Chapter 2. Basic Programming Techniques

To use a programming language, you must master the fundamentals. You need to understand the elements required to construct a working program, and learn how to use the development tools to build and run code. You also need to become familiar with the everyday features for representing information, performing calculations, and making decisions. This chapter will introduce these core features of the C# language.

Getting Started

We’ll be working in Visual Studio, the Microsoft development environment. There are other ways to build C# programs, but Visual Studio is the most widely used and it’s freely available, so we’ll stick with that.


If you don’t have Visual Studio, you can download the free Express edition from

In the first part of this chapter, we’ll create a very simple program so that you can see the bare minimum of steps required to get up and running. We’ll also examine all of the pieces Visual Studio creates for you so that you know exactly what the development environment is doing for you. And then we’ll build some slightly more interesting examples to explore the C# language.

To create a new C# program, select the FileNew Project menu option, or just use the Ctrl-Shift-N shortcut. This will open Visual Studio’s New Project dialog, shown in Figure 2-1, where you can pick the kind of program you want to build. In the Installed Templates list on the lefthand side, ensure that the Visual C# item is expanded, and inside that, select the Windows item—applications that run locally on Windows are the easiest to create. We’ll get into other kinds of programs such as web applications later in the book.

Visual Studio’s New Project dialog

Figure 2-1. Visual Studio’s New Project dialog

In the dialog’s center, select the Console Application template. This creates an old-fashioned command-line application that runs in a console window. It might not be the most exciting kind of program, but it’s the easiest to create and understand, so that’s where we’ll start.

You need to pick a name for your program—by default, Visual Studio will suggest something unimaginative such as ConsoleApplication1. In the Name field near the bottom of the dialog, type HelloWorld. (OK, so that’s equally unimaginative, but at least it’s descriptive.) Visual Studio also wants to know where you’d like to put the project on your hard disk—put it wherever you like. It can also create a separate “solution” directory. That’s something you’d do in a larger program made up of multiple components, but for this simple example, you want the “Create directory for solution” checkbox to be unchecked.

When you click the OK button, Visual Studio will create a new project, a collection of files that are used to build a program. C# projects always contain source code files, but they often include other types of files, such as bitmaps. This newly created project will contain a C# source file called Program.cs, which should be visible in Visual Studio’s text editor. In case you’re not following along in Visual Studio as you read this, the code is reproduced in Example 2-1. By the way, there’s no particular significance to the filename Program.cs. Visual Studio doesn’t care what you call your source files; by convention, they have a .cs extension, short for C#, although even that’s optional.

Example 2-1. The code in a freshly created console application

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

This program doesn’t do anything yet. To turn it into the traditional first example, you’ll need to add one line of code. This will go in between the two lines that contain the most-indented pair of braces ({ and }). The modified version is shown in Example 2-2, with the new line in bold.

Example 2-2. The traditional first example, “Hello, world”

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello, world");

This example is now ready to run. From the Debug menu select the Start Without Debugging item, or just press Ctrl-F5. The program will run, and because you’ve written a console application, a console window will open. The first line of this window will contain the text “Hello, world” and this will be followed by a prompt saying “Press any key to continue...” Once you’ve finished admiring the fruits of your creation, press a key to dismiss the window.


Don’t use DebugStart Debugging or F5—this will run the application in Visual Studio’s debugging mode, which doesn’t keep the window open once the application has finished. That’s not helpful for this example, which will most likely run to completion and then close the window before you’ve had a chance to see the output.

Now that we have a complete program, let’s look at the code to see what each part is for—all of the pieces are things you’ll deal with every time you write in C#. Starting from the top, Program.cs has several lines beginning with using:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

These using directives help the C# compiler work out what external code this particular source file will be using. No code is an island—to get any useful work done, your programs will rely on other code. All C# programs depend on the .NET Framework class library, for example: the one line of code we added to our program uses the class library to display a message. Using directives can declare an intent to use classes from any library—yours, Microsoft’s, or anyone’s. All the directives in our example start with System, which indicates that we want to use something from the .NET Framework. This text that follows the using keyword denotes a namespace.

Namespaces and Types

The .NET Framework class library is big. To make it easier to find your way around the many services it offers, the library is split into namespaces. For example, the System.IO namespace offers I/O (Input/Output) services such as working with files on disk, while System.Data.SqlClient is for connecting to a SQL Server database.

A namespace contains types. A type typically represents either a kind of information or a kind of object. For example, there are types that provide the core forms of information used in all programs, such as System.String which represents text, or the various numeric types such as System.Double or System.Int32. Some types are more complex—for example, the System.Net.HttpWebRequest class represents an HTTP request to be sent to a web server. A few types do not represent any particular thing, but simply offer a set of services, such as the System.Math class, which provides mathematical functions such as Sin and Log, and constants such as π or the base of natural logarithms, e. (We will explore the nature of types, objects, and values in much more detail in the next chapter.)

All types in the .NET Framework class library belong to a namespace. The purpose of a using directive is to save you from typing the namespace every single time you need to use a class. For example, in a file that has a using System; directive you can just write Math.PI to get the value of π, instead of using the full name, System.Math.PI. You’re not required to write using directives, by the way—if you happen to enjoy typing, you’re free to use the fully qualified name. But since some namespaces get quite long—for example, System.Windows.Media.Imaging—you can see how the shorthand enabled by a using directive can reduce clutter considerably.

You might be wondering why namespaces are needed at all if the first thing we usually do is add a bunch of using directives to avoid having to mention the namespace anywhere else. One reason is disambiguation—some type names crop up in multiple places. For example, the ASP.NET web framework has a type called Control, and so do both WPF and Windows Forms. They represent similar concepts, but they are used in completely different contexts (web applications versus Windows applications). Although all of these types are called Control, they are distinct thanks to being in different namespaces.

This disambiguation also leaves you free to use whatever names you want in your own code even if some names happen to be used already in parts of the .NET class library you never knew existed. Since there are more than 10,000 types in the framework, it’s entirely possible that you might pick a name that’s already being used, but namespaces make this less of a problem. For example, there’s a Bold class in .NET, but if you happen not to be using part of the library it belongs to (WPF’s text services) you might well want to use the name Bold to mean something else in your own code. And since .NET’s own Bold type is hidden away in the System.Windows.Documents namespace, as long as you don’t add a using directive for that namespace you’re free to use the name Bold yourself to mean whatever you like.

Even when there’s no ambiguity, namespaces help you find your way around the class library—related types tend to be grouped into one namespace, or a group of related namespaces. (For example, there are various namespaces starting with System.Web containing types used in ASP.NET web applications.) So rather than searching through thousands of types for what you need, you can browse through the namespaces—there are only a few hundred of those.


You can see a complete list of .NET Framework class library namespaces, along with a short description of what each one is for, at

Visual Studio adds four namespace directives to the Program.cs file in a new console project. The System namespace contains general-purpose services, including basic data types such as String, and various numeric types. It also contains the Console type our program uses to display its greeting and which provides other console-related services, such as reading keyboard input and choosing the color of your output text.

The remaining three using directives aren’t used in our example. Visual Studio adds them to newly created projects because they are likely to be useful in many applications. The System.Collections.Generic namespace contains types for working with collections of things, such as a list of numbers. The System.Linq namespace contains types used for LINQ, which provides convenient ways of processing collections of information in C#. And the System.Text namespace contains types useful for working with text.

The using directives Visual Studio adds to a new C# file are there just to save you some typing. You are free to remove them if you happen not to be using those namespaces. And you can add more, of course.

Tidying up using directives

Figure 2-2. Tidying up using directives

The using directives are not the end of our simple program’s encounter with namespaces. In fact, the very next line of code after these directives is also concerned with namespaces:

namespace HelloWorld

While using directives declare which namespaces our code consumes, this namespace keyword tells the compiler what namespace we plan to provide—the types we write in our programs belong to namespaces just like the types in the class library.[3] Here, Visual Studio has presumed that we’d like to put our code into a namespace named after the project we created. This is a common practice, although you’re free to use whatever names you like for your namespaces—there’s no requirement that the namespace name match the program name.


The C# compiler will even let you put your own code into namespaces whose names begin with System, but you should not do this (at least, not unless you work for Microsoft and are adding types to some future version of .NET’s class library). You’re likely to cause confusion if you break the convention that System namespaces contain .NET Framework types.

Notice that the namespace is followed by an open brace ({). C# uses braces to denote containment—here, everything inside these braces will be in our HelloWorld namespace. Since namespaces contain types, it should come as no great surprise that the next line in the file defines a type. Specifically, it defines a class.

The .NET Framework class library isn’t the only thing that gets to define classes—in fact, if you want to write any code at all in C# you must provide a type to contain that code. Some languages (such as C++) do not impose this constraint, but C# is an object-oriented (OO) programming language. We’ll explore OO concepts in the next chapter, but the main impact on our “Hello, world” example is that every bit of C# code must have a type that it calls home.

There are a few different ways to define types in C#, which we’ll get to in the next few chapters, but for the present simple example, the distinctions are not yet relevant. So we use the most common, a class:

class Program

Again, note the braces—as with the namespace contents, the class’s contents are delineated by a pair of braces.

We’re still not quite at the code yet—code lives inside a class, but more specifically, it must live inside a particular method inside a class. A method is a named block of code, which may optionally return some data. The class in our example defines a method called Main, and once again we use a pair of braces to show where it starts and ends:

static void Main(string[] args)

The first keyword here, static, tells C# that it’s not necessary to create a Program object (Program being the class that contains this method, remember) in order to use this method. As you’ll see in the next chapter, a lot of methods require an object, but our simple example doesn’t need one.

The next keyword is void. This tells the compiler that our method doesn’t return any data—it just does some work. Many methods return information. For example, the System.Math class’s Cos method calculates the cosine of its input, and since it doesn’t know what you want to do with that result, it provides it as a return value—the output of the method. But the code in this example is rather more proactive than that—it decides to show a message on the screen, so there’s nothing for it to return.[4] On methods that return data, you’d write the type of data being returned here, but since there’s nothing to return in this case, the nothingness is denoted by the void keyword.

The next part, Main, is the name of the method. This happens to be a special name—the C# compiler will expect your program to provide one static method called Main, and it’ll run that method when the program is launched.

The method name is followed by a parameter list, which declares the input the method requires. This particular example’s parameter list is (string[] args), which says that it expects just a single input and that the code will refer to it using the name args. It expects this input to be a sequence of text strings (the square brackets indicating that multiple strings may be passed instead of just one). As it happens, this particular program doesn’t use this input, but it’s a standard feature of the specially named Main method—command-line arguments are passed in here. We’ll return to this later in the chapter when we write a program that makes use of command-line arguments, but for now, our example doesn’t use it. So we’ll move on to the final part of the example—the code inside the Main method that was the one part we added to Visual Studio’s contributions and which represents the only work this program does:

Console.WriteLine("Hello, world");

This shows the C# syntax for invoking a method. Here we’re using a method provided by the Console class, which is part of the .NET Framework class library, and it is defined in the System namespace. We could have written the fully qualified name, in which case the code would look like this:

System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world");

But because of the using System; directive earlier, we can use the shorter version—it means the same thing, it’s just more concise. The Console class provides the ability to display text in a console window and to read input typed by the user in an old-fashioned command-line application. In this case, we’re invoking the class’s WriteLine method, passing it the text "Hello, world". The WriteLine method will write whatever text we provide out to the console window.


You’ll have noticed that the dot (.) is being used to mean different things here. We can use it to delineate the namespace name and the type name; for example, System.Console means the Console type in the System namespace. It can also be used to break up a namespace name, as in System.IO. Our example also uses it to indicate that we want to use a particular method provided by a class, as in Console.WriteLine. And as you’ll see, the dot turns up in a few other places in C#.

Broadly speaking, the dot signifies that we want to use something that’s inside something else. The C# compiler works out from context exactly what that means.

Although we picked over every line of code in this simple example, we haven’t quite finished exploring what Visual Studio did for us when we asked it to create a new application. To fully appreciate its work, we need to step out of the Program.cs source file and look at the whole project.

Projects and Solutions

It’s rare for a useful program to be so simple that you would want all of its source code in one file. You may occasionally stumble across horrors such as a single file containing tens of thousands of lines of code, but in the interest of quality (and sanity) it’s best to try to keep your source code in smaller, more manageable chunks—the larger and more complex anything gets the more likely it is to contain flaws. So Visual Studio is built to work with multiple source files, and it provides a couple of concepts for structuring your programs across those files: projects and solutions.

A project is a collection of source files that the C# compiler combines to produce a single output—typically either an executable program or a library. (See the sidebar on the next page for more details on the compilation process.) The usual convention in Windows is that executable files have an .exe extension while libraries have a .dll extension. (These extensions are short for executable and dynamic link library, respectively.) There isn’t a big difference between the two kinds of file; the main distinction is that an executable program is required to have an entry point—the Main function. A library is not something you’d run independently; it’s designed to be used by other programs, so a DLL doesn’t have its own entry point. Other than that, they’re pretty much the same thing—they’re just files that contain code and data. (The two types of file are so similar that you can use an executable as though it were a library.) So Visual Studio projects work in much the same way for programs and libraries.


Some project types produce neither libraries nor executables. For example, there’s a project type for building .msi (Windows Installer) files from the outputs of other projects. So strictly speaking, a project is a fairly abstract idea: it takes some files and builds them into some kind of output. But projects containing C# code will produce either an EXE or a DLL.

A solution is just a collection of related projects. If you are writing a library, you’ll probably want to write an application that uses it—even if the library is ultimately destined to be used by other people, you’ll still want to be able to try it out for testing and debugging purposes, so it’s useful to be able to have one or more applications that exercise the library’s functionality. By putting all of these projects into one solution, you can work with the DLL and its test applications all at once. By the way, Visual Studio always requires a solution—even if you’re building just one project, it is always contained in a solution. That’s why the project’s contents are shown in a panel called the Solution Explorer, shown in Figure 2-3.

HelloWorld project in the Solution Explorer

Figure 2-3. HelloWorld project in the Solution Explorer

The Solution Explorer is usually visible on the righthand side of Visual Studio, but if you don’t see it you can open it with the ViewSolution Explorer menu item. It shows all the projects in the solution—just the HelloWorld project in this example. And it shows all the files in the solution—you can see the Program.cs file we’ve been examining near the bottom of Figure 2-3. Farther up is an extra file we haven’t looked at, called AssemblyInfo.cs. If you open this you’ll see that Visual Studio puts version number and copyright information in that file—users will see this information if they view the compiled output’s properties in Windows Explorer.


You might find that on your system, the Solution Explorer doesn’t show the Solution node that’s visible at the top of Figure 2-3, and just shows the HelloWorld project. Visual Studio can be configured to hide the solution when it contains just a single project. If you don’t see the solution and would like to, select the ToolsOptions menu item, and in the Options dialog that opens select the Projects and Solutions item. One of the options will be the “Always show solution” checkbox—check this if you want to see the solution in the Solution Explorer even when you’ve got only one project.

Besides the C# source files, the Solution Explorer as shown in Figure 2-3 also has a References section. This contains a list of all the libraries your project uses. By default, Visual Studio populates this with a list of DLLs from the .NET Framework class library that it thinks you might find useful.

You might be experiencing déjà vu right now—didn’t we already tell the compiler which bits of the library we want with using directives? This is a common cause of confusion among developers learning C#. Namespaces are not libraries, and neither one is contained by the other. These facts are obscured by an apparent connection. For example, the System.Data library does in fact define a load of types in the System.Data namespace. But this is just a convention, and one that is only loosely followed. Libraries are often, but not always, named after the namespace with which they are most strongly associated, but it’s common for a library to define types in several different namespaces and it’s common for a namespace’s types to be distributed across several different libraries. (If you’re wondering how this chaos emerged, see the sidebar below.)

The upshot is that the C# compiler cannot work out which libraries you want from your using directives, because in general it’s not possible to deduce which libraries are required from the namespaces alone. So a project needs to list which libraries it uses, and then individual source files in that project can declare which namespaces they are using. Visual Studio provides you with a set of references that it hopes will be useful, and for this very simple example, we’re not actually using most of them.


Visual Studio notices when your code doesn’t use all of the libraries your project references, and automatically omits references to any unused libraries. This makes your binary slightly smaller than it would be if unnecessary references were left in.

You can add or remove references to suit whatever program you’re building. To remove a reference, you can just select the library in the Solution Explorer and press the Delete key. (As it happens, our program is so simple that it depends only on the mandatory mscorlib library, so you could remove every DLL shown, and as long as you also remove any unused using directives from the source code, the program will still work.) To add a reference to a library, you can right-click on the References item and choose the Add Reference menu item. We’ll explore all of this in more detail in Chapter 15.

It’s almost time to move on from “Hello, world” and start to explore more of the core language features, but first let’s recap what we’ve seen. The one line of executable code in our program invokes the WriteLine method of the System.Console class to print a message. This code lives inside a method whose special name, Main, marks it out as the method to run when the program starts. That method is contained by a class called Program, because C# requires all methods to belong to a type. This class is a member of the HelloWorld namespace, because we chose to follow the convention of having our namespace match the name of the compiled binary. Our program uses the using directives supplied by Visual Studio to be able to refer to the Console class without needing to specify its namespace explicitly. So if you take one more look at the program, you now know what every single line is for. (It is reproduced in Example 2-3, with the unused using directives removed.)

Example 2-3. “Hello, world” again (with fewer using directives)

using System;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello, world");

With the whole example in one place, you can see clearly that the code is indented to reflect the structure. This is a common practice, but it’s not strictly necessary. As far as the C# compiler is concerned, when it comes to the space between elements of the language, there’s no difference between a single space, multiple spaces or tabs, or even blank lines—the syntax treats any contiguous quantity of whitespace as it would a single space.[5] So you are free to use space in your source code to improve legibility. This is why C# requires the use of braces to indicate containment, and it’s also why there’s a semicolon at the end of the line that prints out the message. Since C# doesn’t care whether we have one statement of code per line, split the code across multiple lines, or cram multiple statements onto one line, we need to be explicit about the end of each instruction, marking it with a ; so that the compiler knows where each new step of the program begins.

Comments, Regions, and Readability

While we’re looking at the structure and layout of source code, we need to examine a language feature that is extremely important, despite having precisely no effect on the behavior of your code. C# lets you add text to your source file that it will completely ignore. This might not sound important, or even useful, but it turns out to be vital if you want to have any hope of understanding code you wrote six months ago.

There’s an unfortunate phenomenon known as “write-only code.” This is code that made some kind of sense to whoever wrote it at the time, but is incomprehensible to anyone trying to read it at a later date, even if the person reading it is its author. The best defense against this problem is to think carefully about the names you give the features of your code and the way you structure your programs. You should strive to write your code so that it does what it looks like it does.

Unfortunately, it’s sometimes necessary to do things in a nonobvious way, so even if your code is sufficiently clear that it’s easy to see what it does, it may not be at all clear why it does certain things. This tends to happen where your code meets other code—you might be interacting with a component or a service that’s idiosyncratic, or just plain buggy, and which works only if you do things in a particular way. For example, you might find that a component ignores the first attempt to do something and you need to add a redundant-looking line of code to get it to work:


The problem with this sort of thing is that it’s very hard for someone who comes across this code later on to know what to make of it. Is that apparently redundant line deliberate? Is it safe to remove? Intrigue and ambiguity might make for engaging fiction, but these characteristics are rarely desirable in code. We need something to explain the mystery, and that’s the purpose of a comment. So you might write this:

// Frobnicator v2.41 has a bug where it crashes occasionally if
// we try to set the target to "Norfolk". Setting it to an empty
// string first seems to work around the problem.

This is now less mysterious. Someone coming across this code knows why the apparently redundant line was added. It’s clear what problem it solves and the conditions under which that problem occurs, which makes it possible to find out whether the problem has been fixed in the most recent version of the offending component, making it possible to remove the fix. This makes it much easier to maintain code in the long run.

As far as C# is concerned, this example is identical to the one without comments. The // character sequence tells it to ignore any further text up to the end of the line. So you can either put comments on their own line as shown earlier, or tack them onto the end of an existing line:

Frobnicator.SetTarget("");  // Workaround for bug in v2.41

Like most of the C-family languages, C# supports two forms of comment syntax. As well as the single-line // form, you can write a comment that spans multiple lines, denoting the start with /* and the end with */, for example:

/* This is part of a comment.
   This continues to be part of the same comment.
   Here endeth the comment. */

Bad Comments

While comments can be very useful, many, sadly, are not. There are a couple of particularly common mistakes people make when writing comments, and it’s worth drawing attention to them so that you know what to avoid. Here’s the most common example:

// Setting target to empty string
// Setting target to Norfolk

These comments just repeat what the code already said. This is clearly a waste of space, but it’s surprisingly common, particularly from inexperienced developers. This may be because they’ve been told that comments are good, but they have no idea what makes a good comment. A comment should say something that’s not obvious from the code and which is likely to be useful to anyone trying to understand the code.

The other common form of bad comment looks like this:

// Setting target to Norfolk

Here, the comment contradicts the code. It seems like it shouldn’t be necessary to say that you shouldn’t do that, but it’s surprising how often you see this sort of thing in real code. It usually happens because someone modified the code without bothering to update the comment. A quick review of the comments after a code change is always worth doing. (Not least because if you’ve not paid enough attention to detail to notice that the comments are no longer accurate, chances are there are other problems you’ve not noticed.)

XML Documentation Comments

If you structure your comments in a certain way, Visual Studio is able to present the information in those comments in tool tips whenever developers use your code. As Example 2-4 shows, documentation comments are denoted with three slashes, and they contain XML elements describing the target of the comment—in this case, there’s a description of a method, its parameters, and the information it returns.

Example 2-4. XML documentation comments

/// <summary>
/// Returns the square of the specified number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The number to square.</param>
/// <returns>The squared value.</returns>
static double Square(double x)
    return x * x;

If a developer starts writing code to invoke this method, Visual Studio will show a pop up listing all available members matching what she’s typed so far, and also adds a tool tip showing the information from the <summary> element of the selected method in the list, as Figure 2-4 shows. You’ll see similar information when using classes from the .NET Framework—documentation from its class libraries is provided as part of the .NET Framework SDK included with Visual Studio. (The C# compiler can extract this information from your source files and put it in a separate XML file, enabling you to provide the documentation for a library without necessarily having to ship the source code.)

Summary information from XML documentation

Figure 2-4. Summary information from XML documentation

The <param> information shows up as you start to type arguments, as Figure 2-5 shows. The <returns> information doesn’t appear here, but there are tools that can build documentation from this information into HTML files or help files. For example, Microsoft provides a tool called Sandcastle, available from, which can generate documentation with a similar structure to the documentation for Microsoft’s own class libraries.

Parameter information from XML documentation

Figure 2-5. Parameter information from XML documentation

We’re moving on from “Hello, world” now, so this is a good time to create a new project if you’re following along in Visual Studio as you read. (Select FileNew Project or press Ctrl-Shift-N. Note that, by default, this will create a new solution for your new project. There’s an option in the New Project dialog to add the new project to the existing solution, but in this case, let it create a new one.) Create another console application and call it RaceInfo—the code is going to perform various jobs to analyze the performance of a race car. Let Visual Studio create the project for you, and you’ll end up with much the same code as we had in Example 2-1, but with the Program class in a namespace called RaceInfo instead of HelloWorld. The first task will be to calculate the average speed and fuel consumption of the car, so we need to introduce the C# mechanism for holding and working with data.


C# methods can have named places to hold information. These are called variables, because the information they contain may be different each time the program runs, or your code may change a variable while the program runs. Example 2-5 defines three variables in our program’s Main method, to represent the distance traveled by the car, how long it has been moving, and how much fuel it has consumed so far. These variables don’t vary at all in this example—a variable’s value can change, but it’s OK to create variables whose value is fixed.

Example 2-5. Variables

static void Main(string[] args)
    double kmTravelled = 5.14;
    double elapsedSeconds = 78.74;
    double fuelKilosConsumed = 2.7;

Notice that the variable names (kmTravelled, elapsedSeconds, and fuelKilosConsumed) are reasonably descriptive. In algebra it’s common to use single letters as variable names, but in code it is a good practice to use names that make it clear what the variable holds.


If you can’t think of a good descriptive name for a variable, that’s often a symptom of trouble. It’s hard to write code that works if it’s not clear what information the code is working with.

These names indicate not just what the variables represent, but also their units. This is of no significance to the compiler—we could call the three variables tom, dick, and harry for all it cares—but it’s useful for humans looking at the code. Misunderstandings about whether a particular value is in metric or imperial units have been known to cause some extremely expensive problems, such as the accidental destruction of spacecraft. This particular race team seems to use the metric system. (If you’re wondering why the fuel is in kilograms rather than, say, liters, it’s because in high-performance motor racing, fuel is typically measured by weight rather than volume, just like it is in aviation. Fuel tends to expand or contract as the temperature changes—you get better value for your money if you refill your car in the morning on a cold day than in the middle of a hot day—so mass is more useful because it’s a more stable measure.)

Variable Types

All three of the variable declarations in Example 2-5 start with the keyword double. This tells the compiler what kind of information the variable holds. For this example, we’re clearly working with numbers, but .NET offers several different numeric types. Table 2-1 shows the complete set, and it may look like a bewildering assortment of options, but in practice the choice usually goes one of three ways: int, double, or decimal, which represent integers, floating-point, or decimal floating-point numbers, respectively.

Table 2-1. Numeric types

C# name

.NET name




Whole numbers and a limited range of fractions, with a wide range of values thanks to “floating point.” Occupies 32 bits of space.



Double-precision version of float—same idea, but using 64 bits.



Non-negative integer. Occupies 8 bits. Represents values from 0 to 255.



Signed integer. Occupies 8 bits. Represents values from −128 to 127.



Signed integer. Occupies 16 bits. Represents values from −32,768 to 32,767.



Non-negative integer. Occupies 16 bits. Represents values from 0 to 65,535.



Signed integer. Occupies 32 bits. Represents values from −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.



Nonnegative integer. Occupies 32 bits. Represents values from 0 to 4,294,967,295.



Signed integer. Occupies 64 bits. Represents values from −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.



Nonnegative integer. Occupies 64 bits. Represents values from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.



Signed integer. Grows in size as required. Value range limited only by available memory.



Supports whole numbers and fractions. Slightly less efficient than double, but provides more predictable behavior when using decimal fractions.


The int type (short for integer) represents whole numbers. That’s clearly no use for our example, because we’re dealing with numbers such as 5.14, and the closest that an int can get to that value is 5. But programs often deal with discrete quantities, such as the number of rows returned by a database query or the number of employees reporting to a particular manager. The principal advantage of an integer type is that it’s exact: there’s no scope for wondering if the number is really 5, or maybe just a number quite close to 5, such as 5.000001.

Table 2-1 lists nine types capable of representing integers. The ninth, BigInteger, is a special case that we’ll get to later. The other eight support four different sizes, with a choice between the ability and inability to represent negative numbers.

Unsigned numbers may seem less flexible, but they are potentially useful if you need to represent values that should never be negative. However, the unsigned integer types are not widely used—some programming languages don’t support them at all, and so you’ll find that the .NET Framework class library tends to use the signed types even when the unsigned ones might make more sense. For example, the Count property available on most collection types is of type int—a signed 32-bit integer—even though it does not make sense for a collection to contain a negative number of items.


Unsigned integers can also represent larger numbers than their signed equivalents. They don’t need to use up a bit to represent the sign, so they can use that to extend the range instead. However, this is something you should be wary of depending on. If you’re so close to the limits of a type’s range that one more bit makes a difference, you’re probably in danger of overflowing the type’s range in any case, and so you should consider a larger type.

Besides the signed/unsigned distinction, the various types offer different sizes, and a correspondingly different range of values. 32 bits is a popular choice because it offers a usefully wide range of values and is efficient for a 32-bit processor to work with. 64-bit types are used for the (fairly rare) occasions when you’re dealing with large enough quantities that a 32-bit representation’s range of a couple of billion is insufficient. 16-bit values are rarely used, although they occasionally crop up when having to deal with old programming interfaces, file formats, or network protocols.

The 8-bit byte type is important because binary I/O (e.g., working with files or network connections) is mostly byte-oriented. And for reasons of historical convention, bytes buck the trend in that the unsigned type is used more widely than the signed sbyte type. But outside of I/O, a byte is usually too small to be useful.

So in practice, int is the most widely used integer type. The fact that C# even offers you all these other choices can seem a little archaic—it harks back to the time when computers had so little memory that 32-bit numbers looked like an expensive choice. It gets this from its C-family connections, but it does turn out to be useful to have this control when you need to work directly with Windows APIs, as you’ll see in Chapter 19.

Notice that most of the types in Table 2-1 have two names. C# uses names such as int and long, but the .NET Framework calls these types by longer names such as System.Int32 and System.Int64. The shorter C# names are aliases, and C# is happy to let you use either. You can write this:

int answer = 42;

or this:

System.Int32 answer = 42;

or, if your C# source file has a using System; directive at the top, you can write this:

Int32 answer = 42;

All of these are equivalent—they produce exactly the same compiled output. The last two are equivalent simply because of how namespaces work, but why does C# support a completely different set of aliases? The answer is historical: C# was designed to be easy to learn for people who are familiar with the so-called C family of languages, which includes C, C++, Java, and JavaScript. Most of the languages in this family use the same names for certain kinds of data types—most use the name int to denote a conveniently sized integer, for example. So C# is merely following suit—it allows you to write code that looks like it would in other C-family languages.

By contrast, the .NET Framework supports many different languages, so it takes the prosaic approach of giving these numeric data types descriptive names—it calls a 32-bit integer System.Int32. Since C# lets you use either naming style, opinion is divided on the matter of which you should use.[6] The C-family style (int, double, etc.) seems to be the more popular.

Version 4 of the .NET Framework introduces an extra integer type that works slightly differently from the rest: BigInteger. It does not have a C-style name, so it’s known only by its class library name. Unlike all the other integer types, which occupy a fixed amount of memory that determines their range, a BigInteger can grow. As the number it represents gets larger, it simply consumes more space. The only theoretical limit on range is the amount of memory available, but in practice, the computational cost of working with vast numbers is likely to be the limiting factor. Even simple arithmetic operations such as multiplication can become rather expensive with sufficiently vast numbers. For example, if you have two numbers each with 1 million decimal digits—each number occupies more than 400 kilobytes of memory—multiplying these together takes more than a minute on a reasonably well-specified computer. BigInteger is useful for mathematical scenarios when you need to be able to work with very large numbers, but in more ordinary situations, int is the most popular integer type.

Integers are all very well for countable quantities, but what if you need the ability to represent something other than a whole number? This is where floating-point types come in.

Floating point

The double and float types both offer the ability to support numbers with a fractional component. For example, you can represent the value 1.5 with either of these types, which you can’t do with any of the integer types. The only difference between double and float is the level of precision available: since floating-point numbers have a fixed size, they can offer only a limited amount of precision. This means that they cannot represent any fraction—the limited precision means floating-point numbers can only represent most numbers approximately.

A float offers about seven decimal places of precision, whereas a double offers about 17. (Strictly speaking, they offer 23 and 52 binary places of precision, respectively. These are binary formats, so their precision does not correspond to an exact number of decimal places of precision.) So the following code:

double x = 1234.5678;
double y = x + 0.0001;

prints out what you’d expect:


If instead we use the float type:

float x = 1234.5678f;
float y = x + 0.0001f;

we get this:


This often surprises new developers, but it’s normal, and is by no means unique to C#. If only a limited amount of space is available, you simply cannot represent all possible numbers with complete accuracy. Floating point, approximate as it is, is the standard way to represent noninteger numbers in most programming languages, and you’ll see this sort of inaccuracy anywhere.


Notice that when modifying the code to use float instead of double, we added the letter f to the end of the constants—0.0001f instead of just 0.0001, for example. This is because C# treats a number with a decimal point as a value of type double, and if we try to store this in a variable of type float, we risk losing data due to the lower precision. Such code is treated as an error, hence the need to explicitly tell C# that we know we’re working with single-precision floating-point values, with the f suffix. If you have a double you really would like to turn into a float, and you are prepared to tolerate the loss of precision, you can tell C# this with a cast operator. For example:

double x = 1234.5678;
double y = x + 0.0001;
float impreciseSum = (float) (x + y);

The (float) syntax here is a cast, an explicit instruction to the compiler that we want to convert the type. Since we are being explicit, the compiler does not treat this as an error.

For a lot of applications, limited precision is not too big a problem as long as you’re aware of it, but there’s a slightly subtler problem that afflicts double and float. They are both binary representations, because that’s the most efficient way of packing precision into the space available. However, it means that you can get some surprising-looking results when working in decimal. For example, the number 0.1 cannot be represented accurately as a finite-length binary fraction. (For much the same reason that 1/9 cannot accurately be represented as a finite-length decimal fraction. In either case, you end up with a recurring [i.e., infinitely long] number: 1/9 in decimal is 0.1111 recurring; 1/10 in decimal is 0.1, but in binary it’s 0.00011001100110011 recurring.) Take the following example:

float f1 = 0.1f;
float f2 = f1 + 0.1f;
float f3 = f2 + 0.1f;
float f4 = f3 + 0.1f;
float f5 = f4 + 0.1f;
float f6 = f5 + 0.1f;
float f7 = f6 + 0.1f;
float f8 = f7 + 0.1f;
float f9 = f8 + 0.1f;

(We’ll see how to avoid such highly repetitive code when we get to loops later in the chapter, by the way.) This shows the following rather suspect output:


The inability to represent 0.1 accurately is not initially obvious, because .NET rounds the numbers when displaying them, masking the problem. However, as we keep adding numbers together, the inaccuracies add up and eventually start to become visible. As you can imagine, accountants don’t like this sort of thing—if those numbers happened to represent fund transfers measured in billions of dollars, having $0.0000001 billion ($100) suddenly appear out of nowhere every eight transactions would be considered a bad practice. This is why there’s a special numeric type just for working in decimal.

Decimal floating point

The decimal type (or System.Decimal, as .NET calls it) is superficially very similar to double and float, except its internal representation is adapted to decimal representations. It can represent up to 28 decimal digits of precision, and unlike the two binary floating-point types, any number that can be written as a 28-digit (or fewer) decimal can be represented completely accurately as a decimal variable. The value 0.1 fits comfortably into 28 digits with room to spare, so this would fix the problem in the previous example. The decimal type still has limited precision; it just has less surprising behavior if you’re looking at all your numbers in decimal.

So if you are performing calculations involving money, decimal is likely to be a better choice than double or float. The trade-off is that it’s slightly less efficient—computers are more at home in binary than decimal. For our race information application, we don’t have any particular need for decimal fidelity, which is why we’re using the double type in Example 2-5.

Getting back to that example, recall that we defined three variables that hold the distance our car has traveled, how long it took, and how much fuel it burned in the process. Here it is again so that you don’t have to flip back to it:

static void Main(string[] args)
    double kmTravelled = 5.141;
    double elapsedSeconds = 78.738;
    double fuelKilosConsumed = 2.7;

Now that we’ve looked at the numeric types, the structure of these lines is pretty clear. We start with the type of data we’d like to work with, followed by the name we’d like to use, and then we use the = symbol to assign a value to the variable. But assigning constant values isn’t very exciting. You can get the computer to do more useful work, because you can assign an expression into a variable.

Expressions and Statements

An expression is a piece of code that produces a value of some kind. We’ve actually seen several examples already, the most basic being the numbers we’re assigning into the variables. So in our example, a number such as:


is an expression. Expressions where we just tell C# what value we want are called literal expressions. More interestingly, expressions can perform calculations. For example, we could calculate the distance traveled per kilogram of fuel consumed with the expression in Example 2-6.

Example 2-6. Dividing one variable by another

kmTravelled / fuelKilosConsumed

The / symbol denotes division. Multiplication, addition, and subtraction are done with *, +, and -, respectively.

You can combine expressions together too. The / operator requires two inputs—the dividend and the divisor—and each input is itself an expression. We were able to use variable names such as kmTravelled because a variable name is valid as an expression—the resultant value is just whatever that variable’s value is. But we could use literals, as Example 2-7 shows. (A trap awaits the unwary here; see the sidebar on the next page.)

Example 2-7. Dividing one literal by another

60 / 10

Or we could use a mixture of literals and variable names to calculate the elapsed time in minutes:

elapsedSeconds / 60

or a multiplication expression as one of the inputs to a division expression to calculate the elapsed time in hours:

elapsedSeconds / (60 * 60)

(The parentheses ensure that we divide by 60 * 60. Without the parentheses, this expression would divide by 60, and then multiply by 60, which would be less useful. See the sidebar on the next page.) And then we could use this to work out the speed in kilometers per hour:

kmTravelled / (elapsedSeconds / (60 * 60))

Expressions don’t actually do anything on their own. We have described a calculation, but the C# compiler needs to know what we want to do with the result. We can do various things with an expression. We could use it to initialize another variable:

double kmPerHour = kmTravelled / (elapsedSeconds / (60 * 60));

or we could display the value of the expression in the console window:

Console.WriteLine(kmTravelled / (elapsedSeconds / (60 * 60)));

Both of these are examples of statements.

Whereas an expression describes a calculation, a statement describes an action. In the last two examples, we used the same expression—a calculation of the race car’s speed—but the two statements did different things: one evaluated the expression and assigned it into a new variable, while the other evaluated the expression and then passed it to the Console class’s WriteLine method.


An expression’s type matters. The examples we just looked at involve numbers or numeric variables, and are of type double or int. Expressions can be of any type, though. For example, ("Hello, " + "world") is an expression of type string. If you wrote an assignment statement that tried to assign that expression into a variable of type double, the compiler would complain—it insists that expressions are either of the same type as the variable, or of a type that is implicitly convertible to the variable’s type.

Implicit conversions exist for numeric types when the conversion won’t lose information—for example, a double can represent any value that an int can, so you’re allowed to assign an integer expression into a double variable. But attempting the opposite would cause a compiler error, because doubles can be larger than the highest int, and they can also contain fractional parts that would be lost. If you don’t mind the loss of information, you can put a cast in front of the expression:

int approxKmPerHour = (int) kmPerHour;

This casts the kmPerHour (which we declared earlier as a double) to an int, meaning it’ll force the value to fit in an integer, possibly losing information in the process.

A variable doesn’t have to be stuck with its initial value for its whole life. We can assign new values at any time.

Assignment Statements

The previous section showed how to assign an expression’s value into a newly declared variable:

double kmPerHour = kmTravelled / (elapsedSeconds / (60 * 60));

If at some later stage in the program’s execution new information becomes available, we could assign a new value into the kmPerHour variable—assignment statements aren’t required to declare new variables, and can assign into existing ones:

kmPerHour = updateKmTravelled / (updatedElapsedSeconds / (60 * 60));

This overwrites the existing value in the kmPerHour variable.

C# offers some specialized assignment statements that can make for slightly more succinct code. For example, suppose you wanted to add the car’s latest lap time to the variable holding the total elapsed time. You could write this:

elapsedSeconds = elapsedSeconds + latestLapTime;

This evaluates the expression on the righthand side, and assigns the result to the variable specified on the lefthand side. However, this process of adding a value to a variable is so common that there’s a special syntax for it:

elapsedSeconds += latestLapTime;

This has exactly the same effect as the previous expression. There are equivalents for the other mathematical operators, so -= means to subtract the expression on the right from the variable on the left, *= does the same for multiplication, and so on.

Increment and Decrement Operators

While we’re looking at how to update values, we should also look at the increment and decrement operators. If we want to maintain a lap count, we could add one each time the car completes a lap:

lapCount += 1;

The C programming language’s designers considered adding one to be a sufficiently important case to devise an even more special syntax for it, called the increment operator, which C# duly offers:


There’s also a decrement operator, --, which subtracts one. This example is a statement, but you can also use the increment and decrement operators in the middle of an expression:

int currentLap = lapCount++;

But be careful. The expression on the right of this assignment statement means “evaluate the current value of lapCount and then increment lapCount after getting its current value.” So if lapCount was 3 before executing this statement, currentLap would be 3 and lapCount would be 4 after executing it. If you want to use the updated value, you put the increment (or decrement) operator before its target:

int currentLap = ++lapCount;

You could write a program that consisted entirely of variable declaration, assignment, increment, and method invocation statements. However, such a program wouldn’t be very interesting—it would always execute the same sequence of statements just once in the same order. Fortunately, C# provides some more interesting statements that allow a program to make decisions that dynamically change the flow of execution through the code. This is sometimes referred to as flow control.

Flow Control with Selection Statements

A selection statement selects which code path to execute next, based on the value of an expression. We could use a selection statement to work out whether the race car is likely to run out of fuel in the next few laps, and display a warning if it is. C# offers two selection statements: if statements and switch statements.

To illustrate selection in action, we need to make a slight change to the program. Right now, our example hardcodes all of its data—the distance traveled, fuel consumed, and time elapsed are compiled into the code as literals. This makes selection statements uninteresting—the program would make the same decision every time because the data would always be the same. For the decision to be meaningful, we need to modify the program to accept input. Since we’re writing a console application, we can supply the necessary information as command-line arguments. We could run the program passing in the total distance, elapsed time, and fuel consumed, for example:

RaceInfo 20.6 312.8 10.8

We can write a modified version of the program that picks up these command-line values instead of hardcoding them, as shown in Example 2-8.

Example 2-8. Reading command-line inputs

static void Main(string[] args)
    double kmTravelled = double.Parse(args[0]);
    double elapsedSeconds = double.Parse(args[1]);
    double fuelKilosConsumed = double.Parse(args[2]);

There are a few interesting features to point out here before we add a selection statement. First, recall from earlier that the Main method, our program’s entry point, is passed a sequence of strings representing the command-line arguments in a variable called args. This sequence is an array, a .NET construct for holding multiple items of a particular type. (You can make arrays of anything—numbers, text, or any type. The string[] syntax indicates that this method expects an array of strings.) In an expression, we can retrieve a particular item from an array by specifying a number in square brackets after the array variable’s name. So the first three lines in our method here use args[0], args[1], and args[2] to get the first, second, and third items in the array—the three command-line arguments in this case.


C-family languages tend to number things from zero, and C# follows suit. This may seem a little idiosyncratic, but it makes sense to the computer. You can think of it as saying how far into the array you want to look. If you want to look at the thing right at the start of the array, you don’t need to go any distance at all, so an offset of zero gets you the first item. If you’re British, you’ll recognize this logic from floor numbering—the first floor in a building in Great Britain is not the one at street level; you have to go up one flight of stairs to get to the first floor.

Also notice the use of double.Parse. Command-line arguments are passed as text, because the user can type anything:

RaceInfo Jenson Button Rocks

But our program expects numbers. We need to do something to convert the strings into numbers, and that’s what double.Parse does: it expects the text to contain a decimal number, and converts it into a double-precision floating-point representation of that number. (If you’re wondering what it would do if the text wasn’t in fact a number, it’ll throw an exception. Chapter 6 explains what that means and how to deal with it gracefully, but for now it means our program would crash with an error.)

This example illustrates that method invocations can also be expressions—the double type’s Parse method returns a value of type double, meaning we can use it to initialize a variable of type double.

But that’s all by the by—the point here is that our program now gets data that could be different each time the program runs. For example, a race engineer in the pit lane could run the program with new distance, timing, and fuel information each time the car completes a lap. So our program can now usefully make decisions based on its input using selection statements. One such statement is the if statement.

if Statements

An if statement is a selection statement that decides whether to execute a particular piece of code based on the value of an expression. We can use this to show a low-fuel warning by adding the code in Example 2-9 at the end of our example’s Main method. Most of the code performs calculations in preparation for making the decision. The if statement toward the end of the example makes the decision—it decides whether to execute the block of code enclosed in braces.

Example 2-9. if statement

double fuelTankCapacityKilos = 80;
double lapLength = 5.141;

double fuelKilosPerKm = fuelKilosConsumed / kmTravelled;
double fuelKilosRemaining = fuelTankCapacityKilos - fuelKilosConsumed;
double predictedDistanceUntilOutOfFuel = fuelKilosRemaining / fuelKilosPerKm;
double predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel =
           predictedDistanceUntilOutOfFuel / lapLength;

if (predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < 4)
    Console.WriteLine("Low on fuel. Laps remaining: " +

To test this, we need to run the program with command-line arguments. You could open a command prompt, move to the directory containing the built output of your project, and run it with the arguments you want. (It’ll be in the binDebug folder that Visual Studio creates inside your project’s folder.) Or you can get Visual Studio to pass arguments for you. To do that, go to the Solution Explorer panel and double-click on the Properties icon. This will open the project’s properties view, which has a series of tabs on the lefthand side. Select the Debug tab, and in the middle you’ll see a “Command line arguments” text box as shown in Figure 2-6.

Passing command-line arguments in Visual Studio

Figure 2-6. Passing command-line arguments in Visual Studio

If you run the program with arguments corresponding to just a few laps (e.g., 15 238 8) it won’t print anything. But try running it with the following arguments: 141.95 2156.2 75.6. It’ll predict that the car has about 1.6 laps of fuel remaining. The if statement in Example 2-9 tests the following expression:

predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < 4

The < symbol means “less than.” So the code in braces following the if statement runs only if the number of predicted laps of fuel is less than 4. Clearly, 1.6 is less than 4, so in this case it’ll run that code, printing out the following:

Low on fuel. Laps remaining: 1.60701035044548

You need to use the right kind of expression in an if statement. In this case, we’ve performed a comparison—we’re testing to see if a variable is less than 4. There are only two possible outcomes: either it’s less than 4 or it isn’t. So this expression is clearly different in nature to the expressions performing mathematical calculations. If you were to modify the program so that it prints the value of that expression:

Console.WriteLine(predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < 4);

it would display either True or False. The .NET Framework has a special type to represent such an either/or choice, called System.Boolean, and as with the numeric types, C# defines its own alias for this type: bool.[7] An if statement requires a Boolean expression. So if you try to use an expression with a numeric result, such as this:

if (fuelTankCapacityKilos - fuelKilosConsumed)

the compiler will complain with the error “Cannot implicitly convert type ‘double’ to ‘bool’.” This is its way of saying that it expects a bool—either true or false—and you’ve given it a number. In effect, that code says something like “If fourteen and a half then do this.” What would that even mean?


The C language decided to answer that question by saying that 0 is equivalent to false, and anything else is equivalent to true. But that was only because it didn’t have a built-in Boolean type, so its if statement had to be able to work with numeric expressions. This turned out to be a frequent cause of bugs in C programs. Since C# does have a built-in bool type, it insists that an if statement’s expression is always of type bool.

C# defines several operators which, like the < operator we used in Example 2-9, can compare two numbers to produce a Boolean true/false answer. Table 2-2 shows these. Some of these operators can be applied to non-numeric types too. For example, you can use the == and != operators to compare strings. (You might expect the other comparison operators to work too, telling you whether one string would come before or after another when sorted alphabetically. However, there’s more than one way to sort strings—it turns out that the method used varies based on language and culture. And rather than have an expression such as text1 < text2 mean different things in different contexts, C# simply doesn’t allow it. If you want to compare strings, you have to call one of the methods provided by the String class that lets you say how you’d like the comparison to work.)

Table 2-2. Comparison operators

C# operator



Less than


Greater than


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to


Equal to


Not equal to

Just as you can combine numeric expressions into more complex and powerful expressions, C# provides operators that let you combine Boolean expressions to test multiple conditions. The && operator combines two Boolean expressions into a single expression that’s true only if both conditions are true. In our race example, we might use this to hide the low-fuel warning if we’re near the end of the race and the car has enough fuel to make it to the finish line. Imagine that we added an extra argument to pass in the number of remaining laps in the race, and an additional variable to hold that value; we could write:

if ((predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < 4) &&
    (predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < remainingLapsInRace))
    Console.WriteLine("Low on fuel. Laps remaining: " +

This has the same effect as the following slightly more verbose code:

if (predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < 4)
    if (predictedLapsUntilOutOfFuel < remainingLapsInRace)
        Console.WriteLine("Low on fuel. Laps remaining: " +

Only if both conditions are true will the message be displayed. There’s also a || operator. Like &&, the || operator combines two Boolean expressions, but will be true if either of them is true.


The if statement examples we’ve looked at so far just decide whether to execute some optional code, but what if we want to choose between two actions? An if statement can optionally include an else section that runs if the condition was false, as in this hypothetical post-race example:

if (weWonTheRace)

One type of if/else test comes up often enough that C-family languages have a special syntax for it: sometimes you want to pick between one of two values, based on some test. You could write this:

string messageForDriver;
if (weWonTheRace)
    messageForDriver = "Congratulations";
    messageForDriver = "You're fired";

Sometimes it’s more convenient to be able to put this inside an expression. This can be done with the ternary operator, so called because it contains three expressions: a Boolean test expression, the expression to use if the test is true, and the expression to use if the test is false. The syntax uses ? and : characters to separate the expressions, so the basic pattern is test ? resultIfTrue : resultIfFalse. We can collapse the previous if...else example to a single assignment statement by using the ternary operator in the expression on the righthand side of the assignment:

string messageForDriver = weWonTheRace ?
                            "Congratulations" :
                            "You're fired";

You don’t have to space it out like this, by the way—we put the two options on separate lines to make them easy to see. But some people like to use the ternary operator to condense as much logic as possible into as little space as possible; this is either admirable conciseness or impenetrable terseness, depending on your personal tastes.

You can string multiple if...else tests together. To see how that might be useful in our example, consider how in motor racing, incidents or weather conditions may cause the race stewards to initiate certain safety procedures, such as temporarily disallowing overtaking maneuvers while wreckage is cleared from the track, releasing the safety car for the drivers to follow slowly if the wreckage is particularly spectacular, or in extreme cases “red-flagging” the race—a temporary complete halt followed by a restart. Each of these has its own appropriate response, which can be dealt with by a chain of if...else if...else statements, as shown in Example 2-10.

Example 2-10. Testing multiple conditions with if and else

string raceStatus = args[3];
if (raceStatus == "YellowFlag")
else if (raceStatus == "SafetyCar")
else if (raceStatus == "RedFlag")
    if (ourDriverCausedIncident)
        if (feelingGenerous)

While this works, there’s an alternative. This pattern of choosing one option out of many is sufficiently common that C# has a special selection statement to handle it.

switch and case Statements

A switch statement lets you specify a list of expected values, and what to do for each value. The values can be either strings or integral types. (Integral types include int, short, etc.—you cannot switch on floating-point numbers. Enumeration types, which are discussed in Chapter 3, are considered to be integral types for the purposes of a switch statement.) We can use this to rewrite Example 2-10 as shown in Example 2-11.

Example 2-11. Testing multiple conditions with switch and case

string raceStatus = args[3];
switch (raceStatus)
case "YellowFlag":

case "SafetyCar":

case "RedFlag":
    if (ourDriverCausedIncident)
        if (feelingGenerous)




The break keyword you can see at the end of each case is present mainly for consistency with other C-like languages. In C and C++, if you leave off the break, the code will “fall” out of one case through to the next. So if we left off the break in the YellowFlag case, we’d end up telling drivers not to overtake and then warning them about the safety car. This would be a bug—and in general, you almost always don’t want fall-through. It’s unfortunate that in C and C++ fall-through was the default. C# changes this: if you want fall-through you must ask for it explicitly by writing goto case "SafetyCar". But despite fall-through no longer being the implicit default, you still need to write the same break statement as you would in other C-family languages when you don’t want fall-through—if you leave it out you’ll get an error.

You might be wondering what is the point—this does exactly the same as Example 2-10, so why do we need a different syntax? As it happens, we don’t—there’s nothing you can do with switch and case that you can’t do with if and else. But switch and case offer one useful advantage: they make it clear what we’re doing—we’re looking at a single expression (raceStatus) and we’re choosing one of a number of options based on the value of that expression. A developer familiar with C# can look at this code and understand the structure of the decision-making process at a glance. With the previous example, you would need to look at each else if statement in turn to make sure it wasn’t doing something more complex—chained else if statements are more flexible than switch statements, because each new link in the chain is allowed to test a completely different expression, but that flexibility comes at the cost of making it harder to understand the code. Sometimes a self-imposed constraint can make code easier to read and maintain, and a switch statement is a good example of that.

Selection statements make programs considerably more useful than they would otherwise be—they enable programs to make decisions. But our examples are still rather straightforward—they run just once, from start to finish, with the odd variation in the execution flow. The amount of work that is done is pretty trivial. So there’s another kind of statement that plays to a computer’s greatest strength: the ability to perform simple repetitive tasks many times over.

Iteration Statements

An iteration statement allows a sequence of other statements to be executed several times. (Repeated execution is also often known as a loop because, like the race car, the code goes round and round again.) This seems like it could be useful in our race data analysis—race cars usually complete many laps, so we will probably have multiple sets of data to process. It would be annoying to have to write the same code 60 times just to process all the data for a 60-lap race. Fortunately, we don’t have to—we can use one of C#’s iteration statements.

Imagine that instead of passing in timing or fuel information as command-line arguments, the data was in files. We might have a text file containing one line per lap, with the elapsed time at the end of each lap. Another text file could contain the remaining fuel at the end of each lap. To illustrate how to work with such data, we’ll start with a simple example: finding the lap on which our driver went quickest.

Since this code is a little different from the previous example, start a new project if you want to follow along. Make another console application called LapAnalysis.

To be able to test our code we’ll need a file containing the timing information. You can add this to your Visual Studio project. Right-click on the LapAnalysis project in the Solution Explorer and select AddNew Item from the context menu. (Or just press Ctrl-Shift-A.) In the Installed Templates section on the left, select the General category under Visual C# Items, and then in the central area select Text File. Call the file LapTimes.txt and click Add. You’ll need this file to be somewhere the program can get to. Go to the Properties panel for the file—this is usually below the Solution Explorer panel, but if you don’t see it, right-click on LapTimes.txt in the Solution Explorer and select Properties. In the Properties panel, you should see a Copy to Output Directory property. By default, this is set to “Do not copy”. Change it to “Copy if newer”—Visual Studio will ensure that an up-to-date copy of the file is available in the binDebug folder in which it builds your program. You’ll need some data in this file. We’ll be using the following—these numbers represent the elapsed time in seconds since the start of the race at the end of each lap:


The program is going to read in the contents of the file. To do this, it’ll need to use types from the System.IO namespace, so you’ll need to add the following near the top of your Program.cs file:

using System.IO;

Then inside the Main method, use the following code to read the contents of the file:

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("LapTimes.txt");

The File type is in the System.IO namespace, and its ReadAllLines method reads in all the lines of a text file and returns an array of strings (string[]) with one entry per line. The easiest way to work through all these entries is with a foreach statement.

foreach Statements

A foreach statement executes a block of statements once for every item in a collection such as an array. For example, this:

foreach (string line in lines)

will display every line of text from the lines array we just built. The block to execute each time around is, as ever, delimited by a { } pair.

We have to provide the C# compiler with two things at the start of a foreach loop: the variable we’d like to use to access each item from the collection, and the collection itself. The string line part declares the first bit—the so-called iteration variable. And then the in lines part says that we want to iterate over the items in the lines array. So each time around the loop, line will contain the next string in lines.

We can use this to discover the fastest lap time, as shown in Example 2-12.

Example 2-12. Finding the fastest lap with foreach

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("LapTimes.txt");
double currentLapStartTime = 0;
double fastestLapTime = 0;
foreach (string line in lines)
    double lapEndTime = double.Parse(line);
    double lapTime = lapEndTime - currentLapStartTime;
    if (fastestLapTime == 0 || lapTime < fastestLapTime)
        fastestLapTime = lapTime;
    currentLapStartTime = lapEndTime;
Console.WriteLine("Fastest lap time: " + fastestLapTime);

The currentLapStartTime begins at zero, but is updated to the end time of the previous lap each time around the loop—we need this to work out how long each lap took, because each line of the file contains the total elapsed race time at each lap. And the fastestLapTime variable contains the time of the fastest lap yet found—it’ll be updated each time a faster lap is found. (We also update it when it’s zero, which it will be the first time we go around.)

This finds the fastest lap time—76.7 seconds in the example data we’re using. But it doesn’t tell us which lap that was. Looking at the numbers, we can see that it happens to be the fourth, but it would be nice if the program could tell us. One way to do this is to declare a new variable called lapNumber, initializing it to 1 outside the loop, and adding one each time around, to keep track of the current lap. Then we can record the lap number on which we found the fastest time. Example 2-13 shows a modified version, with the additional code in bold.

Example 2-13. Fastest lap including lap number

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("LapTimes.txt");
double currentLapStartTime = 0;
double fastestLapTime = 0;
int lapNumber = 1;
int fastestLapNumber = 0;
foreach (string line in lines)
    double lapEndTime = double.Parse(line);
    double lapTime = lapEndTime - currentLapStartTime;
    if (fastestLapTime == 0 || lapTime < fastestLapTime)
        fastestLapTime = lapTime;
        fastestLapNumber = lapNumber;
    currentLapStartTime = lapEndTime;
    lapNumber += 1;
Console.WriteLine("Fastest lap: " + fastestLapNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Fastest lap time: " + fastestLapTime);

If you’re trying this out, this might be a good opportunity to acquaint yourself with Visual Studio’s debugging features—see the sidebar below.

Example 2-13 works well enough, but there’s an alternative iteration statement you can use for this sort of scenario: a for statement.

for Statements

A for statement is a loop in which some variable is initialized to a start value, and is modified each time around the loop. The loop will run for as long as some condition remains true—this means a for loop does not necessarily have to involve a collection, unlike a foreach loop. Example 2-14 is a simple loop that counts to 10.

Example 2-14. Counting with a for loop

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Coming, ready or not!");

The for keyword is followed by parentheses containing three pieces. First, a variable is declared and initialized. Then the condition is specified—this particular loop will iterate for as long as the variable i is less than or equal to 10. You can use any Boolean expression here, just like in an if statement. And finally, there is a statement to be executed each time around the loop—adding one to i in this case. (As you saw earlier, i++ adds one to i. We could also have written i += 1, but the usual if arbitrary convention in C-style languages is to use the ++ operator here.)


Earlier we recommended using variable names that are long enough to be descriptive, so you might be raising an eyebrow over the use of i as a variable name. There’s a convention with for loops where the iteration variable just counts up from zero—short variable names such as i, j, k, x, and y are often used. It’s not a universal convention, but you’ll see it widely used, particularly with short loops.

We’re using this convention in Example 2-14 only because you will come across it sooner or later, and so we felt it was important to show it. But it’s arguably not an especially good way to write clear code, so feel free to choose more meaningful names in your own code.

We could use this construct as an alternative way to find the fastest lap time, as shown in Example 2-15.

Example 2-15. Finding the fastest lap with for

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("LapTimes.txt");
double currentLapStartTime = 0;
double fastestLapTime = 0;
int fastestLapNumber = 0;
for (int lapNumber = 1; lapNumber <= lines.Length; lapNumber++)
    double lapEndTime = double.Parse(lines[lapNumber - 1]);
    double lapTime = lapEndTime - currentLapStartTime;
    if (fastestLapTime == 0 || lapTime < fastestLapTime)
        fastestLapTime = lapTime;
        fastestLapNumber = lapNumber;
    currentLapStartTime = lapEndTime;
Console.WriteLine("Fastest lap: " + fastestLapNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Fastest lap time: " + fastestLapTime);

This is pretty similar to the foreach example. It’s marginally shorter, but it’s also a little more awkward—our program is counting the laps starting from 1, but arrays in .NET start from zero, so the line that parses the value from the file has the slightly ungainly expression lines[lapNumber - 1] in it. (Incidentally, this example avoids using a short iteration variable name such as i because we’re numbering the laps from 1, not 0—short iteration variable names tend to be associated with zero-based counting.) Arguably, the foreach version was clearer, even if it was ever so slightly longer. The main advantage of for is that it doesn’t require a collection, so it’s better suited to Example 2-14 than Example 2-15.

while and do Statements

C# offers a third kind of iteration statement: the while loop. This is like a simplified for loop—it has only the Boolean expression that decides whether to carry on looping, and does not have the variable initialization part, or the statement to execute each time around. (Or if you prefer, a for loop is a fancy version of a while loop—neither for nor foreach does anything you couldn’t achieve with a while loop and a little extra code.) Example 2-16 shows an alternative approach to working through the lines of a text file based on a while loop.

Example 2-16. Iterating through a file with a while loop

static void Main(string[] args)
    using (StreamReader times = File.OpenText("LapTimes.txt"))
        while (!times.EndOfStream)
            string line = times.ReadLine();
            double lapEndTime = double.Parse(line);

The while statement is well suited to the one-line-at-a-time approach. It doesn’t require a collection; it just loops until the condition becomes false. In this example, that means we loop until the StreamReader tells us we’ve reached the end of the file.[8] (Chapter 11 describes the use of types such as StreamReader in detail.) The exclamation mark (!) in front of the expression means not—you can put this in front of any Boolean expression to invert the result. So the loop runs for as long as we are not at the end of the stream.


We could have used a for loop to implement this one-line-at-a-time loop—it also iterates until its condition becomes false. The while loop happens to be a better choice here simply because in this example, we have no use for the variable initialization or loop statement offered by for.

The approach in Example 2-16 would be better than the previous examples for a particularly large file. The code can start working straight away without having to wait for the entire file to load, and it will use less memory because it doesn’t build the array containing every single line—it can hold just one line at a time in memory. For our example lap time file with just six lines of data, this won’t make any difference, but if you were processing a file with hundreds of thousands of entries, this while-based example could provide noticeably better performance than the array-based examples.


This does not mean that while is faster than for or foreach. The performance difference here is a result of the code working with the file in a different way, and has nothing to do with the loop construct. In general, it’s a bad idea to focus on which language features are “fastest.” Performance usually depends on the way in which your code solves a problem, rather than which particular language feature you use.

Note that for and while loops might never execute their contents at all. If the condition is false the first time around, they’ll skip the loop entirely. This is often desirable—if there’s no data, you probably want to do no work. But just occasionally it can be useful to write a loop that is guaranteed to execute at least once. We can do this with a variation on the while loop, called the do while loop:

while (DateTime.Now.Hour < 8);

The while keyword and condition come at the end, and we mark the start of the loop with the do keyword. This loop always executes at least once, testing the condition at the end of each iteration instead of the start. So this code will repeatedly show the message “Waiting...” until the current time is 8:00 a.m. or later. If it’s already past 8:00 a.m., it’ll still write out “Waiting...” once.

Breaking Out of a Loop

It can sometimes be useful to abandon a loop earlier than its natural end. In the case of a foreach loop, this might mean stopping before you’ve processed every item in the collection. With for or while loops, you get to write the loop condition so that you can stop under whatever conditions you like, but it can sometimes be more convenient to put the code that makes a decision to abandon a loop somewhere inside the loop body rather than in the condition. For these eventualities, C# provides the break keyword.

We saw break already in a switch statement in Example 2-11—we used it to say that we’re done with the switch and want to break out of that statement. The break keyword does the same thing in a loop:

using (StreamReader times = File.OpenText("LapTimes.txt"))
    while (!times.EndOfStream)
        string line = times.ReadLine();
        if (line == "STOP!")
        double lapEndTime = double.Parse(line);

This is the loop from Example 2-16, modified to stop if it comes across a line in the input file that contains the text “STOP!” This breaks out immediately, abandoning the rest of the loop and leaping straight to the first line of code after the enclosing loop’s closing brace. (In that case, this happens to be the enclosing using statement’s closing brace, which will close the file handle.)


Some people regard this use of break as bad practice. It makes it harder to understand the loop. When a loop contains no break statements, you can understand its lifetime by looking at the while (or for, or foreach) part. But if there are break statements, you need to look at more of the code to get a complete understanding of when the loop will finish.

More generally, flow control that jumps suddenly out of the middle of a construct is frowned upon, because it makes it much harder for someone to understand how execution flows through a program, and programs that are hard to understand tend to be buggy. The computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra submitted a short letter on this topic in 1968 to an academic journal, which was printed under a now infamous heading, “Go-to statement considered harmful”. If you’re interested in iconic pieces of computing history, or if you’d like a detailed explanation of exactly why this sort of jumpy flow control is problematic, you can find the original letter at

To recap what we’ve explored so far, we’ve seen how to work with variables to hold information, how to write expressions that perform calculations, how to use selection statements that decide what to do, and how to build iteration statements that can do things repeatedly. There’s one more basic C# programming feature we need to look at to cover the most important everyday coding features: methods.


As we saw earlier, a method is a named block of code. We wrote a method already—the Main method that runs when our program starts. And we used methods provided by the .NET Framework class library, such as Console.WriteLine and File.ReadAllLines. But we haven’t looked at how and why you would introduce new methods other than Main into your own code.

Methods are an essential mechanism for reducing your code’s complexity and enhancing its readability. By putting a section of code into its own method with a carefully chosen name that describes what the method does, you can make it much easier for someone looking at the code to work out what your program is meant to do. Also, methods can help avoid repetition—if you need to do similar work in multiple places, a method can help you reuse code.

In our race car example, there’s a job we may need to do multiple times: reading in numeric values from a file. We did this for timing information, but we’re going to need to do the same with fuel consumption and distance. Rather than writing three almost identical bits of code, we can put the majority of the code into a single method.

The first thing we need to do is declare the method—we need to pick a name, define the information that comes into the method, and optionally define the information that comes back out. Let’s call the method ReadNumbersFromFile, since that’s what it’s going to do. Its input will be a text string containing the filename, and it will return an array of double-precision floating-point numbers. The method declaration, which will go inside our Program class, will look like this:

static double[] ReadNumbersFromFile(string fileName)

As you may recall from the discussion of Main earlier, the static keyword indicates that we do not need an instance of the containing Program type to be created for this method to run. (We’ll be looking at nonstatic methods in the next chapter when we start dealing with objects.) C# follows the C-family convention that the kind of data coming out of the method is specified before the name and the inputs, so next we have double[], indicating that this method returns an array of numbers. Then we have the name, and then in parentheses, the inputs required by this method. In this example there’s just one, the filename, but this would be a comma-separated list if more inputs were required.

After the method declaration comes the method body—the statements that make up the method, enclosed in braces. The code isn’t going to be quite the same as what we’ve seen so far—up until now, we’ve converted the text to numbers one at a time immediately before processing them. But this code is going to return an array of numbers, just like File.ReadAllLines returns an array of strings. So our code needs to build up that array. Example 2-17 shows one way of doing this.

Example 2-17. A method for reading numbers from a file

static double[] ReadNumbersFromFile(string fileName)
    List<double> numbers = new List<double>();
    using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(fileName))
        while (!file.EndOfStream)
            string line = file.ReadLine();
            // Skip blank lines
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
    return numbers.ToArray();

This looks pretty similar to the example while loop we saw earlier, with one addition: we’re creating an object that lets us build up a collection of numbers one at a time—a List<double>. It’s similar to an array (a double[]), but an array needs you to know how many items you want up front—you can’t add more items onto an existing array. The advantage of a List<double> is that you can just keep adding new numbers at will. That matters here because if you look closely you’ll see we’ve modified the code to skip over blank lines, which means that we actually don’t know how many numbers we’re going to get until we’ve read the whole file.

Once you’re done adding numbers to a list, you can call its ToArray() method to get an array of the correct size. This list class is an example of a collection class. .NET offers several of these, and they are so extremely useful that Chapters 7, 8, and 9 are related to working with collections.

Notice the return keyword near the end of Example 2-17. This is how we return the information calculated by our method to whatever code calls the method. As well as specifying the value to return, the return keyword causes the current method to exit immediately, and for execution to continue back in the calling method. (In methods with a void return type, which do not return any value, you can use the return keyword without an argument to exit the method. Or you can just let execution run to the end of the method, and it will return implicitly.) If you’re wondering how the method remembers where it’s supposed to go back to, see the sidebar on the next page.

With the ReadNumbersFromFile method in place, we can now write this sort of code:

double[] lapTimes = ReadNumbersFromFile("LapTimes.txt");
double[] fuelLevels = ReadNumbersFromFile("FuelRemainingByLap.txt");

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to understand that this code is reading in numbers for lap times and fuel levels from a couple of text files—the code makes this aspect of its behavior much clearer than, say, Example 2-12. When code does what it says it does, you make life much easier for anyone who has to look at the code after you’ve written it. And since that probably includes you, you’ll make your life easier in the long run by moving functionality into carefully named methods.


This idea of moving code out of the middle of one method and into a separate method is very common, and is an example of refactoring. Generally speaking, refactoring means restructuring code without changing its behavior, to either simplify it, make it easier to understand and maintain, or avoid duplication. There are so many ways to refactor code that whole books have been written on the topic, but this particular refactoring operation is so useful that Visual Studio can automate it. If you select some code and then right-click on the C# editor window, it offers a RefactorExtract Method menu item that does this for you. In practice, it’s not always that straightforward—you might need to restructure the code a little first, before you’re in a position to factor out the pieces you’d like to move into a method. Example 2-17 had to work slightly differently from any of the previous examples to package the code into a reusable method. But while it may require some work, it’s a useful technique to apply.


In this chapter, we looked at some of the most important concepts involved in the everyday writing of C#. We saw how to create and run projects in Visual Studio. We saw how namespaces help us work with the .NET Framework class library and other external code, without getting lost in the thousands of classes on offer. We used variables and expressions to store and perform calculations with data. We used selection statements to make decisions based on input, and iteration statements to perform repetitive work on collections of data. And we saw how splitting your code into well-named methods can enhance the reusability and readability of your code. In the next chapter, we’ll step outside the world of methods and look at C#’s support for object-oriented programming.

[3] Strictly speaking, you can leave out the namespace, in which case your types will end up in the so-called global namespace. But this is considered a poor practice—you’ll normally want your own code to reap the same benefits that class libraries get from namespaces.

[4] This is the essential difference between the so-called functional and procedural approaches to coding, by the way. Code that just performs a computation or calculation and returns the result is called “functional” because it’s similar in nature to mathematical functions such as cosine, and square root. Procedural code tends to perform a sequence of actions. In some languages, such as F#, the functional style dominates, but C# programs typically use a mixture of both styles.

[5] With the odd exception: in a string constant such as the “Hello, world” text in this example, whitespace is treated literally—C# presumes that if you put, say, three spaces in some text enclosed in double quotes, you really want three spaces.

[6] Whenever more than one way of doing something exists in a programming system, a schism inevitably forms, offering the opportunity for long and pointless arguments over which is “better.”

[7] The Boolean type is named after George Boole, who invented a branch of mathematical logic that uses just two values: true and false. His system is fundamental to the operation of all digital electronics, so it’s a shame that C# doesn’t see fit to spell his name properly.

[8] You’ll have noticed the using keyword on the line where we get hold of the StreamReader. We use this construct when it’s necessary to indicate exactly when we’ve finished with an object—in this case we need to say when we’re done with the file to avoid keeping operating system file handles open.

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