5.3. The Topological Model of Motion Planning

The idea of representing the motion planning problem in configuration space is to transform the moving object into a point and have the point move through that space. Generally, this is simpler than to consider the original object moving through the physical space, although the dimensions of the configuration space are usually higher than those of the physical one. The drawback of the above geometric approaches is in need of considering all geometric details throughout the entire planning process. When the environment is rather complicated, the computational complexity will increase rapidly.
From the multi-granular computing strategy, the problem can be solved in such a way that the problem is treated in some coarse-grained space by ignoring the geometric details first, after that we go deeply into the details of the physical space in some regions that contain the potential solutions. Since the less-promising regions have been pruned off in the first step, the computational complexity can be reduced by the strategy.
If the motion planning problem can be represented by a topological model, and under certain conditions the geometric details can be omitted, then we may deal with the problem in the simplified topologic space. Thus, we discuss the topological model first (Zhang and Zhang, 1982a, 1982b, 1988a, 1988b, 1988c, 1988d, 1988e, 1990c; Schwatz and Shatic, 1983a, 1983b; Chien et al., 1984; Toussaint, 1985).

5.3.1. The Mathematical Model of Topology-Based Problem Solving

Some problem solving can be stated as follows. From a given starting state, by a finite number of operations, then the final goal is reached. This is similar to the concept of arcwise connectivity in topology.
Arcwise Connected Set
image is an n-dimensional Euclidian space. For image, image, if there exists a finite set image of points such that point image connects to image by a set image of broken lines in A, then A is called arcwise connected. That is, any two points in A can be interconnected by a finite set of broken lines in A. If x is a starting state, y is a goal state, and a broken line connected image with image regarded as an operator, then the problem of judging whether image and image belong to the same arcwise connected set is equivalent to finding out whether there is a finite number of operations such that the given starting state can be transformed into the given goal state.
The Topologic Model of Problem Solving
X is a domain. Introducing a topology T into X, then we have a topologic space image. Assume that image is a set of mappings. If image is a mapping, p is called an operator on X. Assume that P satisfies the following conditions.
image, letting image, i.e., image is the composition of image and image then image. Namely, P is closed with respect to the composition operation.

Definition 5.4

Assume that P is a set of operations on X. If for image and image, x and image belong to the same arcwise connected component on image, P and T are called consistent. If image and image belong to the same arcwise connected set, there exists image, then P is called complete.
In a general topologic space, the arcwise connectivity can be defined as follows.
image is a topologic space and image. If for image there is a continuous transformation image and image, where image is a closed interval in real axis, then A is called an arcwise connected set, and image, image, is called a path that connects points x and y.
Since the combination of an operation is still an operation, the implement of a finite number of operations is equivalent to that of one operation. So the problem solving can be restated as follows.
Starting state image, goal state image and a set P of operations are given. The aim of problem solving is to find if there is an operation image such that image. If such an operation exists, it’s said that the corresponding problem has a solution; otherwise, there is no solution. If the solution exists, the goal is to find the corresponding operator p.

Proposition 5.3

Assume that a set P of operations and topology T on image are consistent and complete. image and image are starting and goal states, respectively. The corresponding problem has a solution image image and image belong to the same arcwise connected component on X.


image: If the problem has a solution, there exists image. Since P is consistent, image and image belong to the same arcwise connected set.
image : If image and image belong to the same arcwise connected set, from the completeness of P, there exists image.
The proposition shows that a problem solving can be transformed into the arcwise connectivity judgment problem in a topologic space.
We introduce some properties of connectivity below.
Primary Properties of Connectivity
Definition 5.5
image is a topologic space. If X cannot be represented by the union of two non-empty and mutually disjoint open sets, then X is called connected.
image, if A is regarded as a topologic sub-space image and connected, then A is a connected set on X, where image is an induced topology on A from T.

Property 5.1

If A is arcwise connected, then A is connected.

Property 5.2

Assume that image is a continuous mapping. image and image are topologic spaces. If X is connected, then image is connected on Y.
Property 5.2 shows that the continuous image of a connected set is still connected.

Property 5.3

image, if image and image are connected and image, then image is connected.

Property 5.4

If A is connected and image, then B is connected, where image is the closure of A.

Definition 5.6

image is a topologic space. If image, for any neighborhood u of x, there exists a (arcwise) connected neighborhood image, image, of x, X is called locally (arcwise) connected.

Property 5.5

If image is connected and locally arcwise connected, then X is arcwise connected.

Property 5.6

image is an open connected set, then A is arcwise connected, where image is an n-dimensional Euclidian space.
Properties 5.5 and 5.6 show that in a certain condition, arcwise connectivity can be replaced by connectivity; the judgment of the latter is easier than the former.

5.3.2. The Topologic Model of Collision-Free Paths Planning

In this section, the topologic model of problem solving above will be applied to collision-free paths planning (Chien et al., 1984; Zhang and Zhang, 1988a, 1988b, 1988c, 1988d, 1988e).
Assume that A is a rigid body. The judgment of whether there is any collision-free path of body A, moving from the initial position to the goal position among obstacles, is a collision-free paths detection problem. When the paths exist, the finding of the paths is the collision-free paths planning problem.
For simplicity, assume that A is a polyhedron and obstacles image are convex polyhedrons.
First, we discuss domain X and its topology.
Assume that O is any specified point of A. D is the range of activity of point O. S is a unit sphere. C is a unit circle.
O is a point taken from A arbitrarily. Via point O any direction on A is taken and denoted by image. The position of A is represented by the coordinate image of point O, direction image is represented by angles image, and the rotation of A around image is represented by angle image.
image is the product topologic space of image and image, where D is a three-dimensional Euclidian topology, S is a sphere Euclidian topology and C is a circle Euclidian topology. For any image, image. If A at x does not meet with any obstacle, x is called a state of A.

Definition 5.7

image is a set of all states of A. If X is regarded as a subspace of image, there is a topology on X denoted by image. image is a state space corresponding to A.
P is a set of operations. The operations over A mean all possible movements of A, including translation, rotation, and their combination. If object A moves from state image to image without collision by operation p then image; otherwise, i.e., with collision then image. The latter means that operation p is impracticable for state image.
From the definition, it’s known that P and topology T on image are consistent and complete.
From Proposition 5.3, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 5.4

Starting state image and goal state image are given. Object A moves from image to image without collision image image and image belong to the same arcwise connected component on image.
When A and obstacles image are polyhedrons image is locally arcwise connected.
From Property 5.5, we have

Proposition 5.5

Starting state image and goal state image are given. Object A moves from image to image without collision image image and image belong to the same connected component on image.
Rotation Mapping Graph (RMG)
From Propositions 5.4 and 5.5, it’s known that a collision-free paths planning problem can be transformed into that of judging if two points belong to the same connected component in a topologic space. For a three-dimensional rigid object, its domain X on image (collision-free paths planning) has six parameters, i.e., X is six-dimensional. It’s hard to jude the connectivity of any set in a six-dimensional space. Thus, we introduce the concept of rotation mapping graph (RMG) and its corresponding algorithms.

Definition 5.8

image is a subset of a product space image. Construct a mapping image as image, then F is a mapping corresponding to A, where each image is a subset on image.
Conversely, assume that image, image is a subset on image. Construct a set image. image is called a map corresponding to F. Now, we use the map to depict the domain X of image.
Assume that X is a state space image corresponding to A. Let image. Obviously, we have image. Thus, image is a map corresponding to X, f is called a rotation mapping of A.

Definition 5.9

Assume that f is a rotation mapping of A. Let image be a map corresponding to f. image is called a rotation mapping graph of A.
From the definition, we have image. By the rotation mapping graph, a six-dimensional space is changed to a set mapping graph from three-dimensional domain to three-dimensional range. Therefore, the connectivity problem of a high dimensional space is changed to that of the connectivity on several low dimensional spaces.
Now, we show the relation between a rotation mapping graph and its corresponding mapping by the following example.

Example 5.3

As shown in Fig. 5.14, E is a two-dimensional set, to find its corresponding mapping, where a product space is represented by a rectangular coordinate system.
Figure 5.14 The Relation Between a RMG and a Mapping
For image, letting image, we have image. As shown in Fig. 5.14, via point image construct a line perpendicular to X and the intersection of the line and E is set C. Projecting C on Y, we have image.
Obviously, image. When f is single valued, image is a graph corresponding to image and can be regarded as the extension of a general graph.
Characteristic Networks
Definition 5.10
Assume that image is the RMG of A. image satisfies:
(1) image and its closure image are arcwise connected sets on D
(2) Let image. Assume that image has m arcwise connected components on image denoted by image.
(3) For image, letting image, then image has just m arcwise connected components on image denoted by image and image.
Then, set image is called a homotopically equivalent class of D.

Example 5.4

A graph image is shown in Fig. 5.15, to find the homotopically equivalent classes of X.


Let image and image. From the above definition, image and image are homotopically equivalent classes of X, respectively, or image and image compose a set of homotopically equivalent classes of X.
If image, then D is not a homotopically equivalent class of X. Since image is simply connected in RMG, image, image is not connected, i.e., it has two components, D is not a homotopically equivalent class.
Figure 5.15 The Homotopically Equivalent Classes
If image and image, obviously image and image are homotopically equivalent classes of X, respectively.
If image and image, then image and image compose a maximal set of homotopically equivalent classes of X. Namely, if E composes a maximal set of homotopically equivalent classes of X, when adding arbitrary element e of X to E and image, then image is no longer a set of homotopically equivalent classes of X.
We now construct a characteristic network as follows.
Assume that image and image is a graph of f.
(1) R is decomposed into the union of n mutually disjoint regions, and image is a set of homotopically equivalent classes.
(2) Each image has image components denoted by image, image
(3) A set V of nodes composed by image.
(4) Nodes image are called neighboring if and only if the components corresponding to image and image have common boundaries on image, where image is the component corresponding to image.
If image then we say that the two components image and image have a common boundary, where image is the closure of image on image.
(5) Linking each pair of neighboring nodes of V by an edge, we have a network image. It is called a characteristic network of image.
For a state image, x must belong to some component image of image, i.e., some node v of V. Namely, v is called a node corresponding to the state x. It is denoted by image. We have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1

An initial state image and a goal state image are given. Assume that image and image correspond to nodes image and image, respectively. Then, a rigid body A moves from image to image without collision if and only if there is a connected path from image to image on image.


image: If there exists a collision-free path from image to image. From Proposition 5.4, it is known that image and image belong to the same arcwise connected set of image. From the definition of the arcwise connected, there exists a continuous mapping image such that image and image. Obviously, the map image passes through a set image of components on image which correspond to a set of nodes along a path from image to image on image. This means there exists a connected path from image to image on image.
image: Assume there exists a connected path image from image to image. For image, letting image, where image is the closure of the component corresponding to vi, and image is a point at the common boundary of image image.
Therefore, we have a finite sequence of points on image, namely,


Obviously, both image and image belong to image, and both image and image belong to image. From the definition of the homotopically equivalent class, image is arcwise connected. Hence, image and image belong to the same arcwise connected component. From Proposition 5.4, there exists a collision-free path from image to image.
To illustrate the construction of the characteristic network, a simple example is given below.

Example 5.5

A graph E is shown in Fig. 5.16. We now find its corresponding characteristic network.


X is divided into the union of three regions and they compose a set of homotopically equivalent classes of X.


Figure 5.16 Characteristic Networks
To find the components of each image, we have
image has only one component denoted by image
image has two components denoted by image and image
image has only one component denoted by image
Each node corresponding to image is denoted by image. Then, we have a network image as shown in Fig. 5.16. It is a characteristic network of E.
Given image and image, we now find a collision-free path from image to image. From Fig. 5.16, image and image belong to nodes image and image respectively. From the characteristic network, we have a connected path:


Letting image, image and image. we have a path: image as shown in Fig. 5.16.
From the example, we can see that by the topologic model, the problem of finding a collision-free path in an infinite set image is transformed into that of finding a connected path in a finite network image so that the computational complexity is reduced.
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