
Words are powerful, but not all words are equal in their power. Verbs, in particular, are the powerhouse of language—the most powerful of all words. Verbs can denote action, change, achievement, and accomplishment. The kind of verbs with the authority and influence to affect such change are aptly named power verbs, and this book is a compilation of such verbs—verbs that will enable you to be not just an ordinary career consultant, coach, or mentor, but an extraordinary one.

As such an adviser, your goal is to empower your mentees and using power verbs with them will do just that. You will help them to

• Affirm their inherent worth and value.

• Break through challenges.

• Celebrate their strengths.

• Develop their potential.

• Exceed beyond their wildest expectations.

• Forge ahead, no matter what.

• Generate opportunities wherever they may be.

• Handle any situation.

• Imagine what can be.

• Jump-start ideas.

• Kindle sparks of possibility.

• Learn as much as possible.

• Maximize potential.

• Negotiate difficulties.

• Nurture their inner strength.

• Obtain advantages at every opportunity.

• Persevere and problem solve.

• Query whatever needs to be discovered.

• Reason through obstacles.

• Seek out support when needed.

• Team build a network of support.

• Undertake whatever is necessary.

• Volunteer to help others.

• Write down opportunities.

• Zone in on the important.

If you found my list of positive outcomes energizing and exciting, I suggest it’s because each line above begins with one of the power verbs described in this book.

The Faulkners’ lists are carefully selected power verbs with their definitions, synonyms, words that the verbs collocate with, and examples of the words used in sentences and quotations. By using these verbs, your mentees will grow and move toward reaching their full potential: self-actualization.

Power verbs enliven and enrich communication and will change the language of your mentees to “ignite people’s passion...illuminate purpose...and make people want to take action” (Faulkner, p. 5). The time is now to embark on the journey that will transform your mentees’ communication, opportunities, and lives. Power up and read on!

Barbara M.I. Goldberg, Ph.D.

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