Chapter 1. Data Warehousing

An Introduction to Oracle Database 10g

The Economic Climate Influences Technology Spending

One of the challenges of the post-dot-com bubble era that many organizations are facing is being asked to deliver more with little or no budget increase in order to improve the bottom line. You may find yourself looking for new ways to reduce technology costs, while at the same time supporting new applications and improving productivity.

In addition, in the wake of the recent corporate accounting scandals, new regulations have been put into place to enhance corporate responsibility, improve financial disclosures, and combat corporate accounting fraud. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates that companies improve the overall control of the management and reporting of corporate financial information, and places the responsibility for implementing these controls on the CEO and senior management. This in turn places new demands on the IT organization.

So, how are you able to cut costs, while at the same time improve the overall view of critical business information? How can you use your data to target opportunities, track performance, improve decision making, gain competitive edge, increase profits, and provide better financial reporting?


One answer may be through consolidation. Many companies are streamlining their operations by consolidating their hardware, their information, and their business practices and applications into a smaller number of centralized systems. Simplicity can then be achieved through one common infrastructure. The ability to pull together data from each part of the company provides a complete enterprise view. The data warehouse plays a critical role in this consolidation.

Consolidation of the Hardware

In the past, companies generally purchased dedicated systems for each major new application. These needed to be sized to meet peak demands, which meant that some resources sit idle the rest of the time. Wouldn’t it be nice if those resources could be applied to another application that needed them?

Consolidation involves both the reuse of existing hardware, and new purchases. Today, many hardware vendors are selling cheaper, faster machines, including server blades and networking equipment. Cost savings can be achieved by switching from proprietary hardware and operating systems to less expensive commodity hardware using Intel processors running the Linux operating system. The cost advantage of a blade farm running Linux is significant compared with a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) system running a proprietary operating system.

The cost of storage is also continuing to decline each year, and it is now possible to buy storage for considerably less money. Why spend a few million dollars for a system when you can get the same capabilities for several hundreds of thousands?

For a large company, consolidation may also involve combining many decentralized data centers into fewer data centers. As a result of hardware consolidation, there are fewer systems to manage—less software to install, patch, and secure, further reducing expenses.

Consolidation of Data into a Single Company View

As a result of systems being consolidated, the data can also be consolidated in one place, often into a data warehouse. Eliminating data redundancy improves the quality and availability of the information. Many companies have a large number of database instances, from Oracle and from other vendors. By consolidating these, savings can be gained from reducing the number of adminstrators needed to support the systems.

Consolidation of Applications

As the data is consolidated, self-service applications become possible, allowing users to update their own information. As more business applications are moved to the Web, portals give users access to central databases with a Web browser or cell phone eliminating the need to purchase and install special purpose desktop software.

Self-service applications are instrumental in reducing operating costs by eliminating many administrative processes, reducing personnel costs, and providing access on demand 24 hours a day. In addition to applications such as store fronts, many traditionally back-office applications can also be made self-service, including travel, payroll, and human resources.

The g in Oracle Database 10g—The Grid

Consolidation sets the stage for the implementation of grid computing. Oracle Grid Computing, is an integrated infrastructure made up of the Oracle Database 10g, Oracle Application Server 10g, and Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g. With grid computing, centralized pools of computing resources are created that can be shared by many applications.

The term grid computing originated from an analogy to the electric power grid. A variety of resources contribute power into a shared pool, which many consumers access as they need it. Grid computing is a way to consolidate hardware to improve utilization and efficiency of those resources. To the end user, resources are available when they are needed, without the need to know where the data resides or which computer processed any given request.

As with the Internet, the idea of grid computing began in the academic and research communities. One of the early implementations of a grid is the SETI@home project, which is the “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” that originated in 1999 at the University of California at Berkeley. Radio signal fluctuations are collected from the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico; these, may indicate a sign of intelligent life from space. Every day more data was received than the computers at the university could process, so volunteers were asked to donate idle processing time on their home computers. More than 5 million people from 226 countries have downloaded the software that makes their computers available whenever they are idle. You may have already done something similar—scavenged spare resources at off-peak times and used them to augment processing for one or more of your applications.

While the idea of grid or utility computing is not new, it is made possible today in part by advances in both hardware and software. Blade farms or groups of fast computers form the basis of grid computing. Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) serve as the foundation for enterprise grids by enabling these low-cost hardware platforms to deliver the highest quality of service levels of availability and scalability. You can buy just enough hardware capacity for the system’s initial needs, knowing you can plug in additonal low-cost servers to handle temporary or permanent traffic surges. When a new server is added to the cluster, it is automatically detected, and the workload is balanced to incorporate the new system. If one node in the cluster fails, the application can still function, with a surviving node taking over the failed node’s workload.

Just as companies today have both an internal intranet and and external Internet, in the future companies may have both internal grids and external grids without having to purchase or own all the technology themselves. In the data center of the future, you will have the ability to buy as much computing power as you need, and just pay for what you use.

What Is a Data Warehouse?

So, after all that, just what is a data warehouse and how does it fit in? A data warehouse is a database containing data from multiple operational systems that has been consolidated, integrated, aggregated, and structured so that it can be used to support the analysis and decision-making process of a business.

Why Do You Need a Data Warehouse?

Is all the information needed to run your business available when it’s needed, in the form in which it’s needed, and in sufficient detail and with accuracy to base decisions upon? Or, do two users arrive at a meeting with reports that don’t match? One thinks sales for March are $500 million, and another says they are $524 million. After much analysis, you determine that different data has been used to calculate the sales in each report, and you spend considerable time trying to figure out why and correcting the problem.

Does your company have multiple systems for the same function—the old inventory system and the new one you just spent millions of dollars building? Do you need to get data from both of these to combine for reporting purposes? How well is this working? Do users need to understand the differences between the two systems to query them on-line? This may be an area that you want to consolidate.

Do you have sufficient historical detail for analysis purposes? How many months of history are you able to keep on-line? Did you save the right level of detail? Did you even save all of the historical data? Are you able to analyze the sales for each product for each geographical region before and after a major reorganization of the sales force reporting structure? Data warehouses are built to help address these types of problems.

A Historical Perspective

In the 1970s the first commercial applications were built to computerize the day-to-day operations of a business. These systems were built on mainframe computers which were very expensive. Only large businesses could afford the hardware, the programmers to program them, and the operations staff to keep them running. These systems were focused on inserting new data and reading it sequentially using magnetic tapes.

With the invention of disk storage, the data could be accessed directly. This led to the first database management systems, which organized the data either hierarchically or in a network. These database systems were very complex. Programmers had to understand how the data was stored on the disk and navigate through the data to generate reports. Application programmers used COBOL to create custom reports. It took several days or even weeks to write the program for each new report. Reports were printed on computer paper and manually distributed to the users. There were never enough programmers, so there was always an application backlog. Once data could be accessed directly, the first on-line transaction processing (OLTP) systems were built.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, minicomputers such as Digital’s PDP-11 and VAX 11/780 brought the hardware costs down. Data was often stored in the complex CODAYSL database, which was extremely difficult to change and hard to understand and design. All that changed with the introduction of the relational database. In 1979, the Oracle database became the first commercially available relational system.

With the relational model, data is organized into tables with columns and rows. Rather than using pointers to maintain relationships among the data, a unique value, such as customer number or student id, is stored in multiple tables to identify the row. The relational model was much easier to understand, and SQL, the language used to access the database, did not require knowledge of how the underlying data was physically stored. It became much easier to build applications, which led to widespread use of database management systems. After the initial release of relational systems, many companies began developing products used to access relational databases, including adhoc query, reporting, and analysis tools.

With the introduction of the PC, computing moved from mainframes to client/server systems. Oracle applications were introduced in the late 1980s. Companies no longer had to build their own custom applications, but could now purchase software that provided basic functionality from vendors, including Oracle, PeopleSoft, and SAP.

As relational databases matured in the 1980s, OLTP systems were built using relational systems to automate the operational aspects of the business. These included systems such as order processing, order entry, inventory, general ledger, and accounting. OLTP systems automate processes and represent the state of a system at a current point in time. In an inventory application, there are transactions to insert new items into the inventory, delete items when sold, and update the quantity on hand, while always maintaining the balance on hand. A limited amount of history is retained. It is easy to determine how many of product 111-45-222 is on hand, for example, or on which date order number 45321 was shipped. During this time, the relational database vendors focused on improving performance for OLTP applications and competed with each other using industry standard TPC-C benchmarks.

The Rise of the Data Warehouse

Once the OLTP systems were built to efficiently collect data, the challenge became how to best interpret it. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, in an effort to take a broader view across the entire business, the first enterprise data warehouses (a term invented by Bill Inmon, the father of data warehousing) were built. Data was brought together from the many operational systems used to run the day-to-day business operations in order to provide a corporate-wide view.

Data warehouses were built to view the business over time and spot trends. Many decisions require being able to look beyond the details of today’s operations and take a broader view of the business. Typical warehouse queries involve reporting on product sales over the last two years or looking at the impact of a major snowstorm on retail sales versus Internet sales. Queries involve looking at how values have changed over time and what else also changed, and possibly discovering connections.

In order to perform this type of analysis, data in the warehouse needs to be retained for long periods of time, often 5 to 10 years.

The Data Warehouse Is Used to Look beyond the Data to Find Information

In a data warehouse, the primary activity is querying, or reading, the data. The only update activity occurs when new data is loaded. Decision-support systems (DSS), including Oracle Discoverer, provide interactive querying, charting, graphs, and reporting capabilities. Oracle has specialized types of access structures, such as bitmapped indexes, bitmapped join indexes, and materialized views, to improve query performance.

OLAP software is used to analyze business data in a top-down hierarchical fashion. It assumes queries will be posed iteratively, where the results of asking one question lead to asking many more questions.

It’s not enough to know just the profit made this year; analysts also need to know profit over time of each product for each geographic region. This is a three-dimensional query: the dimensions are products, time, and geographical region.

An analyst may need to compare this month’s sales to the same month last year for each store versus the Internet site. He or she may drill down to a more detailed level in the hierarchy to get the sales for individual stores to determine which ones are most profitable and which may have lost money.

The Data Warehouse Requires a Different Database Design

Data warehouses are designed for quick retrieval, when the access path is not known in advance. Information is often derived from other data, by rolling up data into summaries, drilling down to get more detail, or looking for patterns and trends.

In an OLTP system, entity relationship diagramming techniques (E-R) are used to design the database schema. Each entity becomes a table, attributes become columns, and relationships are represented by joining the primary-key and foreign-key columns together at run time.

A normalized design provides optimal performance for OLTP systems; it supports high volumes of transactions that frequently update data. Normalization ensures that the tables are correctly formed by putting related data together in one table and eliminating redundancy. By having only one copy of the data, update anomalies are avoided consistency is maintained. After normalizing the data, some redundancy may be reintroduced on columns that are not updated to improve performance.

In order to optimize performance for a warehouse, where the primary activity is querying the data, a new data model was needed. Ralph Kimball, the primary industry spokesperson for dimensional modeling and author of The Data Warehouse Toolkit, introduced the star schema, a new way of designing the database to facilitate OLAP processing. In order to optimize performance for a warehouse, dimensional modeling techniques are used.

The dimensional approach to modeling organizes data into fact and dimension tables. It represents data in a way that is easily understood by users. Users often ask for reports of sales results on a quarterly basis, broken down by store and geographical region. The sales numbers are the facts. Store, region, and quarter are the dimensions the data is analyzed by and are used to organize the data. With dimensional modeling, denormalization and redundancy are introduced. In Chapter 2, we will see how to actually create a design for Easy Shopping Inc., the example which will be used throughout this book.

The logical design is converted to a physical representation that will best optimize performance and manageability. Tables, constraints, indexes, and partitions are defined.

Oracle has added several features to support dimensional designs. The optimizer can recognize a star schema. In addition to creating tables and columns, you can also define dimensions to help analyze your data in various ways.

Data Warehouses Evolved As Separate Systems

You may already be wondering why you can’t use your operational production systems for your data warehouse. You already have databases that are accessible through your corporate network, so why can’t you just use those to get the information you need to run your business more efficiently? Why do you need to copy data from one system to another to build a warehouse? Because operational systems may not contain historical data, the information may not be available to analyze. Also, the schema is not designed and the data is not structured for business intelligence queries.

In addition, queries in the warehouse typically access large amounts of data, which requires a great deal of memory, CPU, and I/O resources. Running decision-support queries that require a large amount of computing power to sort and summarize millions of rows will have an impact on the performance of your operational systems.

To make it even more difficult, often the many different operational systems are running on different hardware platforms, with different operating systems and database-management systems. Some applications may have been purchased and others built in-house. On some, the source code may no longer even be available to make changes to, and many of the systems could be several years old.

It was once believed that distributed databases were going to allow you to issue a query and that global query optimizers would locate the data transparently, returning it to users fast enough so they never realized it was located on a machine in a different geographical location. But systems of this type never materialized.

As a result, data needs to be moved from the operational systems into a separate data warehouse, where it is stored in a common format on a different machine for analysis.

The Data Warehouse Is Built from the Operational Systems

Building a warehouse involves extracting data from operational systems, sometimes combining it with additional information from third parties, transforming it into a uniform format, and loading it into the database.

Once data is entered in the warehouse, it almost never changes, since it records the facts of an event or state that existed at some moment in time, such as a particular sale of a product that happened on 23-Dec-1998. If there were another sale of a similar product on 24-Dec-1998, it would generally be recorded as a separate event.

Often, up to 80 percent of the work in building a data warehouse is devoted to the extraction/transformation/load (ETL) process: locating the data; writing programs to extract, filter, and cleanse it; transforming it to a common encoding scheme; and loading it into the data warehouse.

Operational data must be extracted from the source operational systems and copied to the staging area, a temporary location where the data is cleansed, transformed, and prepared for the warehouse. Sometimes you have direct access to the source systems; however, often access is severely restricted, and you can only get files of data that have been extracted for you. The operational systems frequently must be running on a 24×7×365 basis, and performance cannot be impacted in any way.

Data from multiple systems needs to be transformed into a common format for use in the warehouse. A knowledge of the meaning of the data in the operational system is required.

  • Each operational system may refer to the same item by a different name or key. For example, a tool company in the United States might call product_id “1234” a “wrench,” while a company in another country may call the same product “1234” a “spanner.”

  • Each system might use a different encoding scheme. The product_id may be represented as characters separated by dashes (xxx-xx-xxx) in one system and characters separated by spaces (xxx xx xxx) in another. The data must be transformed to a common encoding scheme in the warehouse.

  • An attribute of a table may have different names. One system might refer to a column in the customer table as gender, represented by values “0” or “1.” Another system may call it sex, represented as “M” or “F.”

  • Different systems may use different units of measure. The sales amount might be in dollars in the United States, and the euro in the European Union. The data must be transformed to a common measure in the warehouse.

In designing the transformation process, these different column names from the operational systems are mapped into the common name chosen in the warehouse and transformed into a common encoding scheme.

Once the data is transformed, it is ready to be loaded into the warehouse. Often, the transformation area is on a machine separate from the warehouse; thus, the data will need to be transported or moved to the machine where the warehouse is located.

If the transformed data is stored in a flat file, it may be transported using FTP and then loaded using the SQL*Loader utility or Oracle Data Pump.

If the data has been transformed in an Oracle database, transportable tablespaces may be used to move a tablespace from one database to another.

New data is generally added to the warehouse on a periodic basis. It may be loaded in batch in the evenings or at another time when the warehouse is not being used heavily by the analysts. Oracle Database 10g Asynchronous Change Data Capture provides a mechanism to load data in near real time, providing access to the most recent transactional changes.

In addition to the data you already own, you can purchase data from external data providers to add to your warehouse. For example, you can buy information about the weather, demographics, and socioeconomic data.

Examples of usage would be:

  • Adding data that tracks regional weather events on a daily basis: This way, you can determine which products show an increase or decrease in sales when there is a snowstorm.

  • Adding customer demographic data: Selective marketing can be performed, targeting those customers most likely to respond to a sales promotion.

  • Knowing which types of customers buy which types of products: You can anticipate demand and increase profitability. Demographic data can be used to help choose a location to place a new retail store.

  • Adding Dun and Bradstreet data: This contains information on companies and products.

Many tools are available in the marketplace to help automate parts of the ETL process. An overview of Oracle Warehouse Builder, which can be used to help automate the extraction, transformation, transport, and load aspects of the process, will be presented in Chapter 13.

The Data Mart

Building a warehouse can be very complex and often takes anywhere from 18 months to three years to deploy. Because a warehouse contains many subject areas and crosses multiple organizations, it can also be highly political. Many early data warehousing projects failed.

It was discovered that many of the same benefits of a warehouse could be scaled down to the department or line of business, solving a particular business problem. Data warehouses contain multiple subjects that provide a consolidated enterprise view across all lines of business. Data marts are subject-specific or application-specific data warehouses and contain data for only one line of business, such as sales or marketing. The major difference between a data mart and a data warehouse is the scope of the information they contain. Because the scope of a data mart is much smaller, the data is obtained from fewer sources, and the typical time to implement it is shorter.

Independent Data Marts Were Built

Data marts can be dependent or independent, based on the source of information. The source of information for a dependent data mart is an existing data warehouse. A data mart is considered independent when no enterprise data warehouse exists, and the data is extracted directly from the operational systems.

Because independent data marts can be constructed very quickly, they became quite popular in the mid to late 1990s, as each department in a company created its own data mart for its own needs. Unfortunately, after creating a few data marts, problems begin to arise. Each data mart is its own “island of information.” It’s obviously a problem when there are two reports with different answers to the same question.

One of the reasons independent data marts can be deployed so quickly is that they postpone some of the critical decisions that later become necessary as the number of marts grows. Only the data needed by an individual department needs to be identified and understood. A complete understanding of all the corporate data is not necessary. Creating independent data marts avoids political issues related to the creation of common naming and encoding standards.

Other problems arose from the fact that the individual data marts were often built independently of one another by different autonomous teams. These teams will often select different hardware, software, and tools to use.

Each independent data mart gets its data directly from the operational system. If a company had five different data marts, each needing customer information, there would be five separate programs running to extract data from the customer table in the operational system. You probably don’t have enough spare cycles on your operational systems to run five extract programs today, and you certainly won’t be able to run more extract programs in the future as you add more data marts.

Each does its own data cleansing and transformations, possibly each in a slightly different way. It is very easy for the data to become inconsistent. Redundant and inconsistent data leads to different answers, making it difficult to make decisions. Imagine trying to merge these different views at a later point into a common data warehouse.

Operational Data Stores Appeared To Consolidate Reporting of Recent Information

As discussed previously, there is a major distinction between the data in the operational systems and that in the warehouse. Operational data is about the current state of the company and is used to manage the daily operations. Data in the warehouse is informational, containing a historical record about the past.

If there is a need to provide information about the current state of the business to make tactical decisions to support day-to-day operations, an operational data store (ODS) can be built as part of the information management architecture.

An ODS contains subject-oriented, integrated data that has been validated and cleansed. It is used to support operational queries and reports. One example is a customer service organization’s need to access current account balances and billing information.

The ODS may be updated in near real time, so that it reflects the current state in time. The ODS may serve as the source of data for the warehouse or data marts.

Incrementally Building The Data Warehouse With Dependent Data Marts

To solve these problems, and still provide a timely return on investment, rather than building a warehouse representing the entire corporation, people began building the warehouse a functional area at a time using a phased approach.

Figure 1.1 shows the most common architecture used today. Data is extracted from the OLTP systems and external sources, loaded into operational data stores and enterprise data warehouses, and loaded into dependent data marts.

Enterprise Data Warehouse with Dependent Data Marts

Figure 1.1. Enterprise Data Warehouse with Dependent Data Marts

Building a data warehouse is just like building software. You cannot do everything in one release, and you will never be able to anticipate all of the possible uses. Another problem with the “big bang” approach is that it is often the case that in the years ahead things change, user requirements are different, and the warehouse implementation is simply wrong. It is much better to develop an overall architecture, building a framework with components that allow the warehouse to be built in phases. Phased approaches provide constant feedback to the business. Limit the scope, and plan for enhancements every three to six months.

Reporting, Query, and Analysis Tools Became Browser Based

In 1995, Larry Ellison, the founder and CEO of Oracle, first introduced his vision of the network computer: a small, inexpensive device that makes it easy to run applications that access information via the Internet. Although the network computer never gained significant market share, the vision of internet-centric business computing accelerated the rapid price decline of PCs, meeting the demand for cheaper, simpler desktop computing.

The ability to publish reports on the Web can make information available to virtually anyone. It gives employees, partners, and customers realtime access to critical information. No longer do you have to be in the office to view a report. Just pop into the local Internet cafe or connect to the Internet from your hotel room. Placing information on the Web (either your company intranet or the World Wide Web) means that your office can truly be almost anywhere.

OLAP and Data Mining Functionality Are Embedded in the Oracle Database

OLAP was first defined by Dr. E. F. Codd, the father of relational databases. He stated that relational databases were not originally intended to provide data synthesis, analysis, and consolidation—functions being defined as multi-dimensional analysis. For many years separate analytical databases such as Oracle Express were necessary to provide the functionality not available in relational databases.

Oracle has added many features that facilitate OLAP queries, and it is now possible to use the Oracle server directly for OLAP. The SQL language has been extended to provide analytical functions, such as ranking, moving window aggregates, period-over-period comparisons, ratio to report, statistical functions, inverse percentiles, hypothetical rank and distributions, histograms, and first/last aggregates. Multiple levels of aggregation can be calculated using cube, rollup, and grouping sets. Most calculations are done directly within the server. These functions allow the OLAP queries to be expressed without complex self-joins and subqueries and allow the optimizer to choose a better execution plan.

Data mining functionality is provided with the Data Mining option of the Enterprise Edition for making classifications, predictions, and associations.

Data mining is part of the knowledge discovery process. By using statistical techniques, vast quantities of data can be transformed into useful information. Data is like the raw material extracted from traditional mines: when turned into information, it is like a precious metal.

Data mining extracts new information from data. It allows businesses to extract previously unknown pieces of information from their warehouses and use that information to make important business decisions.

The discovery process typically starts with no predetermined idea of what the search will find. Large amounts of data are read, looking for similarities that can be grouped together to detect patterns and trends.

OLAP and DSS tools look at predefined relationships associated with the structure of the data. These are represented by constraints and dimensions. Data mining detects relationships that are associated with the content of the data, and not yet defined, such as which products are most likely to be purchased together, known as market-basket analysis. When analyzing data over time, it can be used to detect unexpected patterns in behavior. The likelihood of an activity being performed some time after another activity can be determined. Common applications for data mining include customer retention, fraud detection, and customer purchase patterns. Data can be mined looking for new market opportunities.

OLAP tools allow you to answer questions such as: Did sales of lava lamps increase in November compared with last year? Data mining tools help to identify answers to questions such as: What factors determine the sales of lava lamps?

With OLAP tools, analysts start with a question or hypothesis and query the warehouse to prove or disprove their theory. With data mining tools, the work is shifted from the analyst to the computer. Data mining tools use a variety of techniques to solve a number of different problems, and can be used to answer questions such as: Which items is this person most likely to buy or like, with what likelihood? and Which other item will people who bought this item buy? This type of personalization can be seen at and is becoming common at many other Web sites.

Data Warehousing Features in the Oracle Database 10g

Many new features have been introduced into the Oracle Database 10g specifically aimed at improving performance and manageability of the data warehouse.

  • ETL processing

    • Oracle Change Data Capture (CDC) simplifies the process of identifying the data that has changed since the last extraction. Changes can be identified either synchronously with respect to the transaction, by using a trigger-based mechanism, or asynchronously by mining the archived logs.

    • Heterogeneous Transportable Tablespaces provide an efficient mechanism for moving large amounts of data between Oracle databases on different hardware platforms.

    • External tables allow data to be transformed as it is, either being loaded or unloaded from the database.

    • Data Pump provides high-speed, bulk data and metadata movement between Oracle databases and is the replacement for the Export and Import utilities.

  • Analytical Analysis. Business intelligence calculations can require extensive programming outside the SQL language. To eliminate this problem, many analytical calculations have been added to the Oracle database.

    • With the new SQL Model Clause, relational data can be viewed as a multidimensional array to which spreadsheet-like calculations can be applied for modeling applications such as budgeting and forecasting.

  • Automatic Advisors

One of the most difficult parts of solving a problem is being able to reproduce it and capture what was happening on the system when the problem occurred. In Oracle Database 10g, performance statistics that represent the state of the system can be gathered periodically (once an hour by default) and stored in the database in the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR).

This data is then analyzed by the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) to detect and diagnose performance problems. It can detect excessive I/O, CPU bottlenecks, excessive parsing, concurrency issues, PGA, buffer-cache, or log buffer sizing issues.

Some problems can be fixed automatically. For example, Oracle Database 10g can automatically manage the shared memory area (SGA), eliminating the need for you to determine the optimal memory allocations for each of the components.

Recommendations may be provided to fix other problems. A suggestion may be to run one of the new advisors, such as the SQL Tuning Advisor to tune a poorly performing SQL statement, or the SQL Access Advisor to determine which indexes or materialized views should be built to improve the overall performance of the entire workload.

Building a Data Warehouse Poses Many Challenges

Data warehouses have become a mainstream part of the business operations, managed by IT departments with service-level agreements for availability and performance. Thus, data warehouse developers are faced with many challenges. They must ensure that performance is maintained as the warehouse grows in size, evolve the warehouse to meet new business requirements, manage it without bringing the system down, protect it from unplanned downtime, and do all this while at the same time reducing overall costs.

Managing the Warehouse

As large data warehouses are growing to many terabytes in size, with increasingly higher availability requirements, it is critical to maintain good performance for large numbers of geographically distributed users. On-line backup and recovery procedures must be established, and both the data content and the usage or activity in the warehouse must be managed.

The decision-support workload is highly variable. In an OLTP system, an application is tuned to process many identical update transactions as quickly as possible. In a data warehouse, performance must be tuned to process as many variable queries as possible.

Usage patterns provide the foundation for tuning the warehouse for better performance. Who is using which data? Which levels of summarization are people looking at? Which data is not being used? Is the data structured in the most efficient manner; is it indexed on the correct columns? Can the summary tables be used for most queries? If many queries join data from one table with another, it might be beneficial to denormalize the data, pre-joining it. Workload information helps determine where indexes should be added, where tables should be combined, and where summaries should be created. The Oracle Database 10g new diagnostics engine mentioned previously can offer enormous help in detecting and diagnosing performance problems and also in recommending fixes.

Eventually, it may no longer be necessary or practical to keep all the detail data on-line for immediate access. The data may be purged without keeping a copy. Or it can be archived and moved to some low-cost medium such as tape or CD-ROM, where it can later be retrieved if necessary.

The Role of Metadata

Metadata is data that describes the other data and operations on that data. Metadata can be used for either technical or business purposes. As data flows from the operational systems into the warehouse, it is extracted, transformed, and summarized. Technical metadata is needed to describe this process and is essential for proper “drill down” to finer levels of detail.

Business metadata allows end users to determine which data is available in the warehouse or data mart and how it can be accessed. Metadata provides the integration and uniformity of data across the corporation. It is the place where the different departments describe their use of the term product.

Metadata is stored in a repository, which is typically a set of tables in an Oracle database. It can then be shared by any user or tool.

In 2000 the Object Management Group (OMG) published the “Common Warehouse Metamodel” (CWM) specification, which defines a metadata format for all data warehouse and business intelligence products. The specification was developed jointly by several companies including Oracle and IBM Corporation. Since the publication of the specification, many of the data warehousing products have evolved to adhere to the standard.

Increasing Data Volume

One of the biggest technology issues facing enterprises today is the explosion of data volumes. Data warehouses are “the” very large databases. In fact, at the time of writing this book in 2004, the world’s largest commercial data warehouse, identified by the 2003 Winter Corporation Top Ten Survey, was built using Oracle, containing 30 terabytes of data. Many factors are contributing to this growth in data.

  • With hardware improvements and storage costs continuing to decline each year, it is economically feasible to keep more and more detailed historical data. You may now be able to store a record of every product a customer bought in the supermarket, not just the fact that he or she bought five items for a total cost of $25.75.

  • Businesses are storing more and more data for longer periods of time.

  • Data is stored multiple times for different purposes. Indexes and materialized views are created to improve query performance, but these access structures require additional storage space, further increasing the size of the database.

  • Unstructured data can be integrated with traditional business intelligence applications. Storing multimedia data increases the database size. To store one hour of video requires about 1GB of storage. To store one minute of audio requires a little less than 1MB. Images can range from 20KB to as much as 60MB depending on the type and quality of the image.

  • Documents can be tagged with XML-based metadata and stored in the Oracle database.

However, a data warehouse should not be viewed as a repository for archived data; this is not its purpose.

Higher Availability

Ensuring the availability of the data warehouse is becoming more and more mission critical for many businesses. As data warehouses are becoming more operational in nature, feeding information back to the OLTP systems, in businesses that operate globally users need access to the data warehouse 24×7, often 365 days per year.

The Oracle database is designed to eliminate the need for planned downtime and withstand any failure: system failure, storage failure, site failure, or human error. If a server goes down, your applications keep running. Real Application Clusters (RAC) make applications scalable and highly available and, as discussed previously, are the foundation for the grid. A single database can be run on a group of servers clustered together. As additional servers are added to the cluster, applications can scale to support increased throughput, with no modification. The Oracle Application Servers can act in a load balanced, clustered “farm” capacity, and the entire configuration can be managed using Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

Data Guard can be used to maintain a standby database, which is a transactionally consistent copy of the data warehouse and can be used to ensure that operations continue with minimal interruption if there is a site disaster, human error, or data corruption. It can also be used to minimize downtime for planned maintenance, such as hardware upgrades, or rolling upgrades of Oracle software.

More Users/Better Performance

The ability to publish reports on the Web makes information available to many more people. As data warehouses and business intelligence tools make more and better data available, the number of end users continues to grow. The demand for better performance is more important than ever. In addition, the types of queries are increasing in complexity.

New Types Of Applications

Data warehouses are being used to support new types of e-business initiatives including customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management. CRM helps attract new customers and develop customer loyalty, important in the retention of existing customers. A data warehouse contains the information about a company’s customers and is often the integration point for sales, marketing, and customer care applications.

The Future of Data Warehousing

Where are we going from here? While no one can predict the future, some trends seem to be underway.

Real-Time Data Warehouses

The data warehouse is evolving to support real-time analysis and decision making. Rather than updating the warehouse periodically in batch, when a transaction is committed on the OLTP system, it will become available in the data warehouse, providing the capability of real-time decision making.

This allows the warehouse to be used to support tactical as well as strategic decisions. It enables a credit card company to detect and stop fraud as it happens, a transportation company to reroute its vehicles quickly after an accident has taken place, and an on-line retailer to communicate special offers based on a customer’s Web-surfing behavior.

Oracle Database 10g Asynchronous Change Data Capture provides a mechanism to load data in near real time, providing access to the most recent transactional changes. Once the data is in the warehouse, there is no need to move it to another engine, since OLAP and data mining capabilities are now native in the Oracle database.

The Disappearance of the Separate Data Warehouse

One day we may be using a single database for both OLTP and data warehousing. Oracle is building capabilities into the database that allow a blending of operational and analytical capabilities. With this approach it would no longer be necessary to have separate databases for the OLTP, ODS, data warehouse, and data marts. This would eliminate the need for huge volumes of data movement—the extraction, transformation, loading, and replication across these databases—and reduce the cost and complexity of integrating and managing multiple databases.

In Oracle Applications, both OLTP and decision support and reporting are being done in the same Oracle instance, using RAC. It is no longer necessary to have a separate relational, OLAP, data mining, or ETL engine. This greatly simplifies the operation and management of the data warehouse infrastructure.

Of course, there is still the need to integrate data from many sources—until all the data is stored within one Oracle database.


We’ve gone from the mainframe in the 1970s to the minicomputers in the 1980s to client/server in the 1990s. In the late 1990s and early 2000s Internet computing began to change the way we did everything, making it possible to deploy business intelligence applications to large, geographically distributed user populations both within the enterprise and outside of it to suppliers and customers.

After heavy technology investments in the late 1990s many companies have found they have underutilized assets and are looking at ways to reduce operating costs. Consolidation and grid computing, based on low-cost commodity hardware, can provide substantial savings.

In this chapter, we’ve taken a look at what gave rise to data warehouses and data marts, some of the highlights of Oracle Database 10g, some of the many challenges facing warehouse developers, and what we think the future holds. Now it’s time to see how we can use all of this technology to build and access our data warehouse.

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