Introducing Redash

Nowadays, every business creates vast amounts of data. Whether it’s plain logs, usage statistics, or user data, businesses tend to store it.

But without proper analysis and usage, this data just occupies space (S3s, self-hosted Hadoop clusters, regular RDBMS, and so on) and resources (someone must maintain the servers; otherwise, the data is lost).

The ultimate goal is to try to make the data work for the benefit of the company.

Data analysis rapidly expands beyound the domain of enclosed research departments and penetrates almost every department along the company's verticals.

The trend is that data insights move from business-supporting to business-generating roles.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Data challenges experienced by companies on a daily basis
  • Ideal tools to target challenges
  • Meeting Redash
  • Redash architecture
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