Working with Cursors

In order to understand how to use a cursor, we will build a T-SQL script that uses a cursor, one step at a time, explaining the process as we go. The example will read rows from the Products table. If the product is from Germany, it will add 25% to the unit cost of the product. It will also produce a report of all unit costs and any changes that were made.


The final code for this example can be found at the end of this section and on the CD-ROM.

Declaring the Cursor

The first step you must perform is to declare or create the cursor, associating it with a SELECT statement. The syntax of the DECLARE statement used to create a cursor is

Declare <cursor name> [insensitive] [scroll] cursor
For <select statement>
[for <read only | update [of <column list>]>]

This syntax is the ANSI-92 standard for declaring a cursor. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides a T-SQL extended syntax for the declare cursor statement, which is shown in the following code. Table 14.2 lists each of the different keywords and their descriptions.

Declare <cursor_name> cursor
[ local | global ]
[ forward only | scroll ]
[ static | keyset | dynamic | fast_forward ]
[ read_only | scroll_locks | optimistic ]
[ type_warning ]
For <select_statement>
[ for update [ of <column list>] ]

Table 14.2. Cursor Declaration Keywords
Syntax TypeKeywordDescription
SQL-92INSENSITIVEDefines a cursor that makes a temporary copy of the data to be used by the cursor. All requests to the cursor are answered from this temporary table, therefore, any changes made to the base tables are not reflected in the data returned by fetches made to this cursor. This cursor does not allow modifications.
 SCROLLSpecifies that all fetch options (FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE) are available. If SCROLL is not specified, NEXT is the only fetch option supported. SCROLL cannot be specified if FAST_FORWARD is also specified.
 READ_ONLYPrevents updates made through this cursor
 UPDATEDefines updateable columns within the cursor. If OF column_name [,...n] is specified, only the columns listed allow modifications. If UPDATE is specified without a column list, all columns can be updated.
T-SQL ExtensionsLOCALSpecifies that the scope of the cursor is local to the batch, stored procedure, or trigger in which the cursor was created. The cursor name is only valid within this scope. The cursor is implicitly deallocated when the batch, stored procedure, or trigger terminates.
 GLOBALSpecifies that the scope of the cursor is global to the connection. The cursor name can be referenced in any stored procedure or batch executed by the connection. The cursor is only implicitly deallocated at disconnect. If neither the GLOBAL nor the LOCAL argument is specified, the default is controlled by the setting of the default to the local cursor database option. This option defaults to FALSE.
 FORWARD_ONLYSpecifies that the cursor can be scrolled only from the first to the last row. FETCH NEXT is the only supported fetch option. If FORWARD_ONLY is specified without the STATIC, KEYSET, or DYNAMIC keywords, the cursor operates as a DYNAMIC cursor. When neither FORWARD_ONLY nor SCROLL is specified, FORWARD_ONLY is the default, unless the keyword STATIC, KEYSET, or DYNAMIC is specified. STATIC, KEYSET, and DYNAMIC cursors default to SCROLL.
 STATICDefines a cursor that makes a temporary copy of the data to be used by the cursor. All requests to the cursor are answered from this temporary table, therefore, any changes made to the base tables are not reflected in the data returned by fetches made to this cursor. This cursor does not allow modifications. (This is the same as the ANSI-92 keyword INSENSITIVE.)
 KEYSETSpecifies that the membership and order of rows in the cursor are fixed when the cursor is opened. The set of keys that uniquely identify the rows is built in to a table in tempdb, known as the keyset. Changes to nonkey values in the base tables, either made by the cursor owner or committed by other users, are visible as the owner scrolls around the cursor. Inserts made by other users are not visible.
 DYNAMICDefines a cursor that reflects all data changes made to the rows in its result set as you scroll around the cursor. The data values, order, and membership of the rows can change on each fetch. The ABSOLUTE fetch option is not supported with dynamic cursors.
 FAST_FORWARDSpecifies a FORWARD_ONLY, READ_ONLY cursor with performance optimizations enabled. FAST_FORWARD cannot be specified if SCROLL or FOR_UPDATE is also specified. FAST_FORWARD and FORWARD_ONLY are mutually exclusive; if one is specified the other cannot be specified.
 READ_ONLYPrevents updates made through this cursor.
 SCROLL_LOCKSSpecifies that positioned updates or deletes made through the cursor are guaranteed to succeed. SCROLL_LOCKS cannot be specified if FAST_FORWARD is also specified.
 OPTIMISTICSpecifies that positioned updates or deletes made through the cursor do not succeed if the row has been updated since it was read into the cursor. SQL Server does not lock rows as they are read into the cursor. OPTIMISTIC cannot be specified if FAST_FORWARD is also specified.
 TYPE_WARNINGSpecifies that a warning message is sent to the client if the cursor is implicitly converted from the requested type to another.

You cannot mix the two forms of the DECLARE CURSOR statement. If you specify the SCROLL or INSENSITIVE keywords before the CURSOR keyword, you cannot use any keywords between the CURSOR and the FOR <select_statement> keywords. If you specify any keywords between the CURSOR and the FOR <select_statement> keywords, you cannot specify SCROLL or INSENSITIVE before the CURSOR keyword.

If you use T-SQL syntax when declaring a cursor and do not specify READ_ONLY, OPTIMISTIC, or SCROLL_LOCKS, the default actions are as follows:

  • If the SELECT statement does not support updates (insufficient permissions, accessing remote tables that do not support updates, and so on), the cursor is READ_ONLY.

  • STATIC and FAST_FORWARD cursors default to READ_ONLY.

  • DYNAMIC and KEYSET cursors default to OPTIMISTIC.

You can select all the columns or specify some of the columns for the cursor, but allow updates to only some of those columns by providing an update column list, as shown in line 3 of the following syntax.

Declare <cursor name> [insensitive] [scroll] cursor
For <select statement>
[for <read only | update [of <column list>]>]

To declare the cursor for our example, the following SQL code is used:

use northwind
declare crs_products cursor
select p.productid, p.productname, p.unitprice,, s.supplierid, s.companyname
from products as p inner join
     suppliers as s on
     p.supplierid = s.supplierid
where = 'Germany'
order by s.companyname, p.productname
for update

This example is the same DECLARE keyword that you used on Day 11, "T-SQL Programming Fundamentals," to declare local variables. You can declare variables or declare a cursor with a single DECLARE statement, but you cannot do both. To declare both variables and cursors, you must use two DECLARE statements, as you will see in this example.

You must provide a name for the cursor in the DECLARE statement. After you have named the cursor, you would next specify the set of rows you want the cursor to have access to. This is defined as a regular SELECT statement, whether you intend to use the cursor to modify the rows or not. This cursor is defined as an UPDATE cursor because we intend to update the rows we are working with. If you wanted to just read the rows using the cursor, you would declare the cursor for read only instead of for update.


When naming a cursor, use a convention that you are comfortable with. Remember, I like to use crs_ as a prefix to the cursor name. I would use the name of the table in which most of the processing is being done. In the example, the cursor name is crs_products.


If you do not specify a cursor type, either by design or by accident, it will default to READ_ONLY.

Opening the Cursor

After declaring the cursor, be sure that the statement is executed before the Open statement. When this has been done, you are ready to open the cursor. This is a very simple step, requiring a single line of code as shown:

Open Cursor crs_products

Declaring the Variables

In order for the cursor process to work properly, you must declare one variable for each column that is returned by the SELECT statement. The following shows the DECLARE statement for our example.

Declare @product_ID int, @product_name varchar(40),
        @product_Price money, @product_country varchar(15),
        @Supplier_ID int, @Supplier varchar(40),
        @old_product_price Money, @tempstr varchar(60)

Besides declaring a unique variable for each of the columns being selected, we have also declared a second unit price variable to contain the old unit price. Finally, a temporary string variable is declared for use when printing the results.

Fetching the Rows

Now that you have set up the elements for using the cursor, you need to actually instruct the server to fetch a row of data for you. This is where the fun begins. The FETCH statement is the key to using cursors. The following shows the syntax for the FETCH statement:

[[Next | Prior | First | Last |
  Absolute { n | @n}  |
  Relative { n | @n} ]
[Global] <cursor name> | <@cursor variable name>
[Into @variable1, @variable2, ...]

The only required elements are the actual word FETCH and the name of the cursor that you are using. The different keywords are described in Table 14.3.

Table 14.3. Fetch Keywords
NEXTReturns the result row immediately following the current row, and increments the current row to the row returned. If FETCH NEXT is the first fetch against a cursor, it returns the first row in the result set. NEXT is the default cursor fetch option.
PRIORReturns the result row immediately preceding the current row, and decrements the current row to the row returned. If FETCH PRIOR is the first fetch against a cursor, no row is returned and the cursor is left positioned before the first row.
FIRSTReturns the first row in the cursor and makes it the current row.
LASTReturns the last row in the cursor and makes it the current row.
ABSOLUTE {n | @n}If n or @nvar is positive, returns the row n rows from the front of the cursor and makes the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is negative, returns the row n rows before the end of the cursor and makes the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is 0, no rows are returned. n must be an integer constant, and @nvar must be smallint, tinyint, or int.
RELATIVE {n | @n}If n or @nvar is positive, returns the row n rows beyond the current row and makes the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is negative, returns the row n rows prior to the current row and makes the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is 0, returns the cur- rent row.
GLOBALSpecifies that cursor_name refers to a global cursor.

If you use any of the FETCH keywords, you must also use the FROM clause. The last line of the syntax specifies where to store the data from the row being fetched. The number of variables must match the number of columns, and each variable must match in size and data type of the corresponding column from the selected column list.

The following code will fetch a row into the local variables that you have previously defined. You can also fetch the columns directly, which will print them to the screen just as a standard SELECT statement would. In this example, we will use the PRINT statement to send the results to the screen. Because the PRINT statement doesn't add column headers automatically, we will need to add them ourselves. Many cursor programs are used strictly for server-side processing and do not return rows the way this example does. As you can see, it is a lot less convenient than a simple SELECT statement.


Although I should be printing everything that I selected, I am printing only the product name, the old unit price, and the new, updated unit price.


The following example will not execute by itself; several statements must be added, as you will see later in this section.

print 'Product Name                     Old Unit Price New Unit Price'
print '-------------------------------- -------------- --------------'
fetch next from crs_products into @product_ID, @product_name,
        @product_Price, @product_Country, @Supplier_ID,
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
set @old_product_price = @product_price
if @product_price > 40
        set @product_price = @product_Price * 1.25
if @product_price is null
        set @tempstr = convert(char(40), @product_name) +
        convert(char(7),@old_product_price,1) + '--no pricing--'
      set @tempstr = convert(char(40), @product_name) +
      convert(char(7),@old_product_price,1) + convert(char(7),@product_price,1)
print @tempstr
fetch next from crs_products into @product_ID, @product_name,
        @product_Price, @product_Country, @Supplier_ID,

After the headings are printed, you would execute the initial FETCH statement to retrieve the first row from the cursor keyset.

A cursor keyset refers to the set of rows that are accessed by the open cursor specified by the SELECT statement attached to the cursor.

You might have noticed a strange-looking variable that you did not declare. The @@FETCH_STATUS variable is really a function that reports on the status of the last FETCH statement. This status information should be used to determine the validity of the data returned by a FETCH statement prior to attempting any operation against that data. The @@FETCH_STATUS variable will always have one of three values as shown in Table 14.4.

Table 14.4. Fetch Status Codes
0The most recent fetch statement succeeded.
-1The most recent fetch failed because there were no more rows to get.
-2The row requested no longer exists.

The loop that was set up using the WHILE statement will continue to fetch rows until a –1 or –2 is returned by the @@FETCH_STATUS variable. Inside the loop, the original price of the product is saved in the variable @old_product_price before any action is taken. Then, the value of @product_price is tested. If the current row's price is greater than $40, it is increased by 25%. Next, the @product_price is tested, and, if the price is null, it will print a custom message rather than null values. Finally, the messages are all gathered together in a temporary string and printed to the screen. The next row is fetched, and the loop begins from the top.

Closing the Cursor

After all the rows have been processed, the WHILE loop will end, and you can now close the cursor that was being used. It is very simple to close a cursor as the following statement shows:

close crs_products

Closing the cursor will destroy the cursor keyset, meaning that it will wipe out the result set that the cursor was using. The cursor declaration will still be active, however, and can be reopened with a new OPEN statement after it has been closed. If you are using an insensitive or static cursor, you could close and then reopen the cursor in order to refresh the result set.

Destroying the Cursor

Finally, if the process is complete, you should destroy or deallocate the cursor. This is done using the following syntax:

deallocate crs_products

If you do not deallocate the cursor, memory will remain in use until your connection is closed. If you have declared a cursor, you cannot declare another with the same name until you have deallocated the original one. Listing 14.1 illustrates declaring, using, closing, and destroying a cursor.

Code Listing 14.1. Using Cursors in T-SQL Scripts
 1:use northwind
 2:declare crs_products cursor
 4:select p.productid, p.productname, p.unitprice,
 5:, s.supplierid, s.companyname
 6:from products as p inner join
 7:     suppliers as s on
 8:     p.supplierid = s.supplierid
 9:where = 'Germany'
10:order by s.companyname, p.productname
11:for update
12:open crs_products
13:Declare @product_ID int, @product_name varchar(40),
14:        @product_Price money, @product_country varchar(15),
15:        @Supplier_ID int, @Supplier varchar(40),
16:        @old_product_price Money, @tempstr varchar(60)
17:print 'Product Name                     Old Unit Price New Unit Price'
18:print '-------------------------------- -------------- --------------'
19:fetch next from crs_products into @product_ID, @product_name,
20:    @product_Price, @product_Country, @Supplier_ID,
21:    @Supplier
22:while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
23:set @old_product_price = @product_price
24:if @product_price > 40
25:    set @product_price = @product_Price * 1.25
26:if @product_price is null
27:    set @tempstr = convert(char(40), @product_name) +
28:        convert(char(7),@old_product_price,1) + '--no pricing--'
30:    set @tempstr = convert(char(40), @product_name) +
31:   convert(char(7),@old_product_price,1) + convert(char(7),@product_price,1)
32:print @tempstr
33:fetch next from crs_products into @product_ID, @product_name,
34:    @product_Price, @product_Country, @Supplier_ID,
35:    @Supplier
37:close crs_products
38:deallocate crs_products


Product Name                     Old Unit Price New Unit Price
-------------------------------- -------------- --------------
Gumbär Gummibärchen                       31.23  31.23
NuNuCa Nuß-Nougat-Creme                   14.00  14.00
Schoggi Schokolade                        43.90  54.88
Nord-Ost Matjeshering                     25.89  25.89
Original Frankfurter grüne Soße           13.00  13.00
Rhönbräu Klosterbier                       7.75   7.75
Rössle Sauerkraut                         45.60  57.00
Thüringer Rostbratwurst                  123.79 154.74
Wimmers gute Semmelknödel                 33.25  33.25

Other Cursor Functions

There are three main variables that are associated directly with the use of cursors:

@@FETCH_STATUS Returns the status of the last cursor FETCH statement issued against any cursor currently opened by the connection.
@@CURSOR_ROWS Returns the number of rows currently in the last cursor opened on the connection.
CURSOR_STATUS Returns to the caller of a stored procedure whether or not that procedure has returned a cursor with a result set for a given parameter.

You have already seen how to use the first cursor variable in the previous examples.

Using the @@CURSOR_ROWS Function

The @@CURSOR_ROWS function allows you to determine the number of rows that a cursor has retrieved at the time the function was called. This number can change because SQL Server can populate a large keyset and static cursors asynchronously to improve performance. To see how this really works, try executing the following code in Listing 14.2 to see the output that is generated.

Code Listing 14.2. Working with the @@Cursor Rows Function
 1:use northwind
 2:select @@cursor_rows as 'Cursor Row Cnt'
 3:declare crs_employees cursor
 5:select firstname
 6:from employees
 7:open crs_employees
 8:Fetch next from crs_employees
 9:select @@cursor_rows as 'Cursor Row Cnt'
10:close crs_employees
11:deallocate crs_employees


Cursor Row Cnt

(1 row(s) affected)


(1 row(s) affected)
Cursor Row Cnt

(1 row(s) affected)

Listing 14.2 declares a cursor and uses the SELECT statement to display the value of the @@CURSOR_ROWS function. The value of the function is 0 before the cursor is opened, and a value of –1 indicates that the cursor keyset is populated asynchronously. Table 14.5 lists the different return values of the function and the description of each.

Table 14.5. @@CURSOR_ROWS Return Values
-nThe cursor is populated asynchronously. The value returned (-n) is the number of rows currently in the keyset.
-1The cursor is dynamic.
0No cursors have been opened, no rows have been qualified for the last-opened cursor, or the last-opened cursor is closed or deallocated.
nThe cursor is fully populated. The value returned (n) is the total number of rows in the cursor.

Using the CURSOR_STATUS Function

The CURSOR_STATUS function is used in conjunction with a stored procedure. It allows you to check whether a cursor that was declared and opened in a stored procedure actually returned data in its keyset. You will see how to create and use stored procedures in the next few lessons. However, you will take a quick look at how this function works so that you will be able to use it in the future.

The syntax for the use of this function is

({ 'local', '<cursor name>'}
|{ 'global', '<cursor name>'}
|{ 'variable', '<cursor variable>'} )

The arguments of this function are listed in Table 14.6 along with their descriptions.

Table 14.6. Cursor_Status Arguments
Cursor nameThe name of the declared cursor
Cursor variableThe name of the declared cursor variable
LocalIndicates that the cursor name is a local cursor
GlobalIndicates that the cursor name is a global cursor
VariableIndicates that the source of the cursor is a local variable

When this function is used, it returns a single value indicating the status of the cursor. Depending on whether the function is referencing a cursor or cursor variable, the values can have slightly different meanings. These values and their meanings are listed in Table 14.7.

Table 14.7. Cursor_Status Return Values
ValueCursor UseCursor Variable Use
1For insensitive and keyset cursors, the result set has at least one row.For insensitive and keyset cursors, the result set has at least one row.
 For dynamic cursors, the result set can have zero, one, or more rows.For dynamic cursors, the result set can have zero, one, or more rows.
0The result set is empty (except for dynamic cursors).The cursor allocated to this variable is open, but the result set is empty (except for dynamic cursors).
-1The cursor is closed.The cursor allocated to this variable is closed.
-2N/ANo cursor was assigned to this output variable, or a cursor was assigned but was closed upon completion of the procedure.
-3The cursor does not exist.The cursor variable does not exist, or there is no cursor allocated to it yet.

Listing 14.3 shows how this function can be used. The first section of code creates a stored procedure (remember that you will learn how to do this tomorrow). Then, you will see how the actual code will make use of this stored procedure and the Cursor Status function.

Code Listing 14.3. Using the Cursor Status Function
 1:USE pubs
 2:IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
 3:      WHERE name = 'lake_list'AND type = 'P')
 4:   DROP PROCEDURE lake_list
 7:   ( @region varchar(30),
 8:     @size integer,
 9:     @lake_list_cursor CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT )
13:   EXECUTE check_authority @region, username, @ok OUTPUT
14:   IF @ok = 1
15:      BEGIN
16:      SET @lake_list_cursor =CURSOR LOCAL SCROLL FOR
17:         SELECT name, lat, long, size, boat_launch, cost
18:         FROM lake_inventory
19:         WHERE locale = @region AND area >= @size
20:         ORDER BY name
21:      OPEN @lake_list_cursor
22:      END
24:DECLARE @my_lakes_cursor CURSOR
25:DECLARE @my_region char(30)
26:SET @my_region = 'Northern Ontario'
27:EXECUTE lake_list @my_region, 500, @my_lakes_cursor OUTPUT
28:IF Cursor_Status('variable', '@my_lakes_cursor') <= 029:   BEGIN
30:   /* Some code to tell the user that there is no list of
31:   lakes for him/her */
32:   END
34:   BEGIN
35:      FETCH @my_lakes_cursor INTO -- Destination here
36:      -- Continue with other code here.

Looking at Listing 14.3, you can see that the stored procedure is called in line 27. Then, when execution is returned, the following IF statement uses the Cursor_Status function to check whether the cursor variable '@my_lakes_cursor' has returned any data. Depending on the value in the Cursor Status function, your SQL code can perform the required actions.

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