Please note that references to non-textual material such as Figures, Photographs or Tables will be in italics, while references to Notes will be followed by the letter ‘n’.

AAA Sacramento River Cats baseball team, 306

Aardsma, David, 461

acceptability criterion, 56

accidental sampling see convenience sampling techniques

accounting systems, 5813

action, hierarchy of effects model, 362

Active People and Taking Part surveys, Sport England, 21112

activities, interests and opinions (AIO), 234, 235, 456, 607

activity ratios, 583, 607

actualized athletes, 147

Adelaide United, 440

Adidas, 306, 347, 349, 392, 434, 441, 453

adolescents, market segmentation, 21617

adopters, 3378, 623; early, 338, 610; early majority, 338, 610; innovators, 337, 614; laggards, 338, 614; late majority, 338, 614

advertisements: comparative, 3867, 608; sample, 592, 593, 594, 5956; slice-of-life, 387, 621

advertising, 344, 377408; alternative forms, 397, 400; benefits, identifying, 380; budgeting, 380, 427, 607; creative decisions, 380, 381, 609; defined, 607; design of campaign, 377, 427; direct, 427; lifestyle, 387, 614; objectives, 378, 607; outdoor, 399401; prime advertising time, selling, 34; process, 377; reach, 408, 619; sales promotion, 37980, 620; sample advertisements, 592, 593, 594, 5956; scientific advertisements, 387, 620; by sports organization to end users, 37980; stadium signage, 3979, 622; top sports advertisers, 3645

advertising appeals, 3826; definitions, 607; emotional, 352, 382, 611; fear, 382, 612; health, 382; pleasure of fun, 386, 618; rational, 3523, 611; sex, 383, 621

advertising execution, 38692; attractiveness, 389, 607; credibility, 387, 609; definitions, 607; expertise, 387, 612; one-sided versus two-sided messages, 386, 616; testimonials, 387, 623

AEG, 309

aerobics, 27

aerodynamics, 239

aesthetic value, 186, 607

affective component, attitudes, 156, 607

affective response, 194

affiliation need, 1867, 202, 616

African Americans, 79, 126, 127, 129, 228, 3534

Agassi, Andre, 328, 399

age factors, market segmentation, 21320

agents, 345, 607; socializing, 1589, 621

aggression, level of, 141, 142, 1456

Aikman, Troy, 351

AIO dimensions, 234, 235, 456, 607

Ali, Muhammad, 7, 8, 332, 349, 387

Allen, Leslie, 329

Allen, Paul, 69, 72

Allen, Ray, 47

amateur sporting events, 21, 607

ambush marketing, 4512, 4546, 607

American Basketball Association (ABA), 35

American Express, 449, 453

American League Championship, 50

American Marketing Association, 5, 43n, 517

American Media, 76

American Medical Association, 464

American Tennis Association, 328

Anaheim Angels, 32, 59

Anaheim Ducks, 37, 400

Ancient Olympic Games, 6

Andretti, Mario, 8

Anheuser-Busch, 465, 4834

antecedent states, 169, 607

Anthony, Carmelo, 237, 332

appeals, advertising see advertising appeals

Appleby, Stuart, 400

Apple Computer, 70, 323

arbitrary allocation, 366, 607

arena, sport, 25; merchandising, 667

Arena Football League (AFL), US, 5446

Arizona Cardinals, 71

Arizona Diamondbacks, 284

Armstrong, Gary, 503

Armstrong, Ketra L., 180

Armstrong, Lance, 248, 3936, 463, 563; as cancer survivor, 390, 394

Aronin, Michael, 50

Arthur, David, 43n, 475

artificial turf, in stadiums, 75

Ashe, Arthur, 328

Asian Americans, 79, 228, 230

associations, sports, 594

assurance, 290, 607

AstroTurf, 327

AT&T, 195, 351, 352, 389, 462, 463, 480

AT&T Mobility, 363

athletes, 8, 910, 147, 4801, 486; celebrity, 162; female, 222, 224, 225; marketability, 3557; and Rule 40, 4523; salaries 51112; sports products, 24, 263, 271

Athlete’s Foot, The, 268

athletic platform, 47886, 607

A. T. Kearney studies, 12

Atlanta Braves, 32, 59

Atlanta Falcons, 480

attendance, factors influencing, 13, 176, 1809, 203; aesthetic value, 186, 607; affiliation need, 1867, 202, 616; diversion from everyday life, 182, 610; economic value, 183, 611; entertainment value, 1823, 611; eustress, 183, 611; family ties, 187, 189, 612; fan motivation factors, 1813, 612; self-esteem enhancement, 1812, 621; sports wagering, 188

attention, 400; selective, 152, 620

attitudes, 1556, 607

attractiveness, 389, 607

audience, 34, 126

AudioNet, Inc., 65

authenticity, 282

auto racing, 331

availability of substitute products, 521, 607

awareness, 361, 448, 607

baby boomers, 79

Badenhausen, Kurt, 341n

Bahama, Tommy, 285

Bakker, Mike, 479

balance sheet, 581, 582

Ballmer, Steve, 69

Ballpark Classics, 285

banana bar, 34

Bank of America, 379, 459, 460

Banks, Ernie, 376

Barbato, Gene, 462

Barboza, David, 44n

Barkley, Charles, 161

baseball, 391, 413, 569, 585; assisting storm relief efforts, 24952; drop in attendance, 1846; minor league franchises, 11, 12; product design, 2934; strike (1993), 9; see also Major League Baseball (MLB), US

Baseball Boyfriend (fantasy baseball app), 323

Baseball Hall of Fame, 26

basketball, 177, 232, 310; American Basketball Association (ABA), 35; Dream Teams of USA Basketball, 24; Men’s Basketball Championship, 65, 66; Wilson product line, 269; Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), 58; see also National Basketball Association (NBA), US

Basketball Without Borders, 230

Bastianelli, Ann, 226

Baumer, Kevin, 45n

Bavaria beer, 450

Bayne, Trevor, 287

Bazant, Jordan, 351

Beach Soccer World Wide Tour, 314

Beamer, Frank, 238

Beard, Amanda, 382

Beckham, David, 24, 272, 349, 384

Beem, Rich, 400

behavioral component, attitudes, 156, 608

behavioral learning, 1534

behavioral segmentation, 2389, 253, 608

Behrens, Kathy, 424

Beijing Olympic Games (2008), 14, 194, 454

Belichick, Bill, 570

benefits, product, 608

benefits segmentation, 23940, 253, 608

Berry, Leonard, 290, 298

Best, Roger, 341n

betting, 188, 325

Bettman, Gary, 558

Beville, Hugh Malcolm? 7

Biderman, David, 43n

Bigelow, Chris, 196

Bird, Larry, 8

BIRGing (basking in reflected glory), 181, 182, 499

Bjorling, Eric, 395

Blake, James, 328

Bloomberg Sports, 322

blue-collar occupations, 232, 233

BMW, 450

body billboards, 401

body–mind continuum, 31

Boeing, 4812

bonding, 282

Bonds, Barry, 129, 249, 585

books, 111

Borg, Bjorn, 332

Bosh, Chris, 49

Bossaball, 304

Boston Red Sox, 51, 180

Bosworth, Brian, 332

Bourne, Matt, 40

Bovee, Courtland L., 316

Bowerman, Bill, 282

bowling, 142, 143, 144, 232

boxing, 33, 247, 332, 520; Olympic boxing decision (1988), 568

Bradbury, J.C., 278

Brady, Tom, 271, 272

branding, 159, 2723; brand associations, 277; brand awareness, 276, 377, 608; brand equity, 276, 277, 281, 608; brand identification, 188; brand image, 276, 608; brand loyalty, 277, 281, 377, 608; brand mark, 273, 608; brand name, 272, 297, 608; brand position, 246; process, 2767, 2804; purpose, 297

Brazil, 333, 335; sponsorship programs, 435, 452, 4546

Brevard County Manatees, 217

Brew, Alan, 11

Broadband Sports, 324

broadcasting, 452

Brooke, Serena, 484

Brooklyn Dodgers, 81

Brooklyn Nets, 358

Brooks, Christine, 4212, 478

Brosnan, Tim, 462

Brown, Davie, 351

Brown, Jim, 7, 565

Brown, Paul, 563

Brown University v. Cohen (1997), 76

Bruno, Linda, 293

Bruno, Marc, 66

Bryant, Kobe, 237, 238, 392

budgeting, 5734, 5867; advertising, 380, 427, 607; defined, 608; and implementation, 543; promotional, 3626, 370, 619; sponsorship, 4656, 491, 622

Budweiser, 386, 465

Buffett, Warren, 418

Build-a-Bear Workshops, 214

bullfighting, 179

Bungee Association, US, 149

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), US, 27

Bureau of the Census of the US Department of Commerce, 108

Burger King, 360, 456

Burnett, John, 178

Burns, W., 381

Burns Sports Celebrity Service, Inc., 389

Burress, Plaxico, 129

BurstMedia, 289, 404

Burton, Rick, 50, 317, 341n, 485

Bush, Reggie, 351

business cycle, 81

business level strategy, 601

Butler (team), 575

buying influences, 412, 608

Byrne, Bill, 65

Byrne, Jane, 490

cable television, 8, 16, 520; digital networks, 63

Cablevision, 59

Caby, Taylor, 320, 325, 326

Cador, Roger, 80

Candelino, Rob, 577

Cannon, Stephen, 4567

Capitals, 32, 59

Cardinals Stadium, Arizona, 75

cardio-kickboxing, 330

career opportunities, sports marketing, 591602

Carlos, Juan, 388

Carmody, Thomas, 325

Carroll, Jerry, 39

Carter, David M., 459

Castrol North America, 445

causal designs, 107

CBC Distribution and Marketing Inc., 324

CBS, 19, 322, 324

Census Bureau, US, 216

Center Harbor, New Hampshire, 6

central tendency measures, 125

Chambers, John, 70

Chambers of Commerce, 109

Champions Tour of PGA, 217

Chandler, Tyson, 237

Charcian, Paul, 324, 325

Charlotte Bobcats, 531

Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), 453

Chicago Bears, 108, 530

Chicago Blackhawks, 51

Chicago Cubs, 32, 59, 201, 223, 231, 307; Fantasy Camp, 266

Chicago White Sox Fantasy Baseball Camp, 28

children, market segmentation, 21416

China, 3623

Christiansen Capital Advisors (CCA), 188

Churchill, Gilbert, 133n

Cimperman, John, 201

Cincinnati Reds, 2823, 486

Cisco, 25, 70, 71

Civil Rights Movement, US, 7

Clapham, Kyle, 326

Clarett, Maurice, 292, 293

classic product life cycle, 330, 608

Clemens, Roger, 1289

Cleveland, Phillip, 395

Cleveland Browns, 201, 423

Cleveland Cavaliers, 280; promotional schedule (2013–14), 43740

climate, physical, 238

coaches, role of, 412, 608

CoActive Marketing Group, 376, 377, 466

Coalition to Advance the Protection of Sports Logos, 288

Coca-Cola, 347, 398, 453, 466, 478

coding, 124

cognitive component, attitudes, 155, 608

cognitive dissonance, 143, 144, 608

cognitive learning, 153, 154, 608

Cole, Michael, 43n

Coleman, Richard P., 161

collectibles, 267

college sports, 778, 190, 595; and athletes’ salaries, 51112; commercialization, 3089

College Sports Television (CSTV), 63

Collegiate Licensing Company, 286, 306

Collignon, Hervé, 44n

Collins, Rodger (President, Packaged Beverages), 2645

color, product design, 2945

Colorado ski resorts, 238

Comiskey, Charles, 585

commercialization: college sports, 3089; defined, 608; new sports products, 315, 339

commitment criterion, 56

communication: definition, in marketing sense, 345, 608; elements in communications process, 3456, 370, 611; and implementation, 543; strategic sports marketing process, 5469

community affiliation, 202

community involvement, 422, 608

community relations, 344

Compadres Club, 410

comparative advertisements, 3867, 608

comparative messages, 353, 608

competition, 634, 44850, 5223, 608; competitive objectives, 515, 609; direct, 64, 610; game attractiveness, 18990, 2034; indirect, 64, 613; price, 618; pure, 523; social competitors, 147

competitive parity, 3667, 609

computer-driven video sport, 72

concept testing, 312, 313, 314, 339

concomitant variation, 107, 609

conditioning, 153

Coney, Kenneth, 341n

Conference Board, The, 82

Connolly, Eoin, 388

Connors, Jimmy, 328

conservation, 75

Considine, Tim, 579

consistency, sports products, 2667

consoles, 72

consumer income, 82, 520, 522, 609, 613

consumer socialization, 156, 609

consumers of sport, 1822; consumer behavior, 178, 180; consumer demand, 51516, 609; consumer income, 82, 520, 522, 609, 613; consumer pricing evaluation process, 51920, 609; consumer response, 369; consumer socialization, 609; identification of specific customers, 369; individual versus corporate, 19; participants as, 20, 13474; spectators as, 1819, 175208; sponsors as, 212; unorganized/organized sport participants, 21

consumer-supplier relationship, simplified model, 18, 621

consumer tastes, 517, 609

contests, 41820, 623

contingency approaches, 501; internal contingencies, 5362

contingency control, 584, 609

contingency framework for strategic sports marketing, 502, 609

continuous improvement philosophy, 556

continuous innovations, 311, 609

continuous schedule, 408, 609

control, 51, 5745, 586, 623; contingency, 584; control phase, 52, 574, 609; planning assumptions control, 5756, 617; process, 576, 618; strategic, 574, 587, 623

convenience sampling techniques, 123, 609

conviction, hierarchy of effects model, 362

Cook, Dan, 214

Cook, Tim, 488

Cooper, Ken, 27

coordination, 553, 586, 609

CORFing (cutting off reflected failure), 182

corporate level strategy, 57, 5960

CORSing (cutting off reflected success), 182

Corwin, T., 45n

costs, 5078, 533, 609; cost of information search, 521, 609

Couch, Tim, 569

Council on Physical Fitness and Activity, 216

counterfeiters, 289

“country club” sports, 232

Couples, Fred, 400

coupons, 360, 415, 421, 505, 609

Courier, Jim, 328

cover letters, 596

Covington-Baker, Kristi Lee, 43n, 44n

Cowboys Stadium, Dallas, 71, 193, 194, 195, 399

Craftsman, Sears, 35960

Craven, Sir Philip, 458

creativity, 586; creative brief, 380, 381, 609; creative decisions, 380, 381, 609; creative process, 380, 55960, 609; and implementation, 543

credibility, 347, 387, 609

Creighton (team), 575

crisis plan, 584, 609

criteria, evaluating, 611

Cronje, Hanse, 391

Crosby, Sidney, 388

cross-sectional studies, 117, 610

crowds, 167, 176; perceived crowding, 196

Cruz, Jason, 44n

Cuban, Mark, 32, 69, 70, 347, 561

culture: cultural and social trends, 734, 87; cultural values, 73, 610; defined, 62, 156, 1701, 610; organizational, 616; sociological/external factors, 156, 1589

Cushnan, David, 388

customer valuation, 369

Custom US574 (product line extension, footwear), 307

Cutler, Jay, 566

Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL), 72

cycling, 248, 249

Dachman, Jason, 133n

Dale, Casey, 149

Dallas Cowboys Stadium, 71, 193, 194, 195, 399

Dallas Mavericks, 32, 47, 70

d’Amico, Michael, 341n

data analysis, 1245, 131

data collection instruments, designing, 114, 11825, 130, 131; information requirements, 119; questionnaires see questionnaires; sample design, 1223

data collection techniques, 1078, 610

data-driven processes, 556

Davidson, Carolyn, 273

Davidson, Gary, 5501

Davis, Al, 62

Davis, Anthony, 564

Davis, Jim, 306

Davis Cup, tennis, 327, 328

Daytona 500, 217

Dayton Dragons, 505

decision-maker, 610

decision-making process, 13640, 170; defined, 1367, 610; types of consumer

decisions, 1434

decline, product life cycle, 329, 610

decoding, 3545, 370, 610

Dell Computer, 317

Delta Air Lines, 4889

Delzell, Matt, 351

demand, consumer, 51516, 609; elastic, 516, 611; estimating, 51722, 611; inelastic, 516, 613; law of, 614; unitary, 623

demographic factors, 190, 192, 204, 610

demographics, 7881; agents, 789; attendance, factors influencing, 190, 192; demographic environment, 610; demographic segmentation, 21031, 253, 610; ethnic group shifts, 7980; population shifts, 801; population size, 78

Denver Broncos, 14

dependent variables, 107, 117, 610

Deportes Hoy (Spanish-language sports daily), 230

depression, 81

depth interviews, 11213

Derrick, Jeffery, 44n

descriptive designs, 106

designing: of advertising campaigns, 377; of

data collection instruments, 114, 11825, 130; of sport sponsorship program, 4412, 444, 447

designs: causal, 107; descriptive, 106; exploratory, 1056; product, 619; research, 105, 620

Detroit Piston players, 76, 236, 415

Detroit Red Wings, 99

developing sports product, 31315, 610

Dew Action Sports Tour (NBC), 542

Dick’s Sporting Goods, 37

Didrikson Zaharias, Mildred (“Babe”), 162

differentiation strategies, 60

diffusion of innovation, 3367, 610

digital generation, 967

digital platforms, 405

Dillon, Austin, 287

DiMarco, Chris, 400

dimensions of service quality, 610

direct competition, 64, 610

direct objectives, 378, 610

DIRECTTV (satellite station), 16

discontinuous innovations, 310, 338, 610

discounts: price, 618; quantity, 532, 619; seasonal, 532, 620

discretionary income, 82

Disney Company, 32, 59

dispersion measures, 125

dissonance, 143, 144, 608

distribution, 37, 506

Ditka, Mike, 347

diversified companies, 59

diversion from everyday life, 182, 610

Dobson, Everett R., 69

Dodge, H. Robert, 241

Dodger Stadium, 612

Dolan, Garry, 43n

Dombrowski, Dave, 80

Dosh, Kristi, 227

Dotson, Megan, 5545

Douglas, Buster, 332

DraftDay (online startup), 321, 325, 326

Dre, Dr, 451, 453, 454

Dream Teams of USA Basketball, 24, 236

Dr Pepper Snapple Group, 2645

drug tests, 2489

Dueterman, Harold (Hair Doo), 509, 510, 511

Dungy, Tony, 129, 130

Dunne, Frank, 190

Durant, Kevin, 49

dynamically continuous innovations, 31011, 610

E21 (golf industry manufacturer), 69

early adopters, 338, 610

early majority, 338, 610

Earnhardt, Dale, 284, 2867, 348, 388

EA Sports, 311

economic buying role, 412, 611

economy/economics, 813; economic activity, 81, 610; economic factors, 189, 203, 611; economic value, 183, 611; macroeconomic elements, 812, 615; microeconomic elements, 823, 616

editing process, 124

elastic demand, 516, 611

Electronic Arts (EA) Sports, 72

Elliot, Sonya, 480

Emmett, James, 388

emotional appeals, 382, 611; versus rational, 3523

empathy, 290, 611

employment, 1617

encoding, 3489, 369, 611

endorsements, 7, 271, 34952, 391, 5778; 21st century, 3567

entertainment, 60, 64; sport as, 1011

entertainment value, 1823, 611

environmental scanning, 834, 611

ESPN (US-based global cable and satellite television channel), 4, 15, 19, 63, 73, 118, 220, 305, 416, 523;, 65; ESPN Sports Poll, 109; ESPN W brand, 2224; ESPN Zone Baltimore Ultimate Coach Potato Contest, 419; Local Organizing Committees, 333; marketing research, 118, 127, 131; networks coverage worldwide, 3356; seven cross-media principles, 30

ESPN The Magazine, 230


esteem, 149, 611

estimating demand, 51722, 611

ethnic background, 228, 230, 611; ethnic group shifts, 7980

Europe, 3356

eustress, 183, 611

evaluation of alternatives, 1412, 611

evaluative criteria, 141, 611

even keel mode, 413, 611

event planning, 596

event triangle, 34

evoked set, 141, 611

exchange: defined, 611; process of, 389

exhibitions and displays, 9

expected price range, of substitute products, 521, 611

Experian databases, 212, 213

experiential source, 141, 611

experiments/experimentation, 11718, 611

expertise, 387, 612

exploratory designs, 1056

exposure, and advertising, 400

extensive (extended) problem solving, 144, 612

external (environmental) factors, 612

external contingencies, 52, 6384, 867, 612; assessing, 845; competition, 634; cultural and social trends, 734, 87; demographics see demographics; economy, 813; monitoring, 834; physical environment, 745, 87, 617; political, legal and regulatory environment, 757, 87, 618; technology, 646, 6473; see also internal contingencies

external factors see sociological/external factors

external sources, information, 140, 612

extreme sports, 310

Facebook, 244

facilities management, 5923

facility aesthetics, 1945, 612

fad product life cycle, 32930, 612

Fairbend, Rick, 195

family influences, 1624, 612

family life cycle, 2301, 232, 612

family ties, 187, 189, 612

fan bonding, 282

Fan Cost Index (FCI), MLB, 512, 51314

fan identification, 2013, 204, 612; low, medium and high, 202; managerial benefits, 203

fan loyalty, 2824

fan motivation factors, 1813, 612

Fantasy Player News (, 324

fantasy sports, 3206, 562

Farner, Jay, 41819

Fatheads wall graphics, 320

Favre, Brett, 568

fear appeals, 382, 612

feasibility criterion, 56

Federal Express, 22

feedback, 3578, 612

Feely, Jay, 561

female fans: fashion choices, 401; and National Football League (NFL), 2267

Fenway Park, Boston, 195

Ferreira, Mauricio, 180

Ferris, Chris (Associate Athletic Director, Pittsburgh University), 234

FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), 76, 77, 441, 548; World Cup competition, 194, 309

figure skating, 190

financial analysis, 5813, 612

financial objectives, 556

financial ratios, 582, 583

Finchem, Tim, 461

Fink, Janet, 384

Fisher, Derek, 128

Fisher Price (toy company), 214

fitness centers, 27

fixed costs, 508, 612

Flesch, Steve, 400

flexibility criterion, 56

flighting schedule, 4089, 612

flopping, 566

Florida Marlins, 201

focus groups, 11314, 115, 612

food/concessions, 66

football, 65; versus golf, 247; market segmentation, 224, 225, 231; see also Arena Football League (AFL), US; FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association); Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL); National Football League (NFL), US; Union of European Football Association

Foreman, George, 388

Foster, Sir Andrew, 158

fouls, 568

Fox Sports, 14, 15, 523

France, 333

franchises, sport, 4, 32, 500, 534

Fraser, Jill, 45n

fraudsters, 5267

Frazier, Joe, 387

Frazier, Walt “Clyde,” 73, 562

French, Adam, 363

French, Sande, 329

frequency/frequency distribution, 125, 408, 612

Frequent Friar Club, 410

front-runners, 570

Fuji, 449

Fullerton, Sam, 241

functional-level strategy, 61

Funk, C., 422

future consumption (FC), 580

Fydrich, Mark “The Bird,” 332

game attractiveness, 1801, 18997, 203; competitive factors, 18990; demographic factors, 190, 192, 610; economic factors, 189, 611; facility aesthetics, 1945, 612; layout accessibility, 1967, 614; perceived crowding, 196; scoreboard quality, 1956, 620; seating comfort, 196, 620; sportscape, 192, 193, 194, 622; stadium access, 194, 622; stadium factors, 192, 622

Gandil, Arnold, 562

Garber, Don, 228

Gareau, Jacqueline, 391

garment tags, checking, 289

Garnett, Kevin, 24, 47, 263

Garrison, Zina, 329

gatekeepers, 476, 612

Gatorade, 223, 399, 462, 480

Gendall, Philip, 448

gender segmentation, 2201, 224

General Motors (GM), 418

GeneralSports Venue, 327

Generation M2, 21819

Generation N, 2289

Generation X, 145, 458

Generation Y, 96, 97

Gentile, Laura, 222

geodemographic segmentation, 241, 253, 612

geographic segmentation, 236, 253, 612

Georgia Pacific soccer link, 405

Germany, 3623

Gill, David, 557

Gillette, 351, 352, 462

Girl Magazine (ESPN), 2223

Gladden, James, 277

global events, 477, 613

Global Games Market Report (2014), 404

global markets, 17

Global Sports Media Consumption Report, Kantar, 15, 189

Glover, Mark, 341n

goals, 567, 613

Golden Age Games, 217

Golden State Warriors, 69

golf, 177, 232; versus football, 247; golf ball manufacturers, 23940, 246; product design, 293, 294; see also Woods, Eldrick (“Tiger”)

Gonella, Jason, 68

Goodell, Roger, 13, 220, 392, 569

Goodison, Donna, 341n

Goodluck, D. J., 510, 511

goods: definitions, 22, 264, 296, 613; pure, 2634; quality, 2913; sporting, 8, 257, 5956, 622; as sports products, 2638

goods–service continuum, 266, 268

Gordon, Jeff, 388

Gotti, John, 33

Gould, Alan, 400

government reports and documents, 1089

Grand Central Marketing, 416

Great Depression, 417

Green, Ethan, 542

Green Bay Packers, 268, 423

green marketing, 75

Griffey, Ken, 203

gross national product (GNP), 81

growth: definitions, 613; product life cycle, 31920; of sponsorship, 8, 4335, 4424; sports industry, 12

growth mode, 413

Gruden, Jon, 563

Guggenheim Baseball Management, 323

habitual problem solving (routinized problem solving), 1434, 613

Hall, Derrick, 80

Hanas, Jim, 243

Hansen, Ashia, 158

Harbison, Dan, 558

Harding, Tanya, 391, 585

Harmon, Rodney, 3289

Harris Interactive Company, 1234, 182

Hart Research Associates, 127

Harvard University, 6

Hatton, Ricky, 569

Hawkins, Del, 341n

Hayes, Woody, 98

Hayward, Joycelyn, 269

health and fitness services, 5934

health appeals, 613

health services, 27

heavyweight boxing, 520

Heidi game, 5623

Heiman, Stephen, 411, 412, 414, 428

Heineken, 421

Heinz Field, Pittsburgh, 195

Helton, Mike, 392

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 217, 21819

Herman, Tim, 394

Hernandez, Keith, 73

Herzog, Jacques, 194

Hess, Jeff, 667

Hidgon, David, 341n

hierarchy of effects, 3602, 361, 370, 613

hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 148, 615

Higgins, Susan, 311, 341n

high school sports participation, 21, 64, 1645

Hill, Paul, 150

Himmelberg, Michele, 44n

Hiram Walker, 376, 377

Hispanic Americans, 79, 228, 229, 230

Hmurovich, James, 488

hockey, 361, 416, 567, 568; minor league franchises, 5078; see also National Hockey League (NHL), US; National Women’s Hockey League; World Hockey Association (WHA)

Hockey News, 407

Hoek, Janet, 448

Hogan’s Alley, 459, 460

HOK Sport, 572

Holdsclaw, Chamique, 24

Holland, Cecil, 329

Holmes, Santonio, 561, 565

Holyfield, Evander, 520

Homer’s Landing, 231

Hong, JinBae, 146

Hong Kong, 335

Horizon Media, 401

Host Communications, 306

Houston Astrodome, 327

Howard, David, 114, 531

Howard, Dennis, 50, 317, 341n

Howard, Dwight, 567

Howard, Ryan, 388

Hueter, Megan, 224

Hui, Sai C., 198

Hurricane Sandy, 249

IBISWorld, 382

ice hockey, 361

idea generation, 312, 338, 560, 613

ideal customers, 414, 613

idea screening, 312, 338, 613

idle product capacity, 267, 613

IEG (sponsorship-research company), 434, 443

image building, 4612, 464, 613

immediate consumption (IC), 580

implementation, 447, 543, 544, 586, 613; implementation phase, 51, 52, 613

income objectives, 613

income statement, 581, 582

incubation period, creative process, 560

independent variables, 107, 613

Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL), 225

India, 335

Indiana Pacers, 76

indirect competition, 64, 613

indirect objectives, 379, 613

individualism, 73, 160

inelastic demand, 516, 613

influencers, 613

information, 543, 558, 586, 6012, 613; cost of

information search, 521, 609; sports, 2830, 622

information search, 1401, 614

innovations: continuous, 311, 609; definitions, 614; diffusion of, 3367, 610; discontinuous, 310, 338, 610; dynamically continuous, 31011, 610

innovators, 337, 339, 614

Institute for Public Relations (IPR), 580

integrated marketing communications, 368, 400, 614

intelligence generation/dissemination, 11

Intermedia Advertising Group (IAG), 400

internal (psychological) factors, 14456, 170; attitudes, 1556, 607; learning, 1534, 608, 614, 621; motivation, 146, 147, 14850, 612, 616; perception, 1513; personality, 1446, 160, 234, 617; pricing, 503, 50415, 533

internal contingencies, 52, 5362, 86, 87, 614; assessing, 845; business level strategy, 601; corporate level strategy, 57, 5960; functional-level strategy, 61; marketing goals, 567; mission, 54; operational-level strategy, 612; organizational objectives, 556; organizational strategies, 578; vision, 54; see also external contingencies

internal sources, information, 140, 614

International Cricket Council, 397

international events, 477, 614

International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, 27

International Management Group (IMG), 7, 356; IMG College, 845, 306; IMG Worldwide, 306; IMG X Sports, 84

International Olympic Committee (IOC), 453, 454, 489

international sports marketing: athlete-endorsed sports products, 2712; NBA, 2367; United States vs. United Kingdom, 200; X Games, 3336

International Tennis Federation, 217, 220

Internet, 232, 243, 322, 4047, 419; gambling, 188, 325; sites, 64, 6035

internships, 592

interpretation, 126; selective, 152, 620

interviewing, 598601

intrapreneurship, 559, 5713

introduction phase, product life cycle, 319, 360, 614

Iole, Kevin, 33, 45n

Ipsos Public Affairs, 226

IRC Survey Research Group, 192

ITF Super-Senior World Team Championships, 220

iTunes, 323

Iverson, Allen, 24

James, Bill, 564

James, LeBron, 237, 249, 263, 269, 320, 332, 392, 415, 562

Japan, 335, 3623

Jaworski, Bernard, 44n

Jeffcoat, Michelle, 448

Jeffries-Fox (PR firm), 580

jersey valuations, 4014

Jessey, David, 459

Jeter, Derek, 41, 238, 348

John Hancock Financial Services, 579

Johnson, Gus, 570

Johnson, Junior, 34

Johnson, Kevin, 128

Johnson, Magic, 8, 33, 59, 128, 263, 332

Johnson, Suzanne, 227

Johnson, Woody, 227

Jones, Jerry, 71, 566

Jordan, Bob, 44n, 67

Jordan, Michael, 8, 9, 127, 128, 282, 347, 561, 567, 568

Jordan Brand, 307

journals, 112

judgment sample, 123, 614

Juliard, Pauline, 394

just noticeable difference (JND), 531, 614

Kaefer, Mark, 405

Kahne, Kasey, 480

Kaiser Foundation, 217, 21819

Kanar Media, 482

Kane, Mary Jo, 385

Kantar, 18990; Global Sports Media Consumption Report, 15, 189

Kanuk, Leslie, 159

Kendrick, Ken, 69

Kendrick, Scott, 44n

Kenton High School, 47980

Kent State University Athletic Department, mission and objectives, 545

Kermit Washington incident, 565

Kerrigan, Nancy, 391, 564, 585

Kessler, Jeffrey, 501

King, Billy Jean, 223

King, Martin Luther, 126

King, Tom, 462

“K-means clustering” technique, 21213

Knight, Phil, 273, 281, 282

knowledge, hierarchy of effects model, 3612

knowledge accumulation phase, creative process, 559

Ko, Jae, 291

Kodak, 449

Koegel, Warren, 196

Kohli, Ajay K., 44n

Kotler, Philip, 503

Kroger Senior Classic (Champions Tour golf) event, 532

Krzyzewski, Mike, 267

Kurz, Jerry B., 544, 545, 546

KVA Stainless, 70

lacrosse, 320

Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA), 548

LA Dodgers, 417

laggards, 338, 614

Landis, Floyd, 248

Lange, Chip, 404

Lardinoit, Thierry, 489

Larson, Kyle, 287

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, 188

Las Vegas Review Journal, 33

late majority, 338, 614

Latinos, 22830

Lavoi, Nicole, 385

law of demand, 516, 614

Laws of the Game (rules for soccer), 76

layout accessibility, 1967, 614

Lazaroff, Daniel, 395

leadership: strategic, 547; visible, 556

leagues, 8, 68, 118, 246, 311, 4835; minor

league franchises, 11, 12; new, 319; professional, 5945; see also Arena Football League (AFL), US; Major League Baseball (MLB), US; National Football League (NFL), US

learning, 170; behavioral, 1534; cognitive, 153, 154, 608; defined, 614; social, 153, 154, 621

Lechleiter, John, 488

Lee, Bill, 195

legal issues, 523, 614

Lehtinen, R., 289

Lehtinen, Uolevi, 289

Lemanski, Philip, 158

Lendl, Ivan, 399

Leonard, Sugar Ray, 332

Leonis, Ted, 69

Lesa Ukman, 48990

leverage ratios, 583, 614

Levitt, Theodore, 11, 317

Lewis, Carl, 570

Lewis, Ray, 352

Lewis, Richard, 157

licensed merchandise, 256

licensing, 2849, 614; advantages and disadvantages, 2878, 2978

Licensing Letter, The, 25

life stages, 230

lifestyle advertisements, 387, 614

Lifestyle Analysis Report, 235

liking, hierarchy of effects model, 362

Limbaugh, Rush, 564

limited problem solving, 144, 614

Lin, Jeremy, 562

linkage criterion, 57

liquidity ratios, 583, 614

local events, 478, 614

Local Organizing Committees (LOC), 333

Lochte, Ryan, 571

logo/logotype, 273, 275, 615

Lombardi, Vince, 396

Lombardo, John, 341n

London 2012 Olympic Games, 157, 237; ambush marketing, 4512; Paralympic Games, 458; sponsors, 4503

Long, Michael, 388

longitudinal studies, 117, 615

Lopez, Rosemary, 251

Loria, Jeffrey, 278

Los Angeles Clippers, 69

Los Angeles Dodgers, 32, 612

Lothery, Karlyn, 329

love and belonging needs, 149, 615

Lowenstein, Douglas, 72

loyalty, 238, 239, 2824; brand, 277, 281, 608

Luckman, Greg, 352

Lufthansa, 450

Lyberger, Mark, 45n

M&M, 580, 581

MacLachlan, James, 353

MacLean, Danielle, 323

macroeconomic elements, 812, 615

Madrigal, Robert, 181

Mahar, Frank, 351

Mahar, Matthew T., 341n

Mahoney, Dan, 283

majority fallacy, 242, 615

Major League Baseball (MLB), US, 7, 13, 27, 40, 80, 190, 217, 284, 322, 360, 366, 391, 485; contingency framework for strategic sports marketing, 65, 73; digital generation fans, 967; experimentation, 117, 118; Fan Cost Index (FCI), 512, 51314; licensing, 284, 285; market research, 957; premiums, use of, 41617; product line extensions, 307; storm relief, 24952

Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), 249, 250, 251

Major League Gaming, 72

Major League Lacrosse, 484

Major League Soccer (MLS), 51, 228, 270; mission statement, 515

male fan base, 190

Malone, Meghann, 226

Maloof Companies, 578

Manning, Peyton, 37, 154, 332, 347, 388

Mantle, Mickey, 7

Manuel, Jerry, 80

March Madness, 656, 177, 188, 420, 457

Margaux Matrix, 580

marketing, defined, 615

marketing environment, 63, 615

marketing goals, 567

marketing mix, 52, 55, 532, 615

marketing mix variables, 2678, 5047, 591, 615

marketing myopia, 11, 615

marketing orientation, 11, 615

marketing principles and processes: applied to sport, 369; distribution strategies, 37; exchange process, 389; pricing strategies, 37; product strategies, 367; promotion strategies, 378; sports marketing mix, 36; strategic sports marketing process, 39

marketing research, 93133, 264, 3389; choosing design type, 105, 130; data analysis, 1245; data collection instruments, designing, 11825, 119, 130, 131; defined, 98, 517, 615; defining problem or opportunity, 99100, 130; process, 98, 99118; research design, 105, 130, 620; research objectives, 100, 130, 620; research problem statement, 99, 620; research proposal, 105, 620; samples see samples/sampling; sports marketing research, 98; steps, 130; writing proposal, 105; see also new product development process; sports products; sports products, new

marketing sources, 1401

market niche, 60, 243, 615

markets: global, 17; participant, 177, 178; spectator, 177, 178

market segmentation, 615; see also segmentation

market selection decisions, 51, 210, 615; see also positioning; segmentation; target markets

Martin, James, 311, 341n

Maslow, Abraham, 148, 615

Master, Stephen, 45n

Mastercard PayPass, 72

Masters Golf Tournament, 19

match-up hypothesis, 348, 462, 615

mature market, 74, 79; market segmentation, 217; product life cycle, 615

maturity, product life-cycle, 327, 330

Mavericks Surf Contest (2010), 457

Maxwell, Heather, 385

Mayweather, Floyd, 569

McCook, Kristie, 43n, 133n

McCormack, Mark (IMG founder), 7, 356

McCoy, Colt, 351

McDonald, Mark A., 146, 147, 148, 177, 201, 280, 290, 291

McDonald, Ronald, 399

McEnroe, John, 3279, 331, 399

McEnroe, Patrick, 328

McLaren Health Care, 479

McLoughlin, Peter, 481

McMahon, Vince, 11

McPherson, Ian, 388

McQueary, Mike, 487

measurability criterion, 56, 2445

Meckelson, Phil, 348

media, 34, 615; coverage of sport, 1416; mobile, 219; new platforms, 219; nontraditional, 370; online, 219

Media Audit report, 14, 15

media decisions/selection, 3967

media scheduling, 4089

media strategy, 3967

medium, 3534, 370, 616; specific, choosing, 4078

memorabilia, 267

Menon, Anil, 178

merchandise, sports: arena, 667; licensed, 256; women’s merchandise, 227

Mertz, Craig, 133n

message characteristics, 353, 616

messages: comparative, 353, 608; one-sided versus two-sided, 386, 616; promotion, 3523; receivers, 357, 370

Messi, Lionel, 349

methodology, 126, 616

Metrodome, Minnesota, 195

Meyer, Urban, 280

Miami Marlins, 185, 277, 2789

Mickelson, Phil, 24

microeconomic elements, 823, 616

Mid-American Conference (MAC), 54

Mighty Ducks, 32, 37, 59

milestone review, 5801, 616

Miller, Bode, 332

Miller, Robert, 411, 412, 414, 428

Milne, George R., 146, 147, 148, 177, 201, 277, 280, 290, 291

Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), Singapore, 60

Minnesota Vikings stadium, 114

Minor League Baseball, 41516

Mirchin, Matt, 578

mission, 54

MLB see Major League Baseball (MLB), US

MLB Advanced Media, LP (MLBAM), 66, 324

MLS see Major League Soccer (MLS)

mob effect, 521, 616

mobile technology, 64, 326

model of participant consumption behavior, 13744, 616; consumer decisions, types, 1434; evaluation of alternatives, 1412, 611; extensive (extended) problem solving, 144, 612; habitual problem solving, 1434, 613; information search, 1401, 614; limited problem solving, 144, 614; participant decision-making process, 13740; participation, 142; post-participation evaluation, 618; postparticipation evaluation, 143; problem recognition, 13840, 618

Molson Goalies program, 416

Money magazine, 192

monitoring strategic thrusts, 576, 577, 57880, 616

Montag, Sandy, 350

Montana, Joe, 8

Montgomery, Mike, 293

Montreal Impact, MLS, 51

Moody, Sean, 484

Moon, Bo, 322

Moore, Ann, 223

Morgan, Nyjer, 564

Morris, Cassidy, 322

Morris, Philip, 464

Mosaic-Pixel grid (MPG) methodology, 212, 213

Moscow, 309

Mossman, John, 44n

motivation, 56, 146, 147, 14850, 170, 616; fan

motivation factors, 1813, 612

Moyer, Brian, 284

Mukasey, Marc, 395

Muñoz, Anthony, 228, 229

Muret, Don, 341n

Murray, Joanne, 251

Myrtle Beach Pelicans, 61

Nammath, Joe, 8

narrowcasting, 15

NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) see National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR)

Nashville Predators, 423

National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR), 15, 26, 33, 39, 233, 284; fans, 11617, 233; licensing, 2867;, 65; NASCAR Digital Media, 65; NASCAR SpeedParks, 315, 316; NASCAR Sponsorship Study, 100; spectators, 177, 178; sponsorship, 436; Sprint Cup ticket, 346; Winston Cup, 8, 9, 178

National Association of Sports Commissions, 75

National Basketball Association (NBA), US, 9, 187, 215, 230, 292, 388; All-Star Game, 10; back-to-back games, 47, 48; the Bulls, 48; the Celtics, 478; the Heat, 48; international growth, 2367; the Knicks, 489; the Lakers, 47, 48; licensing, 286; the Mavericks, 48; media coverage, 14; NBA 2013 All Star Game, 419; NBA Cares, 230, 4247; NBA Development League, 426; NBA Entertainment, 1011; NBA FIT, 426; NBA Philadelphia 76rs, 415; NBA TV, 11; NFL Properties, 485; regular season schedule (2011–12), 479; Sacramento Kings, 58; the Thunder, 49; triples, 47, 48

National Basketball Development League (NBDL), 307, 332

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 15, 54, 78, 85, 308, 377, 464, 503, 511, 564; Final Four, 478; Men’s Basketball Championship, 65, 66; Native American mascot controversy, 2745

National Endowment for the Arts, 21

national events, 4778, 616

National Federation of State High School Associations, 224

National Football League (NFL), US: agreements, 20; attendance rates, 13; female fans, 220, 2267; jersey valuations, 4012; Latinos, 22830; licensing, 2856; male fans, 190; NFL Network, 546; NFL Properties, 284, 289;, 216; rules, 183; Super Bowl see Super Bowl

National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), 500, 501, 502

National Hockey League (NHL), US, 9, 13, 183, 3656, 572; Hockey is for Everyone initiative, 215; New York Islanders, 267

National Lacrosse League, Columbus, 118

National Park stadium, 572

National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA), 135, 331

National Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, 25

National Women’s Football League (NWFL), 225

National Women’s Hockey League, 319

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 426

Navratilova, Martina, 388

NBA see National Basketball Association (NBA), US

NBA Entertainment, 1011

NBC Sports, 14

NCAA see National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Nebraska University, game against San Jose State (2000), 65

needs, hierarchy of (Maslow), 148, 615

Neff, Steve, 462

Negro, Christopher, 239

Neuman, Michael, 403

Nevada, sports wagering, 188

Newall, Cassie, 225

New Balance footwear, 306, 307, 3667

New England Patriots, 14

New Era Tickets, 5258

New Jersey Nets, 293

New Meadowlands Stadium, New York, 72

New Orleans Saints, 50; Bounty Program, 585

new product category entries, 3067, 616

new product development process, 31116, 338, 616; analysis of sports product concept or potential, 31213; developing sports product, 31315, 610; idea generation/screening, 312, 338, 560, 613

new product success factors, 31516

newspapers/journals, sports-specific, 13, 28, 63, 77, 230, 407

new-to-the-world products, 306, 616

New York Athletic Club, 27

New York Islanders (NHL team), 267

New York Mets, 5301

New York Yankees, 499

NexTag, 227

NFL Party, 226

NFL Youth Football Fund (YFF), 214

NHL see National Hockey League (NHL), US

NHL Center Ice, 16

NHL-ICE program, 558

niche marketing, 243, 616

Nicholas, Jack, 480

Nichols, B., 44n

Nicolas, Jack, 8

Nielsen (company), 14, 29, 63

Nike, 55, 70, 114, 223, 239, 313, 376, 377, 392, 419, 463, 484, 485, 486, 491; Dri-FIT performance apparel, 266; NIKE+ FuelBand (innovate wristband), 3034; and promotion, 349, 350; sports product concepts, 268, 269, 270, 294, 296

Nine for 1X film, 3835

Nixon, Richard, 75

noise (interference in communication process), 358, 616

non-price competition, 507, 533, 616

non-probability sampling, 123, 616

NordicTrack exercise equipment, 294

North America: Golf Report table of contents, 110; historical development of sports marketing in, 610

NPL Players Association, 5002

N-score (measurement system), 579

NuMetrex (clothes brand), 6970

Oakland Raiders, 62, 2945

objective and task method, 367, 616

objectives: advertising, 378, 607; competitive, 515, 609; defined, 616; direct, 378, 610; financial, 556; income, 613; indirect, 379, 613; organizational, 556, 512, 515, 533, 617; promotional, 360, 491, 619; research, 100, 130, 620; sales, 512, 620; sponsorship, 448, 622

occupational class, 232, 233

O’Donnell, Steve, 392

off-peak periods, stimulating demand in, 2678

Ogilvy, David, 519

oligopoly, 523

Olympic Games, 6, 15, 17, 24, 150; Beijing 2008, 14, 194, 454; lessons for Rio, 452, 453; London 2012, 157, 237, 4503; Olympic charter, 4512

O’Neal, Shaquille, 263, 271, 332

one-on-ones (depth interviews), 11213

one-sided versus two-sided messages, 386, 616

one-way tables, 125

operant conditioning, 153

operational-level strategy, 612

O’Reilly, Peter, 2267

organizational culture, 62, 616

organizational objectives, 556, 512, 515, 533, 617

organizational strategies, 53, 578, 617

organized sporting events, 21, 617

Orioles, season-ticket holders, 52930

Orsman, David, 448

Osborn, John, 352

Ovechkin, Alex, 348, 388

overconfident mode, 413, 617

Owens, Jesse, 7

Pace, Tony, 351

Pacquiao, Manny, 568

Palmeiro, Raffy, 271

Palmer, Arnold, 7, 34, 332, 348, 388, 480

Palmer, Carson, 272

Palmer, Jim, 332

Pan American games, 17

Paralympic Games, 458

Parasuraman, A., 290, 298

Parker, Candace, 388

Parker, Mark, 306, 487

Parmlid, Mikaela, 382

Parseighian, Ara, 422

participant consumption behavior, 136, 166, 170, 617; model see model of participant

consumption behavior

participants: as consumers, 20, 13474; definitions, 617

participation, 142

partnerships, 32; strategic, 41314

Passikoff, Robert, 282

Pastore, Donna L., 291

Paterno, Joe, 487, 488

Patrick, Danica, 284, 287, 378, 480, 562

Pauley Pavillion, 197

Payne, Nikita, 225

pay-per-view (PPV) customers, boxing, 520

Pearce, John, 557

Pease, Dale G., 198, 341n

Pellegrini, Leo, 2501

Penn State child rape scandal, 4878, 585

Penn State University, 62

people participation criterion, 57

Pepsi, 449, 480

Pera, Robert J., 69

perceived crowding, 196

perceived risk, 141, 617

percentage of sales, 367, 617

perception, 1513, 170; of value, 521, 617

perceptual maps, 2467, 253, 617

perishability, 2678, 297, 617

Perkins, Kendrick, 49

personality, 1446, 160, 234, 617

personal seat licenses (PSLs), 120

personal selling, 344, 40910, 414, 427, 617

personal sources, 140, 617

personal training, 278, 617

personal watercraft, 318

Pew Research Center, 199

Phelps, Michael, 565

Philadelphia Blazers, 417

Philadelphia Eagles, 423, 480

Philadelphia Union, MLS, 51

Phoenix University Stadium, 71

physical environment, 745, 87, 617

physical surroundings, 166, 192, 617

physiological needs, 148, 617

Pierce, Paul, 47, 563

Piken, Lisa, 41

Pistons-Knicks basketball game, 237

Pitts, Brenda, 489

Pittsburgh Pirates, 4234; Bucaroos Kids Club, 505

planning: contingency approaches, 51; planning assumptions control, 5756, 617; planning phase, 52, 617; promotional, 359, 619

Platinum Rye Entertainment, 351

Platypus Sporting Goods (sports equipment manufacturer), 36

Player, Gary, 480

Play It Again Sports, 4989

PlayStation, 72

pleasure of fun appeals, 386, 618

Plunkett Research, 12, 44n

Point-of-Purchase (P-O-P) displays, 4201, 618

poker, 325

political, legal and regulatory environment, 757, 87, 618

polo, 232, 233, 311

Pope, Nigel, 212, 44n

Popular Mechanics, 71

Portland Timbers, MLS, 51

Portland Trail Blazers, 558

positioning, 2459, 253, 618; perceptual maps, 2467, 253, 617; repositioning, 2489, 309, 620

post-participation evaluation, 618

postparticipation evaluation, 143

Pound, Richard, 8

Powell, Matt, 366

preference, hierarchy of effects model, 362

Premiership club deals, UK, 403

premiums, 41617, 618

premium seating, 68

pre-test, 122, 618

price, defined, 498500, 618

price adjustments, 5289, 618

price competition, 507, 533, 618

price discounts, 532, 618

price elasticity, 516, 618

price increases, 5301, 534, 618

price inelasticity, 516, 618

price reductions, 5301, 534, 618

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 443

pricing: consumer pricing evaluation process, 51920, 609; determinants, 50315; and distribution, 506; dynamic, 529; external factors, 503, 51523, 5334; internal factors, 503, 50415, 533; marketing mix variables, 5047, 615; non-price competition, 507; price competition, 507; and promotion, 5056; and technology, 524; and value, 499

pricing strategies, 37

primary data, 11218, 130; defined, 108, 618; depth interviews, 11213; experiments, 11718; focus groups, 11314, 115, 612; projective techniques, 114, 619; surveys, 114, 117, 21112, 240, 284; test marketing, 118, 623; see also secondary data

primary reference groups, 162, 618

Pringles, 450

Pritchard, Mark, 239, 422

PRIZM system, 241, 242

probability sampling, 1234, 618

problems/problem solving, 56071; defining problem or opportunity, 99100, 130; extensive (extended) problem solving, 144, 612; habitual problem solving, 1434, 613; limited problem solving, 144, 614; problem definition, 99, 618; problem recognition, 13840, 618; research problem statement, 99, 620

process control, 576, 618

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 360, 476

producers and intermediaries, 326, 618; sanctioning bodies, 336; sports labor, 323

product characteristics, 270, 271, 618

product design, 2936, 298, 506, 619

product form, 331, 619

product life cycle (PLC), 339, 506; classic, 330, 608; decline stage, 329, 610; fad, 32930, 612; fantasy sports, 3206; introduction

phase, 319, 360, 614; length and shape, 32931; mature market, 327, 615; product level, 331; product type, 3312; seasonal, 331, 620; selected patterns, 330

product line, 268, 269, 297, 307, 619

product mix, 268, 269, 619

product placement, 399

product quality, 291, 619

products see sports products

product strategies, 367

product warranties, 293, 619

Professional Golf Association (PGA), 33; Champions Tour, 217

professional services, 593

professional sports, 21, 619

professional warranties, 619

profitability ratios, 582, 619

projective techniques, 114, 619

promotion: arbitrary allocation, 366, 607; athlete marketability, 3557; communications process, 3456; competitive parity, 3667, 609; concepts, 34374; decoding, 3545, 370, 610; definitions, 619; encoding, 3489, 369, 611; endorsements, 34952; external, 549; feedback, 3578, 612; hierarchy of effects, 3602, 370, 613; integrated promotional mix, choosing, 3689; internal, 549; Internet, 4047; medium, 3534, 370, 616; messages, 3523, 608, 616; noise (interference in communication process), 358, 616; objective and task method, 367, 616; percentage of sales, 367, 617; planning, 359, 619; and pricing, 5056; pull strategy, 35960; push strategy, 359; source, 3468; target markets, 359; see also sales promotion

promotional budgeting, 3626, 370, 619

promotional mix elements, 375431, 490, 619; advertising see advertising

promotional objectives, 360, 491, 619

promotional planning, 619

promotion mix elements, 344

promotions, sales, 620

promotion strategies, 378

Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), 61

prosperity, 81

psychographic segmentation, 2345, 253

psychological commitment to team (PCT), 283

publicity, 422

public relations, 4214, 505, 619

Pujols, Albert, 388, 499

pull strategy, promotion, 35960, 370

pulsing schedule, 409

purchasers, 476

push strategy, promotion, 359

quality, 28993; customer-driven, 556; of goods, 2913; licensing, 289; product design, 2956; of services, 28991, 621

quality dimension of goods, 291, 292

quality improvement programs, 5534

quantity discounts, 532, 619

Quester, Pascale, 489

Quest Field, 71

questionnaires, 131; administration method, deciding, 11920; concise questions, 121; content of questions, 120; double-barreled

questions, avoiding, 121; exact wording of questions, 121; form of response, 121; information requirements, 119; physical characteristics, 122; pretest, 122, 618; question sequence, 1212; specificity of

questions, 121; technicality of questions, avoiding, 121; unambiguous questions, 121

quota sampling, 123, 619

racial opportunity, case study, 12630

racial profiling, 570

radio, 67, 15

Radio City Music Hall Stage, 377

RailCats, 945, 105, 106, 107, 125

Raley Field, 306, 415

Ranadivé, Vivek, 58, 69, 332

Ranii, David, 341n

Rasmussen, Bill (ESPN founder), 8, 12, 305

ratio analysis, 582, 583

rational appeals, versus emotional, 3523, 611

Rawlings (sports equipment manufacturer), 36

Raykovitz, Jack, 487

Raymond James and Associates, 479

reach, 408, 619

Real Madrid, 32

rebates, 505

Rebilas, Mark J., 383

recall, and advertising, 400

receivers, messages, 357, 370

recession, 81

recovery, 81

red flags, 41213

Reebok, 306, 388, 392, 453, 5723

Reeves, Marc (international commercial director, NFL), 1989

reference groups, 1602, 187, 619; primary, 618

regional events, 478, 619

relationship marketing, 409, 45961, 619

reliability, 290, 298, 620

Reliant Stadium, Houston, 72, 74

reports, 126

repositioning, 2489, 309, 620

research design, 105, 130, 620

researching of companies, 596

research objectives, 100, 130, 620

research problem statement, 99, 620

research proposal, 105, 620

response modes, 413, 620

responsiveness, 11, 290, 298, 620

resumés, 5978

retailers, 506

retention, selective, 153, 620

retired players, 569

return on investment (ROI), 369, 447

rewards, 5567, 586, 620

Reynolds, Mike, 30

Richard Petty Driving Experience, 178

Richards, Bill, 341n

Riche, Patrick, 393

Rich Stadium, 8

RiechesBaird (now BrandingBusiness), 11

Rines, Simon, 435

risk, perceived, 141, 617; high-risk sports, 145

River Cats (team), 306, 415

Robinson, Brooks, 376

Robinson, David, 128; Doritos Raft, 271

Robinson, Harold, 150

Robinson, Jackie, 7, 80

Robinson, Richard, 557

Rochlitz, Kevin, 41011

Roddick, Andy, 328

Rodriguez, Alex, 570

Rodriguez, Carlos, 250

Roethlisberger, Ben, 128

Rogge, Jacques, 453, 454

Rohm, Andrew J., 146, 148

roles, 620

Romo, Tony, 566

Roosevelt, Theodore, 6

Roper, Julie, 30

Rorschach test, 114

Rose, Derrick, 48, 237, 349

Rose, Pete, 585

Rosner, Scott, 59, 324, 325, 326

Route 2015 (Adidas Business Plan), 349

routinized problem solving see habitual problem solving (routinized problem solving)

Rowell, Jack, 158

Rozelle, Pete, 8, 504

Ruiz, Rosie, 391

running, 177, 178

Russell, JaMarcus, 569

sabermetrics, 564

Sacramento Kings, 69, 332

Sacramento Monarchs, 58, 69

safety needs, 148, 149, 620

salaries, 8, 267, 346; ethical considerations, 50912; salary loss by Armstrong, 3936

sales: percentage of, 367, 617; strategic

selling, 41114, 623

sales funnel, 414, 620

sales increases, 4645

sales objectives, 512, 620

sales promotion, 344, 41516, 505, 620; advertising, 37980

samples/sampling, 420; convenience sampling techniques, 123, 609; definitions, 620; design, 1223; judgment sample, 123, 614; non-probability sampling, 123, 616; probability sampling, 1234, 618; quota sampling, 123, 619; size of sample, 124

Sampras, Pete, 282, 328, 399

Samson, David, 278

Samueli, Henry, 37

Samuelson, Paul, 82

Sanchez, Mark, 272

sanctioning bodies, 336

Sanderson, Derek, 417

San Diego Padres, 410

Sandler, Dennis, 477, 491

Sandusky, Jerry, 62, 487, 488

San Jose State, game against Nebraska University (2000), 65

Santander, Clément, 44n

Santee, Earl, 67

SAP (software giant), 310

scandals, 391, 575, 577, 585; Penn State child rape scandal, 4878, 585

Scarborough Sports Marketing, 95, 96

Schaaf, Phil, 45n

Scheindlin, Shira, 292

Scheuring, Steve, 433

Schoenke, Peter, 324, 325, 326

Schultz, Don, 369

scientific advertisements, 387, 620

scoreboard quality, 1956, 620

Scott, D., 475

seasonal discounts, 532, 620

seasonal product life cycle, 331, 620

seating comfort, 196, 620

Seattle Seahawks, 14, 71

secondary data, 10812, 130; books, 111; defined, 1078, 620; government reports and documents, 1089; journals, 112; trade and industry associations, 11011; see also primary data

second screening, 365

segmentation: age factors, 21320; bases, 210, 211, 253; behavioral, 2389, 253, 608; benefits, 23940, 253, 608; choosing multi-

segments, 240; defined, 615; demographic, 21031, 253, 610; easily definable segments, 365; ethnic background, 228, 230, 611; family life cycle, 2301, 232, 612; gender, 2201, 224; geodemographic, 241, 253, 612; geographic, 236, 253, 612; psychographic, 2345, 253; socioeconomic, 2323, 253, 621

segmenting, targeting and positioning (STP), 210; see also positioning; segmentation; target markets

selective attention, 152, 620

selective interpretation, 152, 620

selective retention, 153, 620

self-actualization, 149, 150, 621

self-esteem enhancement, 1812, 621

self-sufficiency, 1445

Selig, Bud, 80, 249

sentence completion test, 115

separability, 268, 621

services: definitions, 22, 264, 296, 621; goods–service continuum, 266, 268; health and fitness, 5934; professional, 593; pure, 2667, 297; quality, 28991, 621; as sports products, 2638


sex appeals, 383, 621

Shabelman, Doug, 351

Shadow Box slot cards, 311

Shady Valley Primadonnas, 509, 510

Shallenberger, Frank, 282

Shani, David, 477, 491

Sharapova, Maria, 37, 382, 486

shelf life, 267

Sheuring Speed Sports, 433

Shiffman, Leon, 159

Shipnuck, Alan, 382

sidedness, of messages, 352, 621; one-sided versus two-sided messages, 386, 616

signage, 196, 621; stadium, 3979, 622

Silva, Anderson, 456

simplified model of consumer–supplier relationship, 18, 621

Simpson, O. J., 585

simulated test market, 118, 621

Singapore Sports Council (SSC), “Vision 2030,” 60

situational factors, 1669, 1701, 520, 621; antecedent states, 169, 607; physical

surroundings, 166, 617; social surroundings, 1667, 621; task definition, 169, 623; time, 167

skateboarding, 331

skating, 246

skills, 543, 5513

ski resorts, 532

Slattery, Jennifer, 489

Sleight, Steve, 284

slice-of-life advertisements, 387, 621

Slovenia football, 566

Slusher, John, 350

Small Business Administration (SBA), 109

Smart, Denise T., 178

SMART framework, 56

Smith, Dennis W., 341n

Smith, Emmitt, 73

Smith, Geoffrey, 45n

Smith, Howard, 285

Smith, Jason, 450

Smith, Josh, 47

Smith, Lovie, 129

Smith, Michael D., 44n

Smith, Tubby, 280

snowboarding, 1534

Snyder, Daniel, 69

Sochi Games, 14

social class, 160, 161, 232, 621

social competitors, 147

social concerns, 515, 621

socialization, 156, 159, 621

socializing agents, 1589, 621

social learning, 153, 154, 621

social media, 407

Social Seats, 572

social surroundings, 1667, 621

socioeconomic segmentation, 2323, 253, 621

sociological/external factors, 15666, 621; culture, 156, 1589; family influences, 1624, 612; pricing, 503, 51523, 5334; reference groups, 1602, 618, 619; social class, 160, 161, 232, 621

software developers, 321

Soldier Field, 530

Solheim, John, 347

Solo, Hope, 383

Solomon, Michael, 234

Soto, Ivan, 544

source association, 400

sources: definitions, 621; experiential, 141, 611; external, 140, 612; internal, 140, 614; marketing, 1401; online, 140; personal, 140, 617; promotion, 3468

Southeast Asia, 335

Southshore RailCats, 945, 105, 106, 107, 125

space allocation, 196, 621

Spain, 3334

Spartak Stadium, Moscow, 194

spectators: as consumers, 1819, 175208; defined, 621

spinning, 330

Spitz, Mark, 332

Spoelstra, Erik, 236

sponsors, 34; as consumers, 212

sponsorship, 78, 225, 344; budgeting, 4656, 491, 622; choice of opportunity, 466; corporate CEO involvement, 89; defined, 4334, 622; determining scope, 4768; direct objectives, 448, 491, 610; evaluation, 475, 4889, 622; growth, 8, 4335, 4424; implementation, 4889; indirect objectives, 448, 613; measurement (case study), 1014; objectives, 448, 622; sports, 21, 622; sport sponsorship acquisition, 622

sponsorship programs, 43296, 622

Sponsorship Research and Strategy (SRS), 100

sport: consumers, 1822; defined, 10, 622; dimensions, 247, 248; as entertainment, 1011; extreme sports, 310; marketing principles and processes applied to, 369; or league, 4835; popularity, 180; professional

sports, 21, 619; value to community, 1978, 204; see also game attractiveness

Sport Business Daily, 13

Sport Business Research, 112

Sport England, 1578; market segmentation, 21112

sporting events, 245, 622

sporting goods, 8, 257, 5956, 622

sporting goods superstores, 37

Sporting News Magazine, 407

sport involved, 622

Sport Media Report, 63

sports associations, 594

Sports Authority, 37

Sports Business Journal, 310

Sports Business Research Network, 109

sports camps/instruction, 28

sportscape, 192, 193, 194, 204, 622

sports equipment manufacturers, 36, 1489, 622

Sports Event Pyramid, 476, 477, 478, 622

Sports Fan Graph, 243

Sports Illustrated, 28, 77, 407, 408, 416

Sports Illustrated for Women, 223

sports industry, 610; growth, 12; structure, 1718

sports information, 2830, 622

sports involvement, 150, 199200, 204, 622

sports labor, 323

Sports Licensing Report, 25

sports marketing: defined, 5, 622; emergence of, 345; historical development in North America, 610; international, 200, 2367, 2712, 3336; standardized sports marketing information studies, 10910

sports marketing ethics: ambush marketing, curbing, 4546; Armstrong, Lance (as cancer survivor), 390, 394; athlete marketability, 3557; athlete salaries, 50912; commercialization of college sports, 3089; endorsements, 34952; NCAA Native American mascot controversy, 2745; Penn State child rape scandal, 4878, 585; selling of sex, 3835

sports marketing mix, 36, 622

sports marketing research, 98

Sports Marketing Research Institute (SMRI), 503

Sports Market Place Directory, The, 16

sports organizations, 34, 41

sport sponsorship acquisition, 475, 622

sports product map, 31, 622

sports products, 22, 247; arena, 25; athletes/athlete-endorsed, 24, 263, 271; benefits, 608; branding see branding; as bundles of benefits, 270; classifying, 26870, 297; concepts, 261301; consistency, 2667; definitions, 2623, 622; developing, 610; goods as, 2638; idle product capacity, 267, 613; logo/logotype, 273, 275, 615; management, 30242; multidimensional nature, 31; new see sports products, new; perishability, 2678, 297, 617; product characteristics, 270, 271, 618; product design, 2936, 298, 619; product diffusion process, 265; product form, 331, 619; product life cycle see product life cycle (PLC); product line, 268, 269, 297, 307, 619; product mix, 268, 269, 619; product placement, 399; product quality, 291, 619; product warranties, 293, 619; separability, 268, 621; services as, 2638; standardization, 2667, 296, 623; substitute products, 607, 611; tangibility, 266, 623

sports products, new, 30416; commercialization, 315, 339; concept testing, 312, 313, 314, 339; diffusion of innovations, 3367, 610; growth stage, 31920; introduction phase, 319; newness from consumer’s perspective, 30911, 338; newness from organization’s perspective, 3067; new product category entries, 3067, 3067, 606; new product development process, 31116, 338, 616; new product screening checklist, 313, 338; new-to-the-world products, 306, 616; product improvements, 3078; product line extensions, 307, 619; success factors, 31516; test marketing, 118, 315, 621, 623; types, 30511

sports sponsorship, 21, 622

sports wagering, 188, 325

sporttainment, 11

SRDS: The Lifestyle Market Analyst/National

Demographic and Lifestyle, 234

stacking, 421

stadium access, 194, 622

stadium factors, 192, 204, 622

stadium signage, 376, 3979, 622

stadium trends, 667

Stadium Wi-Fi packages, 25

staffing, 543, 5513, 623

standardization, 2667, 296, 623; standardized

sports marketing information studies, 10910

standard metropolitan statistical areas

(SMSAs), 241

Stanford University, 274

Stankovich, Christopher, 131

Staples Center, 41

Starbucks, 4812

Stargell, Willie, 376

StatBridge, 69

State Farm Insurance, 449

Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1089, 217

StatSheet, 323, 326

StatSmack, 3234

steady scheduling, 408

Stealey, J. W., 32

Steinberg, Mark, 350, 351

Stenhouse, Ricky, 287

Stern, Bill, 7

Stern, Caryl, 215, 425

Stern, David, 76, 187, 236, 237, 331

Sternberg, Stuart, 80

steroids, 585

Stevenson, Gary, 350

St. Louis Cardinals, 231, 239, 499, 521

stock car races, 334; see also National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR)

Strahan, Michael, 351

strategic control, 574, 587, 623

strategic partnerships, 41314

strategic selling, 41114, 623

strategic sports marketing: contingency framework, 502; process, 39, 51, 52, 53, 54190

strategic windows, 84, 623

strategies: business level, 601; corporate level, 57, 5960; differentiation, 60; distribution, 37; functional-level, 61; media, 3967; operational-level, 612; organizational, 53, 578, 617; pricing, 37; product, 367; promotion, 378

StratTix inventory management tool, 69

substitute products: availability, 521, 607; expected price range, 521, 611

suitability criterion, 56

Sultan, Nicolas, 44n

super-agents, 35

Super Bowl, 14, 22, 66, 188, 268, 363, 420, 459, 478; segmentation, 226, 2289; ticket

scalpers, 5234; see also National Football League (NFL), US

Super Bowl Sunday, 40

surveys, 114, 117, 240, 284; Sport England, 21112

Sutton, William, 147, 177, 201, 202, 203, 277, 290, 291

Sweden, 159

sweepstakes, 41820, 623

Swinand, Paul, 394

SWOT analysis, 845, 87, 412, 591

Synder, Matt, 341n

Synergy Sports Technology, 69

Taco Bell, 415, 416, 462

Tampa Bay Rays, Tropicana Field, 5023

tangibility, 266, 296; tangibles, 290, 298, 623

Tanner, Jim, 578

target market considerations, 623

target markets, 2415, 253, 623; behavioral variation, 245; evaluation, 2425; measurable, 2445; numbers, 245; promotion, 359; reachable, 2434, 4569; sizable, 242

task definition, 169, 623

Taylor, Chuck, 7

Taylor, Robyn, 225

Taylor, Rod, 466

TaylorMade-Adidas Golf, 270

TCF Bank Stadium, Minnesota, 195

TEAMQUAL, 290, 291, 298, 623

Team Slipstream, 248

Teams Sport Report, 73

teams/team sports, 7, 734, 4813; professional, 5945; sales promotions, 415

Tebow, Tim, 227, 568, 571

technical buying role, 412, 623

technology, 6473, 67, 524, 623

teenagers, market segmentation, 21617

television, 7, 217, 363, 560; blackouts, 567; cable, 8, 16; new sports networks, 15

tennis, 232, 294, 3279

testimonials, 387, 623

test marketing, 118, 623; simulated test market, 621

Textronics, Inc., 69

Theismann, Joe, 422

Thill, John, 316

3M Company, 571

ticket holders, income levels, 190

ticket sales, 812

ticket scalpers, 5234, 5258

“Tiger Recession,” and athlete marketability, 3557

Tiger Stadium, Louisiana, 195

Tigert, Douglas J., 234

Tillotson, Jeffrey, 394

time: and decision-making, 623; situational factors, 167

titanium woods, 331

Title IX (legislation), 756, 222

TMZ, 355

Tomjanovich, Rudy, 565

Top 35

rule, 563

Topps, 27

Toronto Blue Jays, 295

Tortora, Andrea, 45n

total cost, 508

Total Quality Management (TQM), 553, 556, 623

Tour de France, 393, 563

toy industry, 64, 214, 216

track message delivery, 369

trade and industry associations, 11011

trademarks, 276, 623

Trail, Galen, 181

Trans World International (TWI), International

Management Group, 35

triathletes, 150

Tribune Company, 59

trouble mode, 413, 623

Trump, Donald, 561

trustworthiness, 623

Turner, Ted, 8

Turner Sports, 13

Turnkey Intelligence survey, 284

two-way tables, 125

Tyson, Mike, 355, 520

UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), 197

Ueberroth, Peter, 8

Ukman, Lesa, 48990, 577

Ultimate Fighting Championship, 221

unawareness, hierarchy of effects model, 361

Under Armour Performance gear, mission, 54, 55

understandability criterion, 56

Union of European Football Association, “Get Active Campaign,” 169

unitary demand, 516, 623

United Kingdom, 3623

United States Olympic Committee (USOC), 17, 76

Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, 325

unorganized sports, 21, 624

unstructured conversations (depth interviews), 11213

Upper Deck, 311

Urban, Jeff, 399

USADA (anti-doping organization), US, 249, 393, 394, 395, 463

USA Today, 16

user buying role, 412, 624

USTA (governing body of tennis, US), 328

Valdez, Juan, 399

Valdiserri, Roger, 422

VALS (values and lifestyles), 235

values, 159, 171, 624; cultural, 73, 610

Vancouver Canucks, 567

Vancouver Whitecaps FC, MLS, 51

Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 14

variable costs, 508, 624

variable pricing, 52930

Vaughters, Jonathan, 248

Veeck, Bill, 7, 345

venue design, 678

Verducci, Tom, 13

verification, licensing, 289

Via, Greg, 352

Vic Canever Chevrolet, 479

Vick, Michael, 128, 129, 463, 481

video game industry, 72, 311; P90X versus Insanity, 16890; Shaq Fu, 271

Villalba, Victor, 229

Virginia Slims Tennis, 8

VISA, 449

vision, 54, 624

“Vision 2030,” Singapore Sports Council, 60

Vitale, Dick, 567

Vodafone, 450

VTB Bank, 309

Wade, Dwayne, 10, 263, 280

wagers, sports, 188, 325

Wakefield, L., 197

Waldman, Suzyn, 561

Wall, John, 388, 570

Wallace, Rasheed, 401

Wal-Mart, 286

Walton, Bill, 360

Waltrip, Michael, 73, 392

Wambach, Abby, 385

Wan, Charles, 69

Wann, L., 181

Wansley, Brant, 466, 486

Washington Redskins, 22, 32, 59

Waste Management Open, 461

WatchESPN, 14

water bike, 318

Weatherly, Benji, 484

webcast, of football games, 65

Weber, Jim, 366

websites, 29

Wegman LPGA Championship, 46775

Wei, Michelle, 24

Weikel, Colby, 43n

Weil, Chris, 403

Weiner, Jay, 133n

Weiner, Michael, 250

Weishaupt, Frank, 363

Wells, William, 234

Westbrook, Russell, 49, 565

Whan, Michael, 547

White, Shaun, 348

white-collar occupations, 232

White Sox, 397

Whyte, Keith, 183

Wide World of Sports, 382

Wie, Michelle, 388

Wiese, Mike, 350

Wii, 72

Williams, Billy, 376

Williams, Bob, 389

Williams, Deron, 49

Williams, Gregg, 569

Williams, Serena, 154, 328, 486, 565

Williams, Venus, 154, 328, 486

Wilson (sports equipment manufacturer), 36; product mix, 268, 269

Wilson, Russell, 482

Wilson Six, 307

Wilstein, Steve, 82

Wines by Design (WBD), 285

Winfrey, Oprah, 564

win-results, 41314, 624

Winston Cup (NASCAR), 8, 9, 178

Wizards, 32, 59

Women’s Football Alliance, 319

Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), 368; Sacramento Monarchs, 58; WNBA Pride, 483

Women’s Sport Foundation, 111

women’s sports, 458

Wooden, John, 197, 360

Woods, Eldrick (“Tiger”), 24, 282, 332, 463, 480, 487, 566, 585; and promotion concepts, 346, 3501, 355; and promotion mix elements, 388, 38990, 392

World Anti-Doping Agency code, 248

World Cyber Games, 723

World Hockey Association (WHA), 35, 417

World Series, 478, 507

World Wide Web (WWW), 28, 30; sports information on, 16; websites, 29

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), 11

Wrigley Field, Chicago, 194, 307

WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), 11

Wyndham Championship, 444, 4467

Xavier (team), 575

Xbox, 72

X Games (Extreme Games), 217, 3334, 462

X-treme Games, 73

Yahoo, 321, 322

Yale University, 6

Yamauchi, Hiroshi, 69

yellow flag, 568

Young, Donald, 328

youthfulness, 73

Zablow, Mark, 351

Zeithaml, Valarie, 290, 298, 499

Zeller, Heather, 227

ZenithOptimedia, 362, 363

Zhang, James J., 198, 341n (software developer), 321, 322; Ziguana Auto-Pilot, 323

Zikmund, William, 341n

Zimberoff, David, 395

Zinna, Jason, 524

Zoombang protective gear, 319

Zucker, Allan, 578

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