloading Silverlight-Based Applications for Windows Phone Devices

Silverlight-based applications were introduced with Windows Phone 8.1. Microsoft now recommends that developers port existing Silverlight-based applications to the UWP. Silverlight-based apps are still supported, even on Windows 10. Sideloaded Silverlight-based applications for Windows Phone must be code-signed, which requires a code-signing certificate purchased from Symantec/Digicert. Purchase certificates at

To create a DT within an application for sideloading on Windows Phone devices, follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Windows Phone Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select Windows Phone app package (*.xap file) from the Type dropdown list.

3. Provide the UNC path to the .xap file (\odysseydslApplicationsMicrosoftWindows Phone Sample AppsShapes.xap in this case). Click Next to continue.

4. On the Import Information page, verify that the import succeeded. If it did not, click Previous and confirm that a valid .xap file is specified. Click Next.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name as necessary. You can also provide administrator comments, publisher information, software version, an optional reference, and administrative categories. Click Next to continue.

6. Review the information on the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

7. On the Completion page, shown in Figure 12.9, verify that the DT was created. Click Close to close the wizard.

A screenshot of the Create Application Wizard showing the Completion page with respect to Windows Phone app package.

FIGURE 12.9 Completing the Create Application Wizard for Windows Phone app package.

Sideloading Applications for Android Devices

By default, Android devices only install applications from the Google Play store. You can modify the settings of each Android device to enable installation of applications from unknown sources, such as via sideloading (select Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources). To define applications for sideloading, follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Google Play Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select App Package for Android (*.apk file) from the Type dropdown list.

3. Provide the UNC path to the .apk file (\odysseydslApplicationsCitrixReceiverv3.9.1DeployAndroidCitrixReceiver-v391-373260.apk in this case). Click Next to continue.

4. Verify that the import was successful in the Import Information page. If it was not, click Previous and confirm that the correct path is supplied to a location where the .apk file is located. Click Next to continue.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name as desired. You can also provide administrator comments and select the languages included in this DT. Click Next.

6. If needed, specify a requirement on the Requirements page; in this case, a requirement is already specified: Minimum API Level, which should be greater than or equal to 14. For Android applications, you can only add a requirement based on device ownership. Click Next to continue.

7. Review the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

8. Verify that the DT was created successfully in the Completion page, as shown in Figure 12.10. Click Close to close the wizard.

A screenshot of the Create Application Wizard showing the Completion page with respect to Android Phone app package.

FIGURE 12.10 Completing the Create Deployment Type Wizard for an Android app package.

Sideloading Applications for Apple iPhone, iPod, and iPad Devices

Apple iPhone and iPad devices run the iOS OS. These iOS devices must be contacted by the Apple Push Notification (APN) service to check for policy. An APN certificate is required to communicate with Apple’s APN service. When a new policy for iOS devices is created, Intune contacts the APN service for those devices, and the devices in turn check with Intune for their new policy. Configuring the APN service for use with Windows Intune is described in Chapter 16.


Distributing in-house iOS applications requires an Apple Developer license. Alternatively, you could buy applications in volume by using Apple’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP). Sideloading applications for iOS devices is accomplished by importing an .ipa file, an application archive that stores the application for the iOS device. The. ipa file is encrypted using Apple’s FairPlay digital rights management technology. The Apple Enterprise Developer license costs $299 per year. For information about this license, see

After enrolling an iOS device, a provisioning profile is installed on that device, connecting it to the company’s enterprise program membership. Each device has a special profile for the Apple App Store, which cannot be changed. Any application installed on the device is matched against this profile; if profiles do not match, the application is not installed.

Host an .ipa file on the DSL and then follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Apple App Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page of the wizard, select App Package for iOS (*.ipa file) from the Type dropdown list.

3. Provide the UNC path to the .ipa file (in this case \odysseydslApplicationsAppleWireLessAdHocDemov.1.0.0iOSWirelessAdHocDemo.ipa). Click Next to continue.

4. Confirm that the import succeeded in the Import Information page. If it did not, click Previous and confirm that the path is correct. Click Next to continue.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name, if needed. You can also provide administrator comments and select the languages included in this DT. Click Next to continue.

6. Specify requirements on the Requirements page. Click Add to open the Create Requirement dialog box. Select Operating System as a condition and specify that the application can only run on All iOS 7 iPhone and iPod touch devices. Click Next to continue.

7. Review the information on the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

8. On the Completion page, verify that the DT was successfully created, as shown in Figure 12.11. When successful, click Close.

A screenshot of the Create Application Wizard showing the Completion page with respect to iOS Phone app package.

FIGURE 12.11 Completion page of the Create Deployment Type Wizard for an iOS app package.

Unlike with other platforms, installing sideloaded applications for iOS requires the user to access the web version of the company portal. The user should start Safari and browse to to log in with his or her Windows Intune account. From there, the user can choose to install the applications that are available for installation on the iOS device.


Defining virtual private network (VPN) profiles in ConfigMgr enables you to deploy VPN settings to different types of devices. The VPN profiles are supported for devices running the following operating systems:

images Windows 8.1 (32- and 64-bit)

images Windows RT 8 and Windows RT 8.1

images Windows Phone 8.1

images iPhone and iPad devices running iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, and iOS 8

images Android 4.0 and later

When creating a Windows app package, you can select the option Use an automatic VPN connection (if configured) to let the application open the VPN connection automatically. If more than one VPN profile is deployed, using automatic VPN connections is not supported.

Setting up per-app VPNs on iOS devices is supported, although the VPNs must be certificate based. See for additional information.

For more information about the prerequisites, how to create and deploy VPN profiles, and how to monitor VPN profiles, see

Using Deeplinking with DTs to Distribute Applications

Deeplinking, which refers to creating a direct link to the location of an app in the application store, is quite easy. When you create the DT, browse to the app in the application store of the manufacturer and select the one you want to install. Users are provided with a link they can click to go to a location where they can download and install the app. An Apple, Google, or Windows account is required for the appropriate store. For Windows, Microsoft also provides the Windows Store for Business, which allows users to install company-provided apps, possibly purchased in volume by the company for cost savings.

Creating a Windows Store Deeplinking for the Windows and Windows Phone DT

As Microsoft merged the Windows Phone store into the Microsoft Store, there is no longer a clear distinction between deeplinking for Windows apps and Windows Phone apps. This section shows how to create a DT that provides a link to the Microsoft Store. Clicking the link takes users directly to the app in the store, where they can decide to install the app. Follow these steps:

1. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Windows app package (in the Windows Store) DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select Windows Phone app package (in the Windows Store) from the Type dropdown list.

3. Provide a URL to the app or click Browse to start the Windows Phone app package browser and search for the application you want to add (in this case, Instagram), as shown in Figure 12.12. Click OK and then click Next.

A screenshot shows the Windows Phone app package Browser.

FIGURE 12.12 Windows Phone app package browser.

4. Confirm that the import was successful in the Import Information page. If it was not, click Previous and verify that the URL in the Location field is correct. Click Next to continue.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name as necessary. You could also provide administrator comments and select languages included in this DT. Click Next.

6. On the Requirements page, specify any necessary conditions.

7. Review the information on the Summary page and click Next.

8. Follow the progress and verify that the DT was successfully created in the Completion page. When successful, click Close to close the wizard.

Creating a Google Play Store Deeplinking Deployment Type

This section shows how to create a DT that provides a link to the Google Play store. Clicking the link takes users directly to the app in the Google Play store, where they can decide to install the app. Follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Google Play Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select App Package for Android on Google Play from the Type dropdown list.

3. Provide the URL to the app you want to specify. If you know the URL, paste it into the Location field; otherwise, browse for the URL, using the App Package for Android Browser dialog (which opens, as shown in Figure 12.13. Click Next when the URL is filled in.

A screenshot shows the App Package for Android Browser using the Google Play Store.

FIGURE 12.13 Selecting Instagram in the Google Play store, using the App Package for Android Browser dialog.

4. Confirm that the import was successful in the Import Information page. If it was not, click Previous and verify that the URL in the Location field on the General page is correct. Click Next to continue.

5. On the General Information page, modify the name as necessary. You can also provide administrator comments and select the languages included in this DT. Click Next.

6. Review the information on the Summary page and click Next.

7. Follow the progress and verify that the DT was successfully created in the Completion page. When successful, click Close to close the wizard.

Creating an Apple App Store Deeplinking Deployment Type

The procedure in this section shows how to create a DT that provides a link to the Apple App Store. Clicking the link takes users directly to the app in the Apple App Store, where they can decide whether to install it. Some applications may have multiple links, if they are available for both iPhone and iPad. You can specify requirements to ensure that the DT is applicable to the iPhone or the iPad. Follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Apple App Store DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select App Package for iOS from App Store from the Type dropdown list.

3. Supply the URL of the app in the Apple App Store. If you already know the URL, paste it in the Location field; otherwise, click Browse to open the App Package for iOS dialog and find it there.

4. Click the search icon in the menu bar and type the name of the application you want to add in the search field (in this case Instagram). Select the Instagram page, as shown in Figure 12.14, and notice that OK in the lower-right corner is now selectable. Click OK to select this application and close the App Package for iOS dialog.

A screenshot shows the App Package for iOS using the Apple App Store.

FIGURE 12.14 Selecting Instagram in the Apple App Store, using the App Package for iOS dialog.


The App Package for iOS dialog also allows you to select applications from the Apple VPP, which allows customers to purchase applications in volume. For more information, see

Before selecting an application purchased using Apple VPP, you must upload your VPP token into Intune. Select the Volume Purchase Program node under Application Management and then select Apple and then Tokens. Add your VPP token by selecting Create Apple Volume Purchase Program Token and completing the wizard. Once the token is configured, you can manage the apps purchased by using VPP in the Licensed Apps node.

5. Ensure that the URL in the Location field on the General page now contains the Apple App Store location. Click Next to continue.

6. Confirm that the import was successful in the Import Information page. If it was not, click Previous and verify that the URL in the Location field on the General page is correct. Click Next to continue.

7. On the General Information page, modify the name, if needed. You can also enter administrator comments and select the languages to include in this DT. Click Next.

8. Specify requirements on the Requirements page. Click Add to open the Create Requirement dialog. In this case, select All iOS 8 iPhone or iPod touch devices, All iOS9 iPhone or iPod touch devices, All iOS 8 iPad devices, and All iOS9 iPad devices as the platform on which this application can run. You can also create a requirement for the ownership of the device as personal or company. Click Next.

9. Review the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

10. On the Completion page, verify that the DT was created successfully. Click Close to close the wizard.

Creating and Using Other Deployment Types

Besides Windows Installer, application virtualization, and mobile device-based deployment types, ConfigMgr supports DTs for Mac OS, web applications with links pointing to uniform resource locators, and script-based applications. This provides a way to script applications containing installation methods not covered by other DTs.

Creating a Script-Based Deployment Type

The word script typically brings to mind something written in VBScript, PowerShell, or some other scripting language. Script-based installers are commonly used when working with applications. This could be an .exe, .bat, .com, .vbs, or other type of command run from a command line to install software (other than Windows Installer, covered in Chapter 11). The procedure in this section shows how to add a new DT to an existing application. While it is similar to creating a new Windows Installer–based DT, there are significant differences. Follow these steps to create a script-based DT for the Citrix Receiver application:

1. From the application properties, select the Deployment Types tab and click Add to create a new DT.

2. For DT type, select Script Installer (Native).

3. The source location property is disabled because you selected Script Installer (Native) instead of Windows Installer. Click Next to display the General Information tab.

4. On the General Information tab, complete as much information as possible and click Next to advance to the Content page. If you have previously worked with different types of installations, you know there are no standard installation arguments. For Citrix Receiver, use the arguments /silent /noreboot when running the CitrixReceiver.exe installer. You should request a Windows Installer package or a document with the correct install/uninstall arguments from the application vendor. As you do not currently know the proper uninstall command, leave it blank.


Include the proper uninstall whenever possible to allow users to leverage Software Center to uninstall an application.

5. On the Detection Method page, specify for a valid detection method. Another advantage of a Windows Installer application is that the detection method is automatically configured when ConfigMgr interrogates an .msi (based on the Windows Installer product code); detection rules must be built for script-based installations. For this step, you will create a basic detection rule. Chapter 11 discusses detection methods. Click Add Clause and select File System as the setting type; then click Browse to browse to selfservice.exe on a test system with the Citrix Receiver installed.


Some administrators combine multiple applications into a single installer, often referred to as a wrapper. Use caution when writing detection methods based on wrapped data; if your wrapper program is a Windows Installer and your detection method looks for that program, you are guaranteeing that the wrapper, not the actual software, is installed on the client!

Check your detection methods to ensure that you are detecting install status. Chapter 9, “Client Management,” discusses how the application deployment evaluation cycle validates application installation on a regular interval (seven days by default). If a required application state is evaluated as missing, another application installation is initiated.

Notice that this is a basic rule that checks whether the file exists in the specified path. You could enable the option to look for a specific file date or version, but this example only checks that the file exists. Chapter 11 discusses detection methods.

6. Complete the User Experience page, which provides the standard settings for user experience.

7. Fill out the Requirements page, which is similar to the one discussed earlier in this chapter, in the “Creating a Windows Installer–Based Deployment Type” section. Chapter 11 includes an in-depth look at requirements, also known as global conditions. This optional field is blank, implying that the installation will occur on all operating systems and platforms targeted with the installation.

8. Click through the Dependencies, Summary, and Progress pages, which are the same as when creating a DT for a Windows Installer–based application.

As there are no requirements (global conditions), this application is available for any targeted system. If you had a different installation for the server and created a second DT with a priority of 2 for the server DT, it would never run, as DTs are evaluated in priority order. When a system evaluates the requirement rules for a DT, if there are none, that DT is deployed, ignoring all other DTs. Place the least restrictive DT at the lowest priority (that is, with the largest priority number) to ensure that all other DTs are evaluated for applicability first.

Creating a DT for a script-based installer is similar to creating a Windows Installer DT. The challenge is determining the proper detection method and the install and uninstall command-line arguments. Work with your packaging team and third-party application vendors to ensure that your information is correct. And be sure to test!

Creating Deployment Types for Mac OS

Many organizations use non-Windows platforms. To support mobile devices running these operating systems, ConfigMgr uses the Microsoft Intune connector and manages the devices through Microsoft Intune; for in-company devices, ConfigMgr can also support Mac OS. This section describes how to create applications for Mac OS.

ConfigMgr supports the following Mac OS packaging formats:

images Apple disk image (*.dmg file)

images Meta package file (*.mpkg file)

images Mac OS X installer package (*.pkg)

images Mac OS X application (*.app)

Before deploying these app packages, gather application information using the CMAppUtil utility, available with the OS X client installation files. Output is a .cmmac file, which must be supplied with the OS X package when importing the DT in ConfigMgr.

Complete the following steps to create a .cmmac file for an Apple Disk Image file you can use to install Acrobat Reader DC:

1. Confirm that the package is copied to the folder that contains the extracted files from the macclient.dmg file used to install the ConfigMgr client.

2. Open a terminal window and navigate to that folder. Type mkdir AcroReaderDC to create a subfolder to store the .cmmac file.

3. Execute CMAppUtil by typing ./CMAppUtil -C /users/sysadmin/Downloads/AcroRdrDC_1501720050_MUI.dmg -o AcroReaderDC. You now have a AcroRdrDC Installer.pkg.cmmac file in the AcroReaderDC folder.

4. Copy the AcroRdrDC Installer.pkg.cmmac.pkg.cmmac file to the DSL.

After creating the .cmmac file, you can define the application DT for Mac OS X. Follow these steps:

1. In the console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application for which you want to add the Mac OS X DT and click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select Mac OS X from the Type dropdown. Provide the UNC path to the .cmmac file (in this case, \odysseydslApplicationsAdobeReader DC2015.017.20050DeployMacOSAcroRdrDC Installer.pkg.cmmac). Click Next to continue.

3. Confirm that the import succeeded in the Import Information page. If it did not, click Previous and verify that the correct path is supplied. Click Next.

4. On the General Information page, modify the name as needed. You can add administrator comments and select languages as well. Click Next.

5. On the Requirements page, click Add to open the Create Requirement dialog box. You can select the operating system as a condition to specify the platform on which you can run this application. Click Next.

6. Review the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

7. Verify that the DT was successfully created, as shown in Figure 12.15, and click Close.

After a deployment is created, the user receives a popup indicating that new software is available. The user can install the software or let ConfigMgr install it at the specified deadline. Use the CCMClient.log file on that system to troubleshoot any issues.

A screenshot shows the Create Deployment Type Wizard for a MAC OS X package.

FIGURE 12.15 Completion page of the Create Deployment Type Wizard for a Mac OS X package.

Creating Web Applications

To create a web application, define a link to a URL pointing to an intranet or Internet location. With more and more applications becoming accessible through web browsers, web-based applications are a common requirement. The link is deployed as a shortcut for Windows, a web clip for iOS, and a widget for Android devices. Windows Phone users can launch the link from the company portal. Follow these steps to deploy a web application:

1. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Software Library -> Application Management -> Applications. Select the application to which to add a Web Application DT. Click Create Deployment Type on the ribbon bar to open the Create Deployment Type Wizard.

2. On the General page, select Web Application from the dropdown. Specify a URL to the web page hosting the application. Click Next.

3. Verify that the import was successful. If it was not, click Previous and confirm that the URL for the Location field is correctly formatted. Click Next.

4. On the General Information page, modify the name to one that suits your organization’s needs. You can provide administrator comments and select the languages included in this DT. Click Next.

5. On the Requirements page, click Add to open the Create Requirement dialog box and specify any requirements. Click Next.

6. On the Dependencies page, define any dependencies. For example, you could specify that Microsoft Silverlight is needed to view the web application. In this case, indicate the necessary Microsoft Silverlight DTs in a dependency group name, if needed, and click Next to continue.

7. Review the Summary page. Click Next to create the DT.

8. On the Completion page, verify that the DT was successfully created, as shown in Figure 12.16, and click Close.


Gerry Hampson, one of the authors of this book, provides additional context about app deployment from an end-user perspective. For information about app deployment for Android, see the article at; for information regarding iOS, see

A screenshot shows the Create Deployment Type Wizard for a web application.

FIGURE 12.16 Completion page of the Create Deployment Type Wizard for a web application.

Synchronizing Apps from the Windows Store for Business

The Windows Store for Business allows companies to purchase individual Windows apps or to purchase apps in volume for use by the company. Connecting Configuration Manager with the Windows Store for Business allows purchased apps to be synchronized; the apps are then accessible in the ConfigMgr console and available for deployment.

In order for synchronization with the Windows Store for Business to work, Azure services must be set up and configured for the Windows Store for Business, as described in Chapter 6, “Installing and Updating System Center Configuration Manager.”

Once the Windows Store for Business synchronization is established, the purchased apps become available in the ConfigMgr console. Follow these steps to create an app synchronized from the Windows Store for Business:

1. Open the ConfigMgr console and navigate to Software Library -> Application Management.

2. Click License Information for Store Apps and select the app you want to deploy.

3. Click Create Application in the ribbon bar to create a ConfigMgr application.


This chapter discussed the creation of available DTs for ConfigMgr applications and provided extra context for the options possible when creating a DT. It explained how to create a virtual environment in which you can specify which App-V 5 virtual applications can interact with each other. It described how to deploy and test apps, either provided directly or via the app stores for the different platforms.

Chapter 13, “Creating and Managing Packages and Programs,” describes how to create packages and programs.

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