Appendix 1

Mathematical note to Garegnani, pp. 13–74

Michele Tucci

Note: Equation numbering follows original.


Let us take into consideration the following model (F):

image (5.1f)
image (5.2f)
image (5.3f)

If in the first relation of (5.3f) the inequality sign holds, then Pa0 = 0; if it holds in the second one, then Pb0 = 0. However, as is specified in Paragraph [3] of Appendix I, Assumption (ii), it should be noted that such cases will not be taken into consideration in the economic discussion in the text. The inclusion in the present demonstration is due to the need for clarifying the mathematical passages.

If the inequality sign holds in the third relation of (5.3f), then W = 0.

image (5.4f)
image (5.5f)
image (5.6f)
image (5.7f)

where Pa0, Pb0, Pa1 and Pb1 refer to prices, W indicates wages, S and I represent savings and investments, respectively, A1 and B1 correspond to quantities of produced


Figure 5.4 An Example of case 1.

commodities, A0D and B0D specify demands, and A0S, B0S and L refer to endowments. The single-valued mappings Da0, Db0, Da1 and Db1 designate standard Walrasian demand functions, which are characterised by the following assumptions:

1 the set of independent variables in the functions are those indicated by the first five among the symbols specified above;

2 in the non-negative orthant of the independent variables, each demand function is positive and continuous.

For the sake of simplicity, we suppose that the technical coefficients are all strictly positive. Moreover, the usual vitality conditions will hold. Finally, rb specifies the own interest rate of commodity b over period t = 0. The first eleven among the symbols listed above constitute the unknowns of the model, while rb is exogenously defined.

Let us substitute equations (5.6f) and (5.2f) into the second equation of (5.1f), thus obtaining:

image (5.8)

i.e. equation (5.1a) of Paragraph [2] of Appendix I.

Easy passages allow the following propositions to be derived from equations (5.1f), (5.2f), (5.6f) and (5.8):

(a) The quantities W and Pa1 can be defined as functions of the single variable Pa0.

(b) Consider the interval Hrb = {−1 ≤ rb ≤ maxrb}, with maxrb = (1 − bb)/bb. Define βrb = [1 − bb(rb + 1)′ /ab. For every rb ∈ Hrb, we can determine an interval HPa0 = {0 ≤ Pa0βrb} such that, for every Pa0HPa0, W ≥ 0, Pa1 ≥ 0.

(c) In the interval HPa0, the functions W(Pa0) and Pa1(Pa0) are continuous.

(d) If −1 < rb ≤ maxrb, then Pb0 > 0; if r = −1, then Pbo = 0.

Due to the income correction, which is specified in Paragraph 9 of the text, the third of (5.3f) is always satisfied with the equality sign, except in border solutions, which are examined in connection with Assumption (iii), Paragraph [5] of Appendix I, and in Paragraphs [6], [10], [13] and [14] of the same Appendix, where there will be a continuous set of solutions characterised by W = 0.

Let us assume that the equality sign holds in the first two relations of (5.3f). Substituting the last two equations of (5.3f) into the expressions on the right-hand side of the equality sign in the first two relations of (5.3f) and in equation (5.4f), we are able to define the variables A0D, B0D and I. Moreover, equation (5.5f) defines the variable S. In the interval HPa0, the four above-quoted expressions are continuous functions of the unique variable Pa0.


image (5.9)
image (5.10)

In the interval HPa0, the function δ(Pao) is continuous.

Taking into consideration equation (5.7f), for every rbHrb one, and only one, of the following three sentences is necessarily true:

1 There exists Pa0* ∈ HPa0 such that δ(Pao*) = γ.

2 For every Pa0HPa0, δ(Pa0) < γ.

3 For every Pa0HPa0, δ(Pa0) > γ.

Figure 5.4 shows an example of case (1). Here, Pa0 ≥ 0 and the first two relations of (5.3f) are satisfied with the equality sign. Assumption (ii) in Paragraph [3] of Appendix I confines the main argument there to case (1) above. Therefore, the remaining two cases will be examined only for the sake of completeness.

In case (2), at the given level of rb, commodity a0, taken in the sum of both its consumption and investment uses, cannot be employed in as high a proportion to b0 as the ratio γ in which it is found in the endowment. As a result, (F) can only admit solution if we allow the quantity A0D ‘demanded’ of equation (5.7f), to exceed the quantity used expressed by the R.H.S. of the first part of equation (5.3f), provided Pa0 = 0 (cf. n. 5 to Appendix I).

In case (3) we have the case symmetrical to II, where b0 cannot be used in as high a proportion to a0 (i.e. a0 in as low a proportion to b0), as the ratio in which the two commodities are found in the endowment. The inequality sign of the second relation in (5.3f) will allow for a solution of (F) provided Pbo = 0, i.e. if rb is set at rb min = −1. But no solution would exist if we set rb, our independent variable, at a level rb > −1 − a case, however, which is of no economic importance since (F) could never, then, provide a solution of (E), where rb > −1 implies Pb0 > 0, and is therefore incompatible with an inequality sign in the second of relations (5.3e).

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