Chapter 6

Arrays and Tuples


  • Simple arrays
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Jagged arrays
  • The Array class
  • Arrays as parameters
  • Enumerations
  • Tuples
  • Structural comparison


The code downloads for this chapter are found at on the Download Code tab. The code for this chapter is divided into the following major examples:

  • SimpleArrays
  • SortingSample
  • ArraySegment
  • YieldDemo
  • StructuralComparison


If you need to work with multiple objects of the same type, you can use collections (see Chapter 10, “Collections”) and arrays. C# has a special notation to declare, initialize, and use arrays. Behind the scenes, the Array class comes into play, which offers several methods to sort and filter the elements inside the array. Using an enumerator, you can iterate through all the elements of the array.

To use multiple objects of different types, the type Tuple can be used. See the “Tuples” section later in this chapter for details about this type.


If you need to use multiple objects of the same type, you can use an array. An array is a data structure that contains a number of elements of the same type.

Array Declaration

An array is declared by defining the type of elements inside the array, followed by empty brackets and a variable name. For example, an array containing integer elements is declared like this:

int[] myArray;

Array Initialization

After declaring an array, memory must be allocated to hold all the elements of the array. An array is a reference type, so memory on the heap must be allocated. You do this by initializing the variable of the array using the new operator, with the type and the number of elements inside the array. Here, you specify the size of the array:

myArray = new int[4];

NOTE Value types and reference types are covered in Chapter 3, “Objects and Types.”

With this declaration and initialization, the variable myArray references four integer values that are allocated on the managed heap (see Figure 6-1).

NOTE An array cannot be resized after its size is specified without copying all the elements. If you don’t know how many elements should be in the array in advance, you can use a collection (see Chapter 10).

Instead of using a separate line to declare and initialize an array, you can use a single line:

int[] myArray = new int[4];

You can also assign values to every array element using an array initializer. Array initializers can be used only while declaring an array variable, not after the array is declared:

int[] myArray = new int[4] {4, 7, 11, 2};

If you initialize the array using curly brackets, the size of the array can also be omitted, because the compiler can count the number of elements itself:

int[] myArray = new int[] {4, 7, 11, 2};

There’s even a shorter form using the C# compiler. Using curly brackets you can write the array declaration and initialization. The code generated from the compiler is the same as the previous result:

int[] myArray = {4, 7, 11, 2};

Accessing Array Elements

After an array is declared and initialized, you can access the array elements using an indexer. Arrays support only indexers that have integer parameters.

With the indexer, you pass the element number to access the array. The indexer always starts with a value of 0 for the first element. Therefore, the highest number you can pass to the indexer is the number of elements minus one, because the index starts at zero. In the following example, the array myArray is declared and initialized with four integer values. The elements can be accessed with indexer values 0, 1, 2, and 3.

int[] myArray = new int[] {4, 7, 11, 2};
int v1 = myArray[0];  // read first element
int v2 = myArray[1];  // read second element
myArray[3] = 44;      // change fourth element

NOTE If you use a wrong indexer value where that is bigger than the length of the array, an exception of type IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown.

If you don’t know the number of elements in the array, you can use the Length property, as shown in this for statement:

    for (int i = 0; i < myArray.Length; i++)

Instead of using a for statement to iterate through all the elements of the array, you can also use the foreach statement:

    foreach (var val in myArray)

NOTE The foreach statement makes use of the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces, which are discussed later in this chapter.

Using Reference Types

In addition to being able to declare arrays of predefined types, you can also declare arrays of custom types. Let’s start with the following Person class, the properties FirstName and LastName using auto-implemented properties, and an override of the ToString() method from the Object class (code file SimpleArrays/Person.cs):

public class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }
  public override string ToString()
    return String.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName);

Declaring an array of two Person elements is similar to declaring an array of int:

Person[] myPersons = new Person[2];

However, be aware that if the elements in the array are reference types, memory must be allocated for every array element. If you use an item in the array for which no memory was allocated, a NullReferenceException is thrown.

NOTE For information about errors and exceptions, see Chapter 16, “Errors and Exceptions.”

You can allocate every element of the array by using an indexer starting from 0:

myPersons[0] = new Person { FirstName="Ayrton", LastName="Senna" };
myPersons[1] = new Person { FirstName="Michael", LastName="Schumacher" };

Figure 6-2 shows the objects in the managed heap with the Person array. myPersons is a variable that is stored on the stack. This variable references an array of Person elements that is stored on the managed heap. This array has enough space for two references. Every item in the array references a Person object that is also stored in the managed heap.

Similar to the int type, you can also use an array initializer with custom types:

Person[] myPersons2 =
  new Person { FirstName="Ayrton", LastName="Senna"},
  new Person { FirstName="Michael", LastName="Schumacher"}


Ordinary arrays (also known as one-dimensional arrays) are indexed by a single integer. A multidimensional array is indexed by two or more integers.

Figure 6-3 shows the mathematical notation for a two-dimensional array that has three rows and three columns. The first row has the values 1, 2, and 3, and the third row has the values 7, 8, and 9.

To declare this two-dimensional array with C#, you put a comma inside the brackets. The array is initialized by specifying the size of every dimension (also known as rank). Then the array elements can be accessed by using two integers with the indexer:

int[,] twodim = new int[3, 3];
twodim[0, 0] = 1;
twodim[0, 1] = 2;
twodim[0, 2] = 3;
twodim[1, 0] = 4;
twodim[1, 1] = 5;
twodim[1, 2] = 6;
twodim[2, 0] = 7;
twodim[2, 1] = 8;
twodim[2, 2] = 9;

NOTE After declaring an array, you cannot change the rank.

You can also initialize the two-dimensional array by using an array indexer if you know the values for the elements in advance. To initialize the array, one outer curly bracket is used, and every row is initialized by using curly brackets inside the outer curly brackets:

int[,] twodim = {
                 {1, 2, 3},
                 {4, 5, 6},
                 {7, 8, 9}

NOTE When using an array initializer, you must initialize every element of the array. It is not possible to defer the initialization of some values until later.

By using two commas inside the brackets, you can declare a three-dimensional array:

int[,,] threedim = {
            { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } },
            { { 5, 6 }, { 7, 8 } },
            { { 9, 10 }, { 11, 12 } }
Console.WriteLine(threedim[0, 1, 1]);


A two-dimensional array has a rectangular size (for example, 3 × 3 elements). A jagged array provides more flexibility in sizing the array. With a jagged array every row can have a different size.

Figure 6-4 contrasts a two-dimensional array that has 3 × 3 elements with a jagged array. The jagged array shown contains three rows, with the first row containing two elements, the second row containing six elements, and the third row containing three elements.

A jagged array is declared by placing one pair of opening and closing brackets after another. To initialize the jagged array, only the size that defines the number of rows in the first pair of brackets is set. The second brackets that define the number of elements inside the row are kept empty because every row has a different number of elements. Next, the element number of the rows can be set for every row:

      int[][] jagged = new int[3][];
      jagged[0] = new int[2] { 1, 2 };
      jagged[1] = new int[6] { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
      jagged[2] = new int[3] { 9, 10, 11 };

You can iterate through all the elements of a jagged array with nested for loops. In the outer for loop every row is iterated, and the inner for loop iterates through every element inside a row:

      for (int row = 0; row < jagged.Length; row++)
        for (int element = 0; element < jagged[row].Length; element++)
          Console.WriteLine("row: {0}, element: {1}, value: {2}", row, element, 

The output of the iteration displays the rows and every element within the rows:

row: 0, element: 0, value: 1
row: 0, element: 1, value: 2
row: 1, element: 0, value: 3
row: 1, element: 1, value: 4
row: 1, element: 2, value: 5
row: 1, element: 3, value: 6
row: 1, element: 4, value: 7
row: 1, element: 5, value: 8
row: 2, element: 0, value: 9
row: 2, element: 1, value: 10
row: 2, element: 2, value: 11


Declaring an array with brackets is a C# notation using the Array class. Using the C# syntax behind the scenes creates a new class that derives from the abstract base class Array. This makes it possible to use methods and properties that are defined with the Array class with every C# array. For example, you’ve already used the Length property or iterated through the array by using the foreach statement. By doing this, you are using the GetEnumerator() method of the Array class.

Other properties implemented by the Array class are LongLength, for arrays in which the number of items doesn’t fit within an integer, and Rank, to get the number of dimensions.

Let’s have a look at other members of the Array class by getting into various features.

Creating Arrays

The Array class is abstract, so you cannot create an array by using a constructor. However, instead of using the C# syntax to create array instances, it is also possible to create arrays by using the static CreateInstance() method. This is extremely useful if you don’t know the type of elements in advance, because the type can be passed to the CreateInstance() method as a Type object.

The following example shows how to create an array of type int with a size of 5. The first argument of the CreateInstance() method requires the type of the elements, and the second argument defines the size. You can set values with the SetValue() method, and read values with the GetValue() method (code file SimpleArrays/Program.cs):

    Array intArray1 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), 5);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      intArray1.SetValue(33, i);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

You can also cast the created array to an array declared as int[]:

int[] intArray2 = (int[])intArray1;

The CreateInstance() method has many overloads to create multidimensional arrays and to create arrays that are not 0-based. The following example creates a two-dimensional array with 2 × 3 elements. The first dimension is 1-based; the second dimension is 10-based:

int[] lengths = { 2, 3 };
int[] lowerBounds = { 1, 10 };
Array racers = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Person), lengths, lowerBounds);

Setting the elements of the array, the SetValue() method accepts indices for every dimension:

      racers.SetValue(new Person
        FirstName = "Alain",
        LastName = "Prost"
      }, index1: 1, index2: 10);
      racers.SetValue(new Person
        FirstName = "Emerson",
        LastName = "Fittipaldi"
      }, 1, 11);
      racers.SetValue(new Person
        FirstName = "Ayrton",
        LastName = "Senna"
      }, 1, 12);
      racers.SetValue(new Person
        FirstName = "Michael",
        LastName = "Schumacher"
      }, 2, 10);
      racers.SetValue(new Person
        FirstName = "Fernando",
        LastName = "Alonso"
      }, 2, 11);
      racers.SetValue(new Person
        FirstName = "Jenson",
        LastName = "Button"
      }, 2, 12);

Although the array is not 0-based, you can assign it to a variable with the normal C# notation. You just have to take care not to cross the boundaries:

Person[,] racers2 = (Person[,])racers;
Person first = racers2[1, 10];
Person last = racers2[2, 12];

Copying Arrays

Because arrays are reference types, assigning an array variable to another one just gives you two variables referencing the same array. For copying arrays, the array implements the interface ICloneable. The Clone() method that is defined with this interface creates a shallow copy of the array.

If the elements of the array are value types, as in the following code segment, all values are copied (see Figure 6-5):

int[] intArray1 = {1, 2};
int[] intArray2 = (int[])intArray1.Clone();

If the array contains reference types, only the references are copied, not the elements. Figure 6-6 shows the variables beatles and beatlesClone, where beatlesClone is created by calling the Clone() method from beatles. The Person objects that are referenced are the same for beatles and beatlesClone. If you change a property of an element of beatlesClone, you change the same object of beatles (code file SimpleArray/Program.cs):

Person[] beatles = {
                     new Person { FirstName="John", LastName="Lennon" },
                     new Person { FirstName="Paul", LastName="McCartney" }
Person[] beatlesClone = (Person[])beatles.Clone();

Instead of using the Clone() method, you can use the Array.Copy() method, which also creates a shallow copy. However, there’s one important difference with Clone() and Copy(): Clone() creates a new array; with Copy() you have to pass an existing array with the same rank and enough elements.

NOTE If you need a deep copy of an array containing reference types, you have to iterate the array and create new objects.


The Array class uses the Quicksort algorithm to sort the elements in the array. The Sort() method requires the interface IComparable to be implemented by the elements in the array. Simple types such as System.String and System.Int32 implement IComparable, so you can sort elements containing these types.

With the sample program, the array name contains elements of type string, and this array can be sorted (code file SortingSample/Program.cs):

string[] names = {
       "Christina Aguilera",
       "Lady Gaga"
foreach (var name in names)

The output of the application shows the sorted result of the array:

Christina Aguilera
Lady Gaga

If you are using custom classes with the array, you must implement the interface IComparable. This interface defines just one method, CompareTo(), which must return 0 if the objects to compare are equal; a value smaller than 0 if the instance should go before the object from the parameter; and a value larger than 0 if the instance should go after the object from the parameter.

Change the Person class to implement the interface IComparable<Person>. The comparison is first done on the value of the LastName by using the Compare() method of the String class. If the LastName has the same value, the FirstName is compared (code file SortingSample/Person.cs):

  public class Person: IComparable<Person>
    public int CompareTo(Person other)
      if (other == null) return 1;
      int result = string.Compare(this.LastName, other.LastName);
      if (result == 0)
        result = string.Compare(this.FirstName, other.FirstName);
      return result;

Now it is possible to sort an array of Person objects by the last name (code file SortingSample/Program.cs):

      Person[] persons = {
          new Person { FirstName="Damon", LastName="Hill" },
          new Person { FirstName="Niki", LastName="Lauda" },
          new Person { FirstName="Ayrton", LastName="Senna" },
          new Person { FirstName="Graham", LastName="Hill" }
      foreach (var p in persons)

Using the sort of the Person class, the output returns the names sorted by last name:

Damon Hill
Graham Hill
Niki Lauda
Ayrton Senna

If the Person object should be sorted differently, or if you don’t have the option to change the class that is used as an element in the array, you can implement the interface IComparer or IComparer<T>. These interfaces define the method Compare(). One of these interfaces must be implemented by the class that should be compared. The IComparer interface is independent of the class to compare. That’s why the Compare() method defines two arguments that should be compared. The return value is similar to the CompareTo() method of the IComparable interface.

The class PersonComparer implements the IComparer<Person> interface to sort Person objects either by firstName or by lastName. The enumeration PersonCompareType defines the different sorting options that are available with PersonComparer: FirstName and LastName. How the compare should be done is defined with the constructor of the class PersonComparer, where a PersonCompareType value is set. The Compare() method is implemented with a switch statement to compare either by LastName or by FirstName (code file SortingSample/PersonComparer.cs):

  public enum PersonCompareType
  public class PersonComparer: IComparer<Person>
    private PersonCompareType compareType;
    public PersonComparer(PersonCompareType compareType)
      this.compareType = compareType;
    public int Compare(Person x, Person y)
      if (x == null && y == null) return 0;
      if (x == null) return 1;
      if (y == null) return -1;
      switch (compareType)
        case PersonCompareType.FirstName:
          return string.Compare(x.FirstName, y.FirstName);
        case PersonCompareType.LastName:
          return string.Compare(x.LastName, y.LastName);
          throw new ArgumentException("unexpected compare type");

Now you can pass a PersonComparer object to the second argument of the Array.Sort() method. Here, the persons are sorted by first name (code file SortingSample/Program.cs):

      Array.Sort(persons, new PersonComparer(PersonCompareType.FirstName));
      foreach (var p in persons)

The persons array is now sorted by first name:

Ayrton Senna
Damon Hill
Graham Hill
Niki Lauda

NOTE The Array class also offers Sort methods that require a delegate as an argument. With this argument you can pass a method to do the comparison of two objects, rather than rely on the IComparable or IComparer interfaces. Chapter 8, “Delegates, Lambdas, and Events,” discusses how to use delegates.


Arrays can be passed as parameters to methods, and returned from methods. Returning an array, you just have to declare the array as the return type, as shown with the following method GetPersons():

    static Person[] GetPersons()
      return new Person[] {
          new Person { FirstName="Damon", LastName="Hill" },
          new Person { FirstName="Niki", LastName="Lauda" },
          new Person { FirstName="Ayrton", LastName="Senna" },
          new Person { FirstName="Graham", LastName="Hill" }

Passing arrays to a method, the array is declared with the parameter, as shown with the method DisplayPersons():

        static void DisplayPersons(Person[] persons)

Array Covariance

With arrays, covariance is supported. This means that an array can be declared as a base type and elements of derived types can be assigned to the elements.

For example, you can declare a parameter of type object[] as shown and pass a Person[] to it:

    static void DisplayArray(object[] data)

NOTE Array covariance is only possible with reference types, not with value types. In addition, array covariance has an issue that can only be resolved with runtime exceptions. If you assign a Person array to an object array, the object array can then be used with anything that derives from the object. The compiler accepts, for example, passing a string to array elements. However, because a Person array is referenced by the object array, a runtime exception, ArrayTypeMismatchException, occurs.


The struct ArraySegment<T> represents a segment of an array. If you are working with a large array, and different methods work on parts of the array, you could copy the array part to the different methods. Instead of creating multiple arrays, it is more efficient to use one array and pass the complete array to the methods. The methods should only use a part of the array. For this, you can pass the offset into the array and the count of elements that the method should use in addition to the array. This way, at least three parameters are needed. When using an array segment, just a single parameter is needed. The ArraySegment<T> structure contains information about the segment (the offset and count).

The method SumOfSegments takes an array of ArraySegment<int> elements to calculate the sum of all the integers that are defined with the segments and returns the sum (code file ArraySegmentSample/Program.cs):

      static int SumOfSegments(ArraySegment<int>[] segments)
        int sum = 0;
        foreach (var segment in segments)
          for (int i = segment.Offset; i < segment.Offset +
              segment.Count; i++)
            sum += segment.Array[i];
        return sum;

This method is used by passing an array of segments. The first array element references three elements of ar1 starting with the first element; the second array element references three elements of ar2 starting with the fourth element:

      int[] ar1 = { 1, 4, 5, 11, 13, 18 };
      int[] ar2 = { 3, 4, 5, 18, 21, 27, 33 };
      var segments = new ArraySegment<int>[2]
        new ArraySegment<int>(ar1, 0, 3),
        new ArraySegment<int>(ar2, 3, 3)
      var sum = SumOfSegments(segments);

NOTE Array segments don’t copy the elements of the originating array. Instead, the originating array can be accessed through ArraySegment<T>. If elements of the array segment are changed, the changes can be seen in the original array.


By using the foreach statement you can iterate elements of a collection (see Chapter 10, “Collections”) without needing to know the number of elements inside the collection. The foreach statement uses an enumerator. Figure 6-7 shows the relationship between the client invoking the foreach method and the collection. The array or collection implements the IEnumerable interface with the GetEnumerator() method. The GetEnumerator() method returns an enumerator implementing the IEnumerator interface. The interface IEnumerator is then used by the foreach statement to iterate through the collection.

NOTE The GetEnumerator() method is defined with the interface IEnumerable. The foreach statement doesn’t really need this interface implemented in the collection class. It’s enough to have a method with the name GetEnumerator() that returns an object implementing the IEnumerator interface.

IEnumerator Interface

The foreach statement uses the methods and properties of the IEnumerator interface to iterate all elements in a collection. For this, IEnumerator defines the property Current to return the element where the cursor is positioned, and the method MoveNext() to move to the next element of the collection. MoveNext() returns true if there’s an element, and false if no more elements are available.

The generic version of this interface IEnumerator<T> derives from the interface IDisposable and thus defines a Dispose() method to clean up resources allocated by the enumerator.

NOTE The IEnumerator interface also defines the Reset() method for COM interoperability. Many .NET enumerators implement this by throwing an exception of type NotSupportedException.

foreach Statement

The C# foreach statement is not resolved to a foreach statement in the IL code. Instead, the C# compiler converts the foreach statement to methods and properties of the IEnumerator interface. Here’s a simple foreach statement to iterate all elements in the persons array and display them person by person:

foreach (var p in persons)

The foreach statement is resolved to the following code segment. First, the GetEnumerator() method is invoked to get an enumerator for the array. Inside a while loop, as long as MoveNext() returns true, the elements of the array are accessed using the Current property:

IEnumerator<Person> enumerator = persons.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
  Person p = enumerator.Current;

yield Statement

Since the first release of C#, it has been easy to iterate through collections by using the foreach statement. With C# 1.0, it was still a lot of work to create an enumerator. C# 2.0 added the yield statement for creating enumerators easily. The yield return statement returns one element of a collection and moves the position to the next element, and yield break stops the iteration.

The next example shows the implementation of a simple collection using the yield return statement. The class HelloCollection contains the method GetEnumerator(). The implementation of the GetEnumerator() method contains two yield return statements where the strings Hello and World are returned (code file YieldDemo/Program.cs):

using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Arrays
  public class HelloCollection
    public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
      yield return "Hello";
      yield return "World";

NOTE A method or property that contains yield statements is also known as an iterator block. An iterator block must be declared to return an IEnumerator or IEnumerable interface, or the generic versions of these interfaces. This block may contain multiple yield return or yield break statements; a return statement is not allowed.

Now it is possible to iterate through the collection using a foreach statement:

  public void HelloWorld()
    var helloCollection = new HelloCollection();
    foreach (var s in helloCollection)

With an iterator block, the compiler generates a yield type, including a state machine, as shown in the following code segment. The yield type implements the properties and methods of the interfaces IEnumerator and IDisposable. In the example, you can see the yield type as the inner class Enumerator. The GetEnumerator() method of the outer class instantiates and returns a new yield type. Within the yield type, the variable state defines the current position of the iteration and is changed every time the method MoveNext() is invoked. MoveNext() encapsulates the code of the iterator block and sets the value of the current variable so that the Current property returns an object depending on the position:

  public class HelloCollection
    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
      return new Enumerator(0);
    public class Enumerator: IEnumerator<string>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
      private int state;
      private string current;
      public Enumerator(int state)
        this.state = state;
      bool System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext()
        switch (state)
          case 0:
            current = "Hello";
            state = 1;
            return true;
          case 1:
            current = "World";
            state = 2;
            return true;
          case 2:
        return false;
      void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset()
        throw new NotSupportedException();
      string System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<string>.Current
          return current;
      object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current
          return current;
      void IDisposable.Dispose()

NOTE Remember that the yield statement produces an enumerator, and not just a list filled with items. This enumerator is invoked by the foreach statement. As each item is accessed from the foreach, the enumerator is accessed. This makes it possible to iterate through huge amounts of data without reading all the data into memory in one turn.

Different Ways to Iterate Through Collections

In a slightly larger and more realistic way than the Hello World example, you can use the yield return statement to iterate through a collection in different ways. The class MusicTitles enables iterating the titles in a default way with the GetEnumerator() method, in reverse order with the Reverse() method, and through a subset with the Subset() method (code file YieldDemo/MusicTitles.cs):

  public class MusicTitles
    string[] names = { "Tubular Bells", "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn",
                       "Platinum" };
    public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        yield return names[i];
    public IEnumerable<string> Reverse()
      for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
        yield return names[i];
    public IEnumerable<string> Subset(int index, int length)
      for (int i = index; i < index + length; i++)
        yield return names[i];

NOTE The default iteration supported by a class is the GetEnumerator() method, which is defined to return IEnumerator. Named iterations return IEnumerable.

The client code to iterate through the string array first uses the GetEnumerator() method, which you don’t have to write in your code because it is used by default with the implementation of the foreach statement. Then the titles are iterated in reverse, and finally a subset is iterated by passing the index and number of items to iterate to the Subset() method (code file YieldDemo/Program.cs):

      var titles = new MusicTitles();
      foreach (var title in titles)
      foreach (var title in titles.Reverse())
      foreach (var title in titles.Subset(2, 2))

Returning Enumerators with Yield Return

With the yield statement you can also do more complex things, such as return an enumerator from yield return. Using the following Tic-Tac-Toe game as an example, players alternate putting a cross or a circle in one of nine fields. These moves are simulated by the GameMoves class. The methods Cross() and Circle() are the iterator blocks for creating iterator types. The variables cross and circle are set to Cross() and Circle() inside the constructor of the GameMoves class. By setting these fields the methods are not invoked, but they are set to the iterator types that are defined with the iterator blocks. Within the Cross() iterator block, information about the move is written to the console and the move number is incremented. If the move number is higher than 8, the iteration ends with yield break; otherwise, the enumerator object of the circle yield type is returned with each iteration. The Circle() iterator block is very similar to the Cross() iterator block; it just returns the cross iterator type with each iteration (code file YieldDemo/GameMoves.cs):

  public class GameMoves
    private IEnumerator cross;
    private IEnumerator circle;
    public GameMoves()
      cross = Cross();
      circle = Circle();
    private int move = 0;
    const int MaxMoves = 9;
    public IEnumerator Cross()
      while (true)
        Console.WriteLine("Cross, move {0}", move);
        if (++move >= MaxMoves)
          yield break;
        yield return circle;
    public IEnumerator Circle()
      while (true)
        Console.WriteLine("Circle, move {0}", move);
        if (++move >= MaxMoves)
          yield break;
        yield return cross;

From the client program, you can use the class GameMoves as follows. The first move is set by setting enumerator to the enumerator type returned by game.Cross(). In a while loop, enumerator.MoveNext() is called. The first time this is invoked, the Cross() method is called, which returns the other enumerator with a yield statement. The returned value can be accessed with the Current property and is set to the enumerator variable for the next loop:

      var game = new GameMoves();
      IEnumerator enumerator = game.Cross();
      while (enumerator.MoveNext())
        enumerator = enumerator.Current as IEnumerator;

The output of this program shows alternating moves until the last move:

Cross, move 0
Circle, move 1
Cross, move 2
Circle, move 3
Cross, move 4
Circle, move 5
Cross, move 6
Circle, move 7
Cross, move 8


Whereas arrays combine objects of the same type, tuples can combine objects of different types. Tuples have their origin in functional programming languages such as F# where they are used often. With the .NET Framework, tuples are available for all .NET languages.

The .NET Framework defines eight generic Tuple classes (since version 4.0) and one static Tuple class that act as a factory of tuples. The different generic Tuple classes support a different number of elements — e.g., Tuple<T1> contains one element, Tuple<T1, T2> contains two elements, and so on.

The method Divide() demonstrates returning a tuple with two members: Tuple<int, int>. The parameters of the generic class define the types of the members, which are both integers. The tuple is created with the static Create() method of the static Tuple class. Again, the generic parameters of the Create() method define the type of tuple that is instantiated. The newly created tuple is initialized with the result and reminder variables to return the result of the division (code file TupleSamle/Program.cs):

    public static Tuple<int, int> Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
      int result = dividend / divisor;
      int reminder = dividend % divisor;
      return Tuple.Create<int, int>(result, reminder);

The following example demonstrates invoking the Divide() method. The items of the tuple can be accessed with the properties Item1 and Item2:

      var result = Divide(5, 2);
      Console.WriteLine("result of division: {0}, reminder: {1}",
          result.Item1, result.Item2);

If you have more than eight items that should be included in a tuple, you can use the Tuple class definition with eight parameters. The last template parameter is named TRest to indicate that you must pass a tuple itself. That way you can create tuples with any number of parameters.

The following example demonstrates this functionality:

  public class Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest>

Here, the last template parameter is a tuple type itself, so you can create a tuple with any number of items:

      var tuple = Tuple.Create<string, string, string, int, int, int, double,
          Tuple<int, int>>("Stephanie", "Alina", "Nagel", 2009, 6, 2, 1.37,
              Tuple.Create<int, int>(52, 3490));


Both arrays and tuples implement the interfaces IStructuralEquatable and IStructuralComparable. These interfaces are new since .NET 4 and compare not only references but also the content. This interface is implemented explicitly, so it is necessary to cast the arrays and tuples to this interface on use. IStructuralEquatable is used to compare whether two tuples or arrays have the same content; IStructuralComparable is used to sort tuples or arrays.

With the sample demonstrating IStructuralEquatable, the Person class implementing the interface IEquatable is used. IEquatable defines a strongly typed Equals() method where the values of the FirstName and LastName properties are compared (code file StructuralComparison/Person.cs):

  public class Person: IEquatable<Person>
    public int Id { get; private set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public override string ToString()
      return String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", Id, FirstName, LastName);
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
      if (obj == null) 
        return base.Equals(obj);
      return Equals(obj as Person);
    public override int GetHashCode()
      return Id.GetHashCode();
    public bool Equals(Person other)
      if (other == null)
        return base.Equals(other);
      return this.Id == other.Id && this.FirstName == other.FirstName &&
          this.LastName == other.LastName;

Now two arrays containing Person items are created. Both arrays contain the same Person object with the variable name janet, and two different Person objects that have the same content. The comparison operator != returns true because there are indeed two different arrays referenced from two variable names, persons1 and persons2. Because the Equals() method with one parameter is not overridden by the Array class, the same happens as with the == operator to compare the references, and they are not the same (code file StructuralComparison/Program.cs):

      var janet = new Person { FirstName = "Janet", LastName = "Jackson" };
      Person[] persons1 = {
        new Person
          FirstName = "Michael",
          LastName = "Jackson"
      Person[] persons2 = {
        new Person
          FirstName = "Michael",
          LastName = "Jackson"
      if (persons1 != persons2)
        Console.WriteLine("not the same reference");

Invoking the Equals() method defined by the IStructuralEquatable interface — that is, the method with the first parameter of type object and the second parameter of type IEqualityComparer — you can define how the comparison should be done by passing an object that implements IEqualityComparer<T>. A default implementation of the IEqualityComparer is done by the EqualityComparer<T> class. This implementation checks whether the type implements the interface IEquatable, and invokes the IEquatable.Equals() method. If the type does not implement IEquatable, the Equals() method from the base class Object is invoked to do the comparison.

Person implements IEquatable<Person>, where the content of the objects is compared, and the arrays indeed contain the same content:

      if ((persons1 as IStructuralEquatable).Equals(persons2,
        Console.WriteLine("the same content");

Next, you’ll see how the same thing can be done with tuples. Here, two tuple instances are created that have the same content. Of course, because the references t1 and t2 reference two different objects, the comparison operator != returns true:

      var t1 = Tuple.Create<int, string>(1, "Stephanie");
      var t2 = Tuple.Create<int, string>(1, "Stephanie");
      if (t1 != t2)
        Console.WriteLine("not the same reference to the tuple");

The Tuple<> class offers two Equals() methods: one that is overridden from the Object base class with an object as parameter, and the second that is defined by the IStructuralEqualityComparer interface with object and IEqualityComparer as parameters. Another tuple can be passed to the first method as shown. This method uses EqualityComparer<object>.Default to get an ObjectEqualityComparer<object> for the comparison. This way, every item of the tuple is compared by invoking the Object.Equals() method. If every item returns true, the result of the Equals() method is true, which is the case here with the same int and string values:

      if (t1.Equals(t2))
        Console.WriteLine("the same content");

You can also create a custom IEqualityComparer, as shown in the following example, with the class TupleComparer. This class implements the two methods Equals() and GetHashCode() of the IEqualityComparer interface:

  class TupleComparer: IEqualityComparer
    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
      return x.Equals(y);
    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
      return obj.GetHashCode();

NOTE Implementation of the Equals() method of the IEqualityComparer interface requires the new modifier or an implicit interface implementation because the base class Object defines a static Equals() method with two parameters as well.

The TupleComparer is used, passing a new instance to the Equals() method of the Tuple<T1, T2> class. The Equals() method of the Tuple class invokes the Equals() method of the TupleComparer for every item to be compared. Therefore, with the Tuple<T1, T2> class, the TupleComparer is invoked two times to check whether all items are equal:

      if (t1.Equals(t2, new TupleComparer()))
        Console.WriteLine("equals using TupleComparer");


In this chapter, you’ve seen the C# notation to create and use simple, multidimensional, and jagged arrays. The Array class is used behind the scenes of C# arrays, enabling you to invoke properties and methods of this class with array variables.

You’ve seen how to sort elements in the array by using the IComparable and IComparer interfaces; and you’ve learned how to create and use enumerators, the interfaces IEnumerable and IEnumerator, and the yield statement.

Finally, you have seen how to unite objects of the same type to an array, and objects of different types to a tuple.

The next chapter focuses on operators and casts.

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