
Page numbers followed by f refer to figures; page numbers followed by t refer to tables.


Ace or baby Fresnels, 257, 258, 258f

Air conditioning system concerns in location productions, 172

American Cinematographer, 162, 240

American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 34

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 257

Ampere capacity and wire size, 175, 175t

Amplitude of signal, waveform monitors in measurement of, 48–49, 48f

Analog equipment

composite waveform monitor/vectorscope, 52f

incident light meter, 38f

reflective light meter, 38f

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 257

Apple boxes, 257

Arri, 89–92

350-watt Fresnel

in exercise video, 247, 248

in office environment with lone interviewee, 222, 230, 232

650-watt Fresnel

with amber gel, 143, 143f

as backlight, 135, 136f

in exercise video, 248

in interview setting, 253

in restaurant scenes, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243

1K Fresnel

in office environment with lone interviewee, 227, 232

in restaurant scenes, 236, 240

2K Fresnel in restaurant scenes, 234, 236, 236f, 237

halogen metal iodine lamps, 89–92, 90f, 91f

Arrisun PAR, 62f, 90, 91f

Compact 1200-watt, 65f, 89–90, 91f

lighting kits, 102, 104, 105f

Asbestos gloves, 257

Automatic functions of cameras, 40

for black balance, 9

in iris system, 34

for white balance, 7–8


Baby or ace Fresnels, 257, 258, 258f

Background lights, 141–142, 142f

colored, 143, 144f–147f

intensity of, 125, 141

Backlights, 133–136, 136f–138f, 150, 204f

dimmers for, 136

in exercise video, 247

in exterior night scenes, 188–189

with hair light, 135, 136, 137f, 138, 140, 140f

with key and fill lights, 133, 138f

kicker, 140–141

lens flair from, 133, 135–136

in matting materials, 205

placement and position of, 154–155

in far-side setup, 156–157

in near-side setup, 156

in side-lighting setup, 163

Barn doors, 258, 259f

on Lowel Omni light, 133, 259f

on photoflood lamp, 58f

Base light, 259

Batten, 259

Bazooka, 259

Beach scenes

daylight and butterfly use in, 179–180, 179f–180f

moonlight in, 186, 187f

Belden Communications neutral density filters, 10

Best boy, 259–260

Black balance function of cameras, 8–9

and white balance, 9, 9f

Blackbody standard on color temperature, 3, 5, 260

color rendering index based on, 5–6

Blackwrap, 219, 260, 261f–262f

in interview lighting setup, 253, 255f

Blanket-Lite (Kino-Flo), 67, 68f, 98, 98f

Blocking, lighting setup for, 37

Blue gun only color monitor setup procedure, 46–47, 47f

Blue light, 3

ratio to red and green in white light, 7, 8

Borderlight, 260

Bounce cards, 155, 260


adjustment in color monitor setup, 45, 47

and contrast ratio, 119–127

waveform monitor information on, 49, 50

and zebra stripes, 50

Broad flood lights, 75–76, 76f–78f

Building effects on exterior daylight scenes, 182–185, 184f–185f

Bull switch, 192, 260

Butterfly use, 260, 265f

in exterior daylight scenes, 55, 56f, 178–180

on beach, 179–180, 179f–180f


C clamps, 260

C stands (Century stands), 181, 260

Cadmium sulfide cell light meters, 34

Cameo or limbo lighting, 260

Cameras, 6–12

black balance function of, 8–9, 9f

color bars generated by, 43

filters and filter wheels of, 7f, 9–12

internal optical system of, 6, 7f

iris system of, automatic, 34

white balance function of, automatic, 7–8

zebra stripe function of, 48, 49–50, 49f

Carbon arc lamps and fixtures, 62–63

Cathode ray tube, 3

Century Lighting, 109

Century stands (C stands), 181, 260

Charged coupled device of color cameras, 6, 7, 119

Chaser lamps, 260

Chimera, 92–93, 93f–95f, 248

Micro Banks, 92, 93f

Pancake Lanterns, 93, 95f

Video Pro Plus Lightbanks, 92–93, 94f

Chroma key, 195, 201, 202, 203f, 205

Chrominance information, 2, 8

from vectorscope, 50–53

from waveform monitor, 50

Cinefoil (Rosco), 219

Cinegel (Rosco), 22, 39

Cliplock connectors, 262

Clips and fasteners

C clamps, 260

cliplock connectors, 262

drop-ceiling scissor clamps, 133, 267, 267f

gaffer grips, 269, 272f

Lowel clips, 272

Matthews Griff Clips, 219

Close-up shots, lighting setup for, 154

CML fiber-optic systems, 209–211

Cold Creek Manor, 163

Color, 1–6

primary, 2–3, 2f, 7

ratio in white light, 7, 8

and temperature of light source, 3–23. See also Color temperature

Color balance

and black balance function of cameras, 8–9, 9f

and filter wheel position, 9–12

in outdoor settings, 12–16

ratio of red, blue, and green in, 7

and white balance function of cameras

automatic, 7–8

in outdoor settings, 12–16

Color bars in monitor setup, 42–48

EIA, 43, 44f, 46

SMPTE, 42, 43, 45, 45f, 46–47

Color compensation (CC) index, 38–39, 40

Color frames, 262, 263f

Color monitor setup procedures, 41–48

blue gun in, 46–47, 47f

brightness adjustment in, 45, 47

contrast adjustment in, 45

cross-pulse method, 42, 45

EIA color bars in, 43, 44f, 46

saturation and hue of colors in, 46–47

SMPTE color bars in, 42, 43, 45, 45f, 46–47

test signals in, 42

Color rendering index, 5–6

in halogen metal iodine lamp use, 64

Color temperature, 3–23, 177

of background screen, 205

buildings and large structures affecting, 182–185, 184f–185f

color rendering index on, 5–6

of common light sources, 23, 23t

and filter wheel positions, 9–12

meter in measurement of, 8, 38–40

mixed, 16–18, 16f–18f, 19–21

color correction filters in, 17–18, 20–23

and outdoor color balance, 12–16, 13f

and voltage of lamps, 8

for warm glow in period film, 39, 39f

Color temperature meters, 8, 38–40

color compensation (CC) index display of, 38–39, 40

light-balancing (LB) index display of, 39–40

Colored lights, 143–145, 143f–147f

for evening effects, 148, 149f–150f

in exercise video, 247–248, 249f–252f

hair color of subject in, 145, 146f–147f

Colortran Leko design, 113

Composite lighting, 202–203

Concert lighting, 35

Continuity issues

in key light placement, 130

in lighting ratio, 123–124

in lighting setup, 153, 154

Contrast, 119–127

accessories controlling, 127

in color monitor setup procedure, 45

and exposure ratio, 125–127

and f-stop range, 122, 122t

and lighting ratio, 122–125

Cookie use, 262–263, 264f

in exterior night scenes, 188

in interview lighting setup, 253, 255f

Cool-Lux, 61, 93–94

lighting kits, 102–104

Mini-Cool, 93–94, 214, 216f

as backlight, 133

dimmer for, 220

operating temperature of, 26

radiation generated by, 26

Photo Dimmer, 219–220

research on future products, 217

Cross-key lighting setups, 163, 166f, 167

Cucoloris, 262–263, 264f

Cutters or flags, 269

Cycloramas, 195–201, 263

hard, 196–197, 196f–199f

lighting methods and equipment, 200–201, 263, 264f

shapes and designs of, 196f

soft, 197–200

Cycscreen (Rosco), 220


Daylight, 177–185

butterfly use in, 55, 56f, 178–180

on beach, 179–180, 179f–180f

camera filters for, 9–10, 12, 177

and color balance in outdoor settings, 12–16, 13f

color temperature of, 5, 6, 12, 13f, 177

buildings and large structures affecting, 182–185, 184f–185f

in indoor setting with windows, 16–18, 16f–18f, 19–20

halogen metal iodine PAR lamp as supplement to, 214, 215f

as key light, 145–148, 148f–149f

reflectors used in, 178, 180–182, 183f

and three-point lighting, 145–150, 148f–150f

Daylight lamps, 5

DecaPod Light (DecaSource), 214, 217, 218f

DecaSource lighting, 214, 217, 218f

Dedolight in interview lighting setup, 253, 255f

Deuce Fresnel, 263

Dichroic filter coating of halogen lamps, 5, 61

Diffuse illumination, 55

Diffuse reflection, 66, 68, 69f

Diffusion materials, 265

on butterfly, 55, 56f, 178–180, 260

in falloff problems, 30, 31f

Griff Clips for, 219

homemade improvements using, 223, 223f

of incident light meters, 36–37

Digimole HMI PAR light (Mole-Richardson), 100, 101f

Digital equipment

incident light meter, 36f

reflective light meter, 35f

waveform monitor/vectorscope, 52–53, 53f

Dimmers, 265, 266f

for backlights, 136

recent developments in, 219–220

Dinky Fresnels, 265

Discharge lamps, halogen metal iodine (HMI), 63–64, 65f

from Arri, 62f, 65f, 89–92, 90f, 91f

color temperature of light from, 5

cost and efficiency of, 64

in exterior night scenes, 190

from Mole-Richardson, 100, 101f, 213f, 234, 235f

quality of light from, 26, 64

recent developments in, 209–214

Diva Light (Kino-Flo), 95, 96f

Dots, 265, 266f

and fingers, 269, 269f

Downstage area, 265–267

DP light (Lowel), 70, 73, 74f

homemade improvements using, 221–223, 222f–223f

Dressing cables, 267

Drop-ceiling scissor clamp, 133, 267, 267f


Edison plug or outlet, 267–268

Effects lights, 142–143, 151

Egg crates, 268

EIA color bars in monitor setup, 43, 44f, 46

full-field, 43, 44f

split-field, 43, 44f

Electrical system, 169–176, 190–193

ampere capacity and wire size in, 175, 175t

bull switch in, 192, 260

cliplock connectors in, 262

crew member responsible for, 268

in distant locations, tool checklist for working with, 278–282

Edison plugs or outlets in, 267–268

estimation of circuit load in, 173–174, 174t

fuse types and ratings in, 171, 175–176

with generators, 190, 191

Mole-pin connectors in, 193, 272

site survey on, 169–176

stage plugs in, 275–276

with temporary service, 176, 190–191

tie-in procedure for, 174, 191–193

trick Y arrangement of cables in, 276

wall outlets in, 176, 267–268

Electromagnetic spectrum, 4f

Electronic Industries Association (EIA) color bars in monitor setup, 43, 44f, 46

full-field, 43, 44f

split-field, 43, 44f

Ellipsoidal lights, 109, 268, 268f

Exercise video lighting, 247–248, 249f–252f

Exposure ratios, 125–127

determination in lighting setup, 153, 154


f-stop settings, 10, 12

and contrast ratio, 122, 122t

Fabric cycloramas, 197–200

Falloff of light intensity, 27–31, 27f–31f

scrims and diffusion materials in, 30–31, 30f–31f

between seated and standing subjects, 29

Far-side lighting setup, 156–159, 160f–161f

FAY lamps, 60–61, 83

in multi-lights, 83

Fiber-optic systems, 209–211

in lighting car interior, 210, 210f

Fill light, 131–133, 268

with backlight, 133, 138f

diffusion of, 131–132

with foam core, 133, 134f, 146, 155

intensity of, 131–132

compared to key light, 122–125

with key light, 133, 135f

ratio in, 122–125

in office environment with lone interviewee, 227, 228, 228f, 229f

placement and position of, 132, 268

in far-side setup, 158

in head-on key light, 155

in near-side setup, 156

ratio to key light, 122–125

in high key ratio, 123

importance of continuity in, 123–124

in low key ratio, 123–124

measurement of, 124–125

Filter wheels, 7f

selecting position of, 9–12

types of filters in, 10–12

Filters, 20–23

applied to windows, 17–18, 17f–18f, 20

color temperature meters in selection of, 38–39, 40

in exterior night scenes, 190

in falloff problems, 30

in filter wheels, 9–12

for fluorescent light fixtures, 20–21

of incident light meters, 36–37

neutral density. See Neutral density filters

polarizing, used with matting materials, 205

Fingers and dots, 269, 269f

Fire alarm concerns in location lighting, 175

Fisher, Jules, 217

Fixed-focus lighting instruments, 83

Flags, 30f, 269

French, 269, 270f

Flexfill (Visual Departures), 181, 182f

in interview lighting setup, 253, 254f

Flood lights, 74–83

broad, 75–76, 76f–78f

focusing spot lights used as, 72

Fresnels as, 109, 109f

scoops, 76–77, 79f

softlights, 78–83, 80f–82f

Fluorescent lamps, 5

advancements in, 207

color temperature of, 5

color rendering index on, 6

and problems of mixed color temperatures, 19, 20–21

LowelScandles, 100, 100f

uses of, 104, 106f

Fluorofilters, 20–21

Foam core

as bounce card, 155, 260

fill light with, 133, 134f, 146

in head-on key light, 155

as soft reflective material, 133, 181

Focusing spot lights, 70–74

Foot-candles, 2, 33

falloff in, 27–31

Forrest Gump, 207

Four Bank Select lights (Kino-Flo), 96–98

Four-point lighting setup, 133

Fren-L 650 focusing spot light, 70

French flags, 269, 270f

Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 106, 108

Fresnels, 73, 89, 106–109

ace or baby, 257, 258, 258f

compact, recent developments in, 217

components of, 110f

deuce, 263

dinky, 265

inky, 73–74, 75f, 272, 273f

as key lights, 150

lens design in, 106–109, 109f

spot and flood focus of, 109, 109f

teners, 276, 277f

Frezzi light, 178, 269, 271f

Fuse types and ratings, 171, 175–176

Future trends in lighting technology, 209–224


Gaffer, 269

Gaffer grips, 269, 272f

Gaffer tape, 17–18, 270

Gator foam, 181

Generator use for power supply on location, 190, 191

Glove use, 26, 257–258

in tie-in procedure, 192

for working with quartz-halogen lamps, 59

Gobos, 110, 151

in motivated lighting, 160

use of term, 270–272

Gothic Ultimatte, 202

Great American Market Blackwrap, 219, 260

Great American Scene Machine, 200

Green light, 3

and minus-green filters, 20

ratio to red and blue in white light, 7, 8

Griff Clips (Matthews), 219

Grip (crew member), 37, 272


Hair color

and colored light selection, 145, 146f–147f

and hair light selection, 138, 139f, 140

Hair light, 136–140, 137f, 139f, 140f, 151

with backlight, 135, 136, 137f, 138, 140, 140f

color of hair affecting, 138, 139f, 140

Halogen lamps

dichroic filter coating of, 5, 61

halogen metal iodine (HMI) discharge lamps, 63–64, 65f

from Arri, 62f, 65f, 89–92, 90f, 91f

color temperature of light from, 5

cost and efficiency of, 64

in exterior night scenes, 190

from Mole-Richardson, 100, 101f, 213f, 234, 235f

quality of light from, 26, 64

recent developments in, 209–214

quartz-halogen lamps, 58–61, 60f–62f

tungsten filament of, 5, 58–59

Hard cycloramas, 196–197, 196f–199f

Head-on lighting setup, 155, 156f–157f

Heating process, color temperature changes in, 3–6

Heating system concerns in location productions, 172

Household lamps, 25, 56

Hue of color, 2

adjustment in color monitor setup procedure, 46–47

in spectral range, 2, 2f

vectorscope information on, 50–53


IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) units, 34, 163

in waveform monitors, 34, 48, 48f, 49

in zebra stripes, 50

Incandescent lamps, 4, 5

wattage of, 25

Incident light meters, 36–37

analog, 37, 38f

digital, 36f

in lighting ratio determination, 124–125

Indoor settings

falloff of light intensity in, 27–31, 28f, 29f

interview lighting setup in, 248–256, 253f–256f

in lone interviewee, 225–234, 226f–233f

mixed color temperatures in, 16–18, 16f–18f, 19–21

in studio. See Studio lighting

Infrared radiation, 4f, 25, 26

Inky lights, 73–74, 75f, 272, 273f

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) units, 34

in waveform monitors, 34, 48, 48f, 49

in zebra stripes, 50

Institute of Radio Engineers, 34

Insurance coverage for location productions, 170

Intensity of light, 2

of background light, 125, 141

in exposure ratios, 125–127

falloff in, 27–31, 27f–31f

of fill light, 131–132

ratio to key light, 122–125

of key light, 131

ratio to fill light, 122–125

light meters in measurement of, 33–37, 124–125

waveform monitor information on, 49

International Commission of Illumination, 5

Interview lighting setup, 248–256, 253f–256f

in lone interviewee, 225–234, 226f–233f

Iris system of cameras, automatic, 34

compared to reflective light meters, 34, 35–36


Junior light (Mole-Richardson), 131


Kelvin temperature scale, 3, 5, 272

Key light, 129–131

with background light, 141

with backlight, 133, 138f

with fill light, 133, 135f

ratio in, 122–125

intensity of, 131

ratio to fill light, 122–125

in office environment with lone interviewee, 227, 227f

placement and position of, 130

in cross-key setup, 163, 166f, 167

in far-side setup, 156–159, 160f–161f

head-on, 155, 156f–157f

in near-side setup, 155–156, 158f–159f

in side-lighting setup, 162, 163

in portraiture setup, 130

ratio to fill light, 122–125

in high key ratio, 123

importance of continuity in, 123–124

in low-key ratio, 123–124

measurement of, 124–125

sunlight as, 145–148, 148f–149f

used alone, 131, 132f

Kickers, 140–141

Kino-Flo, 94–98

Blanket-Lite, 67, 68f, 98, 98f

Diva Light, 95, 96f

fluorescent lighting units, 104

Four Bank Select lights, 96–98

lighting kits, 104

Micro-Flo light, 70–71, 95–96, 97f

Kit lighting, 101–104, 117–118, 117f–118f


Lamps, 272

carbon arc, 62–63

color correction filters for, 20–23

color temperature of, 3–5

of common types, 23t

and problems of mixed color temperatures, 19, 20–21

and voltage, 8

falloff of light intensity, 27–31, 28f, 29f

halogen. See Halogen lamps

household, 25, 56

light and heat generated by, 25

MR-16, 26, 61, 63f, 93–94. See also MR-16 lamps

in multi-light arrangements, 83

operating temperature of, 4–5, 26

PAR. See PAR lamps

photo, 56–57, 57f

photoflood, 57, 58f

quality of light from, 24–25, 25f

types of, 55–64

wattage of, 25, 56

LED lights, 83–87, 85f, 86f

Lekos, 109–117, 268, 272

alignment of, 112–113

design of, 110, 111f

as effects lights, 151

as key lights, 150

lens of, 110, 113

uses of, 113, 114f–117f


flair from backlights, 133, 135–136

Fresnel, 106, 108–109, 109f

in Lekos, 110, 113

plano convex, 108, 108f

stepped design, 108, 108f


and color temperature, 3–23

intensity of. See Intensity of light

quality of, 23–25

in diffuse reflection, 68

in internal instrument reflectors, 69

in specular reflection, 66

reflection of. See Reflection of light

Light Array System (Lowel), 99–100

Light meters, 33–37

cadmium sulfide cell, 34

incident, 36–37, 124–125

analog, 37, 38f

digital, 36f

in lighting ratio determination, 123, 124–125

reflective, 34–36

analog, 37, 38f

digital, 35f

spot type, 34–35, 35f

selenium cell, 33–34

Lighting & Electronics

compact Fresnel instruments, 217

Mini-Strip, 63f, 217, 219f

Lighting kits, 101–104, 117–118, 117f–118f

Lighting ratios, 122–125

determination of, 123, 124–125

in far-side setup, 158

high key, 123

importance of continuity in, 123–124

low key, 123–124

Lighting setups, 153–167

consistency in, 153

cross-key, 163, 166f, 167

in distant locations, equipment checklist for, 278–282

examples and exercises on, 225–256

in exercise video, 247–248, 249f–252f

in interviewer and interviewee, 225–234, 226f–233f

in lone interviewee, 225–234, 226f–233f

in restaurant scenes, 234–247, 235f–239f, 241f–246f

in exterior night scene, 188f

far-side, 156–159, 160f–161f

head-on, 155, 156f–157f

homemade improvements in, 220–224

for motivated lighting, 159–162

near-side, 155–156, 158f–159f

priorities in, 153–154

for side-lighting, 162–163, 164f–165f

for wide shots and close-ups, 153–154

Limbo or cameo lighting, 260

Lite Panels LED lights, 83–85, 85f, 86f

Location lighting, 70–87

backlights in, 133

compared to studio lighting, 104, 105–106

complexity of location in, 170

equipment checklist for, 278–282

examples and exercises on, 225–247

in office setting with lone interviewee, 225–234, 226f–233f

in restaurant scenes, 234–247, 235f–239f, 241f–246f

in exterior daylight scenes, 177–185

in exterior night scenes, 185–190

fire alarms and sprinkler systems triggered by, 175

fixed focus instruments in, 83

flood lights in, 74–83

focusing spot lights in, 70–74

insurance coverage in, 170

LED lights in, 83–87

power supply and requirements in, 190–193

site survey on, 169–176

with temporary service, 176, 190–191

tie-in procedure for, 174, 191–193

preparations avoiding potential problems in, 169–176

security issues in, 171

site survey for, 169–176

equipment in, 169–170

procedure in, 170–176

Lowel, 98–100, 99f, 100f

broad flood lights, 75, 76f, 77f

clips and fasteners, 272

DP light, 70, 73, 74f

homemade improvements using, 221–223, 222f–223f

focusing spot lights, 70–71, 73, 73f, 74f

Light Array System, 99–100

lighting kits, 104, 145

LowelScandles fluorescent light, 100, 100f

Omni light, 133, 136, 145

as backlight, 133

barn doors on, 133, 259f

as key light, 148

in location lighting, 70, 73, 73f, 133

Rifa-Lite, 92, 99, 99f

in office environment with lone interviewee, 227, 227f, 232

Tota-Light, 75, 76f, 133, 189

Tota-Mount, 70, 133

LowelScandles fluorescent light (Lowel), 100, 100f

LTM Corporation

fiber-optic system, 209–211

Pepper lights, 70–71, 72f, 74

as hair light, 138, 140

Pepper Pot dimming device, 220

Lumens, 2

Luminance, 2

waveform monitor information on, 50

and zebra stripes, 49

Luxor Lighting Corporation fluorescent tubes, 21


Makeup area lighting, 21

Matthews Griff Clips, 219

Matting systems, 201–207

Mercury vapor lamps, 5, 63

Meters, 33–40

color temperature meters, 8, 38–40

light meters, 33–37

Micro Banks (Chimera), 92, 93f

Micro-Flo light (Kino-Flo), 70–71, 95–96, 97f

Micro-Set Lighting system (LTM Corporation), 209–211

Mini-Cool (Cool-Lux), 93–94, 214, 216f

as backlight, 133

dimmer for, 220

operating temperature of, 26

radiation generated by, 26

Mini-Strip (Lighting & Electronics), 63f, 217, 219f

Minolta Color Meter III F, 38

Minus-green filters, 20, 39

Mixed color temperature, 16–18, 16f–18f, 19–21

Mole-pin connectors (Mole-Richardson), 193, 272

Mole-Richardson Company, 100–101, 101f–103f

2000-watt Fresnel, 146

broad flood lights, 75, 78f

Digimole HMI PAR light, 100, 101f

Junior light, 131

Leko design, 110, 112f

lighting kits, 104

location equipment, 104

Mole-pin connectors, 193, 272

Molecool, 211, 212f

Molelipso lights, 112f

in exercise video, 248

Molepar HMI PAR light, 213f, 234, 235f

Molette, 101, 103f

Nooklites, 75–76, 78f, 189

Spacelite, 100, 102f

Molecool (Mole-Richardson), 211, 212f

Molelipso (Mole-Richardson), 112f

in exercise video, 248

Molepar HMI PAR light (Mole-Richardson), 213f, 234, 235f

Molette (Mole-Richardson), 101, 103f


color picture, 41–48

waveform, 48–50

Mood established

with key light, 130

with lighting ratio, 123, 124

with motivated lighting, 162

Moonlight in exterior night scenes, 185, 186, 187f, 188, 189, 190

Motivated lighting, 159–162

in exterior night scenes, 189

MR-16 lamps, 26, 61, 63f

from Cool-Lux, 26, 61, 93–94

in mini-striplights, 63f, 217, 219f

recent developments in, 214, 217

Multi-lights, 83


National Television Systems Committee standards, 6, 8

Near-side lighting setup, 155–156, 158f–159f

Neutral density filters, 272–273

applied to windows, 17–18, 17f–18f, 20

in exterior daylight scenes, 178

in falloff problems, 30

in filter wheel, 10

Newsmatte, 201–207

Night scenes, exterior, 185–190, 187f–188f

and evening effects with colored lights, 148, 149f–150f

moonlight in, 185, 186, 187f, 188, 189, 190

window light in, 189–190

Nine-Lite Molefay, 83, 84f

Nineteen hundred box, 273

Noise, and contrast ratio, 121–122

Nooklites (Mole-Richardson), 75–76, 78f, 189


Office environment, lighting setup for lone interviewee in, 225–234, 226f–233f

Omni light (Lowel), 133, 136, 145

as backlight, 133

barn doors on, 133, 259f

as key light, 148

in location lighting, 70, 73, 73f, 133

Outdoor settings, 177–190

color balance in, 12–16, 13f

daylight scenes in, 177–185

buildings and large structures affecting, 182–185, 184f–185f

butterfly use in, 55, 56f, 178–180

reflector use in, 180–182, 183f

falloff of light intensity in, 27, 27f

halogen metal iodine PAR lamps in, 214, 215f

night scenes in, 185–190, 187f–188f

and evening effects with colored lights, 148, 149f–150f

quality of light in, 23


Paddles, 273

Panagiotou, George, 61, 214

Pancake Lanterns (Chimera), 93, 95f

Pantograph, 273

PAR lamps, 60–61, 62f, 83

from Arri, 62f, 90, 91f

from Mole-Richardson, 100, 101f, 213f

in multi-lights, 83

recent developments in, 213–214, 215f

in single can, 104–105, 107f

uses of, 90, 92f

The Pelican Brief, 162

Pepper lights (LTM Corporation), 70–71, 72f, 74

as hair light, 138, 140

Pepper Pot dimming device (LTM Corporation), 220

Photo Dimmer (Cool-Lux), 219–220

Photo lamps, 56–57, 57f

Photoflood lamps, 57, 58f

Photometrics, 274

Physics of light, 1–31

Pigeon plate, 274

Plano convex lens, 108, 108f

Plants, lighting of, in indoor environment, 230, 232f

Point source light

of carbon arc lamp, 62

quality of, 24

Portraiture setup, key light position in, 130

Power requirements and supply, 169–176, 190–193. See also Electrical system

Practical lights, 274

in exterior night scenes, 189

in motivated lighting, 160

in side-lighting setup, 162, 163

Primary colors, 2–3, 2f

ratio in white light, 7, 8


in color cameras, 6, 7f

white light dispersed by, 1–2, 2f, 3

Psycho, 163


Quality of light, 23–25

in diffuse reflection, 68

in internal instrument reflectors, 69

in specular reflection, 66

Quartz-halogen lamps, 58–61, 60f–62f

FAY type, 60–61

operating position of, 59

PAR type, 60–61, 62f. See also PAR lamps

precautions in handling of, 59, 61, 64

tubular, 59, 61f



infrared, 25, 26

invisible ultraviolet, 25, 26

Red light, 3

ratio to blue and green in white light, 7, 8

Reflection of light, 64–70, 274

contrast ratios in, 120–122

diffuse, 66, 68, 69f

exposure ratios in, 126–127

in exterior daylight scenes, 178, 180–182, 183f

meter systems in measurement of, 34–36

quality of light in, 64–70

specular, 66–67, 66f, 67f, 68, 68f

with internal instrument reflectors, 69

types of reflectors for, 64–70

Reflective light meters, 34–36

analog, 37, 38f

digital, 35f

spot type, 34–35, 35f

Reflector boards, 274

in exterior daylight scenes, 180–182, 183f

Reflectors, 64–70

and contrast ratio, 120–122

and exposure ratios, 126–127

in exterior daylight scenes, 178, 180–182, 183f

external, 66–68

diffuse, 68, 69f

specular, 66–67, 66f, 67f, 68, 68f

of focusing spot lights, 72

internal instrument, 66, 68–70

shapes of, 69, 69f, 70

texture of, 69, 70

in Lekos, 109, 110, 112

Refraction of light, 2f, 3

Restaurant scene, lighting setup for, 234–247, 235f–239f, 241f–246f

Rifa-Lite (Lowel), 92, 99, 99f

in office environment with lone interviewee, 227, 227f, 232

Rim lights, 141

Ringlite LED lights, 85, 86f


blackwrap, 260

Cinefoil, 219

Cinegel, 22, 39

Cycscreen, 220

reflective materials, 181

video filtration media, 39


Sand bags and shot bags, 274

Saturation of color, 2

adjustment in color monitor setup procedure, 46–47

vectorscope information on, 50–53

Scissor clamp, drop-ceiling, 267, 267f

for backlight mounting, 133

Scoop lights, 76–77, 79f

Scrims, 219, 274

in falloff problems, 30–31, 30f

Sekonic Light Meter, 37, 38f

Selenium cell light meters, 33–34

Setup of lighting instruments, 153–167. See also Lighting setups

Seven, 162

Shadows, 15–16, 151

in background lights, 141–142

in composite lighting, 203

in diffuse illumination, 55

in diffuse reflection, 68

in exterior night scenes, 188, 189

in far-side lighting setup, 157–158

fill light affecting, 131, 132

in focusing spot lights, 72

key light affecting, 129–131

in low-key lighting ratio, 123

in near-side light setup, 155

quality of light affecting, 23, 24

in side-lighting setup, 163

in specular illumination, 55

in specular reflection, 66

Shot bags and sand bags, 274

Side-lighting setups, 162–163, 164f–165f

far-side, 156–159, 160f–161f

in matting materials, 205

near-side, 155–156, 158f–159f

Sidelights or rim lights, 141

Site survey for location lighting, 169–176

equipment used in, 169–170

procedure in, 170–176

Sliding rod, 274

with head grip, 275f

SMPTE color bars in monitor setup, 42, 43, 45, 45f, 46–47

Snoots, 274, 276f

in multi-lights, 83

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) color bars in monitor setup, 42, 43, 45, 45f, 46–47

Sodium vapor lamps, 5, 22

Soft cycloramas, 197–200

Softlights, 78–83, 80f–82f

as key lights, 150

in overhead clusters, 81, 82f

portable, 79, 81f

recent developments in, 211, 212f

standard, 78–79, 80f

Spacelite (Mole-Richardson), 100, 102f

Special effects lights, 142–143, 151

colored, 143–145, 143f–147f

Spectra 32 fluorescent tube, 21

Spectral colors, 2, 2f, 3

Specular illumination, 55

diffuse reflection of, 68

spectral reflection of, 66, 68

Specular reflection, 66–67, 66f, 67f, 68, 68f

with internal instrument reflectors, 69

Spike marks, 275

Spill of light, 275

Spot lights

focusing, 70–74

Fresnels as, 109, 109f

Spot meters, 34–35, 35f

Sprinkler system concerns in location lighting, 175

Stage box, 275

Stage left, 275

Stage plugs, 275–276

Stepped lens design, 108, 108f

Stewart Ultimatte, 202

Stewart Ultimatte, 202

Sticks or camera tripod, 276

Strand Lighting

Leko design, 113

mini-striplights, 217

Strike, use of term, 276

Striplights, low-voltage mini-striplights, 217, 219f

Studio lighting, 104, 105–118, 195–207

chroma key, 195, 201, 202

in cycloramas, 195–201

Fresnels in, 106–109

Lekos in, 109–117

in matting systems, 201–207

Sunlight. See Daylight

Survey of location lighting site, 169–176

equipment in, 169–170

procedure in, 170–176


Temperature of light source, 3–23. See also Color temperature

Temporary electrical service, 176, 190–191

Tener lights, 276, 277f

Tenting technique in specular reflection, 66–67, 67f

Three-point lighting, 133

in office environment with lone interviewee, 228

with rose-gelled background light, 143, 145f–147f

and sunlight, 145–150, 148f–150f

Tie-in equipment and procedure, 174, 191–193

Tiffen neutral density filters, 10

Time of day

and building effects on exterior daylight scenes, 184–185

and evening effects with colored lights, 148, 149f–150f

and key light, 129–130

and location lighting, 177–190

in exterior daylight scenes, 177–185

in exterior night scenes, 185–190

and outdoor color balance, 12–16

and shadows, 129–130

Tint of color, 2

adjustment in color monitor setup procedure, 46–47

in spectral range, 2, 2f

vectorscope information on, 50–53

Tota-Light (Lowel), 75, 76f, 133, 189

Tota-Mount (Lowel), 70, 133

Tough Blue 50, need for, 39

Travel to distant locations, equipment checklist for, 278–282

Tree stands, 276

Trick Y cable arrangement, 276

Tubular quartz lamps, 59, 61f

Tungsten filament of lamps, 56–58

aging problems in, 57–58

and camera filter wheel position, 9, 12

in halogen lamps, 5, 58–59

light and heat generated by, 25

operating temperature of, 4–5

quality of light from, 24–25, 25f

white balance in, 10f, 11f


Ultimatte, 201–207, 204f

Ultraviolet radiation, 25, 26

wavelength of, 4f, 26

Umbrella lighting, 79–81, 82f, 277

Upstage, 277


V-Light broad flood light, 75, 77f

Vectorscopes, 14, 15f, 22, 50–53

combined with waveform monitors, 52–53, 52f–53f

display parameters of, 50, 51f

Video Pro Plus Lightbanks (Chimera), 92–93, 94f

Virtual studio sets, 201–202

Visual Departures Flexfill, 181, 182f

in interview lighting setup, 253, 254f

Vita-lite fluorescent tube, 21

Vlahos, Victor and Paul, 201


in camera operation, 6

and auto white balance, 7–8

compared to wattage, 173, 174t

at lamp filaments, 8


Wall outlets in electrical system, 176, 267–268

Wattage, 25, 56

compared to voltage, 173, 174t

Waveform monitors, 48–50

color monitors compared to, 41

combined with vectorscopes, 52–53, 52f–53f

flat response mode of, 50

functions of, 48–49

IEEE scale on, 34, 48, 48f, 49

reflective light meters compared to, 35–36

vertical and horizontal rate display modes of, 50

Wavelengths, 2f, 3, 4f

and color temperature, 3–6

in outdoor settings, 12

of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, 4f, 26

White light

balance function of cameras

automatic, 7–8

and black balance circuits, 9, 9f

in outdoor settings, 12–16, 182–184, 190

components of, 2f, 3

dispersed by prism, 1–2, 2f, 3

ratio between primary colors in, 7, 8

Wiley, Emmet, 59, 61, 214

Winchell, George, 131, 133, 221


in exterior night scenes, 189–190

and mixed color temperatures in indoor settings, 16–18, 16f–18f

neutral density filters in, 17–18, 17f–18f, 20

and three-point lighting setup, 146

Wire size and ampere capacity, 175, 175t

Work lights, 277


Zebra stripes, 48, 49–50, 49f

and contrast ratio, 122

Zips, 79, 150, 277, 278f

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