Inserting Rows

To add data to a table in the database, you would generally use the INSERT statement. The INSERT statement appends one or more rows of data to a table. The syntax for the INSERT statement follows, with Table 7.1 describing the main arguments of the statement.

    {  table_name WITH ( < table_hint_limited > [ …n ] )
         | view_name
         | rowset_function_limited
    {     [ ( column_list ) ]
         {  VALUES
              ( {  DEFAULT | NULL | expression }  [ ,…n] )
              | derived_table
              | execute_statement

Table 7.1. Insert Statement Arguments
Argument Description
[INTO] Optional keyword used to specify the table to be used when inserting data.
table_name Name of the table where the data is being inserted.
WITH (<table_hint_limited> Specifies one or more table hints that are allowed for a […n]) target table.
view_name Name of an optional view that can be used to insert data.
rowset_function_limited Is either the OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET function. This argument is used to access data from a remote server. For most uses of the INSERT statement this argument is omitted.
(column_list) A list of one or more columns in which to insert data. This list must be enclosed in parentheses and delimited by commas.
VALUES Specifies the list of data values to be inserted in the order of the columns listed.
DEFAULT Forces SQL Server to load the default value defined for a column.
expression This provides a constant, a variable, or an expression to be used to as the source of the data to be inserted. The expression cannot contain a SELECT or EXECUTE statement.
derived_table This is any valid SELECT statement that returns rows of data to be loaded into the table.
execute_statement Any valid EXECUTE statement that returns data with SELECT or READTEXT statements.
DEFAULT VALUES Forces the new row to contain the default values defined for each column.

The values that are specified in the INSERT can either be actual values or data retrieved using a SELECT statement.

Inserting Rows with INSERT…VALUES

The first method we will look at for inserting data into a table is the INSERT statement using the column list and VALUES clause to specify the data to be inserted. Using the customer_demo table that we created in the previous section, let's add some data to the table and then display it by selecting it. Listing 7.1 contains the code to

  • Create the customer_demo table

  • Insert data into the table

  • Select the data

  • Drop the table when finished

Code Listing 7.1. Creating a Table and Inserting Rows
 1  Use northwind
 2  create table customer_demo(
 3    cust_id int not null,
 4    fname varchar(30) not null,
 5    lname varchar(30) not null,
 6    addr1 varchar(40) null,
 7    addr2 varchar(40) null,
 8    city varchar(40) null,
 9    zip char(9) null,
10     )
11  insert customer_demo
12       (cust_id, fname, lname)
13       VALUES(1,'John','Davolio')
14  insert customer_demo
15       (cust_id, fname, lname)
16       VALUES(2,'Anne','Callahan')
17  insert customer_demo
18       (cust_id, fname, lname)
19       VALUES(3,'Steven','Suyama')
20  insert customer_demo
21       (cust_id, fname, lname)
22       VALUES(4,'Robert','Buchanan')
23  insert customer_demo
24       (cust_id, fname, lname)
25       VALUES(5,'Janet','Peacock')
26  insert customer_demo
27       (cust_id, fname, lname)
28       VALUES(6,'Andrew','Leverling')
29  select * from customer_demo
30  drop table customer_demo


(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

cust_id     fname        lname         addr1   addr2   city   zip
----------- ------------ ------------- ------- ------- ------ ------
1           John         Davolio       NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL
1           Anne         Callahan      NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL
1           Steven       Suyama        NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL
1           Robert       Buchanan      NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL
1           Janet        Peacock       NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL
1           Andrew       Leverling     NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL

(6 row(s) affected)

You can see that there were six individual messages from the server, one for each of the INSERT statements that were executed. In addition, because we did not specify any address information, these fields display NULL to signify that these columns are empty.


If you don't want the row count displays in the output, you can turn them off by using the NOCOUNT option as the first statement at the beginning of a procedure:


The data that you have inserted is returned to you in the order in which you inserted it. Because you did not specify an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT and there are no indexes on your table, the data is kept in the table, and returned to you, in the order in which it was inserted.

To insert rows, you specify the columns you want to insert within parentheses following the table name. You then follow that list with the keyword VALUES and specify the values for the row in the parentheses. If you do not specify a column list, the values you specify must be in the order in which they appeared in the original CREATE TABLE statement.


If you are using the INSERT statement in an application program, you should always provide a column list. This will prevent any problems if the table is dropped and re-created with the columns in a different order.

When specifying data to be inserted into a table, you must specify it based on the data type of each column. In the previous example, you could see that the first and last name values are specified using quotes. Table 7.2 lists the different data types and how to specify the data, including what to watch for.

Table 7.2. How to Insert Different Data Types into a Table
Data Type Example Quotes Comments
Varbinary values(0XA02D21A5) No Binary values accept hexadecimal notation.
Binary values(0x1a) No Binary values accept hexadecimal notation.
Varchar values('Jerry') Yes Character values are specified in quotes.
Char values('Bill's Car') Yes Character values are specified in quotes.
Smalldatetime values('12:39') Yes  
Datetime values('01/01/0012:32 AM') Yes Specifying a date without a time will default the time to midnight(0:00). Specifying a time without a date will default the date to January 1, 1900.
Money values($473000,16) No Do not use quotes for money values. In addition, do not use commas to specify thousands.
Bit values(0) No The possible values for a bit field are 0 and 1.
Bigint values(9223372036854775807) No  
Int values(34038) No  
Smallint values(-318) No  
Tinyint values(24) No  
Numeric values(-23.075) No  
Decimal values(165.2) No  
Float values(165.2) No  
Real values(1125.31) No  

Inserting Rows with INSERT…SELECT

In this method of inserting data, we will use the SELECT subquery instead of specifying the columns and respective values. The SELECT subquery in the INSERT statement can be used to add values into a table from one or more other tables or views. Using a SELECT subquery also enables you to insert more than one row at a time. The example in Listing 7.2 shows how to create the customer_demo table using the data from the employees table as the input.

Code Listing 7.2. Inserting Data Using a Subquery
 1   Use northwind
 2   set nocount on
 3   create table customer_demo(
 4       cust_id int not null,
 5       fname varchar(30) not null,
 6       lname varchar(30) not null,
 7       addr1 varchar(40) null,
 8       addr2 varchar(40) null,
 9       city varchar(40) null,
10      zip char(9) null,
11      )
12  insert into customer_demo
13         (cust_id, fname, lname)
14         select employeeid,
15                firstname,
16                lastname
17         from employees
18  select * from customer_demo
19  drop table customer_demo


The select list of the subquery must match the column list of the INSERT statement. If no column list is specified, the select list of the subquery must match the columns in the table or view being inserted into.

The resulting output of the statement in Listing 7.2 would be exactly the same as Listing 7.1, in which you specified the values to input. If you chose, you could have specified the address information from the employees table to insert into the customer_demo table.

Inserting Rows with SELECT INTO

There is one other method for inserting rows that you can use. The SELECT INTO statement provides a mixture of functionality. First, it creates a new table based on the structure of the existing table being specified in the statement. The following example provides the same functionality as the previous INSERT INTO statement. However, it does not need to define the columns in the new table, nor does it need to create the new table itself.

select employeeid,
Into customer_Demo
from employees

All the employees in the employees table were copied to a new table, customer_demo.

You may select specific columns by using the SELECT INTO statement to create a table with fewer fields than the original table (as shown earlier), or you could create a complete copy of the original table as shown here:

select *
Into customer_Demo
from employees


The SELECT INTO statement requires that the special option 'SELECT INTO.BULKCOPY' be turned on in the database properties. This option is set by the SQL Server administrator to provide the ability to load an entire table from another table.

Choosing which of these different methods to insert data with is entirely up to you and your particular need in a given application.


If you need to create large amounts of test data for an application, you can do so very quickly by using the INSERT…SELECT version of the INSERT statement. Using the following example, you could copy the data in a table back to itself, thus duplicating the information:

Insert customer_demo
Select * from customer_demo

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