• Race, 86

  • Radio advertising, 197198

  • Randall, T., 439

  • Rangaswam, Arvind, 340

  • Range brands, 371

  • Rank Hovis McDougal (RHM), 345

  • Rao, Vithala R., 353

  • Rapaille, G. C., 302

  • Rapoport, Carla, 506

  • Ray, Rachael, 17

  • Reacting, 65

  • Reagan, Ronald, 250

  • Reasons to believe (RTBs), 56

  • Recall, 312313

  • Recession, 26, 27

  • Recognition, 311312

  • Reddy, Srinivas K., 429, 437

  • Redox, 473

  • Regional market segments/ regionalization, 482483

  • Rego, Lopo L., 353

  • Regulatory focus, 440

  • Reibstein, D., 439

  • Reichheld, Frederick, 93, 317

  • Relate marketing, 154

  • Relationship equity, 107

  • Relationship marketing, 154162, 540541
  • Relevance, 59, 101

  • Reliability, 85, 542

  • Repositioning the brand, 470471

  • Reputation, 382

  • Research. See Qualitative research techniques; Quantitative research techniques

  • Residual approaches, 340342

  • Resonance, 81, 96, 492

  • Responsiveness, 543

  • Retail stores, 171

  • Retailers, 176, 507, 543544
    • access, 242

    • brand image dimensions, 242

    • cross-category assortment, 242

    • image of, 242

    • as middleman, 109

    • price and promotion, 242

    • resistance to brand extensions, 414

    • store atmosphere, 242

    • within-category assortment, 242

  • Retiring brands, 472473

  • Retro-advertising, 454

  • Retro-branding, 454

  • Return of marketing investment (ROMI), 264

  • Return on investment (ROI), 226, 259, 351, 352

  • Revenue premium, 341342

  • Revitalization strategies, 462471

  • Risk profile, 103

  • Risks in product decisions, 7

  • Roberts, John, 270

  • Robertson, Thomas S., 504505

  • Roedder John, Deborah, 438, 440

  • Rogers, Martha, 156157

  • Role of branding index (RBI), 349

  • Rolex, 287293

  • Rolling Stone magazine, 498

  • Rolls-Royce, 155

  • Romeo, Jean B., 438, 440

  • Rorschach test, 300

  • Ross, William T., Jr., 440

  • Roux, Michel, 199

  • Royal Mail, 392

  • Royalty Relief Methodology, 346

  • Russell, Gary J., 341

  • Rust, Roland T., 107108

  • Ruth, Julie A., 245

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