
In this chapter, we showed the capabilities of Azure Functions. We discussed the basics and structure of Function Apps.

We gave some examples of functions, how they can be used to trigger events, and how they can be integrated with each other to create a chain of events that can also fan out.

Azure Functions can be used directly within Logic Apps and can act as anonymous units of code in a similar way to lambda expressions. Functions within Logic Apps can be used to provide business logic and can additionally be used to trigger other events during the execution of the Logic App.

We created a sample scenario to check the information in an invoice as an example of how to call a function within a Logic App.

Finally, we showed other important parts of Azure Functions that can be used to deploy, monitor, and scale them, and how to disable and delete them.

Azure Functions are a good platform service to use if you need scale on demand and serverless computing power. They are a good solution for microservices, and they can be used to provide eventual consistency via an event-driven architecture.

In the next chapter, we will start taking a deeper look into the capabilities of Logic Apps, the language that defines them and present the flow structures that you can use to build robust integration scenarios.

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