
Figures in italics refer to illustrations


Abbott, David 24, 183

Adidas 10

Adnams 77

Aitch, Iain 114, 114

Allen, Woody 119

alliteration 71, 151

Allotment, The 1612, 163, 164, 166

Amazon 10, 125, 135

American Marketing Association 124

anadiplosis 140

antanaclasis 150

Apple 53, 83, 83, 124, 126, 126, 134, 135, 142

Archer, Jeffrey 79

Aristotle 106

Audi 50

audiences/readers 40, 87, 88, 91, 934, 97, 1001

target(ing) 23, 34, 945, 131, 165

Avis Car Rental 97, 11617

Awdry, Will 165, 165


Barnardo’s 389

BBH brief template 31

Beck, Harry: London Underground

map 177, 178

Bee Gees, the: “Words” 91

benefits (of products/services), emphasizing 61, 63, 91, 101

Berkeley Police Department 88, 89, 91

Bernbach, Bill 127, 166, 180

Bezos, Jeff 125

Bic lighters 50

Birds Eye Potato Waffles 55

blogging 181

BMW 84, 124, 125

Booker, Christopher: The Seven Basic Plots 121

Bounce fabric softener 144

Bowerman, Bill 107, 107

brands 1920, 21, 212

“creation myths” 1078, 112, 113

definitions 1245

designs 135

and figureheads or public faces 135

and language 136

names 135

and personal connections 1267

personality 127, 1312, 134

and product design 136

and products and services 136

and staff behavior 1356

and storytelling 55, 103, 104, 106, 11315, 1669

values 134

verbal identity 127, see also “tone of voice”

brandwriters/brandwriting 17, 25

Branson, Sir Richard 135 70

briefs, clients’ 23, 29, 31, 312, 43, 119

British Airways 129

Browning, Robert: Men and Women 151

Brylcreem 71

Budweiser 53, 53, 124, 125

Buffet, Warren 97, 100

Bullmore, Jeremy 88, 127

Burger King 50


Cadbury 50, 175

Canadian Dermatology Association 43

Canal+ 92

Canon 151

Caples, John 100

charities 22, 389, 43, 70, 140, 156

Chevrolet 144

chiasmus/implied chiasmus 142, 143, 144

Churchill, Sir Winston 165, 177

clarity, importance of 23, 28, 49, 83

Cleese, John 177

clichés 66, 73, 80, 100, 104, 114, 125

Clow, Lee 16

Coca-Cola 124, 135, 136, 150

Colgate toothpaste 14

Comedy Carpet, Blackpool 51

“compare and contrast” 61 53, 53

connections, making 1267, 176, 177

content: and audiences 91

content strategy (CS) 160, 163

conversation, copy as 19, 21

Coolidge, Calvin 25

Cooper, Olly 1617

“core stories” 412

Corona drinks 150

Costa 64

Cracknell, Andrew 4950

“creation myths,” brand 1078, 112, 113

Crompton, Alastair: The Craft of Copywriting 55, 95

curiosity, cultivating 174, 177

Curtis, Richard: “Mr Bean” 15

cuts, making 23, 434, 66, 84, 165, 183


Dalí, Salvador 184

Dalling, Paul 61

Dawkins, Richard: The Selfish Gene 50

“default bureaucratic” writing 7980

Dictaphones, using 182

digital, writing for 160, 163, 166

Dixons 24

Durex 150

Dutch Railways 63


eBay 10, 50

Economist, The 10, 143, 144, 146, 149, 149

emotion, use of 71, 1267

empathy, importance of 97, 100

Enable (mental health charity) 156

English language, the 7880

simplification of 44, 824, 119

“experience creep” 125

expression see “tone of voice”


FedEx 71, 135, 144

Felix cat food 150

Ford, Henry/Ford Motors 38, 50

foreign phrases 84

Franklin, Benjamin 25

French, Neil 15


Gap 124

Gates, Bill 135

girthControl chocolate 149

Globe Theatre, London 104, 104

Goldman Sachs 100

Google 41

Gossage, Howard Luck 23

Gottschall, Jonathan 166

Government, UK 22, 163

Guinness “creation myth” (Simmons) 1078, 108, 112


Halifax Building Society 134

Harley-Davidson 142

headlines 34, 55, 67

Heinz 50, 134

Henry Todd 182

Honda 109, 11011, 144, 147

honesty 44, 61, 63, 176

HSBC 134

Hughes, Ben 176, 176

humor 44, 14950, 152

Huxley, Aldous 66

Hyatt, Michael 181

hyperbole 44, 142, 143


IBM 10

Ide, Wendy 94, 94

ideas, words as 19

“identity system” 135

Iezzi, Teressa: The Idea Writers 22

Illamasqua 145

information architecture 160

Innocent “creation myth” 107, 107, 113

Intel 135, 136

Interbrand 124

interesting, keeping copy 23, 24, 55, 73, 165

irony 152, 154


Jaguar Cars 151

jargon, use of 44, 84, 88

Jauncey, Jamie 97

Jergens skincare 141

Jobs, Steve 135

Johnson, Dr. Samuel 165, 185

Johnson & Johnson 141

Jones, Robert: The Big Idea 134


Kay, Ben 79, 79

Kennedy, John F. 142

King, Stephen: On Writing 183


Lady Gaga 124

Lago 28

Lamott, Anne: BirdBy Bird 148

Laski, Harold: Essay in Freedom of Expression 78

Latin filler text (lorem ipsum) 163

Law, Nick 44, 44

Leonard, Elmore 38

Leslie, Stephen 66, 66

Lessing, Gotthold 151

listening, importance of 37, 131, 182

logos 124, 135

L'Oreal 10, 124

lorem ipsum 163

Lothian and Border Fire Brigade 153, 1545

Lurpak 72


manifesto 19

McKinsy & Company 134

Maybelline 151

meaningless words, use of 82

memes 50, 52, 53

Mercedes-Benz 120, 124

metaphors 44, 80, 84, 141, 166

Michaels, Lorne: Saturday Night Live 184

Michelin Tyres 149

Microsoft 135, 142

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 151

Millets 33

Milton, John 78

“mind maps,” creating 34, 35

Mok, Kim 130, 130

More cigarettes 150

Morton Salt 149

Mr. OTT 170, 17072

Musica 69


Nagahiro, Kenichi 110

National Services Scotland 146

NatWest Bank 69

News International 133

Nice ’n’ Easy Shampoo 144

Nike 10, 50, 67, 78, 107, 126, 134, 142, 176

Nissan 144

Nokia 134


observation, importance of 37

Ogilvy, David 38, 57, 95, 174

Rolls-Royce advertisement 55, 56

Old Spice 50, 52

Olympus cameras 11

Orwell, George 74, 76

Politics and the English Language 76, 76, 78, 8085

overused words, avoiding 44, see also clichés

oxymoron 151


packaging 12, 12, 13, 17, 18, 170, 17072

Padura Fuentes, Leonardo 183

paradox 151

paragraphs, length of 41

parallelism 144, 145

Pasteur, Louis 182

Pedigree Bitter 59

Penguin Books 22

Penhaligon’s 60

Pepsi 70


of brands 127, 131—2, 134

in your writing 70

Philco widescreen 62

Pick, Frank: London Underground map 178

plagiarism 24, 66

planning 34

“platforms,” building 1812

Porsche 154

Porter, Matt 95

polo advertisements 95

portfolios 181, 184

pragmatism, practicing 184

Pret napkins 29

pretentious diction 44, 82

Primi Piatti 57

professionalism 182

pronouns, use of 38, 40, 40

Proust, Marcel 177

public information campaigns 22

puns 14950


Radley Yeldar 1669

Raising the Roof (charity) 140

Ramones, the: press release 140

Range Rover 65

reader-friendly content 91

readers see audiences

recording interviews 182

Red Brick Beer packaging 18

research, importance of 29, 312

resilience, nurturing 15, 112, 177, 180

résumés 18081, 184

reviewing your work 434

rewriting 66

rhetorical devices 71

Robertson, Field Marshall Sir William 165

rock paintings 122

Rolls-Royce 55, 56

Rosendorff 36

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) 42

Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) 105

Royal Parks 545

Rukeyser, Muriel: “The Speed of Darkness” 103

Rutherford, Ernest, 1st Baron 40


Saatchi, M&C 30, 95

Sandhu, David 119, 119

Santa Cruz, Argentina: “The Cave of the Hands” 122

sarcasm 152, 1545

Sassoon, Vidal 150

“Save Troy Library” 141

Schwab, Vic 100

self-belief, importance of 177

selling yourself 18081

sentence lengths 4041

7Up 53

Shell 151

Shirky, Clay: Cognitive Surplus 21

similes 44, 84, 141

Simmons, John 15, 15, 67, 97

Guinness “creation myth” 1078, 108, 112

simplicity, importance of 28

Singapore Creative Circle: advertising awards 1512 website 20

slogans 49, 52, see “sticky lines”

Smash 48

Specsavers 118

Stannah stair lifts 96

stealing ideas 245, 66, 112

“sticky lines”/stickiness 4950, 52, 523, 55, 61, 634, 67, 149, 150

testing for 67, 6970, 73

Stonewall 154

storytelling 37, 55, 103, 104, 106, 11315, 1669

Struck, William 28

Sullivan, Luke 148, 148

Hey Whipple... 28

surprise, elements of 67

Sweet, Lucy 112, 112

SwissLife 179


Tate Britain 97, 98

Teran, Andi 37, 37

Tesco 59

Think Eye Tracking 15

Timberland 93

Times, The 150

Timex 144, 155

tmesis 140

“tone of voice” 934, 127, 183

Toronto Humane Society 99

Toyota Yaris 82

Trott, Dave 49, 61, 182

Twain, Mark 44

22squared (agency): packaging 18


Uhu 142, 143

UPS 136

user-centric design 160, 163


Various Artists 16

Veksner, Simon 71, 71

verb phrases, use of 81

verbs, active and passive 81, 84

Vertu (cell phone) 55

Vespa 118

“viral marketing” 50, 52

Virgin 135

Virgin Airways 128

Volkswagen 58, 68, 135, 136


Waite, Chris 23, 23

Waitrose 12, 68

Waterloo Gin 145

Waterstones 10


writing for 160, 163, 166

your 181

Webster, John: Sugar Puffs Honey Monster 48

Wells, H. G. 177, 180

West, Mae 142

Wheeler, Elmer 100

Wheeler, Mandy 136, 136

White, E. B. 28

The Elements of Style 28

Whittier, Charles: Creative Advertising 49

Why Not Associates: Comedy Carpet 51

Wieden, Dan 29

Wieland, Christoph Martin 151

Wight, Robin 52, 53

Wodehouse, P. G. 79

words as ideas 19 short vs. long 82, 83, 84

writing as if speaking 19, 21, 38, 4042, 166

X, Y, Z

York, Andy 183, 183

Young, Gordon: Comedy Carpet 51

Young, James Webb 174

Young & Rubicam 142

zeugma 140

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