Chapter 6

Statistical Heuristic Search


Heuristic search is a graph search procedure which uses heuristic information from sources outside the graph. But for many known algorithms, the computational complexity depends on the precision of the heuristic estimates, and for lack of global view in the search process the exponential explosion will be encountered when the node evaluation function estimated is not very precise. Based on the similarity between the statistical inference and heuristic search, we consider a heuristic search as a random sampling process, and treat evaluation functions as random variables. Once a searching direction is chosen, it's regarded as if making a statistical inference. By transferring the statistical inference techniques to the heuristic search, a new search method called statistical heuristic search algorithm, SA for short, is obtained. The procedure of SA is divided into two steps hierarchically. First it identifies quickly the most promising subpart (sub-tree) of a search graph by using some statistical inference method. The sub-trees which contain the goal with lower probability are rejected (pruned). The most promising one is selected. Second, it expands nodes within the selected sub-tree using some common heuristic search algorithm. These two steps are used alternately. The statistical heuristic search can be regarded as one of the applications of multi-granular computing.

Due to the combination of different statistical inference and heuristic search methods, different kinds of statistical heuristic search algorithms can be obtained. The SPA algorithms, the combination of the Wald sequential probability ratio test method and best first search algorithm, the SAA algorithms, the combination of asymptotically efficient sequential fixed-width confidence estimation of the mean and best first search, etc. are presented.

Their computational complexity, the comparison to other search methods and weighted techniques are discussed. The extension to AND/OR graph search is also discussed.


computational complexity; graph search; heuristic search; statistical heuristic search; statistical inference

Chapter Outline

In computer problem solving, we know that many types of real problems are conveniently described as a task of finding some properties of graphs. Recall that a graph consists of a set of nodes, which represent encodings of sub-problems. Every graph has a unique node s called the root node, representing the initial problem in hand. Certain pairs of nodes are connected by directed arcs, which represent operators available to the problem solver. If an arc is directed from node n to node p, node p is said to be a successor of n and node n is said to be a father of p. The number of successors emanating from a given node is called the branching factor (or branching degree) of that node, and is denoted by m. A sequence image of nodes, where each image is a successor of image, is called a path from node image to node image with length k. The cost of a path is normally understood to be the sum of the costs of all the arcs along the path.
A tree is a graph in which each node (except one root node) has only one father. A uniform m-ary tree is a tree in which every node has the same branching factor m.
Now, we consider a problem in hand that is incomplete knowledge or highly uncertain. In order to solve the problem, the search means is generally adopted, i.e., to search the solution in a problem solving space or a search graph. Thus, search is one of the main fields in artificial intelligence. If the size of the space is small, the exhaustive and blind search strategy can be adopted. But if the space becomes larger some sort of heuristic information should be used in order to enhance the search efficiency.
Heuristic search is a graph search procedure which uses heuristic information from sources outside the graph. Some heuristic search algorithms, for example image, have been investigated for the past thirty years. In those algorithms, taking BF (Best-First) for example, the promise of a node in a search graph is estimated numerically by a heuristic node evaluation function image, which depends on the knowledge about the problem domain. The node selected for expansion is the one that has the lowest (best) image among all open nodes.
But for many known algorithms, the computational complexity depends on the precision of the heuristic estimates, and for lack of global view in the search process the exponential explosion will be encountered when the node evaluation function estimated is not very precise. For example, Pearl (1984a, 1984b) made a thorough study about the relations between the precision of the heuristic estimates and the average complexity of image, and it is confirmed that a necessary and sufficient condition for maintaining a polynomial search complexity is that image be guided by heuristics with logarithmic precision. In reality, such heuristics are difficult to obtain.
Based on the similarity between the statistical inference and heuristic search, we consider a heuristic search as a random sampling process, and treat evaluation functions as random variables. Once a searching direction is chosen, it's regarded as if making a statistical inference. By transferring the statistical inference techniques to the heuristic search, a new search method called statistical heuristic search algorithm, SA for short, is obtained. Some recent results of SA search are presented in this chapter (Zhang and Zhang, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1989a, 1989b).
In Section 6.1, the principle of SA is discussed. The procedure of SA is divided into two steps hierarchically. First it identifies quickly the most promising subpart (sub-tree) of a search graph by using some statistical inference method. The sub-trees which contain the goal with lower probability are rejected (pruned). The most promising one is selected. Second, it expands nodes within the selected sub-tree using some common heuristic search algorithm. These two steps are used alternately.
In Section 6.2 the computational complexity of SA is discussed. Since a global judgment is added in the search, and the judgment is just based on the difference rather than the precision of the statistics extracted from different parts of a search graph, the exponential explosion encountered in some known search algorithms can be avoided in SA. It's shown that under Hypothesis I, SA may maintain a polynomial mean complexity.
In Section 6.3, in order to implement a global judgment on sub-trees, the subparts of a search graph, information which represents their global property should be extracted from the sub-trees. The extraction of global information is discussed. Moreover, both global information extraction and statistic heuristic search process will be explained by the quotient space theory.
In Section 6.4, Hypothesis I is compared with the conditions which induce a polynomial mean complexity of A. It indicates that, in general, Hypothesis I which yields a polynomial mean complexity of SA is weaker than the latter.
In Section 6.5, from the hierarchical problem solving viewpoint, the statistical heuristic search strategy is shown to be an instantiation of the multi-granular computing strategy.

6.1. Statistical Heuristic Search

6.1.1. Heuristic Search Methods

1. BF Algorithm
Assume that G is a finite graph, image is a node and image is a goal node in G. Our aim is to find a path in G from image to image. We regarded the distance between two nodes as available information and define its distance function image as


where image is the shortest path from image to n
Define image as


where image is the shortest path from n to image
Let image. image is the evaluation function of image, denoted by image, where image and image are evaluation functions of image and image, respectively.
Several best-first strategies in heuristic search differ in the type of evaluation functions they employ. The most popular algorithm in use is image search which uses an additive evaluation function image and image image. Algorithm image has the following properties.

Property 6.1

If there exists a path from image to image and algorithm image can find the shortest path from image to image, then image is called admissible.
If image has the following constraint, i.e., image, image, where image is the path from image to image, image is called monotonic.

Property 6.2

If image is monotonic, when image expands any node n, we always have image.

Property 6.3

If image is monotonic then the values of image corresponding to the sequence of nodes that expanded by image are non-decreasing.
Obviously, if the values of image are strictly increasing, then the nodes expanded by image are mutually non-repeated.
2. The Probabilistic Model of Heuristic Search
Nilsson (1980) presented image algorithm and discussed its properties. Pearl (1984a, 1984b) from probabilistic viewpoint, analyzed the relation between the precision of the heuristic estimates and the average complexity of image comprehensively.
Pearl assumes that a uniform imageary tree G has a unique goal node image at depth N at an unknown location. image algorithm searches the goal using evaluation function image, image, where image is the depth of node n, image is the estimation of image, and image is the distance from n to image. Assume that image is a random variable ranging over image and its distribution function is image. image is the average number of nodes that expanded by image, until the goal image is found, and is called the average complexity of image.
One of his results is the following.
For any node in a uniform imageary tree, there exist two fixed positive numbers image, image and a normalizing function image such that



image is called an evaluation function having a typical error of order image, where N is the depth of the search.

Property 6.4

If image has a typical error of order image and image, then the mean complexity of the corresponding image search is image, where c is a positive constant.
From Property 6.4, it’s known that if image is estimation with a typical error of order image, then the mean complexity of image is greater than image, where k is a given positive integer. This means that the mean complexity of image is not polynomial.

Corollary 6.1

If image is an estimation function with a typical error of order image, then the necessary and sufficient condition that image has a polynomial mean complexity is that image is a function with logarithmic order.
A specific case: if there exist image and image such that


then image
Formula (6.3) shows that so long as the probability that the relative error of image is greater than any positive number is greater than image, the complexity of image is exponential. So the exponential explosion of image search cannot be avoided generally, since it is already difficult to make the function estimation less than very small positive number moreover less than any small positive number.
It is difficult to avoid the exponential explosion for image search. The reason is that the global information is not to be fully used in the search. The complexity of image search depends on the accuracy of the evaluation function estimation; the accuracy requirement is too harsh. Actually, the information needed in search is only the distinction of evaluation functions between two types of paths containing and not containing goal node, while not necessarily needing the precise values. So the ‘distinction’ is much more important than the ‘precision’ of evaluation function estimation. We will show next how the statistical inference methods are used to judging the ‘distinction’ among search paths effectively, i.e., to decide which path is promising than the others based on the global information.

6.1.2. Statistical Inference

Statistical inference is an inference technique for testing some statistical hypothesis - an assertion about distribution of one or more random variables based on their observed samples. It is one major area in mathematical statistics (Zacks, 1971; Hogg et al., 1977).
1. SPRT Method
The Wald Sequential Probability Ratio Test or SPRT method is follows.
Assume that image is a sequence of identically independent distribution (i.i.d.) random variables. image is its distributed density function. There are two simple hypotheses image and image. Given n observed values, we have a sum:


According to the stopping rule, when image the sampling continues, if image, hypothesis image is accepted and the sampling stop at the R-th observation; if image, hypothesis image is accepted, where a and b are two given constants and image.
The SPRT has the following properties.

Property 6.5

If hypotheses image and image are true, then the probability that the stopping variable R is a finite number is one.

Property 6.6

If image, then image, where R is a stopping random variable of the SPRT, where image.

Property 6.7

Given a significance levelimage, letting image, image, image and image. If image, then the mean of stopping variable, the average sample size, of SPRT is






If the distribution of the random variable is normal, then the stopping rule of SPRT is as follows.


where image and image. The Type I error is image. The Type II error is image. Type I error means rejecting image when it is true. Type II error means that when image is true but we fail to reject image.
2. ASM Method
Asymptotically Efficient Sequential Fixed-width Confidence Estimation of the Mean, or ASM, is the following.
Assume that image is a sequence of identically independent distribution (i.i.d.) random variables and its joint distributed density function is F, image, where image is a set of distribution functions with finite fourth moments. Given image and image, we use the following formula to define stopping variable image, i.e., image is the minimal integer that satisfies the following formula


where image and image
Let image be the mean of image. The following theorem holds.

Theorem 6.1

Under the above definition, we have

Property 6.8

image, the probability of image is greater than image, where, image is a fixed-width confidence interval and is denoted by image in the following discussion, and image is the mean of image.

Property 6.9

If image, then we have image and image, where image indicates almost surely, or almost everywhere.

Property 6.10

image, we have


where, image is the variance of F and image is the mean of image.

Property 6.11

image, image constant. Let image. From image and Property 6.3, we have:


Both Formulas (6.4) and (6.8) provide the order of the mean of stopping variable, i.e., the order of the average sample size. In Pearl’s probabilistic model, the average complexity of a search algorithm is the average number of nodes expanded by the algorithm. If we regard a heuristic search as a random sampling process, the average number of expanded nodes is just the average sample size. Therefore, Formulas (6.4) and (6.8) provide useful expressions for estimating the mean computational complexity of search algorithms.
In the above discussion, for simplicity, we assume that the sequence image of random variables is identically independent distribution either in algorithm SPRT or ASM. In Section 6.3, we will further show that when weakening the i.i.d. constraint Formulas (6.4) and (6.8) still hold.

6.1.3. Statistical Heuristic Search

1. The Model of Search Tree
Search tree G is a uniform imageary tree. There are root node image and unique goal node image at depth N. For each node p at depth N, define a value image such that image, where image are goal nodes. Obviously, if image, then image is a unique goal node.
For any node n in G, image represents a sub-tree of G rooted at node n. If n locates at the i-th level, image is called the image subtree (Fig. 6.1).
When search proceeds to a certain stage, the subtree image composed by all expanded nodes is called expanded tree. image is the expanded subtree in image.
Heuristic information: For image, image is a given function value. Assume that image is the estimation of image. Therefore, the procedure of image (or BF) algorithm is to expand the nodes that have the minimal value of image among all open nodes first.
2. Statistic(an)
In order to apply the statistical inference methods, the key is to extract a proper statistic from image. There are several approaches to deal with the problem. We introduce one feasible method as follows.
Fixed image, let image be an expanded tree of image and k is the number of nodes in image. Let


where, F is a composition function of image.
When a node of image is expanded, we have a statistic image. When we said that the observation of a subtree in image is continued, it means that the expansion of nodes in image is continued, and a new statistic image is calculated based on Formula (6.9). image is called a new observed value.
In order to use Formulas (6.4) and (6.8), for image we make the following assumption.
Figure 6.1 A Search Tree

Assumption I

For any image, image is assumed to be a set of identically independent random variables. Let L be a shortest path from image. If image, then image; while image, then image, where image is the mean of image.
In the following discussion, if we say ‘to implement a statistical inference on subtree T’, it means ‘to implement a statistical inference on statistic image corresponding to T’. image is called a statistic of a subtree, or a global statistic.
3. SA Algorithm Routine
Given a hypothesis testing method S, introducing the method to a heuristic search algorithm A, then we have a statistical heuristic search algorithm SA. Its routine is the following.
Step 1: expand the root node image, we have m successors, i.e., 0-subtrees. The subtrees obtained compose a set U.
Step 2: Implement statistical inference S on U.
(1) If U is empty, algorithm SA fails. It means that the solution path is deleted mistakenly.
(2) For each image subtree in U, expand node n that has the minimal value of image among all expanded nodes. If there are several such nodes, then choose one that has the maximal depth. If there are still several nodes at the maximal depth, then choose any one of them. The newly expanded nodes are put into U as the successors of each subtree. Then implement a statistical inference on each subtree in U.
(a) When a node at depth N is encountered, if it’s a goal node then succeed; otherwise fail.
(b) If the hypothesis is accepted in some i-subtree T, then all nodes of subtrees are removed from U except T. the subtree index image and go to Step 2.
(c) If the hypothesis is rejected in some i-subtree T, then all nodes in T are removed from U and go to Step 2.
(d) Otherwise, go to Step 2.
In fact, the SA algorithm is the combination of statistical inference method S and heuristic search BF. Assume that a node is expanded into m sub-nodes image. A subtree rooted at image in the i-th level is denoted by i-image, i.e., i-subtree. Implementing the statistical inference S over i-subtrees image, prune away the i-subtrees with low probability that containing goal g and retain the i-subtrees with high probability, i.e., their probability is greater than a given positive number. The BF search continues on the nodes of the reserved sub-tree, e.g., i-image. That is, the search continues on the (i+1)-subtrees under i-image. The process goes on hierarchically until goal g is found.
Obviously, as long as the statistical decision in each level can be made in a polynomial time, through N levels (N is the depth at which the goal is located), the goal can be found in a polynomial time. Fortunately, under certain conditions SPRT and many other statistical inference methods can satisfy such a requirement. This is just the benefit which SA search gets from statistical inference.
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