The supporting technologies

One of the design tenants of OpenStack, since its inception, is to not reinvent the wheel. In other words, when a solid technology existed that met the needs of the project, the original developers would leverage the existing technology as opposed to creating their own version. The result is that OpenStack is built upon many technologies that administrators already know and love. The tools used to troubleshoot these technologies can also be used to troubleshoot OpenStack. In this section, we will go over a few of the supporting technologies that are commonly used across OpenStack projects. Where different projects use specific supporting technologies, they will be covered in the respective chapters for those projects.


The OpenStack software runs on Linux. The primary OpenStack services are Linux services. Rest-assured that all your experience in troubleshooting the Linux operating systems will serve you well in the world of OpenStack. You will come across OpenStack clusters running on just about every Linux distribution. Some deployments will leverage Linux networking, and experience in this area is extremely valuable in OpenStack. Many of the most popular Linux distributions offer packages to deploy OpenStack. Operators may optionally deploy from source or leverage one of the installers available in the market. Either way, Linux is critical to any OpenStack deployment, and we will make use of many common Linux tools when troubleshooting.


Most OpenStack services are backed by a database. The Oslo project in OpenStack provides common Python code for OpenStack projects that need to access a database. Oslo provides libraries to connect to a Postgres or MySQL database. Experience with these database engines, and others like them, is very useful when troubleshooting. As you understand the different projects and what they store in the database, you can trace a request to ensure that the state recorded in the database matches the state reported elsewhere.

Message queue

OpenStack often leverages a message broker to facilitate communication between its components. To avoid tight coupling, most components do not communicate directly with one another, but instead communication is routed through a message broker. With the message broker playing a central role in component communication, it is a powerful resource for the troubleshooter. It is possible to trace messages from one component to another and spot messages that may not be generated or delivered. This information can help lead you down the right path when attempting to isolate an issue.

The Apache web server

OpenStack projects have begun to use Web Server Gate Interface (WSGI) servers to deploy their APIs. The Apache web server is a popular choice to handle these WSGI applications. Apache troubleshooting tools and techniques are directly transferable when working with OpenStack.

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