AWS-predefined image

This is a very easy type of installation, since everything is packed into a convenient image. To pick a specific image, you can either find it here:, or pick up the suitable AMI (Amazon Machine Image) and look up the image manually, as shown in the following screenshot:

The screenshot actions are explained as follows:
  1. Select the AMI section in EC2 console
  2. Select Public Images from the dropdown list
  3. Type redash to search for Redash related images
  4. Select the desired Redash image (the selected image is v5 official AMI by Redash) marked with 4*, which is the alternative Redash image, by Bitnami
Bitnami is a company (not related to Redash) that specifies on packaging, deploying, and maintaining web applications.

Note - to use the AWS Marketplace Bitnami images, you first need to accept the terms and conditions and subscribe.

After you have found the AMI of your choice, you can proceed to machine selection and launch it. When launching the instance, you must configure a security group (in AWS -security group acts as a virtual firewall for the machine you launched, to control inbound and outbound traffic.).

You will need the following ports for inbound traffic (it's best to consult your networking specialist on best practices for firewall rules):

  • port 22 (SSH).
  • port 80 (HTTP).
  • port 443 (HTTPS).

Note that Redash AMIs are based on Ubuntu, so the user is ubuntu when connecting to the instance via SSH.

In Bitnami images, the user is bitnami.

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