The development and publication of this fifth edition required the cooperative efforts of many people, who served as advocates, consultants, and facilitators. Our deep appreciation goes to all these “stakeholders” who contributed in many important ways to this book. Much appreciation is due to our students, clients, and project-community associates who allowed us to talk with them about the theory and practice of project management.

Our thanks to Dr. Bopaya Bidanda, chairperson of the Industrial Engineering Department and Dr. Gerald D. Holder, dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, who provided an intellectual and supportive environment where projects such as this book can be pursued.

We thank Claire Zubritzky of the Industrial Engineering Department, who provided outstanding administrative support in the early development of this book. We also thank Lisa Bopp and Rachel Borchardt of the Industrial Engineering Department, who provided supporting administrative assistance when needed on this project. Ouida Ireland is recognized for her support in reviewing drafts to identify unclear or confusing sentences, all the while encouraging the authors in writing this book.

We recognize and thank Dr. Hans Thamhain of Bentley College, who prepared Chap. 20 of this book. Hans is one of the notables of the project management community who has made outstanding contributions to project management literature. We are pleased to have him on our team.

We acknowledge and recognize the support of our wives and families who provided logistic and emotional support, as well as tolerated our absences from the family activities during the preparation of the manuscript for this book.

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