Chapter 5

Automatic Spatial Planning


Automatic spatial planning, i.e. automatic robot planning, is discussed as one of the applications of quotient space theory. We pay attention to how the theory is applied to the problem, and how multi-granular computing can reduce its computational complexity.

General automatic generation of assembly sequences is very complicated. Based on the hierarchical quotient space model, we present a monotonic planning algorithm. For a product, by compressed decomposition along some (disassembly) direction, the product is decomposed into sub-assemblies and parts. By successively compressed decomposition, the product is finally decomposed into a hierarchical tree structure. The assembly of the product simply goes on from bottom to top along the tree. Therefore, the computational complexity is reduced.

In automatic motion planning, i.e. collision-free paths planning in robotics, we present a topology-based model. In the model, the problem is first treated in some coarse topological space by ignoring the geometric details, after that we go deeply into the details of the physical space in some region that contains the potential solutions. Since the less-promising regions have been pruned off in the first step, the computational complexity can be reduced by the strategy. The estimation of the computational complexity and the applications of the method, such as multi-joint arm motion planning, are discussed.


assembly sequences; characteristic network; compressed decomposition; configuration space; motion planning; rotation mapping graph (RMG); spatial planning; topological model

Chapter Outline

To illustrate the applications of our theory, some topics of automatic spatial planning, i.e., automatic robot planning will be discussed in this chapter. We will pay attention to how the theory is applied to these problems, and how multi-granular computing can reduce the computational complexity.
The ability to reason about actions and their effects is a prerequisite for intelligent behavior. AI planning is to construct plans by reasoning about how available actions can be applied to achieve given goals. In robotic assembly, there are two kinds of planning. One is the derivation of an ordered sequence of actions that can be used to perform the assembly task. It is usually called task planning. For a robot to execute a sequence of actions, it must be provided with motion commands that will affect these actions. In general, motion planning deals with determining a path in free space, along with an object that can be moved from its initial position to a desired destination. This is the second kind of robot planning known as motion planning.
In this chapter, only the above two specific topics of robot planning rather than the whole field are addressed.

5.1. Automatic Generation of Assembly Sequences

5.1.1. Introduction

As industrial robots come into wider use in assembly applications, interest in automatic robot program generation for assembly tasks is growing. The choice of the sequence in which parts or subassemblies are put together in the mechanical assembly of a product can be stated as follows.
Given a product W consisting of N parts, to find an assembly sequence automatically such that all assembly requirements such as geometrical, technological constraints, etc. are satisfied.
An assembly planning problem begins with each part in separation. The goal is to move them all into a given final configuration. For a product with N parts, the total number of all possible permutations of N parts is N!. Since different kinds of subassemblies can be used in the assembly process so that the total number of all possible combination of N parts will be (2N-3)!! For example, as shown in Fig. 5.1, product W consists of parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. There is no such assembly sequence that only one part is moved at a time in the plane. If subassemblies are used, then we may have assembly sequences. For example, parts 1 and 4 are combined into a subassembly (1,4), and parts 2 and 3 into a subassembly (2,3) first. Putting subassemblies (1,4) and (2,3) together, then we have the final product. Therefore, the derivation of assembly planning is hard.
Assembly plans can be classified into several kinds. In sequential plans the assembly motion can be divided into a finite sequence of steps such that at any moment all moving parts are moving along the same trajectory. However, some plans cannot be built this way, since it requires that at least two parts be moved simultaneously in different directions. A monotonic plan is a sequential plan in which parts are always moved directly to their final positions. A linear plan is a sequential plan in which there is only one part moving at a time.
Figure 5.1 Assembly Sequences
Since general assembly planning is very complicated, so far much work having been done is limited to some specific kind of plans. Moreover, most planning systems consider only rigid motions, in which the parts are not deformed, and assume that each disassembly task of a product is the inverse of a feasible assembly task of the same product.
Mello and Sanderson (1989a, 1989b) presented a monotonic sequential assembly planning algorithm. The algorithm is complete and its computational complexity is image, where N is the number of parts composing the product. Wolter (1989) presented a linear monotonic assembly planning algorithm called XAP/1. Its complexity is image. These algorithms confront with exponential explosion in their computational complexity.
In this section, based on the principle of the hierarchical quotient space model presented in Chapter 1, we give a monotonic assembly planning algorithm. Under some conditions, the algorithm has a polynomial complexity image, where s is all possible assembly directions and image generally. Therefore, the complexity is image (Zhang and Zhang, 1990c).

5.1.2. Algorithms

In the following discussion, we assume that the disassembly task of a product is the inverse of a feasible assembly task of the same product. So the problem of generating assembly sequences can be transformed into that of generating disassembly sequences for the same product. And rigid motions are also assumed here.
Directed Graph image
Assume that a product W consists of N parts. We call the relative positions and interconnections among the parts of product W its structure. Assume that c is a subset of W. If the structure of any part in c is the same as its structure in W, c is said to be a component. Suppose that each component has two parts at least.
Let a set of possible disassembly trajectories of all parts in W be image. Given a component p and a possible disassembly trajectory d, a directed graph image can be constructed as follows.
Each part of p corresponds to a node. We obtain a set of nodes.
Given a disassembly direction d and a part e, when e moves along direction d from its initial position in W, the sweep volume of e is said to be a trajectory of e along d.

Definition 5.1

Given a direction d and parts a and b, if b intersects with the trajectory of a along direction d, b is said to be in front of a along direction d. It is denoted by a < b(d). If b is moving along the opposite direction to d, it does not collide any part of component p, b is said to be an element immediately in front of a along direction d, or simply the front element of a.
Figure 5.2 Two Views of a Component p
For each element a of p and its front element b, a directed edge image is constructed. We obtain a directed graph called a disassembly directed graph along the direction d. It is denoted by image.
For example, a component p consists of four parts: a, b, c and e. Its front and plain views are shown in Fig. 5.2, where e is the front element of a, and c is the front element of b. image is shown in Fig. 5.3. Since from image we have image, sometimes, the directed edge image can be omitted, as shown in Fig. 5.3.
Compressed Decomposition
Assume that image is a disassembly directed graph of p corresponding to the direction d. If each directed loop in image is shrunk to a point, we have a compressed graph denoted as image or simply image. Obviously, image is a directed tree, or a directed acyclic graph.
Figure 5.3 A Directed Graph
Figure 5.4 The Compressed Decomposition
There are two kinds of nodes in image. image is a set of nodes which only contain one of image’s nodes. image is a set of nodes which contain more than one of image’s nodes; namely, a set of components in image.
The process of decomposing image into image and image is called a compressed decomposition of image. While image and image compose a compressed decomposition graph of image.
For example, image is decomposed into image and image, where image shown in Fig. 5.4.
Assume that image is a compressed graph of image. From our theory, image is a quotient space of image, where a node in image is a subset of nodes in image. If a node in image contains more than one of image’s nodes, it is said to be a component. Therefore, the compressed decomposition of image is a process of constructing its quotient spaces.
Since image is a directed tree, there exist linear assembly plans. Due to the compressed decomposition, the problem of planning assembly sequences of image is transformed into a set of sub-problems, the planning assembly sequences of components in image. By successively using the compressed decomposition, we will finally have an assembly plan of the overall product.
Assume that image is a compressed graph of image, or it is simply denoted by E. E is a direct acyclic graph. For all image, we define the fan-in image of a as the number of directed edges of E which terminate in a.
Since E is a directed acyclic graph, there exists image such that image. If image, a is said to be a l-class node. Generally, for image, if the highest class of a's father nodes is k, then a is a (k+1)-class node.
Thus, the assembly procedure of E is the following. Taking out all l-class nodes, then all 2-class nodes are merged to their own father nodes along the opposite direction of d, respectively. Generally, If 1- to k-class nodes have been merged, then all (k+1)-class nodes are merged to their own father nodes along the opposite directions of d, respectively. The process is continued, we finally have graph E. The process is called E-assembly.
Cyclic Compressed Decomposition
Assume that a set of possible disassembly trajectories of produce W is image.
Component c and disassembly direction image are given. After the compressed decomposition of image along d, if we have a set image of components, then c is said to be undecomposable corresponding to d.
Cyclic Compressed Decomposition Algorithm – Algorithm I
Product W and a set image of possible disassembly directions are given. We compose a new infinitely cyclic sequence image, where image when image.
Given an index i and a set image of components, for image, define a label image.
Initially, image, image, image, image.
If image, success.
Otherwise, for image, to find the compressed decomposition of c along direction image.
If c is undecomposable
If image, failure
Otherwise, let image, c is included in set image.
Otherwise, c is decomposed into some new components, and they are included in set image.
By letting image and image, go to Loop.
Note that when c is decomposed, image is decomposed into image and image, where the nodes of image are said to be new components of c.
Assembly Planning Algorithm – Algorithm II
Assume that algorithm I succeeds. We have a set


If nodes in some compressed graph image are parts, then image is called a l-class component. Generally, 1-k class components have been defined. Then, when the level of nodes in compressed graph image of image is less than or equal to k-class, and at less one node is k-class, then image is called a (k+1)-class component.
The assembly procedure is the following.
Each 1-class component in H is assembled, according to its compressed graph. Assume that 1-k class components have been assembled. Then, k+1 class components are assembled, until the overall product W is assembled.
Obviously, if Algorithm I succeeds, it means that the compressed decomposition has been done along all directions image. If there is a component which has continuously been decomposed for s times, and is still undecomposable, then its label is (s-1), i.e., algorithm I fails. Since algorithm I succeeds, it shows that the labels of all components are less than (s-1). Therefore, all components in W have been decomposed into the union of parts.
On the other hand, since product W only has N parts, W must be demounted into single parts in N-1 time decompositions at most.
When each component of a directed tree image has been decomposed, we have a directed graph image. Obviously, image is a quotient space of image. Moreover, graph image can be reconstructed, by replacing each component of image with its corresponding compressed decomposition graph along some direction.
By repeatedly using the compressed decomposition, a sequence of quotient spaces can be obtained. The upper level graph is a quotient space of its lower level one. And the lower level graph is gained by replacing some nodes of its high level graph with their corresponding directed trees.

5.1.3. Examples

Example 5.1

Product W consisting of six parts is shown in Fig. 5.5, to find its assembly sequences.
Figure 5.5 Product W
Figure 5.6 Graphs image and image
Figure 5.7 Graphs image and image
From empirical knowledge of product W, we know that there are four possible disassembly trajectories. Namely, image and image.
First, from the geometric knowledge, we construct a directed graph image of W along direction image. By the compressed decomposition of image, image is obtained, where image and image (see Fig. 5.6).
The directed graph image of image along image is constructed shown in Fig. 5.7. By the compressed decomposition of image, we have image, where image and image.
The directed graph image of image along image is constructed, and is shown in Fig. 5.8. By the compressed decomposition of image, we have image, where image and image (see Fig. 5.8).
Figure 5.8 Graphs image and image
Figure 5.9 Graph image
The directed graph image of image along image is constructed, and is shown in Fig. 5.9. This is a directed tree. The compressed decomposition process terminates.
Now, the assembly process goes on in the opposite directions. First, since image is a directed tree, simply by putting part 2 on part 3, fitting part 5 onto parts 2 and 3 along the opposite direction of image, we obtain subassembly image.
Second, by inserting part 6 into part 5 from left to right, the opposite direction of image in image, we have subassembly image, where image.
Finally, based on image, by fitting image onto part 4, and screwing part 1 on part 4, we have product W.
From a technological point of view, it is awkward to fit image onto part 4. To prohibit the awkward assembly trajectory, the right one is moving part 4 upward to image.
In order to overcome the above defect, it only needs to revise the construction process of directed graph image as follows.
image is a directed edge of image. If the disassembly of b along direction d is not allowable, then edge image is represented by a double-headed arrow image. It means that parts a and b can be assembled in two different directions. We can choose one of them depending on the technological requirement. The revised directed graph is denoted by image. Graph image is compressed to tree image. The rest of the compressed decomposition procedure remains unchanged. The revised algorithm I may satisfy the technological requirement as well.

Example 5.2

Product W is as shown in Fig. 5.5. The procedure of inserting part 2 or/and part 3 into part 4 is not allowable.
Some directed graphs and compressed directed graphs image, image, image and image are shown in Fig. 5.10. The rest is the same as Example 5.1.
The final assembly procedure is the following. Since image and image are the same as image and image, respectively, the first two assembly steps are the same as before. Then, we have the subassembly image. From image we insert part 4 into image. From image screwing part 1 into image, we have the overall product W.
Figure 5.10 Graphs image, image, image and image

5.1.4. Computational Complexity

The Completeness of Algorithms
First we show the completeness of the above algorithms.
If the successively compressed decomposition, i.e., algorithm I succeeds, from algorithm II, it is known that there exists an assembly plan.
If algorithm I fails, there exists a component c such that image. We will next show there does not exist a monotonic assembly plan of product W along the given assembly (disassembly) trajectories image.


Assume there is an assembly plan F. Given a component c such that image, where c is a component of product W, letting image be the disassembly plan corresponding to F, then there must exist some stage of image such that c is disassembled along some direction d. Therefore, c is decomposable. This is in contradiction with image.

Proposition 5.1

Assume that product W has N parts. The computational complexity of algorithm I is image, where s is the total number of the possible disassembly trajectories of W.


Assume that image is a set of mutually disjoint components of W. Each component image has image parts.
The computational complexity for constructing each directed graph image of image along some direction image, where image is a set of possible disassembly trajectories of W, is less than or equal to image. This can be simply shown as follows.
Assume that a component b has m parts, i.e., image. Given a direction d, we construct a image matrix C as follows.



Now, a directed graph image is constructed as follows.
If image then a directed edge image in image is constructed. Since the number of the entities in C, except image, is image, the computational complexity for constructing image is image at most.
Therefore, the total computational complexity for constructing directed graph image along some direction d is


For s possible disassembly trajectories, the total complexity for constructing directed graph image is


Now, we consider the complexity for obtaining the compressed graph image from image, where component c has a parts. Given a node image, starting from b1, we find a directed path image. If in some step, we have a node image, which is a leaf of image, then image belongs to image. This means that image has two nodes at least, namely, c is decomposed into the union of image and image at least. Or in some step, we find a directed loop l, shrinking l into a point, from point l a directed path is explored. The process continues. After a steps, either c is decomposed into two parts at least, or c is undecomposable along d direction.
For each image along directions image making compressed decomposition, after s time decompositions either c is decomposed or image, i.e., algorithm I fails. The computational complexityimage, where a is the number of parts in c.
Now, for each of the directed graphs image along directions image repeatedly making decomposition, respectively, its complexity is image, where ai is the number of parts in component ci.
In other words, after less than or equal to sN decompositions, either at least one of the components in W is decomposed or W is undecomposable, i.e., algorithm I fails.
On the other hand, so long as product W has been decomposed for N-1 times at most, it must be decomposed into single parts.
The total complexity of the successively compressed decomposition isimage.
By adding the complexities for constructing the directed graph and making compressed decomposition together, we obtain the total complexityimage.

Corollary 5.1

If image, the complexity of algorithm I is image.

Proposition 5.2

If the complexity of assembling two parts (or components) is regarded as 1, then the complexity of algorithm II isimage.

5.1.5. Conclusions

A product W consists of N parts. If all possible permutations of the parts are considered, the number of possible assembly sequences would be N!. This implies that it is not the right way to find the assembly sequences by considering all possible combinations. The essence of multi-granular computing is to break the problem into manageable ones. In our assembly sequences generation, by the cyclic compressed decompositions the product W is decomposed into different kinds of subassemblies hierarchically. Let's consider Example 5.1 again. By the compressed decomposition along the direction image, we break the product W into subassembly image, parts 1 and 4. And from the compressed decomposition along the direction image, it shows that the subassembly V1 is undecomposable, and is denoted by image. Then, by the compressed decomposition along the direction image, the subassembly image is split into sub-subassembly image and part 6. Finally, image is decomposed into single parts 2, 3 and 5. We finally have a tree structure as shown in Fig. 5.11. The upper level node is a quotient space of its lower level nodes. The assembly of product W simply goes on from bottom to top along the tree. Therefore, the computational complexity is reduced.
Figure 5.11 The Disassembly Tree
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