
In today's lesson, you took a quick look at creating and dropping tables. You saw that when creating a table, each column requires a name, a data type, a length (where needed), and an indication of whether it can be NULL.

After you had a table, you saw how to insert data into the table by using different versions of the INSERT statement. Data can be added to a table by specifying the input values directly, or by selecting information from other tables in the database. After adding information to a table, you saw how to use the UPDATE statement to modify that information.

Later, you took a brief look at how to delete one or more rows from a table. Finally, you learned how to use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement to remove all rows from a table and reset the identity column value at the same time.

Next week, you will learn how to create tables using the DDL (Data Definition Language). In addition, you will see how to enhance the performance of your database and how to prevent multiple users from accessing the same information at the same time.

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