
Note: page numbers followed by n or nn refer to information in the end-of-chapter notes and those in italics refer to figures.

adjustment process 224246, 227, 228, 231, 233n6

aggregate budget constraints 123, 125, 126

aggregate capital 57, 58n1, 59n5, 60n10, 86, 88, 106, 119, 171

aggregate demand 67, 8, 39

aggregate investment 23, 7980, 86, 89, 180, 188, 189190, 191192, 194, 196, 197n2

aggregate neoclassical theory of distribution 206221

aggregate production function 209

aggregate savings 23, 7980, 86, 89, 180, 188, 189190, 191192, 194, 196, 197n2

agricultural rate of profits 246259; see also corn-ratio theory of profits

Ahmad, Syed 226

Alternative interpretation of classical wage theory 349, 351355, 357

arbitrage 4546, 51, 61n19, 68n56, 70n15, 86, 112, 184; non-arbitrage conditions 110, 119, 120121, 123, 125, 128, 129, 131, 132, 150, 193, 195

Arrow, Kenneth 203

Arrow-Debreu 5, 118122, 152n2, 157, 169, 178, 199200, 202, 453, 454, 457, 458459, 460, 463

Aspromourgos, Tony 5, 423433

auctioneer 66n43, 75, 7677, 174, 175, 193, 194, 195, 201

Aumann, Robert J. 460, 461

Baigent, Nicholas 454

bargaining, wages 328, 352353, 356, 357, 362, 364, 365, 369, 370, 373, 376nn9, 10, 378n19, 380n37

Bellofiore, Riccardo 9

Bhaduri, Amit 7

Bidard, Christian 5, 442452

Blaug, Mark 281n4

Bliss, Christopher 5556, 58n1, 59n5, 64n34, 67n54, 72n14, 199, 203, 462

Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von 80, 202, 210, 214215

Bonifati, Giovanni 7

bons 64n35, 156, 160, 161, 162

Bortis, Heinrich 7

Bronfenbrenner, Martin 286, 287, 298, 310

Bruno, Michael 94, 97, 99

budget constraints, aggregate 123, 125, 126

budget equations 18, 21, 35, 82

Caminati, Mauro 228, 231

Cannan, Edwin 298, 313n17, 361, 386, 390, 393, 397, 410, 416

capital: aggregate 57, 58n1, 59n5, 60n10, 86, 88, 106, 119, 171; demand for 60n10, 210; diminution of 249; meaning of 201; pure capital 214, 215; quantity of 13, 14, 15, 35, 3840, 50, 51, 57, 68n57, 201, 207, 210, 219n4; subsistence fund 210; supply of 60n10; true capital 214; value of 210214

capital endowment 209210; physical composition of 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59n2, 99, 102103

capital formation in general equilibrium 3, 92, 92n4, 106, 107122, 134, 150; Tosato’s model 122129

capital goods: demand for 3940, 108, 123; price of 109, 112, 115118, 121; relative values of 3435; substitutability of 89; supply of 47; uniform effective rate of return onsupply prices 49, 5053, 58n2, 99, 102, 103, 157158, 159160, 161, 162, 166n7, 183, 185; uniform rate of return on demand prices 5051, 55, 84, 157158; uniform rate of return on109110, 111, 112, 119121, 155157, 184185

capital reversal 3, 3738, 149, 150, 170, 186n9, 210, 212, 214, 215, 215216, 217218, 219

Casarosa, Carlo 349, 350, 351, 377n13

Cassel’s general equilibrium model 135, 136

Cesaratto, Sergio 8

Charasoff, Georg von 437438

Ciccone, Roberto 6, 93

Clark, John Bates 214, 215

classical ‘surplus’ theory 302305

classical theory: enriched 458460; and rationality 454458; stability in 227231; uniqueness in 232233; of wages 349358

classical value theory 298302

Clower, Robert W. 180; dual decision hypothesis 81, 82, 178; semi-equilibrium (CSE) 83, 85, 86

Coase, Ronald 202

cobwebs 228, 231, 234n13

Cohen, Avi 200, 202

combinations 328, 358n7, 362, 364, 365, 369371, 373, 376n11, 378n22

competition: horizontal 364, 379n26; vertical 364

competition in labour market 361, 367369; institutional framework 369372; J.S. Mill on 365369; Smithand Ricardo on 362365

competition-of-capitals theory 248

consumer behaviour (in Tosato’s model) 122127

consumption: contemporary consumption 13, 38; intertemporal consumption 13, 3738; substitutability in 215217

consumption baskets 212, 326327

consumption goods, demand for 2324, 39; outputs 58

consumption tax 429430

contemporary prices 47; relative prices 25, 26, 4345, 48, 147

corn: Mandler’s models 136144; price of 39, 240246; see also corn-ratio theory of profits

corn economies 206, 207, 218; standard ofvalue 446449

corn-ratio theory of profits: Porta’s comment on 269273; Ricardo 4, 239273; Smith 240, 241246, 246247, 253256, 259nn5, 6, 260nn8, 10, 263n29, 270, 274275; Vianello’s reply to Porta 274282, see also agricultural rate of profits

counterfactuals 457

cross-dual models 231

dated equilibria 2425

De Vivo, Giancarlo 417

Debreu, Gerard 457, 460, 462, see also Arrow-Debreu; SMD theory

deferred consumption effect 76, 77

demand: excess 3536, 82, 149, 165166, 173174, 189190, 192193, 194, 195, 196, 223, 225227, 228, 234n8; patterns 326327

demand feedbacks 234n12

demand-supply analysis 292298, 314n21, 319, 320, 329, 335356, 339343, 457

interdependence with distribution 322327

determinacy of equilibrium 135144

Diewert, Walter Erwin 115118, 152n14

differentiability 164, 182

diminishing returns 292, 298299, 301

disequilibrium 8081, 177178, 179, 196

distribution 67, 38, 67n54, 326327

distribution, aggregate neoclassical theory of 206221

Dmitriev, Vladimir Karpovich 455

D’Orlando, Fabio 6

Eden, Sir Frederick Morton 243

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro 459, 460

empirical propositions 200

employment see unemployment

England: productivity 443

equilibrium: determinacy of 135144; existence of 3, 200, 223224; extreme 2829; instability of 22, 76, 77, 79, 99, 212; stability of 2425, 150151, 180182, 188190, 200; temporary equilibrium 23, 6, 113, 115118, 156, 163, 202, see also general equilibrium theory; intertemporal equilibrium

Euler equations 99

European Monetary Union 8

excess demand 3536, 82, 149, 165166, 173174, 189190, 192193, 194, 195, 196, 223, 225227, 228, 234n8

excess savings 30, 37, 79, 90

excess supply 29, 30, 35, 62n20, 118, 129, 145, 224, 336, 361, 366, 370

existence, of equilibria 200

existence proofs 3, 223224

expected utility theory 460, 461462

extreme equilibria 2829

factor substitution 2, 151

factor supplies, inelastic 135136

factors of production; substitutability of 5657

Fix Wage interpretation of classical wage theory 4, 349, 350351

Fodor, Giorgio 8

funny shaped excess demand 227

futures market 117, 118

game theory 5, 460463, 462, 463, 464

Garegnani, Pierangelo 23, 1374, 110112, 228232, 264n29; 267n45, 311n2, 387; comment by Gram 3, 94102; comment by Schefold 23, 7488; critique by Harcourt 199, 200201; Garegnani’s semi-equilibrium 83; Hahn-Garegnani intertemporal model 171173, 174176, 188190, 193, 197; out-of-equilibrium behaviour 21, 2930, 148150, 153n23, 171, 173174; Petri’s comment on Tosato 155163, 165166; reply to Gram 3, 102105; reply to Schefold 2, 8893; Tosato on 146, 151, 152n1, 168, 171174, 188

Garnier, Germain 412

Gehrke, Christian 5, 405422, 455

general equilibrium theory 223; general-equilibrium investment-demand schedule 13, 16, 1827, 4049, 98, 148150, 181; general-equilibrium saving-supply schedule 13, 16, 1827, 4049, 98, 148150, 181; marginal theory 322, 330; see also intertemporal equilibrium

General neoclassical case (Hahn) 50, 51, 52; see also Special neoclassical case (Hahn)

Gilibert, Giorgio 5, 434441

Ginzburg, Andrea 8

Goodwin, Richard M. 440

Gram, Harvey 459; comment on Garegnani 3, 94102; reply by Garegnani 3, 102104

Gramsci, Antonio 89

Grandmont, Jean-Michel 462

gravitation 4, 6, 229231

Hahn, Frank H. 13, 14, 4958, 71nn3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 72n13, 163164, 224, 226, 227, 379n31;

Hahn-Garegnani intertemporal model 171173, 174176, 188190, 193, 197

Hamlin, Alan 453

Harcourt, Geoffrey 3, 53, 199204, 315n32

Hayek, Friedrich August 203, 214, 215

heterogenous capital 206207, 210, 223

Hicks, John R. 14, 55, 63n29; 64n34, 72n16, 103, 113, 141, 203, 225, 349, 351

hold-up 140, 141, 151

Hollander, Samuel 4, 251, 252, 258, 262nn20, 24, 272, 277278, 283318, 323, 349, 351, 355; comment by Stirati 4, 318334; reply to Stirati 4, 334348

homogenous capital 5, 40, 53, 57

horizontal competition 364, 379n26

Horner, Francis 255256, 260n11, 275

immigration scenario (Schefold) 145148, 170

impermanence: critique 184; of endowments 233n5; of equilibrium 103; problem 156, 157, 163, 166n3, 183

income: permanent net 89; see also perpetual income

increasing returns 299, 301

indeterminacy, sequential 135136, 151

inflation, relationship to interest rates 8

instability of equilibria 22, 76, 77, 79, 99, 212

interest rates: relationship to inflation 8; uniformity of own commodity interest rates 49, 5153, 54

intertemporal consumption 13, 3738

intertemporal equilibrium 23, 6, 1314, 3540, 223; alternative techniques 3135; investment demand 3335; model 113115, 118122; representation of 2731; savings-supply and investment-demand schedules 1827, 4049; savings/investment decisions model 1418

intertemporal (relative) price(s) 13, 17, 22, 25, 26, 29, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 47, 48, 61n13, 67n50, 70n14, 91, 103, 144, 147, 148, 149

investment: aggregate 23, 7980, 86, 89, 180, 188, 189190, 191192, 194, 196, 197n2; general-equilibrium investment-demand schedule 2, 13, 16, 1827, 4049, 98, 148150, 181

investment decisions: factors influencing 7; in intertemporal equilibrium system, schedule 13, 16, 1827, 4049, 98

investment demands 2324

Jacobian matrix 134, 139, 140, 143

Jacobsen, Hans Jorgen 461

Jevons, William Stanley 94, 193, 195, 298, 302, 306, 391; ‘law of indifference’ 39, 40

Johnson, Harry 200, 201

Jossa, Bruno 7

Kaldor, Nicholas 350

Kalecki, Michal 7

Kehoe, Timothy J. 107, 122, 124, 129, 134

Keynes, John Maynard 67, 67n51, 203; macroeconomics 80; Neowalrasian/Neokeynesian School 81; New Keynesians 202

Kirman, Alan 199200, 201

Kregel, Jan 202

Kurz, Heinz 200, 232233, 455456

Kurz-Salvadori critique of neoclassical theory 206209; Hayek/Böhm-Bawerk critiques of 214215; Potestio’s assessment of 209218

labour: demand and supply of 4, 26, 30, 4647, 327329, 343346, 349350, 351353, 355357; market see labourmarket; price of 5, 349350; real costof 387394; and social norms 368369, 371373; ‘static’ demand for 327379, see also wages

labour market: competition in 361, 367369; institutional framework 369372; J.S. Mill on 365369; Smith and Ricardo on 362365

labour theory 272; Ricardo 289, 291292, 304305, 349, 351, 352, 354, 361, 362365, 367, 375n4; Smith 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 361, 362365, 372, 375n4, 392, 407408, 410411

law of indifference 39, 40, 86

law of non-proportional returns 299

Leon, Paolo 8

Leontief, Wassily 455, 456

Levrero, Enrico Sergio 45, 361384

Lindahl, Erik 107108, 112115, 150

liquidity preference theory 203

logical positivism 456457, 458

Longe, Francis Davy 367

McCulloch, John R. 289, 295296, 306, 324, 325

machinery, Ricardo’s theory on 4, 297, 320, 327, 328, 329, 331n4, 346347, 353, 363

Maffeo, Vincenzo 8

Malthus, Thomas Robert 4, 292293, 294, 316n35, 415, 416; corn ratio theory of profits 246253, 260nn11, 12, 261nn13, 19, 262nn21, 22, 263n28, 264n31, 265n32, 266nn37, 39, 269270, 271, 276277; correspondence with Ricardo 240, 247253, 256258; criticism of Smith 243245

Mandler, Michael 3, 77, 90, 92, 107, 115, 135144, 151, 171; corn models 136144

Mantel, Rolf 462; see also SMD theory

marginal method 284285

marginal products 66n42

marginal theory 294295, 300, 320, 322323, 329, 330, 331, 332n7, 337

marginal utility theory 306, 388

marginalist theory 162, 222, 320, 322323, 327, 328329, 330, 332n7, 337, 354, 355, 392, 457

market budget constraint 124126

market effectual demands 230231

market rates of profit 229

Marshall, Alfred 22, 24, 314nn21, 22, 370371, 390, 391, 407, 413, 414; classical value theory 298299, 301302, 303; Marshallian adjustment process 224225, 226, 228, 231, 233n6; principle of substitution 200

Marx, Karl 290292, 372; corn-ratio theory of profits 271, 278280, 286; Sraffa and 272n4, 273n7, 279, 281nn7, 8, 286287, 288, 305309, 318319; surplus value 417419, 463464

Mathematical Note (Tucci) 58, 78, 93n10, 100n9, 186n7, 469471

Mayer, Thomas F. 464

means of production, quantity of 14, 37

metaphysics (metaphysical): Sraffa 393394, 402n15; Walsh 458

methods of production 3135, 41, 66n45

Mill, James 245246, 256, 261n16, 275, 411412

Mill, John Stuart 264n31, 361, 364, 365367, 421n27

Modigliani, Franco 226227

Montani, Guido 8

Morgenstern, Oskar 460, 461

multi-goods models 206207, 218

Naldi, Nerio 8

Nash equilibrium 461, 464

Nell, Edward J. 78

neo-Ricardians 3, 49, 53, 56, 94, 210, 272

neoclassical theory 58n2, 206209, 223; aggregate theory of distribution 206221; game theory 462463; and logical positivism 456457, 458; rationality in 453; stability in 224227; and wages 389, 390391

Neowalrasian/Neokeynesian School 81

New Keynsians 202

New View interpretation of classical wage theory 4, 349350, 351, 354355, 356

Nisticò, Sergio 6, 152n, 197n

non-proportional returns, law of 299

optimal accumulation 94

optimal control theory 94

out-of-equilibrium behaviour 21, 2930, 148150, 153n23, 171, 173174

overdeterminacy 50, 52, 71n7

own (commodity) rate(s) of interest: 13, 14, 19, 26, 29, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59n2, 61n19, 65n39, 65, 69, 72n14, 76, 81, 86, 94, 98, 99, 103, 104, 107, 109, 112, 120, 121, 122, 145, 173, 176, 194, 195; uniformity of 49, 5153, 54, 59n2, 61n19, 72n14, 86

own rates of interest 13, 14, 3839, 45, 51, 54, 64n19, 65n39, 76, 94, 9899, 103, 107, 120121, 145

own rate(s) of return 98, 99, 107, 172

Palumbo, Antonella 8

Panico, Carlo 7

paradoxical behaviour 107, 144150, 170

Pareto, Vilfredo 391

Parrinello, Sergio 153n23, 186n9; comment on Tosato 3, 188191; reply by Tosato 3, 191198

Pasinetti, Luigi L. 220n11, 350, 351, 358n3, 454, 458, 459460

Peach, Terry 255, 258, 263n27, 267n43, 281n4, 355, 356

permanent net income 89

perpetual income 108; perpetual future income 39, 40, 68n55; perpetual net income 39, 40

Petri, Fabio 6, 71n6, 161, 162: comment on Tosato 155168; reply by Tosato 168198

Petty, William 5, 301, 302, 303, 308, 309, 310, 314n22, 392, 407: ‘Petty Papers’ archive 423432; population growth 424, 425429; taxation 429430

Physiocrats 280, 281n8, 302, 303, 304, 308309, 310, 392, 407408

Picchio, Antonella 5, 385404

Piccioni, Marco 235n18

Pigou, Arthur Cecil 391, 459

Pivetti, Massimo 8

population growth: Petty on 424, 425429; see also Malthus, T.

Porta, Pier Luigi: comment on Vianello 4, 269274; reply by Vianello 4, 274282; on Sraffa 286287, 288, 298, 310

Portugal, productivity 443

Potestio, Paola 3, 206221

Potier, Jean-Pierre 9, 298, 3067, 315nn28, 29, 419n*

Prices, intertemporal see intertemporal prices

production activities (in Tosato’s model) 127128

profits: agricultural rate of 246259; market rates of 229; see also corn-ratio theory of profits

public deficit 7

pure capital 214, 215

pure futures economy 113115, 141, 151

quantity of capital 13, 14, 15, 35, 3840, 50, 51, 57, 68n57, 201, 207, 210, 219n4; multi-goods models 210214

Radner, Roy 114115, 135, 152n10

rate of return, capital goods 109110, 112; uniform 49, 5054, 72n14, 193194

rationality, in reproduction models 453465

Ravagnani, Fabio 56

real value of wages (Ricardo) 406, 414419

real wages 159160

recontracting 25, 29, 64n35, 75, 76, 87; see also tâtonnement

regular economies 133134, 155, 163, 165, 182

Remak, Robert 455456

representative agent models 203

reswitching 2, 22, 37, 7477, 87, 94, 106, 144145, 146150, 170, 208, 212, 214, 217218

reverse capital deepening 2, 14, 22, 26, 34, 87, 90, 94, 106

Ricardo, David 200; corn-ratio theory ofprofits 4, 239282, 260n19, 263n28, 265n32, 266n39, 285287; correspondence with Malthus 240, 247253, 2568; demand-supply analysis 292298; introduction of machinery 4, 297, 320, 327, 328, 329, 331n4, 3467, 353, 363, 443; labour theory 289, 291292, 304305, 349, 351, 352, 354, 361, 362365, 367, 375n4; neo-Ricardians 3, 49, 53, 56, 94, 210, 272; profit theory 392; profit-rate formula 289290, 308, 312nn911; Sraffa’s interpretation of 283347, 350; on taxation 313n14, 328, 339, 340342, 343345, 347, 353, 358n8, 363, 376n5; value theory 442451; wage theory 349, 403n17, 405421

Richardson, George 202

Rizvi, S. Abu Turab 199, 202, 454455, 461, 462463

Robinson, Joan 201, 202

Robinsonian leets (homogenous capital) 53, 57

Salvadori, Neri 232233, 455456, see also Kurz-Salvadori critique of neoclassical theory

Samuelson, Paul A. 58n1, 100n3, 234nn7, 8, 331n5, 358n2

savings 5, 86; aggregate 23, 7980, 86, 89, 180, 188, 189190, 191192, 194, 196, 197n2; decisions in intertemporal equilibrium system 13, 1427, 4049, 98; excess 30, 37, 79, 90; general-equilibrium saving-supply schedule 2, 13, 16, 1827, 4049, 98, 148150, 181

Say, Jean-Baptiste 304, 412

Schefold, Bertram 146148, 150, 153n22, 165, 235n17, 458: comment onGaregnani 23, 7488; immigration scenario 145148, 170; reply by Garegnani 2, 8893; Tosato on 168170

secular tendencies 297, 320

semi-stationary economies 5556

Sen, Amartya 458

sequential trading 135136, 151; three-period intertemporal model 141144; two-period intertemporal model 136141

Serrano, Franklin 34, 222236

shock 146, 147, 148, 169

Siena Summer School 168, 170

Simonazzi, Annamaria 8

single consumer economy 77, 88, 9092, 92n7, 93, 147

slavery 389, 390, 397398, 401nn6, 7

SMD theory 462, 464

Smith, Adam 336338, 459; corn-ratio theory of profits 240, 241246, 246247, 253256, 259nn5, 6, 260nn8, 10, 263n29, 270, 274275; labour theory 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 361, 362365, 372, 375n4, 392, 407408, 410411; on taxation 338, 344

social norms, and labour market 368369, 371373

social reproduction of labour 368, 378n23, 3856, 389, 390, 3912, 395, 396, 399400, 401n6, 402n14; cost of 427429

Sonnenschein, Hugo 199, 202, 462; see also SMD theory

Special neoclassical case (Hahn) 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, 224; see also General neoclassical case (Hahn)

spot markets 114, 117, 118

Sraffa, Piero 106, 144, 149, 202203, 232, 350, 457; critique of stability 222223, 224225; historiography 298305; Lectures on Advanced Theory of Value (Cambridge) 300302, 406407; Marxian interpretation of Ricardo 283347; Marxian perspective 272n4, 273n7, 286288, 305309; and metaphysics 393394; price theory 6, 436437, 438, 439; and Ricardo’s corn-ratio theory of profits 4, 239240, 254, 262n20, 264n31, 270271, 275, 276, 277, 285287, 310; on Ricardo’s phrase ‘price of wages’ 405421; subsistence and surplus wages 385403

stability 111; in classical theory 227231; dynamic 225, 231, 234n7; of equilibria 2425, 150151, 180182, 188190, 200; in neoclassical theory 224227;Sraffian critique 222223; static 225, 227, 231, 234n7

Stackelberg, Heinrich von 135, 136

standard commodity 5, 8, 434441

standard system 283284, 286, 287

stationary economy 24, 40, 59n8

steady state economy 24, 40, 59n8

Stigler, George 200

Stirati, Antonella 4, 349360; comment on Hollander 4, 318334; reply by Hollander 4, 334348

strategic choice 460463

subsistence wages 224, 298, 308, 315n24, 365, 369, 374, 375n3, 377n17, 386387, 388, 392, 394395, 399400, 401n3, 403n17, 419

substitutability 207; in consumption 215217; of factors of production 5657; indirect 4; in production 217

substitution 207208, 226227; inter-commodity 347; Marshall’s principle of 200

supply: excess 29, 30, 35, 118, 129, 145, 224, 336, 361, 366, 370, see also demand-supply analysis

surplus theory 283, 391394; classical 302305

surplus value 286, 309, 321, 410

surplus wages 5, 380n35, 385, 387389, 395396, 399400, 401n4, 402n8, 403n17, 432n13

Symposium on Capital Theory 94

system of production see methods of production

Tarshis, Lorie 203

tâtonnement 25, 29, 64n35, 75, 76, 87, 148149, 156, 160, 161, 162, 171, 174176, 180, 181, 182, 188, 190, 191192, 193, 194197; see also recontracting

taxation 4, 5, 261n13, 263n29, 266n39, 324, 391: Petty on 429430; Ricardo on 313n14, 328, 339, 34042, 3435, 347, 353, 358n8, 363, 376n5; Smith on 338, 344

technical change see machinery, introduction of

technique of production see methods of production

technology effect 76, 77

temporary equilibrium 23, 6, 113, 115118, 156, 163, 202

terminal wealth 118119

time factor (in production) 108, 112115, 150

Torrens, Robert 265n36, 306, 339, 413

Tosato, Domenico 3, 10654, 233n2: comment by Parrinello 3, 188191; comment by Petri 3, 155168; reply to Parrinello 3, 191198; reply to Petri 3, 168188

transversality 118119, 125

Trezzini, Attilio 7

Trower, Hutches 247, 251, 256, 259n2, 262n19, 276

true capital 214

Tucci, Michele, Mathematical Note 58, 78, 93n10, 100n9, 186n7, 469471

unemployment 361, 362365, 366, 369, 370, 377

uniform rate of profit 54, 55, 283, 286, 287, 292, 324

uniform rate of return on capital 49, 5054, 72n14, 193194: capital goods109110, 111, 112, 119121, 155157, 184185; on demand prices of capital goods 5051, 55, 84, 157158; effective rate of return on supply prices 49, 5053, 99, 102, 103, 157158, 159, 159160, 161, 162, 183, 185; effective rate of return on supply prices 58n2, 166n7

uniqueness: in classical theory 232233; of equilibria 150151, 227

USA, economy in 1990s 8

utility functional 147148, 153n22

utility theory, expected utility theory 460, 461462

value: corn economies 446449; multi-sector economies 449451; Ricardo’s standard of 442451; standard commodity 434441

Varoufakis, Yanis 464

vertical competition 364

Vianello, Fernando 4, 239269; comment by Porta 4, 269274; reply to Porta 4, 274282

Von Neumann, John 57, 58, 224, 233, 455, 460, 461, 465n5; growth model 224, 233

wages 45, 304305; Alternative interpretation of classical wage theory 349, 351355, 357; bargaining 328, 352353, 356, 357, 362, 364, 365, 369, 370, 373, 376nn9, 10, 378n19, 380n37; classical theory of 349358; and competition in labour market 361381; Fix Wage interpretation of classical wage theory 4, 349, 350351; market determination of 297298; New View interpretation of classical wage theory 4, 349350, 351, 354355, 356; normal wage 323, 350, 351352, 354355, 357, 358n1, 370, 373375; price of 5, 405421; proportional wages 5, 405, 406, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419; real value of 406, 414419; real wages 159160; relationship with corn price 240246; relationship with employment 45; subsistence 224, 298, 308, 315n24, 365, 369, 374, 375n3, 377n17, 386387, 388, 392, 394395, 399400, 401n3, 403n17, 419; surplus 5, 380n35, 385, 387389, 395396, 399400; 401n4, 402n8, 403n17, 432n13; wage bargaining 328, 352353, 356, 357, 362, 364, 365, 369, 370, 373, 376nn9, 10, 378n19, 380n37; zero 4647, 69n12, 76, 367369; see also labour

Walker, Donald 201

Walker, Francis A. 368, 369, 378n20

Walras, Leon 21, 22, 39, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59n2, 64n35, 68n55, 68n66, 71n5, 71n6, 71n7, 80, 82, 89, 92, 92n4, 102103, 104nn2, 4, 106, 107, 108110, 112, 124, 150, 201; Walras’s model in an Arrow-Debreu economy 118122; criticism of 110112; Neowalrasian/Neokeynesian School 81; in a temporary equilibrium setting 115118; Walras Law 3, 173174, 176177, 178180, 186n9, 188190, 192193, 194, 196, 197n1; Walrasian adjustment process 224226, 227, 228, 231, 233n6; WGIE (Walrasian general intertemporal equilibrium) 188, 191, 193, 196, 197n1

Walsh, Vivian 5, 453467

Weber, Max 372

Wicksell, Knut 15, 22, 38, 53, 54, 5556, 57, 106, 363

Wicksteed, Philip H. 370, 371

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 458

zero prices 62n20

zero wages 4647, 69n12, 76, 367369

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