1.3. The Acquisition of Different Grain-Size Worlds

What are the principles of partitioning or granulation of the worlds? Certainly, some of them are domain-dependent. Some are not. We now discuss the general principles.
Granulation problem can be performed in three different ways.
First, the granulation is directly executed on domains (or universes). A domain is partitioned into regions with different sizes, and then we have a new grain-size world.
Second, the granulation is first performed on attribute values f. And then the domain is accordingly partitioned based on the granulation of f.
Third, the granulation is carried out on structure T. The domain is then partitioned based on the granulation of T.

1.3.1. The Granulation of Domain

1. Function Based Granulation

Elements of a domain are classified according to their functions, i.e., the elements with the same (or similar) function are classified into one category. For example, the granulations of an instrument and a factory are shown in Figs 1.2 and 1.3, respectively.

2. Constraint-Based Granulation

Given n constraints image, and a domain X, we may partition X according to image. That is, for constraint image, X is divided into two classes. One satisfies image. The other does not. Then, the two classes are further divided into two sub-classes, respectively, according to image and so on. So we have a 2-ary tree structure of X.
Obviously, for each image, X can be divided into more than two classes, which satisfy image in various degrees. We then end up with a general tree structure of X.
In reality, this kind of granulations is used extensively.

Example 1.1

Suppose that we design a building which must satisfy a lot of constraints, such as two floors, three bedrooms, the area of dining room must be greater than 10 square meters, etc. First, we have a building sketch which only satisfies some main constraints. Then, the sketch is refined. Finally, we have a complete design. From the hierarchical point of view, the building sketch can be regarded as an equivalence class consisting of all sorts of buildings that satisfy the main constraints. Then the equivalence class is gradually partitioned into the final design via the refining of the sketch.

3. Granulation by Combination

From a known quotient space image, its supremum image and infimum image quotient spaces may be obtained. Then, we have three quotient sets with different granularities. Through intersection and union operations over the three quotient sets, we have a new quotient set and its corresponding quotient space (see Section 1.4 for more details).

1.3.2. The Granulation by Attributes

Partition attribute values first, then the corresponding partition of the domain is obtained.

1. Granulation by Attribute Values

Assume that image is an attribute function. If f is single-valued, then X can be partitioned in accordance with attribute values Y. Usually, we are familiar with Y, for example, Y is a real number or a Euclidean space image. We can classify X by using Y as follows.
Assume that image is a partition of Y. Define:


image is a partition of X.

Example 1.2

X is a set of examinees attending the nation-wide university's entrance examination. For each examinee image indicates his total test scores (TTS). Let image. Divide Y into image, image, image, and image, where 520 is the minimal TTS required for admission to key universities, 460 is the minimal TTS for general universities, 420 is the minimal TTS for institutes.
Define: image.
X4 is the set of examinees admitted to key universities, X3 is the set of examinees admitted to general universities, etc. In a word, based on the partition of a subset [0,700] of real numbers, we have a corresponding partition of examinees.
Granulation by attribute values is extensively used in rough set theory (Pawlak, 1982). Assume that image, denoted by image in rough set, is a data table (information system), where image. Ai is the quotient set corresponding to image. Granulation by attribute values is sometimes called the quantification of attribute values.
Define image. Xi is a quotient set of X, where image is the granulation of f. If X is simultaneously granulated by image and image, the corresponding quotient space obtained is denoted by image. image is the supremum of image and image. Using all combinations of the quantification of attribute values, the corresponding quotient spaces (sets) gained are all possible quotient spaces that can be obtained by the granulation based on the attribute values. One of the main goals in rough set analysis is to choose a proper one from among all the possible quotient spaces so that the recognition or classification task can be effectively achieved.

Example 1.3

Assume that X is a set of freshmen. The constitution of the freshmen can be described by several attributes such as image height, image weight, image sight, etc. Sometimes, we are only concerned with some of them and classify the freshmen based on these attributes. This classification is regarded as a projection-based method.

Example 1.4

A data table image is given below.


Based on attribute values we have the following quotient spaces.


and have


whereimagedenotes the supremum operation.
If all quotient spaces in a semi-order lattice, which order is decided by the inclusion relation of subsets of attributes, are given, the so-called ‘attribute reduction’ in rough set theory is to find the simplest supremum within the semi-order lattice, where the ‘simplest’ means the minimal number of attributes.
In rough set theory, given a quotient space (knowledge base) and a set S, if S can be entirely represented by the union of elements in the quotient space, S is called crisp or discernible, otherwise, indiscernible. The indiscernible set can be represented by the upper and lower approximation sets.
‘Fuzziness’ is an inevitable outcome of his/her observation when he/she watches the world at a coarse grain-size. So the concept of fuzziness is closely related to granularity and can be described by quotient spaces with different granularities. Using the elements of a set of quotient spaces to depict ‘fuzziness’, the cost is greatly reduced since the potential of quotient spaces is much less than that of the original space. The description of fuzziness by membership functions in fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965) is very expensive. The description of fuzziness in rough set theory is less expensive but still much more expensive than the quotient space description.
When ‘fuzziness’ appears in our observation, this means that we are lacking detail. If we use an elaborate tool to describe a ‘fuzzy’ object in detail, it seems unreasonable. Thus, the representation of fuzziness by membership functions in fuzzy set theory is not necessarily an effective method.

2. Projection-Based Partition

Assume that f is multi-dimensional. Let its n attribute components be image, X is classified with respect to image values, while ignoring their attribute components image. This method is said to be a projection-based method.
The geometrical interpretation of the projection-based method is that observing the same object from different view-points. For example, the three perspective drawings of a mechanical part are based on the projection-based method.

1.3.3. Granulation by Structures

1. Coarse Topology

Problem image is given. Assume that T1 is a topology on X denoted by image.

Definition 1.6

Given image, T1 and T1 < T. Define an equivalence relation R on X as image, where image is an open neighborhood of x(y) on T1.
From quotient set X1 defined by R, we have a quotient space image. Since structure T1 is coarser than T, image is a quotient space of image. Through coarsening structure T, we have a new coarse space which may not necessarily be obtained from domain granulation or granulation by attributes.

Example 1.5

A topologic space image, where


Let image, T1<T.
Then, we have X1 and quotient space image, where X1 = X.
Since the quotient topology [T] of X1 is T, image cannot be obtained from domain granulation.
An example is given below to show how to use the structure-based granulation to problem solving.

Example 1.6

In a temporal world model presented by Allen (1981, 1983, 1984), there are 13 temporal relations between two events, i.e., image. For two events image and image, their 13 temporal relations are defined as follows.


Assume that X is a set of events in question. All time intervals that events happened in are regarded as attribute functions, the 13 temporal relations as structure T. Then, temporal planning is transformed into solving problem image.
Coarsening structure T, e.g., 13 temporal relations are simplified to eight relations T1 as follows.


Quotient structure T1 is obtained from structure T by merging both image and image into image, and both image and image into image.
Define quotient set image, where image is a set of temporal relations between events x and y.
Quotient space image is coarser than the original space image. In Chapter 6, we will show the problem solving based on the coarsening structure and by using the corresponding falsity preserving, etc. properties to reduce the computational complexity in problem solving.

2. Classification with Overlapped Elements

In some cases, some image may belong to more than one class. For example, in an electronic instrument, one part may be contained in two different components. That is, the classification has overlapped elements or the contours of classes are blurred. We have:

Definition 1.7

Assume that X is a domain, image is a subset of X, where I is a set of subscripts. If image, regarding Ai as a set of new elements, then image is a new abstraction level.
It should be noted that image, doesn't always hold here. In order to distinguish the classification with overlapped elements, we use angle brackets < > instead of square brackets [ ]. Here the symbol Ai is used for representing both subsets of X denoted by image, and elements of image denoted by image.
In Chapter 2, we will discuss one specific case, i.e., tolerant relations, of classification with overlapped elements.
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