Working with Swift

Swift, as we already know, is the object store service that stores BLOBs and their metadata. The important part is that multiple copies of the object are stored for redundancy and resiliency. In most organizations, three copies of data are considered good from the redundancy standpoint, but we can choose to have more or fewer copies.

Naturally, more than one node should be used to store the objects. For the purpose of this book, we will just use one storage node—that we have also used for Cinder in the previous section—but this will have a third drive added to it, and use that for Swift.

Swift is a distributed system. In order to store and find data and ensure its integrity and redundancy, the architecture revolves around the concept of rings. Rings essentially are configuration-cum-database files that help in placing the object on the nodes and searching through them.

The rings essentially map the data to the physical device where the data is being stored. There are three rings:

  • Account ring: This maps accounts to containers
  • Container ring: This maps containers to objects
  • Object ring: This maps objects to storage partitions

So in effect, if we are looking for all the objects stored for a particular account, all the three rings are checked.

Working with Swift

The preceding diagram shows the different components of the Swift service, where ring is the key component. Rings are actually modified versions of the consistent hashing rings.

Let us take an example of the object ring. Say we have three nodes. While creating, we partition the ring in to multiple parts. Since we are using the modified version of the consistent hashing ring, we will get an equal partition size. The partitions are essentially blocks from different nodes where the objects are stored depending on the name of the file.

We create the partition size at the beginning of the ring creation, and it cannot be changed once created. The larger the partition size, the bigger the ring will be and the smoother the object distribution amongst its nodes. Once the partition size is created, 2^Part_Number is the number of partitions created in the ring.


Rule of thumb states that we need 100 partitions per physical disk that is being used for Swift, and hence, the part power is calculated by the following formula:

log2(number of disks * 100)

Always choose the number on the larger side, as these days the memory (a few megabytes of it) is not a big deal.

Note that the ring partition is not to be confused with the disk partition.

The Swift proxy is the frontend between the object store nodes and the users. In our installation, we will install the proxy on the OSControllerNode and the ObjectStore on the OSStorageNode.

Controller node

We will install the Swift proxy and some helper packages on the controller node. Let us prepare the checklist so we have all the information handy:



Access to the Internet


Proxy Needed


Proxy IP and port

Not Applicable

Node name


Node IP address

Node OS

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Swift Keystone password


Swift port


Unlike other services, Swift doesn't need access to the database. Hence, we won't create one. This is because all the data Swift needs is kept in the rings.

Installing packages

We will install the Swift proxy packages and fall back on our reliable aptitude package manager for this:

apt-get install swift swift-proxy python-swiftclient python-keystonemiddleware memcached

Ensure these packages are installed. Now, we see some additional packages in this list. Let us talk about them for a moment. The memcached package caches the objects to serve them fast to the end users, Swift client to configure the system, and the Python modules for the Keystone and Keystone middleware.

We also need to understand the difference in the terminologies when it comes to authentication between Swift and Keystone. These have been explained as follows:




Tenant / Project





In order to map the two preceding authentication definitions, the Keystone middleware is used. Another point to be noted is that the Swift user doesn't have any rights by default, but there is a user called the swift operator, which can modify the ACLs on the files. This mapping is also done by the Keystone middleware.

Once the packages are installed, we can move on to the configuration.

Initial configuration

The configuration steps are similar to the other services:

  • Create a Keystone user and map the roles
  • Create a service in Keystone
  • Create an endpoint
  • Modify configuration files

Creating a user in Keystone

We start by exporting the credentials. Since we have saved it in the file, we will just source the file by typing source ~alokas/os.txt:

keystone user-create --name swift --pass sw1ftkeypwd

Once the user is created, we will then make it an admin user:

keystone user-role-add --user swift --tenant service --role admin

Creating a Swift service in Keystone

We create the service by using the following command:

keystone service-create --name swift --type object-store   --description "OpenStack Object Storage"

Note down the ID that we will use in the next step of creating the endpoint (in this case, it is febc806b960b496bb3e000fefe992e2b).

Creating a Swift endpoint

We will create the Swift endpoint with the following command:

keystone endpoint-create 
  --service-id febc806b960b496bb3e000fefe992e2b 
  --publicurl 'http://oscontrollernode:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s' 
  --internalurl 'http://oscontrollernode:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s' 
  --adminurl http://oscontrollernode:8080 
  --region dataCenterOne

Modifying the configuration files

The Swift packages don't come with the configuration files. So, we will need to download some sample configuration files from GitHub ( and then modify them:

mkdir /etc/swift
chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift

This creates a directory for Swift configuration files.

We will first download the swift.conf file from the GitHub repository. The following command downloads the sample configuration in the directory that we just created:

curl -o /etc/swift/swift.conf


If you are using a proxy server to download the file, add the -x proxyip:port at the end of the curl command to download the file.

In this file, we will have to choose a unique suffix and prefix for our environment. Remember that once chosen, the prefix cannot be changed. In this case, we will use packtpub for our prefix and suffix. This prefix and suffix are used in the hashing algorithm.

Edit the /etc/swift/swift.conf file as follows:

  • In the [swift-hash] section:
    swift_hash_path_suffix = packtpubsuffix
    swift_hash_path_prefix = packtpub

There will already be default be a storage policy 0 in the file, verify the presence of the following:

name = Policy-0
default = yes

As a next step, we will download the proxy-server configuration file and modify its configuration:


We will make the following changes to the file:

  • Under the [DEFAULT] section of the configuration, we will mention the user account it would use, the configuration directory, and the port on which it would bind—we have chosen 8080:
    bind_port = 8080
    swift_dir = /etc/swift
    user = swift
  • In the [pipeline:main] section we will enable the modules:
    pipeline = authtoken cache healthcheck keystoneauth proxy-logging proxy-server

    This allows for the logging and Keystone authentication.

  • In the [app:proxy-server] section, we will enable account management:
    allow_account_management = true
    account_autocreate = true
  • In the [filter:authtoken] section, we will configure the Keystone details. The delay_auth_decision value is set to true so that Swift waits until the Keystone middleware and Keystone check the user token and respond to Swift:
    paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    auth_uri = http://OSControllerNode:5000/v2.0
    identity_uri = http://OSControllerNode:35357
    admin_tenant_name = service
    admin_user = swift
    admin_password = sw1ftkeypwd
    delay_auth_decision = true
  • In the [filter:keystoneauth] section, we configure the operator role, which is effectively a mapping that mentions which role of Keystone will be considered an operator in Swift. These should exist in the configuration; we can just uncomment the lines rather than having to retype them:
    use = egg:swift#keystoneauth
    operator_roles = admin,_member_
  • Finally, in the [filter:cache] section, we configure the memcached location, which is the current node in our case:
    memcache_servers =

The file should appear as seen in the following screenshot:

Modifying the configuration files


Note that this is not the full configuration. It merely shows the relevant sections to give you an idea about how it should look once done.

This concludes the installation of the Swift configuration on the controller node. Please note that in our case, the controller is also the Swift proxy server. In a production environment, we will have to perform the steps on all the different nodes acting as the proxy as the proxy server.

The storage node

Since we are using the same storage node that we used for Cinder, we already have the DNS/Hosts file figured out. If we choose to have more than one storage node, the same principles apply. We will quickly create a single node.

Understanding the prerequisites

The storage nodes use rsync in order to keep multiple copies of data in sync. Also, the XFS filesystem works very well for the BLOB storage, so we will install both of those packages:

apt-get install xfsprogs rsync

We will use the fdisk and create two partitions in it using the third drive that we have mounted (/dev/sdc). Alternatively, we could choose to partition from an already existing drive. Let us make it into an XFS filesystem and then mount it to a directory. The reason we have created two partitions is to distribute data uniformly. In the production environment, there will be several nodes and several drives per node, and we can choose to create just one partition per drive.

Check that the drive for Swift is visible to the system by looking for the /dev/sdc in the output of fdisk –l. We will format and partition the disk using the following command:

fdisk /dev/sdc

We will choose the option n to create a new partition, then p for primary, and then we will choose the partition number 1. We will leave the initial sector as default, and for the final sector, we will set the partition size as 50 percent of the disk size. In my case, since the disk is 100 GB, I will create the first partition as 50 GB and hence use +50GB for the last sector.

We will repeat the process and leave everything to default for the second partition, and it will use the remaining space, which is the remaining 50 GB. We will then write to the partition table and come out of the fdisk utility, and at the end of this, we will end up with two partitions: /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc2.

You can see the screenshot for the fdisk utility earlier in this chapter, when we created the partition for the Cinder volumes.

As a next step, we will create filesystems on these partitions. XFS is especially suited for an object store; hence, we will use it:

mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc1
mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc2

We will now create folders and mount them:

mkdir -p /srv/node/sdc1
mkdir -p /srv/node/sdc2

Then, we add the new mount points in the /etc/fstab file:

echo "/dev/sdc1 /srv/node/sdc1 xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 2 " >> /etc/fstab
echo "/dev/sdc2 /srv/node/sdc2 xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 2 " >> /etc/fstab

We will mount the drives using mount –a command and df –k command to verify.

Since we only have one node, we don't actually need to configure rsync. However, it's a good practice to do so because it makes it easier to add nodes in the future.

Add the following to /etc/rsyncd.conf (after replacing the IP address of the storage node):

uid = swift
gid = swift
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/
address =

max connections = 2
path = /srv/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/account.lock

max connections = 2
path = /srv/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/container.lock

max connections = 2
path = /srv/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object.lock

In the /etc/default/rsync file, set RSYNC_ENABLE to true and start the service using service rsync start.

Installing the packages

We will install the account, container, and object components:

apt-get install swift swift-account swift-container swift-object
chown swift:swift /etc/swift

Ensure that the installation is successful.

We will also change the permissions of the /srv/node folder:

chown -R swift:swift /srv/node

Modifying the configuration files

There are three configuration files that we need to modify; we will download a sample copy from the repository:

curl -o /etc/swift/account-server.conf
curl -o /etc/swift/container-server.conf
curl -o /etc/swift/object-server.conf

Once the files are downloaded, make the following changes in the three different configuration files.

Account server configuration

In the /etc/swift/account-server.conf file, we need to ensure that the following settings are present, and are needed:

  • Under the [Default] section:
    bind_ip =
    bind_port = 6002
    user = swift
    swift_dir = /etc/swift
    devices = /srv/node
  • Under the [pipeline:main] section, we will enable the account server:
    pipeline = healthcheck recon account-server
  • Under the [filter:recon] section, just set up the metrics path:
    recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift

Container server configuration

In the /etc/swift/container-server.conf file, make the same changes as in case of the account server, but replace the bind_port to 6001, and under the pipeline:main section, replace account-server with container-server, if it already doesn't exist.

Object server configuration

In the file /etc/swift/object-server.conf, make the same changes as in case of the account server, but replace the bind_port to 6000, and under the pipeline:main section, replace account-server with object-server, if it doesn't already exist.

We will now create the recon directory and ensure its proper ownership:

mkdir -p /var/cache/swift
chown -R swift:swift /var/cache/swift

We will also copy the /etc/swift/swift.conf file from the controller node to here:

scp root@OSControllerNode:/etc/swift/swift.conf  /etc/swift/swift.conf

Creating the rings

The most important part of the configuration is creating the rings. We will create three rings: one for account, one container, and one object ring. In order to create this, we need to select some values, which we will put in the checklist presented in this section.

We remember from the initial information of Swift that the Swift partition on the ring is technically just directories, and we discussed the rule of thumb formula to choose the partition size.

Since we have two disk partitions (/dev/sdc1 and sdc2) that are being used for object storage, we will substitute in the formula and get log 2 (2 *100). If you are using more than one node, the total numbers of disks need to be taken from all the nodes.

So, our log base 2 calculation yields 7.64, and so rounding it off to the next whole number, we set the partition size to 8. Since our data is not very important, we can live with two copies of it. In a production environment, we will use at least three copies. As discussed in the following table:



Part size


No of replicas needed


Minimum time between moving a partition

1 hour

No. of regions


No. of zones


If you are familiar with AWS, the regions and zones shown in the table are similar to the concept of regions and zones in AWS.

Account ring

All the rings are created by a utility called swift-ring-builder.

We create the account.builder file with three arguments, namely, partition size, number of replicas and minimum time:

cd /etc/swift
swift-ring-builder account.builder create 8 2 1

Once we have created the ring, we will have to add the nodes in there using the command format:

swift-ring-builder account.builder  add r1z1-management_ip_of_storage_node:6002/device_name weight

We choose port 6002 for the account, 6001 for container, and 6000 for object in our configuration files above, and we have disk partitions sdc1 and sdc2. The weightage is a relative number when compared to other nodes; it is recommended that we keep it directly proportional to the amount of storage on the drive.

swift-ring-builder account.builder  add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder account.builder  add r1z1- 200

The preceding commands create the ring; we will follow the exact same steps for the container and object rings.

Container ring

We create the ring with the same parameters as in the preceding section:

swift-ring-builder container.builder create 8 2 1

We then add the drives:

swift-ring-builder container.builder  add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder container.builder  add r1z1- 200


Note the change in the port number.

Object ring

We create the ring with the same parameters:

swift-ring-builder object.builder create 8 2 1

We then add the drives:

swift-ring-builder object.builder  add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object.builder  add r1z1- 200

This creates the object rings. Once all the rings are created, we rebalance them:

swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance


Please note that this may take some time depending on your storage size.

Distributing the ring

Now we have three files: account.ring.gz, container.ring.gz, and object.ring.gz in the /etc/swift directory. We need to copy these files to all the other servers running the Swift proxy or the Swift storage components. Since we have created it on the storage node, we will copy it over to the OScontrollerNode:

scp object.ring.gz root@OSControllerNode:/etc/swift
scp container.ring.gz root@OSControllerNode:/etc/swift
scp account.ring.gz root@OSControllerNode:/etc/swift

Finalizing and validating the install

As a final step, we will restart the services on the nodes. On the controller node (and where ever else the proxy is installed):

sudo service memcached restart
sudo service swift-proxy restart

On all the object store nodes:

swift-init all start

This should start all the storage components. If there are errors in the configuration files, the services will show them here.

In order to validate, just execute the swift stat command, and you will get the output stating that Swift is configured:

Finalizing and validating the install

We should now be able to create objects and upload them. But we will park the thought for now and revisit this when we test our cloud.

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