Starting Redash's main processes

The main Redash processes you have to run are as follows:

  • Web server
  • Celery worker(s) and the scheduler

In development, you will also run Webpack's dev server ( or watch utility.

Our recommendations are as follows:

  • Web server: bin/run ./ runserver --debugger --reload
  • Celery workers: ./bin/run celery worker --app=redash.worker --beat -Qscheduled_queries,queries,celery -c2
  • Webpack dev server: npm run start

This will result in a Flask web server listening on port 5000, the Webpack dev server on port 8080, and two Celery workers ready to run queries.

To open the app in your web browser, use Webpack's dev server, localhost:8080, which will auto-reload and refresh whenever you make changes to the frontend code.

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