5.4. Dimension Reduction Method

The RMG of moving object A among obstacles is usually high-dimensional. The judgment of the connectivity of image is rather difficult when the environment of A is cluttered up with obstacles. Based on the multi-granular computing strategy, we may observe the connectivity of the high-dimensional graph from its quotient space, if the connectivity is preserved in that space. Since the quotient space is simpler than the original one generally, this will make the complexity reduced.
Based on the basic idea above, we present a dimension reduction method for investigating the connectivity of high-dimensional graph. Roughly speaking, if E is a subset in a high-dimensional space image there exists a unique mapping image such that image. If f satisfies certain conditions, the connectivity of E can be inferred from the connectivity of the domain image of f and image. This is called a dimension reduction method.

5.4.1. Basic Principle

We now use some topologic terminologies and techniques to show the basic theorems of the dimension reduction method. Readers who are not familiar with the contents are referred to Eisenberg (1974) and Sims (1976).
The mappings discussed in point set topology are usually single-valued. But the mappings concerned here are multi-valued. It is necessary to extend some concepts of topology to the multi-valued mappings.
For simplicity, the spaces addressed here are assumed to be metric spaces.

Definition 5.11

image and image are two metric spaces, F is a mapping from the points in image to the subsets in image, i.e., image, image is a subset of image. F is said to be a multi-valued mapping from image, or F is a mapping from image to image for short, and is denoted by image.

Definition 5.12

image is a mapping. A neighborhood image of image is given. If there exists a image such that for image have image, then F is said to be semi-continuous at image, where image is an open set containing image, and image is a image-sphere of image, i.e., image, where image is a metric function on image.
If image is semi-continuous at any point of image, then image is semi-continuous on image.

Definition 5.13

image and image are two mappings from image. For image, by letting
image, F is a mapping from image and is called an intersection mapping of image and image.

Definition 5.14

image and image are two mappings from image. Letting image,
F is a mapping from image and is called a union mapping of image and image.

Theorem 5.2

image is a semi-continuous mapping. If image is connected and for image, image is connected, then image is connected on image.


Assuming that image is not connected, then image, where image and image are mutually disjoint non-empty open sets. Let


Since image, image is connected and sets image and image are separated, then either image or image holds. We assume that image.
For any image, there exists image. Let image. Since image is open, image is a neighborhood of image.
From the semi-continuity of F, for image there exists a image such that when image, image holds. Namely, image. We have image. Thus, image is open.
Similarly, image is also open.
Finally, we show that image must hold. Otherwise, there exists image, that is, image and image. Since image is connected and sets image and image are separated, we have image and image. This is in contradiction to image.
Therefore, image, i.e., image can be represented by the union of two mutually disjoint non-empty open sets. This is in contradiction to that image is connected.
The theorem is proved.

Theorem 5.3

image is a semi-continuous mapping. image, image is compact. X1 is connected and for image,image is also connected. Then, the image image of F is a connected set in the product space image.


Let mapping image be image.
From the definition of the product topology, it is known that given image and a neighborhood image of image, for image, there exists a neighborhood of z such that image, where image and image.
Since image is compact image is also compact in image. Besides, image is an open covering of image, then there exists a finite number of sub-coverings image.
Let image, image, where image.
Therefore, we have image.
Finally, from the semi-continuity of F, for image, there exists a neighborhood image of image such that image.
Letting image, for image we have


Thus, for image we have



Namely, G is semi-continuous at image. Since image is an arbitrary point in image, G is semi- continuous on image.
On the other hand, since image is connected, we have that image is also connected.
From Theorem 5.2, we conclude that image is a connected set in image.

Theorem 5.4

For image, E is compact. image is a mapping corresponding to E, i.e., image. Then, F is a semi-continuous mapping from image.


Since image is compact, if F is not semi-continuous, there exist image and image such that for any n, there has image such that image, where image is a metric function on image. Namely, image and image exist.
Let image. Since image is compact, there exists a sub-sequence (still denoted by image) such that image, i.e., image.
Since image is open and image, there exists a positive number image such that image. Thus, there exists image when image have image. This is in contradiction with image.
Therefore, F is semi-continuous.

Corollary 5.2

If moving object A is a polyhedron and the obstacles consist of a finite number of convex polyhedrons image, then the rotation mapping image of A among the obstacles is a semi-continuous mapping, where D is the activity range of A, S is a unit sphere and C is a unit circle.


From Theorem 5.4, it’s only needed to prove that the RMG corresponding to A is compact.
Assume that image is a RMG corresponding to image. Since image and sets image and image are bounded subsets in three-dimensional Euclidian space, from topology, it’s known that in n-dimensional Euclidian space, the necessary and sufficient condition of a compact set is that it’s a bounded closed set. Thus, in order to show the compactness of set image, it’s only needed to show that set image is closed.
First we made the following agreement. When object image only touches obstacles, its state is still regarded as a point in image. When object image overlaps with obstacles, i.e., they have common inner points, its state is regarded as not belonging to image.
In order to show that image is closed, it’s only needed to show that the complement image of image is open.
For any image, from the above agreement, it’s known that when image and obstacle image (may as well assume that image) have common inner points, i.e., there exists image, where image is an inner kernel of image. Thus, there exists a neighborhood image of image.
Assume that image is a fixed point O. Some direction via point image is denoted by image. Then image can be represented by image. In fact, image and image correspond the same position of A. The different representations of the same position in A due to the different options of its fixed point and direction.
Let image. Obviously, image is a neighborhood of image. Since image no matter A locates at arbitrary position of image, image and image always have common inner points. In other words, any point in image always belong to image. Thus, image is open, i.e., image is closed.
image is a bounded closed set and compact, from Theorem 5.4, mapping F is semi-continuous.

Theorem 5.5

image and image are the mappings from X1 to X2 and satisfy: image is connected, and image, image and image are connected and compact sets. Let F be the union mapping of image and image. If there exists a image such that image then the image of F, i.e., image, is a connected set in the product space image.


From Theorem 5.3, we have that image and image are connected. Since there exists a image such that image then image. From Property 5.3 in Section 5.3, we know that image is a connected set.
Theorems 5.2–5.5 underlie the basic principle of the dimension reduction method that related to the connectivity structure of a set in a product space. Namely, the connectivity problem of a set image, or an image image in the product space image, under certain conditions can be transformed to that of considering the connectivity of domain image and image, respectively. Since image obviously the dimensions of both image and image are lower than that of image. So the dimension is reduced.
Furthermore, if image or image is also a product space, then a set on image or image can be regarded as an image of a mapping in an even lower space. By repeatedly using the same principle, a high-dimensional problem can be decomposed into a set of one-or two-dimensional problems.
In the collision-free paths planning, its state space can be regarded as an image of mapping image. From Theorem 5.2, the state space can also be regarded as an image of mapping image, image or image. Therefore, according to the concrete issue, we can choose state space representations based on different mappings which will bring considerable convenience to path planning.
In fact, the dimension reduction method is one of the specific applications of the truth and falsity preserving principles in quotient space theory.

5.4.2. Characteristic Network

In Section 5.3, we presented a general principle for constructing a characteristic network which represents the connected structure of a set. In this section, we will use the dimension reduction method for constructing the characteristic network.
The Connected Decomposition of a Mapping
image is a mapping. image, image may not be connected. To use the theorems above, image must be connected. Therefore, image is decomposed into the union of several sets first. Furthermore, for each set of image, F is decomposed into the union of several mappings image such that each image is connected. Then, Theorem 5.2 is applied to each image, then integrate them together.
In Section 5.3, the concept of the homotopically equivalent class is introduced. We now extend the concept to sets in general product spaces.

Definition 5.15

image is a mapping, where image and image are topologic spaces. Let the image of F be image. If image satisfies
(1) image and image are arcwise connected on X
(2) Assume that image, the image of F on D, has m connected components image, then image has just m connected components.
(3) If image has m components image then image, where image is a projection. Then, image is said to be a homotopically equivalent class of image with respect to X, or image is a homotopically equivalent class for short.
If image has m connected components, denoted by image, letting image be a mapping corresponding to image, then image is called the connected decomposition of F with respect to D.
Let's see an example.

Example 5.6

As shown in Fig. 5.17, image is a set on plane image. Assume image, where F is a mapping corresponding to image.
Now, image is decomposed into two homotopically equivalent classes image and image.
Graph image has two connected components image and image. Their corresponding mappings are image and image, respectively.
Graph image has one component image. Its corresponding mapping is image.
Thus, image is the connected decomposition of image. image is called a connected component of image on image.
The Construction of Characteristic Networks
image is a semi-continuous mapping. image is decomposed into the union of several mutually disjoint and homotopically equivalent classes, and is denoted by image.
The connected decompositions of image on image are image. Let


The construction of a characteristic network is as follows.
(1) For each image, constructing a node image, we have a set image of nodes.
Figure 5.17 Connected Decomposition
(2) For image and image, if their corresponding components image and image are neighboring in image, i.e., the intersection of their closures is non-empty, then image and image is said to be neighboring.
(3) Linking each pair of neighboring nodes in image with an edge, we have a network image. It is called a characteristic network corresponding to image, or a characteristic network corresponding to F.

Proposition 5.6

image are connected, i.e., image and image belong to the same connected component of image, if and only if there exists a connected path from image to image, where image and image are nodes on image corresponding to image and image, respectively.
Note that a image corresponds to a node image that means image, where image is a set of image corresponding to node image.

Example 5.7

A set image as shown in Fig. 5.17 is given. image is decomposed into sets image and image as shown in Fig. 5.17. Its characteristic network is shown in Fig. 5.18.
Note that to judge the neighboring relationship between image and image, their closures image and image are constructed only on image. Since the intersection between their closures is empty, image and image are not neighboring. However, to judge the neighboring relationship between image and image, their closures are constructed on image.
Generally, to judge the neighboring relationship between two sets image and image, their closures are constructed on image.
Certainly, image can also be decomposed into three homotopically equivalent classes image and image. And we have a characteristic network as shown in Fig. 5.19.


Figure 5.18 A Characteristic Network
Figure 5.19 Characteristic Network
Obviously, if image is decomposed into the union of maximal sets of homotopically equivalent classes, the number of nodes in the corresponding characteristic network will be minimal.
Finally, we analyze the dimension reduction method from quotient space based granular computing view point.
image is a mapping graph of image and is regarded as a subset in a Euclidian space. It’s a finest space.
Now image is decomposed into the union image of homotopically equivalent classes. For image, image, is regarded as a quotient space composed by equivalence classes and is denoted by image. Each element on image is a connected set on image. The problem solving in space image can be transformed into the corresponding problem solving on image since these two spaces have the truth preserving property.
If regarding image as an equivalence class, we have a quotient space image. It still has the truth preserving property; so the original problem can also be transformed into a corresponding problem in image space. Moreover, the problem in image can be further transformed into a corresponding problem in a characteristic network. Thus, the characteristic network method of path planning is an application of quotient space theory.
Collision-Free Paths Planning
Assume that a moving object A is a polyhedron with a finite number of vertices and the obstacles image are convex polyhedrons with a finite number of vertices.
Let image be the rotation mapping of A with respect to obstacle image, i.e., image is an intersection mapping of image.
Let image be the connected decompositions of image.
According to the preceding procedure, we may have a characteristic network image and the following proposition.

Proposition 5.7

Given an initial state image and a goal state image, if image and image then object A can move from image to image without collision, if and only if there exists a connected path from image to image on image.
An Example
Assume that the moving object A is a tetrahedron (Fig. 5.20). The initial coordinates of its four vertices are image and image. Plane image is an obstacle.
We next analyze the topologic structure of the RMG of the tetrahedron A due to obstacle image.
The state of a rigid object A can be defined by the coordinates of any non-colinear three points on A, e.g.,image and image. The coordinate of the point O is image. Its range is the upper half space, i.e., image and is denoted by D. If point O is fixed, the range of H is a unit sphere S with O as its center and image as its radius, i.e., image. If points O and H are fixed, the range of K is a unit circle C with O as its center. And the circle is on the plane perpendicular to line OH via K, i.e., image. Generally, D, S and C are represented by rectangular, sphere and polar coordinate systems, respectively.
The RMG of the moving object A is a subset of space image (six-dimensional), i.e., the state space of A.
From Section 5.3, we know that the RMG of A can be regarded as an image of mapping image. Since the obstacle is a plane, the state space of A remains unchanged for coordinates image and horizontal angle image on S; so it’s only related to three parameters, i.e., image and image.
Now, we discuss its characteristic network.
(1) Fix image and image, to find image.
As shown in Fig. 5.21, through K we compose a plane P perpendicular to line OH. l is an intersecting line between planes P and image. Through line OH we compose a plane perpendicular to image. OE is an intersecting line between the composed plane and P.
Figure 5.20 Tetrahedron A
Figure 5.21 The Relation Between image and OE
Figure 5.22 Plane P
As shown in Fig. 5.22, in plane P, the line through point O and parallel to l is used as a reference axis. The position of point K can be represented by the angle image related to the axis.
Obviously, if image, the range of point K is the entire unit circle and is denoted by image.
Similarly, the range of point J is also the same circle when it is transformed to a constraint of point K, i.e., image.
Thus, image, i.e., image has only one component.
When image, image and image, where image.


image has two components:


The second component will disappear when image, i.e., image. Therefore, when image, the mapping has two components. When image, it has only one component.
(2) The relationship between image and OH
In (1) we discuss the relation between image and OE. Actually, the length of OE depends on the position of OH, i.e., coordinate image and image.
Assume that the coordinate of the point O is image. The coordinate image is divided into four intervals: (i) image, (ii) image, (iii) image, (iv) image. Each interval of image is further divided into several sub-intervals based on the value of image.
The partition of image and image is shown below (Fig. 5.23), where image ={the i-th interval of image, the j-th interval of image}.
To show the procedure of calculating image, we take interval image as an example.
Fixing point O, through O we compose a line image parallel to image-axis (Fig. 5.24). The position of OH is defined by angle image. Then, angle image is divided into four intervals.


where, image. When image, the range of point H on S is image, where image and image.
We can write that
When image, image since image .
When image image has two components since image.
When image, image has one component since image.
When image, image has two components since image.
Let image be the k-th component of image on image. If image is connected, then it is denoted by image.
Let image, i.e., image is the image of image.
Similarly, we have the following results.
When image, image has one component, i.e., image, image.
When image,
image, image has one component, i.e., image.
image, image has two components, i.e., image and image.
When image
image, image has one component, i.e.,image.
image, image has two components, i.e., image and image image, image has one component, i.e., image.
Figure 5.23 The Partition of image
Figure 5.24 The Relation Between image and OH
(3) Characteristic network
Each image corresponds to a node image. We have a set V of nodes.
Nodes image and image of V are neighboring if their corresponding image, are neighboring in the state space.
Linking any pair of neighboring nodes by an edge, we obtain a characteristic network image (Fig. 5.25).
(4) Find collision-free paths
Given an initial state image, where





And given a goal state image, where







From the characteristic network image, we have a collision-free path of A.


Note that only one parameter changes in each step. For example, from state image, only the coordinate image changes from image. The range of each parameter is indicated in the brackets.
The moving process of A is shown in Fig. 5.26.
Figure 5.25 Characteristic Networks
(5) Conclusions
The configuration space representation and the like are usually used in both geometric and topologic approaches to motion planning. The main difference is that in the geometric model the geometric structure of image is investigated, while in the topologic model only the topologic structure is concerned.
Taking the ‘piano-mover’ problem as an example, by the subdivision algorithm presented in Brooks and Lozano-Perez (1982), the real image is divided. Even though the connectivity network constructed consists of 2138 arcs linking 1063 nodes, it is still an approximation of the real image. But in the topologic algorithm (see Section 5.5 for the details), the characteristic network constructed only consists of 23 nodes linked by 32 arcs, however, it is homotopically equivalent to the real image. Therefore, from the connectivity point of view, the topologic model is precise (Zhang et al., 1990a).
Figure 5.26 The Movement of Tetrahedron A
Figure 5.27 Path Planning of a 2D Rod
Since in topologic model, the motion proceeds in the coarse-grained world the computational complexity may be reduced under certain conditions. In 1980s we implemented the ‘piano-mover’ problem by topologic method on PDP 11/23 machine. The program is written by FORTRAN 4 and takes about dozens of seconds CPU time for implementation. More results will be given in Section 5.5. We also implemented dozens of experiments on ALR-386/II machine for a 2D rod moving among obstacles using programing language PASCAL and take less than 15 seconds time for implementation. One of the examples is shown in Fig. 5.27.
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