
1 Introduction

1.1 Definition of Propagation

1.2 Propagation and Systems Design

1.3 Historical Perspective

1.4 The Influence of Signal Frequency and Environment

1.5 Propagation Mechanisms

1.6 Summary

1.7 Sources of Further Information

1.8 Overview of Text

2 Characterization of Propagation Media

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Maxwell's Equations, Boundary Conditions, and Continuity

2.3 Constitutive Relations

2.4 Dielectric Behavior of Materials: Material Polarization

2.5 Material Properties

2.5.1 Simple Media

2.6 Magnetic and Conductive Behavior of Materials

2.6.1 Equivalence of Ohmic and Polarization Losses


3 Plane Waves

3.1 Introduction

3.2 D'Alembert's Solution

3.3 Pure Traveling Waves

3.4 Information Transmission

3.5 Sinusoidal Time Dependence in an Ideal Medium

3.6 Plane Waves in Lossy and Dispersive Media

3.7 Phase and Group Velocity

3.8 Wave Polarization


4 Antenna and Noise Concepts

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Antenna Concepts

4.3 Basic Parameters of Antennas

4.3.1 Receiving Antennas

4.4 Noise Considerations

4.4.1 Internal Noise

4.4.2 External Noise


5 Direct Transmission

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Friis Transmission Formula

5.2.1 Including Losses in the Friis Formula

5.3 Atmospheric Gas Attenuation Effects

5.3.1 Total Attenuation on Horizontal or Vertical Atmospheric Paths

5.3.2 Total Attenuation on Slant Atmospheric Paths

5.3.3 Attenuation at Higher Frequencies and Further Information Sources

5.4 Rain Attenuation

5.4.1 Describing Rain

5.4.2 Computing Rain Specific Attenuation

5.4.3 A Simplified Form for Rain Specific Attenuation

5.4.4 Computing the Total Path Attenuation Through Rain

5.4.5 Attenuation Statistics

5.4.6 Frequency Scaling

5.4.7 Rain Margin Calculations: An Example

5.4.8 Site Diversity Improvements

5.5 Scintillations

Appendix 5.A Look Angles to Geostationary Satellites


6 Reflection and Refraction

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Reflection from a Planar Interface: Normal Incidence

6.3 Reflection from a Planar Interface: Oblique Incidence

6.3.1 Plane of Incidence

6.3.2 Perpendicular Polarized Fields in Regions 1 and 2

6.3.3 Phase Matching and Snell's Law

6.3.4 Perpendicular Reflection Coefficient

6.3.5 Parallel Polarized Fields in Regions 1 and 2

6.3.6 Parallel Reflection Coefficient

6.3.7 Summary of Reflection Problem

6.4 Total Reflection and Critical Angle

6.5 Refraction in a Stratified Medium

6.6 Refraction Over a Spherical Earth

6.7 Refraction in the Earth's Atmosphere

6.8 Ducting

6.9 Ray-Tracing Methods


7 Terrain Reflection and Diffraction

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Propagation Over a Plane Earth

7.2.1 Field Received Along Path R1: The Direct Ray

7.2.2 Field Received Along Path R2: The Reflected Ray

7.2.3 Total Field

7.2.4 Height-Gain Curves

7.3 Fresnel Zones

7.3.1 Propagation Over a Plane Earth Revisited in Terms of Fresnel Zones

7.4 Earth Curvature and Path Profile Construction

7.5 Microwave Link Design

7.5.1 Distance to the Radio Horizon

7.5.2 Height-Gain Curves in the Obstructed Region

7.5.3 Height-Gain Curves in the Reflection Region

7.6 Path Loss Analysis Examples

7.7 Numerical Methods for Path Loss Analysis

7.8 Conclusion


8 Empirical Path Loss and Fading Models

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Empirical Path Loss Models

8.2.1 Review of the Flat Earth Direct plus Reflected Model

8.2.2 Empirical Model Forms

8.2.3 Okumura–Hata Model

8.2.4 COST-231/Hata Model

8.2.5 Lee Model

8.2.6 Site-General ITU Indoor Model

8.2.7 Other Models for Complex Terrain

8.2.8 An Example of Empirical Path Loss Model Usage

8.3 Signal Fading

8.3.1 A Brief Review of Probability Theory

8.3.2 Statistical Characterization of Slow Fading

8.3.3 Statistical Characterization of Narrowband Fast Fading

8.3.4 Example Fading Analyses

8.4 Narrowband Fading Mitigation Using Diversity Schemes

8.5 Wideband Channels

8.5.1 Coherence Bandwidth and Delay Spread

8.5.2 Coherence Time and Doppler Spread

8.6 Conclusion


9 Groundwave Propagation

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Planar Earth Groundwave Prediction

9.2.1 Elevated Antennas: Planar Earth Theory

9.3 Spherical Earth Groundwave Prediction

9.4 Methods for Approximate Calculations

9.5 A 1 MHz Sample Calculation

9.6 A 10 MHz Sample Calculation

9.7 ITU Information and Other Resources

9.8 Summary

Appendix 9.A Spherical Earth Groundwave Computations


10 Characteristics of the Ionosphere

10.1 Introduction

10.2 The Barometric Law

10.3 Chapman's Theory

10.3.1 Introduction

10.3.2 Mathematical Derivation

10.4 Structure of the Ionosphere

10.5 Variability of the Ionosphere


11 Ionospheric Propagation

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Dielectric Properties of an Ionized Medium

11.3 Propagation in a Magnetoionic Medium

11.3.1 Mathematical Derivation of the Appleton–Hartree Equation

11.3.2 Physical Interpretation

11.3.3 Ordinary and Extraordinary Waves

11.3.4 The QL and QT Approximations

11.4 Ionospheric Propagation Characteristics

11.5 Ionospheric Sounding

11.5.1 Ionograms

11.5.2 Examples of Actual Ionograms

11.6 The Secant Law

11.7 Transmission Curves

11.8 Breit and Tuve's Theorem

11.9 Martyn's Theorem on Equivalent Virtual Heights

11.10 MUF, “Skip” Distance, and Ionospheric Signal Dispersion

11.11 Earth Curvature Effects and Ray-Tracing Techniques

11.12 Ionospheric Propagation Prediction Tools

11.13 Ionospheric Absorption

11.14 Ionospheric Effects on Earth–Space Links

11.14.1 Faraday Rotation

11.14.2 Group Delay and Dispersion

11.14.3 Ionospheric Scintillations

11.14.4 Attenuation

11.14.5 Ionospheric Refraction

11.14.6 Monitoring TEC Distribution


12 Other Propagation Mechanisms and Applications

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Tropospheric Scatter

12.2.1 Introduction

12.2.2 Empirical Model for the Median Path Loss

12.2.3 Fading in Troposcatter Links

12.3 Meteor Scatter

12.4 Tropospheric Delay in Global Satellite Navigation Systems

12.5 Propagation Effects on Radar Systems



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